Township of North Regular Council Meeting Monday, August 12, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room


CONVENE: 7:00 P.M.

Chair Mayor Foxton







5.1 Rob Knight regarding Speed, Weight and Safety pertaining to Heavy Truck Traffic on Reidsville Road (south of Wrigley Road) and the Brant-Waterloo Road, East of Swan Street.

5.2 Trevor Martin regarding maintenance of the property behind 55 Challenger Avenue.


6.1 Committee of the Whole Reports

6.1.1 Adoption of Resolutions from the August 12, 2019 Finance Committee.

6.1.2 Adoption of Resolutions from the August 12, 2019 Development Services Committee.

6.1.3 Adoption of Resolutions from the August 12, 2019 Community Services Committee.

6.1.4 Adoption of Resolutions from the August 12, 2019 Governance & Protective Services Committee.

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Township of Regular Council Meeting Monday, August 12, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room

6.2 Minutes

6.2.1 Committee of the Whole Minutes dated July 8, 2019.

6.2.2 Finance Committee Minutes dated July 8, 2019.

6.2.3 Development Services Committee Minutes dated July 8, 2019.

6.2.4 Community Services Committee Minutes dated July 8, 2019.

6.2.5 Governance & Protective Services Committee Minutes dated July 8, 2019.

6.2.6 Regular Council Minutes dated July 8, 2019.

6.3 Communications / Correspondence

6.3.1 Resolution received from the City of Stratford – Downloading onto municipal governments

6.3.2 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs – Rural Economic Development (RED) program revitalization








10.1 Region of Waterloo 10.1.1 Region of Waterloo Minutes dated June 5, 2019.

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Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, August 12, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room

10.2 Conservation Authority (GRCA)

10.2.1 GRCA Minutes dated May 24, 2019

10.3 Energy+ Inc.


10.4 Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee (GRAAC)

10.4.1 Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes dated April 25, 2019.

10.4.2 Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes dated May 23, 2019.

10.5 Library




12.1 By-law No. 3068-19 – Being a By-Law to set final cost for Mitchell Drain

12.2 By-law No. 3080-19 – Being a By-law to amend By-law 2076-04 for 1720 Spragues Road

12.3 By-law No. 3087-19 – Being a By-law to exempt 1302 Swan Street from site plan control

12.4 By-law No. 3088-19 – Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2559-13 to regulate traffic and parking


13.1 Annual Performance Evaluation for CAO. “Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees” (Municipal Act, Section 239 (2)(b)).


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Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, August 12, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room



By-law No. 3085-19 – Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council on August 12, 2019.




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Item 5.1

Item 5.2


Within all Residential Zone Classifications, the parking of Recreational Vehicles and Trailers shall be in conformity with the following regulations:

a) There shall be no restriction on the number of recreational vehicles and trailers that can be parked or stored in a garage or accessory structure.

b) The parking space used on the driveway for the recreational vehicle or trailer shall be in addition to the required number of parking spaces for the applicable residential zone or residential land use activity.

c) A maximum of one recreational vehicle or trailer may be parked in the open. In the example of a snowmobile, all terrain vehicle or personal watercraft, the maximum allowance is two.

d) For a recreational vehicle and/or trailer parked on a driveway, the maximum combined length of the trailer and recreational vehicle is 5 metres, exclusive of tongue or hitch, with a maximum height of 3.5 metres. Where the driveway is 8 metres or longer, the maximum combined length of the recreational vehicle and/or trailer, exclusive of tongue or hitch, shall be 9.2 metres with a maximum height of 3.5 metres. For the proposes of clarity, height in this provision shall be measured from the ground to the highest point of the body of the vehicle.

e) For a recreational vehicle and/or trailer not parked on the driveway, the maximum combined length of the recreational vehicle and/or trailer shall not exceed 8.5 metres, exclusive of the tongue or hitch, with a maximum height of 3.5 metres. The recreational vehicle or trailer shall also be set back a minimum of 1.2 metres from any interior side or rear lot line, and, shall be parked behind the front wall of the dwelling or in the rear yard. For the purposes of clarity, height in this provision shall be measured from the ground to the highest point of the body of the vehicle.

f) If any recreational vehicle or trailer exceeds the maximum limits as set out in Items d. and/or e. stated above, the recreational vehicle or trailer may be permitted to park on a driveway from May 1st to October 31st, and only for a period of up to 7 days per month.

g) Any recreational vehicle and/or trailer parked must be located entirely on private property and not extend or encroach onto adjacent lands, which includes the road allowance.


Except as specifically provided elsewhere in this By-law, the outdoor storage or display of goods, materials, parts, machinery or finished products is prohibited.


In any zone where a buffer strip is required, such buffer strip shall:

6.15.1 have a minimum width throughout of not less than 1.5 metres (5 feet);

6.15.2 be located abutting the zone or lot limit save and except that no buffer strip shall be located between the street line and any building line established by this By-law;

6-8 6.15.3 be in addition to all other yards required in the said zone;

6.15.4 be kept free of all parking, building or structures except for a legal boundary fence or wall;

6.15.5 be used only for the planting of grass, flowers, shrubs or trees.


No person shall erect a sign or outside lighting except in conformity with the Sign By-law Number 925-86, as amended.


Notwithstanding anything contained in this By-law, publicly owned parks, publicly owned recreation areas and publicly owned conservation areas shall be permitted uses in any zone as defined in this By-law.


No person or persons shall use any part of a dwelling unit for a home occupation or an office, base or headquarters for the occupant of a permitted dwelling unit except in conformity with the following regulations:

6.18.1 That such home occupation or office, base or headquarters for the occupant of a permitted dwelling unit shall be located within a private dwelling unit and be for the exclusive use of the occupants of the private dwelling, but may also employ not more than one (1) person who does not reside in the dwelling in which the home occupation or office, base or headquarters is permitted.

6.18.2 That an area equal to not more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the ground floor area of a private dwelling unit shall be used for such use.

6.18.3 That there shall be no outdoor storage of goods or materials.

6.18.4 That the use of the premises in connection with such home occupation or office, base or headquarters shall in no way be offensive, obnoxious or dangerous to the neighbours or the area by reason of the emission of light, heat, fumes, noise, vibration, gas, dust, smoke, fire, odour, air or water borne waste or pollution, interference with radio or television, or through frequency of deliveries by commercial carriers.

6.18.5 That no retail sales or wholesale merchandising or repair service shall be operated on the premises.

6.18.6 That no machinery or mechanical equipment of any kind other than normal household, hobby or office equipment shall be used on the premises in connection with such home occupation.

6.18.7 That the home occupation or office, base or headquarters shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the main residential use to which it is secondary.


15.3.1 Minimum Lot Area a) With municipal water and sewer 1390 square metres or the area of a recognized lot b) Without municipal water and sewer 2000 square metres or the area of a recognized lot 15.3.2 Minimum Lot Width a) With municipal water and sewer 22 metres or the width of a recognized lot b) Without municipal water and sewer 30 metres or the width of a recognized lot 15.3.3 Minimum Side Yard (each side) Equal to one-half building height but in no case less than 3 metres. On any yard that abuts a Zone 2, 2a, 3, 4, 4a or 5, the minimum side yard shall be 7.5 metres 15.3.4 Minimum Flankage Yard 7.5 metres 15.3.5 Minimum Rear Yard 7.5 metres a) where any rear yeard abuts a railway or right-of-way and/or an Hydro right-of-way, no rear yard is required b) in any case where a side or rear yard abuts a Zone 2, 2a, 3, 4, 4a or 5, no building, structure, outdoor storage or parking area shall be permitted within 4.5 metres of the side o rear lot lines 15.3.6 Maximum Lot Coverage Fifty percent (50%) of total lot area 15.3.7 Maximum Building Height 13.5 metres (44 feet) 15.3.8 Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Loading In conformity with the provisions of sub-sections 6.11, 6.12, 6.13 15.3.9 Buffer Strips A buffer strip in conformity with the provisions of sub-section 6.15 shall be provided along all lot lines which abut any Zone 2, 2a, 3, 4, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 5, 5a, 6 or 7. 15.3.10 Outdoor Storage

a) shall not be permitted between the front wall of the main building and the street line;

b) shall not be permitted in any required side yard;

c) all outdoor storage areas shall be screened by a wall, fence or planting so that such storage space is not visible from any street;

d) notwithstanding the aforementioned, outdoor display and sale of new or used motor vehicles or farm equipment is permitted so long as all such display or sales area are to the rear of all building lines established by this By-law. 15.3.11 Main and Accessory Buildings

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, more than one main building and an accessory building or buildings shall be permitted on any lot in this zone. 15.3.12 Gasoline Pumps as Accessory Use

Notwithstanding anything contained in this By-law, gasoline pumps may be installed by a trucking or transportation enterprise as an accessory use only. However, no gasoline or diesel fuels shall be permitted to be sold or resold on the premises of such trucking or transportation enterprise. 15.3.13 Parking in Flankage Yard 15-3

Township of North Dumfries Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 1 of 3


Sue Foxton was in the Chair. Also, present at the meeting were Councillor Rolleman, Councillor Ostner, Councillor McCreery and Councillor Gillespie.

Staff Present: Andrew McNeely, Chief Administrative Officer Shelley Stedall, Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services Ashley Sage, Clerk Mark Smuck, Director of Community Services Michelle Schaefle, Township Planner

Convene: 6:00 p.m.

Chair Mayor Foxton



C-357-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor McCreery

THAT Council adopt the July 8, 2019 Committee of the Whole Agenda as presented with the following addition and addendum:

i) Add item 4.1.3 Report No. FIN-22-2019 – Cambridge & North Dumfries Community Foundation Grant Award and Allocation.

ii) Amend item 4.2.5 Report No. PD-39-2019: Pre-Servicing Agreement (Earthworks) for Engel Developments – 244 & 280 Northumberland Street is required to remove Engel Developments and change to Susan Darlene McDonald. CARRIED


None reported.


C-358-19 Moved by Councillor McCreery Seconded by Councillor Rolleman

Township of North Dumfries Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 2 of 3

THAT the Committee of the Whole meeting be adjourned to move into Standing Committees at 6:02 p.m. CARRIED

C-367-19 Moved by Councillor McCreery Seconded by Councillor Gillespie

THAT the Development Services Committee be temporarily adjourned at 7:10 p.m. to accommodate the scheduled delegations, as set out in the Regular Council agenda and Public Meeting agenda. CARRIED

C-381-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor McCreery

THAT the Development Services Committee be reconvened at 7:36 p.m. CARRIED






By-law No. 3074-19 - Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Committee of the Whole on July 8, 2019.

C-382-19 Moved by Councillor Gillespie Seconded by Councillor Ostner

THAT By-law No. 3074-19 Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Committee of the Whole on July 8, 2019 be read a First, Second, third time; and be finally passed, signed and sealed by the Mayor and Clerk. CARRIED

Township of North Dumfries Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 3 of 3


C-383-19 Moved by Councillor McCreery Seconded by Councillor Rolleman

THAT WHEREAS business before this Committee of the Whole Meeting has been completed at 8:39 p.m.

AND BE IT RESOLVED THAT this Meeting adjourns and meets again on July 8, 2019 for Regular Council. CARRIED

Susan Foxton, Mayor

Ashley Sage, Clerk Township of North Dumfries Finance Committee Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 1 of 4


Margaret McCreery was in the Chair. Also, present at the meeting were Mayor Foxton, Councillor Rolleman, Councillor Ostner and Councillor Gillespie.

Staff Present: Andrew McNeely, Chief Administrative Officer Shelley Stedall, Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services Ashley Sage, Clerk Mark Smuck, Director of Community Services Michelle Schaefle, Township Planner


4.1 FINANCE COMMITTEE (Chair Councillor Margaret McCreery)

C-359-19 Moved by Councillor Ostner Seconded by Councillor Gillespie

THAT the Finance Committee call the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. CARRIED

Councillor McCreery requests that item 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 be removed from the consent agenda.

C-360-19 Moved by Mayor Foxton Seconded by Councillor Ostner

THAT the Finance Committee approve item 4.1.3 as presented. CARRIED

4.1.1 Report No. FIN-20-2019: 2019 Facilities Condition Assessment, Energy Audit, Accessibility Audit Reports (Presentation from Bryn Jones, Director, Asset and Facilities Management and Joken Chiu, EIT, Energy Management Solutions with Walterfedy). Select Facility Condition Assessment Reports and Facility Energy Assessment on andplans.aspx for more information.

This item is removed from the consent agenda for discussion.

