The News, November 3, 1955
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Murray State's Digital Commons The eN ws Newspapers 11-3-1955 The ewN s, November 3, 1955 The ewN s Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The eN ws, "The eN ws, November 3, 1955" (1955). The News. 1228. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eN ws by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -jottinga from PAGES Jo's This Issue ^SCTHE NEWSSI3J14Tw o Sections ~ The Farm and Home Paper of the«f Ken-TennIT T Territory1*. — Note Book Volume Twenty-Four Fulton, Fulton County, Kentucky, Thursday November 3, 1955 Number Forty-Four One good story brings on another and probably one con- fusing ailment brings two. Patti Forrest, our office aide, who finally found the definition of Heallh Departmenl Of Communily walking pneumonia comes up with a real honest to goodness ITHH ailment she said a fellow « suf- fering from She said one of her ft-iends, has a friend who has a friend who has high blood pres- sure on one side and low blood pressure on the other side. I wag not able to determine whether the sides were top or bottom, front or back, or side by lide. A good story going the rounds during the last days of the gen- eral election Is told about the great importance of making per sonal contact to get voters out to the poll* Noble Gregory at the dinner meeting at Smith's Cafe the other night told this one A yomnt man and young lady were madly in love with each other and were contemplating the fatal step lo the altar Just as plans were being made for the sapllsli the young man was railed overseas for a year's daty. Hut he comforted his loved one wlUi the fart thai he would buy MS pert cards and write her one each and every day so that Complete physical examinations «kt cou'd feel a personal con- Dr. Harrell get* blood teat from Bennett Wheeler looks as pained Debbie and Kim Homra, children i " < with him on each of the achool teacher Mrs James McClay as hig little daughter Kathy Lee of Mr. and Mrs. David Honjra too are part of the public health long and lonely days ahead. He as part of the public achool health while Nurse Mary Heinline gives watch their weight on health de- program undertaken by the Health he went away! program. booster shot. partment scales. Department. Came time for his return and of course he was excited as all On next Tuesday voters of get nut and mu< h satisfied with ' ! Fulton County will be given the the feet that his daily letters CLINTON THEATRE opportunity to pass a tax levy «ere real personal contacts with i SHALL SUPPLY OF CATTLE SHOW AND to secure funds with which to his bride to-be Tennessee Residents, operate the Fulton County GROUP TO PRESENT Health Department. The tax, POLIO VACCINE IS SALE PLANNED AT twelve and one-half cents on On arriving home he found asch $100 of assessment is a out that Indeed his sweetheart AVAILABLE HERE MURRAY NOV. 7 PLAY AT WINGO small sum to pay when benefits was in the marrying mood with Voting In Kentucky, to be derived from the services thaee personal contacts On his Physicians Have 4-H. FFA Boys Mrs. Joe Johnson „ offered by the Health Depart- return she was already married ment are considered . .she had married the post- Small Quantity WiU Exhibit Expertly Directs This week-end a house to For Private U«« Cattle Raising May Be Challenged "Night Must Fall" house canvass will be made by I various local groups to solicit And election reminds us of the Doctor J F Harrell, County Area 4-H Club members and As a result of two county-wide meetings of precinct "Night Must Fall," an inter- your support of the measure, story Dor Reauchamp told about Health Officer said this week Future Farmers of America will election officials held Tuesday the eligibility of many jesting and highly entertaining Vote "Yes" for the Health De- the loyal precinct worker who there was a small supply of cltmax their year's cattle rais- local voters may be challenged at the polls on election , three-act play will be presented partment's tax levy. It may wanted to do everything he polio vaccine in the hands ot ing enterprises with the Pur- day. Under the auspices of the Fulton County Election in Wingo High School on the mean the saving of many lives, rould to help his friend get the local physicians and that eli- chase District 4-H and FFA Fat Commission a