L/cdl Date of Issuance 11/13/2008


FILED Order Instituting Rulemaking To Revise PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION and Clarify Commission Regulations NOVEMBER 6, 2008 Relating to the Safety of Electric Utility SAN FRANCISCO and Communications Infrastructure R.08-11-005 Provider Facilities.


I. SUMMARY This Order Instituting Rulemaking is initiated to consider revising and clarifying the Commission’s regulations designed to protect the public from potential hazards, including fires, which may be caused from electric utility transmission or distribution lines or communications infrastructure providers’ facilities in proximity to the electric overhead transmission or distribution lines. The Commission's current General Orders 95, 128, and 165 are already designed to promote the safe operation of electric utility and communications infrastructure facilities, and provide the minimum safety requirements which the utilities are supposed to supplement with additional safety precautions when local conditions warrant. Nevertheless, as the devastating fires in Southern California during the last two years have shown, there may be potential problems associated with the electric utilities’ and communications infrastructure providers’ facilities, which may necessitate additional Commission safeguards.

II. BACKGROUND Public utility services, such as those provided by electric utilities and communications utilities, are vital to California’s economy, our standard of living,

360439 1 R.08-11-005 L/cdl and the health and safety of California citizens.1 By the same token, under certain circumstances, these services can also pose significant dangers to the public. For this reason, various statutory provisions impose obligations on public utilities and require the Public Utilities Commission (Commission) to ensure that the public utilities’ services and facilities are provided in ways that protect the public. As part of the Commission’s efforts to ensure that electric utilities construct, maintain and operate their facilities in a manner so as to promote and safeguard the health and safety of their employees, customers and the general public, the Commission has imposed requirements upon electric utilities in its General Order (GO) 95 “RULES FOR OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE CONSTRUCTION,” GO 128 “RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SUPPLY AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS” and GO 165 “INSPECTION CYCLES FOR ELECTRIC DISTIBUTION FACILITIES.” Consistent with federal law and in order to promote communications infrastructure, communications utilities and cable companies (collectively “Communications Infrastructure Providers”) have been provided access to the electric utilities’ poles to attach their communications facilities. Therefore, with the facilities of the Communications Infrastructure Providers utilizing the same poles as electric utilities or otherwise near the wires of the electric utilities, certain safety requirements, such as clearance requirements, have been adopted which apply to the electric utilities and Communications Infrastructure Providers. The Commission’s GO 95, Rule 31.1 requires that electrical supply and communication systems must be designed and maintained to enable them to furnish safe, proper and adequate service. The specific requirements in GO 95 are minimum safety requirements, and Rule 31.1 also requires that those responsible

1 As used herein, the term “electric utilities” are California electrical corporations. The term “communications utilities” are California telephone corporations, such as local exchange carriers and wireless providers.

360439 2 R.08-11-005 L/cdl for the design, construction or maintenance of the communication or supply line equipment must take additional steps in accordance with accepted good practice for the given local conditions known at the time. In GO 95, Rule 31.2, the Commission has also required that the overhead lines must be inspected frequently and thoroughly for the purpose of ensuring that they are in good condition so as to conform to the Commission's rules. In Decision (D.) 07-02-030 the Commission adopted revisions to GO 95 establishing clearance and signage requirements on joint-use facilities for wireless antennas installed on jointly used poles. In D.08-10-017 (issued October 3, 2008), the Commission adopted revisions to GO 95 establishing uniform construction standards for attaching wireless antennas to jointly used poles and towers above the electric supply lines (pole-top antennas). The Commission is charged with ensuring that electric utilities and Communications Infrastructure Providers operating in California comply with the safety requirements in provisions of the Public Utilities Code and relevant laws and regulations, such as GOs 95 and 128. In addition, GO 165 also requires specific schedules for electric utilities to inspect their distribution facilities with patrol inspections every one to two years, and very detailed inspections every five years. In D.98-03-036, rehearing denied, D.98-10-059, the Commission applied the safety requirements in GOs 95, 128 and 165 to municipalities providing electric services, although it allowed certain exemptions. GO 165 does not currently apply to Communications Infrastructure Providers. The Commission’s staff in its Consumer Protection and Safety Division (CPSD): • Conduct quality control audits of the utilities’ inspections of their overhead and underground electric facilities and ensure compliance with GOs 95, 128 and 165.

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• Investigate electric incidents involving public utilities subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction to determine the causes, verify compliance with relevant laws and regulations, including GOs 95, 128 and 165, and make recommendations to prevent similar accidents. • Respond to public and utility inquiries and requests for interpretations of GOs 95, 128 and 165. • Investigate public complaints related to compliance by public utilities with relevant laws and regulations, including GOs 95, 128 and 165.

While performing these functions, the CPSD staff has determined that certain safety requirements may need modifications and/or clarifications. During the last two years, Southern California has experienced devastating fires. In October, 2007, there were fires in the San Diego area and Los Angeles area where the facilities of electric utilities and/or Communications Infrastructure Providers may have been contributing factors. In October, 2008 in the Los Angeles area, an electric distribution line may have contributed to a fire. Without determining in this proceeding the particular causes of these fires, in this OIR the Commission is proposing to identify some of the potential problems involving the practices and facilities of electric utilities or Communications Infrastructure Providers and to adopt additional requirements and clarifications, which may be necessary in order to further reduce the risk of hazards, including fires. The Commission and its CPSD staff have pending investigations into whether existing Commission regulations or statutory provisions may have been violated with regard to certain of the Southern California fires. Those issues will not be litigated in this OIR. In the CPSD’s September 2, 2008 report concerning the Guejito fire in the San Diego area in October, 2007, CPSD also specifically recommended that the Commission issue an OIR into whether or not

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GO 165 requirements or similar maintenance and inspection requirements should be applied to all Communications Infrastructure Providers utilizing electric utility poles. On October 14, 2008, the Commission convened a public meeting in San Diego, in which members of the public provided information and concerns about the fires that took place, the potential threats of future fires and some of the remedial actions proposed by San Diego Gas and Electric Company. This OIR is being issued to review the current safety requirements and consider possible rule changes that may further reduce the hazards, particularly fire hazards, associated with the electric transmission and distribution facilities and communications facilities. A Notice of Availability of this OIR shall be served by mail on California electrical corporations and municipalities providing electric service, Communication Infrastructure Providers and other individuals or entities that have made their interest in the Commission’s GO 95 known to date. Therefore, this serves as a notice to all electric utilities, municipalities providing electric service and Communications Infrastructure Providers in California that the Commission may be affecting their interests by revising or clarifying its regulations and requirements.

III. JURISDICTION GO 95, GO 128 and GO 165 are orders of the Commission setting forth rules and regulations for electric utilities operating and providing service in California. GO 95 and GO 128 also set forth Commission rules for Communications Infrastructure Providers. The rules are designed to protect the safety of the general public, electric utilities’ and Communications Infrastructure Providers’ customers and their employees. As required by the Public Utilities Code, “[e]very public utility shall furnish and maintain such adequate, efficient, just, and reasonable service, instrumentalities, equipment, and facilities … as are

360439 5 R.08-11-005 L/cdl necessary to promote the safety, health, comfort, and convenience of its patrons, employees, and the public.” (Pub. Util. Code § 451.) In our broad grant of jurisdiction over public utilities in California, we are authorized to “do all things, whether specifically designated in … [the Public Utilities Act] or in addition thereto, which are necessary and convenient” to our regulation of public utilities, including, though not limited to, adopting necessary rules and requirements in furtherance of our constitutional and statutory duties to regulate and oversee public utilities operating in California. (Id. § 701.) This Commission has comprehensive jurisdiction over questions of public health and safety arising from utility operations. (San Diego Gas & Electric v. Superior Court (“Covalt”) (1996), 13 Cal.4th 893, 923-924.) Our jurisdiction to regulate these entities is set forth in the California Constitution and in the Public Utilities Code. (Cal. Constit., Art. 12, §§ 3, 6; Pub. Util. Code §§ 216, 701, 768, 1001.) Such utilities are required to “obey and comply with every order, decision, direction, or rule made or prescribed by the [C]ommission ….” (Pub. Util. Code § 702; see also, id. §§ 761, 762, 767.5, 768, 770.) The Commission is obligated to see that the provisions of the Constitution and state statutes affecting public utilities are enforced and obeyed. (Pub. Util. Code § 2101.) In addition, the Commission has specific jurisdiction over the safety of overhead electric transmission and distribution facilities, such as wires and poles, as well as underground transmission and distribution facilities. (Pub. Util. Code §§ 8001, et seq.), which includes the overhead and underground electric transmission and distribution facilities of municipalities. (Pub. Util. Code § 8002). To the extent that the Commission were to find that additional safety requirements were necessary, the Commission may adopt such requirements. (Pub. Util. Code §§ 8037, 8056). Our jurisdiction over questions of public health and safety arising from utility operations has also been specifically preserved, and is not constrained,

360439 6 R.08-11-005 L/cdl by federal law. In 1978, Congress enacted the Pole Attachments Act (47 U.S.C. § 224) which gave the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) jurisdiction to regulate the rates, terms, and conditions of attachments by operators to the poles, ducts, conduits or rights of way (ROW) owned or controlled by utilities. In the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the “Telecom Act”) Congress expanded the scope of § 224 to include pole attachments by telecommunications carriers. As set forth in § 224(c)(1), however, the FCC does not have “jurisdiction with respect to rates, terms, and conditions, or access to poles, ducts, conduits, and rights-of-way as provided in subsection (f) for pole attachments in any case where such matters are regulated by a State.” The State must certify to the FCC that it regulates such rates, terms, and conditions. (47 U.S.C. § 224(c)(2)(A).) In D.98-10-058, as modified by D.00-04-061, we certified to the FCC that we regulate the rates, terms, and conditions of access to poles, conduits, ducts, and ROW in conformance with §§ 224(c)(2) and (3). (Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission's Own Motion Into Competition for Local Exchange Service (1998) 82 CPUC 2d 510, 531, modified by 6 CPUC 3d 1.) The discretion of state and local authorities to regulate in the area of pole attachments is circumscribed by § 253 which invalidates all state or local legal requirements that “prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the ability of any entity to provide any interstate or intrastate telecommunications service.” However, this restriction does not prohibit a state from imposing “on a competitively neutral basis and consistent with Section 254, requirements necessary to preserve and advance universal service, protect the public safety and welfare, ensure the continued quality of telecommunications services, and safeguard the rights of consumers.” (47 U.S.C. § 253 (b) (emphasis added).) Likewise, the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, which clarified the dual system of jurisdiction over cable companies, does not preclude States from asserting direct jurisdiction over cable services and facilities in public

360439 7 R.08-11-005 L/cdl safety matters. Under this system, the FCC regulates company ownership and control, leased access, local commercial television signal carriage and educational signal carriage, basic service rates, competition and diversity in programming, subscriber privacy, and other matters. State and local franchising authorities regulate, among other things, facilities and equipment, construction, health and safety. The FCC has not preempted the States with regard to issues related to the construction, maintenance, or operations of cable plant and equipment in a safe manner. The Cable Act specifically states that it must not be construed to restrict a State from exercising jurisdiction over cable services, consistent with the Act. (47 U.S.C. § 556 (b).) Furthermore, the Act specifically grants States jurisdiction over cable service in safety matters: “Nothing in this title shall be construed to affect any authority of any State, political subdivision, or agency thereof, or franchising authority, regarding matters of public health, safety, and welfare, to the extent consistent with the express provisions of this title.” (47 U.S.C. § 556 (a).)

The California Legislature has asserted such jurisdiction. The California Legislature gave the Commission direct authority to regulate cable companies with regard to the safe construction, maintenance and operation of their plant and equipment in Section 768.5 of the Public Utilities Code.

IV. PROCEEDING CATEGORY AND NEED FOR HEARING Rule 7.1(d) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (Rules) specifies that an order instituting rulemaking will preliminarily determine the category of the proceeding and the need for hearing. Pursuant to Rule 7.1(e), we determine that this proceeding is quasi-legislative as defined in Rule 1.3(d). It appears that the issues may be resolved through comments and a workshop without the need for evidentiary hearings. However, we will not make a final

360439 8 R.08-11-005 L/cdl determination regarding the need for hearings until after the workshop has been completed in order to make sure that we have a complete record. The Assigned Commissioner or the Assigned Administrative Law Judge may make this determination in a scoping memo or through a subsequent ruling.

V. SCHEDULE AND COMMENTS In order to create a public record upon which to base a decision, all interested parties will be provided an opportunity to participate in a public workshop. After the workshop, CPSD will serve all parties with proposed regulations and clarifications for the Commission to consider adopting. All parties will thereafter have the opportunity to submit written initial and reply comments on the proposed regulations and clarifications, which would be issued after the workshop. The proceeding’s Assigned Commissioner or Assigned Administrative Law Judge may, if it appears useful, convene a pre-hearing conference prior to the workshop or change, if necessary, the initial procedural schedule listed below. The initial schedule for this proceeding is stated below in Table 1.

Table 1 November 6, 2008 Issuance of Order Instituting Rulemaking. November 26, Request inclusion on service list 2008 File opening comments addressing scope, schedule, and December 3, 2008 other procedural issues January 14-15, Workshop 2009 February 13, 2009 CPSD’s Proposed Clarifications and Regulations Initial Comments on CPSD’s Proposed Clarifications and March 24, 2009 Regulations Reply Comments on CPSD’s Proposed Clarifications and April 30, 2008 Regulations

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VI. PRELIMINARY SCOPING MEMORANDUM A. Preliminary Determination This rulemaking is preliminarily determined to be a quasi-legislative proceeding as that term is defined in the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, Rule 1.3(d). It is contemplated that this proceeding shall be conducted through a workshop and a written record and that an order will issue on the merits based on the pleadings timely filed in this docket. Persons or entities may file opening comments by December 3, 2008 listing any objections they may have regarding the categorization of this proceeding as quasi-legislative, as well as whether there is a need for a hearing and any objections to this preliminary scoping memorandum in this OIR, pursuant to Rule 6.2 and 7.6 of the Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure. Any person or entity that files opening comments in advance of the workshop will automatically become a party to this proceeding. All persons or entities seeking to be added to the service list (as a party, state service or information only) do not need to file opening comments, but may inform the Commission’s Process Office by November 26, 2008 via email ([email protected]) or by postal mail under the procedures listed below. Interested parties are invited to participate in the workshop. After hearing positions of parties at the workshop, CPSD shall serve parties with proposed regulations and clarifications. Interested parties may thereafter file initial and reply comments on the proposed regulations and clarifications. Parties filing initial comments or reply comments are placed on notice that if hearings are held they may be required to provide testimony to support any assertions of fact. The Assigned Commissioner’s office or Assigned Administrative Law Judge may set a date for a pre-hearing conference in the event that it is determined that one needs to be held.

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B. Preliminary Scope of Issues This rulemaking is instituted for the purpose of considering whether to clarify existing requirements, revise portions of General Order 95, General Order 128 and/or General Order 165, and/or to establish new rules applicable to electrical corporations, municipal electric utilities and Communications Infrastructure Providers operating in California. The preliminary scope of issues for the upcoming workshop, subsequent proposed clarifications or regulations and comments thereafter involve the following identified issues:

1. Immediate Reporting of Fire Related Incidents and Full Cooperation with Commission Staff The CPSD is charged with investigating utility-related incidents and accidents pursuant to the mandate of Pub. Util. Code § 315. If utilities fail to promptly report incidents to CPSD, and/or fail to provide meaningful access to information and evidence, then the critical public safety intent of the statute is frustrated. Regardless of pending litigation and other investigations, which may be related to a CPSD investigation, a utility’s obligation to cooperate with CPSD under applicable law should be reinforced. See, e.g., Pub. Util. Code §§ 313, 314, 315, 581, 582, 584, 701, 702, 771, 1794, 1795. Similarly, municipalities providing electric services should fully cooperate with CPSD when they are inspecting the municipalities’ electric facilities under Pub. Util. Code §§ 8037, 8056. More specifically, the Commission may clarify: the need for immediate reporting of any fire related incident to CPSD; the need for preservation of documents; the need for preservation of evidence implicated by a CPSD investigation; the need for prompt, complete and accurate responses to CPSD’s inquiries (whether written or oral); and a utility’s obligation not to impede the discovery of information from agents of a utility.