Township of North Dumfries Finance Committee Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 2 of 4

C-361-19 Moved by Mayor Foxton Seconded by Councillor Rolleman

THAT Council receive report FIN 20-2019;

AND THAT the 2019 Facilities Condition Assessments and Capital Planning Studies prepared by Walterfedy for the following Township of North Dumfries Facilities be received:

a. Ayr Community Centre b. Ayr Fire Station c. Ayr Library Branch d. Branchton Park Picnic Pavilion e. Centennial Park Gazebo f. Clyde Park Picnic Pavilion g. Cowan Park Maintenance Building h. North Dumfries Community Complex i. North Dumfries Public Works Depot – Main Shop, Quonset Hut, Sand Storage Building, Storage Building j. Roseville Community Centre k. Schmidt Park Pavilion and Park Storage Building l. Victoria Park Concession, Gazebo and Public Washrooms;

AND THAT the 2019 Accessibility Audits completed by Walterfedy for the following Township of North Dumfries Facilities be received:

a. Ayr Community Centre b. Ayr Fire Station c. Public Works Depot d. Ayr Library e. North Dumfries Community Centre f. Roseville Community Centre;

AND THAT the 2019 Energy Audits completed by Walterfedy for the following Township of North Dumfries Facilities be received:

a. Ayr Community Centre b. Ayr Fire Station c. Roseville Community Centre d. Schmidt Park Storage Building e. Victoria Park Storage Building f. North Dumfries Community Centre g. North Dumfries Public Works Depot; Township of North Dumfries Finance Committee Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 3 of 4

AND THAT the Township of North Dumfries 5 Year Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan prepared by Walterfedy be received, adopted and posted on the Township website as required under Ontario Regulation 507/18;

AND THAT Staff utilize the above noted Facility Reports and Studies to update the Township’s Asset Management Plan, the Financial Statements as required under PSAB;

AND THAT Staff utilize the above noted Facility Reports and Studies to prepare annual operating and capital budgets as well as the Township’s Ten-Year Capital Plan for repairs and replacement;

AND THAT Council fund the preparation of the Energy Conservation Plan in the amount of $5,000 (plus HST) from Reserve for Building Lifecycle Study. CARRIED

4.1.2 Report No. FIN-21-2019: North Dumfries Community Complex Concession Services Contract Award.

This item is removed from the consent agenda for discussion.

C-362-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Mayor Foxton

THAT Council receive Report No. FIN 21-2019;

AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an extension to the Agreement with CGC Concession Group for the provision of Concession services for the 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22 North Dumfries Community Complex arena seasons:

AND THAT RFP-10-2019 Concession Services be abandoned and closed. CARRIED

4.1.3 Report No. FIN-22-2019 – Cambridge & North Dumfries Community Foundation Grant Award and Allocation

Township of North Dumfries Finance Committee Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 4 of 4

Item approved as presented:

“THAT the Township receive the grant allocation of Four Thousand four hundred fifty Dollars ($7,650) from the Cambridge & North Dumfries Community Foundation;

AND THAT consistent with the Foundation’s direction received to the Township July 5, 2019, that the Township allocate the funds to the following community group:

Ayr Minor Softball Association – Coach and Player Development Program $1,500 Ayr Rockets Girls Hockey Association – Jersey Replacement $1,000 Ayr Skatepark Committee – North Dumfries Skatepark $ 750 Ayr Skating Club – Skater Jump Line/Harness $1,000 Ayr Summer Fun Hockey Skills $1,400 North Dumfries Historical Preservation Society – Historical Video Production $2,000

AND THAT a letter be sent by the Mayor on behalf of Council thanking the Cambridge and North Dumfries Community Foundation together with the North Dumfries Smart & Caring Grants Advisory Committee, for their financial support and recognition of these two community groups and the valuable programs that they provide on behalf of the Township’s residents.”

C-363-19 Moved by Councillor Gillespie Seconded by Councillor Ostner

THAT the Finance Committee meeting be adjourned at 6:45 p.m. CARRIED

Margaret McCreery, Chair

Ashley Sage, Clerk Township of North Dumfries Development Services Committee Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 1 of 4


Rod Rolleman was in the Chair. Also, present at the meeting were Mayor Foxton, Councillor Ostner, Councillor McCreery and Councillor Gillespie.

Staff Present: Andrew McNeely, Chief Administrative Officer Shelley Stedall, Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services Ashley Sage, Clerk Mark Smuck, Director of Community Services Michelle Schaefle, Township Planner


4.2 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE (Chair Councillor Rod Rolleman)

C-364-19 Moved by Councillor Ostner Seconded by Councillor Gillespie

THAT the Development Services Committee call the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. CARRIED

Irene Schmidt-Adeney, 95 Piper Street and Councillor Ostner requests that item 4.2.4 be removed from the consent agenda.

Councillor McCreery requests that item 4.2.5 be removed from the consent agenda.

C-365-19 Moved by Mayor Foxton Seconded by Councillor McCreery

THAT the Development Services Committee approve items 4.2.1 to 4.2.3 as presented. CARRIED

4.2.1 Report No. PD-33-2019: Revised Terms of Reference for the Heritage Committee.

Item approved as presented:

“THAT PD Report No. 33-2019 be received;

AND THAT the Development Services Committee recommend that Council adopt as the revised Terms of Reference for the North Dumfries Heritage Advisory Township of North Dumfries Development Services Committee Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 2 of 4

Committee, dated July 8th, 2019 and included as Attachment 1 to this Report.”

4.2.2 Report No. PD-34-2019: Part IV Ontario Heritage Act – Amend By-law to Designate One-Storey Outbuilding for 1720 Spragues Road.

Item approved as presented:

“THAT PD Report No. 34-2019 be received;

AND THAT By-law 2076-04 which designates the one storey farm outbuilding at 1720 Spragues Road under the Ontario Heritage Act, be amended to include the original stone farmhouse as proposed in Attachment 1, and that staff be directed to process the proposed amendment in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act.”

4.2.3 Report No. PD-35-2019: Removal of Non-Designated – Part IV Properties from the Register.

Item approved as presented:

“THAT PD Report No. 35-2019 be received;

AND THAT the Development Services Committee recommend to Council that the following non-designated (listed) properties be removed from the Heritage Register as they are not considered to be of cultural heritage value or interest as per the Ontario Heritage Act:

• 2411 Fischer-Hallman Road • 3429 Roseville Road • 3249 Roseville Road • 3241 Roseville Road • 3219 Roseville Road • 3149 Roseville Road • 725 Brant-Waterloo Road • 2296 Roseville Road • 2312 Dumfries Road • 1943 Roseville Road • 1266 Alps Road • 2362 Alps Road • 1721 Northumberland Road • 1841 Northumberland Road • 1172 Swan Street Township of North Dumfries Development Services Committee Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 3 of 4

• 1248 Spragues Road • 2332 Spragues Road • 2422 Spragues Road • 1355 Wrigley Road • 1284 Wrigley Road”

4.2.4 Report No. PD-38-2019: Proposed Street Names for 828543 Ontario Inc. & 839658 Ontario Inc. (Legacy) Plan of Subdivision

This item is removed from the consent agenda for discussion.

C-366-19 Moved by Councillor Ostner Seconded by Councillor Gillespie

THAT PD Report No. 38-2019 be received;

AND THAT Council assign the following street names for the internal road associated with Plan of Subdivision File No. 30T-14301 as follows:

Robert Woolner Street Howard Marshall Street Vincent Drive Leslie Davis Street Gourlay Farm Lane William Creighton Street

AND THAT Margaret E. Baker Crescent be inserted in place of Di Donato Crescent and Maracle Way be inserted in place of Tice River Way

AND THAT Staff be directed to prepare the appropriate By-law to enact the proposed street names for the consideration of Council at the July 8th, 2019 Meeting with the [proposed changes made. CARRIED

Development Services temporarily adjourns at 7:10 p.m.

Development Services Committee reconvenes at 7:36 p.m.

4.2.5 Report No. PD-39-2019: Pre-Servicing Agreement (Earthworks) for Engel Developments – 244 & 280 Northumberland Street.

This item is removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Township of North Dumfries Development Services Committee Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 4 of 4

C-369-19 Moved by Councillor Gillespie Seconded by Councillor Ostner

THAT Report No. PD 39-2019 be received;

AND THAT the Pre-Servicing Agreement to accommodate earthworks on the lands associated with Draft Approved Subdivision File No. 30T- 17301 between Susan Darlene McDonald and the Township of North Dumfries be approved, subject to any minor revisions as required by the Township Solicitor and/or Chief Administrative Officer;

AND THAT By-law No. 3073-19, being a By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Pre-Servicing Agreement between Susan Darlene McDonald and the Township of North Dumfries, be enacted. CARRIED

C-370-19 Moved by Councillor McCreery Seconded by Councillor Ostner

THAT the Development Services Committee meeting be adjourned at 7:39 p.m. CARRIED

Rod Rolleman, Chair

Ashley Sage, Clerk

Township of North Dumfries Community Services Committee Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 1 of 2


Derrick Ostner was in the Chair. Also, present at the meeting were Mayor Foxton, Councillor Rolleman, Councillor McCreery and Councillor Gillespie.

Staff Present: Andrew McNeely, Chief Administrative Officer Shelley Stedall, Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services Ashley Sage, Clerk Mark Smuck, Director of Community Services Michelle Schaefle, Township Planner


4.3 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE (Chair Councillor Derrick Ostner)

C-371-19 Moved by Councillor Gillespie Seconded by Councillor Rolleman

THAT the Community Services Committee call the meeting to order at 7:39 p.m. CARRIED

Councillor Rolleman requests that item 4.3.1 be removed from the consent agenda.

4.3.1 Report No. REC-05-2019: Consideration of Traffic Safety Measures at Victoria Park, Ayr.

This item is removed from the consent agenda for discussion.

C-372-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor McCreery

THAT REC Report No. 05-2019 be received;

AND THAT Council adopt the proposal for improved signage and pavement markings for Victoria Park;

AND THAT Council include the East side of Rose street from Piper Street through to Colonial Drive for year round no parking;

AND THAT the appropriate by-law be introduced at the July 8th Regular Council meeting to prohibit no parking East side of Rose street from Township of North Dumfries Community Services Committee Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 2 of 2

Piper Street through to Colonial Drive;

AND THAT Staff return to Council with a Report in November 2019 outlining the observed changes arising from the signage/pavement marking campaign; CARRIED

C-373-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor McCreery

THAT the Community Services Committee meeting be adjourned at 8:03 p.m. CARRIED

Derrick Ostner, Chair

Ashley Sage, Clerk

Township of North Dumfries Governance & Protective Services Committee Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 1 of 4


Pamela Gillespie was in the Chair. Also, present at the meeting were Mayor Foxton, Councillor Rolleman, Councillor Ostner and Councillor McCreery.

Staff Present: Andrew McNeely, Chief Administrative Officer Shelley Stedall, Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services Ashley Sage, Clerk Mark Smuck, Director of Community Services Michelle Schaefle, Township Planner


4.4 GOVERNANCE & PROTECTIVE SERVICES COMMITTEE (Chair Councillor Pamela Gillespie)

C-374-19 Moved by Councillor McCreery Seconded by Councillor Rolleman

THAT the Governance & Protective Services Committee call the meeting to order at 8:03 p.m. CARRIED

Councillor Gillespie requests that item 4.4.1 be removed from the consent agenda.

Mayor Foxton requests that item 4.4.2 be removed from the consent agenda.

Councillor McCreery requests that item 4.4.4 be removed from the consent agenda.

Margaret Unger requests that item 4.4.5 be removed from the consent agenda.

C-375-19 Moved by Mayor Foxton Seconded by Councillor Ostner

THAT the Governance & Protective Services Committee approve items 4.4.3 as presented. CARRIED

4.4.1 Report No. CAO-27-2019: Consultant Services for Joint Service Delivery Review.

This item is removed from the consent agenda for discussion.

Township of North Dumfries Governance & Protective Services Committee Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 2 of 4

C-376-19 Moved by Mayor Foxton Seconded by Councillor Rolleman

THAT CAO Report No. 27-2019 be received;

AND THAT Council adopt the framework and principles of the Joint Services Delivery Review – Phase I as set out in this Report in partnership with the Townships of Wellesley, Wilmot and Woolwich;

AND THAT Staff be authorized to work in conjunction with the Townships of Wellesley, Wilmot and Woolwich in the preparation and issuance of a Request for Proposal (RFP) to seek competitive bids from qualified consulting firms to undertake Phase I of the Service Delivery Review;

AND THAT Staff provide a follow-up Report on the results of the RFP process and the recommended award of a Contract for the completion of the joint Study. CARRIED

4.4.2 Report No. CAO-28.2019: Memorandum of Understanding: Ayr – North Dumfries Lions Club and Township.

This item is removed from the consent agenda for discussion.

C-377-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor Ostner

THAT CAO Report No. 28-2019 be received;

AND THAT Council endorse the Memorandum of Understanding with the Ayr – North Dumfries Lions Club and the Township of North Dumfries for the term commencing on June 1st, 2019 extending to May 31st, 2024, included as Attachment No. 3 to this Report;

AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the Township with the Ayr – North Dumfries Lions Club. CARRIED

4.4.3 Report No. CAO-30-2019: Township Response to the Province’s Aggregate Summit.

Township of North Dumfries Governance & Protective Services Committee Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 3 of 4

Item approved as presented:

“THAT CAO Report No. 30-2019 be received;

AND THAT Council endorse the principles as set out in CAO Report No. 30-2019 and initially articulated in the Top Aggregate Municipalities of Ontario (TAPMO) position paper of April 29th, 2019;

AND THAT this Resolution and associated Staff Report be circulated to the Minister of Natural Resources & Forestry, Cambridge MPP Belinda Karahalios, and, the Ontario Stone Sand & Gravel Association.”

4.4.4 Report No. CAO-31-2019: Pilot Project for By-law Enforcement Aggregate Operations.

This item is removed from the consent agenda for further discussion.

