Clinton County High School Football Preview-Section B V

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Clinton County High School Football Preview-Section B V ) T HOAG AND S0IJ3 t - yr --* BOOK BIPJOEUS 5 PAriiu--- i Clinton County High School Football Preview-Section B V. 1 Redwings Color photo by NeWs Staff Photographer Ed Cheeney open season St. Johns champions of the West Cen­ tral Conference, open the season Friday in a non-league game against Mason— the only team to defeat the Redwings last season. Here, from left, are members of the 1969 club in the official team photo. Front row: Dick Rademacher, Rich Stoddard, Bob Knight, Jeff Silm, Tim Dur- ner, Scott Bennett, Doug Brzak, Dave Flermoen, Chuck Green, GregKirby, Gary Rademacher, Dan Stockwell. Second row: Jim Findlay, Kent Murton, Steve Mead, Bob Smith, Tom Rasdale, Russ Hicks, Brian Ballinger, Roger Davis, Larry Zuker, Dean Doilarhite, Larry Hayes, Ron Waggoner, Larry Vitek. Third row: Bob Lewis, Lumpy Lum- bert, • John Smit, Steven Parker, Dan Rademacher, Maynard Boyce, Mike Petti- grew, Brad Huntley, Terry Martin, Kurt; Keck, Rick Bolter, Buddy Barnes, Walter Ales. Back row: Assistant Coach, Phil Desper, Greg Crawley, Chuck Geller, Roy Pederson, Gary Burk, Ed Boettger, Bill French, Wayne Bast, Larry Wake­ field, Rick Fisher, Randy Atkinson, and Head Coach Jeff Smith. Tri-county airport plan is proposed The proposed _ creation^ of a Ca'ilnty areas arid with it 4the Tri-County'Airport- authority "tc? possibility of atlra*c"flngJhew^in> "*" take over operation and expan­ dus tries, sion of Lansing's Capital Air­ A steering committee of* su­ port could result in construction pervisors from Clinton, Ingham of airstrips in outlying- Clinton and Eaton counties met Friday and drafted in rough form a bill that would transfer the state- Citizens irate owned airport to a Tri-County Sweeper authority. Representing Clinton County was Roy Andrews, of DeWitt, Ovid council ignores eyed for Robert Montgomery, Eagle and Maurice Gove, St. Johns. Early this week Andrews said St. Johns if the new authority is set up, petition for Robinson among the needs it may attend The St. Johns city commis­ to is the 'possible establish­ By SHIRLEY KARBER After sitting through almost an "Alright, but it doesn't cut any sion took positive action toward ment of satellite airstrips in the News Staff Writer hour and a half of dicussion con­ ice. The man Isn't worthy.* the acquisition of a street sweep­ surrounding areas. cerning various council matters, Those attending appeared er during their regular meeting "We need one right here in which included cracked side­ shocked by the procedure and Monday night. Clinton County may see more St. Johns," he said. "It could action on recall petitions if feel­ walks and old and new business. comments gathered at large from City Manager Harvey Weath- draw new industries in." ings expressed by citizens in Monroe said they would go to residents included: erwax presented a proposal to Such airstrips would be ex­ Ovid materialize. More than 100 the police matter. "I never saw anything so cor­ the commission which involved pected to accommodate light attended the village council rupt. This isn't Russia." the rental of a street cleaning Robinson then spoke briefly planes and executive airplanes, meeting Monday night, that ended and to the point and wound up ."I feel they should have given unit for $20 an hour, $160 per he said. with such comments as "What a reason. We sat while they day or $800 per week. publicly accusing village of­ The proposal still needs en­ do they think this is—Russia?", ficials of everything from graft, cleaned out their files. Then they In fielding commissioners' dorsement from the three county and "Rotten all the way through." (on opening sealed bids), tojeal- wouldn't listen to us. It's pretty queries as to the length of time boards which is considered ne­ Ovid residents have recently ousy of authority they couldn't rotten the way the council acted." such a unit would be in operation cessary if the plan is to be ap­ expressed concern over the fir­ control, and trying to suppress "I think it's terrible. I have no to bring the streets up to a proved by the Legislature. ing, by village council members, news coverage. After Robinson respect for any of them." satisfactory level, Weatherwax To support the authority, a of Edward Robinson, former had finished council members Glen Schmidfranz of Ovid, repeatedly pointed out the large levy not to exceed one-mill in police chief. Robinson had re­ failed to deny any of the ac­ said, "All my life, in high school amounts of accumulated dirt the three counties would support quested a public hearing on the cusations and 'refused further and grade' school I was taught Brandon White, Chamber of Commerce president, shows how its done as he along curbs. the authority. This would raise charges used against him in the comment on the issue other than this was a free country. In my Commissioner Charles Coletta about $1,335,000 annually with dismissal and the request was Monroe's statement, "He was opinion this Is Communism right places the Chamber's new decal on the door of the Credit Bureau. The gals displayed concern and a desire Clinton paying 10.9 percent, denied. He then said several fired for insubordination.