&d£3 ■ . "(^acL'x

THE VILE AGE RECORD, The Chinese are in Ban Francisco in large PUBLIIISED EVERT SATURDAY, AT HIOHTSTOWN, hers, putting up houses in their ovA fashion, MEW JERSEY, DV and bring along the most sober and industrious YARD & ST U E T S, of all the emigrants. One of the California " EDITORS AND rROTRIETORS. papers says of the buildings—“The buildings TERMS. brought from China are generally twenty feet JAMES S. YARD, W hen sent at the expense of the Publishers, $5,00 PER ANNUM. square, one slory in height, and twelve feet JACOB STUIiTS. 1,50 IN ADVANCE. (by Carriers, or otherwise,) * * - - $2.00 from the floor lo the ceiling. The timbers are W hen sent by mail, - ...... 1.50 round, and many of them are crooked. The Payable half yearly in advance. VOL. 1. HIGHTSTOWN, N. J., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1819. NO. 24. blind is so constructed as to_,rlose itself by its ADVERTISING. raransnssEKaRaoDB own weight—the slat of double width outside... One square 14 lines, or less, one time, - 50cts Every subsequent insertion, - - - - 25 cts tors aw ay, he stooped down to the witch, say­ had let the dog escape from her hold and enter sight, (!) while his last recedih* voice,'cryin’ ] Xaugliter. Tlie limber is very uniform in size, and about One square one year, including the paper, $10.00 ing, in a gentle tone ; the h a ll; that Charles de Blois, in the moment “ hornets! stop him ! hornets!” still-m ng rn i W ithout if our faces would have been rigid, six or eight inches in diameter. The boards A liberal deduction made to those who adver­ “.Heaven grant you mlft be mistaken, and her ears. j hyena-like; The iniquities o f our heart, with are well seasoned, and resemble American ce- „ tise half a column or more by the year. of despair, saw the dog, made a secret sign of All advertisements not marked the mtniber qf that my suj^gj&^mav--V-- the evils recognighition, and thus won his bride, and the np sweet antidote to insertions required, will be pubUafcc-1'JL. tjwW BfiffST 'deriver you from the fury of right to light for the crown of Brittany. A Ilog on Horsebaclv. have made the face of the best among us a hor­ we have described, including the ereclion, is out, and charged accordingly. W e had proceeded but a short distance from these people ! rid, husky thing, with two sullen, htn.gry $1500.” Tlie XTnclad Horseman. El Java! when we encountered a singularly “You have saved the witch, my lord ; this is lights at the top— foi foreheads would then have BY MAJ. JOSEPH JONES. grave, and, at the same time, ludicrous process­ Phii.adklihha has two hundred and fifty fo c tr ji. all she possesses ; lake it! Hitherto straw has gone out of fashion—and a cavenrous hole be­ , , • , , , , , , ,, , i Widowers should look out for breakers.— ion. Borne on the shoulders of four men came thousand inhabitants—of which only two been his bed: but when he shall once have re- , ... ■, . f low his nose. Think of a babe'without laugh­ The Motherless. , , , Absalom Nippers was a widower, and one of first a litter, on which a corpse was lying. This thousand families have a competency to live posed upon the ermined couch, he shall sleep _____. , • , , . ter— as it is, its first intelligence ! The creature God help and shield the motherless, 1 r 1 the most particular men, perhaps, that ever was decorated with flowers of different species, upon ; twenty thousand are dependant upon T he stricken, bleeding dove— on no other, and will acknowledge no one but, ,. , , , ., /. . , , . show s the divinity of its origin and end by _ , ’ . . , . 5 I lived, though some people said, that when his and the bearers were carrying it to El Javal for mechanical and professional branches, and the For whom there gushes no rich fount a Duke of Brittany for his master. Forget f .... ,• , , . , smiling upon us. Yes ; sm iles at its first talk ! J b wife was still alive he used to dress as a com- interment. N ot a creature, save the four men ; rest are divided into laborers, beggars and others Of deep and deathless love ! not to desire your successor to cherish the c ,, , , , „ . , . , with the world, smiles the first answer that it mon field hand, and did’nt use to take any following promiscuous employments for a The saddest title grief confers — who bore the litter, was attached to this singu­ understands. And then, as worldly wisdom For who so lone as they, prop jet dog. pains with himself at all. Everybody knows living. lar funeral procession, but immediately in the comes upon the little thing, it crows, il cbuck- Upon whose pith a mother’s love Without saying a word the duke took the! . . , , . c. J 6 how he spruced up about six weeks after Mrs. rear, and, as if enjoying such protection as it 0f^“ One single vote sent Oliver Cromwell Sheds not its holy ray ! leash from the hand oi the old woman, and i m - , , , . . . , . jes, it grins, and shakes in its nurse's arms, or 1 Nippers died, and how he went to church reg* afforded, was a female driving a little, scrubby, to the long Parliament, Charles Stuart to the returned pensive to the castle, followed with . w c , , . , ,, . , in waggish humor, playing bo-peep with the N o gentle form above them bends .... 1 . ,, , , , , , ular every Sunday, hut they did nt have no half starved,lal uuraE.donkey ,» in theme samemine infection direction — willingness by the dog, who not once turned r , , . • parent, it reveals its high destiny, and declares scaffold, revolutionized England, and made To soothe the couch of pain— 1 1 , 1 I, r- confidence m his religion, and used to say he ! Upon the back of 'lie Ass. with his head turn- to him with ears lo hear the heirdom of its im- Great Britain free. N o voice so fond as her’s essays back to Iook at his oid mistress. From this , . , , , . . ,• •. ,• 1 , ’ only went to church to show, his new suit ol 1 ed • towards * the • animal’s *• tail, Four votes in the city of New York, made To calm the feverish brain. time he was constantly with the duke, or with large and ex-1 mortality.' Let materialists blaspheme as gin- mourning, and to ogle the gals. tremely fat hog was riding— the first of the Thomas Jefferson President of the United Oh, other tongues may whisper love, Jane de Penlhievre, his niece, whom he wished ! getly and acutely as they w ill; they must find With such a character among the wiinmin, swinish race I had erer scon mounted. His States; one vote gave us the tariff of 184?, and En accentirsaft and mild ; to ii ake his successor. eonfusitm itr laughter. Man may take a tri­ : it aint to be supposed that he stood any chance But none on earth so pure as that four legs were confined, two on either side of umph, and stand upon tile broad grins; for he one vole made the tariff of 1840. One vole A mother bears her child ! Years passed away. John III became in­ j of getting another ,Mrs. Nippers near home, and lire animal which was bearing him a lon g; and gave us Texas, made war with Mexico, slew firm, and sought for his niece a husband capa- looks around lire world, and his innermost soul, ; whether he was as bad/to his first wife as they the hog was ever and anon changing the posi­ thousands ol our people and purchased Cali­ Judge kindly of the motherless— ble of supporting her claims against John de I •, , , • sweetly tickled with the knowledge, tells him 1 * b . ° i said he was, or not, one thing was certain he tion, of his head from one side (o the oilier, in fornia, turned thither the tide of emigration, A weary lot is theirs, Montfort. Three princes contended for Jane’s . „ , e o . . fin . that he oi all creatures, laughs, imagine, if And oit the heart the gayest seems, had to look aoioad ior some one to fill her order, apparently, to take the greatest possible you can, a laughing fish. Let men, then, send and will change the destiny of the world.