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WARDEN ROBERT BARBER ------~L WARDEN ROBERT BARBER ----------------------------~l COUNTY COUNCIL AND OFFICIALS _ 1962 Seated At Desk - Worden Robert R. Barber; Charles H. A. Stager, County Clerk and Treasurer; Mary K. Martin, Deputy Clerk-T re05urer. Left to Right - Reeve Howord Doering; Deputy-Reeve Alex Dewar; Reeve Albert Lorentz; Deputy-Reeve Leslie Aberle; Reeve Howord Ziegler; Reeve David Wismer; Reeve Curtis Roth; Reeve Gordon Gingrich; Deputy-Reeve John Lubenkov; Deputy-Reeve William Johnson; Reeve Williom Woods; Deputy-Reeve Allan Smith; Reeve Floyd Becker; Deputy-Reeve Milburn Lake; Reeve Mildred Giflies; Deputy-Reeve Theodore Dietrich; Reeve Clarence Diamond; Deputy-Reeve Clayton Rickert; Reeve Leonard Burton. COUNTY Of' t WATERLOO 6<0_ '''',, __ , .. tiCJ'M'nIO(! (IF" ~JGIIIIIAVS ~- 1f ......... ..,..:;0LECSEND ( &, -.------ JOURNAL of PROCEEDINGS REPORTS and BY-LAWS OF THE Municipal Council of the Corporation OF THE COUNTY of WATERLOO - 1962 - IY-LAWS NOS. 1573 - 1617, BOTH INCLUSIVE COUNTY COUNCIL ;962 Municipality Name Address INDEX Township of Reeve R. R. No.2 Waterloo Leonard Burton Preston, Ont. Township of Deputy~Reeve R. R. No.1, Auditor's Statement ................ 281 Clayton Rickert Breslau, Onto Waterloo Board of Management, Home for the Aged. 13 Township of Reeve R. R. No.1 Wilmot Clarence Diamond New Hamburg, Ont. By-Law Index ...................................... 275 Deputy-Reeve Township of licenses 264 Wilmot Theodore Dietrich St. Agatha, Ont. Township of Reeve R.R. No.1 Map - County of Waterloo . 2 St Clements, Ont. Wellesley Albert Lorentz Members County Council 2 Township of Deputy~Reeve R. R. No.2, Wellesley Alex Dewar Wellesley, Ont. Minutes, By-Laws and Reports. 14 R. R. No.1 Township of Reeve Municipal Clerks and Treasurers. 7 Woolwich Howard Ziegler West Montrose, Onto Township of Deputy-Reeve R. R. No.2, Municipal Statistics - Population 265 Woolwich Leslie Aberle Elmira, Ont. Officials of the County . 8 Township of Reeve R. R. No.1, North Dumfries Floyd Becker Ayr, Onto Representatives and Board of Audit 8 Township of Deputy-Reeve R. R. No.4, North Dumfries Milburn Lake Galt, Onto Schedule - Expenditures, 1962 Town of Reeve 400 Grandview Road, Administration of Justice. Preston William C. Woods Preston, Onto 266 Town of Deputy-Reeve 732 Rose St., Assessment Department. Preston, Onto 267 Preston Allan Smith Agriculture and Conservation Town of Reeve Box 970, 268 Hespeler Robert R. Barber Hespeler, Onto Charity and Welfare 269 Deputy~Reeve 64 Kribs St., Box 312, Town of Education and library .......................................... Hespeler Williom G. Johnson Hespeler, On.t. 270 Town of Reeve 117 Arthur St., South, General Administration 271 Elmira Gordon M. S. Gingrich Elmira, Ont. Property Town of Deputy-Reeve 58 Duke Street, 273 Elmira John P. Lubenkov Elmira, Onto Heat, light and Water .............................................. 273 Village of Reeve 428 Huron St., Box 212 Indigent Hospitalization ............................................. New Hamburg Curtis Roth New Hamburg, Onto 274 Village of Reeve Piper St., (Box 186) Special Committees .......................................... Ayr Mrs. Mildred Gillies Ayr, Onto 12 Village of Reeve 44 Guelph Street, Standing Committees 11 Bridgeport David Wismer Bridgeport, Onto Voting Power 9 Village of Wellesley Howard Doering Wellesley, Onto Wardens of the County ............................................. 