* He here at home." are Roberta Mageii and Debbie Witgen, employed by the Credit Bureau. to move quickly to clean the Ingham 72.1 per cent and Eaton weeks ago, he would appear at the then pounded the gavel and ad­ One woman offered some un­ gutters emphasizing ,the possible 17 per cent. next council meeting and demand journed the meeting. answered questions, "What's in­ difficulties and added expense If If the plan is approved, the {he charges be made public. subordination? Why didn't we I catch basins become clogged. Terry Ann Theriac, 12-years- steering committee would set up Monday night's meeting was the old then approached the council get an answer? We came here to After a brief discussion Weath­ a nine-man authority with two result. table to present petitions bear­ hear two sides of a story and erwax was given a go-ahead to from Clinton, four from Ingham Bath officials debate Marshall Monroe, mayor pro- ing signatures of more than 275 only got one. Why didn't they accumulate contract proposals and two from Eaton plus James names asking that Robinson be defend themselves?* for either rental or rental-pur­ D. Ramsey, director of the State tern, conducted the meeting in the absence of George Craig, reinstated. Monroe dismissed chase plans and to present them her attempt with the comment, Continued on Page 7A at the next meeting. (Story continued on Page 7-A) village president. sewer problems : By SHIRLEY KARBER has never been satisfactorily ex­ 1 ft! try to help them find temporary^ Children's safety concerns commission News Staff Writer plained, officials say. solutions until sewers can be in£* Football t Park Lake drains into Mead !•:•! Bath township officials dis­ Drain which empties into the stalled." $ cussed various methods open to Looking Glass River—there Is no Bath officials are now consid­ contest may the communltyfor sewer systems question, in my mind, that the ering three possible solutions! Plea for sidewalks issued 1) They could go with the newly, last week. The Water Resources lake is contaminating'state paying7 for these sidewalks,'' he •HT-joeed with sidewalk construe- i:-: Commission report noted that waters, said Smith. formed Department of Public The hazards of school children bring cash Bath and Park Lake areas are not' Works on a sewer plan where Mayor Robert Wood' said. He pointed out the city's tion. "The people would reallyv *'•' walking in roadways placed a contaminating state waters. This "If the area is not under state federal loans are backed by the strong influence on St. Johns efforts to create Sources of re­ be smart .to put'them in now," If you're a football fan—or jurisdiction why do resident^ and other St. Johns venue and* added that it would Dr Grost commented while mak­ statement has touched off a series security of the entire county* In city commissioners Monday night maybe just plain lucky—there's have to get permission from the this instance they must submit a causing them to Issue a plea to city commissioners "behoove those people to get out ing reference to rising costs. money to be made because this of-comments from officials and department .everytime they put and work" toward the success In other buslne'ss the commis­ citizens Involved. resolution and plans to various, residents to consider the instal­ commend city for its week, 20 St. Johns area mer­ out a dock or do other construc­ committees Involved for ap^ lation of sidewalks at their ear­ of financial proposals that may sion granted the Knights of Co- chants are kicking off the annual - Duane Smith, township super- tion around the lake shore* I feel 89 per cent response be, forthcoming. -lumbus approval to hang a,ban-< proval and then the plans an£ liest convenience. Clinton;tCounty News. Football visor, .has been higlily critical of, the state only shows Interest in submitted to the State Legisg The request sprung from a to tax pre - payment pr James Grost entered into ner 'on Clintdn-Ave. pubUciztyg^ Congest,, <Here»s how it works, 'the survey taken by the depart- the lake when It suits their pur­ lature. If the legislature accepts, discussion on sidewalks or the plea. See Page 7A. the conversation with a.sugges- their annual festival. '.«•-' 0ir a" special'page each week ment, and'said Bath was given a.
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