From: BOCC To: BOCC Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] CDH board physician position Date: Thursday, August 12, 2021 3:47:46 PM From: alejandro necochea <
[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2021 11:18:09 AM To: Kendra Kenyon Subject: [EXTERNAL] CDH board physician position CAUTION: This email originated from outside Ada County email servers. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Verify the sender by mouse- hovering over their display name in order to see the sender’s full email address and confirm it is not suspicious. If you are unsure an email is safe, please report the email by using the 'Phish Alert' button in Outlook. Commissioner Kenyon, I am a physician in the Treasure Valley, trained in internal medicine, public health and preventive medicine. I write to strongly ask that you stay firm on your consideration of Dr. Blue for the open CDH board seat. As I understand the role, the physician's role in the CDH board is to bring the medical expertise to the table. But this physician is not the only person making decisions/recommendations--it is the whole board. As such, you need someone who can truly bring that medical expertise. Other considerations, like personal freedom or impact on business are also part of the role, but the primary role of the physician is to provide that medical expertise. Dr. Blue is the only physician of the three who can bring the expertise needed to guide the decisions of the CDH board.