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Woodwarc!<& Lothrop For Your _ Men's ?w 1 Digestion's Sprang Sake. Suits amid Topcoats. iPlMMm * \\ hy cat wood ? RL E ;lv 011 1'lic more j style depends iarg< becomingncss. WHEN TO CALL ON BRIDES; Cellulose is like wood. It's in Woodward & /f \ becomingly clad one is t lie more individualitv i> asserted.1 Lothrop wheat. It he out. and the more style assured. j should nulled New York.WASHINGTON.Paris Our Men's has on a RULES GOVERNING CARDS Clotliinjg Department display it splendid collection of new Suits. 1 opcoats and Kancy Vests.clothes Generally isn't. of subdued character for men w ho dre^s well, but in taste, Easts it Cards, Booklists and Noveltie&= quiet You can't find a .speck ot it in Mmm Floor, O Street. Others of freer design and more pronounced contrast, for the ultra- Should Not Be Visited After Unless 1 \«-i tacl-iirniaVilpi v iiuiv » v alli > Hoinorty v- » 11 v vjkai1r»r<->rlft J i v \ I » > Ceremony ^ ith good taste. good judgment and (Gold Medal Flour. finished in the best possible man ner. | Their Personal Cards, With or Without That's so The new shades of tan. bro>.vn. mouse color, navy blue, gray, why it's wholesome. Coratimiiuied off I etc.. are well j Exhibition. represented. ._ ____ Have Been Received. The celebrated Hirsh. Wick>Aire & Co.'s ''Slip-on" Clothing C Address, largely represented, together wiith the productions of other ParSs=Annierkaini Mfilfliiniery. known reputable makers. welliTHERE n»ed never be anv doubt i n ill be prettier and more informal to about answering a wedding invi- write each note of invitation. It v ill be Prices DO to unnecessary to use the word "informal" ' >» SlSo'i] » $30,00. 1 ... nr. i mr snin i*. tatlon and the mode of procedure j uui\ griiii arnsis ui aiis. j in stieli a Main floor. Tenth M. 11later, for unless it is requested that an eomniunication. as the fact that Gold /f I arc linked with the really meritorious creations, and who the invitations are written instead of answer be sent at cuioe no aoknowledg- j engraved means that the hold absolute swav over the world of alone occasion is not millinery.they ment of tlie < arrfs is necessary until the I to be formal. Medal find representation here. Jay set for the wedding. Thru, whether It is unite proper to invite guests to the Men's New : Hats. bouse and not to the church, bur when so .he ceremony he in the morning, after-! It i^ their dictates which dominate this Opening Assem- Spring few are to be Spring present it would be better ![toon or evening, a woman attending it to ask Flour and we are exclusive which we do not them to both ceremony and blage. displaying originals 1ivears neck for I creations VERY new shape in Mcui's Derbies is here. Our line of her prettiest gown.high ion. recept permit to be copied, as well as bewitching inspired by ' lie day, of course, and deeoilete for The length of the reception depends Spring Derbies includes the famous Self-conforming Stct- somewhat other equally fashionable masterpieces. \]|/0' ironing. What a man wears is governed I upon the dumber of guests and son. with the cushion s\veatband, which you a stiff individual preference. Two hours or less Our Hats arc so distinctive that they appeal to women of taste gives iceordingly. may be allowed for this function. hat with all the comfort s of a soft hat. These hats come If on» to a at and reflect cleverness in every line and skillful treatment of has been bidden reception in various widths of brim and lieights of crown, being built to suit <lhe house after the marriage it is custom- j Reception May Last for Two Hours. materials.men of different itry. if this is in the daytime, to leave a Invitations, even informal ones, should new niav be seen evcrv dav. proportions. card, as at tea. None is left be sent two weeks before the of the ESCAPED Somethingo and different - I risking any date FROM BURNING HOME. Patrons and strangers are cordially invited. Price, $3.50 each. j i For the bride and bridegroom. To be ceremony, as it is taken for granted that VillinrrT Salon. Second floor. Tontb -tDepartment i« in Miis particular, a married womancxut one really wishes to have those friends Mr. Dohme Had to Leap From We call attention to our thr<;e original styles in Stiff llats fori?;oing to the reception would leave one of ' present who are invited, and it is Window at Baltimore. men: ier cards and two of her husband's if the to secure them .before they necessarymake BALTIMORE. March IK..Awakened of other hy nvitations were sent out in the names engagements. heat, ami smoke, to tind the hair on ; It gas off Womraemi's Tihe "Woodthrop" aH; $3.50. I! he bride's parents. If. for any reason, is the bride's mother, not. the bride, the tight side of his head singed and the The "Colonialill" at $3.