— N. A load of sorrow bears. hand—Charles of Blois, nephew to Philip of . r * place comfort under the circumstances. I cannot say a louiWta, h a ! through the universe, and be Y. D ay Book. No faithful voice directs their steps, France; Charles D’Evreux, son to the King of , , - r , ° Mr. Nippers was very lucky in finding a gal that his equestrian performance was altogether Or bids them forward press, Navarre; and John, Duke of Cornwall, brother 1 • . . , • , ■, reverently grateful for the privilege.— Douglas Fumai.k Beauty.— A cultivated mind and ’ jHst to his mind, what lived about ten miles as graceful as some I have seen, or that he had “ And if they gang a kennin’ wrung,” to P.d ward III. of England. rI he duke was se- f. xT r, i - . Jerrold. good heart will give an intelligent and even God help the motherless ! 3 from ins plantation. Nancy Parker was rich, that dauntless hearing which gives to feats of celly inclined towards th? first mentioned 1 an(J ,ho h she was„n very young nor very T he South A merican F orrests.—The for- beautiful expression to the face. The features horsemanship their greatest charm ; but he cer­ And when the sinful and the frail, prince ; but he was a superstitious ruler of a , han(]somei she belonge(j l0 M r. Njppertf churchr rests ol the Amazon not only cover the bason may be irregular, and the complexion bad, but tainly manifested a resignation and stocial in- The tempted and the tried, * superslilious country, and a^e had impaired the , rn , , ■ ,, , , ,. , oi the river, from the Cordillera of Cliiqiiitos to if the heart is gentle, and the mind well stored, Unspotted one ! shall cross thy path, 1 , ° ; ,antl filled lus eye exactly ; so he sot in com tm’ difference w hich could hardly have been e x ­ mental courage which was required to meet the the mountains ot l’arima hut also its limiting the woman will be handsome. We have Oh, spurn them not aside. tier with all his might. Ten miles was a good pected, and w e laughed outright as the dwarf­ difficulties which surrounded him. The mys­ mountain chains, the Sierra Dos Vertenlers and known women, w ho at first sight were posi­ Thou k nowest not what thou hast been long ride, ahd as he w as an economical man, ish donkey, with his whimsical rider, trotted With trials even lc.*s— terious dog was his oracle and adviser—his Parima, so that the whole lorms an area of tively homely, yet who became very handsome, he used to ride over to old Mrs. Parker's plant­ past us, chief mourner, as one-of our men re­ And when thy lips would vent reproach. f a t e ! and to him did John lit. resort for coun­ woodland more than six times the size ol even fascinating, upon further acquaintance. ation every Sunday morning to go to church marked, for the person borne upon lire litter. I Think, they were motherless. sel in his present difficulty. But in vain did France, lying between the eighteenth parallel with the family, take dinner wilh them, and have often heard of a “ hog in armour,” but P rinters’ Strike.—The journeymen print­ he place the sacred manuscript of the Bible be- of south latitude and the seventh of north ; con­ A blessing on the motherless, ride back in the cool of the evening. In that never expected to see a hog on horseback. ers at Pittsburgh are on a strike. They have Where'er they dwell on earth. fore the animal, in order that the latter might, sequently, inter-tropical and traversed by the way he managed to kill two birds With one’ Kendall, Santa Fe Expeetion. heretofore received only from 15 to 20 cents W ithin the home of childhood, by pointing to an initial letter, intimate to which stone; that is, to advance the prospect ofJiis equatpr. Accimlirtg to, BaroaJH hjm fctbfedkc per touu, amt w ant'2’5 cenTs ; "which- fire new s­ Or at the stranger’s hearth. of the princes lire crown o£,firilUuiyuja»s«loJ?» The Loved Faces. soil, enriched for ages by the spoils of the for- paper proprietors have all agreed to give, ex­ B1 ue be the s k y ' mAppuiess on this earTh and the world to come offered ; in vain were other schemes tried to Happy thoughts Come’stealing upon us as rest, consists, of the richest mould. The heat And bright be the sun within, at the same time, without losing any of h is! cept the Gazelle and Mercury. Success to I he obtain the desired advice. The hour of deci­ we look upon the faces of those we loved in is suffocating in the deep arid dark recess­ O God, protect the p olhefle$s, week-day time. " journeymen I And keep them free from sin. sion had arrived, and the duke was still un­ oilier days— those we have been separated from es of—these primeval woods, where not a A ride over a dusty .road is apt to soil a gen- The following is the tracendental for “ M iss, determined. for years, and who return again with all tire breath of a,ir penetrates., and where, alter being Just Seventeen. tlenia’s dry goods, and make him and his horse will you lake my arm ?” Seated on his throne in lire great hall of the changes of time and thought upon their hrowrj drenched by tlie periodical rain.-, I he damp is Just seventeen, the sweetest age very tired However, Mr. Nippers didn't mind The joyous feelings that riseupon meeting “Young lady, will you condescend so far as T hat’s entered on fair beauty’s page ; Tour ^ 479,049 13. There is very good reasons to believe them! ed Yates, about two years since, which has Corn was steady, with sales of 14,000 bushels He recommends a reduction of the postage in this city—and accordingly a constant watch seized. There are several indictments against that this identification \v«s the primary cause rendered him a cripple ever since. at 53 ^c for Jersey (new). on newspapers in the neighborhood where they has been kept about the buildings. The prin­ him. of suspicion firmly fixing itself on Dr. Webster. The prisoners in the Albany county (N. Y.) Pork—sales included 500 bbls. at 11,00a 11 12 J are printed. He also recommends a reduction cipal reasons for these suspicions, w hich Yesterday at twelve o' clock, James Watson Pneitentiary, had a feast in the prison on for mess, and 8 56a8 62 for prime. in letter postage to a uniform rate of Sets for a have heard assigned, ate as follows : Later.