


Senior Editor: Helen G. Gold-Balsavage

Co Editors: Senior Candid Section: Gladys de Leon Julie Siegerman

Sponsors: Howard Green Gina Painter

Supporting Staff: Patricia Bernstein Denise Casinover Luther Bond Nimish Chokshi Art Gregory

Advisor: Jennifer McMahon

Class Editors: Gina Painter '94 William McCarron '95 Lucinda Strycker '96 James E. Bates, D.P.M. President David A. Axler, Ph.D. Vice President For Student Affairs

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^^•M '' IA 191 ny i DESIDERATA

O PLACIDLY AMID THE NOISE AND HASTE & REMEMBER WHAT PEACE THERE MAY BE IN GSILENCE. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly & clearly;and listen to others,even the dull & ignorant;they too have their story. ** Avoid loud & aggressive persons,they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others,you may become vain & bitter^for always there will be greater & lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. ** Keep interested in your own career,however humble ;it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs;for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;many persons strive for high ideals;and everywhere life is full of heroism.** Be yourself. Especially,do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love ;for in the face of all aridity & disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.** Take kindly the counsel of the years,gracefuily surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue & loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.** You are a child of the universe,no less than the trees & the stars;you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you.no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.**Therefore be at peace with God,whatever you conceive Him to be,and whatever your labors & aspirations,in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.1* With all its sham, drudgery & broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.****1*

Written by Max Ehrmann Get a load of these couch pod-atoes.

Ray's new pick up line: "Hey baby, what's your foot type?' What the hell?l?

Hungry Luther?

10 Meeting of the minds Who is that posing as Colleen Boyle? Bram Stoke's DIANCULA!

Bad hair day Denise?

12 13 14 Looks like Vanderlyke is in trouble as usual.

15 Revenge of the nerds.

16 No really, we're working. We're discussing peeking heels. Dueling reflex hammers.

17 Jon sports the casual clinic look. Who does she think she is? The FONZ?

Raise your hand if you're sure!

18 Members of the "Footsie Club' I can make medial longitudinal pads with my eyes closed.

Crystal Gayle and Jonnie Con Smile and say "Frumunda"!

19 The Queen Bee and her hive.

20 Clou Of 1993 Supatffin 1. MoitLikely Ttr l/o&nlm - P. B&uatHn 2. Nieeit Tiei - H. GnuJm 3. Beit Pteued - G. PeLeon, J. Fetm 4. QuleM - A. Tep&ca, K. Pobe, 5. Moit TJhfa/e, - P. Rotkafd 6. Moit Likely To- CkaKanye, A PtofeiioK, - S. Contex, 7. Nieeit - P. CaiiMov&v, J. PeMenna 8. MoitLikeAf Ttr Be, Tie Fixit Penion At Tie Scene Of An Accident - M. Bexnitein, 9. ReaxfootKiny - M. Pocket 10. Molt Likely Ttr Name tfii Odldxen, Aftex, Pirn In Tern - P. Webb 11. Mat Likely Ttr Be, Related To- Pnince, CkaJk - N. CantpbeM 12. Moit FuendAf - M. Vexdl, G. GaxofaAr 13. Moit Likely Ttr Oufn Qbck In Spandnc - L. Atfak 14. Moit Likely Ttr Deny GeMnq A Reiidency Ptoyum - M. Rockett 15. Skepieit - J. fleMex, 16. Moit Likely To- Be, Confuted Fox, A Comic, Stxip Ciaxactex, - M. Gofec, 17. Moit Likely Ttr Be, An OAjmpte Podufait - M. Mendeizoon, 18. MoitLikeAf To Be, A Bead BlanketPodufiiit - T GayteU 19. Biyyeit Ta/kex, - L. Cuta/oltr 20. MoitLikeAf Ttr Be, Miitaken, FOH, Back Otkex, - hi. Gold And J. Sieyexntm 21. Moit&xioui - L. P. KoHmann 22. Moit Likely Ttr Be, Do. ftefandi Summon, - C. Boyle, 23. MoitLikeAf TtrPevelop Mate BxeaitCanm Ak A PvteetReiJtOf EaeikU/e, Titty Tutiit- exi - P. Vandexlyke 24. Moit Likely Ttr Monty A Muun - //. Gxeen, LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT

We the graduating class of 1993, being of unsound mind and exhausted body, do hereby bequeath the following to the remaining students of PCPM:

1. A Kidawa-English/English-Kidawa electronic translator? 2. A remote controlled pause button for the slide projectors during surgery lectures; 3. Golf lessons so Dr. Boyd has a large pool of potential partners for all those tournaments; 4. "Invisibility pills' to go unnoticed in Pathomechanics? 5. The ability to clone yourselves when working with Dr. Downey? 6. Nose clips to better tolerate those "frumunda cheese" patients? 7. Comfortable shoes and an ample supply of band-aids when working in PM III? 8. Nair for the Sports Medicine taping workshops? 9. Lab equipment from this century? 10. Aromatic embalming fluid in designer fragrances? 11. Smiley faces to paste on Dr. Mahan and Dr. Feldman? 12. Expanded hours for the Business Office? 13. Yet another hair color for Dr. Conway? 14. Guest lecturers who actually know what Podiatry is? 15. A comb and some hairspray to control Dr. Lemont's fly-away ends? 16. A personalized oscillometer with instruction manual for every student? 17. Enough time to actually get to the foot in Lower? 18. A Grateful Dead study guide for those extra credit questions in Sports Med.? 19. Valium to slip to Dr. Pontious? 20. A lecture and lab series by Dr. Bauer on amalgamating oneself with the object of one's choice? 21. Portable electroshock therapy units to stay awake in those less than stimulating lectures? 22. A stenographer for Dr. Bitar? 23. A clue in Derm., if we had one to give? 24. Residency programs which pay above the poverty level? 25. Pus-filled paronychia to keep Dr. Joseph happy? 26. Ample and free student parking — Dream Onl? 27. A decrease in tuition — Keep Dreaming! V A 4

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^sr Libbie Kaye Atlas, D.P.M. C.W. Post, B.S.

"Once I rose above the noise and confusion Just to get a glimpse beyond the illusion I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high Though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man Though my mind could think I still was a mad man I hear the voices when I'm dreamin .... Masquerading as a man with a reason My charade is the event of the season And if I claim to be a wise man It surely means that I don't know On the stormy sea of moving emotion Tossed about, I'm like a ship on the ocean I set a course for the winds of fortune But I hear the voices say Carry on my wayword son there will be peace when you are done Hang your weary head to rest, don't you cry nomore." MOM, DAD, GRAN and CHAS: Without your love, support and sacrafices my dream would never be reality, Tanks! Paul - Get that law degree, I'm going to need it!!! Rachel - best of luck in whatever you choose to do! Marci and Jyll "It was long ago, it was far away, It was so much better than it is today. Wendy - "I can't drive 55 !!!" Scott K - Can I borrow 5 Dollars? Rick and Patti - Lunch today? To my aerobic diehards - Listen to sue and kim!!! David Gunther - just 5 minutes .... when, why, can we?, will we?, not again!, I know "We will See!" Hey, you are alright bud.

24 Kasra Behfar, D.P.M. East Carolina University, B.S. M.S.

The good and the bad in the nature of man, The joy and the sorrow that lie in your fate, Do not attribute them to the Wheel, forin the path of understanding Then wilt find the Wheel a thousand times more powerless then thyself Omar-Khayyam

To my parents: This is for you. Without your love and support non of this could have been possible. I hope that someday I will be able to make life a little easier for you.

To my loving wife: My love for you grows stronger day by day. Without you all of this wouldn't mean much.

To Ali and Cindy: Thank you for your support and patience throughout the years. I will never forget all that you have done for me.

To my uncle and Shirin: Your guidance and encouragement have led me to this point. Thank you for everything.

Last but not least to Amir: Even though we're cousins, you've been like the brother I never had. Thanks for being there.

To the guys: We finally made it!!!

25 Andre Benoit, D.P.M. CE6EP DeSaint Laurent, D.E.C.

26 Brent Bernstein, D.P.M. Wilkes College, B.S.

27 Michael Bernstein, D.P.M. University Of Florida, B.S.

To my beautiful bride, Lindsay Marie: You came in to my life at a perfect time, and have made it complete. Your love, caring and kindness have made the past few years fly by. I look foward to the endless years we have to spend together. You are and will always be "my right one." Love you now and forever! To my son, Matthew: You've graced my life like a bolt of lightening! I look foward to the future father/son; ball games, catches, talks ect. that we have to spend together. I love you. Mom and Dad: You gave my the love, drive, direction and ambition to get where I am today. You opened the doors for me and I will always love you for it. I couldn't have done it without you. Hal: You've become a great friend. Thru our teamwork we've accomplished tremendous achievements. Never let our friendship slip apart. To the guido brothers, Ricciardi and Stefonetti: Many great times we had. Let's always stay in touch. To the rest of my friends at PCPM, Bis, Roundy, R.L., Skoks, Green Cambell, Rocket and the rest of my class: I'm am proud to be future colleagues with all of you. I miss you all, Good Luck! My best friends, Bret and Ed: You guys have lived through it with me and shared it all. We'll always be friends for life!

28 Patricia R. Bernstein, D.P.M. Hofstra University, B.A. C.W. Post Center-L.I.U., M.S.

Thank you, LORD! I looked over that rainbow and dreams really do come true! I WISH TO DEDICATE MY DEGREE IN HONOR OF MY MOM AND IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY DAD, without their love, guidance, and faith in me this day would not have been. Rarely does one get to see a childhood dream become a reality as I have seen today and YES, I do believe in miracles! To MOM for taking over, bearing the burdens, taking care of Dad, Chestnut, and keeping the home fires burning. Mom you gave me the opportunity to fulfill my dreams and this degree is as much yours as it is mine, Dr. MOM! You have given me the freedom through education to achieve my goals in life. Such as the saying goes: Give a man a fish and he eats today. But teach a man to fish and he eats tomorrow. Thank you! To my family who put up with the perpetual student: Joy, Joe, Jody, Harry, Betty, Deona, Don, Debbie, Michelle, Jason, Cari, Abe, Lois, Joey, and Baby. The last four years have been the hardest for me and yet an exciting mix of emotions. I thank you all for your patience and understanding. To Joy my conscience, Debbie my sanity, Betty for compassion, and Ma Bell for making all those connections! To Joy and her feet for networking and asking all the questions that lead me on the quest to podiatry! Thank you to Dr. Adler and Dr. Pressman, my MENTORS! To my friends at PCPM thank you for being there! To Sandy the best of everything. Your friendship these last four years has meant so much to me, thank you! I'll see you at the end of your rainbow! To Richard, "my little brother," God Bless!