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2. Applying GO 165 or Similar Maintenance and Inspection Requirements to All Communication Infrastructure Providers and Electric Transmission Facilities Protecting the public from the dangers that improperly maintained or inspected utility facilities pose may necessitate more safeguards within the maintenance and inspection rules. For example, the proximity between electric lines and communication lines may increase fire risk, if those facilities are not properly maintained or inspected. Risks such as these could be mitigated by requiring Communication Infrastructure Providers to monitor their facilities in a manner similar to those required of electric utilities pursuant to the regular inspections provisions of GO 165, which currently apply only to electric distribution facilities, and not transmission facilities. Municipalities providing electric services are already required to comply with the regular inspection provisions requirements of GO 165 (unless they have received an exemption from the Commission). See D.98-03-036, rehearing denied, D.98-10-059. It may therefore be important to apply the regular inspection provisions to the facilities of Communications Infrastructure Providers, whose facilities are located on poles owned by municipal electric utilities, as well. The Commission should also consider whether these regular inspection provisions of GO 165 should apply to electric transmission facilities.

3. Pole Overloading Having too many facilities on an electric or communications utility pole may compromise the structural integrity of those facilities. The potential for an overloaded pole to break and fall has many public safety implications, both in relation to any electric facilities on that pole, as well as for electric facilities which may be located on nearby poles. In addition, an overloaded pole, which may break due to the weight of facilities on the pole, could pose fire or other safety hazards. The Commission will consider the existing rules concerning pole

360439 12 R.08-11-005 L/cdl overloading and clarifying, refining or developing additional rules to mitigate the potential dangers of pole overloading.

4. Prompt Reporting and Resolution of Violations Discovered by Pole Tenants Improving communications between pole tenants regarding discovered safety hazards may reduce fire risks. If an electric utility or municipality discovers a safety hazard or other potential violation on a communications line, it may protect public safety to have the electric utility or municipality promptly report that potential hazard or violation to the Communications Infrastructure Provider. Similarly, if a Communications Infrastructure Provider discovers a safety hazard or other potential violation on an electric line, it may protect public safety to have the Communications Infrastructure Provider promptly report that potential hazard or violation to the electric utility or municipality. Having the owner of a given communication line clearly marked may be useful in expediting such contacts. The Commission may examine the benefits of developing rules to improve safety-related communications between pole tenants and the process by which CPSD can determine if the communications have resolved the issues.

5. Vegetation Management in High Fire Risk Areas With the risk of fires becoming a year-round phenomenon, a re- examination of vegetation management rules may be needed. The possibility of vegetation encroaching on utility facilities may increase the risk of utility-related fires. Specifically, the Commission may examine: increasing the inspection and/or trimming of vegetation near utility facilities, improving flagging systems designed to expedite the trimming of vegetation that has been identified as needing to be trimmed within a given timeframe, or potentially increasing the requisite tree to

360439 13 R.08-11-005 L/cdl line clearances that should be maintained. All of these inquiries will include a consideration of ratepayer impacts and environmental concerns.

6. Mitigating High Speed Wind Dangers High winds increase the likelihood of wild fires ignited by utility lines. The Commission will explore measures designed to mitigate the risk of wild fire ignition in high wind areas. Such measures may include requiring infrastructure modifications, such as installation of spacers between utility facilities in high wind areas and/or support structures able to withstand higher wind loads. Other measures may require modifications to the inspection requirements in high wind areas, including both the type and frequency of inspections.

VII. SERVICE OF THIS RULING; ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE WORKSHOP AND FILE COMMENTS The clarifications and modification to GOs 95, 128 and 165 and/or adoption of new rules could, if implemented in whole or in part, affect the electrical corporations, municipalities providing electric service, and Communications Infrastructure Providers with instrumentalities, equipment and facilities in California. There have been two previous rulemaking dockets associated with GO 95 (R.05-02-023, and R.07-12-001) with existing service lists, which include the electrical corporations, municipal electric providers and Communications Infrastructure Providers, as well as other lists of California electrical corporations, municipal electric providers and Communications Infrastructure Providers. We will, therefore, direct that a Notice of Availability will be served on all California electrical corporations, municipalities providing electric service and Communications Infrastructure Providers. Such service does not confer party status in this proceeding upon any person or entity, and does not result in that person or entity being placed on the service list for this proceeding.

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The following procedures regarding party status and inclusion on the service list shall be followed. While all California electrical corporations, municipalities providing electrical service and Communications Infrastructure Providers may be bound by the outcome of this proceeding, only those who notify us that they wish to be on the service list will be accorded service by others until final rules are proposed and/or a final decision issued. We invite broad participation in this proceeding. All persons or entities seeking to be added to the service list should inform the Commission’s Process Office no later than November 26, 2008 via email ([email protected]) or by postal mail (Process Office, California Public Utilities Commission, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, California 94102). To be included on the service list for this proceeding, the request to the Process Office must include pertinent information such as: • Name and party represented, if any • Address • Telephone number • Email address • Request for party, state service or information only status.2 The initial service list will be posted on the Commission’s website at www.cpuc.ca.gov. Parties should ensure they are using the most up-to-date service list by checking the Commission’s website prior to each service/filing date.3

2 Party status is for those planning to actively participate in this rulemaking through, at a minimum, participation at the workshop or submission of written comments on the proposed regulations after the workshop. State service status is for employees of the State of California who will not be submitting comments. Information Only status is for those who wish to follow the proceeding and receive documents associated with it, but who will not be actively participating. 3 In addition, pursuant to Rule 1.4 (a), persons and entities seeking party status may (a) file opening comments on this rulemaking; or (b) file a motion to become a party at a later date.

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Those seeking party status through filing opening comments by December 3, 2008 or subsequent motion shall comply with Rule 1.4 (b).4 We encourage electronic filing in this proceeding. Electronic filings should be made according to Rule 1.10 and Resolution ALJ-188. Consistent with those rules, a hard copy of all pleadings shall be concurrently served on the assigned Administrative Law Judge. All comments on CPSD’s proposed regulations and clarifications subsequent to the workshop must be filed in this proceeding, and served on the current service list for this proceeding, as of the date service is undertaken. Commission service lists, updated on an ongoing basis, are available from the Commission’s website: www.cpuc.ca.gov .

VIII. PUBLIC ADVISOR Any person or entity interested in participating in this rulemaking who is unfamiliar with the Commission’s procedures should contact the Commission’s Public Advisor in San Francisco at (415) 703-2074 or (866) 849-8390 or e-mail [email protected]; or in Los Angeles at (213) 576-7055 or (866) 849-8391, or e-mail [email protected]. The TYY number is (866) 836-7825.

IX. INTERVENOR COMPENSATION Any party that expects to claim intervenor compensation for its participation in this rulemaking shall file its notice of intent to claim intervenor compensation no later than 30 days after the workshop.

X. EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS Pursuant to Rule 8.2(a) ex parte communications in this investigation are allowed without restriction or reporting requirement.

4 Rule 1.4(b) states that those seeking party status shall “(1) fully disclose the persons or entities in whose behalf the filing, appearance or motion is made, and the interest of such persons or entities in the proceeding; and (2) show that the contentions will be reasonably pertinent to the issues already presented.”

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IT IS ORDERED that: 1. A rulemaking is instituted for the purpose of considering whether to clarify existing safety requirements, revise portions of General Order 95, General Order 128 and General Order 165 and/or to establish new rules applicable to electric utilities, municipal electric utilities and Communications Infrastructure Providers operating in California. 2. This rulemaking is preliminarily determined to be a quasi-legislative proceeding as that term is defined in the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, Rule 1.3(d). 3. Interested parties are invited to participate in the workshop and to file comments concerning the post-workshop proposed clarifications of existing requirements, revisions of portions of General Order 95, General Order 128 and General Order 165 and/or new rules applicable to electric utilities, municipal electric utilities and Communications Infrastructure Providers operating in California. Comments shall conform to the requirements of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure. 4. The Assigned Commissioner’s office or Administrative Law Judge may set a date for a pre-hearing conference in the event that it is determined that one needs to be held and may change the dates of the schedule in this order . 5. Pursuant to Rules 6.2 and 7.6 of the Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure, parties must file any objections they may have regarding the categorization of this proceeding as quasi-legislative by December 3, 2008. 6. The Executive Director shall serve a copy of a Notice of Availability of this OIR on potential parties, including the regulated electrical corporations, municipal electric utilities and Communications Infrastructure Providers operating in California. 7. After service of the Notice of Availability of this OIR, a service list for this proceeding shall be formed following the procedures set forth in the Service List section in the body of this order. The Assigned Commissioner or the

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Assigned Administrative Law Judge shall have on-going oversight of the service list and may institute changes to the list or the rules governing it, as needed. This order is effective today. Dated November 6, 2008, at San Francisco, California.


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(APPENDIX A) Service List

Cellco Partnership Gte Mobilnet Of Ca., Ltd. Ptnrshp Los Angeles Smsa Limited Partnership William Kuchler William Kuchler William Kuchler 180 Valley Road 180 Washington Valley Road 180 Washington Valley Road Bedminster, Nj 07921 Bedminster, Nj 07921 Bedminster, Nj 07921

Sacramento Valley Ltd. Partnership Fresno Msa Ltd. Partnership Gte Mobilnet Of Santa Barbara William Kuchler William Kuchler William Kuchler 180 Washington Valley Road 180 Washington Valley Road 180 Washington Valley Road Bedminster, Nj 07921 Bedminster, Nj 07921 Bedminster, Nj 07921

Visalia Cellular Telephone Co. Santa Barbara Cellular Systems, Ltd. Santa Cruz Cellular Telephone, Inc. George Granger George Granger Stacy Koch 4420 Rosewood Drive, 4th Flr 4420 Rosewood Drive, 4th Flr 1514 W. Caro Road Pleasanton, Ca 94588 Pleasanton, Ca 94588 Caro, Mi 48723

Cagal Cellular Communications Corp Wwc License, Llc California Rsa No. 3 Ltd. Partnership George Granger Nathan Glazier Lynn Forleo 4420 Rosewood Drive, 4th Flr 4805 E. Thistle Landing Drive Po Box 2607 Pleasanton, Ca 94588 Phoenix, Az 85044 Oakhurst, Ca 93644

Verizon Wireless, Llc Contel Cellular Of California Inc. Modoc Rsa Limited Partnership William Kuchler Holly Henderson William Kuchler 180 Washington Valley Road One Verizon Place, Building A 180 Washington Valley Road Bedminster, Nj 07921 Alpharetta, Ga 30004 Bedminster, Nj 07921

Cellular Pacific Gte Mobilnet Of Central California_ California Rsa No. 4 Ltd. Partnership Regulatory Contact Holly Henderson William Kuchler 1944 Manoa Dr. One Verizon Place, Building A 180 Washington Valley Road Honolulu, Hi 96822 Alpharetta, Ga 30004 Bedminster, Nj 07921

United States Cellular Corporation Slo Cellular, Inc. Kern County Cellular Telephone Co., Inc Grant Spellmeyer Tamie Axelton Nancy Griggs 8410 West Bryn Mawr, Ste 700 733 Marsh Street, Suite B 5000 Windplay Drive, No. 1 Chicago, Il 60631 San Luis Obispo, Ca 93401 El Dorado Hills, Ca 95762

Price Communications Cellular Inc. Omnipoint Communications, Inc. New Cingular Wireless Pcs, Llc Regulatory Contact Susan Lipper George Granger 4410 Rosewood Drive 1755 Creekside Oasks Dr., Ste. 190 4420 Rosewood Drive, 4th Flr Pleasanton, Ca 94588 Sacramento, Ca 95833 Pleasanton, Ca 94588

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Wireless, L.P. (Pcc - U-3062) Sprint Telephony Pcs, L.P. Nextel Of California, Inc. Steve Kukta Steve Kukta Steve Kukta 201 Mission Street, Suite 1400 201 Mission Street, Suite 1400 201 Mission Street, Suite 1400 San Francisco, Ca 94105 San Francisco, Ca 94105 San Francisco, Ca 94105

Edge Wireless, Llc Cricket Communications, Inc. Irri Digital, Llc Jane Venable Laurie Itkin Kevin Knauss 650 Sw Columbia, Ste 7200 10307 Pacific Center Court 8712 Pendelton Drive Bend, Or 97702 San Diego, Ca 92121 Granite Bay, Ca 95746

Metropcs, Inc. Aircell, Inc. Accessible Wireless, Llc. Peter Vicencio Ken Low Arlene Harris 1080 Marina Village Parkway, 4th Flr 1172 Century Drive, Suite 13-280 100 Via Dela Valle, Suite 200 Alameda, Ca 94501 Louisville, Co 80027 Del Mar, Ca 92014

Royal Street Communications, Llc Tgec Pacific Bell John Lister George T. Haymaker Iii Eric Batongbacal 2435 N. Central Expressway, Ste 1200 191 W. 25th Avenue 525 Market Street, Room 1944 Richardson, Tx 75080 San Mateo, Ca 94403 San Francisco, Ca 94105

Verizon California, Inc. Surewest Telephone At&T Communications Of California, Inc Margo Ormiston Greg Gierczak Greta Banks 711 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 300 Po Box 969 525 Market Street, 19th Floor, Suite 29 San Francisco, Ca 94102 Roseville, Ca 95678 San Francisco, Ca 94105

Sprint Communications Company, L.P. Fiber Data Systems Arrival Communications, Inc. Stephen Kukta Luis David Corrales Nancy Lubamersky 201 Mission Street, Suite 1400 203 Bellefontaine Street 620-630 Third Street San Francisco, Ca 94105 Pasadena, Ca 91105 San Francisco, Ca 94107

Mci Metro Access Transmission Services Pac-West Telecommunications, Inc. Communications Corporation Louie Decarlo Lynne Martinez Jeff Wirtzfeld 201 Spear Sreet, 9th Floor 4210 Coronado Avenue 1801 California Street, 47th Floor San Francisco, Ca 94105 Stockton, Ca 95204 , Co 80202

Tw Telecom Of California, L.P. Lightyear Network Solutions, Llc Electric Lightwave, Inc. Lyndall Nipps Linda Hunt Monica A. Canaday 845 Camino Sur 1901 Eastpoint Parkway 1201 Ne Lloyd Blvd, Suite 500 Palm Springs, Ca 92262 Louisville, Ky 40223 Portland, Or 97232

Comtel Telcom Assets Lp Tcg San Diego Idt America Corp. Becky Gipson Greta Banks Carl Billek 433 East Las Colinas Blvd, Ste 1300 525 Market Street, 18th Floor, Suite 4 520 Broad Street Irving, Tx 75039 San Francisco, Ca 94105 Newark, Nj 07102

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Frontier Communications Of America, Inc San Carlos Telecom Inc. Tcg San Francisco Charlie Born Benji Robinson Greta Banks Po Box 340 2999 Oak Road, Suite 400 525 Market Street, 18th Floor, Suite 4 Elk Grove, Ca 95759 Walnut Creek, Ca 94597 San Francisco, Ca 94105

Tcg Los Angeles Vycera Communications, Inc Verizon Select Services, Inc. Greta Banks Thalia Gietzen Joan Engler 525 Market Street, 18th Floor, Suite 4 12750 High Bluff Dr. Suite 200 1 Verizon Way, Mc Vc22e243 San Francisco, Ca 94105 San Diego, Ca 92130 Basking Ridge, Nj 07920