—We learn, says the Boston Mail of Webb sailed in the Yorkshire, on his way to Dr.' Parkman held a note -tor $ 150 against the 5th-inst.i from good authority that the fam­ Thursday last, (Thanksgiving day,) They [From the Phila. Daily Sun. single letter to any distance. Vienna, where he has been appointed charge The franked mail matter is enormous. The Professor Webster, which.had long been over­ ily and friends of the late Dr. Paikm an, have were relieved from labor and after attending di­ Philadelphia Markets. d'Affaires to Austria, On the 9th inst. he was printed documents and speeches of the last due, and upon which, although it was secured become fully satisfied of the identity o f the re­ vine service in the chapel, were regaled at the P hiladelphia, December 5—6, P. M. married to a young lady of this city., having Congress, numbered orcr7 millious^ ^ w c igh- by a mortgage on some real estate in East Cam­ mains discovered in Prof. Webster's apartments. festive board with roast beef and v'getahles of There is but little inquiry for Flour for export. lost his former wife about a year ago. His every description, and, as a dessert, a pound of T he market is depressed and prices are rather ed a million of pounds. It it had bridge, the doctor had several times importuned Dr. Keep, the dentist, has returned to the citv, newly espoused is the only daughter of Jacob unsettled. For city consumption, limited sales at the sum would have been near a million of for the money, and been from time to time put and on examining the artificial teeth, and por­ fresh cheese and a peck of crackers each. Cram, the distiller; an) yesterday the marriage $'4 8 7 |a 5 per barrel for common and good brands, dollars. off. At length he applied to the officer who tions of the jaw, at oqce pronounced them to At every swing of the pendulum, a sjiiril was announced for the first time. His wife and extra at $ 5 37^a5 62^. disposed of the tickets for Prof. Webster’s be the same he made for the unfortunate gen goes into eternity. The measure of our life is O * The most gross and infamous libels and (laughters all accompany him.— N. York In R ye Flour and Corn Meal no sales have course of lectures, to know if there was a suf­ lleman. It is said that the funeral will take a hair breadth ; it is a tale that is told, it? rapid­ have recenlly been uttered by some of the New Herald, 2d inst. been reported. ficient balance due the Professor to take up his place to-morrow from the deceased’s late resi­ ity is like the swift shuttle, or the transitory York prints against the citizens of this state ill G rain— Prices of Wheat contiuo nearly sta­ note. This circumstance is said to have great­ dence, No. 8 Walnut street. The recognition Something N ew .— The Republic states that rainbow', or the dazzling meteor; it is a bubble, relation to our Banking Institutions. In addi­ tionary. Sules of good Southern niid Pennsylva­ ly incensed Prof. W., who, on Friday morning it is but a breath. At every sw ing of a pendu­ of these remains by the family is most impor­ a gentleman from New York, now in Wash­ nia red at $1 04al 05, and white at $1 11 per tion to their old slandersg>f * land piracy,’ they pf last week, called at Dr. Parkman's house, tant in its hearing upon the fate of the accused ington city, proposes to connect the President's lum a spirit goes into eternity. Between the bushel. how eligiiialiiii* u s'a s a* set of sw indlers1 amt' No 8 Walnut street, and left word, “ if he (Dr P. S —We aie informed that ‘the above house and the Capitol, and the several depart­ rising and setting sun, 42,000 sou|b are sum­ Corn is in limited request. Sales of 3at000 sharpers, because oCcasionly a Bank fails or !>.) wanted his money on that mortgage, to call statement is substantially correct, hut the fune ments, with gutta-percha speaking tubes, laid moned before their Creator. bushels old yellow at 58a59, and prime now at suspends payment In this tirade of abuse they at the Medical College about one o'clock that ral will not take place for several days yet. under ground, and to guarantee that ordinary The Crown of Hungary h is not been discov­ 50 cents. have neglected to give the one piece of in­ lfternoon.” conversation can be carried on between these1 ered by the Austrians. Kossuth concealed it O ats—Southern are worth 29a30 cents, and formation, which is, that every Bank which 03 " We learn by a telegraph report in a N. The doctor is known to have proceeded tp remote points with as much fidelity as if the no one knows where. It was received by the Pennsylvania 35cts per bushel. hat failed in New Jersey for the last quartet of York paper, that the investigations by the cor­ Ill Provisions not much doing. A sale of Mess the College at time specified— was seen to en­ different parties were in the same room. /irst King of the Magyars from Pope Sylvester a century was under llii.JcsmtwLsif .uUxtnstjf oner's jury in the Paikman case in Boston, were ter, by several persons ip theiviciiwiy ; but was 1., in the year 1000. Pork at*'$ 1 0 75 per bbl., which is an improve­ other Slates, and a vast major hy of them from Lord Elgin has written an autograph letter never seen to come out. The statement that kept private. It is also rumored that the de­ ment. tlit city of New YorkH J This portion of the to the Catholic Bishops of Canada, containing A letter was received in N ew York, on Sun­ he was subsequently seen passing Cragie’s fence of Webster will rest on an attempt to' W hiskey is in good demand at 27d27^ cts. in delectable tale they suppress, lor the purpose of the following prepositions:— day, from Enosburg west, Vermont, slating hhds. and barrels. Bridge, has been, as we hear, satisfactorily prove that he was in Cambridge on the night hiding their own rascality. For proof, look at “ That if the Catholic bishops will work by that the Rev. J. Tetrau, a catholic clergyman, contradicted. On his way to the College, Dr. when the light was seen in his room after the Jersey City, Ihiboken, Plainfield, r.amncitviHc, means of circular mandates, to stifle Ihe annex­ with twenty four .members of his church, Parkman purchased some groceries at a store alleged murder. JHnrricb. Belleville, Wechawken, Paterson, Freehold, ationist movement anong their population, ..the among whom is Igiiace Racicoti, Esq., who on the corner of Vine and Blossom streets, M urders— Singular Incidents ■— In Emily &C., , and finally .Morristown; arid yet government will reinstate them in the Jesuits’ has' been church chorister for twenty-eight Near Crosswicks, on the 4:li inst., by Rev. Stt Jer- which he ordered lo be sent to his house, but township, Canada, George Green, aged eleven J. K. Shaw, Rev. A. M. Palmer, of the New setjmen must hear the odium of commiting nu­ estates, and even make the removal of the,seat years, have become protestanls, left in the store a bag. of celery, w hich he said years, murdered Margaret O'Connor, about five , , ,j Jersey Conference', past-tor ol lhe M E. Church merous frauds on the public, when in fact, of government to [Lower Canada dependant At a fire in Cincinnati, lately, one or two o r ftJla ,lllutmvn 1»Jint> he would himself call for in a few moments.