29 Sllpl Joseph A. Bisignaro III, lli silt D.P.M. Pennsylvania State University, B.S.

To my family: Thank you for all of the love and support you have given me throughout my years at PCPM, I am forever grateful. I love you all.

To Gaye: I have finally found the love of my life and yes you are the one. Since I have met you everything is more enjoyable, more exciting and much more meaningful. We have shared many special moments during the past few years with many more to come. Thank you for everything. Love always

To all of my friends: You have all been invaluable over the past four years. I greatly appreciate all that we have been through. Hopefully we can all stay in touch for many years so that we can create other great memories. Good luck to all of you.

30 Luther Bond III, D.P.M. Moravian College, B.S.

MOM: You've been my biggest supporter during this ordeal. A major part of this degree belongs to you. Thank you so much for all the love, patience, rides, ect. that you've provided. I love you!!!

DAD and POP: Thanks for always being there when I needed. You have also shown me how much you love me by supporting me in many more ways than I can count. I love you both.

PETE, JUBAL, STEVE, PHILIP, MIKE, KEITH, LINDA, LAURA, and MI- CHELE: "The best of the best" as far as friends go. Here's to the continued good times that we've all dedicated our lives to.

LOVELY LADIES OF THE LIBRARY: Thank you for all the "wild and crazy times" and the gossip sessions. Take care and don't forget me (as if you could!).

DEB: What can I say? You've been through the roughest times PCPM had to offer with me. You've given all you had to give and asked for little in return. You've even tried to understand what I do (remember looking through my books?). I'm really looking forward to a great future with you. I LOVE YOU!!!

31 Colleen A. Boyle, D.P.M. Temple University, B.S.

Boyle- This degree is for YOU! Thanks for the countless prayers (Wanna buy a goat?) Thanks for understanding my need to be independant; I know it wasn't easy. Everything I have today is because of your unselfish love. Thanks for always being there for me!

Jimmie -1 remember pringle sandwiches, big wheels in the driveway, hand stands off the attic beds and you telling me to call if I got into any trouble. Thanks for always being there for me. I hope one day you can be as proud of me as I am of you.

Dad and Elbe - Thanks for all of the rides back and forth to school and for all of your support!

Gail - We have been through saga after saga (did he call yet?). Thanks for listening and getting me through the hard times. We are two completely different people and I think that is why we get along so well. Thanks for putting up with my mood swings and my annoying habits. Thanks for being such a great friend. I'll miss ya!

Jon - I'm so glad that we got to be friends! You've gotten me through more things than I want to remember. Thanks for always beings There You're a special person Jon! Keep in touch!

Art, Verdi, and Gruber - God knows when I'll be able to live with three men again. Thanks for putting up with me - it's been fun!

32 Elizabeth Y. Brooks, D.P.M. Carlow College, B.S.

Dear Bill, Words can not express how I feel about you. You are everything to me. Your love and support have made the tough times easier and the good times even better. I'll never forget all the nights you stayed up to quiz me, give back rubs or just talk and tell me it'll be alright. Since the day we met you have filled my life with joy and laughter, for that and more I owe you. Knowing you love me is all I need to know. You have made all of my dreams come true. You are the love of my life and my best friend. Being just a couple was wonderful but being a family is even better. I love you. Forever, Liz

Billy, The happiest day of my life was the day you were born. You are my greatest joy and make me believe in miracles. You truely are a gift from God. All I want is for you to be happy. I love you more than words could ever express. Love, Mommy

Mommy and Dad, Thank you both for everything you have done for me. You have always put me and Samuel ahead of your own needs and dreams. You are wonderful parents. Mommy - you are the most courageous and kind person I have ever known. I have learned so much about life and love and what really matters from you. I hope I can be as great a mother as you are to me. I love you. - Papa ma

Mom, Dad. Grandma, Punkin, Debbie, Allison, Kirk, Mark, and Kim, I am very lucky to have married into such a wonderful family. Thank you all for all your support and rove. I love you all. Liz

33 Matthew Paul Butler, D.P.M. King's College, B.S.

No matter what .... it is with God He is gracious and merciful His way is through Love in which we all are it is truly- a Love Supreme John Coltrane

To all the people who have helped make this moment a reality; you will always hold a very special place in my heart . . . I thank you

34 Neil CampbeU, D.P.M. Texas A & M University, B.S.

To my beautiful wife Beth: You mean everything to me. Your sacrifice has allowed me obtain this degree. My forever belongs to you. To my parents: Your love, support, and encouragement (not to mention money), has been the catalyst to achieve beyond my dreams.

Gram, Meemaw, and the 2 DeDaddys: You taught me to love knowledge and gave me the perspective needed to succeed.

Mark, Darrell, and the families; Your "little bro" finally made it!

Doug, Steve, Howard, and Danny M: Thanks for all the good times, BBQs, study sessions and ski trips. May they continue for years to come.

Thank you God, for blessing me with all that I have accomplished. The glory belongs to you.

35 Steven R. Carter, D.P.M. University Of Tennessee, Martin

Dedication: To my grandfather who believed in me and taught me to believe in myself.

Mom and Dad: Thanks for your understanding, live and neverending support. Without the guidance you've given me, I could have never accomplished my goals.

Marc, Tom, and Marshall: Thanks for all the great times together in clinic. You guys are the best and I wish you much success in the future.

Neil and Doug: Your friendship over the past four years has been very special to me. I'll always remember the laughter and great times we had.

Tammy: Our marriage has been the most meaningful part of my life. You're the most wonderful wife a husband could have. Your patience, love, and understanding have shown me that together, there's nothing we can't do.

36 Denise G. Casinover, D.P.M. N.Y.I.T., B.S.

TO MY LOVING PARENTS: There are no words to express my love for you both. Thank you for your unending love and support and for believing in me. Mom and Dad, God has blessed me with two beautiful people for parents. I Love You Both So Very Much.

JIMMY: To the one I love, to my best friend. You have filled my life with joy and happiness from the very first day I met you. Your respect, encouragement and faithful love have enabled my dreams to come true. Did you ever think that you would be marrying your junior high school sweetheart? Thank you for asking me to marry you. I will always love you Jimmy.

JANINE and RICHIE: Thank you for all the wonderful childhood memories. You are both so very special to me and I know we will always be close. Distance can never separate the love we have for one another. I Love You Both. Your sister, Denise.

GLADYS, KATHY, LYNN, GAIL, COLLEEN: Girls, you have been such wonderful friends. I wish you all a life filled with much success, but most of all, much happiness. GLAD, remember my famous words: "Look how beautiful the sky looks."

MARK: Thank you for your unending friendship.

KAREN: It has been a pleasure to have you as a friend and roommate. Best wishes in all you do.

37 Nimish Chokshi, D.P.M. King's College, B.S.

Words are not enough to express what we have all went through to reach our goal. The drive to push us from day to day over the past four years is as different for each of us as our goals. I want to say that support comes in many ways; financial and emotional. The latter of which to me was more crucial due to the fact that it was hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel at certain times.

Aarti: You have not only shown me how to give, but also to love. I have never met anyone with a heart as big as yours. You have given me an unconditional love that has shown me what can happen if you share your deepest feelings and desires with someone. You deserve this degree more than I. It was your strength and fortitude that enabled me to earn this degree. I LOVE YOU!!

Mom and Dad: Dad, thank you for your financial support. I will never forget it. I love you. Mom, I cannot say enough. You were always in my corner providing me with peace of mind. You have shown me how to forgive and learn from my mistakes. I love you more than I can say. You are a true mother in all respects of the word.

My friends: Jay, Suken, and Neil, you guys are the truest and dearest friends to me. I love you guys. Matt, you are a friend that has taught me to confront my fears and deal with the rudeness of the world, Ferrell, you have been a good friend to blow-off steam with and discuss the problems of the world.

38 Anne Marie Chwastiak, D.P.M. Albright College, B.S.

MOM AND DAD: I would like to dedicate this degree to a man who always put his unconditional love for his children before himself. Dad, even though you may not be here with us, not a day goes by without the thought of you. I miss you.

Mom, thank you for always being there for me. I appreciate all the great memories you and dad have given me; they mean more to me than anything tangible. I love you.

REST OF MY FAMILY: Thank you for your love and support.

CHUCK: Thanks for helping me through this place. We've had a lot of great times from our NBC Saturday Night Live Parties, to being extras on Seinfield, to our late night excursions on the streets of L.A. May the craziness continue . . YO-YO-MA!!!-

INNER CIRCLE: You guys made my life alot easier coming back to PCPM. Besides always being there to lend me a helping hand, you all knew how to make me laugh. Special thanks to Anthony for being there for me during the hardest moment of my life. Best wishes to you all.. Viva Las Vegas!

Darren: What can I say . . thank you for being such a special part of my life. You always stood by me in all my dreams. I appreciate all the support you have given me.

39 Louis J. Ciravolo, D.P.M. Fairleigh Dickinson University, B.S.

KAREN: This one goes out to the one I love. Karen you're the BEST and life gets better every day with you. Luv ya, Bubba ANTHONY: You are my hope for immortality. Have faith in God. Love is the best medicine. We'll be best buddies always, for real! Carpe Diem Way A MI FAMIGLIA: Cente Ana! Alia Salute! I wish you all the joy you can wish! Te Amo! LOUIS A. CIRAVOLO, D.P.M.: His legacy has made me what I am today and what I strive to eclipse tomorrow. STUART: Can you do me a favor? Which fibula is this? You driving in tomorrow? Drug Palace, where else? Anybody want to bob for dough­ nuts? Vaya con Dios, mi Amigo. PATTI AND NATE: Ignepedites, Podobromidrosis, Onychoheterotopia, Orthobiosis, Agnail, Gravimetric, Putrescence, Columns of Morgagni, BUM RICK, CHARLIE, ANTHONY, MATT, MAURICE, MAC, GLADYS, NEMISH, JIMMIE, & CONFRERES Call anytime I'm there. Nick's Roast Beef, Whitey's, Pin-ups, Chasers Yankees, Rangers Sky Box, Hershey, Maui, Rome. Sky is the limit! CLINICIANS, PROFESSORS, HOUSE STAFF AND PATIENTS AT P.C.P.M.: Thank you for imparting to me the very best in Knowledge, Judgement, and Responsibility. People who know more, can do more! CLASS OF 1993: "What a long strange trip its been" Grateful Dead FOR ALL TO PONDER: "Educated men are as much superior to the uneducated man, as the living are to the dead" Aristotle

40 Signe Coble McCallum, D.P.M. Juniata College, B.S.

Mom & Dad: I can't begin to express my gratitude and love for all that you've done for me. I would never have gotten this far without your emotional and financial support. Thank you for making my dreams come true. I love you both very much! (And yes, Dad, I was serious about becoming a doctor!)