Preferred Long Distance, Inc. Primus Telecommunications, Inc. The Telephone Connection Local Svcs. Jerry Nussbaum Peter Puerling Marc O'krent 16830 Ventura Blvd, Suite 350 7901 Jones Branch Dr, Ste 900 9911 West Pico Blvd., Suite 680 Encino, Ca 91436 Mclean, Va 22102 Los Angeles, Ca 90035

Winstar Communications, Llc Talk America, Inc. Xo Communications Services Kimberley Bradley Margaret Ring Rex Knowles Po Box 7153 3300 North Pace Blvd 111 E. Broadway, Suite 1000 Mclean, Va 22043 Pensacola, Fl 32505 Salt Lake City, Ut 84111

Interatel, Llc Cct Telecommunications, Inc. Integrated Telemanagement Services Greg Hogan Steve Fetzer Lisa Atwood 5724 W. Las Positas Blvd. Suite 110 1106 E Turner Rd Ste A 4100 Guardian Street, Ste 110 Pleasanton, Ca 94588 Lodi, Ca 95240 Simi Valley, Ca 93063

North County Communications Corp. Tcast Communications, Inc. Preferred Carrier Services, Inc. Todd Lesser Andrew Rasura Alex Valencia 3802 Rosecrans Street, Ste 485 24251 Town Center Drive, 2nd Floor 14681 Midway Road, Suite 105 San Diego, Ca 92110 Valencia, Ca 91355 Addison, Tx 75001

Cox California Telcom Ii, Llc. Global Crossing Local Services, Inc A.R.C. Networks, Inc. Esther Northrup Diane Peters Tadas Vaitkus 350 10th Avenue, Ste 600 1080 Pittsford Victor Road 39 Broadway, 19th Floor San Diego, Ca 92101 Pittsford, Ny 14534 New York, Ny 10006

Comcast Phone Of California, Llc Mcleod Usa Telecommunications Services U.S. Telepacific Corp. John Gutierrez William Haas Nancy Lubamersky 12647 Alcosta Blvd., Suite 200 Po Box 3177, 640 C Street Sw 620-630 Third Street San Ramon, Ca 94583 Cedar Rapids, Ia 52406 San Francisco, Ca 94107

Wholesale Airtime, Inc. Covad Communications Company Utility Telephone, Inc. Greg Michaels Katherine Mudge Jason Mills 27515 Enterprise Circle West 7000 N. Mopac Expressway, 2nd Flr 7720 Lorraine Avenue, Suite 109 Temecula, Ca 92590 Ausitn, Tx 78731 Stockton, Ca 95210

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Tgec Communications Co., Llc Mpower Communications Corp. Access Point, Inc. Devin Semler Nancy Lubamersky Jason Brown 6855 Tujunga Avenue 620-630 Third Street 1100 Cresent Green Suite 109 North Hollywood, Ca 91605 San Francisco, Ca 94107 Cary, Nc 27511

Freedomstarr Communications, Inc. Tri-M Communications, Inc. Quantumshift Communications, Inc. Kirk Doffing Denise Moritz Jenna Brown 8383 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 333 820 State Street, 5th Flr 12657 Alcosta Blvd, Ste 418 Beverly Hills, Ca 90211 Santa Barbara, Ca 93101 San Ramon, Ca 94583

Level 3 Communications, Llc International Telcom, Ltd. Ucn, Inc. Greg Rogers Irina Rojkova Kimm Partridge 1025 Eldorado Boulevard 417 Second Avenue West 7730 S. Union Park Ave, Ste 500 Broomfield, Co 80021 Seattle, Wa 98119 Midvale, Ut 84047

Peak Communications, Inc Trinsic Communications, Inc 360networks (Usa), Inc. Fred Ramer Linda Dellaero Charles Forst 1442 East Lincoln Ave., Ste. 479 601 S. Harbor Island Blvd., Ste. 220 867 Coal Creek Circle, Suite 160 Orange, Ca 92865 Tampa, Fl 33602 Louisville, Co 80027

O1 Communications, Inc Point To Point Integra Telecom Alexandra Hanson Larry Blunt Catherine Murray 1515 K Street, Suite 100 3100 Zinfandel Drive, Suite 150 730 Second Avenue South, Suite 900 Sacramento, Ca 95814 Rancho Cordova, Ca 95670 Minneapolis, Mn 55402

Globalcom, Inc. Brand X Internet Southern California Edison M. Gavin Mccarty James Pickerell Thomas Braun 200 East Randolph St, 23rd Flr 927 6th St 2244 Walnut Grove Ave, Suite 354 Chicago, Il 60601 Santa Monica, Ca 90403 Rosemead, Ca 91770

Paetec Communications, Inc. Supra Telecomm & Info Systems, Inc. Nti Of California, Llc Judith Messenger David Nilson Gina Mcglynn 600 Willowbrook, 1 Paetec Plaza 2901 Sw 149th Ave, Suite 300 250 East Penny Road Fairport, Ny 14450 Miramar, Fl 33027 Wenatchee, Wa 98801

Access One, Inc. Compass Telecommunications Gtc Telecom Corp. Mitch Mitchell Terri Mcleod Heather Hall 820 W. Jackson Blvd, Suite 650 7373 E Doubletree Ranch, Suite 200 Po Box 1680 Chicago, Il 60607 Scottsdale, Az 85258 Costa Mesa, Ca 92628

Prepaid Tel.Com, Inc. Navigator Telecommunications, Llc Dslnet Communications, Llc Stephen Goodman Michael Mcalister Schula Hobbs 409 Center Street Po Box 13860 50 Barnes Park North, Ste 104 Yuba, Ca 95991 North Little Rock, Ar 72113 Wallingford, Ct 06492

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Cleartel Telecommunications, Inc. Eagle Communications Of California, Llc U.S. Data Highway Corporation Jamie Villanueva Philip Evola Jaime Ospina 12124 High Tech Ave, Ste 100 142 East 39th Street 7812 Creekside Drive Orlando, Fl 32817 New York, Ny 10016 Pleasanton, Ca 94588

Astound Broadband, Llc Media. Communications, Inc. Ntc Network, Inc David Hankin Allison Brown Eric Bender 1400 Fashion Island, Ste 100 100 North Sepulveda Blvd. 818 W. 7th Street, Ste 410 San Mateo, Ca 94404 El Segundo, Ca 90245 Los Angeles, Ca 90071

Local Gateway Exchange, Inc New Edge Network, Inc Fiberride, Inc. Charles Taylor Penny Bewick John Wilcox 4935 Victor Street 3000 Columbia House Blvd., Suite 106 One Mason Dallas, Tx 75214 Vancouver, Wa 98661 Irvine, Ca 92618

Trans National Communications Dpi Teleconnect, Llc Competitive Communications, Inc. International, Inc. Phyllis Sims Judy Kline Stella Gnepp 2997 Lbj Freeway, Suite 225 3751 Merced Avenue, Suite A 2 Charlesgate West, Ste 500 Dallas, Tx 75234 Riverside, Ca 92503 Boston, Ma 02215

Dialtek, Llc Wiltel Local Network, Llc Backbone Communications, Inc. John Hancock Greg Rogers Lisa Derme Po Box 82446 1025 Eldorado Blvd. 515 South Flower, Suite 4350 Kenmore, Wa 98028 Broomfield, Co 80021 Los Angeles, Ca 90071

Surewest Televideo Network Ip, Llc Total Call International, Inc. Greg Gierczak Jennifer Begin Mark Leafstedt 8150 Industrial Avenue 119 W. Tyler St., Ste 100 707 Wilshire Blvd, 9th Floor Roseville, Ca 95678 Longview, Tx 75601 Los Angeles, Ca 90017

Png Telecommunications, Inc. Fones4all Corporation Acn Communications Services, Inc Robin Kotz Todd Eichler Keith Kuder 100 Commercial Drive 6320 Canoga Avenue, Ste 650 1000 Progress Place Ne Fairfield, Oh 45014 Woodland Hills, Ca 91367 Concord, Nc 28025

Sbc Advanced Solutions, Inc. Reliance Globalcom Services, Inc. Ip Networks, Inc. Richard Howell Karen Sample Charles Stewart 1010 N. St. Marys Street, Suite 1323 114 Sansome Street, 11th Floor Po Box 192366 San Antonio, Tx 78215 San Francisco, Ca 94104 San Francisco, Ca 94119

Broadview Networks, Inc. Looking Glass Networks, Inc. Cbeyond Communications, Llc Steve Bogdan Greg Rogers Andy Hammons 2100 Renaissance Blvd 1025 El Dorado Blvd 320 Interstate North Prkwy Se, Ste 300 King Of Prussia, Pa 19406 Broomfield, Co 80021 Atlanta, Ga 30339

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Global Naps California, Inc. Nii Communications, Ltd. United States Telesis, Inc. Jim Scheltema Jamie Villanueva Jeff Daniels 89 Access Road, Suite B 12124 High Tech Avenue, Suite 100 200 N. Westlake Blvd., Suite 104 Norwood, Ma 02062 Orlando, Fl 32817 Westlake Village, Ca 91362

Digital Net Phone, Llc Comtech 21, Llc Local Fiber, Llc Vic Jackson Michael Agli Michael Hubner Po Box 67896 1 Barnes Park South 570 Lexington Avenue, 3rd Floor Los Angeles, Ca 90067 Wallingford, Ct 06492 New York, Ny 10022

Rgt Utilities Of California, Inc. Apex Telecom, Inc. Metropolitan Telecomm Of Calif., Inc. Jesse Pena C. Hong Wong Andoni Economou 1221 Avenue Of The Americas, 3rd Flr 113 10th Street 44 Wall Street, 14th Floor New York, Ny 10020 Oakland, Ca 94607 New York, Ny 10005

Rgb Communications, Llc Intrado Communications, Inc. Sage Telecom, Inc. Roy Engehausen Manager Sherri Flatt Po Box 1246 1601 Dry Creek Road 805 Central Expressway South, Ste 100 San Martin, Ca 95046 Longmont, Co 80503 Allen, Tx 75013

Telscape Communications, Inc. Kmc Data, Llc Call America, Inc. Jeff Compton James Mertz Jeff Buckingham 606 E. Huntington Drive 5300 Oakbrook Prkwy, Ste 330 Po Box 3310 Monrovia, Ca 91016 Norcross, Ga 30093 San Luis Obispo, Ca 93403

Curatel, Llc Norcast Communications Corporation Bcn Telecom, Inc. Daniel Margolis Teana Fredeen Richard Nacchio 1605 West Olympic Blvd, Suite 701 1998 Santa Barbara Street, Suite 100 550 Route 202/206, 2nd Floor Los Angeles, Ca 90015 San Luis Obispo, Ca 93401 Bedminster, Nj 07921

Telekenex, Inc. Budget Prepay, Inc. Enhanced Communications Network, Inc. Anthony Zabit Molly L. Vance Thomas Haluskey 3221 20th Street, 2nd Floor 1325 Barksdale Blvd, Ste 200 1013 South Glendora Avenue San Francisco, Ca 94110 Bossier City, La 71111 West Covina, Ca 91790

Creative Interconnect Communications Global Internetworking, Inc. Infone, Llc William A.G. Wilde Mike Avis Laurie Willman 555 Old County Road, Suite 100 8484 Westpark Dr, Ste 720 11200 Murray Scholls Place San Carlos, Ca 94070 Mclean, Va 22102 Beaverton, Or 97007

Mcgraw Communications, Inc. Accutel Of , Inc. Airespring, Inc. Francis Ahearn Kit Morris Cynthia Firstman 228 East 45th Street, 12th Floor 7900 John Carpenter Freeway 6060 Sepulveda Blvd, Suite 220 New York, Ny 10017 Dallas, Tx 75247 Van Nuys, Ca 91411

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Cypress Comms Operating Co., Inc. Bullseye Telecom, Inc. Calltower, Inc. Frankie Kirby Richard Koslowski Chip Filak 3565 Piedmont Road 25900 Greenfield Rd, Ste 330 5 Thomas Mellon Circle, Suite 245 Four Piedmont Center, Suite 600 Oak Park, Mi 48237 San Francisco, Ca 94134 Atlanta, Ga 30305

Cogent Communications Of Calif., Inc. Dmr Communications, Inc Nobeltel, Llc Reid Zulager David Lee Thomas Kimura 1015 31st Street, Nw 1841 Rainbow Drive 5857 Owens Avenue, Ste 202 Washington, Dc 20007 Santa Ana, Ca 92705 Carlsbad, Ca 92008

Teledata Solutions, Inc. Nextg Networks Of California Ruralwest-Western Rural Broadband, Inc. Jeff Daniels Anthony Rodriguez James Hirschy 200 N. Westlake Blvd, Suite 104 2216 O`Toole Avenue 23026 North 87th Street Westlake Village, Ca 91362 San Jose, Ca 95131 Scottsdale, Az 85255

A+ Wireless, Inc Greenfield Communications, Inc. Blue Casa Communications, Inc. Regulatory Contact Mike Powers Rick Sanchez 5700 Moon Drive 34112 Violet Lantern, Ste C 10 E. Yanonali Street, Ste 1 Ventura, Ca 93003 Dana Point, Ca 92629 Santa Barbara, Ca 93101

Easton Telecom Services, Llc Think 12 Corporation Cmtel (Usa) Llc Robert Mocas Patrick Crocker Linda Peng Summit Ii, Unit A, 3046 Brecksville Rd 900 Comerica Bldg 700 Wilshire Blvd, 7th Floor Richfield, Oh 44286 Kalamazoo, Mi 49007 Los Angeles, Ca 90017

Phoneco, Lp Tierzero Telecom Llc First Communications, Llc Kit Morris John Carter Mary Cegelski 7900 John Carpenter Freeway 700 Wilshire Blvd, 6th Floor 15278 Neo Parkway Dallas, Tx 75247 Los Angeles, Ca 90017 Garfield Heights, Oh 44128

Network Pts, Inc. Granite Telecommunications, Llc Symtelco, Llc Jeffrey Stevenson Geoffrey Cookman Greg Hogan 379 Diablo Road, Ste 207 100 Newport Avenue Extension 1385 Weber Industrial Drive Danville, Ca 94526 Quincy, Ma 02171 Cumming, Ga 30041

Paxio, Inc. Amcom Communications Corporation Metro Teleconnect Companies, Inc. Barbara Gantner Jamsheed Amirie James Palusklevicz 1835 Newport Blvd A109-402 8305 Manifesto 3810 Walnut Street, Room 1 Costa Mesa, Ca 92627 Huntington Beach, Ca 92646 Harrisburg, Pa 17109

Advanced Integrated Technologies, Inc. Eschelon Telecom, Inc. Quality Telephone, Inc. Greg Lohrenz Catherine Murray James Houghtalin 9855 W. 78th Street, Suite 300 730 Second Avenue South, Suite 900 Po Box 7310 Eden Prairie, Mn 55344 Minneapolis, Mn 55402 Dallas, Tx 75209

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China Telecom (Usa) Corporation Direct Telephone Company, Inc. Information Services Laura Sherman Nik Thomas Julie P. Laine 607 Herndon Parkway 6300 Richmond, Suite 301 290 Harbor Drive Herndon, Va 21070 Houston, Tx 77057 Stamford, Ct 06902

Tc Telephone, Llc Neutral Tandem California, Llc. Charter Fiberlink Ca-Cco, Llc Travis Graff Richard Monto Betty Sanders 545 Sykes Avenue 1 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 200 12405 Powerscout Drive Red Bluff, Ca 96080 Chicago, Il 60606 St. Louis, Mo 63131

Charter Fiberlink Ca-Ccvii, Llc Nexus Communications, Inc. Connect Paging, Inc. Betty Sanders Steven Fenker Joyce Howard 12405 Powerscout Drive 3629 Cleveland Avenue, Suite C 112 E Seminary Dr, Ste B St. Louis, Mo 63131 Columbus, Oh 43224 Fort Worth, Tx 76115