C-378-19 Moved by Councillor McCreery Seconded by Councillor Rolleman

THAT CAO Report No. 31-2019 be received;

AND THAT the principles of the Pilot Project: By-law Enforcement Services for Aggregate Operations as set out in CAO Report No. 31- 2019 be endorsed;

AND THAT discussions with the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry continue to further the objectives of the Pilot Project;

AND THAT Staff provide periodic updates to the Council on the status of discussions with the Ministry on this matter. CARRIED

4.4.5 Report No. CAO-32-2019: Discussion Paper: Alternate Transit Delivery Models.

This item is removed from the consent agenda for discussion.

Margaret Unger notes that she would like to go on record that they are fully supportive of this project.

C-379-19 Moved by Mayor Foxton Seconded by Councillor Ostner

Township of North Dumfries Governance & Protective Services Committee Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 4 of 4

THAT CAO Report No. 32-2019 be received;

AND THAT Staff be authorized to engage in preliminary discussions with Region of Waterloo / personnel on a framework of Alternative Transit Delivery Models scoped for North Dumfries dealing with the three (3) potential service areas, namely:

i) Highway 401 / 97 Employment District;

ii) Local Service Route – Community of Ayr;

iii) Inter-Municipal Service with linkages to Kitchener and Cambridge transit hubs (settlement and rural areas)

AND THAT Staff be authorized to initiate a community consultation / engagement program to better define the transit requirements and the demand / need for service for each of the three potential service areas as set out in Recommendation #2

AND THAT Staff initiate a literature search of Transit models operating in rural Ontario and North America that may inform delivery models that could be adapted or applied in North Dumfries;

AND THAT Staff return in November 2019 with an interim Report to Council on the preliminary information attained through the completion of Recommendations #2 to #4 inclusive. CARRIED

C-380-19 Moved by Councillor Ostner Seconded by Councillor Rolleman

THAT the Governance & Protective Services Committee meeting be adjourned at 8:38 p.m. CARRIED

Pamela Gillespie, Chair

Ashley Sage, Clerk Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 1 of 16


Mayor Foxton was in the Chair. Also, present at the meeting were Councillor Rolleman, Councillor Ostner Councillor McCreery and Councillor Gillespie

Staff Present: Andrew McNeely, Chief Administrative Officer Shelley Stedall, Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services Ashley Sage, Clerk Mark Smuck, Director of Community Services Michelle Schaefle, Township Planner

Convene: 7:00 p.m.



C-384-19 Moved by Councillor Gillespie Seconded by Councillor Ostner

THAT Council adopt the July 8, 2019 Regular Council Agenda as presented with the following amendment:

i) Amend item 12.1 By-law No. 3073-19 by removing Engel Developments and inserting Susan Darlene McDonald. CARRIED


None reported.



Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 2 of 16


C-385-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor McCreery

THAT Council temporarily call the Regular Council meeting to order at 7:14 p.m. to accommodate the scheduled delegations, as set out in the Regular Council agenda CARRIED

5.1 Dave Thomson requesting a By-law Amendment to Prohibit Signs on the Cenotaph and in Cemeteries in the Township.

Dave Thomson addresses Council. Mr. Thomson provides some background on his work completed and how he has approaches Brant Count yin the past for a similar request. Mr. Thomson notes that he is here to ask Council to consider amending the Sign By-law so no signs are placed on the Cenotaph.

Questions from Council:

The Chief Administrative Officer notes that the Cenotaph is located on a Regional Road, however, it is unclear as to who owns it.

Councillor Rolleman inquiries whether when we build the new subdivision whether the Region will allow signs.

Mayor Foxton notes that we could add a provision to the agreement with the Region to not allow signs on the Cenotaph.

Councillor Ostner notes that he is surprised that we don’t have specific regulations to protect the Cenotaph and cemeteries.

C-386-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor McCreery

THAT the delegation from Dave Thomson requesting a By-law Amendment to Prohibit Signs on the Cenotaph and in Cemeteries in the Township be received with thanks. CARRIED

Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 3 of 16

5.2 Ying Jiang with Musical Lives Guitar Orchestra regarding the Community Music Activities that are done in the Township.

Ying Jiang with Musical Lives Guitar Orchestra addresses Council. Mr. Jiang provides some background on himself and notes that he is looking to grow this initiative by expanding his connections. Mr. Jiang provides Council with a short demonstration on his guitar.

Questions from Council:

Mayor Foxton notes that Recreation & Community Services Coordinator can help assist with promotion.

C-387-19 Moved by Councillor McCreery Seconded by Councillor Rolleman

THAT the delegation from Ying Jiang with Musical Lives Guitar Orchestra regarding the Community Music Activities be received. CARRIED

C-388-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor Ostner

THAT Council adjourn the Regular Council meeting at 7:35 p.m. CARRIED


6.1 Committee of the Whole Reports:

6.1.1 Adoption of Resolutions from the July 8, 2019 Finance Committee.

Recommendations from the Committee:

a) “THAT Council receive report FIN 20-2019;

AND THAT the 2019 Facilities Condition Assessments and Capital Planning Studies prepared by Walterfedy for the following Township of North Dumfries Facilities be received:

a. Ayr Community Centre b. Ayr Fire Station c. Ayr Library Branch Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 4 of 16

d. Branchton Park Picnic Pavilion e. Centennial Park Gazebo f. Clyde Park Picnic Pavilion g. Cowan Park Maintenance Building h. North Dumfries Community Complex i. North Dumfries Public Works Depot – Main Shop, Quonset Hut, Sand Storage Building, Storage Building j. Roseville Community Centre k. Schmidt Park Pavilion and Park Storage Building l. Victoria Park Concession, Gazebo and Public Washrooms;

AND THAT the 2019 Accessibility Audits completed by Walterfedy for the following Township of North Dumfries Facilities be received:

a. Ayr Community Centre b. Ayr Fire Station c. Public Works Depot d. Ayr Library e. North Dumfries Community Centre f. Roseville Community Centre;

AND THAT the 2019 Energy Audits completed by Walterfedy for the following Township of North Dumfries Facilities be received:

a. Ayr Community Centre b. Ayr Fire Station c. Roseville Community Centre d. Schmidt Park Storage Building e. Victoria Park Storage Building f. North Dumfries Community Centre g. North Dumfries Public Works Depot;

AND THAT the Township of North Dumfries 5 Year Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan prepared by Walterfedy be received, adopted and posted on the Township website as required under Ontario Regulation 507/18;

AND THAT Staff utilize the above noted Facility Reports and Studies to update the Township’s Asset Management Plan, the Financial Statements as required under PSAB;

AND THAT Staff utilize the above noted Facility Reports and Studies to prepare annual operating and capital budgets as well as the Township’s Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 5 of 16

Ten-Year Capital Plan for repairs and replacement;

AND THAT Council fund the preparation of the Energy Conservation Plan in the amount of $5,000 (plus HST) from Reserve for Building Lifecycle Study.”

b) “THAT Council receive Report No. FIN 21-2019;

AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an extension to the Agreement with CGC Concession Group Canada for the provision of Concession services for the 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22 North Dumfries Community Complex arena seasons:

AND THAT RFP-10-2019 Concession Services be abandoned and closed.”

c) “THAT the Township receive the grant allocation of Four Thousand four hundred fifty Dollars ($7,650) from the Cambridge & North Dumfries Community Foundation;

AND THAT consistent with the Foundation’s direction received to the Township July 5, 2019, that the Township allocate the funds to the following community group:

Ayr Minor Softball Association – Coach and Player Development Program $1,500 Ayr Rockets Girls Hockey Association – Jersey Replacement $1,000 Ayr Skatepark Committee – North Dumfries Skatepark $ 750 Ayr Skating Club – Skater Jump Line/Harness $1,000 Ayr Summer Fun Hockey Skills $1,400 North Dumfries Historical Preservation Society – Historical Video Production $2,000

AND THAT a letter be sent by the Mayor on behalf of Council thanking the Cambridge and North Dumfries Community Foundation together with the North Dumfries Smart & Caring Grants Advisory Committee, for their financial support and recognition of these two community groups and the valuable programs that they provide on behalf of the Township’s residents.”

C-389-19 Moved by Councillor McCreery Seconded by Councillor Rolleman

THAT Council adopt the recommendations in their entirety as presented by the Finance Committee dated July 8, 2019 CARRIED

Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 6 of 16

6.1.2 Adoption of Resolutions from the July 8, 2019 Development Services Committee.

Recommendations from the Committee:

a) “THAT PD Report No. 33-2019 be received;

AND THAT the Development Services Committee recommend that Council adopt as the revised Terms of Reference for the North Dumfries Heritage Advisory Committee, dated July 8th, 2019 and included as Attachment 1 to this Report.”

b) “THAT PD Report No. 34-2019 be received;

AND THAT By-law 2076-04 which designates the one storey farm outbuilding at 1720 Spragues Road under the Ontario Heritage Act, be amended to include the original stone farmhouse as proposed in Attachment 1, and that staff be directed to process the proposed amendment in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act.”

c) “THAT PD Report No. 35-2019 be received;

AND THAT the Development Services Committee recommend to Council that the following non-designated (listed) properties be removed from the Heritage Register as they are not considered to be of cultural heritage value or interest as per the Ontario Heritage Act:

• 2411 Fischer-Hallman Road • 3429 Roseville Road • 3249 Roseville Road • 3241 Roseville Road • 3219 Roseville Road • 3149 Roseville Road • 725 Brant-Waterloo Road • 2296 Roseville Road • 2312 Dumfries Road • 1943 Roseville Road • 1266 Alps Road • 2362 Alps Road • 1721 Northumberland Road • 1841 Northumberland Road • 1172 Swan Street Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 7 of 16

• 1248 Spragues Road • 2332 Spragues Road • 2422 Spragues Road • 1355 Wrigley Road • 1284 Wrigley Road” d) “THAT PD Report No. 38-2019 be received;

AND THAT Council assign the following street names for the internal road associated with Plan of Subdivision File No. 30T-14301 as follows:

Robert Woolner Street Howard Marshall Street Vincent Drive Leslie Davis Street Gourlay Farm Lane William Creighton Street

AND THAT Margaret E. Baker Crescent be inserted in place of Di Donato Crescent and Maracle Way be inserted in place of Tice River Way

AND THAT Staff be directed to prepare the appropriate By-law to enact the proposed street names for the consideration of Council at the July 8th, 2019 Meeting with the [proposed changes made.” e) “THAT Report No. PD 39-2019 be received;

AND THAT the Pre-Servicing Agreement to accommodate earthworks on the lands associated with Draft Approved Subdivision File No. 30T-17301 between Susan Darlene McDonald and the Township of North Dumfries be approved, subject to any minor revisions as required by the Township Solicitor and/or Chief Administrative Officer;

AND THAT By-law No. 3073-19, being a By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Pre-Servicing Agreement between Susan Darlene McDonald and the Township of North Dumfries, be enacted.”

Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 8 of 16

C-390-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor McCreery

THAT Council adopt the recommendations in their entirety as presented by the Development Services Committee dated July 8, 2019. CARRIED

6.1.3 Adoption of Resolutions from the July 8, 2019 Community Services Committee.

Recommendations from the Committee:

a) “THAT REC Report No. 05-2019 be received;

AND THAT Council adopt the proposal for improved signage and pavement markings for Victoria Park;

AND THAT Council include the East side of Rose street from Piper Street through to Colonial Drive for year round no parking;

AND THAT the appropriate by-law be introduced at the July 8th Regular Council meeting to prohibit no parking East side of Rose street from Piper Street through to Colonial Drive;

AND THAT Staff return to Council with a Report in November 2019 outlining the observed changes arising from the signage/pavement marking campaign;”

C-391-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor Gillespie

THAT Council adopt the recommendations in their entirety as presented by the Community Services Committee dated July 8, 2019. CARRIED

6.1.4 Adoption of Resolutions from the July 82019 Governance & Protective Services Committee.

Recommendations from the Committee:

a) “THAT CAO Report No. 27-2019 be received;

AND THAT Council adopt the framework and principles of the Joint Services Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 9 of 16

Delivery Review – Phase I as set out in this Report in partnership with the Townships of Wellesley, Wilmot and Woolwich;

AND THAT Staff be authorized to work in conjunction with the Townships of Wellesley, Wilmot and Woolwich in the preparation and issuance of a Request for Proposal (RFP) to seek competitive bids from qualified consulting firms to undertake Phase I of the Service Delivery Review;

AND THAT Staff provide a follow-up Report on the results of the RFP process and the recommended award of a Contract for the completion of the joint Study.”

b) “THAT CAO Report No. 28-2019 be received;

AND THAT Council endorse the Memorandum of Understanding with the Ayr – North Dumfries Lions Club and the Township of North Dumfries for the term commencing on June 1st, 2019 extending to May 31st, 2024, included as Attachment No. 3 to this Report;

AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the Township with the Ayr – North Dumfries Lions Club.”

c) “THAT CAO Report No. 30-2019 be received;

AND THAT Council endorse the principles as set out in CAO Report No. 30- 2019 and initially articulated in the Top Aggregate Municipalities of Ontario (TAPMO) position paper of April 29th, 2019;

AND THAT this Resolution and associated Staff Report be circulated to the Minister of Natural Resources & Forestry, Cambridge MPP Belinda Karahalios, and, the Ontario Stone Sand & Gravel Association.” d) “THAT CAO Report No. 31-2019 be received;

AND THAT the principles of the Pilot Project: By-law Enforcement Services for Aggregate Operations as set out in CAO Report No. 31-2019 be endorsed;

AND THAT discussions with the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry continue to further the objectives of the Pilot Project;

AND THAT Staff provide periodic updates to the Council on the status of Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 10 of 16

discussions with the Ministry on this matter.”

e) “THAT CAO Report No. 32-2019 be received;

AND THAT Staff be authorized to engage in preliminary discussions with Region of Waterloo / Grand River Transit personnel on a framework of Alternative Transit Delivery Models scoped for North Dumfries dealing with the three (3) potential service areas, namely:

i) Highway 401 / 97 Employment District;

ii) Local Service Route – Community of Ayr;

iii) Inter-Municipal Service with linkages to Kitchener and Cambridge transit hubs (settlement and rural areas)

AND THAT Staff be authorized to initiate a community consultation / engagement program to better define the transit requirements and the demand / need for service for each of the three potential service areas as set out in Recommendation #2

AND THAT Staff initiate a literature search of Transit models operating in rural Ontario and North America that may inform delivery models that could be adapted or applied in North Dumfries;

AND THAT Staff return in November 2019 with an interim Report to Council on the preliminary information attained through the completion of Recommendations #2 to #4 inclusive.”