Brian, My Best Friend & Husband: During good and bad times you were always there giving me unconditional love & support. You always believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself. I am truly lucky to have found such a great friend. I look forward to our future and life together. I love you with all my heart!

Mom & Dad McCallum: Thanks for all the home-cooked meals and your support. I can't believe it's finally over!

Craig: Thanks for all the letters of support and encouragement. Don't worry, there's no such thing as "studying too hard".

Howard & Seth: Thanks for all the good times and for keeping me sane.

Tanya & Pam: You were the best roommates anyone could ask for. Thanks for all the great parties and late night chats.

41 Kip Coyne, D.P.M. University Of Scranton, B.S.

42 Peter J. Cuesta, D.P.M. Wilkes University, B.S.

Mom and Dad: Your patience, love, and caring taught me that reserved, yet tenacious persistance, any obstacle could be overcome. This degree is ours! I love you both.

Bear: Those nights at the Plains Pub and the realities that we faced there of our futures meant more to me then you will ever realize. You are the closest thing to a brother that I have ever had - Depth charges away!

Sean: To my friend and colleague, we've seen a lot, sang a lot, drank a lot, talked a lot, and lived a lot. You and yours will always have a place in my family. Have you ever read Milton? (L.L. & P.)

Luther, Liz and Joey D.: You guys have been the best friends that anyone could want! WE MADE IT!

My Dearest Kimberly: You are my friend, my Love and my wife. You held me close when I thought the world would collapse and showed me that love does indeed conquer all. From the moment that I said 'I Do' you have taken my hand and lead me through the mine field of my intellect. From these early days, we will forge a lifetime of happiness - I Love you!

Only when you give up are you truly beaten!

"There's more than just one answer to these questions pointing in a crooked line, and the less I seek my source for some definitive, closer I am to fine." - Indigo Girls

43 Jose A. de Borja, D.P.M. University Of Richmond, B.A.

To Mom, Dad, Ricky, and Izzy:

Thanks for the support that you have given me the past four years. I could not have succeeded without you.

To All My Friends:

I hope you still have some sanity left because I know you helped me keep mine after these past four years at PCPM. I'll miss all of you. GOOD LUCK!!

To Jon, Dave V., Dave K., and Tony (The Best 3rd Year Clinic Group Ever):

I'll always remember our first year in clinic. You made everyday in and out of clinic an adventure. I wish all of you the best of luck.

44 Gladys G. de Leon, D.P.M. Wilkes University, B.S.

Mom, Daddy and Ronnie -1 don't think I can put into words how much your love, support and prayers have meant to me the past four years. You are the best family anyone could ask for. I love you very, very much. Genice - You are the sister I never had, Neecer. I hope you know I love you as one and always will. Dee, Gailie, W. Paste, Kath and Lynn - What would I have done here without you guys? Probably go absolutely crazy. I couldn't have asked for a better group of friends - you guys are the greatest! Good luck in all you do and never get too serious - there's still too much fun to be had. Jimbo -1 had my money on you all along. I'm so happy for you both. Take good care of her, Jimbo, I know you will. God bless you with all the sunsets and film! Cavus shoes, Seth, Artu, Verdi, Slander and Hosie - Thanks for all the fun! This is for you - "Shoes for the homeless, yeah, yeah, yeah ..." Mr. Fleetwood - M.H.K.T., for now. Lisa and Tara - You guys are the best things I took with me from Wilkes. Thanks for all the support and friendship you've given me all these years. The good times we've had, and continue to have, have helped keep me sane. I love you two - don't ever change.

And to all my classmates - Good luck in all your future endeavors, may life be good to you.

45 ' i Ill Sill Anthony Di Guglielmo, D.P.M. Fordham University, B.S.

To My Family: Without your support and guidance, my educational experi­ ence would not have been possible. Through the course of my life, I have realized how much you have helped me and that one day, hopefully, I may be of help to you all. To My Fiancee Gina: Throughout these years of sacrifice, you have always been there for me. I love you with all my heart and I pray that we will enjoy a life of happiness together. I cannot wait until the day we are married, have children, and share a life of our own. To All My Friends: In the preservation of sanity, "Going Out" was the thing to do. Thanks for the good times and all the memories. To PCPM: Yes, it is finally time to say "Good-Bye" and hit the road to prosperity. To The Future: Good Luck and Best Wishes to All!

46 Joseph L. DiMenna III, D.P.M. LaSalle University, B.A.

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things throught Christ which strengtheneth me."

Mom and Dad: Words can hardly express my love for you. I would have never made it this far without your undying support, patience and love. I only hope that I can send you on that trip around the world someday.

Michelle: My sister and best friend, you have been there whenever I needed you. Thanks for always believing in me.

David, Bryan and Jacqueline: Thanks for always being there for me. You three guys are more special than you will ever know.

Abbie: They say sometimes that you have to take a chance in order to hit the jackpot. You are the best chance I have ever taken, and now I feel like DONALD TRUMP!

47 rSifflftSl* Karen E. Dobe, D.P.M. Saint Anselm College, B.A.

My Family- I've missed a lot of Sunday dinners these past few years. Not a Sunday passed that I did not think of you and wish I could be there. I love you very much. Through all my years of education the most important lesson I have ever learned is that you are what is most dear to me.

Pete- The epitome of feline beauty. There has never been, nor ever will be, a cat more wonderful and perfect than you. I love you!

Sandy-1 knew things were looking up when we got our lockers next to each other in high school. Thank you for your love and encouragement. Here's to many, many more years togather and no more teary eyed goodbyes. I love you much too much.

Louise- We have been great friends for a long time; from playing secret agents at recess in the third grade to this year with trips to the mall for interview suits. Thank you for always being there for me. I consider myself lucky to have a friend like you.

Patti- My buddy from south of the Mason- Dixon Line. Best of luck to you.

Kim- Hey Kimmie! Sorry they cancelled The Young Riders and we didn't make our television debut as the rootin-tootin cowgirl podiatrists. No matter how hectic it gets, chin-up and always make time for your favorite tv shows.

Mozart- Thanks for Don Giovanni.

48 Diane Donato, D.P.M. Cornell University, B.S.

49 Peter A. Evans, D.P.M. Wilkes College, B.S.

To My Mom and Dad: There are no words to describe the gratitude I feel in my heart. You have always been there for me offering constant support and encourage­ ment. I am proud to be your son. I love you both very much.

To My Aunt Betty and Grandmom: Your help and support has not gone unnoticed. You both have played an important part in helping me obtain this degree. Thank you.

To My Godfather Nick: Thanks for all the golfing tips you have given me. You have taught me what professionalism is all about and I will always respect you for that.

To My Uncle Gene and Aunt Carol: Thanks for your unending love and support you have given me during the past four years. It will not go unforgotten.

To My Fiance Roseann: No words can express the way I feel. Thank you for always being there for me and giving me the courage to go on. You have been there during both the good times and the bad times. Without all your patience and understanding I would not be in this position. I love you with all my heart!

To My Friends At PCPM: Thanks for all the good times and all the memories!

50 Jimmie L. Felton, Jr., D.P.M. Clark-Atlanta University, B.S.

To M'dear and Dad From a child you've instilled in me a sense of self, purpose and responsibil­ ity, words can't express my deep appreciation for your support of my dreams and aspirations. You shared your wisdom in times of indecision, your encouragement in times of disappointment, but most of all you gave your love at all times. And for that I'm eternally grateful.

To My Siblings Babbie and Leonard, I can't imagine what my life would've been without you, and I wouldn't want to . Thanks for your caring and support.

To Aunt Louise I really appreciate everything you've done for me over the past four years. May God bless you and keep you in his grace.

To Family and Friends Your belief in me helped me to believe in myself. Thanks for your encouragement.

To Class of '93 "Today is the tomorrow that we worried about yesterday." We made it!

5': Marc J. Fink, D.P.M. Washington University, B.A.

To Mom and Dad: Thanks for all of your support, without which I would not have been able to accomplish this monumental feat. To Julie and David: Your constant guidance and concern kept me going through these long years. To Uncle Norton: I will carry on the high standards of the profession which you have displayed. To: Shaheen: A good, loyal and supportive friend is hard to find

52 Gail Frances Garofalo, D.P.M. Saint Bonaventure University, B.S.

Mom and Dad: How can I thank you enough for being the best parents that I could ever wish for. I can only hope in my lifetime to be half the wonderful people you both are I love you. Denise: In your sweet quiet way you have shown me what true love is all about. I consider myself blessed to have a sister such as you. Thank God for you the wind beneath my wings. Grandma: Thank you for being the very special caring person that you are. All the love and support all these years has meant the world. Mary, Joe and Laurie: As different as we all are you guys are the greatest! Thanks for always being there everytime I needed you. Colleen: These past four years just wouldn't have been the same without you! Its almost crazy how two completely different people supported each other and at the same time had a ball full of fun. Thanks for friendship - it's one all always treasure. Art, Verd and Hal: Who thought living with guys would be this much fun? Thanks for being the greatest roommates and even better friends. I'll miss you! Glad, Jon and Kath: Thanks for the laughs and memories Don't forget our Boston trip - I won't! To all my friends at home and Bonas: Thanks for your understanding and support these past four years. It truly was the test of real friends!!

53 Patricia Elise Gibbs, D.P.M. Ursinus College, B.S.

Bob-My husband, my best friend and my partner in life. Thank you for your love, encouragement and support during the last four years. Together we have earned this degree and together we will share its rewards. I love you with all my heart, Red. Chelsie-You have touched my heart and fulfilled my life in ways I never imagined possible. Your smiles and hugs brighten my days and make my life complete. I love you, pumpkin! Dad- Although physically you cannot be here to share in my success I know you are with me in spirit. I know that you would be so proud of me. I miss you and love you more than you'll ever know. Mom-Thank you for helping to make me who I am today. You should be very proud. I love you. Donna and Karen-I am lucky to have two such special friends who are also my sisters. Thank you for always believing in me and for your never ending love and support. Cheryl, Helen, Leann, Penny and Trish-"A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of Nature." Byron To my "other" family-Thank you for your love and friendship. I am lucky to have such a special group of people in my life. "The best portion of a man's life, His little nameless unremembered acts of kindness and of love." Wordsworth

54 Frank J. Godino, D.P.M. Wilkes College, B.S.

I dedicate this degree to the memory of my mother. I will never forget her love, support and especially her encouragement which allowed me to achieve my dream. I wish that she could be here to watch me receive my degree. I love you and miss you.