Vci Company Mercury Telecom, Inc. Comm Partners, Llc Stanley Efferding John Petuoglu Kris Twomey Po Box 98907 23875 West Ventura Blvd, Suite 104 2501 Ninth Street, Suite 102 Lakewood, Wa 98496 Calabasas, Ca 91302 Berkeley, Ca 94710

Habla Communicaciones, Inc. Planet Telesis, Inc. Global Connection Inc. Of America Regulatory Contact Sirus Zolfonoon Angela Briggs 900 W. Main Street 20501 Ventura Blvd, Suite 148a 3957 Pleasantdale Road Arlington, Tx 76013 Woodland Hills, Ca 91364 Atlanta, Ga 30340

Blue Ridge Telecom Systems, Llc Syniverse Technologies, Inc. Spectrotel, Inc Raymond Perea David J. Robinson Stephen Wilson 4380 Boulder Highway 8125 Highwoods Palm Way 3535 State Highway 66, Ste 7 Las Vegas, Nv 89121 Tampa, Fl 33647 Neptune, Nj 07753

Newpath Networks, Llc Ca-Clec Llc California, Llc Michael Kavanagh Michelle Salisbury Mark Haverkate 1300 N. Northlake Way 2000 Corporate Drive 380 Perry Street Seattle, Wa 98103 Canonsburg, Pa 15317 Castle Rock, Co 80104

Infotelecom, Llc , Llc Tex-Link Communications, Inc. Andre Temnorod Marva Brown Johnson Katinka Howell 1228 Euclid Avenue, Suite 390 12985 N Telecom Parkway 3210 Cherry Ridge Drive, Suite D400 Cleveland, Oh 44115 Temple Terrace, Fl 33637 San Antonio, Tx 78230

Extenet Systems, Inc. Mpower Networks Services, Inc. Intermetro Communications, Inc. Terry Ray Nancy Lubamersky Charles Rice 1901 S. Meyer Road, Suite 190 620-630 Third Street 2685 Park Center Drive, Bldg. A Oakbrook Terrace, Il 60181 San Francisco, Ca 94107 Simi Valley, Ca 93065

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Ymax Communications Corporation Nextlink Wireless, Inc. Sunesys, Llc Peter Russo David Lafrance Paul Bradshaw Po Box 6785 13865 Sunrise Valley Drive 202 Titus Avenue West Palm Beach, Fl 33405 Hernodon, Va 20171 Warrington, Pa 18976

Cebridge Telecom Ca, Llc Sonic Telecom, Llc Mcc Telephony Of The West, Inc Dennis Moffit Dane Jasper Anne Sokolin-Maimon 12444 Powerscourt Dr, Ste 140 2260 Apollo Way 100 Crystal Run Road St. Louis, Mo 63131 Santa Rosa, Ca 95407 Middletown, Ny 10941

Broadweave Networks Of California, Llc Ygnition Networks, Inc Globetel, Inc Kip Carmen Glenn Meyer Fabiola Garcia 3940 N. Traverse Mountian Blvd, Ste 100 565 Andover Park West, Suite 201 690-2700 Production Way Lehi, Ut 84043 Seattle, Wa 98188 Burnaby, Bc V5a

Cost Plus Communications, Llc Cal-Ore Communications, Inc. Talkfreetoo, Inc. Casimir Wojciechowski Edward Ormsbee Anthony Costa 151 S. Rose Street, Ste 900 719 W. Third Street 15466 Los Gatos Blvd, Ste 129 Kalamazoo, Mi 49007 Dorris, Ca 96023 Los Gatos, Ca 95032

Bandwidth.Com Clec, Llc Broadband Associates International Phone Power Telecom, Llc Lance Condray Michael Brinskele Ari Ramezani 40001 Weston Parkway, Ste 100 4120 Douglas Blvd, Ste 306-200 20847 Sherman Way Cary, Nc 27512 Granite Bay, Ca 95746 Winnetka, Ca 91306

Trillion Partners, Inc. Southern California Telephone Company Oacys Telecom, Inc. Scott Smyth Greg Michaels Ted Olson 9208 Waterford Center Blvd, Ste 150 27515 Enterprise Circle West 767 North Porter Road Austin, Tx 78758 Temecula, Ca 92590 Porterville, Ca 93257

Conterra Wireless Broadband Llc Race Telecommunications, Inc. Wide Voice, Llc Stephen Leeolou Raul Alcaraz David Erickson 2101 Rexford Road, Ste 200e 101 Haskins Way 110 West Ocean Blvd, Ste. C Charlotte, Nc 28111 So San Francisco, Ca 94080 Long Beach, Ca 90802

Sierra Advantage, Inc Channel Islands Telephone Company Rural Broadband Now! Llc Joseph Isaacs Todd Lesser Mike Ireten 4045 Sunset Lane, Ste D 3802 Rosecrans St., Ste 485 111 South Main Street Shingle Springs, Ca 95862 San Diego, Ca 92110 Willits, Ca 95490

Current Communications Of California, Rnk, Inc. Telequality Communications, Inc. L.P. Richard N. Koch Jeffery Reynolds Rosemary Mcmahill 333 Elm St., Ste 310 24715 Fairway Springs 20420 Century Boulevard Dedham, Ma 02026 San Antonio, Tx 78260 German Town, Md 20874

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Telecommunication Systems, Inc. Ccg Communications, Llc Pacific Bell Richard H. Dickinson Sebastian Tran Eric Batongbacal 2401 Elliot Ave 321 Walnut Street Suite 170 525 Market Street, Room 1944 2nd Floor Newton, Ma 02460 San Francisco, Ca 94105 Seattle, Wa 98121

Verizon California, Inc. Calaveras Telephone Company Cal-Ore Telephone Company Margo Ormiston Yvonne Smythe Waihun Yee 711 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 300 Po Box 37 Po Box 847 San Francisco, Ca 94102 Copperopolis, Ca 95228 Dorris, Ca 96023

Ducor Telephone Company Global Valley Network, Inc. Foresthill Telephone Company, Inc. Eric Wolfe Susan Leclair David Clark Po Box 42230 56 Campus Drive 811 S. Madera Bakersfield, Ca 93384 New Gloucester, Mi 04260 Kerman, Ca 93630

Happy Valley Telephone Co. Hornitos Telephone Company Kerman Telephone Company Gail Long Gail Long Dave Clark Po Box 1566 Po Box 1566 811 South Madera Avenue City, Or 97045 Oregon City, Or 97045 Kerman, Ca 93630

Pinnacles Telephone Company The Ponderosa Telephone Company Surewest Telephone Lorrie Bernstein Dan Douglas Greg Gierczak 3121 West March Lane, Suite 100 Po Box 21 Po Box 969 Stockton, Ca 95219 O'neals, Ca 93645 Roseville, Ca 95678

Sierra Telephone Company, Inc. The Siskiyou Telephone Company Volcano Telephone Company Linda Burton James Lowers Earl Bishop Po Box 219 Po Box 157 Po Box 1070 Oakhurst, Ca 93644 Etna, Ca 96027 Pine Grove, Ca 95665

Verizon West Coast, Inc. Winterhaven Telephone Company Centurytel Of Eastern Oregon Lin Fogg Gail Long Chantel Mosby 1800 41st Street, Wa0101ra Po Box 1566 100 Century Tel Drive Everett, Wa 98203 Oregon City, Or 97045 Monroe, La 71203

Citizens Telecoms. Co. Citizens Telecoms. Co. Of Tuolumne Citizens Telecommunications Co. Of Ca. Of Golden State Charles E. Born Charles E. Born Charles E. Born Po Box 340 Po Box 340 Po Box 340 Elk Grove, Ca 95759 Elk Grove, Ca 95759 Elk Grove, Ca 95759

Clear Choice Pcs, Llc James Robert Mckeown Wirelessco, L.P. Gerry Stevens James Robert Mckeown Stephen Kukta 101 Continental Blvd, Ste 1667 3834 Sunwood Drive 201 Mission Street, Suite 1400 El Segundo, Ca 90245 Redding, Ca 96002 San Francisco, Ca 94105

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Alpinepcs Sprint Telephony Pcs, L.P. Nextel Of California, Inc. Raymand J. Macneil Stephen Kukta Steve Kukta 3220 S. Higuera Street, Suite 102 201 Mission Street, Suite 1400 201 Mission Street, Suite 1400 San Luis Obispo, Ca 93401 San Francisco, Ca 94105 San Francisco, Ca 94105

Central Wireless Partnership Omniwerx West Coast Pcs, Llc David S. Nelson Regulatory Contact Greg Gierczak 6781 N Palm 605 15th Street, Suite A Po Box 969 Fresno, Ca 93704 Huntington Beach, Ca 92648 Roseville, Ca 95678

Alpine Pcs Operating, Llc Point Bta 79 Llc Ntch-Ca, Inc. Steve Norby Alvin Souder Candace Pomerleau 3220 South Higuera Street, Suite 201 715 Broadway, Suite 320 703 Pier Avenue, Suite B San Luis Obispo, Ca 93401 Santa Monica, Ca 90401 Hermosa Beach, Ca 90254

Hendrix Radio Communications Atlas Radiophone Auto-Phone Company Cal-Com Knox La Rue James E. Walley Scott R. Schmidt 2171 Ralph Ave. 1751 Oro Dam Blvd. E., Ste. 8 Po Box 506 Stockton, Ca 95206 Oroville, Ca 95966 Imperial, Ca 92251

Sylvan B Malis Delta Valley Radiotelephone Co. Inc. High Sierra Mobilfone, Inc. Hideku Malis Knox Larue Regulatory Contact Thirty Oakland Avenue, P. O. Box 1932 2171 Ralph Ave. 281-D East South St. San Anselmo, 94960 Stockton, Ca 95206 Bishop, Ca 93514

Mobilemedia Communications Inc. Kern Valley Dispatch, Inc. Madera Radio Dispatch Gene Belardi Robert Bohn Fred C. Massetti 1125 N. Magnolia Ave Po Box 2008 - 11345 Kernville Road Po Box 28 Anaheim, Ca 92801 Kernville, Ca 93238 Madera, Ca 93639

Mobilephone Of Humboldt, Inc. Siskiyou Two-Way Stockton Mobilphone, Inc. Rick Blanchard Donald G. Pollard Knox La Rue 2416 Broadway St 501 South Main Street 2171 Ralph Ave. Eureka, Ca 95501 Yreka, Ca 96097 Stockton, Ca 95206

Valley Mobile Communications, Inc. Fresno Mobile Radio Inc. Vincent Communications, Inc. Bruce W. Gary Robert Cook James Vincent 44830 North Elm Ave. 160 North Broadway 5773 E. Shields Lancaster, Ca 93534 Fresno, Ca 93701 Fresno, Ca 93727

Maritime Communications/Land Mobile Pac-West Telecommunications, Inc. Access Paging Company, Inc Llc Lynne Martinez Mark Ristine Sharon Watkins 1776 W. March Lane, Suite 250 Po Box 7420 6200 Hwy 62 E Bldg 2501, Ste 875 Stockton, Ca 95207 Chico, Ca 95927 Jeffersonville, In 47130

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Sky Tel Corporation Phoneco, L.P. American Messaging Services, Llc Louie Decarlo Sharon Litke Linda Parks 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor 7900 John Carpenter Freeway 1720 Lakepointe Dr. Ste 100 San Francisco, Ca 94105 Dallas, Tx 75247 Lewisville, Tx 75057

Calaveras Telephone Company Centurytel Of Eastern Oregon Cal-Ore Telephone Co Yvonne Smythe Chantel Mosby Waihun Yee, Controller Regulatory Manager Tariff And Compliance Po Box 847 Po Box 37 100 Century Tel Drive Dorris, Ca 96023-0847 Copperopolis, Ca 95228 Monroe, La 81203

Citizens Telecommunications Citizens Telecommunications Citizens Telecommunications Co. Of Ca. Co. Of Golden State Co. Of Tuolumne Charles E. Born, Manager Charles E. Born, Manager Charles E. Born, Manager

State Government Affairs State Government Affairs State Government Affairs Po Box 340 Po Box 340 Po Box 340 Elk Grove, Ca 95759 Elk Grove, Ca 95759 Elk Grove, Ca 95759

Foresthill Telephone Co, Inc. Global Valley Network, Inc. Ducor Telephone Company David Clark Susan Leclair Eric Wolfe, Exec. Vp Regulatory Manager Senior Accountant Po Box 42230 811 S. Madera 56 Campus Drive Bakersfield, Ca 93384-2330 Kerman, Ca 93630 New Gloucester, Mi 04260

Happy Valley Telephone Co. Hornitos Telephone Company Kerman Telephone Company Gail Long, Manager Gail Long, Manager Dave Clark External Relations Western Div. External Relations Western Div. Regulatory Manager Po Box 1566 Po Box 1566 811 South Madera Avenue Oregon City, Or 97045-0566 Oregon City, Or 97045-0566 Kerman, Ca 93630

Pacific Bell Pinnacles Telephone Co Sierra Telephone Co., Inc. Eric Batongbacal Lorrie Bernstein Linda Burton Executive Director Regulatory Contact Regulatory Manager 525 Market St., Rm 1944 3121 West March Lane, Ste 100 Po Box 219 San Francisco, Ca 94105 Stockton, Ca 95219-2302 Oakhurst, Ca 93644

Surewest Telephone The Ponderosa Telephone Co. The Siskiyou Telephone Co. Greg Gierczak Dan Douglas James Lwo3er, President Executive Director Regulatory Manager Po Box 157 Po Box 969 Po Box 21 Etna, Ca 96026-0157 Roseville, Ca 95678 O’neals, Ca 93645

Verizon California, Inc. Verizon West Coast, Inc. Volcano Telephone Co Margo Ormiston Lin Fogg Earl Bishop Specialist-State Gov’t Public Policy & External; Chief Financial Officer Relations Affairs Po Box 1070 711 Van Ness Avenue, Ste 300 1800 41st St., Wa0101ra Pine Grove, Ca 95665 San Francisco, C A 94102 Everett, Wa 98203

Cagal Cellular Communications Winterhaven Telephone Co Aircell, Inc Corp Gail Long, Manager – External Ken Low, Controllers George Granger, Director Relations Western Div. 1171 Century Drive, Ste 3-280 External Affairs Po Box 1566 Louisville, Co 80027 4420 Rosewood Drive, 4th Flr Oregon City, Or 97045-1566 Pleasanton, Ca 94588

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California Rsa No. 4 Ltd. Accessible Wireless, Lcc Cellco Partnership Partnership Arlene Harris William Kuchler William Kuchler Operating Manager Sr. Analyst Sr. Analyst 100 Via Dela Valle, Ste 200 180 Washington Valley Rd 180 Washington Valley Rd Del Mar, Ca 92014 Bedminster, Nj 07921 Bedminster, Nj 07921

Contel Cellular Of California, California Rsa No. 3 Ltd Inc. Cricket Communications, Inc Partnership Holly Henderson, Mgr Regulatory Matters- Laurie Itkin, Director Lynn Forleo, Bookkeeper Gte Wireless 10307 Pacific Center Court Po Box 2607 One Verizon Place, Bldg A San Diego, Ca 92121 Oakhurst, Ca 93644 Alpharetta, Ga 30004-8511

Fresno Msa Ltd. Partnership Gte Mobilnet Of Ca., Ltd. Ptnrship Cellular Pacific William Kuchler William Kuchler Regulatory Contact Sr. Analyst Sr. Analyst 1944 Manoa Dr. 180 Washington Valley Road 180 Washington Valley Road Honolulu, Hi 96822 Bedminster, Nj 07921 Bedminster, Nj 07921

Gte Mobilnet Of Santa Barbara Edge Wireless, Llc Irrir Digital, Llc William Kuchler Jane Venable, Legal Kevin Knauss, Mgr Sr. Analyst 650 Sw Columbia, Ste 7200 8712 Pendelton Drive 180 Washington Valley Road Bend, Or 97702 Granite Bay, Ca 95746 Bedminster, Nj 07921