C-392-19 Moved by Councillor Ostner Seconded by Councillor Rolleman

THAT Council adopt the recommendations 6.1.4 (a) to (c) as presented by the Governance & Protective Services Committee dated July 8, 2019. CARRIED

Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 11 of 16

6.2 Minutes

6.2.1 Regular Council Minutes dated June 24, 2019

C-393-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor McCreery

THAT Council approve the Minutes, as published in items 6.2.1. CARRIED

6.3 Communications / Correspondence

6.3.1 Resolution received from the City of St. Catharines regarding Free Menstrual Products at City Facilities.

6.3.2 Resolution received from the Township of Warwich regarding Enforcement for Safety on Family Farms.

C-394-19 Moved by Councillor Ostner Seconded by Councillor Gillespie

THAT items 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 be received. CARRIED






9.1 Planning & Sustainability Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes dated May 15, 2019

C-395-19 Moved by Councillor McCreery Seconded by Councillor Rolleman

THAT Council receive for the purposes of information item 9.1. CARRIED

Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 12 of 16

9.2 Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes dated June 20, 2019.

C-396-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor McCreery

THAT Council receive for the purposes of information item 9.2. CARRIED

9.2.1 Motion adopted by the Heritage Advisory Committee for Council consideration:

“THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee support amending the existing designation by-law, and that the by-law drafted by Karen Scott Booth, be submitted to Planner Michelle Schaefle by Wednesday June 26, 2019 to be incorporated into the July 8, 2019 Council Report.”

C-397-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor McCreery

THAT Council receive for the purposes of information item 9.2.1, as this matter was addressed in Report PD-34-2019 at the July 8, 2019 Committee of the Whole meeting. CARRIED

9.2.2 “THAT the North Dumfries Heritage Committee recommend that Council adopt the revised Terms of Reference for the North Dumfries Heritage Advisory Committee, date of June 20th, 2019.”

C-398-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor McCreery

THAT Council receive for the purposes of information item 9.2.2, as this matter was addressed in Report PD-33-2019 at the July 8, 2019 Committee of the Whole meeting. CARRIED


10.1 Region of Waterloo. 10.4.1 Region of Waterloo Minutes dated June 5, 2019.

C-399-19 Moved by Councillor Gillespie Seconded by Councillor Ostner Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 13 of 16

THAT Council receive for the purposes of information item 10.1.1. CARRIED

10.2 Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA). None.

10.3 Energy+ Inc. None.

10.4 Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee (GRAAC). 10.4.1 Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes dated April 25, 2019. 10.4.2 Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes dated May 23, 2019.

C-400-19 Moved by Councillor McCreery Seconded by Councillor Rolleman

THAT Council receive for the purposes of information item 10.1.1. CARRIED

10.5 Library None.



12.1 By-law No. 3073-19 – Being a By-Law to Authorize the Mayor and Clerk to Execute a Pre-Servicing Agreement between Engel Developments and the Township of North Dumfries.

12.2 By-law No. 3077-19 – Being a By-law to Name the Internal Road – “Robert Woolner Street, Howard Marshall Street, Vincent Drive, Leslie Davis Street, Gourlay Farm Lane, William Creighton Street, Tice River Way, Di Donato Crescent” within the Plan of Subdivision File No. 30T-14301.

12.3 By-law No. 3079-19 – Being a By-law to Amend By-law No. 259-13 Being a By- law to Regulate Traffic and Parking Under the Jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Township of North Dumfries.

Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 14 of 16

C-401-19 Moved by Councillor Ostner Seconded by Councillor Gillespie

THAT by-law 3073-19, 3077-19 and 3079-19 be taken as read a first and second time. CARRIED

C-402-19 Moved by Councillor Gillespie Seconded by Councillor Ostner

THAT by-law 3073-19, 3077-19 and 3079-19 be taken as read a third time and finally passed. CARRIED


13.1 Annual Performance Evaluation for CAO. “Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees” (Municipal Act, Section 239 (2)(b)).

C-403-19 Moved by Councillor Ostner Seconded by Councillor Gillespie

THAT Council move into a Closed Meeting Session at 8:58 p.m. under the Municipal Act, 2001 Section 239(2)(b) to discuss:

i) Annual Performance Evaluation for CAO. “Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees” (Municipal Act, Section 239 (2)(b)). CARRIED


C-404-19 Moved by Councillor Gillespie Seconded by Councillor Ostner

THAT the Closed Meeting Session of Council is complete at 9:36 p.m. and the Open Council meeting resumes. CARRIED

Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 15 of 16


C-405-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor McCreery

THAT Council direct the Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services to prepare the Performance Review in accordance with their Ranking and Comments for the Mayor to review with the Chief Administrative Officer Andrew McNeely;

AND THAT the Mayor be authorized to review the Council circulated Performance Review with the Chief Administrative Officer. DEFERRED


By-law No. 3075-19 – Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council on July 8, 2019.

C-406-19 Moved by Councillor McCreery Seconded by Councillor Rolleman

THAT By-law No. 3075-19 Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council on July 8, 2019 be read a First, Second, third time; and be finally passed, signed and sealed by the Mayor and Clerk. CARRIED


C-407-19 Moved by Councillor Rolleman Seconded by Councillor McCreery

THAT WHEREAS business before this Regular Council Meeting has been completed at 9:39 p.m.

AND BE IT RESOLVED THAT this Meeting adjourns and meets again on Monday, August 12, 2019 for Committee of the Whole, followed by Regular Council. CARRIED


19. QUESTIONS FROM THE MEDIA Township of North Dumfries Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 8, 2019 NDCC – Dumfries Room Page 16 of 16

Susan Foxton, Mayor

Ashley Sage, Clerk


Resolution: Opposition to Changes in 2019 Provincial Budget and Planning Act

WHEREAS on April 11, 2019, the Provincial government tabled a new budget, some of which represents a significant shift in priorities, with direct implications to the City of Stratford and municipalities across Ontario;

AND WHEREAS this shift in priorities will put disproportionate pressure on municipal governments to either fully fund Provincially discontinued programs or partially supplement programs and services at current service levels;

AND WHEREAS the City of Stratford recognizes that the Government of Ontario announced in May 2019 that it will reverse mid-year cuts to critical services of public health, childcare and ambulance services and requests an opportunity to work collaboratively to find solutions that will work for all partners and protect services prior to drafting 2020 budgets;

AND WHEREAS previous legislation that abolished the OMB and replaced it with LPAT received unanimous – all party support as all parties recognized that local governments should have the authority to uphold their provincially approved Official Plans and community driven planning;

AND WHEREAS in the spirit of working together for the benefit of all Ontario residents, Stratford City Council opposes the upcoming changes to the Planning Act as municipalities were not consulted and afforded an opportunity to provide feedback;

AND REQUESTS a meeting with MPP Pettapiece, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and other related ministries on the effects of downloading onto municipal governments;

AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to all municipalities in Ontario and to AMO.


The Corporation of the City of Stratford, P.O. Box 818, Stratford ON N5A 6W1 Attention: City Clerk, 519-271-0250 ext 235, [email protected]

“Community Excellence with Worldwide Impact” Ministry of Agriculture, Ministère de l’Agriculture, de Food and Rural Affairs l'Alimentation et des Affaires rurales

Office of the Minister Bureau du ministre

77 Grenville Street, 11th Floor 77, rue Grenville, 11e étage Toronto, Ontario M7A 1B3 Toronto (Ontario) M7A 1B3 Tel: 416-326-3074 Tél. : 416 326-3074

July 29, 2019

Her Worship Sue Foxton Mayor Township of North Dumfries [email protected]

Dear Mayor Foxton:

On behalf of the Ontario Government, I am pleased to announce the launch of the revitalized Rural Economic Development (RED) program.

Our government is committed to supporting economic growth in rural communities and ensuring that Ontario is open for business. That’s why we’ve updated the RED program – to focus on projects that will bring real benefits to communities and help attract investment and create jobs, while also providing greater value for taxpayer dollars.

The updated program will continue to support projects that diversify and grow local economies and will now target more impactful projects with tangible community benefits. It will also reduce the burden for applicants, create efficiencies in program delivery, and better align with the government’s priorities of creating jobs and removing barriers to investment and growth in Ontario’s rural communities.

The program will offer two new project categories:

 Economic Diversification and Competitiveness Stream: will support projects that remove barriers to business and job growth, attract investment, attract or retain a skilled workforce or strengthen sector and regional partnerships and diversify regional economies.

 Strategic Economic Infrastructure Stream: will support minor capital projects that advance economic development and investment opportunities.


Good things grow in Ontario Ministry Headquarters: 1 Stone Road West, Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Y2 À bonne terre, bons produits Bureau principal du ministère: 1 Stone Road West, Guelph (Ontario) N1G 4Y2

- 2 -

The first application intake for eligible applicants will take place from July 29 to September 9, 2019. All program details including the program guide and application form will be available online on July 29, 2019, on the ministry website.


Ernie Hardeman Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Regional Council Minutes

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The following are the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held at 7:00 p.m. in the Regional Council Chamber, 150 Frederick Street, Kitchener, Ontario, with the following members present: Chair K. Redman, L. Armstrong, E. Clarke*, J. Erb, S. Foxton, T. Galloway, M. Harris, D. Jaworsky, H. Jowett, K. Kiefer, G. Lorentz, K. McGarry, J. Nowak, S. Shantz, S. Strickland, B. Vrbanovic

The meeting was opened with a moment of silence in memory of Sharon Giles, Chair of GRAAC and Specialized Transit Services Committee.

Closed Session Moved by D. Jaworsky

Seconded by H. Jowett

That a closed meeting of Council be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2019, at 6:45 p.m. in the Waterloo County Room, in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, for the purposes of considering the following subject matters:

a) personal matters about identifiable individuals


Moved by L. Armstrong

Seconded by J. Erb

That Council reconvene in Open Session.


Declarations of Pecuniary Interest Under The “Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act” None declared.

3024242 Council Minutes - 2 - 19/06/05

Delegations a) Kristen Gillett, Communitech Corporation appeared before Council regarding the upcoming True North Conference. She provided a presentation on Communitech and the True North conference and festival which will be held June 19 – 20th. They appreciate the Region’s support for this event. A copy of the presentation is appended to the minutes.

b) Brendan Burke appeared before Council regarding his Health and Safety concerns at GRT. He highlighted the incidents that have occurred and requested the internal barriers be implemented. A copy of his presentation is appended to the minutes.

Chair Redman stated there is a joint health and safety team working on the concerns raised.

c) Jennifer Voss, appeared before Council regarding the Grand River Transit Proposed Transit Service Improvements, Route 55 St. Andrews Renamed 55 Grand Ridge. Correspondence was included with the consolidated Council agenda. She stated they recently learned a bus stop is proposed to be located in front of their residence as part of the new redesigned route 55 Grand Ridge. She displayed photos of her property and expressed concern for the adverse impact this proposed concrete pad and route will have on their property as it is a heritage home and the preservation of the 100 year old sycamore tree. She highlighted the policies from the City of Cambridge and the Region related to urban design. She requested deferral of the decision on proposed route changes until a thorough, transparent assessment is taken on the impact of new bus stops and two way routes. Thomas Schmidt, Commissioner Transportation and Environmental Services stated public consultation has occurred for this route and the options for the pad installation. He suggested the approval of the route proceed and there be further discussion with the residents on the pad location. Councillors had comments related to alternate locations for the bus stops.

*E. Clarke left the meeting at 7:35 p.m.

There was a brief recess to deal with technical issues.

Presentations a) Chief Stephen Van Valkenburg provided a presentation on the Community Paramedic Program Update. He introduced Deputy Chief Jim Topham and Karen Totzke, Supervisor Operations. A copy of the presentation is appended to the minutes. He highlighted the community paramedicine program, which is a non-

3024242 Council Minutes - 3 - 19/06/05

emergency service program. He noted services provided, goals and objectives, statistics from their program and the satisfaction survey results.

M. Harris noted he and Councillor Armstrong attended the graduation of the new paramedics last week and congratulated Chief Van Valkenburg on the new hires and the great work being done by the service.

Minutes Of Previous Meetings Moved by B. Vrbanovic

Seconded by J. Erb

That the following Minutes be approved:

a) Council – May 8, 2019

b) Closed Council – May 8, 2019

c) Closed Committee – May 8, 2019

d) Planning and Works – May 28, 2019

e) Administration and Finance – May 28, 2019

f) Community Services - May 28, 2019


Communications a) Council Information Package was received for information.