Dad: Thank you for all of your love and encouragement. Without your support, and your commitment to your family, none of this could have been possible. You taught me never to give up and that nothing good in life comes easy without hard work. Well, you were right, I made it!

To My Wife Mary Ann: Words cannot express how much I love you. You have always been there for me, and your understanding cooperation and encouragement made us achieve this goal together. You sacrificed as much, if not more, than anyone, to make our dream a reality. You deserve the best and you'll get it! I love you!

Joey and Tony: You two guys mean everything to me. I know it must have been hard on you only seeing me on weekends, but believe me it was hard for me too. I don't expect you to understand what this was all about right now, but you will someday.

To All Of My Family: Thank you for all your help and support in making this dream come true. You're the best!

Rob: You're a true friend, we made it! I wish you happiness always.

55 Helen C. Gold-Balsavage, D.P.M. Ursinus College, B.S.

56 Mark Golec, D.P.M. University Of Scranton, B.S.

57 Howard Daniel Green, D.P.M. York University, B.S., C.F.A.

To My Parents: I find it very difficult to express in words my sincere feelings for everything you have done for me, not only over the past four years, but forever. You have always encouraged me to pursue whatever I wanted and supported me no matter what the outcome. These past years especially, I know have been long and hard on everyone. The words "Thank you" may only seem small, but believe me, I mean it in the biggest way possible.

Stef: I can't believe we finally did it. I think all the late night phone calls really helped a lot. Just remember even though we're Drs. now, I'm still allowed to pick on you, the world's greatest little sister!

Neil: Philly has got to be the most obscure place for a Texan and Nova Scotian to meet. The ball-o-knowledge has definitely proven itself and has shown us the way for four years. We've shared many great times, and I wish you the best of luck in the future. (P.S. Beth, thanks for the meals.)

Signe: Just when we got into a routine, now I have to go find a new jogging partner. You're the one who somehow kept me from going crazy when everything else was. You're a great friend and I wish you the best of luck always. Now you can open the champagne, let's celebrate!

Andrea: I saved my best friend for last. For someone to be able to put up with me the way you have, it must be love. With all of your support and encouragement, we have finally reached step 1.1 can't wait for our life­ long adventure together to begin. I love you tons.

58 Arthur G. Gregory, D.P.M. University Of Scranton, B.S.

Mom and Dad: Thank you for all your love, understanding, encouragement, and support over the past four years. Knowing the two of you were always there for me gave me the strength and courage I needed to succeed. I love you both. Jeff and Jennifer: I could not ask for a better brother and sister. I can't imagine life without both of you. It was great growing up together and I am so proud of the fine individuals you have become. I love you guys. Grandma and Grandpa: Thank you for everything you have done to make the last four years a little easier. I am so glad that I can share this moment with you. You are both very special people.-Love, Artie. Mother and Papa: Memories of you are always heartfelt. I love and miss you both. My Roommates-Harold, Colleen, Gail, and Verdi: I had the best time living with you guys. I have so many hilarious memories that will last a lifetime, between the Complex and above the Golden Dragon. I'll miss you all very much. To my friends at PCPM: You made surviving the past four years much easier. I've had some great times. I wish you all much success and happiness in all your endeavors. Lynn: I know that it hasn't always been smooth sailing but thanks to a certain Irish holiday things have changed. Thanks for always being there for me. I'm so glad I found you. Love, Art.

59 Harold Gruber, D.P.M. University Of Bridgeport, B.S.

Parents: Hot digidy dog we made it! There were times when I didn't think we would. Thanks for being there for me supportingly, financially, and nutritionaly. Most of all thanks for being such good friends and parents. I love you.

The boys back home: You guys have been with me it seems forever, What can I say that you don't already know. It's good to have friends like you. **%**• P.S. It ain't no brain surgery but its a living We don't want no more-Ron.

PCPM. buddies: Who can believe it. To think four years ago we were strangers. What a long strange trip its been. You people have made this place worthwhile. What do you say we all move on to the next chapter together. You best keep in touch . . . because I'll find you.

Julie:U you only knew ... Your constant support, confidence, and love has gotten me through the past four years. Your kind and gentle way has smoothened some of my rougher edges and made me a more thoughtful human being. I am in a great debt to you. Always know I'm there for you. You are the greatest, I love you.

Life I love you all is groovy . . . "Paul Simon"

60 Thomas G. Guglielmo, D.P.M. Mount St. Mary's College, B.S.

Mom and Dad: You two have been and will continue to be the greatest inspiration in my life. Your never ending love and support has allowed me to live life to the fullest while completing the most difficult of tasks. I could not have done it without you. Thanks for giving me the opportu­ nity to accomplish my dreams. I love you both.

MaryGrace and Jim: Not only are you my sister and brother but you are my two best friends. You were always there to give encouragement "Get a job" and support "I got this round" when it was most needed. Thanks!

Sue: You have become a part of my life I never want to lose! The countless hours on the phone with you kept me sane and sometimes made me insane. You gave up so much so we could be together and I love you for that.

Marshall and James: It is hard to believe we made it through school living together on South St. When I look back at all the good times, bad times, drunken times, and the amount of time we wasted, becoming doctors was truly an amazing feat. If I had to do it all over again, I would want you two there with me. Good luck in the future. The world is ours to conquer! Thomas G. Guglielmo

61 Paul L. Harvey, D.P.M. Hampton University, B.S.

Mom & Dad: Thank you for your support, understanding and guidance. Nothing would have been possible without you. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART.

Howard and Ashley: NERVES, NO MONEY AND GOOD LOOKS; everything a good brother and sister should be.

Heather: The most caring and understanding sister a brother could have. You have always been there for me. May the future bring happiness and success to us BOTH.

Daddy Rodney and Mother Dorthy: Love you. I understand.

The NUPES: Phi Nupe

Special Thanks to my family: Alonzo and wife, Joyce, John, John Tubb, The Atkins family, Matt Butler and to all who helped!

62 Jon Ian Heller, D.P.M. S.U.N.Y. At Binghamton, B.A.

To my Parents: There are really no words to describe the feelings and gratitude I have for you. Without your help, I would not be here today. The examples you set, the sacrifices you make, the advice you give, and the «N love you show are tremendous. I hope that I will be able to be as good parents as you have been. Thanks and I love you. To Gordon, Jason, and Sharon: Your role in my success is never underesti­ mated. Thank you all for making home such a special place for me. I love you all dearly.

To Seth: Eight years and we haven't killed each other yet. May all your dreams and aspirations come true. Your friend forever. To my Friends: I hope during these last four years I was able to bring some happiness to you all. Good luck.

To Colleen: For you who have listened to all my B.S. over the past four years, I only wish the best. You are truly a special person whom I will miss dearly. Never forget that I will always be your friend. To Q.E.: Over the past year, both you and your family have shown me more love and support than I could have ever possibly imagined. I look forward to the time when academic concerns and other trivial matters will be a thing of the past so that we may share a beautiful future together. I love you.

63 'M'mM Ferrell Collins Hill, • ; D.P.M. wmmmmMm

,,..•••: • ...... Presbyterian College, B.S.

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• • •



Anderson Podiatry Associates, PC Dr. James D. Hill Dr. Ferrell C. Hill Pediatric Medicine and Surgery

Thanks Mom and Dad

64 Philip Edward Holmes, D.P.M. Florida Atlantic University, B.A.

Many thanks to the academic and clinical staff for the part they played in my personal and professional education these past four years. Special thanks to Drs Pitkow, Roth and Leopold.

Also, many thanks to my family, Sam and Annie, and numerous friends for their love and interest.

65 Stuart W. Honick, D.P.M. Rutgers University, B.A.

To my Grandparents Morris and Miriam Fidel: I dedicate this degree to both of you. Thank you for your love, support and encouragement in allowing me to pursue my dreams.

To My Family: Thank you all for your understanding, support, love and generosity in allowing me to attain this goal.

To Clare: My wife and best friend. Thank you for your infinite patience, sacrifice, commitment, caring and love -1 share this achievement with you.

To Brian Joseph: I wish you a life full of health and happiness. Clare and I love you with all our hearts.

66 Scott T. Koppel, D.P.M. University Of Maryland, B.S.

Sonia: You came into my life at a point when I really needed someone. You have been with me for the past two years and always make me look forward to getting home at night. Our future will be better than you can imagine. I love you.

Todd: Its your turn to congratulate me now. Thanks for always being the one to call.

Mom and Dad: The two of you are always there , which isn't as often as you would like. Now its two doctors in the family.

Leigh: I'll call you in two years so we can open up together, but not in N.Y.

Keith: Well, maybe moving in together wasn't the ideal move.

Libbie: Did you forget your lunch again?

Wendy: Hold out for 2.5 carats i...... ' :' wmMmim L. David Kormann, D.P.M. University Of Florida, B.S.

68 Jonathan S. Levey, D.P.M. Glassboro State College, B.S.

Mom & Dad: Each and every individual who has struggled, anguished and strived to attain a dream, must owe the major share of their accomplish­ ments to those whose unwavering guidance, wisdom and love were the hands that formed the shapeless clay into the reflection of all that they hold dear. This holds true for some more than others, and I, more than all. Through all our years together I have watched and listened to you both carefully, and I have forgotten very little. All that you are is reflected in me. I only hope that in this moment of accomplishment, I have made both of you as proud of me, as I am proud, to be your son.

My three best friends: Nicky: Mission accomplished, Captain! One to beam up! Rich: Cogito Ergo Zoom! Tommy: Use the back door!

Howard: Without you these last two years would have been impossible! I will never forget all you have done for me. Thanks, Boss!

Classmates, faculty, friends: I would never be able to thank each of you individually, but please accept this sincere, heartfelt thank you, to all who have kept me in their thoughts and prayers during a very difficult time. I will never forget you.