Gte Mobilnet Of Central Ca Holly Henderson, Mgr Metropcs, Inc. Modoc Rsa Ltd Partnership Regulatory Matters-Gte Peter Vicencio William Kuchler Wireless Customer Oeprations Supervisor Sr. Analyst One Verizon Place, Bldg A 1080 Marina Village Prkwy, 4t Flr 180 Washington Valley Road Alpharetta, Ga 30004-8511 Alameda, Ca 94501 Bedminster, Nj 07921

Omnipoint Communications, Inc Los Angeles Smsa Ltd Partnership Royal Street Communications, Llc. Susan Lipper, Sr. Mgr. William Kuchler John Lister, Vp Regulatory Affairs Sr. Analyst 2435 N. Central Expressway 1755 Creekside Oasks Dr., Ste 190 180 Washington Valley Road Ste 1200 Sacramento, Ca 95833 Bedminster, Nj 07921 Richardson, Tx 75080

Santa Cruz Cellular Telephone, Inc. New Cingular Wireless Pcs, Llc Santa Barbara Cellular Systems, LTD. Stacy Koch George Granger, Director George Granger Code Administrator External Affairs Director, External Affairs 1514 W. Caro Road 4420 Rosewood Drive, 4th Flr 4420 Rosewood Dr., 4th Flr. Caro, MI 48723 Pleasanton, Ca 94588 Pleasanton, Ca 94588

Sacramento Valley Ltd. Partnership US Cellualr Corporation Verizon Wirless, LLC William Kuchler Grant Spellmeyer William Kuchler SR. Analyst Director External Affairs SR. Analyst 180 Washington Valley Rd 8410 West Bryn Mawr, Ste 700 180 Washington Valley road Bedminster, NJ 07921 Chicago, IL 60631-3486 Bedminster, NJ 07921

SLO Celular, Inc. James Robert McKeown Nextel of California, Inc. Tamie Axelton, Controller Owner Steve Kukta, Director

733 Marsh St., Ste B 3834 Sunwood Drive 201 Mission St., Ste. 1400 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Redding, CA 96002-4902 San Francisco, CA 94105

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Visalia Cellular Telephone Co. Sprint Telephone PCS., LP Point BTA 79 LLC George Granger Stephen Kukta, Director Alvin Aouder, Director Director, External Affairs State Regulatory 715 Broadway, STE 320 4420 Rosewood Drive, 4th Flr 201 Mission Street, Ste. 1400 Santa Monica, CA 90401 Pleasanton, CA 94588 San Francisco, CA 94105

Wirelessco, LP Clear Choice PCS, LLC Atlas Radiophone Stephen Kukta, Director Gerry Stvens, CEO Knox La Rue State Regulatory 101 Continental Blvd., Ste 1667 2171 Ralph Ave. 201 Mission Street, Ste. 1400 El Segundo, CA 90245 Stockton, CA 95206 San Francisco, CA 94105

NTCH-CA, Inc. American Messaging Svcs., LLC Kern Valley Dispatch, Inc. Candance Pomerleau Linda Parks, Tax Manager Robert Bohn, President Office Assistant 1720 Lakepointe Dr., Ste. 100 PO Box 2008 703 Pier Avenue, STE B Lewsville, TX 75057o Kernville, CA 93238 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

West Coast PCS. LLC Fresno Mobile radio, Inc. Mobilephone of Humboldt, Inc. Greg Gierczak, Exec Director Robert Cook, President Rick Blanchard, President PO Box 969 160 North Broadway 2416 Broadway St. Roseville, CA 95678 Fresno, CA 93701 Eureka, CA 95501-2132

Access Paging Co., Inc. Maritime Communications/Land Mobile Siskiyou Two-Way Mark Ristine Sharon Watkins Donald G. Pollard Controller/Treasurer Regulatory Contact 501 South Main Street PO Box 7420 6200 Hwy 62 E Bldg 2501, Ste. 250 Yreka, CA 96097 Chico, CA 95927-7420 Stockton, CA 95207

Phoneco, LP Delta Valley Radiotelephone Co., Inc. Vincent Communications, Inc. Sharon Litke Knox Larue James Vincent, President EVP – Operations 2171 Ralph Ave. 5773 E. Shields 7900 John Carpenter Freeway Stockton, CA 95206 Fresno, CA 93727 Dallas, TX 75247

Madera Radio Dispatch Stockton Mobilphone, Inc. Capp’s TV Electronics, Inc. Fred C. Massetti, President Knox La Rue 1399 Arundell Ave. PO Box 28 2171 Ralph Ave. Ventura, CA 93003 Madera, CA 93639-0028 Stockton, CA 95206

Pac-West Telecommunications, Inc. Lynne Martinez, Bright House Networks Catalina Cable TV Regulatory Compliance Mgr 3701 N. Sillect Ave. 222 Metropole Ave. 1776 W. March Lane, Ste. 250 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Avalon, CA 90704 Stockton, CA 95207

SKY Tel Corporation Louie Decarlo Calabasas Community TV Assoc. Inc. Cequel III Communications Compliance Mgr 23642 Calabasas Rd., #104 12444 Powerscourt Dr., Box 9 201 Spear Street, 9th Flr. Calabasas, CA 91372-8849 St. Louis, MO 63131 San Francisco, CA 94105

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Charter Communications Champion Broadband 12490 Business Center Dr. Ste. 1 151 N Main St. 380 Perry St., Ste. 230 Victorville, CA 92395 Porterville, CA 93257 Castle Rock, CO 80104

Charter Communications Charter Communications Charter Communications 4781 Irwindale Ave. 6246 San Fernando Rd. 3806 Cross Creek Rd. Irwindale, CA 91706 Glendale, CA 91201 Malibu, CA 90265

Clearwave Communications, Inc. of Sierra Valleys, Inc. Charter Communicaitons Frmly Edgewise Media 2441 N Grove Industrial Dr. 7337 Central Ave. 16922 Airport Dr. Ste. #3 Fresno, CA 93727 Riverside, CA 92504 Mojave, CA 93501

Cox Communications Country Cable 29947 Avenida De Las Banderas 22 South Fairview Ave. 785 Tucker Road, Suite G Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Goleta, CA 93117 Tehachapi, CA 93561

DHR Cable TV, Inc. Extenet Systems (California) LLC Cox Communications 15330 Falcon Ridge 3030 Warrenville Rd. Ste. 340 43 Peninsula Ctr. Humble, TX 77396 Lisle, IL 60532 Rolling Hills, CA 90274

MCI C/O Verizon Level 3 Communications, LLC 2400 N Glendale 27192 Sun City Blvd. #A 1025 El Dorado Blvd. Richardson, TX 75082 Sun City, CA 92586 Broomfield, CO 80021

Morongo Band of Mission Mountain Shadows Cable TV Sys. MPower Communications Indians 2258 Bradford Ave. P.O. Box 71109 11581 Portrero Rd. Highland, CA 92346 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Banning, CA 92220

Rapid Communications, LLC RCN NPG Cable, Inc. P.O. Box 904 196 Van Buren St. P.O. Box 47 Price, UT 84501 Herndon, VA 20170 St. Joseph, MO 64502-0047

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Sunesys Inc. The Ponderosa Telephone Co. Santa Barbara Cellular 185 Titus Ave. 47037 Road 201 4133 Guardian St. Warrington, PA 18976 O’Neals, CA 93645 Simi Valley, CA 93063

Time Warner Time Warner Time Warner 7910 Crescent Executive Dr. 41-725 Cook St. 1041 E Route 66 Dept. SDG 25510, Suite 48 Palm Desert, CA 92211 Glendora, CA 91740 Charlotte, NC 28217

Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Cable 15255 Salt Lake Ave. 1500 Auto Center Dr. 22620 Market St. City of Industry, CA 91745 Ontario, CA Santa Clarita, CA 91321

Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia 2525 Knoll Dr. 3041 E. Mira Loma Ave. 1581 Commerce St. Ventura, CA 93003 Anaheim, CA 92806 Corona, CA 92880

Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia 7142 Chapman Ave. 9410 Jordan Ave. 4312 Eagle Rock Blvd. Garden Grove, CA 92841 Chatsworth, CA 91311 Los Angeles, CA 90041

Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia 1970 E. Grand Ave., Ste. 200 41551 10th St., W. 14338 Lakewood Blvd. El Segundo, CA 90245 Palmdale, CA 93551 Bellflower, CA 90706

T-Mobile USA TW Telecom Inc. Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia 3 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 1100 3281 Guasti Rd. Suite 350 6357 Circle Santa Ana, CA 92707 Ontario, CA 91761 Los Angeles, CA 90045

XO California Inc. AT&T California , LLC 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. 310 Martin Ave. 401 Kirkland Parkplace, Ste. 500 Herndon, VA 20171 Santa Clara, CA 95050 Kirkland, WA 98033

AT&T Communications AT&T Mobility Extenet Systems, Inc. AT&T Local Services 12900 Plaza Drive 3840 E. Casselle Ave. 700 S. Flower St., Suite 1400 Cerritos, CA 90703 Orange, CA 92869 Los Angeles, CA 90017

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M-Power (ICG) Newpath Networks MCI/Metro ATS/MCI Communications 2698 White Rd. 1300 N. Northlake Way 115 W. Palmetto Dr. Irvine, CA 92614 Seattle, WA 98103 Pasadena, CA 91105

Sprint Communications Co. L.P. Sprint Nextel Corp. Nextg Networks 2592 Dupont Dr. 310 Commerce Dr., 2nd Floor 2125 Wright Ave. Suite C-9 Irvine, CA 92612 Irvine, CA 92602 La Verne, CA 91750

Verizon California (GE) T-Mobile, USA Time Warner Cable 11 S. 4th St. 3 Imperial Promenade, Suite 1100 1500 Auto Center Dr. Mail Code CAE01NE Santa Ana, CA 92707 Ontario, CA 91761 Redlands, CA 92373

XO Communicaitons (Nextlink) Verizon Wireless (Airtouch) American Television 1390 Lead Hill Blvd. 15505 Sand Canyon Ave. 10450 Pacific Center Court Roseville, CA 95661 Mail Code D1G429 San Diego, CA 92121 Irvine, CA 92618

Airtouch Cellular City of Encinitas Orion Cable 10640 Sepulveda Blvd. 505 S. Vulcan Ave. P.O. Box 159 Mission Hills, CA 91345 Encinitas, CA 92024 San Marcos, CA 92079

Cox Communications Cricket Communications AT&T Wireless 5159 Federal Blvd. 4031 Sorrento Valley Blvd. 4220 Arizona St., Ste. 100 San Diego, CA 92105 San Diego, CA 92121 San Diego, CA 92104

Green Oaks Ranch Verizon ExteNet 1237 Green Oak Road 1 GTE Place, #3651 1901 S. Meyers Rd., Ste. 190 Vista, CA 92083 Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

Mpower Communications NextG MCI 9171 Towne Centre Dr. #260 2216 O’Toole Ave. 6929 N. Lakewood San Diego, CA 92121 San Jose, CA 95131 Tulsa, OK 74117

AT&T Sunesys XO Communications 6039 S. Rio Grande Ave. 202 Titus Ave. 5771 Copley Dr. Orlando, FL 32809 Warrington, PA 18976 San Diego, CA 92111

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T-Mobile Time Warner Telecom AXS Sprint PCS 12920 SE 38th St. 7220 Trade St., Ste. 300 6391 Sprint Parkway Bellevue, WA 98006 San Diego, CA 92121 Overland Park, KS 66251

Time Warner Times Mirror Cable TCG 10450 Pacific Center Court 2790 Business Park Dr. 1370 India St., Ste. 200 San Diego, CA 92121 Vista, CA 92083 San Diego, CA 92101

USA Cable-Telecable Venture Communications USA Cable-Julian Cable P.O. Box 1057 26685 Madison Ste. A P.O. Box 1057 Kearney, NE 68848 Murrieta, CA 92562 Kearney, NE 68848

City of San Bruno Municipal Cable TV Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton Ultronics Tenzin Gyaltsen 1220 Pacific Hwy. (AQ1.FH) 581 C Street 567 El Camino Real San Diego, CA 92132 Chula Vista, CA 91910 San Bruno, CA 94066

Mediacom California, LLC Central Valley Cable TV, LLC Horizon Cable TV. Inc. Shawn Swatosh Tom Gelardi Kevin Daniel

P.O. Drawer 1180 7145 N. Traverse 227 South Oakwood Dr., Ste. 5 Clearlake Oaks, CA 95423 Clovis, CA 93619 Novato, CA 94949

Matrix Inc. Rapid Cable, LLC Cableview Communications, Inc. Brad Daniel Belinda Murphy David Langhout

12361 Saratoga – Sunnyvale Rd. #F 19336 Goddard Ranch Court, Ste. 220 P.O. Box 619 Saratoga, CA 95070 Morrison, CO 80465 Esparto, CA 95627

Comcast Cable Communication Mgmt. Comcast Cable Communication Mgmt. Quincy Community TV Assoc. Dave Simmons Dave Simmons Terence Kidd

2500 Bates Ave. 4350 Pell Drive P.O. Box 834 Concord, CA 94520 Sacramento, CA 95838 Quincy, CA 95971

Comcast Cable Communication Mgmt. Century Mendocino Cable TV, Inc. Comcast Cable Communication Mgmt. Allan Echeverri Steve Lamb Cliff Grable

2323 Thompson Way 1060 North State 2441 N.Grove Industrial Dr. Santa Maria, CA 93455 Ukiah, CA 95482 Fresno, CA 93727

Tehccore Consultants Inc., dba Almega Suddenlink Communications Charter Communications Holding Co. Cable Stacy Mirkay Suzanne Curtis Thomas Kurien 12444 Powerscourt Dr., Ste. 140 4031 Via Oro Ave. 4001 West Airport Freeway, Ste. 530 St. Louis, MO 63131 Long Beach, CA 90810 Bedford, TX 76021

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Northland Cable Television, Inc. CDA Cable, Inc. DCA Cablevision, G.P. Kellie Sera - Legal Steve Lamb John Tripp

101 Steward St., Ste. 700 1060 North State 44 Montgomery St. Ste. 1404 Seattle, WA 98101 Ukiah, CA 95482 San Francisco, CA 94104

Sierra Communications Volcano Vision, Inc. Wave Broadband dba Starstream Tim Holden Steve Stone Kirk Ellingson

P.O. Box 281 P.O. Box 890 P.O. Box 3520 Standard, CA 95373 Pine Grove, CA 95665 Rocklin, CA 95677

San Simeon Community Cable, Inc. Boulder Ridge Cable TV dba Starstream Calaveras CableVision Jim Seagle Seth Johannesen James Tower

2415 Unit #E Village Lane 615 Bear Creek Rd. P.O. Box 578 Cambria, CA 93428 Garberville, CA 95542 Copperoplis, CA 95228

Ponderosa Cablevision Naval Postgraduate School Bright House Networks, LLC Eric Vargas Teresa Gentry Paul Cochran

47034 Road 201 555 Dyer Rd. Bldg. 130 Rm. 162 3701 North Sillect Ave. O’Neals, CA 93645 Monterey, CA 93943 Bakersfield, CA 93308

WilTel Communications, LLC Cebridge Connections Paxio, Inc. Charlie Wesley Stacy Mirkay Phillip Clark

1025 El Dorado Blvd. 12444 Powerscourt Dr., Ste. 140 10568 Magnolia Ave. Ste. 127 Broomfield, CO 80021 St. Louis, MO 63131 Anaheim, CA 92804

Clearlinx Network Sprint Communications Corp. L.P. MCImetro Access Transmission Svcs. Terry Ray Alexander Knapp Chris Wilkinson

1901 South Meyers Rd. Ste. 190 6100 Sprint Parkway KSOPHK0210-2A 6929 N Lakewood Ave. MD2.1-106 Oakbrook Terrace, IL 61081 Overland, Park, KS 66251-6113 Tulsa, OK 74117

Sunesys, LLC Broadband Associates International Southern California Edison Paul T. Bradshaw Michael Brinskele Larry Chow