Moved by L. Armstrong

Seconded by S. Foxton

That Council go into Committee of the Whole to consider reports.


Finance Reports

a) COR-TRY-19-60, T2019-135 Regional Road No. 81 (South Boundary Road), Highway 24 and Regional Road No. 36 (Franklin Boulevard Extension) Phase 1B

3024242 Council Minutes - 4 - 19/06/05

Moved by S. Strickland

Seconded by G. Lorentz

That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo accept the tender of Steed and Evans Limited for T2019-135 Regional Road No. 81 (South Boundary Road), Highway 24 and Regional Road No. 36 (Franklin Boulevard Extension) Phase 1B in the amount of $11,807,646.50 plus all applicable taxes as set out in report COR-TRY-19-60 dated June 5, 2019.


b) COR-TRY-19-62, T2019-167 450mm Diameter Raw Watermain Installation from Belmont Avenue to William Street

Moved by S. Strickland

Seconded by G. Lorentz

That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo accept the tender of New-Alliance Ltd. for T2019-167 450mm Diameter Raw Watermain Installation from Belmont Avenue to William Street in the amount of $4,034,767.00 plus all applicable taxes as set out in report COR-TRY-19-62 dated June 5, 2019.


c) COR-TRY-19-63, T2019-127 2019 Intersection and Other Miscellaneous Roadway Improvements Moved by S. Strickland

Seconded by G. Lorentz

That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo take the following action with respect to T2019-127 2019 Intersection and Other Miscellaneous Roadway Improvements as set out in report COR-TRY-19-63 dated June 5, 2019: 1. Accept the tender of Steed and Evans Limited in the amount of $2,325,034.98 plus all applicable taxes; 2. Approve an increase to project #07366 Trussler Road at Bridge Street of $550,800 to be funded from Regional Development Charges; 3. Approve an increase to project #07538 Maple Grove Road at Compass Trail of $446,700 to be funded from Regional Development Charges; 4. Approve an increase to project #07542 Bleams Road at Bullock Street of

3024242 Council Minutes - 5 - 19/06/05

$44,800 to be funded from Regional Development Charges; 5. Approve an increase to project #05110 Victoria Street, Hwy 7 Bridge to Edna Street of $18,100 to be funded from Regional Development Charges; 6. Amend the 2019-2028 Transportation Capital Program by advancing $170,000 for project #07366 Trussler Road at Bridge Street from 2020 to 2019; 7. Approve an increase in project cost of $100,900 gross and $0 net to facilitate work undertaken on behalf of Ira Needles Development Limited. Carried

d) COR-TRY-19-64, Winter Maintenance at Grand River Transit Bus Stops – Kitchener

There was a question on how to assure quality work will be completed. It was noted this is not the same provider as last year and staff hope to not have the same issues that have occurred in the past. There was discussion about the service standard for transit stops. This provider has provided service in Waterloo and the Townships and staff have had discussions with the provider. A suggestion was made to have discussions with the area municipalities to partner for sidewalk clearing.

Moved by S. Strickland

Seconded by G. Lorentz

That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo accept the quotation of LP Landscape Plus Inc. for Winter Maintenance at Grand River Transit Bus Stops - Kitchener from November 15, 2019 to April 15, 2020 in the estimated amount of $408,480.00 plus all applicable taxes with the option to renew for three (3), one (1) year renewals as set out in report COR-TRY-19-64 dated June 5, 2019. Carried

e) COR-TRY-19-65, P2019-12 Supply and Delivery of Cellular Modems

Moved by S. Strickland

Seconded by G. Lorentz

That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo accept the proposal of Codehesive Solutions Inc. for P2019-12 Supply and Delivery of Cellular Modems for a three (3) year period commencing July 1, 2019 with the option to renew for three (3)

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additional one (1) year periods at an estimated three year total cost of $1,328,325.00 (annual estimated cost of $442,775.00) plus all applicable taxes as set out in report COR-TRY-19-65 dated June 5, 2019. Carried

f) COR-TRY-19-66, University of Waterloo Bus Station Construction A question was asked if the option was exercised to go back out to tender if less than three bids are received. Craig Dyer, Chief Financial Officer advised he does not believe the option was exercised and the tender was cancelled and negotiated with the lowest bidder. In response to a question about how much over budget the bids were, C. Dyer stated he will obtain this information and advise councillors.

Due to the higher costs, the bus shelter canopies will be tendered separately at a later date, subject to funding approval as part of the 2020 Grand River Transit Capital Budget deliberations.

Moved by S. Strickland

Seconded by G. Lorentz

That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo accept the negotiated bid submission and enter into a contract agreement with James Kemp Construction Limited for University of Waterloo Bus Station Construction in the amount of $3,537,139.89 plus all applicable taxes as set out in report COR-TRY-19-66 dated June 5, 2019. Carried

g) COR-FSD-19-30/HRC-ADM-19-03, Audit and Accountability Fund Report

Mike Murray, Chief Administrative Officer highlighted the report, advising staff received information last week on this program and the tight timelines. He stated applications are due at the end of June. Staff have given some thought to the process, along with previous work done in this area and a review will be done. Funding will be used to engage third party experts.

M. Harris stated timing is of the essence and significant decisions will be required in the next budget cycles. He proposed an amendment to the recommendation to include: striking a steering committee of Audit Committee and 2 additional councillors working with senior staff to formulate a scope for the review and to bring back for final Council approval on June 26th. He suggested the scope of the review

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should include initiating a full value for money audit including revisiting the areas identified in the 2015 KPMG review and recent provincial funding reductions.

S. Strickland supported the proposed amendment as a friendly amendment. He stated it is important to have Council involved in the process through a steering committee. This needs to be done quickly and if help can be received from a third party with funding from the Province it is all worthwhile.

M. Murray stated the timing is tight and he encouraged councillors to make themselves available to hold the steering committee meetings.

M. Harris and S. Foxton volunteered to be on the steering committee along with members of the Audit Committee.

Moved by S. Strickland

Seconded by M. Harris

That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo indicate its intent to submit an application to the Province of Ontario’s Audit and Accountability Fund as described in report COR-FSD-19-30/HRC-ADM-19-03 dated June 5, 2019;

And that a steering committee of Council be formed to establish a scope for the review, that will include members of the Audit Committee, Regional Councillors Foxton and Harris and appropriate senior staff;

And that the steering committee’s recommendations on the scope of the project be reported back to the June 26, 2019 Council meeting for approval.


Committee Reports Planning and Works

The Summary of Recommendations of the Planning and Works Committee was presented by Tom Galloway, Chair of the Committee.

Moved by T. Galloway

Seconded by S. Foxton

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That the Summary of Recommendations of the Planning and Works Committee, dated May 28, 2019, Items 1 to 8 and 1 item from closed session, Item 9, be adopted as follows:

1. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the installation of a Level 2 Pedestrian Crossover at the alternate location on Huron Street 39 meters East of Union Street; and

That staff review the options of a bump out on the business side of Huron Street in order to reduce the amount of parking spaces to be removed. [TES-TRS-19- 06.1]

2. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo endorse the Project Team Preferred Route Refinement as displayed in Attachment 1 as the preferred route for Stage 2 ION: LRT from Kitchener to Cambridge as shown in Report TES-RTS-19-07 dated May 28, 2019; and,

That the Region of Waterloo increase the contract with WSP Canada Group Limited by $796,000 plus applicable taxes for a revised total of $3,626,030 to cover the requested amendments to the project scope and to complete the study.

3. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo forward Report PDL-CPL-19-24/PDL- LEG-19-37, dated May 28, 2019 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing as the Region’s response to Bill 108, the proposed “More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019”.

4. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve project funding allocations totaling up to $145,861.47 from the Community Environmental Fund to support twenty environmental stewardship and sustainability projects as described in Attachment 1 of Report PDL-CPL-19-23, dated May 28, 2019.

5. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo proceed with the design of a temporary expansion for the Airport Terminal Building and issue Requests for Proposals to consultants for the design of the temporary expansion as described in report PDL-AIR-19-04 dated May 28, 2019.

6. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve transit service improvements to be effective Monday, September 2, 2019, as described in Report No. TES- TRS-19-10, dated May 28, 2019.

7. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the following fare structure changes as described in Report No. TES-TRS-19-11, dated May 28, 2019:

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a) Implement the Grand River Transit (GRT) fare structure as detailed in Table 1, in accordance with Regional Council’s approved 2019 budget, effective September 1, 2019;

b) Amend the Region’s Fees and Charges By-law No. 19-016 (Schedule E), to include the 2019 GRT fares described in this report; and

c) That staff report back in August 2019 containing recommendations for low income fares. 8. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve an increase in scope for contract C2016-21 previously awarded to GM Blue Plan Engineering Ltd., at a total cost of $160,850 plus applicable taxes, as per report TES-WAS-19-10.

9. That The Regional Municipality of Waterloo (the “Region”) approve and enter into a settlement agreement with Coronation Medical Plaza Inc. (the “Owner”), and execute all documentation in relation to the partial acquisition of the property municipally known as 725 Coronation Boulevard, Cambridge, being a fee simple interest in Part of Subdivision Lot 3 Concession 12, East of the Grand River, being Parts 1 to 8 inclusive on Reference Plan 58R-20216, part of PIN 03793- 0044 (LT), in the City of Cambridge, with all documentation to the satisfaction of the Regional Solicitor, wherein the Region:

(a) pays the Owner the sum of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) as full compensation for all claims;

(b) installs a replacement fence adjacent to the new property line along the west side of the subject property; and

(c) reimburses the Owner for their reasonable legal and associated costs.

And That the Regional Solicitor has all necessary authority to execute such documents to carry out the agreement and to settle the reasonable legal and other costs of the Owner.


Administration and Finance

The Summary of Recommendation of the Administration and Finance Committee was presented by Sean Strickland, Chair of the Committee.

Moved by S. Strickland

Seconded by H. Jowett

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That the Summary of Recommendations of the Administration and Finance Committee dated May 28, 2019, Items 1 to 3, be adopted as follows:

1. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo endorse and submit to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing the input and recommendations on “Bill 108, the More Homes, More Choices Act, 2019” as it relates to development charges and the proposed community benefits charge, as set out in report COR-FSD-19-25 dated May 28, 2019.

2. That staff be directed to prepare a supplemental Periodic Financial Report based on results to June 30, 2019 for submission to the Administration and Finance Committee on August 13, 2019, as set out in report COR-FSD-19-28 dated May 28, 2019.

3. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the revised timeline for the Regional Development Charge Background Study and By-Law Review as set out in report COR-FSD-19-26 dated May 28, 2019.


Community Services

The Summary of Recommendations of the Community Services Committee was presented by Geoff Lorentz, Vice-Chair of the Committee.

Moved by G. Lorentz

Seconded by K. Kiefer

That the Summary of Recommendations of the Community Services Committee dated May 28, 2019, 1 Item be adopted as follows:

1. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo amend the 2019 budget to reflect the Provincial funding reduction to Employment Ontario programs as outlined in report CSD-EIS-19-03 dated May 28, 2019.


Other Matters Under Committee Of The Whole a) PHE-IDS-19-05, Consumption and Treatment Services Interim Site Strategy Karen Quigley-Hobbs, Director Infectious Disease, Dental & Sexual Health provided an overview of the report. An update was requested on the application process for the permanent site. K. Quigley-Hobbs advised the application for the

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provincial site has been submitted and staff are currently working on the federal application. The recent visit to Calgary was highlighted and the need for 24 hour security was discussed. Dr. Wang advised they will take this into account and noted it is a combination of security and policing. With regards to a question about inhaling and injecting, costs for inhaling are not included in the funding. B. Vrbanovic requested more discussion on these matters.

A request was made for councillors to tour the site once it is available.

Moved by S. Strickland

Seconded by G. Lorentz

That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo endorse the establishment of interim Consumption and Treatment Services at 150 Duke Street West, Kitchener;

That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo amend the 2019 budget to include an estimated $530,000 for the provision of interim Consumption and Treatment Services at 150 Duke Street West, Kitchener;

That all one-time capital and ongoing operating costs associated with the site preparation and operations for the provision of interim Consumption and Treatment Services at 150 Duke Street West, Kitchener be funded from the Tax Stabilization Reserve;

All as described in report PHE-IDS-19-05 dated June 5, 2019.


Moved by K. Kiefer

Seconded by K. McGarry

That Committee of the Whole rise and Council resume.


Moved by J. Nowak

Seconded by S. Shantz

That Council adopt the proceeding of the Committee of the Whole.

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Notice of Motion M. Harris withdrew his notice of motion as it was dealt with under Finance Reports with COR-FSD-19-30/HRC-ADM-19-03, Audit and Accountability Fund Report.

Other Business T. Galloway raised concern with a recent article in the newspaper regarding a study being done with the Museum and the perception in the community. Rod Regier, Commissioner Planning Development and Legislative Services reviewed the funding costs and the purpose of the study.

D. Jaworsky expressed concern with the LRT/ION stop arms/gates and requested more information at the August meeting on improvements to be considered for the crossings, once the system is operational.