69 Michelle S. Levine, D.P.M. University Of Massachusetts, B.A.

Ma and Dad: I do not think it is possible to express the love I have for you as I graduate and become a doctor. Thank you for the years of love, support, and guidance you have given and the sacrifices you have made for the entire family. I could never have done this without you. Thanks for all of the "down payments on the Porsche." You are with me wherever I go. I love you. Gram and Gramps: To the cutest grandparents in the world (Imagine me pinching Gramps' cheek now.) I am forever grateful for all that you have given me. You are the strength behind us all. I pity those that do not have as great a family as I. I love you. Lauren and Joy: Thank you for being great sisters and friends. We still are close despite our distance apart (Excuse me, could you please pass the hankie?) I love you. Matt B: "Wink wink, do it again sailor!" You are so much fun! Good luck in the future. Keep in touch. Matt R: Can't wait until you bring over a lasagna and babysit for the kids, Uncle Matt! Best of luck in all you do.

70 Mark Maehrer, D.P.M. Muhlenberg College, B.S.

TO MY PARENTS Thank you for the direction, support, and love you provided me always

TO MY BROTHER KARL: For always looking after your little brother. Please don't stop now.

TO MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE JOLIE: For being grade school, high school, and college sweetheart, wife, and most importantly best friend. I love you.

TO THE BIS MAN: Do you suppose if we never met we would have studied harder, watched less T.V., or never have joined this lovely country club? Naaaaah!!

71 Raymond E. McCarroll, D.P.M. Indiana University Of Pennsylvania, B.S.

Mom and Dad: This day could not have been possible without all of your support. This is your triumph as much as mine. You both always wanted me to have the best even at your own expense. I appreciate your sacrifice and hope that someday I will somehow be able to repay you. Thank you for all your love.

To my Grandparents: You both always told me that an education can take me as far as I want to go in life. Thank you for your guidance, wisdom, and love. I will never forget it.

Michelle: Who would have ever thought that a night of making brownies and drinking Corona could have brought as much pleasure into my life? You have touched my life in so many ways; I cannot explain. You are my best friend and love. May our future together be bright and eternal.

Matt: It has been a long, hard road. I could not imagine doing it without you. Keep in touch. By the way, I still cannot wait until you get a girlfriend!!

Anthony Morris: Please don't call me; I'll call you !! Just kidding. Thank you for helping me with my finances.

72 Mark J. Mendeszoon, D.P.M. Miami University, B.A., Suny @ Stony Brook, M.A.L.S.

Mom & Pop: Today I stand with my head high knowing that after all these years I've finally obtained my goal. This is much more rewarding than any race I have ever won and if it weren't for your love, patience and support, I would have never finished this "race". "Bedankt vor alles". Lieve, Jan Wally & Laurie: Who could ask for a better brother and sister? Whenever I needed an ear to listen, a place to crash or a heart to soothe my pains, you guys were always there. Needless to say my wardrobe has improved drastically. I love you and just remember I'll always be here for you. Mendeszoon and Mendeszoon, I like the sound of it. So where will we hang our shingle? Tim & Carolyn: If it weren't for your love, caring and support, Philadelphia would have been a much "colder" place to live in. Wherever I wind up you'll always have a second home. Thanks for everything! Ray, Kaz & Juan: When I first met you guys I thought I was at the U.N. However, I realized you clowns really added a new dimension to my life. I just can't figure out what that is yet? Nevertheless, Best of Luck and stay in touch. Al, Doug, Keith: "Zoomer, shut your mouth and go to bed!" Now let's show Zipper what he can do with his 1968 track shoes, carbonated rot gut and "mimimal" scholarships. You guys are my foundation. THANKS! Donna: For you have shown me the meaning of life. My horizons have expanded immensely and it's all because of you. We've been through some tough times, but I promise you the best is yet to come. I count my blessings for LODI strappings and dirty floors. I Love You Donna billions.

73 Robert Miller, D.P.M. Wilkes College, B.S.

MOM and DAD: There are no words that can possibly express my apprecia­ tion for the things that you have done for me. With your love and support, you gave me the strength to make my dreams come true. Thank you for your selfless parenting, but more importantly, thank you for being my friend. I love you both very much, and I dedicate this degree to you.

SUSAN: Four years of happiness, hard work, trials, and tribulations have brought us to this point. Your patience, support, and tolerance of me has been unremarkable. Thank you for the countless hours of listening to and encouraging me in my times of need. I happily and eagerly look forward to spending the rest of my life with you as my wife and best friend. The love that we share will last forever.

FRANK: Not even Ryerson could describe a friend as great as you. From the bars to the books, we always made the best (and worst) out of every situation. Thanks for the endless support, laughter, and friendship you've provided over the last four years. I wish you and your family the best of love and success in your future career.

BRIAN, BRETT, and BRITTANY: Thanks for the weekend stress busters. No matter where we end up, "The B's" will live on forever.

74 Keith A. Naftulin, D.P.M. Temple University, B.A.

To My Family: Thanks for always being there to support and encourage me. May our future together hold many new opportunities, successes, and most of all happiness. I love you! To Kate: You have been a very special friend to me over the past few years. Thanks for your support during those long study weekends, and thanks for corrupting me whenever you could. I love you. P.S. Thanks for doing my laundry and using my credit cards. To L.R.: Thanks for being a normal roomate over the past few years. P.S. You still abuse the air-conditioning. To Mike B.: Thanks for the PCPM Alumni Fitness Center. You made my years here a lot nicer. To. S.K.: I never could hold a grudge. Hi Sonya! To my fellow classmates and faculty: I wish the greatest success to everyone. Through your hardwork and dedication, our profession can grow and prosper. To Golden Dragon: for the atherosclerosis.

75 :,..,....,.,... 7mm Marshall Novis, D.P.M. Albright College, B.S.

Nothing left to do but SMILE, SMILE, SMILE. I wish the best of luck to my friends. We have shared many of the same ups and downs. May you all find the happiness and success you deserve in a place where the wind don't blow so strange, maybe off on some high cold mountain chain. What a long strange trip its been.

Pray for wind and peace, Marshall

76 Maurice A. Palucci, D.P.M. University of Rochester, B.A.

Mom and Dad- Without your love, guidance, and encouragement I would not have been able to achieve this goal. I will always be grateful for the sacrifices you both have made for me. This degree is as much yours as it is mine. I love you both and hope I can continue to make you proud.

AMPM/KJM- All of your phone calls and words of encouragement have made my time away from home a little easier. You're the best! I wish your new life together filled with much love, Happiness, and success.

AD/AJD- Thank you for all the advice and support over the past years. Semper Fi, 'Fins, and Mustangs forever!

Dr. Fenton- Thank you for making a difference in my education, and above all, thank you for your friendship.

Dr. Burke- You're what's happenin'

Banchi Brother's Racing- "... Live in fear . Your suffering will be legendary ..."

77 Kathleen A. Panepinto, D.P.M. Albright College, B.S.

Mom and Dad: I know you have been looking forward to this day as much as I have. I would never have made it this far if not for your constant love, support, and encouragement. You have always been there when I needed you. Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made, and for giving me the opportunity to fullfill my dream. I love you!

Paul and MaryBeth: Yes, I'm finally finished with school! You both have helped me out these past years more than you know. Paul, even during my most stressed out moments, you never let me feel sorry for myself. You always managed to keep me laughing. Thanks for providing the comic relief I needed to maintain my sanity. MaryBeth, as we get older I realize what a special friend you've become. Our phone calls, visits, and shopping spree's have made these past four years much more bearable.

Joe: This year has been filled with so much laughter and happiness. I'm very lucky to have found you !

Lynn: For as long as I live I'll never forget living above the Golden Drgaon. We have had so many fun times together. Thanks for being a great roommate. I'll miss you!

Barbie and Julie: In the roughest of times I could always count on you for encouragement. Thanks for believing in me.

To my friends at P.C.P.M.: Thanks for the love, laughs, and support. I'll treasure our friendship always. I wish you all success and happiness.

78 Fernand-Philippe Auguste D.P.M. Suny at Stony Brook, B.A.

• • m • a mjmmWm • • • • • • * a • » n B B a * «s

79 Barbara Puplampu, D.P.M. Columbia/Barnard College, A.B.



80 Richard L. Reilly Jr, D.P.M. William Penn College, B.A.

Thank you GOD. Mom and Dad: Thanks for the support and INSPIRATION!

To the rest of my family. Thanks for being there.

To my friends from Western PA. Thanks for providing me with character and back - bone!

To my friends at P.C.P.M. Thanks for the good times.

To C.W. and J.C. in IA. Thanks for Showing me the other side.

Thanks for Showing me patience, and being there in my times of need.

31 Anthony M. Ricciardi Jr., D.P.M. Wagner College, B.S.

Mom & Dad: Without your love and support this road would have been impossible. You picked me up when I was down and helped me though tough times. You gave me encouragement, love and direction and taught me never to give up on my dreams. The love I have for you both cannot be put into words, I'll never forget what you did for me and thank you for were I am today. You play a major role in my life and are always there when I need you without any questions. Thank you for a lifetime of support and sacrifice. I love you both with all my heart, love your son, The Doctor . .

Grandmom: Thanks for all those great pasta dinners. I love you with all my heart, your Grandson LSAT: Thanks for being there for me when I needed someone to talk to or just hang out. I love you all. Your Brother

PSS: You guys bring happiness and joy into all our lives including mine. I love you all dearly Love your uncle.

The boys: The suffering was legendary. They will never forget us. NEVER!

"The way I see it, we all have to take a beatin' sometime."

"Here I go again on my own, going down the only road I ever known like a drifter I was born to walk alone, I've made up my mind, I ain't wastin' no more time" -Whitesnake

82 Matthew S. Rockett, D.P.M. Washington & Jefferson College, B.S.

MOM & DAD - Thank you for all your support and love throughout all of these years. You have been there when I needed advice, and support, always. I can not express in words what you have meant to me, except for three simple words, I LOVE YOU. DANIEL - You may be taller than me, but remember I still can take you. I love you little brother and I will always be there for you. Thea, Drew, and Allison - To my cousins I wish the best of life, and being the eldest grandchild, I have seen you all grow, and I hope we all stay close as we all grow older. FELECIA - You have been more of sister than an aunt to me, and I thank you for all the support that you have given me. GRANDMA & THELMA - Thank you for your support through the years. RAY - How could two totally different people be such good friends? I'm gonna miss buddy, but always remember the good times, especially the night at Dicken's. THE INNER CIRCLE - My friends it was a bloodbath! OMA - "PEACE, PRONATION, & PROPHYLAXSIS" THE WHITY'S CREW - Larry make sure you keep my seat warm, I'll be back. MICHELLE - Make sure you take care of Ray. GRANDPA -1 miss you deeply, I wish you could be there in the crowd when I get my Degree, but you will always be with me. "YOU MAY BE RIGHT, I MAY BE CRAZY, BUT IT JUST MAY BE A LUNATIC YOUR LOOKING FOR" "I CAME HERE CONFUSED. I'M LEAVING HERE CONFUSED BUT AT A MUCH HIGHER LEVEL."