202 Titus Ave. 4120 Douglas Blvd. #306-200 14005 S. Benson Ave. Warrington, PA 18976 Granite Bay, CA 95746 Chino, CA 91710

San Joaquin Facilities Mgmt, Inc. Wave Broadband, LLC San Luis Coastal Unified School Dist. Bill Oliver Jim Penny Brad Parker

5400 Rosedale Hwy. 401 Kirkland Place, Suite 500 937 Southwood Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Kirkland, WA 98033 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Verizon California, Inc. Cox Communications AT&T California Kurt Rasmussen, Joe Gabaldon, Mgr. of Gov & Community Rhonda Johnson, VP Director, Regulatory Affairs Affairs 525 Market St., 19th Flr. 711 Van Ness Ave, Ste. 300 350 – 10th Ave., Ste. 600 San Francisco, CA 94105 San Francisco, CA 94102 San Diego, CA 92101

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Cableview Communications Wave Broadband Time Warner Cable Penny Langhout David Hankin Deane Leavenworth Secretary/Treasurer VP & Regulatory Counsel VP External Affairs’ PO Box 619 200 Paul Ave., Ste. 301 550 North Continental Blvd. Esparto, CA 95627 San Francisco, CA 94124 El Segundo, CA 90245

Charter Communications Northland Cable Television Comcast Cable Communications Susan Evans Paul Milan Management, LLC Dir. Of Government Relations VP & Gen Counsel John Guiterrez, Dir. Gov. Affairs 5797 Eastside Rd 101 Stewart St., Ste. 700 12647 Alcosta Blvd., Ste. 200 Redding, CA 96001 Seattle, WA 98101 San Ramon, CA 94583

CalTel Connections dba Baldwin County Internet Audeamus dba Sebastian Calaveras Cablevision Jeffery Hathaway, CEO David Clark, Regulatory Mgr. Kirby Smith, Dir. Of Finance 22645 Canal Rd., Ste. B 811 S. Madera Ave PO Box 37 Orange Beach, Alamaba 36561 Kerman, CA 93630 Copperopolis, CA 95228

Broadwing/WilTel/now Leval 3 Antilles Wireless LLC dba MFN/now Abovenet David Barbee, Senior Mgr. – Cable USA Vic Peterson, Director San Francisco Division Stuart Giblertson, Chief Oper Officer Of Operations – West Region Rick Gillilarnd 2123 Central Ave., Ste. 200 7905 SO. 196th St 1122 Capitol of Texas Hwy South Kearney, NE 68847 Kent WA 98032 Austin, Tx 79746

Electric Lightwave – now Integra Telecom Ameresco Inc. IP Networks Steve Wenger Ameresco Hal Moon Bay LLC PO Box 192366 2495 Notomas Park Dr., Ste. 300 111 Speen Ave., Ste. 140 San Francisco, CA 94119 Sacramento, CA 95843 Farmington, MA 01701

Mr. Phil Raunch Jack Swalley, Area Mgr. Velma Prouty 360 Hamilton Ave 2600 Camino Ramon, Rm 2N104 16201 Raymar St., Rm 206 White Plains, NY 10601 San Ramon, CA 94583 Van Nuys, Ca 91406

AT&T California Cellent Cingular Wireless 310 Martin Ave., Rm. 100A 3000 Mill Creek Ave., Ste. 100 4420 Rosewood Drive, Bldg. 2, 3rd Flr. Santa Clara, CA 95050 Alpharetta, GA 30022 Pleasanton, CA 94588

Calaveras Telephone Co Crown Castle Solutions, Corp. ExteNet/ClearLinx 513 Main Street 5820 Stoneridge Mall Rd., Ste. 300 1901 S. Meyers Rd., Ste. 190 PO Box 37 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 Copperopolis, CA 95228

Comcast Corporation Nancy Stone Global Valley Networks 2500 bates Avenue PO Box 860 515 Keystone Blvd. Concord, CA 94520 Palo Cedro, CA 96073 Patterson, CA 95363

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Frontier, A Citizens Communication Co. MCImetro MCI Telecommunications, Inc. 21 -12 Street 115 W. Palmeto Drive 115 W. Palmeto drive Colusa, CA 95932 Pasadena, CA 91105-2511 Pasadena, CA 91105-2511

Happy Valley Telephone Co. New Path Networks NextG Networks of California, Inc. 18025 Olinda Road 1300 N. Northlake Way 2125 Wright Ave., Ste. C-9 Anderson, CA 96007 Seattle, WA 98103 La Verne, CA 91750

Metro PCS City of Roseville Sierra telephone Company 1080 Marina Village Parkway, 4th Flr. 2090 Hilltop Circle PO Box 219 Alameda, CA 94501 Roseville, CA 95747 Oakhurst, CA 93644

Wave Broadband dba Astound Sprint/Nextel Sure West 1400 Fashion Island Blvd., #100 12657 Alcosta Blvd., Ste. 300 PO Box 969 San Mateo, CA 94404 San Ramon, CA 94583 Roseville, CA 95661

Siskiyou telephone Co. Ubiquitel PCS Verizon California, Inc. PO Box 157 5355 Capitol Court, # 102 201 Flynn Road Etna, CA 96027-0157 Reno, NV 89502 Camarillo, CA 93012

T-Mobile Verizon Wireless Volcano Telephone Co. 1855 Gateway Blvd., Ste. 900 2785 Mitchell Drive., Bldg. 9 PO Box 1070 Concord, CA 94520 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Pine grove, CA 95665

John Eckman Grant Guerra, Atty at Law Justin Cashmer Edison Carrier Solutions PG&E 11 South Fourth St 4900 Rivergrade Rd., 77 Beale St., Rm 3171 B30A Redlands, CA 92373 Irwindale, CA 91706 San Francisco, CA 94105

Western States Teleport Corp. Calabasas Community TV Assoc. Inc. Capp’s TV Electronics, Inc. 2303 Poplar Street 23642 Calabasas Rd., #104 1399 Arundell Ave. Oakland, CA 94607 Calabasas, CA 91372-8849 Ventura, CA 93003

Bright House Networks Cequel III Communications Champion Broadband 3701 N. Sillect Ave. 12444 Powerscourt Dr., Box 9 380 Perry St., Ste. 230 Bakersfield, CA 93308 St. Louis, MO 63131 Castle Rock, CO 80104

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Catalina Cable TV Charter Communications Charter Communications 222 Metropole Ave. 151 N Main St. 3806 Cross Creek Rd. Avalon, CA 90704 Porterville, CA 93257 Malibu, CA 90265

Charter Communications Charter Communications Charter Communicaitons 12490 Business Center Dr. Ste. 1 6246 San Fernando Rd. 7337 Central Ave. Victorville, CA 92395 Glendale, CA 91201 Riverside, CA 92504

Charter Communications Comcast of Sierra Valleys, Inc. Country Cable 4781 Irwindale Ave. 2441 N Grove Industrial Dr. 785 Tucker Road, Suite G Irwindale, CA 91706 Fresno, CA 93727 Tehachapi, CA 93561

Clearwave Communications, Inc. Cox Communications Cox Communications Frmly Edgewise Media 29947 Avenida De Las Banderas 43 Peninsula Ctr. 16922 Airport Dr. Ste. #3 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Mojave, CA 93501

Cox Communications Extenet Systems (California) LLC Level 3 Communications, LLC 22 South Fairview Ave. 3030 Warrenville Rd. Ste. 340 1025 El Dorado Blvd. Goleta, CA 93117 Lisle, IL 60532 Broomfield, CO 80021

DHR Cable TV, Inc. MediaCom Morongo Band of Mission Indians 15330 Falcon Ridge 27192 Sun City Blvd. #A 11581 Portrero Rd. Humble, TX 77396 Sun City, CA 92586 Banning, CA 92220

MCI C/O Verizon MPower Communications NPG Cable, Inc. 2400 N Glendale P.O. Box 71109 P.O. Box 47 Richardson, TX 75082 Los Angeles, CA 90071 St. Joseph, MO 64502-0047

Mountain Shadows Cable TV Sys. RCN Santa Barbara Cellular 2258 Bradford Ave. 196 Van Buren St. 4133 Guardian St. Highland, CA 92346 Herndon, VA 20170 Simi Valley, CA 93063

Rapid Communications, LLC The Ponderosa Telephone Co. Time Warner P.O. Box 904 47037 Road 201 1041 E Route 66 Price, UT 84501 O’Neals, CA 93645 Glendora, CA 91740

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Time Warner Sunesys Inc. Time Warner Cable 7910 Crescent Executive Dr. 185 Titus Ave. 22620 Market St. Dept. SDG 25510, Suite 48 Warrington, PA 18976 Santa Clarita, CA 91321 Charlotte, NC 28217

Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia 15255 Salt Lake Ave. 41-725 Cook St. 1581 Commerce St. City of Industry, CA 91745 Palm Desert, CA 92211 Corona, CA 92880

Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia 1500 Auto Center Dr. 3041 E. Mira Loma Ave. 4312 Eagle Rock Blvd. Ontario, CA Anaheim, CA 92806 Los Angeles, CA 90041

Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia 2525 Knoll Dr. 9410 Jordan Ave. 14338 Lakewood Blvd. Ventura, CA 93003 Chatsworth, CA 91311 Bellflower, CA 90706

Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia 7142 Chapman Ave. 41551 10th St., W. 6357 Arizona Circle Garden Grove, CA 92841 Palmdale, CA 93551 Los Angeles, CA 90045

Time Warner Cable Frmly Adelphia TW Telecom Inc. Wave Broadband, LLC 1970 E. Grand Ave., Ste. 200 3281 Guasti Rd. Suite 350 401 Kirkland Parkplace, Ste. 500 El Segundo, CA 90245 Ontario, CA 91761 Kirkland, WA 98033

AT&T Communications T-Mobile USA AT&T California AT&T Local Services 3 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 1100 310 Martin Ave. 700 S. Flower St., Suite 1400 Santa Ana, CA 92707 Santa Clara, CA 95050 Los Angeles, CA 90017

XO California Inc. Extenet Systems, Inc. MCI/Metro ATS/MCI Communications 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. 3840 E. Casselle Ave. 115 W. Palmetto Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 Orange, CA 92869 Pasadena, CA 91105

AT&T Mobility Newpath Networks Nextg Networks 12900 Plaza Drive 1300 N. Northlake Way 2125 Wright Ave. Suite C-9 Cerritos, CA 90703 Seattle, WA 98103 La Verne, CA 91750

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M-Power (ICG) Sprint Nextel Corp. Time Warner Cable 2698 White Rd. 310 Commerce Dr., 2nd Floor 1500 Auto Center Dr. Irvine, CA 92614 Irvine, CA 92602 Ontario, CA 91761

Verizon California (GE) Verizon Wireless (Airtouch) Sprint Communications Co. L.P. 11 S. 4th St. 15505 Sand Canyon Ave. 2592 Dupont Dr. Mail Code CAE01NE Mail Code D1G429 Irvine, CA 92612 Redlands, CA 92373 Irvine, CA 92618

T-Mobile, USA American Television Orion Cable 3 Imperial Promenade, Suite 1100 10450 Pacific Center Court P.O. Box 159 Santa Ana, CA 92707 San Diego, CA 92121 San Marcos, CA 92079

XO Communicaitons (Nextlink) City of Encinitas AT&T Wireless 1390 Lead Hill Blvd. 505 S. Vulcan Ave. 4220 Arizona St., Ste. 100 Roseville, CA 95661 Encinitas, CA 92024 San Diego, CA 92104

Airtouch Cellular Cricket Communications ExteNet 10640 Sepulveda Blvd. 4031 Sorrento Valley Blvd. 1901 S. Meyers Rd., Ste. 190 Mission Hills, CA 91345 San Diego, CA 92121 Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

Cox Communications Verizon MCI 5159 Federal Blvd. 1 GTE Place, #3651 6929 N. Lakewood San Diego, CA 92105 Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Tulsa, OK 74117

Green Oaks Ranch NextG XO Communications 1237 Green Oak Road 2216 O’Toole Ave. 5771 Copley Dr. Vista, CA 92083 San Jose, CA 95131 San Diego, CA 92111

Mpower Communications Sunesys Sprint PCS 9171 Towne Centre Dr. #260 202 Titus Ave. 6391 Sprint Parkway San Diego, CA 92121 Warrington, PA 18976 Overland Park, KS 66251

AT&T Time Warner Telecom AXS TCG 6039 S. Rio Grande Ave. 7220 Trade St., Ste. 300 1370 India St., Ste. 200 Orlando, FL 32809 San Diego, CA 92121 San Diego, CA 92101

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T-Mobile Times Mirror Cable USA Cable-Julian Cable 12920 SE 38th St. 2790 Business Park Dr. P.O. Box 1057 Bellevue, WA 98006 Vista, CA 92083 Kearney, NE 68848

Time Warner Venture Communications Ultronics 10450 Pacific Center Court 26685 Madison Ste. A 581 C Street San Diego, CA 92121 Murrieta, CA 92562 Chula Vista, CA 91910

City of San Bruno Municipal Cable TV Horizon Cable TV. Inc. USA Cable-Telecable Tenzin Gyaltsen Kevin Daniel P.O. Box 1057 567 El Camino Real 227 South Oakwood Dr., Ste. 5 Kearney, NE 68848 San Bruno, CA 94066 Novato, CA 94949

Central Valley Cable TV, LLC Cableview Communications, Inc. Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton Tom Gelardi David Langhout 1220 Pacific Hwy. (AQ1.FH) 7145 N. Traverse P.O. Box 619 San Diego, CA 92132 Clovis, CA 93619 Esparto, CA 95627

Mediacom California, LLC Rapid Cable, LLC Quincy Community TV Assoc. Shawn Swatosh Belinda Murphy Terence Kidd

P.O. Drawer 1180 19336 Goddard Ranch Court, Ste. 220 P.O. Box 834 Clearlake Oaks, CA 95423 Morrison, CO 80465 Quincy, CA 95971

Matrix Cablevision Inc. Comcast Cable Communication Mgmt. Comcast Cable Communication Mgmt. Brad Daniel Dave Simmons Cliff Grable

12361 Saratoga – Sunnyvale Rd. #F 4350 Pell Drive 2441 N.Grove Industrial Dr. Saratoga, CA 95070 Sacramento, CA 95838 Fresno, CA 93727

Comcast Cable Communication Mgmt. Century Mendocino Cable TV, Inc. Charter Communications Holding Co. Dave Simmons Steve Lamb Suzanne Curtis

2500 Bates Ave. 1060 North State 4031 Via Oro Ave. Concord, CA 94520 Ukiah, CA 95482 Long Beach, CA 90810

Comcast Cable Communication Mgmt. Suddenlink Communications DCA Cablevision, G.P. Allan Echeverri Stacy Mirkay John Tripp

2323 Thompson Way 12444 Powerscourt Dr., Ste. 140 44 Montgomery St. Ste. 1404 Santa Maria, CA 93455 St. Louis, MO 63131 San Francisco, CA 94104

Tehccore Consultants Inc., dba Almega CDA Cable, Inc. Wave Broadband dba Starstream Cable Steve Lamb Kirk Ellingson Thomas Kurien 1060 North State P.O. Box 3520 4001 West Airport Freeway, Ste. 530 Ukiah, CA 95482 Rocklin, CA 95677 Bedford, TX 76021

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Northland Cable Television, Inc. Volcano Vision, Inc. Calaveras CableVision Kellie Sera - Legal Steve Stone James Tower

101 Steward St., Ste. 700 P.O. Box 890 P.O. Box 578 Seattle, WA 98101 Pine Grove, CA 95665 Copperoplis, CA 95228

Sierra Nevada Communications Boulder Ridge Cable TV dba Starstream Bright House Networks, LLC Tim Holden Seth Johannesen Paul Cochran

P.O. Box 281 615 Bear Creek Rd. 3701 North Sillect Ave. Standard, CA 95373 Garberville, CA 95542 Bakersfield, CA 93308