— years old, with a.hoe, and buried her very cun­ to M iss S arah. A. such frauds were the result of a combination of on the greater or less warmth with which the the engines throw bloody instead of water, K nowles, eldest daughter of Rev. Engch At this time, it is slated a person wishing, ningly at the foot of a tree ; he pretended that sharpers and land-pirates from the adjoining bishops will apply themselves to this woik. upon the dtvouror, drawing it from the hog Knowles. do some business with him, waited two or a hear had carried her otf, hut w as suspected slates If our neighbors would allow us to slaughter houses —Blood was never shed in a [£?*■ In their rejoicings Ihe printer w as not three hours in vain, in order to see him when and the body found. The two children were Dr . W ebster’s F amily.— It is said that on manage our moneyed transactions in our own better cause. forgotten. They have our best wishes for their he should come from College. orphans, living in the family of Mr. Roman, Ihe morning of the arrest of Prof. Webster, way without their impertinent interference, not A new bridge has just been completed over happiness. It is said Prof. Webster admits that Dr. and were sent into the field to dig potatoes.— in Boston,' charged with the murder of Dr. a (inliar would be hot by the explosion of r the Illinois river at Peoria, The people were At Cranberry, on the 28tli nit., by the Rev. Paikman was at the College about the time The little monster confessed the deed. In Lex­ Paikman, the daughters of that gentleman had B a n k Morristown Jerscyman. so delighted in it that they kept passing and Mr. Blythe, Capt. J. V. 1). Bergen, of Prince­ mentioned, and that, although he asserts he ington, S. C., Euward A. Hodges, a respectable given out invitations for a large party, to come ton, to Mrs M ary A nn Bayles, daughter of repassing the whole day, until the-tolls amount­ Duck H unt..—T hree of our townsmen paid hiui the $450, he caqnot show a receipt citizen, has lieen. arrested for k illing L. Slack. off during the present week ; ami though they John Blackwell, of Mapleton. ed to sixty dollars. Hon. Isaac Pullen, Mr. John C. Ward, and for it— when it was well known that Dr. P. Stack had a singular habit fo disinterring the reached home soon after their father had left In Ihe village of Freehold, on the 28 ult., by Esquire Hutchinson, and Dr. McChesney, of w as very methodical in his business matters bodies ol his children, ami, after keeping them with the officers of the law, they were ignor­ The Sussex Register cautions the public Rev. F. C. Putnam, Jehu Patterson, Jr., Esq , Attorney at Law, to Miss E lizabeth T. Trenton, made an excursion to the h- ad-waters It is also slated, that during the whole of several days, burying them again near his own ant of the arrest and the charge against their against receiving bills on the Farmers’ Bank Lippincott, eldest daughter of Isaac K. Lip. of the Delaware, last week, for the purpos# of the past week, Prof. Webster has kept himself parent until the following morning. , atv Wantage. The Bank is not yet in opreation, residence. Hodges was sitting up with tile pincott, all of Freehold. shooting deer. Our readers rail judge of the very secluded—that his rooms at the College and of-course has not issued the first dollar. corpse of Slack’s exhumed daughter when he Delaware M antrap.— T h e Hon. R obert sport they had, when we tell them that each have been kept constantly locked-circumstan­ passed bet ween them.....Slack attack ed ! lodge's J. W alker w as arrested while passing through We understand that attempts have been made man brought home a deer. W e had the plea ces quite unusual with him. Dici).. with a gun, arid Hodges killed him w ith a knife, Wilmington last week, by Sheriff Grubb, at to discredit the bills of the Union Bank at Do- sure of. looking at the animals on Wednesday, From these, and other alleged facts, such cutting the temporal artery a*ml the jugular vein. the instance of some person in Mississippi ver, and something of a run upon the institu­ In Princeton, very suddenly, on Monday as they hung by the heels in Esq. Hutchinson's suspicions were aroused that, in the Professor's In falling, S. overturned the corpse of. his who holds a note for $2300, on which Mr. tion has taken p lace; but a prompt rode,’option j Mr. H ugh Sunderland, aged 74" store-house, and w e. think they are very line absence last evening, Mr Ephraim Littlefield daughter, and the two were found together up­ W ai.ker is endorser. He gave hail for his of all the paper presen tad, reassured the public { ones, '‘ as far as we knows on ; and that's an who has the care cf the College building and on the floor. Stack was very intemperate. appearance at New Castle at the next term of mind, and the Bank retains the confidence of FOR SALE, opinion as is an opinion.” grounds, was induced to break the partition the people, T he N. Y. E lection.— The w hole official Court. Delaware ow es it to herself to repeal wall to the vault under the private laboratory WO HO USES and L O T S 113" Up to the -time we went to press the returns from this State, have been received.— her laws, at least so far as regards the arrest of !l was a maxim with the Jews, “ that he in the village of Hightstown; of Professor Webster, in the basement of the oneT a Brick, now occupied by House of Representatives had not organized, in The vote of the State was41J,248, ojwhich strangers for debt.-—Phila- Sun.. s who did not bring up his son to some hones i building, and there discovered one, leg and a Mrs. Allen ; the other a Frame, consequence of not being able to select a speak­ the highest Democrat, Darius Clark, received calling, brought him up a thief.” j the upper part used as a dwelling, the lower part portion of the trunk of a human corpse, in a A rrest ok M rs. M iller.—This woman, e r ; H ow ell Cobb of Geo , Derm, receiving the 204,917, and the highest Whig, Washington Mrs. Kemble realized over $6,000 in Phila- ' “ “ Wheelwright shop, now occupied by James condition which made it apparent that the re­ who sought to cover the disgrace"S5f abandon­ - n i • ™orns» w,tli a stable in in the rear. The highest vote cast, yet not enough to elect him. Hunt, received 205,447, showing r W hig ma­ delphia by her readings, and Miss. Cushman abov„ pr0perty formerly belonged to Sheriff mains had not long been there deposited. ing her husband and children to become tl(« The President will not send in his incssag, of jority, between the highest votes of 530, and of over $5,000 by her acting. Hammell. For further particulars inquire of This discovery, with the"-fact that Professor paramour of a Mr B lackmer, by leading to course, until the organization lakes place;when ihe highest Whig over the lowest Democrat of * j i 11 | w a i i • i 1 Clark H. Silvers, Ilightstown, or of the eubscri- Webster is not an anatomist or surgeon, but Ihe impression that she had committed suicide, A dry goods poller named Nathan Ald.r, lias b„ at Hamilton Square. that w ill he no one can te ll; from present ap­ 6 ,0 0 1 / simply a chenristritmHti