83 Segundo R. Rodriguez, D.P.M. S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook, B.S.

To my parents

No hay forma ni palabr as para expresar mi orgullo de que sea mis padres. Es a usteds quien les dedico este grado, no lo habia podido lo grar sin usteds.

To my family

There is no doubt that tl lis effort has come from both of us, thank you for your patience.

To the guys

Thanks for being there. Andre, I want to go too.


- I was born alone - Ax (ask) - Very very funny - The Bellu (Bellvue) - Tip - Rolaids (Rolex)

To my co-workers

It has been a pleasure knowing you all, thank you Mary.

84 Gary Rogers, D.P.M. York University, B.A.

To my Family: Dad, David (Skipper), Lisa, Erin, Lindsay, and, Jonathan; You know how important your support was, it was always there.

To my Friends at PCPM: Good luck in your Future.

To Normanski: We owned the "Irish Pub".

To "The Product": Thanks for being a Great Friend through 4 years of ups and downs.

If you apply yourself You can do anything. E.R. Joseph Rogers, D.P.M. Glassboro State College, B.A.

86 David S. Rothafel, D.P.M. St. John's University, B.S.

To My Mom and Dad: thank you for all your love and support through the past four years. To Mom and Dad Glasgow: Your love and understanding has Helped me to succeed in my goal To My wife Lisbeth: Thank you for being there, thru think and thin. I love you always you will always be my K.F. Without you I never could have gotten thru these long four years, love you. To my son Joshua: You brighten up my life and always bring joy to me each day. I love you very much. To Simon and Julie thank you for being our good friends and for giving me the needed push to achieve my goals. Leigh Rubin, D.P.M. Muhlenberg College, B.S.

Mom and Dad: Thanks for all the love and support throughout the years. I promise that I'll still come home to see you although I will not have school breaks.

Keith and Scott: I don't know how we survived each other for two years. The only thing we didn't do was hit each other. However, it made school bearable. Scott, your cooking was great. I will miss that. Keith, Beaufort and the Hobie rides are great memories. Hopefully, our friendships will only grow. When I decide to expand I'll think of you guys.

Class of 1993: Good luck and best wishes in your future endeavors. Seth Schweitzer, D.P.M. S.U.N.Y. At Binghamton, B.S.

To Mom and Dad: The love for the both of you just can't be described with words. You have given me endless support and encouragement through­ out my entire life. You are my role models and I only hope I can follow your road to love, happiness, and success. I love you both very much!! To Dina and Tom: I am grateful to the both of you for your support and encouragement. Dina, I can honestly say you are the best sister a brother can have. You have always given me love, encouragement, support, sound advice, and friendship (not to mention much needed household appliances) Being that Dina is the best sister . . . Tom, this automatically makes you the best brother-in-law but I feel you have proven that on your own. I am proud to have you as part of my family. My love and admiration for the both of you are endless. To all of my family: I thank you all for your love and support. To Jon H.: What can I say? You have made the past 8 years as enjoyable as possible. We have survived the best and worst of times and I owe a lot of it to you. I will cherish our friendship for as long as 1 live and I know this is just the beginning. You're a hard worker and a survivor and I admire you immensely. I wish you health, happiness, and success in your future. Thanks again!!! To Dave K.: I owe you greatly. You are the only one who matched my musical interests. Thank you for making the Philly Night Life bearable. Keep in touch! p.s. CHEERS M.F. CRASH AND BURN To Rich V., Brian E., Jason G., and all my friends at home: I treasure our friendships and hope they last forever. You all helped me more than you know and I thank you for it!! To all my friends at PCPM: Thanks for your friendship and all the good times. I wish you all the most success and happiness in the future.

89 Julia B. Siegerman, D.P.M. University Of Maryland, B.S.

Bladderhead: (aka "the Princess of Hyperextension") Which one are you? I get us mixed up. I suspect the mother. We're looking for a few nude policemen. Sexual sofas. My promontory's back and it's on top of my sacrum, ala, ala, ala go lat. Rose garden and pot pourri scents. Cool Whip containers afire. Lyle, the effeminate heterosexual. Ssss, lardass. Boom, microwave! We're both married ... not to each other. The Kuegler bus. People are strange when you're a stranger. Look, this says they both live in 801 Cherry St.! Alrighty! Thanks for making these past four years bear­ able. Good luck!

Poodster, P.B., & B.H.: After spending an entire year together we all need some therapy. Want to pet my collar? Reach out your hands and touch the T.V. screen.

Patty G.: "Somebody push that lady in the purple dress down the steps."

Like so many others, I thought of dedicating my degree to a supportive loved one. However, since I've worked my butt off for four years to earn this DPM degree, it is hereby dedicated to ME in loving memory of all those brain cells which gave their lives. I would, though, like to thank Brad and Sammi the Wonder Dog for their support and understanding in putting up with my constant studying and P.E.M.S. (pre-exam mood swings). Thanks for everything, especially the study breaks.

40 Stephen J. Skokan, D.P.M. Rider College, B.S.

To the Holy Trinity: I dedicate this degree, for without you I could not have attained this goal.

Mom and Dad: I can not express enough thanks for all you have done. Through the years you have always been there for me, in my trials and triumphs your love was there to comfort me. I love you both with all my heart.

Uncle John: Confidence is half the battle!

Barbara and Johnny: Now that we are older, I appreciate our differences and hold dear the things we all share. I thank God for the two people I can proudly call my sister and brother. The Bergenstocks: Thank you for your love and support.

To my professors and instructors: Thank you all for making this student a doctor.

To Harold, Mike and Howard: Best of luck next year and always. Remem­ ber: Colchicine is diagnostic for gout.

To Janine: Even though the past four years moved by quickly, it seemed like an eternity not having you near. Yet, we never really were apart; you were always with me. I anxiously wait for the day when we walk down the aisle and will be together forever. I love you my Janine.

91 Charles P. Stefonetti, : D.P.M. mmMpmmmmmM University Of Scranton, B.S.

... in closing I would just like to say thank you to my family; to my wife, Debbie for her patience and understanding, to my children, Amee and Anthony, I'm sorry I was a weekend Dad, but thanks for the fun we did have, to my Mom and Dad thank you for helping us through these past four years, Mike, Carol, and Jeannie, do you have a few bucks to help get me through the week? ... to the Family; Anthony, Elmo, Matt to the best of times yet to come, thanks for the memories.

Apples, Oranges, Tomatoes, Chicken Legs, Baggies, Quarters, "May the games begin!" James P. Sullivan, D.P.M. Villanova University, B.S.

GAIL, You could not have been more supportive of me, in everything that I have done since the day we met. Thank you for patiently waiting on deck for me, I know it hasn't been easy. I could not have asked for anything more, than what I have found in you, God has surely smiled upon me! I love you (very, very much!). You are a Queen among women.

MOM and DAD, Thank you for providing the best of everything for me. Thanks for your advice and guidance throughout my entire life. You have always pointed me in the right direction, and gave me the confi­ dence to take it from there. I hope that I can give to my children, what you have given to me.

MR. and MRS. LONERGAN, Thank you for your endless votes of confi­ dence. Thanks for all the food and supplies, they kept me sane and the cases of beer helped me make some friends. But most of all, thank you for your daughter, I will take good care of her!

MARSHALL and TOM, I'll remember the good times we had over the last 4 years. You have been great friends, and I'm sure that we'll keep in touch with each-other throughout our lives. "Shine on you crazy diamonds!" P. Floyd "The most essential part of instruction is obtained, not in the lecture room, but at the bedside. Nothing seen there is lost; the rhythms of disease are learned by frequent repetition; its unforseen occurrences stamp them­ selves indelibly in the memory." Oliver Wendell Holmes "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Elenor E. Roosevelt

fi\ WSMisMmm Pascal Teolis, D.P.M. College De Maisonneuve

94 Andrew Thomas Teplica, D.P.M. Villanova University, B.S.

TO MY FAMILY Thank you for your love and support. The sacrifices you have made are much appreciated. You have always set an excellent example, and I am as proud of you as I know you are of me.

TO MY FRIENDS Thanks for all the fun. Your friendship has made the past four years enjoyable. I just want to know one thing, for a thousand bucks, would you . . .

TO MY CLASSMATES I know it may seem impossible to go on after graduation without having my bubbly personality around to lift your spirits every day, but I know you'll survive. All kidding aside, best of luck to everyone.

"One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh; but the earth abideth forever . . . The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to the place where he arose . . . The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits .... All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again."



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95 Nathan B. Thomas D.P.M. Brigham Young University

At the close of these four long years, I give a tremendous amount of credit to my wife and children for helping me through the tough times. My family has been a great support to me, and my driving force to cross the finish line, grab my diploma and look forward to my next challenge. With the recent death of my brother came a new driving force in that I was able to, in some small way, fulfill a dream of his (which was to become a doctor) that had been cut short. Therefore I accept this degree not only for myself but also in memory of my brother, Trevor. I feel fortunate to have been acquainted with all of you especially the friends who have made these four years go a little smoother and quicker. Good luck to all of us in our future endeavors wherever and whatever they may be.

96 Victor M. Torres, D.P.M. Glassboro State College, B.S.

To My Parents & Family: Thank you for your support & encouragement during these long four years.

To Ish: Thank you for those long drives to and from Philly.

To Mom & Pop (In Florida): Thank you for those faithful prayers which have and will always help me.

To My Wife (aka: Puku): I could only tell you I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your kindness & thoughtfulness. Your my bestfriend & I know dreams will come true with you. God has blessed me with you as a partner in life. Your one of a kind, I LOVE YOU!

To My Friends: Kasra, Herminio, Mark, Ray, Andre, thanks for all the support.

'Special Thanks to those Instructors & Clinicians. They know who they are.

To My Lord: Your first in my life. Without your guidance this dream would still be only a dream.


II Timothy 4:7 THANK YOU, LORD.

