Leon DĂNĂILĂ1, Alexandra Georgiana VACARU2, Eftihiţa CRĂCIUN3, and Mihai Lucian PASCU4

1 National Institute of Neurology and Neurovascular Diseases, Bucharest, Romania, Clinic of Neurosurgery 2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bucharest 3 “Titu Maiorescu” University, Faculty of , Bucharest 4 National Institute for Lase, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Laser Department, Bucharest

Accepted August 12, 2015

The mental faculties can be divided in unconscious, preconscious and consciousness. In accordance with our scheme, we can observe that each subdivision is dependent on certain anatomic cerebral structures. Ontogenetically, the conscience evolves from the unconscious towards subconscious and consciousness, and with the advance of age, it goes backwards through a degradation process, from the superior towards the inferior, that is, from consciousness to subconscious and unconscious. This modular concept of the conscience, which is described in detail in the paper’s text, allows us to perform measurements of it. The dreams, although they have their origin in the unconscious, add up and are stored in the upper levels of the subconscious, fact which makes possible their cognizance and their recounting after awakening.

Keywords: consciousness, subconscious, unconscious, dreams.

INTRODUCTION1 logical networks of the neuronal mechanisms, both innate and acquired. The conscience, in the form in which it is The problem of the conscience is a concern not manifested in humans, is the most complex and the only for psychologists and philosophers, but also for most enigmatic phenomenon in the universe as we other categories of specialists, such as neuro- know it today. surgeons, neurologists, psychiatrists, computer This does not mean that it should be left outside scientists, jurists, clergymen and developers of the field of the objective scientific knowledge, as artificial intelligence. being accessible only to religion or to revelation. The referred to researches devote an important The conscience is not an entity in itself, with an part of their active time to the elucidation of the atemporal character, but a pluridimensional, nature and of the substance of the conscience, not heterogenically structured, concrete, diversified and only at the human level, but also at the infrahuman hierarchically organized one. Being a concrete one, but in spite of the achievement of a series of phenomenon, an organizational form of our mental notable results, it is still a long way to the life, it should be studied not only synchronically – development of a coherent and unitary explanatory static and diachronically – dynamic (in evolution), theory related thereto. but it should also be integrated in the circular A number of authors had affirmed that the issues relationship between the subject and the external related to the nature, the genesis and the substance world, its nature being an informational one. of the conscience are boundaries which cannot be The composing parts of the conscience are fully passed by the scientific knowledge. acquired during the ontogenetic process, but they Nevertheless, the conscientious behaviors are specialized based on the interactions of the differentiate from the unconscious ones. On these lines, there are identified three essential organizational levels of the human mental faculties:

1 1 Proc. Rom. Acad., Series B, 2015, 17(3), p. 215–228 216 Leon Dănăilă et al. the unconscious level, the preconscious In this philosophic atmosphere, Freud13–19, 59–68 (subconscious) level, and the consciousness level. studied, analyzed, described and interpreted the The concept of the multi-level hierarchical unconscious mental phenomena and the organization of the human mental life belongs to the psychotherapy20–28. psychoanalytic school, and primarily to its founder, 62–68 Along with the founding of , through the introduction of the 29, 37–39, 41, 42 Freud had inaugurated a new line of three instances, with a vertical disposition: It (id), discourse, which aimed to offer psychology a Over-I (super ego) and I (ego). scientific status. The “Studies on Hysteria”, a joint work written THE UNCONSCIOUS LEVEL by Breuer and Freud, had been published for the first time in 1895. In his works about the heredity We can found references concerning some of the and the etiology of neuroses that had been published 85 unconscious phenomena in the works of Leibniz , in 42, 43–49, 52–58 (a–h), Freud had affirmed that who was talking about the existence of the “small the experience of the sexual passivity before the ”, which take place beneath the puberty is actually the specific etiology of threshold of awareness, and which can influence the 20 path of the and conscious thought hysteria . Also in these papers, he had used for the process. first time the term of psychoanalysis. In that era, Later, Maine de Biran86 had changed the notion Freud had abandoned the use of and of “small perceptions” into that of “obscure , and had inaugurated the technique of perceptions”, based on the fact that the subject the free association. His doctrinal position had been cannot report anything about their content. centered on the theory of the pathogenic nucleus 8–10 Fechner , who is considered to be the founder constituted during childhood as the result of a of the modern psychology, had introduced the sexual trauma following the seduction of the child notion of “subliminal sensations”, which cannot by an adult. The symptom is the consequence of a appear in the field of conscience, but which discharge back into the unconscious of the influence by potentiating or diminishing those which are conscientizated at the given moment. unbearable representations originating in the above Considering that the spirit and the body are only mentioned nucleus, while the treatment consists of two appearances of the same reality, Fechner had bringing it back into consciousness, and the reasoned that the verification of the law which elimination of the back-discharge. In 1910, Freud relates the stimulus to the sensation validated his had founded the International Psychoanalysis hypothesis. Society, whose first chairman had been Jung82, 83. For Fechner, the sensation increased Thus, Freud20, 43–49 had demonstrated the logarithmically in relation with the intensity of the necessity to include the unconscious as an essential stimulation. Fechner had used this postulate without component of the human mental faculties, formulating it explicitly. Today it is highly conferring it an essential role in the structure of the contested. human personality, behavior and psyche. In philosophy, the concept of the existence of an 30–36, 43 unconscious, or irrational mental life had been more In his Theory of Sexuality, Freud a–g, had extensively maintained and developed in the works revealed the importance of the infantile sexuality, published by Schelling91,92, Schopenhauer93, and had proposed a diagram of the evolution of the Nietzsche88 and Hartmann78,79. through the successive dominance of the oral, In the XIXth century, it had emerged the anal and genital erogenous areas. He had defined rationalist tendency which endorsed the absolute the child as a “polymorphic pervert”, and the predominance of the force of the rational over the neurosis as a “negation of the perversion”. irrational and of the consciousness over the Through the assertion according to which the unconscious. During the same period it had also real object of study of the psychology is represented been developed the irrationalist tendency which by the unconscious, Freud (1905) had revealed his maintained the absolute predominance of the weakness and vulnerability. However, by irrational, of the instinct and of the unconscious summarizing the data published by the over the rational and the consciousness.