Series for 18o0. GODY’S LADY'S BOOK FOR SMALL PROFITS GREATER BARGAINS AND •• M.. STOVES, .STOVES, STOVES. The Home?Journal,! 1 8 5 0 ! THAN THEa^HiA'J™’' ' AN ELEGANTLY PRINTED FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Quick Sales. “ THE BOOK OF THE NATION P E T T Y , Cranberry, would, respectfully d i t e d b y g . p . m o r r i s a n d n . f . • cull the attention of his old customers and Charles C. Burroughs, ■ n i p W ILLIS. A N ew Volume of this brilliantly THE OLDEST MAGAZINE IN AMERICA. N E the public generally to examine his new und ex­ original and peculiar F amily N ewspaper, will bo No. 61 Warren St., Published by the present Proprietor for twenty issued on the first of January next. New subscri­ tensive stock of Fall and Winter goods. bers can be supplied with the work from that years. D ry Go^ds. AS opened this day a complete assortment of AN 1) FOR This branch comprises of cloths, cassimeres, new® goods, of the latest importation, from date, by forwarding two dollars to the office of EDITED BY MRS. SARAH J. 1IALE. H publication. sattinetts, lustres, alpacas, detains, ginghams, New York and Philadelphia, which goods will be During the past'four years the Home Journal muslins, and calicoes of desirable styles and prices sold as cljeafp as at any other establishment in The publisher of the Lady’s Book, knowing has met With universal favor at the hands of all tho city, v how completely he put down all opposition in G roceries, classes of the community, and the proprietors will T in W a re, 1849, and being assured that the public is also ac­ Sugars, coffees, teas, hams, shoulders, See., at Without Defiance. C a sh ! spare neither exertions nor expense to give such quainted with this fact, deems it only necessary the lowest Now York prices, Among which will bo found a splendid increased value, interest and attractiveness to the to say that in 1850 he will improve on 1849 ; and assortment of forthcoming year, as wiFf rcnder it superior in ev­ L iq u o rs. he will, as usual, givo more reading and engrave- A large and superior stock of wines, brandies, ery respect to all the volumes that liavo prece­ DRESS GOODS, ings than his cotemporaries. Perhaps a little gin of various qualities and low prices. ded it Besides lfic original productions of tho Viz: Rich figured and changeable satin do s£ vyluXho did last year, and what his J ust received-- large^aud extensive stocljL q,f- "YJITOULD respectfully call the attention of those iu want of Stoves to his large and extensive editors, the Foreign and Domestic coirforv:- - art verS&rfcs^dief, rhay be ahiiifaihg, if not /'■ f U ■ " s all shades, ricb blagk gro dq . VV 4, stocky He has lioW'Dii hand th‘6' a m k Parlor stdfcM'hat spic e ; R E i t D t 3! of a large list of contributors, the of tho ive to those about to subscribe for a monthly rhino silks, z o to 40 inch. Silk crapes, laiinarf* can be found in tho state, which he will sell lower than they can ho bought in Trenton or New European and American Magazines, selections where everything iu this lino can be had for about dies, satin stripe, figured and plain cashmeres, Brunswick. Among his stock may bo found the following improved patterns: magazine. One thing the public may be assured h a lf nothing ! und from the most interesting publications of the day of, that the publisher of Gody’s Lady’s Book will rich satin stripe alpacas, royal stripe do., mous do, Universe air-tight cook stove; Union, do.; Lewis's do.. Premium, or improved Troy Victory; will frequently be given. Such features as have not falsify his prospectus, as he deems it as great A Whole Suit of good WiLter lains, figured, stripe and plain. ^tcJif^-Coinpanion ; T’roy air-tight ; Albany do.; Poekskill do.; Jane way stoves; Cottage do.; Cot­ been found to be attractive, will be retained, and a sin to toll a falsehood in print as it is to give ut­ SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! k? tage do., with oven ; Sheet-iron air-tight* Coal Franklin; Open Front Parlo.r. Also a number of new ones added. “ 'Pile Belles of our Time,” by terance to a veibal one. Listen to the universal Clothes, Extra French long and square blanket shawls, other patterns too numerous to mention. All those in want of stoves will find it to their in­ N. P. Willis; “ Brief N o v e l s “ Piquant Sto­ voice of tho American Press— terest to call on tht subscriber before buying elsewhere. ries the sparkling wit and amusing anecdote, Coat, Vest and Pants, brocade do., and wrought cashmere and tekerv do., blk colored tliibet do. LEADERS AND GUTTERS, , news and gossip of the^Parisian papers; Perso­ Comparison between Godey and For $51! nal sketches of Public characters ; tho stirring other Philadelphia Monthlies. MERINOES, constantly on hand. Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper work in general, done with neatness and dispatch- N. B. The above articles are Warranted to be what sold for or the money reffiuded. B. W. scenes of the city we live in ; a chronicle of the In 1849, the Lady’s Book gave 916 pages— A new and selected stock of Blue, scarlet, pink, green, modes, invis., Mul­ Hightstown, Sept. 22, 1849. news for ladies ; the facts and outlines of news ; which is 116 more than one, and 148 more than BOOTS AND SHOES, berry and brown, very desirable. ■r. the pick of English information and brilliancy ; the other Philadelphia monthly. lie gave 281 of all descriptions, and at low priqes, LINENS. the wit, humor and pathos of the times; essays engravings— among which were 20 colored, and A good assortment of Table damask and .figured linens, sheeting, on life, literature, society and morals, und the 93 full page—-which is 136 more than one, and HATS AND CAPS, shirting and pillow case linens, bird’s eye huckel STOVES, STOVES, usual variety of careful choosings from the wil­ 180 more than the other. derness of English periodical literature, .criticism, which will-bo sold at prices that will defy com­ back, Russia quiugulla fowling. petition. poetry, will still continue to enrich these columns. We gave in each number, a piece of music, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & VESTINGS! printed separately on tinted paper, making 24 (ET Remember tho place, (LT As no more copies of the first numbers Superior French, English, American and Bel­ will be printed than the demand absolutely re­ pages, or 12 pieces in a year. To show the [sept.29*tf.] N. P E T T Y ’S,' C ranberry. cheapness of th« Lady’s Book, this same music, gian cloths, blue, black, green, olive, invis. und quires, and as new subscribers generally desire to drab, doe skin, English sup. black und fancy begin with the beginning, it is advisable to sub­ if bought at the music stores, would cost exactly the price of the whole year’s subscription— $3.. For Philadelphia, Daily, dress cassimeres, vesting of the latest style,- See. scribe without delay, to avoid any disappointment CHARLES C. BURROUGHS. in the early and prompt receipt of tho paper. It will be seen, at a glance*,which is the cheap­ est magazine for $ 3 , when you get 116 pages of Pare 25 cts. Trenton, October 19, 1849.-4w T krmsA t Iib Home Journal is published ev­ ery .Saturday, at No. 107 Fulton street, New reading more than one magazine, and 148 more THE STEAMER York, at thievery low price of two dollars a than another;. 