97 David S. Van Derlyke, D.P.M. Wilkes College, B.S.

98 Michael Vincent Verdi, D.P.M. Upsala College, B.S.

Mom, Unc, Aunt, Nicky, Marianne, Jimmy- The support, encouragement, and love I have received all my life has made me feel very lucky. Any accomplishments in my life are a result of what you have done for me. Thanks for being the best! Sue, Mr. and Mrs. G., Ged, Glenn, Rich- Thanks for being so nice to me.

G.R.- If you could have only used your talents toward your school work, you could have rewritten the Textbook of Foot Surgery. You are a great friend. Good Luck in everything you do. Art, Gail, Colleen- You saved me from this pit. You are what made these four years worth it. I'll miss you guys.

Dave and Jose- Thanks for the friendship and fun times.

Dee and Gee- Best of Luck!

Joey D.- You're late for dinner! Good Luck, Pal.

FCH - You definitely are a pirate born 200 years too late. Good Luck! S.C. is getting one good podiatrist.

To all my friends at P.C.P.M.- Much success in the future.

To do is to be- Sartre To be is to do- Freud Do be do be do- Sinatra

99 ":WSBBBk • Edward Villanueva, D.P.M. The Johns Hopkins University, B.A.

,,y.\ Dearest Mom, '||p All that I am and will be I owe to you. Your love, support, encourage­ ment, and sacrifices have made this moment possible. I am forever grate­ ful. Life has been good, thanks to you. I love you, Ted

100 Douglas E. Webb Jr., D.P.M. Texas A & M University, B.A.

Tracey: We have accomplished more together these last four years than we both imagined possible. No words could express how grateful I am to have you beside me. Your sacrifices, your work and your love have allowed us to reach this goal together. We will look back on these as "the good ole days" and always have "our first little house on 9th Avenue." I love you always.

Mom and Dad: Your love, support and encouragement has been never ending for as far back as I can remember. I will always treasure my memories of our family together and the travels we made. I could never repay you for what you've done for me, except maybe with grandkids!!!! Love Doug.

Chris and Heather: You both mean the world to me. Your caring and generosity has been more than I could ever ask. We will soon have our big family weekends together.

Neil, Steve and Howard: We've had some great times together and I'm looking forward to many more.

Hello Texas, It sure is good to see you again! Jimmy Buffett, 1980

101 skmM Richard A. Young, D.P.M. University of Pittsburgh, B.S.

m To Melina: I love you. Thank you for sharing the last four years with me. It's only the begining of the ride. Please do not loosen your seat belt until we have come to a complete stop. Hold on tight.

To Mom and Dad: I can never thank you enough. Without your love and support achieving this goal would not have been possible. I love you both very much.

To my family: Thanks for your support. I guess I finally have to get a job. Now I can go and get those dual quads and velocity stacks.

To Koolys, Clowns and Red Hots: Life's to short to be in a hole so bust into your funkiest stroll. X2.

To my PCPM friends: Best wishes of success and happines to you all. Thanks for the fond memories. You made the last four years bearable. It's only a matter of time before you're behind the wheel of that red convertable XJS.

To PCPM: You'll never see a dime. Sock it!

102 Wendy R. Young, D.P.M. Emory University, B.S.

ED: This degree is for you. The one who believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. Even though you can't be with us today, I know you are always watching over me. I love you, your only daughter. MOM: My rock of life, and best friend. Thanks for always being there, I love you. ADAM: 10 years, but who is counting, HA HA. I hope the next ten years are even better. I love you Pooh Papa Nolan: My inspiration, I can only hope to achieve what you have achieved in one lifetime. Little One & Smaha: Baby blanket, and fishththat die!!! Thanks for being there. Libbie: I think we saw it all at Voorhees, does that ring a bail????? Don't ever give up, in the end you will be successful. Rick, Scott, and Patty: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, but it was fun anyway.

103 Goodbye PCPM - We Made It!

104 ^



F i I didn't know Jetset could do this to you

It might be a fractured ulna.

It's only a small prick, it won't hurtl

Hey man, I've been playing gui­ tar and debriding callous for years now.

Class Of 1994

106 /;•

Joyce filing her long red nails

Is Robsan drying his Jheri curl? What do I do next?

You Sher you know how to take a B.P.? 4ft

I .'•• •' •••' : ill



I^w Happy and Smiley

. . .•.. ..

Colgate Smiles Habitual flatulence can be very inconvenient when hav­ ing to treat patients.

The foot cleaning module?

Somebody strap me in, I'm ret to go!

Gerry does biodex testing to get cat burglars back to work

Class Of 1994


Class Of 1994

110 Want to step outside pal?

m Robson's former lifel

Tom Huott still thinks that beer will re-open your German women are easyl growth plates ... it just gets you drunk.

Peacock reverts to former Why are these two smil­ career and embalms him­ ing? (check your wallets) self

Men at work

Class Of 1994

112 Never let a patient catch you with a bottle

Anasarca def: total body edema

Can Dave handle this much woman?

Drinking sewage with the devil.

113 Stefonetti?

The Champs - Where's Steve?

Roids R Us

* E^S"iJK ^^W

v '-IBM • *jKm _, ISTJJ Br /, '^ffl *lB3 . - p™ Wfy F'k.itM $ *^ k^Mrm w ^ it'- JF Ji P Iw 1 /• rit .. L ."ygggsr^ ^^T^TjjJK S^ ? -' ^H ^^r^

Who has the best BVD's? C/a*f Of fSS4

114 This little piggy went to market These little stayed home These little piggies had roast ^1 beef These bloody piggies got none And this silly piggy had a bunion ...... i WYX"^i and hammer toes s&Qftis mJ^^M ^•hfc^ * i Who would you trust?

Class Of 1994

116 Typical day in clinic?

Brian and JJ already have their recommendations PCPM's board study guide

Special thanks to all who worked on staff doing layouts, typing, photography, cap­ tions, and editing.

Robson, Elmo, Alex, Brian, Angie, David, Rich, Bill, Jackie, Barb, Jose, Karen, Dina, Gerry, Kelly, and anyone not mentioned, Thank-you.

Class Of 1994 118 -'

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Ido Friedman: class treasurer


Dolly Mishra (secretary) and Ed Dos Remedios (APMSA rep.)

134 Steve Frank: Vice President

135 136 13" 138 HANGING OUT


139 On the Bus to Atlantic City.



141 142 143 144 CLASS OF:


146 -


4 Full Time Faculty

David A. Axler, Ph.D. Gary Bauer, D.P.M. Milad S. Bitar, Ph.D.

Steven F. Boc, D.P.M. Robert B. Boyd, Ph.D. James P. Burke, Ph.D.

Robert A. Christman, D.P.M. Francis J. Conway, Ph.D. Stephen V. Corey, D.P.M.

Robert H. Davis, Ph.D. Michael S. Downey, D.P.M. Arnold Feldman, D.P.M.

148 Full Time Faculty

Marilyn R. Fenton, Ph.D. Arthur E. Helfand, D.P.M. Bruce E. Hirsch, Ph.D.

Warren S. Joseph, D.P.M. Anthony Kidawa, D.P.M. Fred Kugler, M.S.

Howard Hillstrom, Ph.D. Harvey Lemont, D.P.M. Thomas G. Maglietta, D.P.M.

Kieran T. Mahan, D.P.M. William J. Martin, D.P.M. James McGuire, D.P.M.

149 Full Time Faculty

Alan Mlodzienski, D.P.M. Howard Palamarchuk, D.P.M. Howard S. Pitkow, Ph.D.

Jane Pontious, D.P.M. Linda C. Stanley, M.L.S. Clare H. Starrett, D.P.M.

Bohdan Terleckyji, M.S. John H. Walter, D.P.M. Kendrick Whitney, D.P.M.

150 Part Time Faculty

Carl Abramson, Ph.D. Albert Bravo, D.P.M. Philip Bresnahan. D.P.M.

Richard Jay, D.P.M. Erwin J. Juda, D.P.M. James McNerney, D.P.M.

Morris Moss, D.P.M. Andrew Newman, M.D., J.D. Louis Newman, D.P.M.

David Roberts, Ph.D. No Photo No Photo Michael Rupp, M.D., Available Available D.P.M. Harold Schoenhaus, D.P.M.

151 Part Time Faculty

Michael Walinsky. D.P.M. Alan Whitney, D.P.M. No Photo Jeanean Willis, D.P.M. Available

Joseph Witkowski, M.D. Michael Zarro, D.P.M. Louis Zulli, D.P.M.


Loretta Whitney Denise Weintraut Carrie Smith

Kim Baxter Linda Stanley Judy Bush Frances Peters Rita Paul

152 Staff

Leslie Levy Viola Warren Dennis Donohue

Vanessa Napoleon Marie Biggans Brenda Gillis

•nrm -v HI TTrrnJk frxjkx,.

/S\ i

Anthony Morris Chuck McFarland George Dillon


Mike DePoder Kimberly Flood Tina Lauri Carmen Gist

153 Staff

Jeff Frey Edith Bobb Donna Polisano

Yolanda Taylor-Al Hassan Dorothy Agee Carol Krouse

Peggy Anfinsen Mary Oehler Rich Cerruti

Victor Thompson Ernesto Mujorra Bernice Jackson Kathleen Loveland

154 Staff

Chet Johnson Sheena Jackson Carol Kendrick Jessie Scott Billy R. Pitts Ed Brown Earl Jones

Janet McGinnis Jeanette McGerry Mary Gates Brenda Reid Loretta Edwards

Michele Fuller-Graveley Lynn Hogan Vanessa King Felicia Rivers Robin Brookins Joanne DeGoetano Virginia Kehoe Pat O'Malley Diana Davenport Barbara Fuller Darleen Johns Chris Kinard

Gina Mammarella Terry Bianco Patricia Brennan Donna Boni Carol Beck DeAnna Clendenan Carrol McKenna Sharon Saunders Tina Young Judy Oslecki

155 Staff

Maxine Preston Terry Webster Dave Thompson Mary Ann Bosze Kathy DiGirodano Lisa Jones

David A. Axler, Ph.D. LeGrand Newman Jennifer McMahon Nancy Epstein Carmen Harris Marva Simmons Linda Greiner Tom Maiorano Nancy Brown Not Pictured: Brod Bierbraver

Martin Shell Sharon Mack Lisa Jenkins Angela Long

Beverly Miller

156 \ ° 1=1

f ° 1=4 N

:S C

•, >* Doctor Helen C. Gold-Balsavage, D.P.M 4 Congratulations!

Dear Helen We're So Proud Of What You've Accomplished, It's Hard To Find The Words. We Wish You The Absolute Best Of Luck In Your Career. And Wish You Peace, Happiness And Love As Well As Satisfaction In Your Work. From: Dad, Mom, Elisabeth, Ed And Ray We All Love You!

