JCOLLINS/CV 1 Winter 03 CurriculumVitae Name: John J. Collins Mailing Address: 409 Prospect Street New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 432-2002 (Taylor S125)
[email protected] Home Address: 102 Leetes Island Road Guilford, CT 06437-3002 (203) 453-9834 DOB: 1946 TITLE Holmes Professor of Old Testament Criticism & Interpretation DEGREES 2009 D. LITT (Hon) University College Dublin 1972 Ph.D. (Near Eastern Languages and Literatures) Harvard University 1969 M.A. (Semitics and Classics) University College Dublin 1967 B.A. (Semitics and Classics) University College Dublin ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS 2000-present Yale University, Divinity School and Department of Religious Studies: Holmes Professor of Old Testament 1991-00 University of Chicago Divinity School, Professor of Hebrew Bible, with appointments in the Committees on the Mediterranean World and Jewish Studies 1985-91 University of Notre Dame, Professor of Theology 1982-85 DePaul University, Professor of Religious Studies 1978-82 DePaul University, Associate Professor of Religious Studies 1976-78 St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein, IL Associate Professor of Scripture 1973-76 St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein, IL JCOLLINS/CV 2 Winter 03 Assistant Professor of Scripture 1972-73 University College Dublin, Lecturer in Semitic Languages 1971-72 Harvard University, Teaching Fellow, summers: 1972, 73 VISITING APPOINTMENTS 1974 Iliff School of Theology, Denver, Summer 1980 University of Chicago Divinity School, Spring 1981,1991 Georgetown University, Summer 1982 Gonzaga University, Spokane,