J. Erb stated he has the fundraising Leejay Levene calendars for purchase for $10.

K. Redman reminded everyone of Red Day in support of women’s heart health at St. Mary’s Hospital on Friday, June 7th and the Sunnyside Walk and Roll on Saturday, June 8th.

Enactment of By-Laws – (First, Second & Third Readings) Moved by L. Armstrong

Seconded by H. Jowett

a) That a By-law to appoint a Deputy Treasurer and to Repeal By-Law 15-005 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered 19-032, signed by the Regional Chair and Regional Clerk and sealed with the Regional Seal. b) That a By-law to Limit Tax Decreases For Properties in the Commercial, Industrial and Multi-Residential Classes in the 2019 Taxation Year be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered 19-033, signed by the Regional Chair and Regional Clerk and sealed with the Regional Seal.

c) That a By-law to Confirm the Actions of Council of June 5, 2019be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered 19-034, signed by the Regional Chair and Regional Clerk and sealed with the Regional Seal.


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Moved by S. Foxton

Seconded by J. Erb

That the meeting adjourn at 8:52 p.m.


Regional Chair, K. Redman

Regional Clerk, K. Fletcher


Grand River Conservation Authority Minutes - General Membership Meeting

Date: May 24, 2019 Time: 9:30 am Location: Auditorium Grand River Conservation Authority 400 Clyde Road, Box 729 Cambridge, ON N1R 5W6

Members Present Marcus Adili, Bruce Banbury, Robert Bell, Don Brunk, Richard Carpenter, John Challinor II, Brian Coleman, Jim Erb, Susan Foxton, Guy Gardhouse, Rodrigo Goller, Michael Harris, Helen Jowett, Geoff Lorentz, Ian MacRae, Jane Mitchell, Joe Nowak, Vic Prendergast, Warren Stauch, Bruce Whale, Chris White Members Regrets Les Armstrong, Bernie Corbett, Joan Gatward, Daniel Lawrence, Kathryn McGarry Staff Karen Armstrong, Dave Bennett, Dwight Boyd, Krista Bunn, Nancy Davy, Joe Farwell, Samantha Lawson, Sonja Radoja, Tracey Ryan, George Sousa, Lisa Stocco, Pam Walther-Mabee, Martin Keller, Eowyn Spencer, Beth Brown, Scott Robertson, Janet Ivey, Trisha Hughes Others Elinor Hueton, John Hueton, Rick Hilborn, Kathy White, George Bikas

1. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order by the Chair at 9:35 a.m.

2. Roll Call and Certification of Quorum – 13 Members constitute a quorum (1/2 of Members appointed by participating Municipalities) The Secretary-Treasurer called the roll and certified a quorum with 20 Members present. A total of 21 Members attended the meeting.

3. Chair’s Remarks


The Chair made the following remarks during the meeting of the Source Protection Authority and they are copied here for ease of reference: • Thank you to staff board members Richard Carpenter, Joan Gatward and Brian Coleman for attending the Brantford Brant Children's Water Festival Lunch and Tour on May 15 • Conservation Ontario will hold its next board meeting on June 24, Joe Farwell and I will attend • On Wednesday May 22 the Federal Government announced funding from the Disaster Mitigation Adaptation Fund for flood protection initiatives in Kitchener, which will include rehabilitation and capacity improvement of the Bridgeport Dikes. The GRCA is pleased to be working with the City on this project, and this is a wonderful example of how the GRCA leverages funding opportunities in partnership with our municipalities to make the most of municipal levy dollars 4. Review of Agenda 19-92 Moved By Susan Foxton Seconded By Brian Coleman

THAT the agenda for the General Membership Meeting of May 24, 2019 be approved as circulated.

Carried 5. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interests made in relation to the matters to be dealt with.

6. Minutes of the Previous Meetings 19-93 Moved By Marcus Adili Seconded By Rodrigo Goller

THAT the minutes of the General Membership Meeting of April 26, 2019 be approved as circulated.

Carried 7. Business Arising from Previous Minutes There was no business arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.

8. Hearing of Delegations 8.1 John and Elinor Hueton - History of Dumfries Conservation Area J.Mitchell joined the meeting at 9:38 a.m.

• Mr. John Hueton presented an overview of the history of Dumfries Conservation Area located in Cambridge and displayed photographs of trails, benches, and trees throughout the area


• 73 hectares of land was donated to the Province by P.R. Hilborn in 1967, and in 1970 ownership and maintenance of the land was transferred to the GRCA. Dumfries Conservation Area provides space for outdoor recreation and nature appreciation 8.2 Rick Hilborn - Current Affairs at Dumfries Conservation Area • Mr. Rick Hilborn addressed the Board regarding current social issues facing communities today, highlighting the vulnerability of Dumfries Conservation Area due to its proximity to the downtown core of Cambridge • Mr. Hilborn noted the importance of collaboration in order to properly face social issues like homelessness, mental health and addiction, adding that a citizen group called Cambridge Safe and Strong is willing to offer assistance and has reached out to all levels of government to raise awareness of the issues • The Chair thanked Mr. Hilborn for his presentation, noting that GRCA staff are innovative and collaborative in their search for solutions when they affect GRCA properties • J.Farwell added that GRCA has joined a harm reduction working group; a collaborative group of concerned agencies committed to finding appropriate solutions for these social issues 9. Presentations There were no Presentations.

10. Correspondence 11. 1st and 2nd Reading of By-Laws None.

12. Reports: 12.1 GM-05-19-54 - Cash and Investment Status 19-94 Moved By Susan Foxton Seconded By Joe Nowak THAT Report Number GM-05-19-54 Cash and Investment Status – April 2019 be received as information.

Carried 12.2 GM-05-19-59 - Financial Summary 19-95 Moved By John Challinor II Seconded By Chris White THAT the Financial Summary for the period ending April 30, 2019 be approved.

Carried 12.3 GM-05-19-57 - General Levy Apportionment Legal Update


• K.Armstong stated that the GRCA received notice on May 23, 2019 that the City of Hamilton will not be appealing the decision issued on April 30, 2019 that Hamilton's appeal of the December 21, 2017 decision of the Mining and Lands Commissioner was unsuccessful. The two levy appeal submissions that the City of Hamilton had made regarding their levy apportionment in 2018 and 2019 were contingent upon the 2017 appeal decision. The City of Hamilton has requested that the 2018 and 2019 levy appeals be dismissed without costs. • Board members discussed funds that municipalities may have held in reserve until the outcome of the decision in case adjustments to levy apportionment occurred and whether or not they should continue to do so. J.Farwell indicated that if a municipality had already set the funds aside, they may want to wait another month to ensure no further action is being taken with respect to the 2018 and 2019 levy apportionments. • Members asked about the composition of the board in light of this decision and K.Armstrong said a meeting of the Composition Review Committee struck on February 22, 2019, would be scheduled in the near future 19-96 Moved By Guy Gardhouse Seconded By Vic Prendergast THAT Report Number GM-05-19-57 - General Levy Apportionment Legal Update be received as information.

Carried 12.4 GM-05-19-55 - Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourse Regulation - Application 219/19 • B.Brown provided a presentation to highlight a development permit application that requires board approval because it does not meet specific GRCA policies. Staff are recommending approval of this permit application and B.Brown described the project in detail • Board members discussed the development, the sections within the floodplain, lot depths, liability concerns, future floodplain adjustments and how to ensure future homeowners are informed about regulations on the property • Staff were directed to continue discussions with the developer regarding informing future purchasers of regulations within the floodplain, and possible additional grading to remove the areas from the floodplain 19-97 Moved By Geoff Lorentz Seconded By Michael Harris THAT the Grand River Conservation Authority approve permit application number 219/19.



The Chair called a short recess at 10:35 a.m. to allow delegations to exit the room. M.Harris left the meeting at this time.

The meeting resumed at 10:40 a.m.

12.5 GM-05-19-56 - Environmental Assessments 19-98 Moved By Richard Carpenter Seconded By John Challinor II THAT Report Number GM-05-19-56 Environmental Assessments be received as information.

Carried 12.6 GM-04-19-60 - Pines Campground Reconfiguration - Elora Gorge Conservation Area 19-99 Moved By Jim Erb Seconded By Joe Nowak THAT the Grand River Conservation Authority award the tender for the Pines Campground Reconfiguration project to Kieswetter Excavating Inc. of St. Clements, Ontario in the amount of $1,120,565.00 excluding HST.

AND THAT the Grand River Conservation Authority approve a total project budget for the Pines Campground Reconfiguration project of $1,289,065.00.

Carried 12.7 GM-05-10-53 - GRCA Applications Intake 5 of the National Disaster Mitigation Program Update 19-100 Moved By John Challinor II Seconded By Marcus Adili THAT the Grand River Conservation Authority approve matching funding of $90,000 for the New Hamburg Flood Mitigation Study from the Land Sale Proceeds Reserve.

Carried 12.8 GM-05-19-58 - Current Watershed Conditions • D.Boyd presented an overview of current watershed conditions, highlighting the continued high water level of Lake Erie, a cool and damp summer forecast, and that GRCA reservoir levels are in a good position for Spring storage 19-101 Moved By Marcus Adili Seconded By Bruce Banbury


That Report Number GM-05-19-58 – Current Watershed Conditions as of May 15, 2019 be received as information.

Carried 13. Committee of the Whole Not required.

14. General Business There was no General Business.

15. 3rd Reading of By-Laws None.

16. Other Business • W.Stauch asked about GRCA's position on Bill 108 and requested that an information report be brought to a future meeting. J.Farwell noted that GRCA has been providing comments to the Province where appropriate and that information will be brought to the Board once more details regarding regulations under the proposed bill are received • W.Stauch also advised members of the annual New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale happening May 24 and 25 in New Hamburg, and of the World Crokinole Tournament in Tavistock on June 1 17. Closed Meeting 19-102 Moved By Brian Coleman Seconded By Rodrigo Goller THAT the General Membership enter a closed meeting to discuss proposed or pending acquisitions or dispositions and a personal matter regarding an identifiable individual.

Carried 19-103 Moved By Chris White Seconded By Vic Prendergast THAT the General Membership return to open session.

Carried 18. Resolutions from Closed Session 17.1 Minutes of the previous closed meeting 19-104 Moved By Susan Foxton Seconded By Brian Coleman THAT the minutes of the previous closed session be approved as circulated.



17.2 GM-05-19-C07 - Amendment to Land Disposition - Former McCormick Residence On March 22, 2019 staff presented to the Members for approval the disposition of the former McCormick residence (6 McCormick Lane, Puslinch). The General Membership approved the disposition (Resolution 19-62). The buyer undertook an inspection of the house and requested release from the agreement of purchase and sale. On March 26, the first offer was mutually released and the property was made available for showings again. The second highest bidder was contacted to advise that the property was again available for sale and the house was made available for showings. There were four (4) showings between March 26 and April 1, 2019. The second highest buyer then re- submitted their offer. The purchaser completed their due diligence and the only conditions remaining on the sale of the property is GRCA Board approval and MNRF approval. 19-105 Moved By Geoff Lorentz Seconded By Bruce Banbury THAT Resolution 19-62 adopted on March 22, 2019 be amended by updating the purchaser information and sale price as written below, in accordance with information provided at the previous meeting:

IN ORDER TO FURTHER THE OBJECTS OF the Grand River Conservation Authority by raising funds through the disposition of surplus lands,

THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED THAT the Grand River Conservation Authority sell the lands described as Part Lot 4, Concession 1, being Part 2 on Plan 62R-21385; Township of Puslinch, together with an easement for ingress and egress over Part 1 on Plan 61R- 21385, municipally known as 6 McCormick Lane, Puslinch comprised of 1.89 acres (0.76 hectares), to Kokila Rajarathna, at the offered price of $775,000.

Carried 17.3 GM-05-19-C08 - Acquisition - Personal Property, Mapleton Township In 1955 the Grand River Conservation Commission acquired the West Half of Lot 1, Concession 5 in the Township of Peel for the Conestogo flood control project. Located on this property was a house, a garage, fences and trees. The seller retained the buildings, fences and trees, while the Grand River Conservation Commission acquired the land and permitted the seller to lease the premises. Based on the legal opinion obtained and a review of the options available, GRCA staff recommend acquiring the chattels for the price offered by the purchasers ($580,000).

19-106 Moved By Warren Stauch Seconded By Joe Nowak THAT the Grand River Conservation Authority purchase all buildings, structures, infrastructure, fences and trees located at 6741 Lake View Road, Township of Mapleton for the purchase price of $580,000 from Ray McDonald and Kim McDonald.



17.4 GM-05-19-C09 - Chair's Report of the CAO Hiring Committee 19-107 Moved By Brian Coleman Seconded By Chris White THAT the Chair's Report of the Chief Administrative Officer Hiring Committee be received as information,

AND THAT the Grand River Conservation Authority appoint Samantha Lawson as the Chief Administrative Officer, effective July 15, 2019.

Carried 19. Next Meetings • General Membership - June 28, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. • GRCA Composition Review Committee - At the call of the Chair 20. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.

19-108 Moved By Chris White Seconded By Susan Foxton THAT the meeting of the General Membership be adjourned.







Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee

Date: Thursday, April 25, 2019

Location: Conestoga Room, City of Kitchener

Present: Donna Hartzler, Brenda Robinson (Co-Chair), Jolene MacDonald (Co-Chair), Councillor Sue Foxton (Region of Waterloo), Councillor Debbie Chapman (City of Kitchener) Lolita Paroski (City of Kitchener/City of Waterloo) Sanjay Govindaraj (Region of Waterloo), Sharon Giles, Amy Harron (Township of Wellesley), Rob Bender, Paula Saunders, Janis McKenzie (City of Kitchener)

Regrets: Jeff Smith (Township of Woolwich), Tracey Murray (Township of Wilmot), Greg Moore, Keri Cameron, Ashley Sage (Township of North Dumfries), Gail Brunsdon, Dawn Clelland


Guests: John Stephenson (Region of Waterloo), Niall Lobley (City of Kitchener), Shen-Hao Chang (Region of Waterloo)

Welcome and Introductions

Jolene called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Round table introductions

2.0 Approval of February/March Minutes Motion to accept the February and March minutes – Donna motioned, Sharon seconded

3.0 Declarations of Pecuniary Interests None

4.0 Region of Waterloo Road Redesigns 1. Highland Road Reconstruction at West forest and East forest roads. The existing conditions are rural. It will be changing to two lanes and multiuse trail on either side of the road.

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Committed to taking a hard look at Intersections to make it safer for pedestrians and cyclists (more visible to motorists) to cross. • Provide cross rides to alert drivers. • Incorporate protected intersection approach and standardize intersection circulation for cyclists. • Accommodate potential future signal phasing adjustments Goal is to make it easier for pedestrians and cyclists to cross safely.

2. Ottawa Street Reconstruction from Fischer-Hallman to Alpine Construction to start next year. Looking to shorten crossing distances at the intersection. Proposing smart channels, dedicated bus pads. Compress the space to slow drivers down. Shadow Island at Williamsburg is being considered. Strasburg Road is under review. Ottawa and Westmount potentially changing to a two lane roundabout. Median on Ottawa. Comment made that trails are not just for cyclists but for pedestrians as well.

5.0 GRAAC Reps on Committees Lolita did an overview of City of Kitchener Mayors Task Force on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee and asked who would be interested in representing GRAAC. Jolene MacDonald and Sharon Giles will be representing GRAAC.

Sanjay spoke to the Accessible Taxi Fund Committee and asked for representation from the GRAAC committee Donna Hartzler will represent GRAAC.

6.0 Township of Wellesley Status Update 1. Sidewalk Replacement 415 metres of 1.5 metre wide sidewalk with detectable warning plates were replaced

St. Clements • Herrgott Road (5 Metres) • Lobsinger Line (85 metres)

Linwood • Isabella Street (100 metres) • Alfred Street (80 metres)

Wellesley • Doering Street (85 metres) • Queen's Bush W (60 metres)

805 metres of New Sidewalk were installed in the Village of Wellesley • Parkview Drive (650 metres) 24 driveways • Catherine Street (155 metres) 2 driveways

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2. Recreation - Significant staffing change which reduced the number of project completed in the summer.

3. The Recreation Department installed a new railing at the Hawkesville Community Centre that is now higher and extends down to the basement.

4. A new railing was added in the St. Clements Community Centre stairwell to allow guests access to a railing on both sides of the stairwell.

5. A railing and ramp was installed in the new picnic shelter in the St Clements Lions Park.

6. New accessible playground equipment was installed in Linwood at the playground behind the Community Centre.

7. The Township has a couple projects coming up this summer including the development of more recreation trails and a new fire station which will both be presented at a future GRAAC meeting.

7.0 City of Kitchener Update on the Winter Sidewalk Maintenance Program Sidewalks snow clearance pilot project update presented by Niall Lobley. The past winter was average with unique issues with less snow events and a couple of ice events which did not melt right away as would be per usual. Spike in complaints, but fewer notices were given out and sidewalks were in better condition than previous years.

Pilot Projects: 1. Proactive bylaw enforcement In the winter of 2018/2019 four bylaw officers proactively enforced fixed routes. It definitely made a difference. Two thousand residences were checked and only four hundred notices were given out stating the homeowner had 24 hours to clear the sidewalk. Only three notices then needed to be resent and cleared making that only one percent needed to be left another notice. Some feel this is the wrong approach and that bylaw officers needed to use discretion. Very few received a notice and even less people received a clearance notice. 2. Fifty properties part of this pilot program utilizing the working centre with only two complaints. Some complaints were they would like to see it from the front door to the sidewalk. Looking for approval to explore private companies as the working centre was overwhelmed and at maximum capacity. 3. Five hundred dollar grant application to go and purchase snow blowers. Only eight out of the ten snow blowers were applied for and received. All or three residents take responsibility for the snow blower. Report public on Monday

Recommendations to council: 1. Bylaw is effective, let’s keep using bylaw enforcement consistent level of not complying. Looking at feedback regarding revising the bylaw, not necessarily changing it only discussion.

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2. Pilot routes to have the city take care of a few sidewalks in the city to see how much that would cost. Heavy lifting over 8cm. Different classes of removal like the roads with priority sidewalks first. 3. Keep monitoring the snow blower project but not offering more. 4. Assisted service program to continue on current level or open up the program to more people. Eligibility criteria the needs to be the right criteria and the right resources to accommodate as well as having a pool left over for emergency situations. 5. Heavy Lifting and Above 6. Assisted Servicing 7. Statistical survey on what citizens want the City to do regarding sidewalk removal and how much they are willing to spend. GRAAC committee position paper submitted in 2017 to the City of Kitchener regarding snow removal hasn’t changed.


8.0 Region of Waterloo GRT Rerouting Shen-Hao Chang updated the committee regarding the proposed GRT rerouting of Route 55 Grand Ridge. It was noted that perhaps this topic might be better suited in front of the Cambridge Accessibility Advisory committee as the bus route location is in Cambridge. 9.0 Built Environment Sub-Committee update Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex: • Paula and Lolita reviewed the plans that Kevin and Mary Cathryn presented to GRAAC regarding the layout and provided feedback such as: o For gender specific washrooms if no sight line issues then suggested no doors o Suggested furniture in hallways be movable o Suggested more automatic door openers for program rooms because there will be senior use Kevin and Mary Cathryn will continue to share updated plans with Built Environment subcommittee. 10.0 GRAAC Rep’s on Committees Updates Brenda – Trails committee - Not just about cyclists but about everyone on the trails Update from 11.0 Councillor Reports • Councillor Debbie Chapman Please send feedback regarding the snow removal report. 2017 report to be sent via email by the committee. • Councillor Sue Foxton Committee is invaluable to share knowledge. Proud to be part of this committee. 12.0 Co-chair/Staff Reports • No updates from Co-chairs • Lolita Paroski (City of Kitchener/Waterloo) reminded the committee to read over the email from Karen Cooper regarding City of Kitchener Strategic Plan Draft Goals and

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Actions. Deadline for survey comments is April 30, 2019. Accommodation requests should be sent directly to Karen Cooper. • Amy Harron (Township of Wellesley) to bring Staff members back to next meeting regarding new Fire station and trails. • Sanjay Govindaraj (Region of Waterloo) shared that his annual report going to council for the Region of Waterloo and asking if the committee has any thoughts or feedback to please share.

Donna motioned to Adjourn, seconded by Sharon and carried.

Next meeting will be on Thursday May 23, 2019 City of Kitchener, 200 King St West, Conestoga Room Please send regrets to: Janis McKenzie at [email protected] or call 519-741-2200 Ext. 7225

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Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee

Date: Thursday, May 23, 2019

Location: Conestoga Room, City of Kitchener

Present: Brenda Robinson (Co-Chair), Councillor Sue Foxton (Region of Waterloo), Councillor Debbie Chapman (City of Kitchener) Lolita Paroski (City of Kitchener/City of Waterloo) Sanjay Govindaraj (Region of Waterloo), Amy Harron (Township of Wellesley), Rob Bender, Paula Saunders, Trevor Tamlin, Ashley Sage (Township of North Dumfries)

Regrets: Jeff Smith (Township of Woolwich), Janis McKenzie (City of Kitchener), Jolene MacDonald (Co-Chair), Greg Moore, Keri Cameron and Donna Hartzler, Councillor Sandra Hanmer (City of Waterloo)

Absent: Sharon Giles

Guests: Paul Redman (Fire Chief – Township of Wellesley), Jessica Kellerman (City of Waterloo) and Rebecca Roy (City of Kitchener)

Welcome and Introductions called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Round table introductions

2.0 Approval of April Minutes

Motion to accept April minutes – quorum not met, minutes tabled until next month.

3.0 Declarations of Pecuniary Interests


4.0 St. Clements Fire Station, Paul Redman (Fire Chief – Township of Wellesley)

Paul shared a project update for the St. Clements Fire Station. Station #2 was torn down and the new foundation has been poured for the St. Clements Fire Station. The

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move in date is set for September 2019. This fire hall will be user friendly and open to the public. There is a large meeting room being added. The meeting room will be set up in a way that allows for all types of meetings. All furniture is moveable. Office area will not be accessible to the public. There will be a universal barrier free washroom with push button access. The curb cuts will be done to accessibility standards. There will be a mezzanine accessed by staff used for storage.


It was asked if the meeting room could be used by public groups. Response it was not intended for that use.

Barrier free washroom with slender long push button access. Can it be push bar access? This is particularly helpful for those with disabilities as well as with strollers as well when hands are not available.

Paul thanked everyone for their input. Any further suggestions can be sent to Amy Harron at the Township of Wellesley.

5.0 City of Waterloo Silver Lake project, Jessica Kellerman (City of Waterloo), Wolfgang Wolter – (Ecosystem Recovery Inc.)

The Silver Lake project involves the cleanout and retrofit of the Lake, rehabilitation of the creek upstream in Waterloo Park and a new vision and landscape plan around the lake and particularly the bank where Lions Lagoon currently sits.

Wolfgang presented the concept design. The northern part is the focus of the work. Will have hard surfaces when completed. Silver Lake plaza will be a gathering area. The playground will be staying as is and has several accessibility components. South of the lake through the Perimeter Institute will be made accessible. The parking lots will not have more than 5 degree slopes. Silver Lake Terrace will remain the same and will have 20-25 parking spaces. A water feature will be the centre point with two ways to get down to the urban beach. Access by steps and access by a composite deck boardwalk that wrap around both sides of the water feature. Several openings from the boardwalk will allow access to concrete slabs as rest stops to be part of the beach. Umbrellas maybe included on the beach. The urban beach is not for swimming in the lake but rather a place to relax. The sand will be heavier to avoid blowing away and not meant for typical beach activities like building sand castles. The water has edging so persons with visual disabilities and children will have protection from entering the water.

Comments:  If umbrellas are made available on the urban beach. Would like umbrellas made available on the concrete slabs from the deck access points to provide shade.

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 The steps going down need to be marked with warning strips and detection for persons with visual disabilities, as per AODA, Design of Public Spaces standards.  Will you have lifeguards on the beach? Response, no the beach is not meant for swimming and signage will be posted.  What will happen to Lions Lagoon? Response, a new splash pad to be built. Lions Lagoon is another project that will come to GRAAC at a future meeting.

6.0 Built Environment Sub-Committee update, Paula Saunders

Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex project update  Lolita and Paula met with City of Waterloo staff (Kevin and Mary Cathryn) to review the most recent designs. The project will progress in three stages. Stage 1 is the Community Pavillion (where the senior day program will be moving to) and Civic Front, Stage 2 is the Hauser Haus and Stage 3 is Aquatic change rooms. Paula and Lolita provided accessibility comments at the meeting and referred to GRAAC’s accessibility comments washroom sheet. Kevin will share the accessibility comments with the architects. Paula and Lolita will be invited to another meeting to review the designs once changes are made. Kevin asked about finishes such as washroom stall door locks. Paula asked GRAAC members what is preferred. Majority felt that the large slide is most accessible.

Accessible BBQ  Paula shared that a neighbourhood in Kitchener is working with city staff to install a BBQ for community use at their neighbourhood park. Since this will be a permanent installation city staff are looking for accessibility feedback from GRAAC. Paula welcomed Rebecca Roy from the City of Kitchener.

Rebecca distributed drawings and projected the drawing on screen. The BBQ will be custom designed. Rebecca wants to get the measurements right to ensure accessibility. Questions: 1.) What is the maximum height for the grill? Measurements taken at the meeting and determined 3 feet would be the maximum. This will allow a person in a seated position to reach half of the grill to use and to be able to wheel under. 2.) What is a reach range? How close does a person in a wheelchair want to be to the grill? Decided for safety reasons need to keep a 4 inches buffer before the grill starts. This will still allow a person in a wheelchair to use the front half of the grill. 3.) How much clearance is needed for legs under the unit? At least 18 inches. 4.) Is a 570mm clearance lap height enough? Rebecca shared that this is what supplier is suggesting but she feels it is not enough. Decided that 720mm would be the minimum from the lower dimension of the grill (because the grill will take 6 inches) to the ground. The grill will be placed into a cement unit, therefore no exposed pieces of the grill when rolling under the unit with a wheelchair.

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7.0 Region of Waterloo ION update - Paula Saunders

Paula shared the 2018 ION Station Audit report

GRAAC reviewed accessibility at 17 ION LRT stops and nearby intersections. The report shared various accessibility issues and classified the issues under three broad categories i.e “repair if code issue”, “Incorporate new elements; based on funding” and lastly “No change, "OK" as designed”. The report will also make recommendations for new Design Standards as they are required for future projects.