The division of the mental faculties in unconscious, preconscious (subconscious) and consciousness 217 representatives of the psychoanalytic school, we can The secondary unconscious, which is acquired, draw up today an extremely complex picture of the refers to the moral conscience of the society, with human unconscious. the role of sociocultural regulation of the behaviors, Within this picture, we can differentiate the of internal, automatic checking of them in the form and the personal of the self-censoring mechanism. In the personality unconscious. system, it corresponds to the “Over-I”. According to In Freud’s opinion63–68, the most important Freud, both types of unconscious are the most stable component is the personal unconscious, while for structures of the personality because they do not Jung (1928), the determinant role in the dynamics evolve and undergo significant changes during the of personality is played by the collective ontogenetic development. In the settlement of the unconscious. permanent conflict between “It” and “Over-I” The collective unconscious, which had been intervenes a third instance of the psychic structure – built up over the historical evolution of the human the “I”. species and preserved in the deep layers of the A student of Freud, Adler Alfred, had attended memory, is manifested through the tendency of the the first Psychoanalysis Congress which had taken individuals to acknowledge each other and to place in Salzburg in 1908. Adler1–4 (1907; 1908; develop a group existence within a community. 1910; 1911) had separated quickly from the According to Jung83, the elements of the ancestral psychoanalytic movement because he did not agree psychic life are articulated within matrices, named with Freud’s opinion about the role of the sexual by him “archetypes”, which are structured based on impulsions. According to Adler, the sense of the principle of the antagonistic interaction between inferiority is compensated by the will power, which the constructive forces (of life) and the destructive urges the child to show that he or she is superior to ones (of death), as well as between the forces of the others4. good and those of evil, between love and hate. Freud had admitted that the sense of inferiority The personal unconscious, which had been is a frequent symptom, but he considered that this analyzed by Freud is composed of the primary, or was a development which had the purpose to mask inborn, unconscious and the secondary, or acquired, the motives of the unconscious, which should be unconscious. studied more thoroughly87. The first of them, which expresses the Adler had founded his own group, and gave his biological nature of the human being, includes the theory the name of individual psychology. basic tendencies, impulsions and instincts that are According to Jones (1958–1963), his main linked to the processes that ensure the survival and works had been: Das Problem der Homosexualität the homeostasis of the body. 43–47 (1917), Die andere Seite 1919), Praxis und Theorie In the focus of the respective elements, Freud der Individualpsychologie (1920), Religion und had placed the erotic-sexual drive, or the libido Individualpsychologie (1923), Liebesbeziehungen complex, with which begins the act of procreation. und deren Störungen (1926), Schwer erziehbare Freud had conferred to the notion of libido the Kinder (1927), Die Technik der Individual- meaning of noble vital energy which is linked to the psychologie (1928–1930), Problems of Neurosis development and the organization of the (1929), The Education of Children (1930), Der Sinn personality, while the sexual-genital component des Lebens (1933). plays only a particular role. In the framework of the Horney80 had also separated from the Freudian primary unconscious it is also included the day by orthodoxism. day functional side of the unconscious, which includes the oneiric states (the dreams), the missed Horney Karen, an American psychiatrist and acts, as well as the verbal agglutinations and psychoanalyst of German origin, had lived between inversions. 1885 and 1952. Secretary of the Psychoanalytic These symbolic modalities for the expression of Institute in Berlin, she had become later Associate the deep internal contents of the unconscious Director of the Psychoanalysis Institute in Chicago become, according to Freud, the main avenue of (between 1932 and 1934), after which, in 1941, she access to it. Their study and interpretation had founded her own American Institute of represents the essence of the psychoanalytic Psychoanalysis. She had separated from the method. In the personality system, the primary Freudian orthodoxism and had adopted a number of unconscious corresponds to the instance of the self. the concepts of Adler.

218 Leon Dănăilă et al.

Rejecting the theory of the development of the His most important published works had been: libido and of the neurosis advocated by Freud, she Psychoanalyse und Soziologie (1928–1929); Die had put emphasis on the role of the cultural and psychoanalytische Characterologie und ihre environmental factors in the engendering of the Bedeutung für die Sozialpsychologie (1932); referred to behaviors. Psychoanalysis and Religion (1950); For Seekers of Fromm Erich (1900–1980), an American Prefabricated Happiness (1950); The Same Society psychoanalyst of German origin, had lectured (1955); The Art of Loving (1956); Marxismus, beginning with 1930 at the Psychoanalysis Institute Psychoanalyse und “wirkliche Wirklicheit” (1966); in Frankfurt, where he had met H. Marcuse and T. Observaciones sobre el problema de la Adorno. During this period, he had tried to destructividad (1967), etc. harmonize the theory of K. Marx with that of S. Wilber96 had identified five types of Freud through an attempt to integrate the social- unconscious: 1) the fundamental unconscious, with economic factors in the explanation of the neurosis. components which can become conscious in any Before long, he had been considered as a moment, 2) the archaic unconscious, with primitive representative of the culturalist tendency of components that are inherited phylogenetically, psychoanalysis. 3) the submergent unconscious, the result of the In 1962, Fromm had been appointed Professor of driving back or of the mechanisms, Psychiatry at the University of New York and he 4) the “impression” unconscious, composed of non- had been a strong protester against the various driven back contents, 5) the emergent unconscious, forms of totalitarianism and social alienation. He which includes the deep structures that are present had opposed to the morals of “humanitarian planning”, as well as to the ideology of economic at birth, but which are not yet projected towards the performance and of consumption. According to surface of the fundamental unconscious. Fromm, the essential condition of the inner balance However, the unconscious is an attribute of the had referred to the fact that the unconscious integrated psychic organization, as there is no emerges as an irrepressible force for the rooting of impassable fracture between the unconscious and the “I” in the people. the consciousness.

The scheme shows the link between ARAS and ARIS with the other cerebral structures (cortical and subcortical) as well as the relationships between the unconsciousness, the preconsciousness, and the consciousness. ARAS = Ascending (Reticular) Activating System ARIS = Ascending (Reticular) Inhibitory System

The division of the mental faculties in unconscious, preconscious (subconscious) and consciousness 219

THE PRECONSCIOUS (SUBCONSCIOUS) reporting of their contents after awakening. For Freud, the dreams are located at the level of a sort It is an aggregate of psychic conditions that are of crossroad between normal and pathological, and they are dependent on the neurotic conditions. not acknowledged by the subject, but which The importance of the preconscious should not influence his/her behavior. Consequently, the be underestimated because it ensures the continuity subconscious might be defined as the contents of in time of the Self, allowing the conscience to the long term memory that is not located within the achieve the integration between the past, the present operative flow of the conscience, but which can and the future. Secondly, the preconscious confers become conscientized in the appropriate the adaptive meaning to learning and allows the circumstances. storing of information and of experiences for the The subconscious represents something which is future use. In the development of any conscious not entirely conscious. process, the preconscious is connected immediately It indicates mental processes (ideas, impressions, to the anterior experience. Thirdly, the preconscious etc.) that are present in the mind, but which are not provides the internal pattern of the conscience and conscientized at a certain moment. They take place its durableness in time. Otherwise, the conscience outside the conscious perception of the individual. would be reduced to a simple succession of the The majority of its components are in a latent state, immediate sensations and perceptions, thus making but they can be conscientized at a given moment. impossible its functionalities of planning, decision The automatisms, attunements and habits are making and projecting. manifested actively outside the field of conscience. In the absence of the direct influence of the The content of the subconscious is composed of external objects or phenomena, the preconscious, the information, experiences and actions which together with the sensorial communication, are originate from conscience, as well as of a series of indispensable for the development of the extreme elements of the unconscious with which it is also in complexity of the conscience. communication. The division of the mental system into three The latent components of the subconscious have parts, the consciousness, the preconscious and the unconscious, leads us to bear in mind the idea of the an important role in the general preparation of the division of the psyche into two components, which subject because they exert a positive or a negative are subjected a series of laws which are separated influence on the conscious mental processes. by a frontier which is not impassable, on one side of Therefore, the subconscious is a dynamic which being the consciousness-preconscious, while organizational structure within which take place on the other one we find the unconscious. This continuous processes of resetting, rearticulating and division is radical and irreducible because it can reevaluation, and even of programming the never be “synthetized”, it having only a “tendency component elements, in view of the future to synthesis”. conscious activities. The individual feeling of the unity of the Self is We have to admit that the preconscious have a nothing but a mental illusion. Freud had showed functional autonomy, as well as intrinsic that “the unconscious is the psyche itself and its mechanisms of self-maintenance and self- essential reality”. conservation. Our intimate nature and that of the reality of the The referred to mechanisms are stimulated outer world are unknown. Through the sense ascendingly during the vigil state and by the goal- organs, the conscience provides us only with oriented conscious activity, and descendingly, incomplete data about the external world. through the flows of the unconscious, while sleeping and in the states of confused consciousness found during drunkenness or induced by the use of THE CONSCIENCE drugs and narcotics. The dreams, although they have their origins in The conscience, a pillar of the conception about the unconscious, they reach completion and are the world and life, refers to the synthesis and stored in the upper levels of the subconscious, fact regulatory functions of the thinking process and of which makes possible the conscientization and the the moral life.

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These play a particular role in our mental as their effects, differ from one social-cultural system, and are separated from the unconscious by framework to another and from one individual to the preconscious. another. The preconscious filters the crossing over of a As a specific level of the mental organization, series of events from consciousness to the the consciousness has both an internal structural unconscious, as well as from the unconscious to heterogeneity and a unity of the whole. consciousness. The vigil state is the most important condition Through the perception system, which develops and the first behavioral indicator of the triggering of later, at the same time with the maturation and the the conscious mechanisms and structures. functional completion of our sense organs, the In the deep coma, the consciousness is virtually human being receives and accumulates knowledge abolished. about the outer world. These data and phenomena After several weeks in a coma, most people from the environment which act upon us compel us either die or slip by into a vegetative state. to react through adequate rational behaviors of However, in the numerous cases of people with acceptance or rejection. severe brain damage, with vegetative states, or with The moral conscience refers to the inner locked-in syndrome, there are affected a great perception of the rejection of certain yearnings we number of modules of conscience7 and of cerebral experience. centers and connections which differ from one state The state of being conscious is a primitive to another, condition that makes it impossible for characteristic of the mental phenomena. them to communicate with the outside world. This implies that the majority of the activities This fact can be ascertained with the aid of and of the psychological states which are more electroencephalography (EEG) and of the functional cognitive and less emotional are primarily magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)95. nonconscious. Sleep is a physiological condition with the loss The quality of being conscious belongs to the of consciousness. processes which bring into play control mechanisms In essence, the consciousness is a descriptive of the psychological activity, as opposed to the story about a real physical phenomenon (attention). automated or automatized phenomena, which are Graziano’s “attention schema” theory sets a normally nonconscious. milestone by offering a plausible, mechanistic The conscience is the newest component from answer to this difficult problem, although there the phylogenetic point of view, it being the most might be some who do not find this answer to be complex structural and functional entity and satisfactory94. reaching in humans its highest level of In the Consciousness and the Social Brain, development. Graziano77 argues that consciousness is a perceptual The conscience represents a superior qualitative construction. level of the mental organization, it reaching the The perception is a description of the reality highest coefficient of complexity in humans. constructed by the brain94. From the genetic point of view, the conscious Our own consciousness is a perceptual structure has an acquired character, which evolves construction which emerges when the brain applies historically at the same time with the development recursively perceptual attributions to itself. of the brain and of the social-cultural environment, We attribute consciousness to others as part of and it is built up on an individual basis during our perceptual model of what they are paying ontogenesis. attention to, which are selectively processing Consequently, this is the system which is the information that guides their behavior. The two most open to changes and evolution in the human phenomena are locked “in a positive feedback psyche. Its development is supported by the loop”, which explains the tight connection between principle of verbalization and of the articulated attention and consciousness77. speech, with its intensifying and optimizing role in The evolution of the conscience as a superior the development of the human psyche. form of the psyche cannot be considered as being Although the general laws of psychology that completed, it continuing as long as man will exist as govern the building up of the internal structure of a being and as a historical category. One of the the individual conscience are common for all directions in which it is clearly necessary that this humans, the contents upon which they act, as well evolution should continue is represented by the

The division of the mental faculties in unconscious, preconscious (subconscious) and consciousness 221 anticipatory-predictive function, in relation to the is enhanced in spite of the periodic discharges in the possible requirements of the behaviors at individual individual and social behaviors of a series of and social level in various situations and contexts. ancestral tendencies and instincts (aggressiveness, A distinctive feature of the conscience consists fanaticism, sexuality). of the dissociation and the active opposition of our Various aspects of the cerebral neurological own Self in relation to the external world and the basis for the division of the mental system into structuring of the behavioral framework based on unconscious, preconscious (subconscious) and the correlation of the information model of the own consciousness are illustrated in diagram No. 1. Self (“the self-consciousness”) with the information These neurological aspects of the conscience had model of the external world (“the consciousness of been expressed more explicitly by Danaila in 20126 the objective world”). The former one includes in a and by Danaila and Pascu in 20137. unitary system all the data and the knowledge Nevertheless, in the presented diagram it is very acquired by the subject about both his/her bio- clearly illustrated the interaction between the constitutional component and about the mental one unconscious, the preconscious and the (the aggregate of abilities, aptitudes, desires, consciousness. aspirations and ideals), as well as the self- The vertical organization of the mental system evaluation, either towards a hyper- (overestimation) appears as a bidirectional communication and or a hypo- (underestimation) status. interaction relationship between the three levels, The evolution of the self-consciousness has which are in fact derived from each other, and two sources: the bio-constitutional reality, with the actually model one another. visceral, proprioceptive, vestibular, kinesthetic, The unconscious and the preconscious levels tactile and visual information flows that form the that precede the level of consciousness are the image of the physical Self (the private Self, the precursory premises for its development. At the public Self), and the external reality, which is young age, before one year and a half, the perceived through the information flows generated unconscious is the dominating mechanism for the by the comparison with those around and the so organization and the regulation of the behavior. called imitation of models (an ideal person which During development, the consciousness level the individual attempts to assimilate within his/her asserts itself more and more pregnantly as a own personality). regulating factor, it taking also over the relationing The consciousness of the objective world (the of the individual with the external world. public Self), which has an individualized and In a systemic organization, each hierarchical personalized character, interacts with the self- structure has its own role in the provision of the consciousness in order to achieve the optimal structural and functional unity of the system. The integration of man within his specific existential alteration of one of the structures of the system environment. leads inevitably to the alteration of the system in its It has a cognitive component which consists of entirety. information about the features and the relationships The presence of the unconscious can be revealed of the natural and social-cultural objects and based on the unconscious behavioral manifestations phenomena; an axiological component through and reactions (dreams, sleepwalking behaviors, which the subject ascertains the value of the objects vegetative reactions, deliriums, advanced in the outside world; a motivational component inebriation, motor automatisms, rage, dementia, that comprises the totality of the needs, necessities negative affective explosions). and interests whose satisfaction is dependent on The evolutory process takes place from the external sources, an affective component, which is unconscious to the preconscious and consciousness composed of both positive and negative emotions, while the involutory process has a reverse direction, moods and feelings that are the result of the actions from the superior towards the inferior, that is, from of the external objects and phenomena, and, finally, consciousness to the preconscious and finally, the a volitional component for the activation, the unconscious. mobilization and the coordination of the subject in In the structure of the behavioral frameworks we relation to the external objects and conditions. shall find an orderly disposition of the elements Consequently, the conscience is the concept belonging to the unconscious, the preconscious and whose development remains open, while its the consciousness. The weight of these elements modeling-regulating influence over the unconscious varies depending on the length in time, age,

222 Leon Dănăilă et al. circumstances, motivation and frequency. The important energetic consumption, so that in order to functional dominance of one level over another is provide the necessary self-protection and to avoid structured around the motivational pillar: the the occurrence of fatigue and exhaustion, the mental unconscious around the motivation of biological, system had developed special mechanisms for the primary origin, and the preconscious and the alternation of the activity states with those of consciousness around the secondary motivation repose, such as the sleep structured on the periodic (spiritual and social-cultural). succession of days and nights (the circadian Between the two types of motivations there is a rhythm). relatively antagonistic relationship in the planes of Between the highest activity of the activation and fulfillment. consciousness and the deepest sleep it is delimited a In the behavioral plane, one pole is located at the wide registry of intermediate statuses. The sleep upper level of consciousness, while the other is involves not only the brain, but also the body. established at the inferior limit of the unconscious. Through its vegetative component, the brain There are various manners of interaction ensures the functional unity of the internal between the two spheres of the mental life. Getting environment and of the body. The absolute sleep nearer to one of the poles enforces the respective deprivation cannot be endured, without major risks, behavior with more intensity. for more than 80–90 hours. The various components in the structure of a The sleep disorders can be caused by the behavioral act with the dominance of the physical exertions and the intellectual strains which consciousness or of the unconscious can cause lead to accumulated fatigue or to emotional shocks. oscillations with an opposite sense to that of the The dreams represent a strange and enigmatic- respective type, they being often contradictory and occult universe because they suppress the vigil unpredictable, which increase very much not only state, remove the control of thought, wipe out the the complexity of the human behavior, but also its framework of the daily existence and discontinue dramatic character. the relationships with the outer environment. In this way, between the consciousness, the After the disappearance of the sleep, the preconscious and the unconscious there are circular individual becomes conscious. relationships, subordination relationships, as well as Freud had devoted to this problem several works coordination, or balancing relationships. he had published in 1900, 1912 and 1933, and he The circular relationships refer to the crossing had developed some particular aspects in his study over of the contents of the consciousness into the The Unconscious (1915, 1928). preconscious and the unconscious, as well as in As the fundaments of their conception, Freud reverse direction. had put forward two postulates: the postulate of the The subordination relationships are intrapsychic determinism, according to which no represented by the dominance of the consciousness mental phenomenon is accidental, everything over the preconscious and unconscious. In humans, having a cause, even if it is not rendered evident the unconscious and the preconscious are dominated directly and immediately; and the postulate of by the consciousness, fact due to which we define significance, which states that every event in the man as a conscious being. sphere of the mental life has an inner significance. The coordination relationships refer to the fact The main cause for occurrence of the dreams is that the three levels coordinate each other located at the level of the unconscious, this being a reciprocally in terms of functional intensity. modality for the concretization of the repressed, Conscience changes unfulfilled wishes and necessities, their satisfaction The exceptional importance of the conscience in being in contradiction with the social and cultural the interrelationing of man with the external world principles and norms. and with himself can be demonstrated indirectly In this way, the dreams contribute to the through its normal (physiological) and abnormal diminishing or the relief of the tensional facts that (pathological) changes. are generated by their drive back or their repression. The normal changes. The normal functioning Consequently, the dream might establish a of the consciousness level involves the preservation causal relationship between its contents and a of the vigil state and the oriented mobilization of certain wish or necessity. Nevertheless, some the mental efforts in relation with the tasks that dreams are quite simple, they expressing wishes that have to be executed. These are achieved with an could not be fulfilled in the real life, while others,