4 2- - 3 LIST OF WARDENS - COUNTY OF WAn:RLOO Y.. r Name of Warden Municipality Address Address Yeor Name of Warden Municipality Berlin 1893 Geo. Moore vVaterJoo Waterloo 1852 Dr. John Scott Twp. of Waterloo Berlin 1894 Geo. A. Clore Preston Preston 1853 Dr. John Scott Twp. of Waterloo Berlin 1895 Wm. A. Kribs Hespeler Hespeler 1854 Dr. John Scott Berlin Berlin 1896 Hon. Samuel Merner New Homburg New Hamburg 1855 Dr. John Scott Berlin 1897 Alonzo H. Erb 7th Con. Council Div. Elmira (Died Dec. 21) Preston 1898 Louis J. Breithaupt 1st Can. Council Div. Berlin 1856 Jacob Hespeler Preston 1899 (Appointed Dec. 22) Menno Hollman 4th Con. Council Div. Roseville Preston 1900 Jacob S. Hollman 5th COrl. Council Div. Petersburg 1857 Isaac Clemens fwp. of Woterloo Preston 1901 Ferdinand Walter 6th Can. Twp. of Wellesley Bamburg 1858 Isaac Clemens fwp. of Waterloo Preston 1902 Tilman Shontz 6th Can. Twp. Waterloo Waterloo 1859 Isaac Clemens Twp. of Waterloo Preston 1903 Alexander S. Peterson 7th Can. Twp. Woolwich Hawkesville 1860 Isaac Clemens Twp. of Waterloo Blair i 1904 George Lair 2nd Con. Galt Galt 1861 Wendell Bowman Twp. of Waterloo Berlin 1905 George M. Debus 1 st Con. Berlin Berlin 1862 Henry S. Huber Serlin Berlin 1906 S. L. Cherry 4th Con. Preston Preston 1863 Henry S. Huber Berlin Galt 1908 R. J. Lockhart, M.P. Waterloo Waterloo 1864 Thomas Chisolm T wp of North Dumfries Haysville 1907 John B. Fisher Hespeler Hespeler 1865 Henry D. Tye Twp. of Wilmot Hawkesville 1909 J. F. Katzenmeir New Hamburg 1866 Wm. H. Vardon, M.D. Twp. of Wellesley New Homburg Breslau 1910 Henry Gmelin Ay, Ayr 1867 Ephraim Erb fwp. of Waterloo Conestoga 1911 Philip Christner Elmira Elmira 1868 Charles Hendry fwp. of Woolwich Galt 1912 Thomas HaJJ Ayr Ayr 1869 John Fleming Galt Waterloo 1913 Samuel Cassel 1870 Gee. Ronda 11 vVaterloo Twp. of Wilmot New Homburg Preston 1914 A. B. Robertson Twp. of Wilmot Wellesley 1871 Abraham A. Erb Preston Hespeler 1915 W. C. Shaw Twp. of Waterloo Hespeler 1872 Gee. Hespeler Hespeler New Homburg 1916 Paul Snider 1873 Samuel Merner New Hamburg Twp. of Woolwich Elmira Berlin 1917 W. H. Kutt Waterloo Waterloo 1874 Abraham Tyson Berlin Galt' 1918 Dr. A. Oaks 1875 John D. Moore T wp of North Dumfries Preston Preston Petersburg 1919 D. N. Panabaker 1876 Christopher Zaeger Twp. of Wilmot Hespeler Hespeler Bamburg 1920 Fred Debus New Homburg 1877 Ferdinand Wolter Twp. of Wellesley New Hamburg Blair 1921 R. S. Armstrong Twp. of North Dumfries Ayr 1878 Henry McNally Twp. of Waterloo St. Jacobs 1922 P. F. Stumpf Elmira 1879 Henry B. Snyder Twp. of Woolwich Elmira Galt! 1923 Wolter Oliver Twp. of North Dumfries Branchton 1880 Richard Jaffrey Golt Waterloo; 1924 George B. Lantz Twp. of Wilmot Baden 1881 William Snider Waterloo Preston: 1925 John Reidel 1882 Wm. C. Schlueter Preston Twp. of Wellesley St. Clements Hespeler~ 1926 Robert J. Veitch Twp. of Waterloo Blair R.R. 1 1883 Lewis Kribs Hespeler New Hamburg 1927 Alex S. Forbes Twp. of Woolwich West Montrose No.2 1884 Otto Pressprich New Hamburg Ayr 1928 Louis F. Dietrich Waterloo Waterloo 1885 John Watson Ay' Berlin 1929 M. M. Donald Preston Preston 1886 J. M. Scully Berlin Ay 1930 Henry Griffin Ay, 1887 Joseph Wrigley