ECOTOPIA THE CITY OF LIGHT In memory of Vanghelia Pandeva Dimitrova Ecotopia it is the first LIFE FORCE COMMUNITY in Bulgaria, a land of magic Bulgaria is considered the cradle of civilizations We select carefully base on Feng Shui art and energetically the land with the surface of, 1.000.000 sqm close to – the capital of Bulgaria and opposite from a beautiful small mountain spa well known for the benefits of its thermal waters - Bankya. The mother Earth-Gaia welcomed with open arms and heart the ancient civilization of traco-bulgarian tribes coming from Volshka Bulgaria (South today), passing south of Mongolia, Moldavia and Romania (the Romanian nation are the brotherhood of Bulgarian nation due to our common ancient civilization); even their leaders filled that this is the magical land – Bulgaria (the same as Romania) where their can establish the future nation and state of administration. 2yY& It is well known the fact that Bulgaria gave to the world the ancient Cyrillic alphabet (IX-th century)and Slavic writing (the third official alphabet in the European Union ) – by the priest Ivan Rilski at the Rilski Monastery and two spiritual and linguist brothers – Kiril and Metodii. Several Millennium before CHRIST, the pro- create one of the most accurate systems for measuring the duration of the year. The PRO-BULGARIAN CALENDAR is recognized by UNESCO as the most accurate in the world. Generation after generation, Bulgarian nation gave to the world brilliant personalities in different fields. One of them discovered the first computer system- thought that are the original of the modern computer. Bulgarian engineer Ivan (John) Atanasov is one of the inventors of the electronic computer “ABS”, developed in 1937, which is a model of contemporary. An asteroid, near Mars discovered by Bulgarians, by the astronomical observatory in Rozhen, is named after Ivan Atanasov. Dr. Eng. Ivan Nochev invented the JET ENGINES of the MOON EAGLE MODEL, which make Armstrong & Aldrin landing on the Moon. Nikola Dimkov the author of "STAR OF CONSENT" through his book gave the idea to the president Wilson to formulate his 14 points, to release and open. The book is a project for the establishment of a World Organization of Peace and Cooperation between all countries, peoples and religions. Nikola Dimkov prints the project in many languages: French, German, Turkish and Greek, and through the Embassy at Constantinople, sent it to many states and governments, including the US president - Thomas Wilson. The Bulgarian Folk song "Delyo Haidutin came out", signed by Valya Balkanska, was chosen as musical message from the Earth to the Universe and since 1977 this song flies in space on the bord of - In 1955 Dr. Stamen Grigorov, discovers the lactic-bacterial bacteria "Lactobacillus Bulgaricus". It is used for production of the unique Bulgarian yoghourt. The second great consumer of this product is the Japanese nation. The smart Bulgarian people are born and raised daily in these magical lands, one of them is Todor Nanchev a youngest member of the World Solar Energy Organization. In 2002 at the age of only 16 he participated in the competition for architecture and energy, organized by the Union of Arhitects in Bulgaria. He appeared at the competition with two projects of buildings using to the maximum level (degree) the natural energy of solar system energy winning the competition. Therefore, he was invited to join the World Solar Energy Organization, which has the headquarters in Freiburg - Germany. 30-40 Bulgarians are members of it which he is the youngest. In 2003 Prof. Dimitar Saselov and his team discovered the farthest planet from the solar system known to astronomers. It is located 5000 light years from the Sun, in the Sagittarius sign and is called OGLE-TR-56B. In the necropolis near Varna, in March 2020, Golden objects were found, 6000-year- old, wich are recognized by historical science, as the oldest processing. The land on which the first city of the future will be built within the Global Life Force COMMUNITY project is a God-given one with deep thermal waters, surrounding coniferous forests, complete tranquility and fresh air that refreshes 24 times a day, fresh air currents which comes from Bankya. Like many other wonderful locations in Bulgaria, the land exudes an extremely high energy power, purification and spiritual growth. Eco Light Cities worldwide are the expression of the emotional beauty and technologies blended for the entire community. Everything start with one beautiful vision and this was delivered by Vanghelia Pandeva Dimitrova. She is well known as the of the 21 st century. Vanghelia Pandeva Dimitrova (named by Bulgarians and nations around Bulgaria and entire world “Baba Vanga”/ “Grandma” Vanga) - The Bulgarian prophetess was born on October 3, 1911 in the town of , Republic of Macedonia. She is the only child from the marriage of Pande and Paraskeva Surchevi. Her mother died soon after birth. A few years later, Vanga's father remarried to his wife, who took three more children. • At the age of 15, “Grandma” Vanga lost her sight in a natural disaster on the land of Novo Selo, Strumica municipality. She then studied at a school for the blind in the city of , Republic of Serbia, where she learned the Braille alphabet for writing and reading. In April 1941, “Grandma” Vanga received the gift of clairvoyance. In 1942 she married Dimitar Gushterov from the village of Kranzhilitsa, municipality, and since then she has lived in Bulgaria until the end of her days. Her husband died in 1962. Vanga has no biological children but takes maternal care of Veneta Mitreva and Dimitar Valchev. For 55 years Vanga has been selflessly helping the suffering and has been their comfort and hope. In 1994 he built the church "St. Petka Bulgarian" in the area of Rupite, Petrich municipality. http://fondacia- One of the visions of Baba Vanda refers to the cities of Future. She could visualize closed cities visible from above as communities of light. Those cities self sustained, living in abundance and harmony. Visionary Bruno Mihailescu who created Eco Light City Projects was further encouraged to create his magnificent plan after discovering Baba Vanga’s predictions.