139 engravings more then one, Camden & Amboy Railroad Co and 180 more than the other ; to say nothing of year, or three copies for five dollars, payable in­ EDWIN SEjgUj* FORREST, the superiority of our engravings, among which variably in advance. CAPTAIN BENJ. IVIcMAKIN. All letters, remittances and communications are 20 colored, and their usefulness to ladies.— s The Colored Fashion Plates alone cost as much (post paid,) to be addressed to U IE new and beautiful steamer E dwin F or- Bordenlown & Iniboy Way Lino. M ORRIS Sc W ILLIS, New York. as nearly all the engravings of either of the other rest, will leave tho landing magazines. These endeavors to please our sub­ T FOR PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. December 1, 1849. AT SOUTH TRENTON, AS FOLLOWS scribers have cost us an immense sum of money ; N and after Monday, 25th inst., a train of but if honesty of purpose and a positive dislike to Wednesday,’ Dec. 5, 9 A. M. O Cars will leave Bordeutown daily, Sundays Dissolution of Partnership. falsehoods in prospectuses, will entitle a publisher Thursday, “ 6, 10. “ excepted, at 6 o'clock, A. M., and arrive at Am­ HE partnership heretofore existing between to a large subscription list, tlio Lady’s Book is en­ Friday, “ 7, 11 “ boy at 8, A. M., in time to take the New Bruns­ T B R EE SE & CLARK, is this day dissolved titled to it. Saturday, 8, 12 “ wick Morning Steamboat at Amboy to New York. by mutual consent. Some of our peculiar Embellish­ Monday, “1 io, 1 P. M. R eturning: Leave South Amboy at 7 o’clock, All persons having demands will present them Tuesday, “ 11, 2 “ A. M., and arrive at Bordeutown at 9 50, in time for settlement, and all those indebted, will please m e n ts. Wednesday, “ 12, 2 “ to connect with the Accommodation Lino for make payment to the subscriber. Ladies’ Work Table, which comprises every rill leave Arch street wharf, Philadelphia Philadelphia. JAMES F. BREESE, kind of Needlework, Embroidery, Knitting, N ett­ as follows: Passengers from Bordenlown and intermediate CHARLES S. CLARK. ing, Crotchet, Patterns for Cups, Chemisettes, Wednesday, Dec. 5, 6 A. M. stations, by taking this Line, can go to Ne*W York B 1 S & B U T & S South Jmboy, Nov. 14, 1849. Childrens’ Clothes, Wedding Dresses, In-door and Thursday, b, 7 “ and return by the 12 o’clock Regular Passenger "W GUI.I) most respectfully call the nttcnt'o i of those in want of Stoves, to their large and eX- Out-door Costumes.; Birds of America, ; Colored Friday, ‘ 7, 7 “ Line, or by the Transportation Li up. leaving New I I tensive assortment lu our assortment will he found all the most improved cook stoves, Charles S. Clark, will continue the business at Flower Plates ; Model Cotages and Furniture ; Saturday, ‘‘ 8 , 8 “ York, Pie^fo.jlV North Riyer, at 3A o’clock P. M. in the United Stales. Parlor and Fancy stoves of the greatest variety ever offered in Trenton. the Old Stand, where ho has laid in a Fashionable do. ; Lace-Work ; Vignette Plates at Monday, ‘‘ 10, v H “ Pussen£y^\ Ipoiii South Amboy, and the Sta­ Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere*. O" Cheap as the cheapest. Good Assortment oj GOODS. the heads of Articles, etc. etc. All the above Tuesday, “ 11, 10 “ tions befw m i Amboy and Bordeutown, can go by Trenton, Sept. 29, 1849.-2m. Thankful, for past favors, and hopes bv a are illustrated by engravings. Wednesday, “ 12, 104 » this lino to Philadelphia, and return by the 12 strict attention to business, to merit a .share of pub­ Amlr-in 185JJ,. : of engra­ will touch at Tacony, Risdon’s, Beverly, o’clock lino, or by the 3 o’clock Way Lino from lic patronage. CHvlS.«S. CL/1RK. vings, illustrative of rrtAll n ml llrmi a I ...... Philadelphia. — -— N. B —1The highest 'prwjf "paid fbF Country The C ostumes of all Nafious, Fare toXkulmgtmv&wd,Bristol, 12i cts. ( IKS. FI.-II, A£i- NORTON'S..I..:...... Produce.^-noY. 17— 4t with description^ by Mrs. Hale. Most of the old - Meals 25 qts. Freight and horses taken on Bordenlown, June 90, 1>49. 1 -1 y. features of the Book that were so popular last reasonable terms: WIHTVEHSJS COOK ST O W S OTICE is hereby given, that application will year, will bo retained, and now ones added as O ' Packages promptly delivered, and all com­ Camden & Amboy Railroad. N be made to the next Legislature of New they may suggest themselves to the Publisher. missions carefully attended to. Apply on board, Jersey, for an act to incorporate a company to or at No. 14 East State st., Trenton. [scpt.29tf construct a Plank Road from Ilightstown in Mer­ A New Novel, cer county, to Freehold, in the county of Mon­ by W. GILLMOJRE SIM M S, will be our of the For Kent, mouth, with a capital of-.Sevehty Five Thousand Features for 1850. Dollars. Nov. i 7, 1849.— (iw. rpiIE Office formerly occupied by Dr. A. OX R READING MATTER. JL Dawes, Dentist, (with a room above tho OTICE is hereby given, that application We have long stood at the head of the maga­ same suitable for a bed room or work-shop,) op­ FOR NEW YORK. N will be made to the next Legislature of New zine world for our contributors ; and such as.may posite tho Baptist Church. Apply to FIRST LINE, Jersey, for an act to incorporate a company lo be placed before a family w ithout hesitation.— / I t M. SM ITH , Leaves Ilightstown at quarter before 6 o’clock, construct a Kail Road, from Ilightstown in Mor- Tbit department' is under the control of MILS. Railroad Hotel. A. M. ArriAe at. Amboy at 7 o’clock, A. M., cer county, to Freehold, in the county of Mon­ SARAH J. HALE, whose name alone is a suf­ Ilightstown, July 14, 1849.-tf in time to take tho New Brunswick morning boat mouth, with a capital of Two HundrredThous­ ficient guarantee for the propriety of the Lady’s for,Now York. and dollars. Nov. 17, 1849.—6w. Book. We m aysay the same of our engravings. FALL FASHIONS SECOND LINE, We will never, as it is done by a cotemporary, Leaves Ilightstown at 10 minutes after 2 o’clock, '' JUST RECEIVED AT'THE publish indecent model-artist pictures, such as no P. M. and arrive at Amboy 3 f o clock, and take Who wants to be Shaved! parent would allow a child to look at. the steamboat direct to N ew York. The subscriber informs the citizens of flights-; We will not here parade the names of our con­ Hightstown Cash Tailoring FOR PHILADELPHIA. town, that ho hue opened an establishment over tributors ; it is not necessary. Godey'’s Lady’s ESTABLISHMENT. FIRST LINE, Mr. Ira Smock’s store, where he will bo pleased Book and its propietor arc too well known for us Leaves Hightstown at 8$ o’clock, A. M., and to wait on all those who wish a clean and com­ to take up space to enumerate the names of those D " NO FIT, NO PAY. arrive in Bordeutown in time to take the accom-* fortable shave. Hair cutting, and all other bus­ who, by their writings, have placed themselves modation line for Philadelphia. iness in his line, done in the best manner, and at SECOND LINE, at the head of the authors of this country. One H E subscriber would call the short notice. Cl IARLES n use. Having iw d many different patterns, I give it the just