Twp. of North Dumfries Ay' Petersbur 1931 J. J. Show Hespeler Hespe[er 1888 F. Holwe!1 Twp. of Wilmot Bambur 1932 J. E. Bingeman New Hamburg New Homburg 1889 Ferdinand Wolter fwp. of Wellesley Hespele 19l1 A. W. Hoffer Elmira Elmira 1890 los. P. Phin rwp. of Waterloo Elmi, 1934 E. B. Hollman Twp. of Wilmot New Dundee 1891 J. L. Umbach fwp. of Woolwich Ga 19» Archibald Ferguson Twp. North Dumfries Galt R.R. No.3 1892 Robert Gilholm Galt 4- 5- Municipality Address Vea, Name of Warden LIST OF MUNIOIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS, 1962 Wellesley 1936 Peter A. Wagner Twp. of Wellesley Breslou R.R. 1 Municipality Clerk Treasurer 1937 Simon Kinsie Twp. of Waterloo 1938 Chas. Schluett Twp. of Woolwich West Montrose R.R. 1 Waterloo Township of Gordon Cooper Gordon Cooper 1939 Wm. D. Brill Waterloo Preston Waterloo 31 Parkway Dr. 31 Parkway Dr. 1940 Wm. J. Pelz Preston Ayr Kitchener, Ont. Kitchener, Onto 1941 Wm. H. Shaw Ayr Hespeler 1942 Chos. H. Stager Hespeler Township of Clarence W. Heipel, Clarence W. Heipel, Waterloo 1942 H. E. Ratz Waterloo Wilmot Baden, Ont. Boden, Ont. (Unexpired term of C. H. A. Stager) i Township of Russel Gohl, Russel Gohl, 1943 W. R. Hostetler New Hamburg New Homburg Elmira Wellesley R. R. No. ,I R. R. No. ,I 1944 F. C. Forwell Elmira Wallenstein, Ont. Wallenstein, Onto 1945 Simon Ditner Twp. of Wilmot Petersburg Galt R.R. 5 1946 Wm. H. Gillespie Twp. of North Dumfries Township of Arthur Israel, Arthur Isroel, Conestoga 1947 Edwin Huehn Twp. of Woolwich Woolwich Conestoga, Ont. Conestogo, Onto Heidelburg' 1948 Carl Ellis Twp. of Wellesley Hespeler R. R. 1 Township of 1949 Oliver J. Wright Twp. of Waterloo Hugh C. Elliott, Hugh C. Elliott, 1950 Ford I. Wi Ison Preston Preston North Dumfries 27 Dickson St., 27 Dickson St., 1951 Henry Griffin Ayr Ayr Golt, Ont. Galt, Onto Hespeler Hespeler 1952 Robert R. Borber Town of R. A. Habermehl, New Homburg New Homburg Robert Issler, 1953 Theodore Stock Preston Preston, Onto Preston, Ont. 1954 H. Lefty Weichel Elmira Elmira 1955 Willard Witmer Twp of Wilmot Baden Town of Kenneth Muir, Kenneth Muir, 1956 J. S. Knopp Twp. of North Dumfries Galt, R.R. 7 Hespeler Hespeler, Ont. HespeJer, Ont. 1957 H. Schnorr Twp. of Wellesley St. Clements Town at W. D. Hill, W. D. Hill, James Johannes Twp. of Waterloo Galt, R.R.2' 1958 Elmira Elmira, Ont. Elmira, Ont. 1959 Howard Ziegler Twp. of Woolwich, R.R.l, West Montrose Preston 1960 James Sanderson Preston Village of Clayton Ingold, Clayton Ingold, Bridgepo 1961 Donald MacPherson Bridgeport New Hamburg New Hamburg, Ont. New Homburg, Ont. 1962 Robert R. Borber Hespeler Hespele V,il;Jge of Harry Griffin, Harry Griffin, Ay' Ayr, Ont. Ayr, Ont. Vllloge of Howard J. Hollinger, Howard J. Hollinger, Bridgeport Bridgeport, Ont. Bridgepof!, Ont. V.!loge of Arthur BrLlbacher, Arthur Brubacher, We;!esley Wellesley, Ont. Wellesley, Ont. Chas. G. Lips, Robert Eby, Kitchener, Ont. Kitchener, Ont. J. Harry E. Ritz, Chas. T. Chesney, Galt, Onto Golt, Onto C..,... of Durward Preston D. C. Schaefer, ".';J!erJoo Waterloo, Onto ' Waterloo, Onto -6- -7 - COUNTY OFFICIALS - 1962 HIGH SCHOOL BOARDS Elmira Messrs. Amos Wilkinson Warden Barber, Robert R. Preston Milfred Wehne~ Chairman, Trees Conservation Commission Barrie, W. C. Public School Inspector - Waterloo No.
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