Congratulations To Our Marvelous Son, Brother, Brother-ln-Law And Friend Keith Naftulin. Keith Has Persistently Strived For Challenging Accomplishments. Keith's Hard Work In Education And Love Of Helping People Have Made Him A Great Success. Keith Learned To Be Assertive And Literally Assumed A Leadership Role In His Many Social Circles. Keith's Family Are So Proud Of His Accomplishments In Education; Professional Career With The U.S.D.A.; Podiatry Training, As Well As Being Well Rounded In Athletics, Such As Weight Lifting; Running And Biking And In Sports Where He Mogul Skis With The Best Of Them, Also Water Skiing, Sailing And Ice Hockey. Keith Manages, With No Fanfare, All His Finances Of Medical School, Independent Living As Well As His Recreational Activities. We Know Nanny And Mom-Mom Are Smiling Down On Him. With Our Warmest Love And Regards, Mom, Dad, Brothers Scott & Eric, Sister-ln-Law Barbara And Sweetheart Kate. r ¥m* n* ^: £; »

We Love You! Joseph "Dr. J" Bisignaro III D.P.M. Dear Dr Jay,

Your Courage, Determination, Dedication And Love For Your Profession Will Carry You Always To Be The Someone Once Wrote That Integrity Is Best Of All. We Knew You Could Do It. Go For It Honesty While Nobody Is Looking. You Have Jaybird! The Reward Belongs To You. May God's Practiced Integrity All Of Your Life And It Hands Guide Yours Always. Shows. We Love You And Support Your We're So Very Proud Outstanding Effort. Mom, Dad Lisa, Susan Jennifer And Tracy. Mom Dad Lisa Susann Jenni Tracy

Dr. Anne Marie Chwastiak Congratulations!

Daddy Was So Happy To Know You Continued Your Education. All He Ever Wanted Was The Best For You. He Was Always So Proud Of You, As We Are Today! Be Sure That Dad Is Smiling Down On You From Heaven As You Receive Your Diploma! Best Of Luck Always! Love, Mom, Serge, Ted, Sandy + Fr. John, Dr. Richard + Ann, Gary + Lucy, Tanya, Nat, Richard, v Nicole, Mitchell + Mark Congratulations, Dr. Gregory You Made It With Class Congratulations, Mark We Are All Very Proud Of You; On Putting Your And Wish You Much Success In Your Medical Career Best Foot Forward May Good Health And Happiness Be Yours Always. Love, We Love You Very Much. Mom And Dad Mom, Dad, Jeff And Jennifer

To Have To Summerize Our Thoughts, Admiration And Describe Our Love In A Few Dr. Peter J. Cuesta Lines Is Almost An Impossible Task. Seth . . . You Have Congratulations For A Been A Source Of Pride For Us For Your Entire Job Well Done! Life . . . We Wish You We're Very Proud Of All The Goodness That Life Has To Offer And You! Let Us Be The First Love To Officially Call You Mom, Dad Seth Schweitzer, And Especially Kim Doctor Of Podiatric Medicine

Love, Mom + Dad fc Congratulations To The Class Of 1993, And To Our Son, Anthony . . . (Or Should We Say . . Dr. Di Guglielmo!?!)

Words Can't Express How Proud We All Are Of You! May You Always Get The Best In Life, Because You Truly Deserve It! So, Here's To You, Tony ... You Made It! Best Wishes Always . . We Love You! Mom, Dad, Rina, Mikey, Grandpa Di Guglielmo & Grandpa Strazza (P.S. Are We Going To Have To Pay For Our Visits Too?)

Your Hard Work Made You What You Are Today, A Doctor, Something You Have Wanted Since 3rd Grade. The Success You Have Achieved Can Be Truly Credited To Your Faith In God And Hard Work. Your Success Is Proof That Prayer Works - So Live The Life You've Prayed For. Remember Steve, Anything Worth Having Is Worth Working Hard For. We Are So Very Proud Of You And Know You Will Be A Credit To Your Family. Remember Those Who Have Gone Ahead Are Always With You To Guide You. We All Love You Very Much. Have A Good Life!

Mom, Dad, John, Barbara, Uncle John To Our Dearest Gladys -

Seven Years Is A Long Time. More So When Lots Of Hard Work And Sacrifice Are Involved. But It's All Worth The Wait. You Have Done A Most Wonderful Job. We Are Proud Of You, We Are Happy For You. We Love You.

Congratulations, Doctor!

Mom, Dad + Ron

To Our Son, Congratulations Gary! Dr. Marshall Scott Novis

You Have Always Been A Shining I Am Expressing Star. We Are So Very Proud Of You. The Thoughts Of Your You Have Fulfilled One Of Your Dreams With All Your Hard Work. Mother And The Family We Hope Your Future Success Will Be Met With Love And By Wishing You Compassion. Happiness We Know You Will Be A Great Asset To Your Profession. And Success. With Our Deepest Love And Admiration Love Mom, Dad, Sean And Evan Congratulations To The Entire Dad Graduating Class Of 1993. i

Congratulations, To Our Son Jon And The Class of 1993, For Your Accomplishments And Achievements.

May Your Futures Be Filled With Health, Happiness And Continued Success.

Rona + Al Heller

163 Congratulations: Dr. Patricia R. Bernstein

Patti, I Never Had Any Doubts, Love Mom. Patti, We Knew You Could Do It! Love Joe Joy & Jody Hoping You Know How Proud We Are Of You. Love Harry, Betty + Deona Put Your Best Foot Forward, Patti. Love Don, Deb Jason + Cari Best Wishes From: D + S Industrial Plastics Inc. We Know Dad + Chestnut Are Watching Over You From Above + Are Very Proud Of You Love, Mom Abraham, Lois + Joseph Bernstein

Dear Michelle,

Success Is To Laugh Often And Much, To Win Respect Of Intelligent People And The Affection Of Honest Critics. To Appreciate Beauty And To Find The Best In Others To Leave The World A Bit Better. To Know Even One Life Has Breathed Easier Because You Lived. You Are Truly A Successful Woman You Are A Rare Jewel, And We Love You.




To Our Dear Son Michael, Congratulations You Have Made Us James Sullivan! So Very Proud Of You. You Deserve The Very We're Proud Of You, Best Of Everything And Thankful For In Your New Profession The Lord's Guidance. And Life To Come Your Family Love, Your Parents Dear Son: i Dr. Anthony Michael Ricciardi Jr.

Congratulations On This Monumental Occasion, Your Graduation From PCPM. You Have Always Been A Ray Of Sunshine In Our Lives. You Are Everything A Son Should Be. Once Again You Have Made Us Prouder Than Words Can Ever Express. So With Love And Pride We Wish You A Life Filled With Health, Happiness, Success And The Best Of Everything. All Our Love, Mom And Dad

Dr. Gold (Helen):

Congratulations For A Job Well Done. We Are Very Proud Of You And Wish You All The Joy And Happiness Life Has To Offer

God Bless You Mom And Dad Balsavage

166 Congratulations To Dr. Libbie Kay Atlas

Hard Word And Dedication Have Brought You To This Day Our Thoughts Have Been With You All The Way (And Our Wallets) Mother And Dad, Grandparents Too! And A Brother And Sister Who Always Love You Wish You Health And Happiness, Love And Best Wishes And A Life Lived Long And Ever Delicious

Love From Mother And Dad Toots And Chas Paul And Rachel

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170 PASCAL TEOLIS, D.P.M. Nonni Concertina, Maria, Pasqualino e Stefano, grazia per la luce e le College de Maisonneuve, D.E.C. preghiere che mi hanno protetto questi quattro anni. Vi voglio a tutti bene. Un merci special aussi a deux gars sans qui ces quatre annees auraient ete' Papa, words cannot describe how much you mean to me. Your constant love, impossibles. Benoit'%% Ben-Benito-EI Chaponez-Paparadis (j'ai-tu oublie' support, confidence, guidance, encouragement and wisdom gave me the un surnom?!)" Paradispow ton support et amitie'dans mes moments les strength to pursue my goals. You have always stood by me no matter how plus creux et difficiles (Dieu sait combien j'en ai eus. . .). T'as toujours difficult I or events became. I realize that you have made numerous ete la quand j'avais besoin de parler a quelqu'un. J'espere notre amitie liee sacrifices in your life for me. I hope someday to pass on all the strong a jamais. Et Fernand Philippe-Auguste, un frere pour moi, toujours pret a' moral values you have instilled in me that made me the man I am today. me depanner quand j'etais dans le besoin ou franchement dans m ..., t'as My admiration and love for you are as infinite as the Universe. You'll ete LE SEUL a m'aider, m'ecouter quand j'etais seul et perdu. Je te dois always be an inspiration to me. I know I don't say it enough, but I love you tellement, la page n'est pas assez grande pour ecrire le nombre de mercis very much. Let me take care of you now. correspondant aux nombreux services rendus et ton soutien moral. Jamais Mammina, your love, understanding, care and patience towards me were je n'oublierai ce que tu as fait pour moi. Viens me voir lors de tes passages always and still are limitless. I hope to be as good to and with my patients a Montreal. Ecoute-la Fernand, je pense que ton as you are with me. I am very lucky to have a mother like you. I know I Finalement, j'aimerais remercie'mes amis qui m'ont aide'a'traverser ces don't say it enough, but I love you very much. You are the best mother in quatre annees eprouvantes mais combien valorisantes et enrichissantes. the world. Thanks for everything. Vos encouragements continus par vos lettres et appels m'ont fait chaud au Maria and Stefan, you guys have a promising and marvelous future ahead of coeur et donne beaucoup de force: Nance-la-protuberance-osseuse-nasale, you. You form a great couple. May your love for each other grow for the Orange Julep, Mary-Jo, J-F, Mosh Kelly-la-question, Johnny D., Lady Di, Bob, rest of your lives. I'll always be there for you if you need anything. Thanks Mike, Bubbles (O.R.? Yeah, O.R.), M. Tremblay, Annie pour I'espoir et la Ste for the Saturday morning calls. I was always religiously waiting for flamme et C.G. pour les rayons de soleii a Pie XII. them; it made me feel very, very good. "Dzouz", your energy and joie-de- vivre will never seize to amaze me. You've always been there to remind me WHERE THERE SEEMS NO WAY OUT, LET GOD IN. of the lighter side of life. Good luck in law school. I'm always here for you.

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