She is considered as “Grandma” Vanga of entire world…….. For millenniums humanity struggle to have the freedom and peace into creativity, some dark forces hold the secrets and enslave humanity by mislead them and have them owned agenda to keep them in ignorance and poverty. With the new shift into the GOLDEN AGE, 2021 start with newborn paradigm into the cosmic revelation. Humanity now can stand together to open the opportunity and thrive. This is how ECOTOPIA THE CITY OF LIGHT was created. Restoration Plan for Ecotopia worldwide, it is the most amazing rare concept ready to be build. With the help of wise council of Life Force entities, we will be able to start this community and bring the LIFE FORCE of each creative person who will be legit to live in such amazing place. ECOTOPIA CITY OF LIGHT it is the place where all people gather as one to thrive and serve others. Resource base economy must be the essential fact of living in such community, meaning that each member has his own financial freedom his own autonomy but is happy to serve others and share from his work with the rest. In ECOTOPIA CITY it is invited the members with creativity and initiative to be part of Restoration plan of the city and community. Each member will be legit to access funds for the benefit of building ECOTOPIA CITY OF LIGHT. We are looking for skilled people such as: entrepreneur’s, scientist, architects, engineers, designers, bio agriculture, water technology, air purification technology, communication technologies, transportation technologies, education, holistic homeopath health and Ayurveda plants, Sacred geometry technologies. Energy technicians and Reiki masters for human body treatments, food base on DNA science, auto deface sports and spirituality by connected with the wisest man world have today to teach our brothers and sisters that was hold in ignorance for so long time. Restoration Plan for Ecotopia City of Light Bulgaria will integrate a Council that will support Community to develop new visions and ideas. The community will be totally autonomous with state-of-the-art technologies integrated to help people have quality time and develop more spirituality and contemplation of the new Earth energy combine with the desire to be connected to the other communities from other dimensions in our Universe. LIFE FORCE shares the new vision to restore humanity into the frequency of prosperity allow each member to have his own funds and build his own creative business that serve others. With this Utopian concept the power is given to the people and once humanity become autonomous and independent not ask any help the freedom of the spirit will allow us to do and create absolute incredibly beautiful things. ECOTOPIA THE CITY OF LIGHT will be very different by the old communities was built until know. So how exact will be this amazing CITY? ECOTOPIA THE MAGIC LIFE OF A NEW GOLDEN ERA

Why Eco Light City? For thousands of years people ask questions about where we come from and where we heat in our lives! After so long, with the help of our Star Seeds we reach the vibration and wisdom to find the truth. We humans in this very beautiful Universe are made for LOVE ENERGY and CREATION.

So why ECOTOPIA? Because THE NEW WAY OF LIVING is the only living that change totally perception of life on Earth. So… how is a life in Eco Living City’s? We’ll all start with a beautiful thought of a creative mind of a visionary who dear to don’t care about anything else or fear of being rejected or fear of somebody hurt him because this dream is too big. The Visionary called Bruno Mihailescu a Romanian native with such beautiful soul and dream given by Vanghelia Pandeva Dimitrova Medium from Bulgaria see the future of humanity as a change for the Golden Age Era where Universe offer to humanity and all beings from this amazing living space an unforgeable unique experience. All Team members share such as amazing ideas with a golden heart and wisdom to bring the most fantastic innovations and technologies. All start with one BIG Though then all is rearranged by himself without any restriction. ECO LIGHT CITY is the city where wisdom and knowledge and imagination take place, is the place where harmony, kindness and love energy lead all people who live there. Eco Light City is the place where spirituality, integrity help for others and desire to be better make all logic sense to be there. How we select people for such City’s? Well, is simple….each one is select by his desire to become a better person and we use very sophisticate tools to detect each individual and select with care. How look a day in the ECOTOPIA? All day look different because each person has so many activities that one day is not enough. What man do? Man is the creator of his family he is the worker of community he is the wise man of the entire city.