returned from the city of FOLLOW TILE ( llOWDJ T and exceed all magazines past, present, and to RF. constantly receiving fresh supplies of , decided preference over all olhers. C. HOWLEL, 'N e w York, which place he lias AND Lafayette Hotel, Trent on, X. J.” visited for the purpose of securing come. A goods. Among the articles we have on j The Stoves can be bought al the following places: —Hoyt Sc Ramp's Foundry, Tienlon*. a the latest style of Full and Winter Terms cash in advance, postage paid. hand are Zephyr worsted, Stockings, Hooks and Save your Money. Eyes, Pins, Needles, Gloves, Laces, Edgings and | S. Mills,Trenton ; T. Harvey, Princeton: Thompson, Bordeutown; Ahos, New Brunswick f garments, ho would solicit a call MAGNIFICENT AND EXPENSIVE PREMIUMS. Ir a S m o ck . from his numerous friends and the Insertings, Buttons, Paper and other materials for Lonsbury, Freehold; B. Wilson, Hightstown. making flowers, and a number of other articles. public generally, to examine the Subscribers to a Club, or Single Subscribers, AS removed to the store formerly occupied 05**“ For the right of sale, and Stoves, apply to B. W ILSON & CO , b beautiful>specirnens of styles, now m ay choose different Engraving, by John Butcher Sc Co., oppos t* to the Also, Smoked Herring, Tobacco, Rice, Lead Hightstown,.September 15, 1849. Hightstown, N J. H Pencils, Starch, Cheap Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, j woril,, to be seen at liis establish­ One copy 1 year $ 3 , with any two of the fol­ Printing Office, where fye is constantly receiving Mous. de Laincs, Purses, Sun- Bonnets, See. 1 ment. All articles made at this shop are war­ lowing .splendid premium plates,: “ Death-Bed of fresh Also, Cumphene, Burning Fluid Lamps, and j An Universal History From the Boston Transcript. ranted to fit, or the cloth will bo paid for and no the Bev. John W esley/’ “ Wesley Preaching in DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, tho Gvvenap Ainpitheatre,” “ America Guided the Fluid for burning. Dr. Ilehhe, by availing himself of tho light, mistake. Over R. R. Forman’s store. f1 ROM tho Infancy of Mankind to tho present by Wisdom,” General Taylor and Old Wbitey,” from New York and Philadelphia, in addition to which the Egyptian hierologTsIs and other inves­ JOHN BUTCHER. his former slock, which are purchased for cash Medicines. I time, by G. C. IIkbde, L. L. I). Likeness of the Rev. John Wesley,” “ Do. of his I Now ready, 1st volume bound in cloth. Price tigators of antiquity have shed on the earliest his­ P. S. Particular attention paid to Cutting. J. B. exclusively. Persons purchasing their Fall and A fresh supply of all kinds constantly on hand, co-laborer,” “ Rev. John Fletcher”—tho last two, $ 1,75, and to be continued in monthly parts un­ tory of man, by menus of his past erudition ena­ Ilightstown, Oct. 3, 1840. 3ly^ Winter goodwill do well to give him a call, and which will be sold at reasonable prices. Oil of though separate engravings, we count only as til finished, five numbers forming a volume, 25 bling him 1o avoid the errors of Compilers, and to spend a littlo time and money at his establish­ Vitriol, Muriatic Acid, best Arrow Root, Lip one premium. cents per number. , avoicldhe errors of compilers, and to draw from ment. Salve, Ointments, &.C., See. New Coal, and Wood Yard. TWo copies for $ 5 , and any two of tho above 1 The author of"This'"work seems to have had in' ■ the original and most undoubted sources of au- prints to each subscriber. In addition to Dry Goods and Groceries lie Wilson’s Embrocation and Vermifuge, superior ■ thority, and by his acute judgment, his liberal keeps Hardware, Paints, Oils, Crockery, Stone articles, for sale as above, ! constant.view tho celebrated treatise of Lucion — Five copies for $10, and an extra copy of the , “ How a history ought to bo written.” Truth in ' philosophy, his deep sympathy with humanity, and Earthen ware, Boots and Shoes, direct from ilightstown, Sept. 8, 1849. Book, and any-Two of the above engravings I ils severity, and reason in its manly slate, uie the l and his enthusiastic love for his favorite, study, the manufacturers. N to the person sending the club: j chief Muses ’add Graces tn which he IntsMoue | bus produced what may be termed, in many re- O ’ On baud an assortment of 2 inch, 1 inch, Eleven copies for $20, and an extra copy of Fancy Goods and Trimmings. J obedience. What a different view has been open­ I spects, an original history of the" infant nations of and J inch Pine Lumber. All orders promptly tho Book, and any T hree of the above engra­ ed to us of the state of nations of by-gone ages, | the world. The work is written in the most, en­ attended to. LARGE STOCK OF TRIMMINGS, of vings to the person sending the club. L the best quality, jnst purchased at tho lowest from that which has been presented to us by other | larged J1 and liberal spirit,' . wjiile the . author ,, . rejects Hightstown, Sept. 22, 1849. A Any person sending $ 5 in advance, subscrip­ prices,cm, winchwhich will be sold asa» etieqpc h ew L elcewhere hidorianc. No wonder that tho mimla-ra.already i l ,e ""porshfoa of tho auci.nl priesthood, ho a a tion for 1850 and ’51, will bo entitled to any fo u r in this city. Persons residing in the country issued have met with .'large sale, ami have been of the immortal and sublime truth, of the above engravings. Trenton Brush Manufactory. will find it a great advantage to cull, as hailed by frequent laudatory notices of the press, of Christianity, On the Feeder Banin, Trenton. For 20 dollars in advance, ten coppies of tho they will find in my collection almost every thing of which a few abridged extracts are hero sub- ' From tho N. Y. True Sun. HE subscriber, grateful for the patronage Lady’s Book will be sent, and a coppy of either IIERR WE COME! they desire in this line. Among which are But­ joined: ^ j The «tylo of Dr. llebbe, though writing in a T heretofore so liberally extended to him, of the above magnificent prints sent to eaph sub­ tons of every kind, Tapes, Pins, Needles, Braids, From thq Democratic Review. I tongue foreign to him, is always flowing and ani- would beg leave to inform the inhabitants of scriber. They can, ill all cases, selest which they J o lin » to n t*. R oe, Threads,- Sewing Silks, See. This beautiful oetavo-the first volume of‘ Dr. [■'•“M . sm.ietiuieH preturesque, and sometime. Hightstown and vicinity, that lie has on baud and please N. W. CORNER FRONT AND GREENE STS., (UP STAIRS,) FANCY GOODS, is constantly receiving a large supply of superior Entrance from Front Street. Hebbe's Universal History—forma the initial vol- ev™, plol!n™t “nd •"W"™'- For 30 dollars, we. Will send ten coppies of the In great variety, consisting, in part of Combs urae of a new and grnttly improved work, devo- I 1 llls work “PPcarsdn monthly numbers- Beaver Meadow coal, which ho is prepured to Book and thirty copies of any of tho ubovo engra­ ANUFACTURE and keep constantly on of every description, Pocket Knives, Scissors, en numbers now ready. I ted to tho history of the Uuivers, based not mere- j soil at the lowest market