8.0 GRAAC Rep’s on Committees Updates No updates.

9.0 Councillor Reports

Councillor Sue Foxton had no updates to report.

Councillor Debbie Chapman wanted to make people aware that there are gardens available for planting. They are raised gardens and they are located at the Iron Horse Trail at Glasgow. There is water available for use.

10.0 Co-chair/Staff Reports

Brenda Robinson

There was a discussion at the last meeting regarding sidewalk clearing. The topic is going to Council again May 27th. Decisions are going to be made about this topic. Should we send a GRAAC member to the council meeting? If our position hasn’t changed should we send in Dawn’s presentation from before? Delegate anyone? Lolita to ask Dawn if she would like to present again.

Tracy Murray

Councillors will be reviewing accessibility at the rec complex and sidewalks in New Hamburg this will be a future item for GRAAC.

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Meeting Adjourned.

Next meeting will be on Thursday June 27, 2019 City of Kitchener, 200 King St West, Conestoga Room Please send regrets to: Janis McKenzie at [email protected] or call 519-741-2200 Ext. 7225

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Report: December 9, 2016 SCHEDULE A - Schedule for Actual Cost Bylaw 3068-19 File No. 15-231 Final Cost: August 6, 2019 MITCHELL DRAIN 2016 Township of North Dumfries and

Estimated Actual Grantable 1/3 Allowances NET Con Lot Roll No. Owner Assessment Assessment Portion Grant Twp of North Dumfries (3001-010-) 7 Pt 33 005-07553 2081788 Ontario Corporation 10,956 11,547.58 0.00 11,547.58 7 Pt 33 005-07904 839658 Ont. Inc. 22,261 23,463.01 0.00 23,463.01 7 Pt 34 005-07570 828543 Ont. Inc. 11,150 11,752.06 0.00 11,752.06 7 Pt 34 005-07600 828543 Ont. Inc. 153,279 161,555.49 0.00 161,555.49 F 7 Pt 35 005-08100 1054454 Ont. Ltd. 2,815 2,967.00 723.04 241.01 7,100 -4,374.01 7 Pt 35 005-08101 S. & P. Gibson 53 55.86 0.00 55.86 F 7 Pt 36 005-08200 D. Elliott 253 266.66 0.00 0.00 266.66 Total on Lands Twp of North Dumfries: 200,767 211,607.66 723.04 241.01 7,100 204,266.65 Regional Road 58 (Swan Street) - Region of Waterloo 7,799 8,220.12 0.00 8,220.12 Special Assessment - Regional Road 58 (Swan Street) 45,080 86,037.24 0.00 86,037.24 Special Assessment to Regional Sanitary Sewer Force Main 2,545 4,408.24 0.00 4,408.24 1/2 Brant-Waterloo Road - Twp of North Dumfries 6,276 6,614.87 0.00 6,614.87 Special Assessment to 1/2 Brant-Waterloo Road - Twp of North Dumfries 24,955 24,284.77 0.00 24,284.77 Total on Roads Twp of North Dumfries: 86,655 129,565.24 0.00 0.00 0 129,565.24 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS IN TWP OF NORTH DUMFRIES 287,422 341,172.90 723.04 241.01 7,100 333,831.89 County of Brant (2920-016-) F 6 Pt 34 010-01100 J. & J. Butcher 8,002 8,434.08 4,569.07 1,523.02 100 6,811.06 6 Pt 34 010-01101 N. & W. Koeslag 260 274.04 0.00 274.04 F 6 Pt 35 010-00800 R. & S. Watson 36 37.94 12.65 4.22 33.72 6 Pt 35 010-00801 J. Van Dyke & E. Van Veldhuizen-Van Dyke 94 99.08 0.00 99.08 6 Pt 35 010-00802 Ontario Hydro 36 37.94 0.00 37.94 6 Pt 35 010-00803 C. Cochrane 114 120.16 0.00 120.16 F 6 Pt 35 010-00805 A. & V. Pynenburg 26,692 28,133.27 0.00 0.00 1,400 26,733.27 0 Total on Lands County of Brant: 35,234 37,136.51 4,581.72 1,527.24 1,500 34,109.27

Ayr Road - County of Brant 7,625 8,036.72 0.00 8,036.72 1/2 Brant-Waterloo Road - County of Brant 4,764 5,021.24 0.00 5,021.24 Special Assessment to 1/2 Brant-Waterloo Road - County of Brant 24,955 24,284.77 0.00 24,284.77 Total on Roads County of Brant: 37,344 37,342.73 0.00 0.00 0 37,342.73 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS IN COUNTY OF BRANT 72,578 74,479.24 4,581.72 1,527.24 1,500.00 71,452.00 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS MITCHELL DRAIN 2016 360,000 415,652.14 5,304.76 1,768.25 8,600.00 405,283.89 Notes: 1. Lands noted with an "F" currently have the Farm Property Tax Class tax rate and assessments may qualify for the 1/3 grant in accordance with current grant program policy. Eligibility for the 1/3 grant will be confirmed at the time the final cost is levied. 2 Actual assessment is levied to the owner of the parcel at the time the final cost is levied and is based on actual costs. A net amount with a negative sign is to be paid to the owner. 3 Section 21 of the Drainage Act, RSO 1990 requires that assessments be shown opposite each parcel of land and road affected. The affected parcels of land have been identified using the roll number from the last revised assessment roll. For convenience the owner's names as shown by the last revised assessment roll have also been included. 4 Lands and roads in the County of Brant were formerly part of the Township of South Dumfries. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH DUMFRIES

BY-LAW NO. 3080-19

Being a By-law to amend By-law 2076-04 for the purposes of correcting and clarifying statement explaining the cultural heritage value or interest and the description of the heritage attributes for the property located at 1720 Spragues Road in the Township of North Dumfries.

WHEREAS By-law 2076-04 was enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of North Dumfries on August 16th, 2004;

AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 30.1 (1) of the Ontario Heritage Act R.S.O. 1990, C.0.18, as amended, the council of a municipality may, by by-law, amend a by-law designating a property made under section 29 and section 29 applies with necessary modifications to an amending by-law as though it were a by-law to designate property under that section;

AND WHEREAS the amendment is to include a statement of cultural heritage value or interest and a description of the heritage attributes as set out in Schedule ‘A’ to this by- law;

AND WHEREAS the requirement for Council to consult with its Municipal Heritage Committee pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act R.S.O. 1990, C.0.18, as amended has been fulfilled;

AND WHEREAS the Clerk of the Township of North Dumfries has caused notice to be served of intention to amend the aforesaid real property in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act R.S.O. 1990, C.0.18, as amended;

AND WHEREAS no notice of objection to the proposed amendment has been served on The Corporation of the Township of North Dumfries;


1. That By-law 2076-04 be amended, by replacing the wording in Section 1 in its entirety with, “The property located at 1720 Spragues Road in the Township of North Dumfries and legally described as Part Lots 19-20, Concession 8, North Dumfries as in 1193280 lying North of Part 1, 58T-12868; North Dumfries (PIN 03855-0097) is hereby designated to be of cultural heritage value or interest, more particularly described in Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto.”

2. That By-law 2076-04 be amended, by deleting Section 2 in its entirety which currently states “Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act R.S.O. 1990, C.0.18, as amended, shall apply only to the one storey free-standing, octagonal, rubble stone farm outbuilding capped by a self-supporting, eight-sided wood roof as well as the windows, eaves and the original cobblestone floor on the Designated Property.” It is to be replaced by Section 1 including Schedule ‘A’ of this By-law.

3. The municipal solicitor is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this amending by- law to be registered against the property with a civic address of 1720 Spragues Road, North Dumfries in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act R.S.O. 1990, C.0.18, as amended.

4. The Clerk is hereby authorized to provide notice of the passing of this by-law in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act R.S.O. 1990, C.0.18, as amended.


______Mayor Clerk


______Mayor Clerk



1702 Spragues Road, Township of North Dumfries Part Lot 19-20, Concession 8, North Dumfries as in 1193280 lying North of Part 1, 58R- 1268; North Dumfries (PIN 03855-0097)


The property located at 1720 Spragues Road in the Township of North Dumfries is a rural agricultural property. The lands are occupied by a 1 storey octagonal, rubble stone farm outbuilding built in the 19th century and a 1.5 storey original stone farmhouse built circa 1850.

Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest

The property with a civic address of 1720 Spragues Road has cultural value for its physical/design value and historical/associative value.

The property has historical/associative value because of its direct historical association to the Sudden and Taylor families. The land was first occupied by the John Sudden family between 1846 and 1861 and then the Thomas Sudden family beginning in 1862. The Sudden family owned a lot of land in this area and were considered one of the original settlers. They are recognized in the namesake of the Sudden Bog and the Sudden Tract trail. The name of John Taylor, who subsequently occupied the land, is struck in the mortar as a forge within the outbuilding along with the date 1906.

The 1 storey, free-standing, octagonal, rubble stone farm outbuilding is one of the few remaining stone farm structures in the Township from the mid 19th century. The forge in the building together with the masonry suggest that the building was built after 1862 and before 1906. The building served as a rural black shop in the latter part of the 19th century and the early 20th century. It is considered a good example of an agricultural industrial building which was part of a complex of farm buildings on the farmstead, as well as a valuable part of the wider agricultural community. The outbuilding is considered to have design and physical value.

The original stone farmhouse built circa 1850 consisting of a 1.5 storey stone structure was built by the Sudden Family. The original 1.5 storey stone structure and the original one 1 storey stone addition have physical and design value. The original house is constructed of coursed rubble stone with a natural finish. The front of the house has been built with larger, nicer stone blocks, while the back and sides use smaller stones. The dwelling was altered by a stone/brick addition of a full second storey post 1903, and further altered with one storey aluminum siding addition.

Heritage Attributes

Outbuilding - Exterior Heritage Attributes: • One-storey free-standing octagonal rubble stone farm outbuilding. • Capped by a self-supporting, eight-sided wood roof and eaves.

Stone Farmhouse – Exterior Heritage Attributes: • Original 1.5 storey farmhouse and 1 storey addition constructed of coursed rubble stone. • Front façade built with larger stone and formal approach with quoins located on all four corners. • Main floor windows (two over two), with the wood storms (three over four), retaining much of the original glass. • Original front plank door located centrally on the front façade of the main 1.5 storey structure. The front door is constructed of vertical boards, with a rectangular window over the door.



Being a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of North Dumfries to exempt lands within the municipality from site plan control.

WHEREAS the Council of the Township of North Dumfries may, by by-law, designate a site plan control area within the municipality pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of North Dumfries enacted By-law 2105-05 on February 28th, 2005 which deemed all lands within the municipality a site plan control area;

AND WHEREAS it is desirable and appropriate to exempt the lands described with a municipal address as 1302 Swan Street as lands to which site plan control does not apply for the purposes of an addition / renovation to the existing Quonset hut structure. The proposed building addition totals approximately 90.1 sq.metres ( 970 sq.ft.).


1. That the requirement to enter into a site plan control agreement as mandated by By-law 2105-05, pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, does not apply to the lands described as 1302 Swan Street, Township of North Dumfries, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, for the proposed building as described below in Clause 2;

2. AND THAT the exemption from the requirement to enter into a site plan control agreement as mandated by By-law 3087-19 applies only to the construction of an addition / renovation to the existing Quonset hut building. The building addition is approximately 90.1 sq.metres (970 sq.ft.) in size;

3. AND THAT this By-law shall come into force and effect upon the approval of the Council of the Township of North Dumfries;

4. AND THAT this by-law shall expire and be of no further effect on the first anniversary of its passing;

5. AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk by authorized to execute all documents necessary for these purposes;

6. AND THAT it is Acknowledged and Directed that this by-law may be electronically registered on the title to the within lands.

READ a first, second, and third time and Finally Passed in the Council Chambers of the Township of North Dumfries this 12th day of August, 2019.





WHEREAS as the Council of the Township of North Dumfries wishes to amend the existing Traffic and Parking By-law No. 2559-13.


1. THAT By-law 2559-13 be amended by inserting the following:

i) Add to Schedule “1” No Parking Anytime the following:

a) Rose Street East Side – from Piper Street through to Water Street.

2. FURTHER THAT By-law No. 3079-19 as adopted on July 8, 2019 is hereby repealed in its entirety.

3. AND FURTHER THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of passing.


Susan Foxton, Mayor

Ashley Sage, Clerk



AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, Sections 5(3) and 130.

WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, Section 5(3), provides that the jurisdiction of every council is confined to the municipality that it represents and its powers shall be exercised by by-law.

WHEREAS Subsection 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act;

AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, Section 130 provides that every council may pass such by-laws and make such regulations for the health, safety and well-being of the inhabitants of the municipality in matters not specifically provided for by this Act and for governing the conduct of its members as may be deemed expedient and are not contrary to law.


1. That the action of the Council at Regular Council Meeting held on August 12, 2019 in respect to each report, motion, resolution or other action passed and taken by the Council at its meeting, is hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed, as if each resolution or other action was adopted, ratified and confirmed by separate by-law.

2. That the Mayor and the proper officers of the Township are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said action, or to obtain approvals where required, and, except where otherwise provided, the Mayor and the Clerk are hereby directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix the corporate seal of the Township to all such documents.


Susan Foxton, Mayor

Ashley Sage, Clerk