San Simeon Community Cable, Inc. Naval Postgraduate School Paxio, Inc. Jim Seagle Teresa Gentry Phillip Clark

2415 Unit #E Village Lane 555 Dyer Rd. Bldg. 130 Rm. 162 10568 Magnolia Ave. Ste. 127 Cambria, CA 93428 Monterey, CA 93943 Anaheim, CA 92804

Ponderosa Cablevision Cebridge Connections MCImetro Access Transmission Svcs. Eric Vargas Stacy Mirkay Chris Wilkinson

47034 Road 201 12444 Powerscourt Dr., Ste. 140 6929 N Lakewood Ave. MD2.1-106 O’Neals, CA 93645 St. Louis, MO 63131 Tulsa, OK 74117

WilTel Communications, LLC Sprint Communications Corp. L.P. Southern California Edison Charlie Wesley Alexander Knapp Larry Chow

1025 El Dorado Blvd. 6100 Sprint Parkway KSOPHK0210-2A 14005 S. Benson Ave. Broomfield, CO 80021 Overland, Park, KS 66251-6113 Chino, CA 91710

Clearlinx Network Broadband Associates International San Luis Coastal Unified School Dist. Terry Ray Michael Brinskele Brad Parker

1901 South Meyers Rd. Ste. 190 4120 Douglas Blvd. #306-200 937 Southwood Dr. Oakbrook Terrace, IL 61081 Granite Bay, CA 95746 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Cox Communications Sunesys, LLC Wave Broadband, LLC Joe Gabaldon, Mgr. of Gov & Community Paul T. Bradshaw Jim Penny Affairs 202 Titus Ave. 401 Kirkland Place, Suite 500 350 – 10th Ave., Ste. 600 Warrington, PA 18976 Kirkland, WA 98033 San Diego, CA 92101

Cableview Communications San Joaquin Facilities Mgmt, Inc. AT&T California Penny Langhout Bill Oliver Rhonda Johnson, VP Secretary/Treasurer

5400 Rosedale Hwy. 525 Market St., 19th Flr. PO Box 619 Bakersfield, CA 93308 San Francisco, CA 94105 Esparto, CA 95627

Verizon California, Inc. Time Warner Cable Comcast Cable Communications Kurt Rasmussen, Deane Leavenworth Management, LLC Director, Regulatory Affairs VP External Affairs’ John Guiterrez, Dir. Gov. Affairs 711 Van Ness Ave, Ste. 300 550 North Continental Blvd. 12647 Alcosta Blvd., Ste. 200 San Francisco, CA 94102 El Segundo, CA 90245 San Ramon, CA 94583

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Wave Broadband Northland Cable Television CalTel Connections dba David Hankin Paul Milan Calaveras Cablevision VP & Regulatory Counsel VP & Gen Counsel Kirby Smith, Dir. Of Finance 200 Paul Ave., Ste. 301 101 Stewart St., Ste. 700 PO Box 37 San Francisco, CA 94124 Seattle, WA 98101 Copperopolis, CA 95228

Charter Communications MFN/now Abovenet Audeamus dba Sebastian Susan Evans Vic Peterson, Director David Clark, Regulatory Mgr. Dir. Of Government Relations Of Operations – West Region 811 S. Madera Ave 5797 Eastside Rd 7905 SO. 196th St Kerman, CA 93630 Redding, CA 96001 Kent WA 98032

Broadwing/WilTel/now Leval 3 Baldwin County Internet David Barbee, Senior Mgr. – Ameresco Inc. Jeffery Hathaway, CEO San Francisco Division Ameresco Hal Moon Bay LLC

22645 Canal Rd., Ste. B Rick Gillilarnd 111 Speen Ave., Ste. 140 Orange Beach, Alamaba 36561 1122 Capitol of Texas Hwy South Farmington, MA 01701 Austin, Tx 79746

Antilles Wireless LLC dba Cable USA IP Networks Velma Prouty Stuart Giblertson, Chief Oper Officer PO Box 192366 16201 Raymar St., Rm 206 2123 Central Ave., Ste. 200 San Francisco, CA 94119 Van Nuys, Ca 91406 Kearney, NE 68847

Electric Lightwave – now Integra Telecom Jack Swalley, Area Mgr. Cingular Wireless Steve Wenger 2600 Camino Ramon, Rm 2N104 4420 Rosewood Drive, Bldg. 2, 3rd Flr. 2495 Notomas Park Dr., Ste. 300 San Ramon, CA 94583 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Sacramento, CA 95843

Mr. Phil Raunch Cellent ExteNet/ClearLinx 360 Hamilton Ave 3000 Mill Creek Ave., Ste. 100 1901 S. Meyers Rd., Ste. 190 White Plains, NY 10601 Alpharetta, GA 30022 Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

AT&T California Crown Castle Solutions, Corp. Global Valley Networks 310 Martin Ave., Rm. 100A 5820 Stoneridge Mall Rd., Ste. 300 515 Keystone Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95050 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Patterson, CA 95363

Calaveras Telephone Co Nancy Stone MCI Telecommunications, Inc. 513 Main Street PO Box 860 115 W. Palmeto drive PO Box 37 Palo Cedro, CA 96073 Pasadena, CA 91105-2511 Copperopolis, CA 95228

Comcast Corporation MCImetro NextG Networks of California, Inc. 2500 bates Avenue 115 W. Palmeto Drive 2125 Wright Ave., Ste. C-9 Concord, CA 94520 Pasadena, CA 91105-2511 La Verne, CA 91750

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Frontier, A Citizens Communication Co. New Path Networks Sierra telephone Company 21 -12 Street 1300 N. Northlake Way PO Box 219 Colusa, CA 95932 Seattle, WA 98103 Oakhurst, CA 93644

Happy Valley Telephone Co. City of Roseville Sure West 18025 Olinda Road 2090 Hilltop Circle PO Box 969 Anderson, CA 96007 Roseville, CA 95747 Roseville, CA 95661

Metro PCS Sprint/Nextel Verizon California, Inc. 1080 Marina Village Parkway, 4th Flr. 12657 Alcosta Blvd., Ste. 300 201 Flynn Road Alameda, CA 94501 San Ramon, CA 94583 Camarillo, CA 93012

Wave Broadband dba Astound Ubiquitel PCS Volcano Telephone Co. 1400 Fashion Island Blvd., #100 5355 Capitol Court, # 102 PO Box 1070 San Mateo, CA 94404 Reno, NV 89502 Pine grove, CA 95665

Grant Guerra, Atty at Law Siskiyou telephone Co. Verizon Wireless PG&E PO Box 157 2785 Mitchell Drive., Bldg. 9 77 Beale St., Rm 3171 B30A Etna, CA 96027-0157 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 San Francisco, CA 94105

John Eckman Access One, Inc. T-Mobile Edison Carrier Solutions Mitch Mitchell, Regulatory Contact 1855 Gateway Blvd., Ste. 900 4900 Rivergrade Rd., 820 W. Jackson Blvd., Ste. 650 Concord, CA 94520 Irwindale, CA 91706 Chicago, IL 60607

ACN Communications Svc., Inc. A.R.C. Networks, Inc. Justin Cashmer Keith Kuder Tadas Vaitkus, Regulatory Contact 11 South Fourth St North American, Gen. Counsel 39 Broadway, 19th Flr. Redlands, CA 92373 1000 Progress Place, NE New York, NY 1006 Concord, NC 28025

APEX Telecom, Inc. Western States Teleport Corp. Accutel Of Texas, Inc. C. Hong Wong, CEO 2303 Poplar Street Kit Morris, Regulatory Consultant 113 10th St., Oakland, CA 94607 7900 John Carpenter Freeway Oakland, CA 94607 Dallas, TX 75247

360 Networks USA Inc. Airespring, Inc. AT&T Comm of California, Inc. Charles Forst, Regulatory Contact Cynthia Firstman, Controller Greta Banks, Assoc Docket Mgr.

867 Coal Creek Circle, Ste. 160 6060 Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 220 525 market St., 19th Flr, Ste. 29 Louisville, CO 80027 Van Nuys, CA 91411-2512 San Francisco, CA 94105

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Access Point, Inc. Astound Broadbank, LLC Blue Casa Communications, Inc. Jason Brown, Tax Acct. David Hankin, VP Regulation Rick Sanchez, VP

1100 Cresent Green, Ste., 109 1400 Fashion Island, Ste 100 10 E. Yanonali St., Ste. 1 Cary, NC 27511 San Mateo, CA 94404 Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Bright House Networks, LLC Advanced Integrated Technologies, Inc. BCN Telecom, Inc. Marva Brown Johnson Greg Lohrenz, President Richard Nacchio, Director Director-Carrier Svcs 9855 W. 78th St., Ste. 300 550 Route 202/206, 2nd Flr. 12985 N. Telecom Parkway Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Bedminster, NJ 07921 Temple Terrace, FL 33637

Arrival Communications, Inc. Brand X Internet Broadweave Networks of Ca. LLC Nancy Lubamersky James Pickerell Kip Carment, Reg. Contact VP Public Policy 927 6th St. 3940 N. Traverse Mtn Blvd., Ste.100 620-630 3rd St. Santa Monica, CA 90403 Lehi, UT 84043 San Francisco, CA 94107

Bandwidth Com CLEC, LLC. Broadview Networks, Inc. CA-CLEC, LLC. Lance Condray, CFO Steve Bogdan, Director Michelle Salisbury, Paralegal

40001 Weston parkway, Ste. 100 2100 Renaissance Blvd. 2000 Corporate Drive Cary, Inc. 27512 King of Prussia, PA 19406 Canonsburg, PA 15317

Blue Ridge Telecom Systems, LLC Bullseye Telecom, In.c CALLTOWER, Inc. Raymond Perea, Regulatory Richard Koslowski, Dir of Acctg. Chip Filka, Controller

4380 Boulder Hwy 25900 Greenfield Rd., Ste. 330 5 Thomas Mellon Circle, Ste. 245 Las Vegas, NV 89121 Oak Park, MI 48237 San Francisco, CA 94134

Broadband Assoc International Call America, Inc. CCT Telecommunications, Inc. Michael Brinkskele, Jeff Buckingham, President Steve Fetzer, President CEO & Founder PO Box 3310 1106 E. Turner Rd., Ste. A 4120 Douglas Blvd., Ste. 306-200 San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-3310 Lodi, CA 95240 Granite Bay, CA 95746

Budget Prepay, Inc. CCG Communications, LLC Channel Islands Telephone Co’ Molly L. Vance, controller Sebastian Tran, Sr. Director Todd Lesser, President

1325 Barksdale Blvd., Ste. 200 321 Walnut St., Ste 170 3802 Rosecrans St., Ste. 485 Bossier City, LA 71111 Newton, MA 02460 San Diego, CA 92``0

Cal-ORE communications, Inc. Champion Broadband Ca, LLC China Telecom USA Corp. Edward Ormsbee, gen. Mgr. Mark Haverkate, CEO Laura Sherman, Regulatory Counsel a 719 W. 3rd St. 380 Perry Street 607 Herndon Parkway Dorris, CA 96023 Castle Rock, CO 80104 Herdon, VA 21070

Cbeyond Communications, LLC Charter Fiberlink CA-CCVII, LLC Cogent Communications of Ca., Inc. Andy Hamons, Sr. Director Betty Sanders, Director Reid Zulager, Corporate Secretary

320 Interstate No. Prkwy SE, #245 12405 Powerscout Drive 1015 31st St., NW San Francisco, CA 94134 St. Louis, MO 63131-3674 Washington, Dc 20007

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Cebridge Telecom CA, LLC CMTEL USA, LLC. Comtech 21, LLC Deniis Moffit, Sr. Counsel Linda Peng, Regulatory Contact Michael Agli, VP Operations

12444 Powerscourt Dr., Ste. 140 700 Wilshire Blvd., 7th Flr. 1 Barnes Park south St. Louis, MO 63131 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Wallingford, CT 06492

Charter Fiberlink CA-CCO, LLC Competitve Communications, Inc. Conterra Wirless Broadband, LLC Betty Sanders, Director Judy Kline, Corporate Secretary Stephen Leeolou, President

12405 Powerscout Drive 3751 Merced Ave., Ste. A 2101 Rexford Rd., Ste. 200E St. Louis, MO 63131-3674 Riverside, CA 92503 Charlotte, NC 28111

Cleartel Telecommunications, Inc. Connect Paging, Inc. Cox California Telcom II, LLC Jamie Villanueva, Reg. Mgr. Joyce Howard, Representative Esther Northrup, Dir. Reg. Affairs

12124 High Tech Ave., Ste. 100 112 E. Seminary Dr., Ste. B 350 10th Ave., Ste. 600 Orlando, FL 32817 Fort Worth, TX 76115 San Diego, CA 92101

Comcast Phone of CA, LLC Cypress Comms Operating Co., Inc. John Gutierrez, Covad Communications Co. Frankie Kirby, Reg. Analyst Dir. Of Gov’t Affairs Katherine Mudge, Sr. Counsel Fourt Piedmont Ctr, Ste. 600 12647 Alcosta Blvd., Ste. 200 7000 N. Mopac Expressway, 2nd Flr. 3565 Piedmont Rd. San Ramon, CA 94583 Austin, TX 78731 Atlanta, GA 30305

Comtel Telecom Assets LP Curatel, LLC. DMR Communications, Inc. Becky Gipson, Sr. Director Rosemary McMahill David Lee, Regulatory Contact 433 East Las Colinas Blvd., Director – Regulatory Affairs 1841 Rainbow Drive Ste. 1300 20420 Century Blvd. Santa Ana, CA 92705 Irving, TX 75039 German Town, MD 20874

Eagle Communications of Ca. LLC Cost Plus Communications, LLC Digital Net Phone, LLC Philip Evola, Reg. Compliance Casimir Wojciechowski, President Vic Jackson, VP 142 East 39th St. 151 S. Rose St., Ste. 900 PO Box 67896 New York, NY 10016 Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Los Angeles, CA 90067-0896

Creative Interconnet Comm. DSLNET Communications, LLC Enhanced Communications Network, Inc. William A.G. Wilde, President Schula Hobbs, Director Thomas Haluskey, Sr. Oper. Mgr.