meeting was held at the Courthouse in evening of Nov 18, Mrs Joe including your own. elected Cattle Show and Sale at Murray Johnson, director of the Clinton (Continued on Page Four) gible persons rould see their Hickman and another at the City Hall in Fulton, when Dor say. thai daring the family doctor. next Monday. Nov. 1 i Little Theatre group said today! Kentuclpr's ehctiwt laws were studied by precinct elec- Clement* - Pummitt rempelge Hiis vaccine, according lo Doc- Young farmer* from the Pur- Mrs Johnson and Mrs Warren several yean ago a precinct tor Harrell is separate from the chase are expected to enter tion officials. Thompson were in Fulton Wed- worker was (old to ce out aMl of the Kentucky Statues, Mrs. nesday and are extending a cor- National Foundation's free vac- more than ISO animals to vie for Considerable debate was de- HARMONY, BIG VOTS let a big vote for Fau-le Clem show honors and top sale prices Kathryn Lannom. county clerk {dial invitation to theatre-goers cine given in the first and sec- voted to the eligibility of voters ,aid: "The intention of the voter ents and the little fellow just The Kentucky commissioner to attend the play at Wingo. ond grades. who own businesses and prop- mUst also ^ Uken into consid- went out and worked like mad. of agriculture provides $7,000 to A sneak preview of the play ARE TOPICS WHEN Roys and girls one through erty in Fulton. Ky., but who cration. If a voter owns a busi- Came i-leetlon day and the be divided among seven district was presented in Fulton to the 1 nine years of age arc eligible maintain permanent residences nets or other property in Ful- votes were counted snd the shows on a per head basis The Drama Department of the Wo- for the immunizations, which if in South Fulton. Tenn County ton but permanently resides in worker brought In the returns Murray show will divide its pro- DEMOCRATS MEET taken now. the doctor says, will Attorney Jerry Jones who con- Tennessee, that voter is not eli- man's Club on Oct. 18 and the ( from his prerlnrt. Earle Clem- rata share on a lx, 2x and 3x be effective before the next ducted the Fulton meeting point- skits were immensely enjoyed. Beauchamp And ents, M3 votes. llummlt. I. basis which means the blue rib- gible to vote at the polls on Several local ladies have an- ; polio season. ed out the law in this respect as election day. Doc. who never falls to make I bon winners will get three times nounced their plans to attend follows: Gregory Make a good story better, said that he the prize money of white ribbon "II, however," she added, "a the Wingo presentation. Urgent Appeals was amazed at the returns and "QUALIFICATIONS OF VOT- voter is living in another state Admission to the play is $1 00 asked if Dummitt didn't have ERS PERSONS DISFRAN- temporarily (and has not voted for adults and curtain time will Lt.-Gov. Emerson "Doc" anymore friends than that in FULTON NEWS TO CHISED Every citizen of the m that state) and intends to be at 8 p. m. Beauchamp, one of Ken- the community The worker re- United States of the age of move back into Kentucky, then Eminently qualified to play tucky's best known and plied that of course he had, but GOLD FEATHER WIU twenty-one years, who has re- that situation must be taken in- that Dor didn't tell him to get REPORT ELECTION sided In the State one year to consideration and election of- the parts they act are. Mesdames beloved political figures any votes for Dummitt BE HONOR BADGE (Kentucky) and in the county (icials should use their discre- Warren Thompson, J. M Blair. wag the principal speaker RETURNS TUESDAY (Fulton) six months and the tion." John Miller, J. C. Bridges, Rt at an over-flow gathering Austin, Dr John Miller. Bill „f tr;~t rf„ Do you know that thoee little precinct in which he offers to The meetings were the first Craddock and Joe Barker. ?f, J1™1 „Dl?J"Ct DDemo„Crate goblin* who prowled on Hallo- vote sixty days next preceding ,uch meetings ever held in the As in elections past, the Ful- ON ELECTION DAY ween for UNICCT collected a election, shall be a voter in said county and proved of inestima- held at Smith a Rose Room ton County News will bring total of $124 In pennies for the precinct and not elsewhere." ble value to the officials who Tuesday night. Beauchamp, complete election returns to A gold feather will be your children's fund Do you know Mr.