<0>'0). ;' he invitations are issued by one person w ho should write the notes, and any whole house in names. Mr. Justus Dohm» ' >nly, as in the case of one parent being courteous form of a wish for the friend's of the wholesale drug firm of Sharp A The "St. Regis" at lead or a guardian bring the person who presence is correct. Dohme. who lives a: the northwest Garments. sends them, only one card of the married A proper note read: may of Maine and avenues. Ready=to=Wear Roman one of her husband's would I»ear Montgomery corner and Mrs. not These are the of the? best bat maker in America, and "My Jones: Will you and West Forest and who was alone in product j>e left. Mr. Park, m£ are a very comprehensive assortment of the best values ; to obtain at the Jones give my husband and me the the building, harelv escaped with his lif* showing absolutely possible respective prices, N"o Cards at an Reception. pleasure of being present at the uuiet Women's Tailor-made Suits, Tailor-made We also show the new in Soft Hats, in the latest M Evening yesterday morning at o'clock by One-piece springj shapes an no cards are wedding of our daughter Mary and Mr. out of the window, onl\ are all the For evening reception jumping saving Dresses and Spring Coats. Represented shades, from the lightest tan to 1 lie darkest brown, and pearl and uired. Philip May Tuesday at noon, the 25tli of a pair of trousers, a coat and a pair of 1, eq fit »» /. t_* i r na. KK< ) JI' li.-. ..lot Lin Li> <lon I March, in St. I M* ' smartest and most chic fabrics and to Margaret's CltuVch. UMI/- 1 IJIHII.-1. I IIV U'FUII u styles. black. Styles for men and younj^ men. If. for any reason, it is impossible "There will he an informal * reception after his escape. W e offer these suits in all sizes, both for the small and \\ c also show the French "Y iminet" Soft Flat at St.oo. ' the ceremony or reception to wJiich afterward in our home. Most Mr. Dohtne ran three hlixks. gave the very *' atend cordially," Should the bride's mother be or alarm and had lite truck of the Fore.*! extra women. MaiS flrwv. F" st. r>ne has been invited, visiting cards, dead large ] the rule given, should be sent on unable for any reason to send the Park Voluntcr Company partly out of being l'olowingad- the hride-elect may write them,invitationsthe building in which It is housed lie day of the wedding, they j but she should then s-ay that her father any one came to his aid. The househefore Women's TaaBor=Made Suits iressed to the pwson or persons sending or her mother wishes her to do It. The and its contents were destroyed. The Men's Shirts he invitations. point is that a bride does not ask the damage is about SJfi.ftMft. all of which is the Waking Whether present or absent from are covered insurance. [email protected] guests. They bidden by her natural by and two Of chevron serge, plain serge and cheviot fancy striped Inarriagr or reception, a call within guardian. There lias been no tire in any suburb of in all the wanted colors. and ME are to anno unce that our v veeks after the wedding is imperative. Baltimore for some time so replete with Tight, semi-fitting cutawaymixture>, pleased iJilt this visit cards are left as at a Omit Final Sentence of Note. ing incidents. The of \1i. coats lined with or thrilling escape coats. with full-length sleeves; plain striped " rereption.If those friends who are invited to the Dohme was such a narrow one that his An unmarried woman docs not leave a when learned of his circular and skirts. attractive and Foreign Fabrics for Shirts to Order church are not wanted for the reception friends, they plaited, gored Very stylishtaffeta: c ard for the father of the bride unless he yesterday, lost sight of the cxperiencegreat suit4-. Hilene gave the invitation. Good form now i the tinal sentence of the note would be damage to his property for the time and and for your < lemands thai such an invitation from a omitted. hold an impromptu love feast, now on ~ $25.$© each.