The division of the mental faculties in unconscious, preconscious (subconscious) and consciousness 223 which are extremely irrational and distorted, are the conscience and of its regulating-protective- related to the nature of the oneiric thinking and to creative functions. the action of censorship. These considerations do not agree with the concept advanced by Freud. The oneirism refers to the confusional syndromes which THE MODULAR APPEARANCE are accompanied by multiple visual hallucinations, OF THE CONSCIENCE they being similar to the dreaming states. The oneiric thinking is poorly structured as the result of The presentation and the analysis of the internal the abolishment of the consciousness during sleep. structure of the conscience is of a modular type. According to Freud, the oneiric thinking is The module is composed of an ensemble of autistic because it does not have the purpose of logical operators and conditions which are communicating with another individual, it having at connected algorithmically (in a determinist mode) its disposal only poor, pure sensory means to express itself. From here derive the juxtapositions and heuristically (in a probabilistic mode). of images and the symbolism with its abstract ideas, The modules are a series of actual or evoked image condensations, aliasing effects, depersonalizations, energetic-informational cortical paradigms which displacements, etc. have as attribute the performance of a number of The action of censorship reveals that certain activities and behaviors of a mediated and wishes appear in dreams only in an oneiric form, intentional type. Therefore, for each module there is which is acceptable for the Self. Sometimes, the a corresponding class of behaviors. The contents dreams become awkward, absurd, tormenting, and the modular structure of the conscience is exhausting, etc. The nightmares are the result of the supported not only by the behavioral evidences, but translation in the deepest mode of the degree of also by the organization of the cerebral cortex censorship. which is also of a modular type. Therefore, it might be justified the assertion of Although at the level of the cerebral cortex there 19 Freud according to which the dream is the are well defined, differentiated areas, centers and fulfillment of a wish which seldom appears in clear morpho-functional areas which are specialized in form, it being often intermingled with various the performance of certain components of the distortions which impart to the dream all kinds of conscience, between all the referred to structures incoherencies and deformations. there are direct and indirect reciprocal connections Afterwards, during the youthful years, when the and interactions which observe the principle of individual works a lot, and the censorship of the Lorente de Nó84, according to which “within the consciousness is maximal, the individuals dream brain, everything is connected with everything”. less (in conditions of extreme fatigue, the individuals sleep sometimes without dreaming) than Generally, there are two categories of modules: in old age, when due to the cortical atrophy and to those that include the information concerning the the decrease in the control of the consciousness over own Self (physical, mental or social), it building up the preconscious and unconscious, the people dream the structure of the self-awareness, and others, more and more intensely. which put together the content structure of the The oneiric activity brings about a series of external world. neurovegetative changes which can become fatal for In the light of both these criteria, we distinguish the life of the subject. Some of the cardiovascular the following ten modules: accidents and of the strokes which occur during The axiological module, which is related to the sleep are the result of the neurovegetative storm. value system and to the social and cultural norms. It had been hypothesized that during sleep it In the psychological plane, it tallies with the might take place a process of rearrangement of the behaviors in relation with the social-cultural norms informational-experiential thesaurus which had and values. In the neurological plane, the been stored previously and then “scattered” during axiological activity is linked predominantly with the the daily activities, so that some of the sequences of function of the prefrontal cortex. this process might be transposed in oneiric episodes. The linguistic-communicational module is As much as we might appreciate the significance related to the processing of the information of the dreams in the life of man, we cannot go as far concerning the own Self and the external world, as to confer them a role which is superior to that of both in the conceptual-abstract plane and in the

224 Leon Dănăilă et al. concrete imagistic plane. It tallies with the verbal the sensory stimuli perceived at the level of the behaviors in the areas of Broca (44 and 45) and cortical Brodmann areas, namely the visual (area Wernicke (22, 37, 39, 40). 17), the auditory (areas 41 and 42), the gustatory The cognitive module is related to the (areas 3b and 43), the olfactory (area 17) and the identification, the discrimination, the categorizing, vestibular (area 2v) ones. the drawing up and the adopting of decisions, etc. It The motor module carries out, through logical fulfills the role of collecting, processing and storing mental programs, adequate voluntary behaviors. It the procedural information and schemes linked to tallies with the wide range of somatic motor the external conditions and the own Self. It tallies behaviors, which are dependent on the areas 4, 6 with the diversity of the epistemic behaviors: and 8. problem identification, description, categorizing, The mnesic module is related to the explanation, interpretation, and solving, decision internalization of the previous experiences, to the taking, etc. In the neurological plane, this module is contents of the past, and to the organization of all linked to the prefrontal cortex, as well as to the the dynamic systems whose actual parameters can sensitive-sensorial one. be changed by the new external actions. It tallies The volitional module regulates the superior with the actualization and the exteriorization of the functions of the conscience. Together with the operative knowledge and schemes that are needed linguistic module, it carries out the correlation and for the fulfillment of the actual tasks. It tallies with the adequacy of the executive goals and behaviors the activities of the entire cortex, but particularly to the particularities, conditions and constraints of with that of the hippocampus. At the base of the the external circumstances. The volitional module movement and of the remembering of the traces of tallies with the behaviors which involve the influences exerted on a system by the external deliberation, decision, perseverance, consistency, environment is the physical feature of hysteresis etc., they being dependent on the prefrontal cortex, (Greek: Hysterezis “absence”). According to it, the as well as on the sensitive-sensorial and motor one. traces left behind by a previous action tend to The motivational module coordinates the become consolidated through the subsequent multiple internal motives of the personality, which actions, the system changing its original resistance are related to self-achievement, self-advancement, and adapting in accordance with the induced development and homeostasis. It is linked to the changes. multitudinous behaviors for the satisfaction of the The autonomic module of the cerebral cortex physiological, material, moral, aesthetic, learning, exerts its regulating action over the autonomous religious necessities, and it is directed by the nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) prefrontal, the temporal and the insular cortex. through the area 25, through the posterior The affective module, which is specific for each orbitofrontal cortex and through the anterior portion individual, groups together the multitude of the of the insula. They coordinate to a lesser extent than positive and negative emotions which are related to the hypothalamus the visceral activities which react the significance of the internal and external to every change in the external conditions and to circumstances. It is anchored to the emotional those of the internal environment. These cortical behaviors (cheerfulness, empathy, sadness, regions influence the autonomic nervous system deception, panic, depression, irritation, anger, rage through the agency of the hypothalamus and and ). The motivational module and the through its connections with the lower levels of the affective one fulfill the role of signaling the internal nervous system. Since the emotions and the states of necessity and that of triggering and intellectual decisions have a cortical origin, the supporting the specific behaviors required for their respective cortical influences exert their control satisfaction. In the cortical plane, it is under the through the regulation of the autonomic nervous influence of the prefrontal and of the temporal- system. insular cortex. Consequently, the dissociation of the above The sensitive-sensorial module filters and mentioned parameters and their separate approach interprets the significance of the valence of the has an artificial character, which is adequate only internal and external stimuli. It tallies with the for didactic and scientifically circumstantial various superficial, deep, internal and painful purposes. In reality, in the performance of any sensitivities which are dependent on the parietal conscious behavioral act there are involved a cortex, that is, the areas 3,1 and 2, as well as with number of modules that are subordinated to the