555 Old County Rd., Ste. 100 50 Barnes Park North, Ste. 104 1013 South Glendora Ave. San Carlos, CA 94070 Wallingford, CT 06492 West Covina, cA 91790

Fiber Data Systems Dialtek, LLC Electric Lightwave, Inc. Luis David Corrales John Hancock, Gen Counsel Monica A. Canaday, Billing Analyst Chairman of The Board PO Box 82446 1201 NE Lloyd Blvd., Ste. 500 203 Bellefontaine Street Kenmore, WA 98028 Portland, OR 97232 Pasadena, CA 91105

DPI Teleconnect, LLC Extenet Systems, Inc. Fones4all Corporation Phyllis Sims, Tax Mgr. Terry Ray, CFO & VP Todd Eichler, VP 2997 LBJ Freeway, Ste. 225 1901 S. Meyer Rd., Ste. 190 6320 Canoga Ave, Ste. 650 Dallas, TX 75234 Oakbrook terrace, IL 60181 Woodland Hills, CA 91367

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Easton Telecom Svcs., LLC First Communications, LLC Global Connection Inc. of America Robert Mocas, Mgr. Mary Cegelski, Mgr. Angela Briggs, Paralegal Summit II, Unit A, 15278 Neo Parkway 3957 Pleasantdale Rd. 3046 Brecksville Rd Garfield Heights, OH 44128 Atlanta, GA 30340 Richfield, OH 44286

Eschelon Telecom, Inc. of America, Inc. Globalcom, Inc. Catherine Murray, Mgr. Charlie Born, Mgr. M. Gavin McCarty, Chief Legal Officer

730 Second Avenue South, Ste. 900 PO Box 340 200 East Randolph St., 23rd Flr. Minneapolis, MN 55402 Elk Grove, CA 95759-0340 Chicago, IL 60601

FiberRide, Inc. Global Naps California, Inc. GTC Telecom Corp. John Wilcox, President Jim Scheltema, Gen. Counsel Heather Hall, VP

One Mason 89 Access Rd, Ste. B PO Box 1680 Irvine, CA 92618 Norwood, MA 02062 Costa Mesa, CA 92628

Freedomstarr Communications, Inc. Greenfield Communications, Inc. Infotelecom, LLC Kirk Doffing, Controller Mike Powers, President Andre Temnorod, CEO 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 333 34112 Violet Lantern, Ste. C 1228 Euclid Avenue, Ste. 390 Beverly Hills, Ca 90211 Dana Point, CA 92629 Cleveland, OH 4415

Global Internetworking, Inc. InFone, LLC Interatel, LLC Mike Avis, Regulatory Contact Laurie Williman, Reg. Mgr. Greg Hogan, Exec. Mng Director

8484 Westpark Dr., Ste. 720 11200 Murray Scholls Place 5724 W. Las Positas Blvd., Ste. 110 McLean, VA 22102 Beaverton, OR 97007 Pleasanton, CA 94588

Granite telecommunications, LLC Integrated Telemanagement Svcs Intrado Communications, Inc. Geoffrey Cookman, Director Lisa Atwood, Director Mgr Reg. Compliance

100 Newport Ave Extension 4100 Guardian St., Ste. 110 1601 Dry Creek Road Quincy, MA 02171 Simi valley, CA 93063 Longmont, CO 80503

Level 3 Communications, LLC IDT America Corp/ Internatial telcom, Ltd. Greg Rogers Carl Billek, Sr. Reg. Counsel Irina Rojkova, tax Acct. Director of State Reg. Affairs 520 Broad Street 417 Second Avenue West 1025 El Dorado Blvd. Newark, NJ 07102 Seattle, WA 98119 Broomfield, CO 80021

Integra Telecom KMC data, LLC Looking Glass Networks, Inc. Catherine Murray James Mertz, VP Greg Rogers Mgr. Reg. Affairs 5300 Oakbrook Prkwy, Ste. 330 1025 El Dorado Blvd. 730 Second Avenue south, Ste. 900 Norcross, GA 30093 Broomfield, CO 80021 Minneapolis, MN 55402

Intermetro Communications, Inc. MCI Metro Access Transmission Svcs Local Fiber, LLC Charles Rice, CEO Louie DeCarlo, Compliance Mgr. Michel Hubner, VP 2685 Park center Drive, Bldg. A 201 Spear Street, 9th Flr. 570 Lexington Ave., 3rd Flr. Simi valley, CA 93065 San Francisco, CA 94105P New York, NY 10022

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IP Networks, Inc. McGraw Communications, Inc. Metro Teleconnect Co., Inc. Charles Stewart, Sr. VP of Finance Francis Ahearn, CEO James Paluskleviz, Acctg Mgr.

PO Box 192366 228 east 45rh St., 12th Flr. 3810 Walnut St., Rm. 1 San Francisco, CA 94119-2366 New York, NY 10017-3303 Harrisburg, PA 17109

Lightyear Newtwork MPower Networks Svcs, Inc. Solutions, LLC Mecurty telecom, Inc. Nancy Lubamersky, VP Linda Hunt, Dir. Affairs John Petuoglu, CFO 620-630 3rd Street 1901 Eastpoint Parkway 23875 West Covina San Francisco, CA 94107 Louisville, KY 40223

MC Telephoney of the West, Inc. MPower Communications Corp. Network PTS, Inc. Anne Sokolin-Maimon Nancy Lubamersky, VP Jeffrey Stevenson, Acctng Mgr. VP, Regulatory Affairs 620-630 3rd Street 379 Diablo Rd., Ste. 207 100 Crystal Run road San Francisco, CA 94107 Danville, CA 94526 Middletown, NY 10941

McLeod USA Telecomm Svcs Network IP, LLC Newpath Newtworks, LLC William Haas, Assoc. Gen. Counsel Jennifer Begin, Regulatory Mgr. Michael Kavanagh, CEO

PO Box 3177 119 W. Tyler St., Ste. 100 1300 N. Northlake Way Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-3177 Longview, TX 75601 Seattle, WA 98103

Metroplitan Telecom Of Calif., Inc. New Edge Network, Inc. Nexus Communications, Inc. Andoni Economou, VP Penny Bewick, VP External Affairs Steven Fenker, VP

44 Wall St., 14th Flr. 3000 Columbia House Blvd., Ste. 106 3629 Cleveland Avenue, Ste. C New York, NY 10005 Vancouver, WA 98661 Columbus, OH 43224

Navigator Telecommunications, LLC NextLink Wireless, Inc. Norcast Communications Corp. Michael McAlister, Gen. Counsel David Lafrance, Reg. Contact Teana Fredeen, Project Specialist

PO Box 13860 13865 Sunrise Valley Drive 1998 Santa Barbara St., Ste. 100 North Little Tock, AR 72113 Hernodon, VA 20171 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Neutral Tandem California, LLC. Nobeltel, LLC NTI of California, LLC Richard Monto, Gen Counsel Thomas Kimura, Paralegal Gina McGlynn, Controller

1 s. Wacker Drive, Ste. 200 5857 Owens Avenue, Ste. 202 250 East Penny road Chicago, IL 60606 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Wenatchee, WA 98801

NextG Networks of California Pac-West Telecommunications, Inc. NTC Network, Inc. Anthony Rodriguez, Lynne Martinez Eric Bender, VP Regulatory & Contract Specialist Regulatory & external Affairs 818 W. 7th Street, Ste. 410 2216 O’Toole Avenue 4210 Coronado Ave Los Angeles, CA 90071 San Jose, CA 95131 Stockton, CA 95204

NII Communications, LTD. Oacys telecom, Inc. Paxio, Inc. Jamie Villanueva, Regulatory Mgr. Ted Olson, CEO & VP Barbara Gantner, Acct

12124 High Tech Ave., Ste. 100 767 North Porter Rd. 1835 Newport Blvd., A109-402 Orlando, FL 32817 Porterville, CA 93257 Costa Mesa, CA 92627

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North County Communications Corp. Paetec Communications, Inc. Phoneco, LP Todd Lesser, President Judith Messenger, Sr. Mgr. Kit Morris, Director 3802 Rosecrans Street, Ste. 485 600 Willowbrook, 1 Patec Plaza 7900 John Carpenter Freeway San Diego, CA 92110 Fairport, NY 14450 Dallas, TX 75247

01 Communications, Inc. Phone Power Telecom, LLC Preferred Long distance, Inc. Alexandra Hanson ARI Ramezani, CEO Jeffrey Nussbaum, Reg. Contact Director, Regulatory Affairs 20847 Sherman Way 16830 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 350 1515 K Street, Ste. 100 Winnetka, CA 91306 Encino, CA 91436 Sacramento, CA 95814

Pacific Bell PNG Telecommunications, Inc. Quality Telephone, Inc. Eric Batongbacal, Exec. Dir. Robin Kotz, Legal Admin Asst. James Houghtalin, EVP 525 Market St., Rm 1944 100 Commercial Drive PO Box 7310 San Francisco, CA 94105 Fairfield, OH 45014 Dallas, TX 75209-0310

Peak Communications, Inc. Primus Telecommunications, Inc. Race Telecommunications, Inc. Fred Ramer, Reg. Officer Peter Puerling, tax Mgr. Raul Alcarz, CEO

14442 East Lincoln Ave., Ste. 479 7901 Hones Branch Dr., Ste. 900 101 Haskins Way Orange, CA 92865 McLean, VA 22102 So. San Francisco, CA 94080

Planet Telesis, Inc. Qwest Communications Corp. RGT Utilities of California, Inc. Sirus Zolfonoon, Reg. Contact Jeff Wirtzfeld, Regulatory Contact Jesse Pena, Mgr.

20501 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 148A 1801 California St., 47th Flr. 1221 Avenue of the Americas, 3rd Flr. Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Denver, CO 80202 New York, NY 10020

Prepaid tel.Com, Inc. RGB Communications, LLC Ruralwest-Western Rural Broadband, Inc. Stephen Goodman, CFO Roy Engehausen, President James Hirschy, President & CEO

409 Center Street PO Box 1246 23026 North 87th Street Yuba, CA 95991 San Martin, CA 95046 Scotttsdale, AZ 85255

Rural Broadband Now! LLC SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. Quantumshift Communications, Inc. Mike Ireten, President Richard Howell Jenna Brown, Mgr 111 South Main Street Area Mgr – Regulatory 12657 Alcosta Blvd., Ste. 418 Willits, CA 95490 1010 N. St. Marys St., Ste. 1323 San Ramon, CA 94583 San Antonio, TX 78215

Reliance Globalcom Services, Inc. San Carlos telecom Inc Southern California Edison Karen Sample Benji Robinson, President Thomas Braun, Sr. Atty Sr. Corporate Counsel 2999 Oak Road, Ste. 400 2244 Walnut Grove Ave., Ste. 354 114 Sansome St., 11th Flr Walnut Creek, CA 94597 Rosemead, CA 91770 San Francisco, CA 94104

RNK, Inc. Sonic Teleocm, LLC Sprint Communications Co., LP Richard N. Koch, President Dane Japser, Reg. Contact Stephen Kukta, Director

333 Elm St., Ste. 310 2260 Apollo Way 201 Mission Street, Ste. 1400 Dedham, MA 02026 Santa Rosa, CA 95407 San Francisco, CA 94105

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Sage Telecom, Inc. Spectrotel, Inc. Surewest Televideo Sherri Flatt, Director Stephen Wilson, Acct. Greg Gierczak, Exec. Dir. 805 Central Expressway South, 3535 State Highway 66, Ste. 7 8150 Industrial Avenue Ste. 100 Neptune, NJ 07753 Roseville, CA 95678 Allen, TX 75013

Sierra Advantage, Inc. Surewest Telephone Talk America, Inc. Joseph Isaacs Greg Gierczak, Exec. Dir. Margaret Ring, Director

4045 Sunset Lane, Ste. D PO Box 969 3300 North Pace Blvd. Shingle Springs, CA 95862 Roseville, CA 95678 Pensacola, FL 32505

Tcast Communications, Inc. Southern California Telephone Co. Syniverse technologies, Inc. Andres Rasura, Mgr. – Gov’t & Greg Michaels, Reg. Contact David J. Robinson, Mgr Regulatory Affairs 27515 Enterprise Circle West 8125 Highwoods Palm Way 24251 Town Center Dr., 2nd Floor Temecula, CA 92590 Tampa, FL 33647-1776 Valencia, CA 91355

Sunesys, LLC TC Telephone, LLC TCG San Francisco Paul Bradshaw, Sr. Counsel Travis Graff, Senior Partner Greta Banks, Manager

202 Titus avenue 545 Sykes Ave. 525 Market St., 18th Flr. Ste. 4 Warrington, PA 18976 Red Bluff, CA 96080 San Francisco, CA 94105

Telekenex, Inc. Symtelco, LLC TCG San Diego Anthony Zabit Greg Hogan, President Greta Banks, Manager Regulatory Contact 1385 Weber Industrial Drive 525 Market St., 18th Flr. Ste. 4 3221 20th St., 2nd Floor Cumming, GA 30041 San Francisco, CA 94105 San Francisco, CA 94110

Talkfreetoo, Inc. Teledata Solutions, Inc. Tex-Link Comm. Inc. Anthony Costa, Presidnet Jeff Daniels Katinka Howell, Reg. Contact

15466 Los Gatos Blvd. Ste. 129 200 N. Westlake Blvd. Ste. 104 3210 Cherry Ridge Dr., Ste. D400 Los Gatos, CA 95032 Westlake Village, CA 91362 San Antonio, TX 78230

Telscape Communicaitons, Inc. TCG Los Angeles Tierzero Telecom LLC Jeff Compton Greta Banks, Manager John Carter Director, Carrier Relations 525 Market St., 18th Flr. Ste. 4 700 Wilshire Blvd., 6th Fl. 606 E. Huntington Dr. San Francisco, CA 94105 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Monrovia, CA 91016

Telecommunications Systems, Inc. Trans National Comm. International Telephone Connection Local Svcs. Richard H. Dickinson Stella Gnepp Marc O’Krent, Manager Sr. Dir. Public Safety Regulatory Affairs Specialist 9911 West Pico Blvd., Ste. 680 2401 Elliot Ave., 2nd Floor 2 Charlesgate West, Ste. 500 Los Angeles, CA 90035 Seattle, WA 98121 Boston, MA 02215

Telequality Communications Inc. Total Call International, Inc. Trinsic Communicaitons, Inc. Jeffrey Reynolds, President Mark Leafstedt, CEO Linda Dellaero, Reg. Comp. Mgr.

24715 Fairway Springs 707 Wilshire Blvd., 9th Floor 601 S. Harbor Island Blvd. Ste. 220 San Antonio, TX 78260 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tampa, FL 33602

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TGEC Communications, Co. LLC Trillion Partners, Inc. U.S. Telepacific Corp. Devin Semler, CEO Scott Smyth, VP, Legal & Reg. Nancy Lubamersky, VP Pub. Pol.

6855 Tujunga Ave. 9208 Waterford Cntr. Blvd. Ste. 150 620-630 Third St. North Hollywood, CA 91605 Austin, TX 78758 San Francisco, CA 94107

Time Warner Cable Info. Svcs. U.S. Data Highway Corp. Utility Telephone, Inc. Julie P. Laine Jaime Ospina, President Jason Mills, President VP/Chief Counsel 7812 Creekside Dr. 7720 Lorraine Ave., Ste. 109 290 Harbor Dr. Pleasonton, CA 94588 Stockton, CA 95210 Stamford, CT 06902

Tri-M Communications, Inc. US Telesis, Inc. Verizon Select Svcs, Inc. Denise Moritz, Manager Jeff Daniels, CFO Joan Engler, Mgr. – Financial

820 State St., 5th Fl. 200 N. Westlake Blvd., Ste. 104 1 Verison Way, MC VC22E243 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Westlake Village, CA 91362 Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

Verizon California, Inc. Wiltel Local Network, LLC TW Telecom of CA, L.P. Margo Ormiston Greg Rogers Lyndall Nipps, VP Specialist-State Gov’t Relations Director of State Reg. Affairs 845 Camino Sur. 711 Van Ness Ave., Ste. 300 1025 Eldorado Blvd. Palm Springs, CA 92262 San Francisco, CA 94102 Broomfield, CO 80021

UCN, Inc. Wide Voice, LLC YMAX Communications Corp. Kimm Partridge, Corporate Sec. David Erickson Peter Russo, Chief Admin. Off.

7730 S. Union Park Ave., Ste. 500 110 West Ocean Blvd. Ste. C P.O. Box 6785 Midvale, UT 84047 Long Beach, CA 90802 West Palm Beach, FL 33405-6785

VIC Company Ygnition Networks, Inc. Ginevra King Chandler Stanley Efferding Glenn Meyer, Chairman Dept. of Forestry & Fire Protection Secretary/Treasurer 565 Andover Park West, Ste. 201 P.O. Box 944246 P.O. Box 98907 Seattle, WA 98188 Sacramento, CA 94244 Lakewood, WA 98496-8907

Kathryn M. Megli Wholesale Airtime, Inc. Robin Harrington, Staff Counsel Dept. Attorney General Greg Michaels, Regulatory Contact Dept. of Forestry & Fire Protection Dept. of Justice

27515 Enterprise Circle West P.O. Box 944246 State of California Temecula, CA 92590 Sacramento, CA 94244 110 West A St., Suite 1100 San Diego, CA 92101

Rachel A. Birkey XO Communications Svcs. U.S. Department of Agriculture Reg Knowles, Regional VP Office of the General Counsel 111 E. Broadway, Suite 1000 33 New Montgomery St., 17th Floor Salt Lake City, UT 84111 San Francisco, CA 94105