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Woodbridge t. • •. • • • ./ . THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY ttm Serving Woodbridge TowDsmp, Carteret and Edison Cflter<4 if kid eUu IUU Publishwl Wn>klj . At P. O. Woodbrid««, N. J. Woodbridge, N. J., Wednesday, July 30, 1969 On Wtdnebday TEN CENT3 Woodbridge to Play Host to N. J. Exempt Firemen, Sept. 5-6 Seek Names Vm delegates Expected For Senior 1° Attend; Parade Listed Phone Plan For Saturday September 6 WOODBRHKJR VVOODBRIDGE — The Town will play host lo the Nrw Jrr >hi|)'.s Telephone Reassurance sey State Kxempt Firemen's projjram will bejjin in lhe very Meat Packaging Association which will hold IN 81-trd annual ('(invention here near inline but before it can September 5 and 6. Mart the administration needs Ordinance to Be Business sessions will be hrlrl lhe names of senior citizens not CHAMPIONS A 1,1, — A hint1 is the championship Woiulhriilge team in Hi-' New .'ITM'V l!Hi!l Playground Ol\ injiirs which u<m the stale litlc for tin- srcnml in Woodbridge Senior Ili^h (iiiisecuti\ e war, shown with (heir coach. Herb Ilollowell. left. In (lie \roiin arc .lor Uavlis, (ton Hiilclrr, (ieorjip l.isnoik, Mike O'Coiuiei, lialph Verilia, living in senior citizen apart Effective Aug. 6 School Auditorium on Friday, .Ifff Mark, joe Clarence and Ga.ynell Turner, Chris iticftrttigan, Sue Mcfipltismi, Mary Carroll, Charles Carroll. SlepliHiiie Landers, Phylce, c Ymnn, I'am niCnt or who do not own their WOODBRIDUK-VVoodbriclge' September 5 with U00 drlr- Teiippmiy, ltich Ulrich, Joe Cornish, Sieve. Chilian, l)a\p I'awloski, Charles Sclnenzer, Hila Pnrl^iii-ski, Cynthia /arsjfcy, Alvina Willia >!•,, Turn Ceolfrey. .ow n homes, who mayy be inter-jownship's nPW "clear pack gales expected to be in attend 1 anee Iiiaiie Donnelly. Tom Kninpa, Mike Mulqupon, Paul Rictiardi, Al I.elfler, Frank Pirit nielli, John Smyth, Vincfi Tprrfll, Janire MiColl<-\, Shiiri (in idler, Wanda esteri in participating. laginfi ' ordinanr* will become Wilson, Cathy Del Sarilo, Steve Zaml)'i anrt Pin' Rartin. Other Pictures on Pages 7 and 8 The Township has the namesieflective next Wednesday, Aug j On .Saturday, a parade is and addresses o( those living in just 6. I scheduled for firemen and 300th Anniversary Events: senior citizens apartments and' Mayor Ralph P. Barone at,e1|"Pm,':,nl fl'onl. aU "nii^ rkl!11" he pat ade Wl11 h;lv<> a Town to Fete!have been able to secure the,bis weekly press conference I" \f^n ' ' names of those who own their jda.v, referriii|> lo the dale of Ii \ <•"'""" ' own homes Ihrough Senior Ci rial passase of the ordinance onij 4 tizen Tax Exemption, forms, Jiviay 6, said (hat "the Municipal' 69 Olympics j ..,,. , », i i 'Council Droviried for a morel James Zehrer, presidpresiden* t of Dedication Set for Monuments p Fire "We need those who inav be h ' , ,"V . m» Wnnrfhrirtn.. Fvnmni lnpl -ntiiu. aDartmenls in nn,n,eithapermitten adequatd fooe d!K)da storey penos tod that'thpie • e > Woodbndfis Associatioe n Kxompand t ce.no,;\[ IIUIIR apannunis in pn\nie| ;<l_, f_, fo..,„,.„„,r the „chang „,.„,metie i chairmas Association of n and c TeaniMoiiday over from opaque lo clear "or!convention committee In Memory of Parker and Dunham in participating in the program, packaging oi'tcd today that trophies will In- tran i 1 r(>nt WOOPBRirXJK - Forty two,as "receivers of callsl , as callersll | ' ' *, -As pa rl of mpills .awarded to participating fin- youngsters of the Township's or as both", Mavor Ralph p.- '. lhe .iOtKh Anniversary Cclebra : , bands, drum aid playgrounds, who won the sec [Baron e said today' Continuing the mayor lion of lhe Township of Wood ed: bugle corps, floats, antique a|> ond straight annual State Play- paratus and modern appaiaiu bridge, two monuments to early State of the Township Mayor Barone said he first "\ve feel that clear wrappings famous men of Ibe ro.iimunity ground Olympics championship heard of the plan from another ill act as 'silent polic-eme"' Assisting Mr. /#htrr :<,'• for the municipality last Friday w "ill be dedicated r, ;v." .•,,! .;r. community. Senior Citizens call;fnr our consuming public, so Mayor Ralph P. Barone, !mn >r One monunicnl. will be erected in the First Presbyterian Church be!tically e»ery day, just to see and other waste items are notJGfiorBP Van Tasrl, Joseph K.ir- s Letter States guests of honor at a luncheonjn(nv (nov ihidden from yiew on the bottom!nas. Thomas Filzpalrick. j a id in memory of James Park- next Monday, Mayor Ralph P.| er who printed the first news 1 I of opaque trays. The ordinance! assistant chairman; Joseph All- paper in New .Jersey in Wood Baron„,, e, said. today.