At ECOTOPIA man do his energetically exercise of multiple way, either Kayak on the lake, Gym or Thai Chi or anything he wish. Then he goes to the Council Center to have a meeting with his friends that share similar ideas. He can have an Organic smoothie or coffee and Tea made for his DNA from our direct Producers worldwide with flavors from the entire Planet. At the Council Center the resident will: trade and explore different business opportunities, create new ideas and innovations, all to be delivered to the Wise Council to implement into the Production lines that are close to the communities. We value feminine energy and creativity and WOMENS in the community can dedicate to motherhood or embrace innovative projects in agriculture, education, art, health care, clothing, design and technologies. Residents can learn new skills, new hobbies and are able to participate in various community programs that are beneficial to every member or the ECOTOPIA City. Harmony and balance lead the life at ECOTOPIA. Everyone is respected and loved in the community and children grow in this harmonious and peaceful energy. KIDS- all children from young age are tested with Astrological help to understand where they come from and what is the purpose of their life, so each child is directed to start living the life based on the pattern of his life purpose. There is no need to spend years in seeking one's talent and purpose. Kids learn since childhood about spirituality, energy, and quantum physic Universe and alien species, organic agriculture, space travel, alternative medicine, plasma technologies, art, music, dance and all things that bring them joy and help them to be creative. We heard so many times people saying that they enjoyed doing something as children and afterwards they forgot about their passion, pushed by society or family to take other paths despite their talent. Our school will be focused on identifying each individual extraordinary capability, developing creativity, encouraging self-esteem and blossoming into confident human beings and professionals.

Kids are taught holistic homeopath, law of attraction, law of vibration, telepathy, architecture and technologies, biology, real history and what happened with our ancestors. We aim to show what could have been the result of Humanity unconscious behavior towards this Planet in order to prevent that same mistakes are made ever again. All kids will get awareness about the meaning of life. ECOTOPIA is like a real-life Disney land you can find place where kids can play, you will find centers that teach all programs mention above. In fact, all Ecotopia Communities have such amazing Thematic Park called ELFEINHIEM. It is the most amazing beautiful experience where children can joyfully gather with friends, play and admire the beautiful ancient stories from Elf’s and fairytales. You can find cinemas with amazing Discovery Movies that help you to understand the real history of humanity. You can find so many Restaurant’s and coffee shops. Boutique shops where all clothes are handmade. You can find water parks, carting, swimming pools and theater shows.

Eco Light City has also a big Aula where concerts are taking place and where reputed mentors come to share their knowledge with more than 5000 seats. ECOTOPIA is the safest place ever, the city is run by a direct Governor with Special Forces that guarantees the safety of citizens. The state-of-the-art technology that controls any external intruders are watching everywhere in a very discreet manner. Law of discipline, education, honesty and integrity is a must have.

The city has all necessary intelligent equipment to take care of cleaning and recycle all inside the community. Eco Living City has multiple sources of income for its residents. We harness trash and convert it into electricity, biofuel, fertilizer, hot steam and hot water. From all recycled materials we create art brakes for construction and sell against money to other communities.

The produced extra power we can offer to other communities and trade for products that are needed in our community.

Water is alive with minerals and energized with H2O gas. We use Green Houses to grow plants: vegetables and fruits all selected based on the DNA of the residents. Eco Living City has multiple sources of income for his living people. We harness trash and convert into electricity, biofuel, fertilizer hot steam and hot water. All recycled materials we create art brakes for construction and sell against money to other communities.

Extra power we offer to other communities for things that we are interested to have in our community. Water is alive with minerals and energize with H2O gas, we use Green Houses that grow all plants vegetables and fruits all selected based on the DNA of the occupants. Bulgaria it is very well known for growing with care amazing vegetables and fruits with the old test for 100 years ago. • Organic hydroponic vegetables ad Bio Tech seeds are grown for the entire community that need real 100% energetically improved food. Also, underground greenhouses created for the benefit of the telluric energy that gives vegetables a natural flavor. The LIFE FORCE will connect worldwide all humanity to have the possibility to trade make money by stay home and have the capacity to buy and sell get a job or married anyone of your choice. All it is made for the The LIFE FORCE projects will people with the people. connect humanity worldwide and will allow to trade, make money, get a job or get married anywhere of one's choice. All is made for the people and with the people. ECO LIGHT CITY’S uses Nano Plasma in order to ensure the city energetic protection. The Oregon Bubble covers all City, and the cosmic energy creates one-of-a-kind protections that raises high vibration in human mind and his consciences.

OREGON BOUBLE it is one of the most advance man-made technology using the power of crystals, rare minerals, Gold, Silver, Platinum and plasma Ganz, combined with sacred geometric forms which bases on the positive intentions. By this means it is possible to materialize absolute love energy thoughts into reality. FOOD is created especially for the residents of the city. In fact, because of Nano plasma, we create all minerals and nutrients perfect for customized lifestyle of any citizen of the city. Food will be made based on each person’s DNA, based on personalized DNA tests and special Healthy meal book which shows how to perfectly combine vegetables, fruits and food to suit your organism. NANO TECHNOLOGIES The most state-of-the-art Nano technologies come from 2 very dear friends Doctors in technologies from India who will join the ECOTOPIA CITIES Projects to build a new world.

All vehicles are totally silent using magnetic engines or compressed air /H2O. Everything is a perfect landscape and intelligent robots are there to serve and help people with information, protection and cleaning. All over the city 432 Hz meditation music sound to regenerate our DNA and for a perfect harmony and communication between people. 369 Tesla # also are used in all buildings and places for a perfect integration and in harmony with the whole Universe.

David Sereda a Canadian scientist will help us with his incredible resonance technologies. UTOPIA that for centuries was just a dream, now becomes reality with the support of Star Seeds and Cosmic Energy and technologies. We are in the right time with the right people and the right tools to make this a reality in our world. Our motto is: