X;. THE CHARLES E. KRAUSZ LIBRARY PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF PODIATRIC MEDICINE Milla 1993 Senior Editor: Helen G. Gold-Balsavage Co Editors: Senior Candid Section: Gladys de Leon Julie Siegerman Sponsors: Howard Green Gina Painter Supporting Staff: Patricia Bernstein Denise Casinover Luther Bond Nimish Chokshi Art Gregory Advisor: Jennifer McMahon Class Editors: Gina Painter '94 William McCarron '95 Lucinda Strycker '96 James E. Bates, D.P.M. President David A. Axler, Ph.D. Vice President For Student Affairs PENN OAVlo. syimm 'A C ivi:s,!„-AXi-m. l'h.0 OlLEGEOP WTOK PO£>lA AfB!l(RS TRic MEDIC1NE » , ^ door , Ve pCPM aL f fa/,e* Th SUfV(Ve nc/ ">e futurp J° 3 bri9ht fut face ^e chluSe Sa™e snd Oer^ ^0" Well » _, P the Chun "e ^ff caro 90M ^.-,.5si0„a( Si'ncere/y , ^ /9/07. 2,5. 6&-0300 Marilyn R. Fenton, Ph.D. Dean For Educational Affairs Dcar Ckss of l993. Jon PCPju ,? «-awai(£v; w . 'ember or ... °3h you ar„ ,„.. • a m ^cscarrf, ... es- w an7yn D r ^RP/bg Kieran T. Mahan, DP.M, Vice President For Academic Affairs And Dean LE(; G£op P --isass^ ODlA mc ^o,aNE *° «• cMM n ^ fifi"!. 'ZlZ1-r<££s «.,„„< iat itt u 6 th 0« Vrt Pi-ov« ° * br^^^ocjei^*® Vav ^i your your i,°*fe ^^ g " ° ^« ouX^o^^-it^ •.*,£* Aav£. •ai? * ioi,t« *««««tiOJ, „ * *»<»«.„ *«<* ana',/• haLe « wiij' you h£ in an ?J*V you „,, ** *»< t.ohj^*»«vJ « ,-, *>« tajfcfK y»t to .**•«•! *•„!. -1 taJta . ni««ea, ' fco n nt x *£5*°'?%, 'p^ '><> t?*'*'™ti: '"-< «t», .w*w*nn\*>».*>\*>».*>,, M„ *" *•"«««?.*• -««c.;^ *-i?i *-i?ir rjjr^ jjr^s a W0 "•"«•• to onr «»^ W4_ William J. Martin, D.P.M. Dean For Clinical Services And Medical Director PENNSYLVAN, W ' "— ^l^ZT C°LLEGE or n T° The C2a£ I993. 2Xr*-p?V. •« o, v r ??««. o, t ' ° 3y2S^55"g; a f fa u founds- ^ain,-,, ctiori .° It: ha<; K Cess vf 11 sPorisiK ri. "e i*&rU «--»to „at h " "*° -&'& t^ Helen C. Gold-Balsavage, D.P. Senior Editor Achilles 1993 ^^•M '' IA 191 ny i DESIDERATA O PLACIDLY AMID THE NOISE AND HASTE & REMEMBER WHAT PEACE THERE MAY BE IN GSILENCE. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly & clearly;and listen to others,even the dull & ignorant;they too have their story. ** Avoid loud & aggressive persons,they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others,you may become vain & bitter^for always there will be greater & lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. ** Keep interested in your own career,however humble ;it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs;for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;many persons strive for high ideals;and everywhere life is full of heroism.** Be yourself. Especially,do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love ;for in the face of all aridity & disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.** Take kindly the counsel of the years,gracefuily surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue & loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.** You are a child of the universe,no less than the trees & the stars;you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you.no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.**Therefore be at peace with God,whatever you conceive Him to be,and whatever your labors & aspirations,in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.1* With all its sham, drudgery & broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.****1* Written by Max Ehrmann Get a load of these couch pod-atoes. Ray's new pick up line: "Hey baby, what's your foot type?' What the hell?l? Hungry Luther? 10 Meeting of the minds Who is that posing as Colleen Boyle? Bram Stoke's DIANCULA! Bad hair day Denise? 12 13 14 Looks like Vanderlyke is in trouble as usual. 15 Revenge of the nerds. 16 No really, we're working. We're discussing peeking heels. Dueling reflex hammers. 17 Jon sports the casual clinic look. Who does she think she is? The FONZ? Raise your hand if you're sure! 18 Members of the "Footsie Club' I can make medial longitudinal pads with my eyes closed. Crystal Gayle and Jonnie Con Smile and say "Frumunda"! 19 The Queen Bee and her hive. 20 Clou Of 1993 Supatffin 1. MoitLikely Ttr l/o&nlm - P. B&uatHn 2. Nieeit Tiei - H. GnuJm 3. Beit Pteued - G. PeLeon, J. Fetm 4. QuleM - A. Tep&ca, K. Pobe, 5. Moit TJhfa/e, - P. Rotkafd 6. Moit Likely To- CkaKanye, A PtofeiioK, - S. Contex, 7. Nieeit - P. CaiiMov&v, J. PeMenna 8. MoitLikeAf Ttr Be, Tie Fixit Penion At Tie Scene Of An Accident - M. Bexnitein, 9. ReaxfootKiny - M. Pocket 10. Molt Likely Ttr Name tfii Odldxen, Aftex, Pirn In Tern - P. Webb 11. Mat Likely Ttr Be, Related To- Pnince, CkaJk - N. CantpbeM 12. Moit FuendAf - M. Vexdl, G. GaxofaAr 13. Moit Likely Ttr Oufn Qbck In Spandnc - L. Atfak 14. Moit Likely Ttr Deny GeMnq A Reiidency Ptoyum - M. Rockett 15. Skepieit - J. fleMex, 16. Moit Likely To- Be, Confuted Fox, A Comic, Stxip Ciaxactex, - M. Gofec, 17. Moit Likely Ttr Be, An OAjmpte Podufait - M. Mendeizoon, 18. MoitLikeAf To Be, A Bead BlanketPodufiiit - T GayteU 19. Biyyeit Ta/kex, - L. Cuta/oltr 20. MoitLikeAf Ttr Be, Miitaken, FOH, Back Otkex, - hi. Gold And J. Sieyexntm 21. Moit&xioui - L. P. KoHmann 22. Moit Likely Ttr Be, Do. ftefandi Summon, - C. Boyle, 23. MoitLikeAf TtrPevelop Mate BxeaitCanm Ak A PvteetReiJtOf EaeikU/e, Titty Tutiit- exi - P. Vandexlyke 24. Moit Likely Ttr Monty A Muun - //. Gxeen, LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT We the graduating class of 1993, being of unsound mind and exhausted body, do hereby bequeath the following to the remaining students of PCPM: 1. A Kidawa-English/English-Kidawa electronic translator? 2. A remote controlled pause button for the slide projectors during surgery lectures; 3. Golf lessons so Dr. Boyd has a large pool of potential partners for all those tournaments; 4. "Invisibility pills' to go unnoticed in Pathomechanics? 5. The ability to clone yourselves when working with Dr. Downey? 6. Nose clips to better tolerate those "frumunda cheese" patients? 7. Comfortable shoes and an ample supply of band-aids when working in PM III? 8. Nair for the Sports Medicine taping workshops? 9. Lab equipment from this century? 10. Aromatic embalming fluid in designer fragrances? 11. Smiley faces to paste on Dr. Mahan and Dr. Feldman? 12. Expanded hours for the Business Office? 13. Yet another hair color for Dr. Conway? 14. Guest lecturers who actually know what Podiatry is? 15. A comb and some hairspray to control Dr. Lemont's fly-away ends? 16. A personalized oscillometer with instruction manual for every student? 17. Enough time to actually get to the foot in Lower? 18. A Grateful Dead study guide for those extra credit questions in Sports Med.? 19. Valium to slip to Dr. Pontious? 20. A lecture and lab series by Dr. Bauer on amalgamating oneself with the object of one's choice? 21. Portable electroshock therapy units to stay awake in those less than stimulating lectures? 22. A stenographer for Dr. Bitar? 23. A clue in Derm., if we had one to give? 24. Residency programs which pay above the poverty level? 25. Pus-filled paronychia to keep Dr. Joseph happy? 26. Ample and free student parking — Dream Onl? 27. A decrease in tuition — Keep Dreaming! V A 4 -£,-*•-»* >s- 3 =1 e =1 =4 %*£ ^sr Libbie Kaye Atlas, D.P.M. C.W. Post, B.S. "Once I rose above the noise and confusion Just to get a glimpse beyond the illusion I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high Though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man Though my mind could think I still was a mad man I hear the voices when I'm dreamin .... Masquerading as a man with a reason My charade is the event of the season And if I claim to be a wise man It surely means that I don't know On the stormy sea of moving emotion Tossed about, I'm like a ship on the ocean I set a course for the winds of fortune But I hear the voices say Carry on my wayword son there will be peace when you are done Hang your weary head to rest, don't you cry nomore." MOM, DAD, GRAN and CHAS: Without your love, support and sacrafices my dream would never be reality, Tanks! Paul - Get that law degree, I'm going to need it!!! Rachel - best of luck in whatever you choose to do! Marci and Jyll "It was long ago, it was far away, It was so much better than it is today. Wendy - "I can't drive 55 !!!" Scott K - Can I borrow 5 Dollars? Rick and Patti - Lunch today? To my aerobic diehards - Listen to sue and kim!!! David Gunther - just 5 minutes .... when, why, can we?, will we?, not again!, I know "We will See!" Hey, you are alright bud. 24 Kasra Behfar, D.P.M. East Carolina University, B.S. M.S. The good and the bad in the nature of man, The joy and the sorrow that lie in your fate, Do not attribute them to the Wheel, forin the path of understanding Then wilt find the Wheel a thousand times more powerless then thyself Omar-Khayyam To my parents: This is for you.
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