•„.., , ! To Lift The Spirit :also prohibits the shinglin" origaicr, parade chairman; l.eun bridse and who lies in an tin lhe luncheon will be held at^ "I thought il was an excellent layering of meats which doesiard Minkier, invitations n\«l .,..,.. , mayor commented. | t ||, |, consumer to sec! publicity; marked jjrave in lhe Presby- Accomplishments, Needs lhe Brass Bucket at 1:(K) P.M. idea," the mayor commented, ino no't. alloa )wW (the consumer to sec j publicity; William terian Cemetery. hvidently happy over the oul-|"Thi, program utilizing senior lall sides of the items she or ho trophy chairman, ,., ,, ,, , ,, ,, . come of tne Olympics the may . voluntt-eis as callers, willij, huyin" i ! TIIP other monument, to be — A Irltcr cilj /en erected in the Trinity Episcopal n,^ <i l'...Yl, tnp ,\ptxiinor-i '\our Municipal Council and or beamed: inerform a verv sreal service tn ' n,' \n'in;n* AIUIU I^O.I ,.r Township". Churchyard, will be dedicated fonn lo the memory of Jonathan Dun-mailed today ham, an early settler, who es the municipality by the m;iyorjand women, afied Hi and over.'forlh with 1 lablished the first grist mill in your proposals «,;Their total score of 89 points wa.s!j"hose who live alone. Although,be the enforcing agency "for the ! and council. The letter signed meaningful sunimer cnij)]oy lhal we can all work together, not only almost double the secAh( , ,,a|| may be on|y t() ta|ki to'ordinance, i Out at Corny by Mayor Ralph P. Our Y.F.S. program is in Io make (lie next 3(K) years iniond place team, but was also the reads as follows lift the spirit and break the mo ' The ordinance does nol apply! its third year, and is the only-VVoodbridiif Township as suc-j most points score, d by any toa,m notony of a long, lonely day, the to meat commonly designated as FORDS — John A. Wolff Dom- Hey. Lewis Bender minisler t" ~'"During"thTs"3>i«th year of on none "of "its kind in theentire cessful as the first three cen 1 of lhe Presbyterian Church and tile 21 year history of thec; ,||<;r ,„• reassuror may also find!'chopped meal ' or 'ground ocralic I'arly candidate for th- township's existence, there are Slate, Inries." 1 Rev. William II. Schmaus, rec- a number of items that. I would ,uiympies j that an emergencyy situation'meat', nor does the ordinance Second Ward post on the Muni- tor of Trinity Episcopal Church Youngsters who won Individ iPXjs|s jn may j apply to processed meal. icipal Council, today lashed out like to discuss with you in this ual first places for Woodbridge ne or she will be in charge of the pronewsletter- . j be of help". The mayor said he anticipatesat Assemblyman Francis Coury gr.-qm. After services in each were Paul Riccardi, the only "full and cooperative compli j(R.Middlesex (-ounl.y) charging "The second half lax bills for, Want A Green Thumb? double winner; Stove Zambo, The mayor's office will short churchyard, open house will be 196!) -indicate, as shown on panc Hli a Mtp ance from our merchants. Wei that Coury "is aliempting to held in Trinity Fellowship Hall. WOODKIUDGK — Woodbridge residents, who want to Cynthia Zarsky, Joe Cornish,j'.v f" r to each senior know they will benefit also from] use Ihe volunteer lire cninpanie.s 3 of this newsletter, that for the. Richard Ullrich and Sue McGet-lf)ti?en receiving properly tax ••.September 28 at 2 P. M. hasseventh consecutive year, muni make their gardens greener than their neighbors, may soon 'jthis ordinance as more and more of Middlesex County for polili have the opportunity to do so if plans being developed] l>y the ljsan [exemption explaining the reas 1 been set as the tentative date cipal purpose taxes — the only sm<anfe people from oulside of Wood cal purposes. ' Receiving a share of! program and asking I{•"' and time for the services", Miss part of your total property tax Township's Department of Planning and Development and lbndKP bt ( nmP awarp ot aml ar : lhe Library system come to fruition. lhe praise from the mayor were whelher he or she would like to ' ' <' Wolff furlhcr chained lhat fiiith Wolk. general chairman lhat is controlled by ><>ur' participate. More than 1.200 per. iattracted lo the clear packing, "Cnury is allempling lo use thu ; Krank Murphy. Director of thpparticipate. More than 1.200 per nf th* 3001 Ii Anniversary Cele- Mayor and Council — HAVE According to Jack Fishman, Assistant Library Director, lb T<)Wllshl (recent tragedy in Kdison In fm- Department of Parks and Rec son, s will receive the letter which y P stores bration, announced today. "Fi GONE DOWN AGAIN!' lhe Free Public Librar/ ol Woodbridqe and thp Department Illrr bis own faltering campaign reation; Fred Zullo, Superinten-iw*" have a form' al thp h"tlom nalization of the date will take "However, despite our muni of Planning and Development will sponsor a free/ course in for Freeholder^" dent nf Parks and Uuis Bartha!*" bp returned to John Zullo at placf! on the return of Revcipa.
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