The division of the mental faculties in unconscious, preconscious (subconscious) and consciousness 225 main module, they conferring it both specificity and The pathological component comprises the individuality. changes which cause fundamental alterations of the Additionally, the modular structure of the conscience modules, of the functional relationships conscience does not have a final form at birth, it between them, and thus the normality of the being developed gradually during the life of the behavior. individual. Here we include the conditions that are The sense of their fulfillment has an ascending circumscribed to the sleep-vigil cycle, the states character, which evolves from undifferentiated induced through suggestion, self-suggestion and towards differentiated, individualized, from simple hypnosis or through the administration of a series of towards complex, from inferior towards superior. pharmacodynamic substances, as well as the In accordance with the law of heteronomy, the situations in which the pontomesencephalic various constitutive modules end their evolution in reticular activating and inhibitory systems, or the various moments of the person’s life, in a staged cerebral cortex are affected, either partially or manner. totally. However, although they have a distinct The discovery of the existence and of the individuality and benefit of a certain degree of functionalities of the mirror neurons by Rizzolatti et autonomy, they do not function in isolation, but in a al.90 and Rizzolatti and Craighero89, had led to the close and permanent interconnection and explication of the empathy process, of the reading interaction, thus being generated the attributes of of the thoughts of other persons and of the learning unity and systemic emergence of the conscience. through imitation, as well as to the understanding of During various activities and behaviors, the the connection of our individual conscience to the modules act synergically, taking either the form of universal conscience. hierarchical subordination or of antagonistic The human specific abilities could not have been confrontation, as it happens sometimes between the able to develop in the absence of the multiplication modules of rationality and the modules of and of the concentration of the mirror-neurons affectivity and motivation. system in well delimited areas of the brain cortex, In accordance with its adaptive character, in both and especially in the prefrontal lobes. the phylogenetic and the ontogenetic planes, the Consequently, the human conscience is not of a conscience, as a superior form of the psyche, is supernatural, independent and abstract substance, a related to a series of adaptive capabilities and fictitious notion invented by philosophers, but it efficiencies of the individuals in which the reactive represents a natural phenomenon, with an objective type behaviors are subordinated or replaced by the cerebral and biosocial determination. creative and transforming activities. For these reasons, the conscience has an In the development and the stabilization of the informational structure, and it cannot be placed modules there are involved selection mechanisms, exclusively in the plane of the theoretical which help in the retention of the associated speculations. informational contents with optimal adaptive effects It should be considered a concrete phenomenon and in the elimination, or the blocking of those with which is required to be studied both synchronically negative effects. (statically) and diachronically (dynamically and in In accordance with the law of heteronomy, we evolution) in its circular relationship between the cannot talk about a uniform, perfect and absolute subject and the external world. structure of the conscience, which is withdrawn within itself, but about an integrated entity of the logical scheme of the organization and of the CONCLUSIONS development of the superior activities and behaviors that are dependent on the variable conditions of The study of the conscience had begun to be both the internal and the external environment. studied very early during the history of mankind. Consequently, every individual has his/her own Its cerebral anatomical basis had been outlined scheme for the interaction and the development of by Danaila6 and Danaila and Pascu7. the component modules. This fact allows us to Ontogenetically, the conscience develops from explain better the dynamic side of the conscience, the level of the unconscious towards that of the with its normal and pathological components. subconscious and further, until it reaches the

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