price, warranted 2,000 vings. M hand, a complete assortment of Fancy Brushes, Razor Strops und Cases, Purse A liberal discount to the trade. Sent by mail lbs, to the ton. BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS, * Iy upon the usually received data of former his- j Single number of the Lady’s Book, 25 cents. Twist, Purse Mounts, 8teel and other Beads, i toriaim, but derived from the best authorities, ut- lo any part of the country. He has gone to considerable expense in the such as These plates cannot be purchased at the Sores beautiful Dressing Cases, Embossed Boxes, Man­ I tested by revelations of modern discovery. The D ewitt Al D avenport, orectio^ of sheds, for the purpose of keeping the j at less than THREE DOLLAR'S each. W all B rushes, D usters, S cruihung B rushes, tel Ornaments, Perfumery, Fishing Tackle, See. recent researches in archreology, by Chevalier j Tribune buildings, Nassau st.N. Y. coal from the weather, so that persons who may S weeping B rushes, N ail-W all, LARGE STOCK OF VERY VALU­ Premiums are only sent when the suberiptions Bunsen, and other learned investigators, among be compelled to buy their coal in stormy weather &c., See. ABLE PATENT MEDICINES, EVERY VARIETY OF may buy dry coal, and hot be imposed upon with are remitted direct to the Publisher' T he, La­ ancient monumental records, have so entirely 'Iljev will manufacture'every kind of Brush to Al ways on handv which can be- rectnninended cli,tiii'.u(i tffo as|)crl of primitive times, HTTft from 100 to 150 lbs. of dirt in each load. dy’s Book for 1850 will contain several hundred ROOK AND JOB PRINTING, order, including M achine B rushes, and warrant with greut confidence. vealed so many important new data, that ED M U N D S, YARD. good Engravings. all their work to give satisfaction. C. C. Y ARD, wonder has been, not that such a work ns In Quarry street, west of Willow street, Postmasters and others sending Clubs will ob­ We will sell our Brushes 19, East State street, Trenton.' present should make its appearance, but ruUu : 1 A Ml.'. LILTS, H o u s e R i m .r,’ south side of Feeder Basin. lige us very much by having them all addressed HT TWENTY PER CENT CHEAPER XT) Trenton, June 30, 1849. that the task should not have been before attempt­ Trenton, September 29, 1849.-6m. to one name. It is no inconvenience to them, and B il l -H f a d s . H and Mills, than they can be bought elsewhere. ed in Europe. From a (Somewhat careful e x a m i­ will be a great favor to us. H lan ks, [LT* The highest price paid for COUNTRY HIGHTSTOWN nation of this volume, however, we find no cause C a rd s, Trenton Prices. Premiums to Towns sending'the largest num­ BRISTLES. to regret that the theme should have been re­ T ickets, P 08TEIIH, ber of Subscribers. BOOT AND SHOE OB PR IN TIN G of every description done at JO H NSTO N Sc ROE. served for tho judicious and laborious pen of Dr. C lit C U LA 118, & Ate., Ate., this office as cheap and as goot^ as it can be The town sending the largest number of mail Trenton, June 30, 1849. 1 - 1 y. Manufactory. Hebbe. To such as cannot command the leisure J NEATLY EXECUTED AT THE OFFICE OF TUE done iu Trenton. subscribers for 1850, will be entitled to the Lady’s H E subscriber has constantly on hand a gen­ of more systematic course of study, this work O ' Terms—Cash on delivery. XD Book for 1851 gratis ; and the next in number, THE GREATEST eral assortment of Boots and .Shoes for La­ proves eminently important and valuable, since, "VILLAGE RECORD." each subscriber shall receive any one of the above dies,T Gentlemen, and Children ; being all manu­ when completed, it will form a compendious libra­ 'Hie subscribers aro how prepared to execute LD Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla for sale by plates. Wholesale Confectionary factured by himself, he can warrant them to give ry of universal history, the most accurate and in a superior style, all kinds of Jem P r in tin o .— I ra S m o c k . See advertisement on th e O Address L. A. GODEY, N the state is at W m . A . W sest’s , No. 14 East entire satisfaction. complete extant, and written up to t!n spirit of Their assortment of .Job Type is all of the new­ 4th page. 113 Chesimt st., Phila. I State Street, Trenton, wlijere he is manufac­ He is also prepared to the uge. est cut, and selected with care, mid cannot be turing over 100 lbs. qach day, \of the best quality From tho New York Tribune. surpassed by any in the State. Dr. A. Dawes and in the best style. The public are invited to make to order Particular attention paid to printing; in Colei., Surgeon & Mechanical Dentist John B. Anderson, call and examine his stock and satisfy themselves anything in hi* line. His workmen have been In regard to the literary execution of this work Gold or Bronze FFIC E opposite the Baptist Church, a few before purchasing elsewhere. well tested in this community, and therefore no-, wo have spoken us the numbers appeared, but uol YARD At. STULTS, No 63 Warren street, doors below tho one formerly occupied by He keeps constantly on hand all kinds of con­ thing need be said of thpm. Prices .is low aa can as fully as its merits deserve. Now, ou re-exumi- O uatipn, we hesitate not to pronounce that this him. Persons leaving orders at Applegate Sc AS the largest and handsomest assortment of fectionary, fruits, Ice Creams, Bandies, Scc. See., be desired. volume, as a history of the earliest period fif man­ BLANK DEEDS Norton s cheap store, or Alfred Perrines’s Hotel? HATS AND CAPS i wholesale aqd retail. O ’ Repairing done at short notice. H kind, has no rivul in any single work of -univer­ will be attended to at their residences if required. to be found iu-the city of Trenton, which he will WM A. WEST. JOSEPH McMURRAN. J^O R SALK at this office, by sal history in the English language. YARD A STULTS, JFJigbltstown, Oct, 13,1849. sell cheap for cash- I Trontojt, Aug. 25, 1849. / Hightstown, Sept 8, 1849.-6m. , ID? House and Lot for Sale Dry Goods and Carpeting, Book Store Barnes’ Pile Lotion. Old Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla PHYSICIAN’S TESTIMONY. THICK.* O F CAUACJK.S. tWrfiU Vr •£>*§( IN HIGHTSTOWN. T A M E S V X N ’N U IS B , JR-, having associated IN ALBANY STREET, NEW BRUNSWICK. E verybody R bad r m e GA-HftPjiM.y.—Thet® is » * rn ,rfn w « x . j s ^ m ip l F reehold, Mon. eo., N. J., June 15, 1847* •J with John R. Van Avsdale. and John B. D. H E subscriber offers a large assortment of* A 8nrskparil|a Ihr sute in Uh» ftifTei-eut ‘toWnB oilfed S. P. The Bubficriber, aiiniinistjra- Townsend's Sarsaparilla. It is advertised as tlw ORIGI­ S to u t, the Dry Goods and Carpeting business B OOKS A ND S TA TIONA R Y Ma. B a r n e s : Sir—1 have been afflicted with iSiMij tor, (Slc., of Rachel Disbrow, T the Piles for thirteen years. I have taken med­ NAL, GENUINE, anil it'll tnat. This Townsend is no doctor will be conducted under the name of Jam es Van at reduced prices. iinl ne ver whh ; but was formerly a worker on railroads, c*. D ec., offers for sale the house icines recommended by the Faculty in such cases,1 Nuise, Jr., *J- Co., at tho Old Stand, No. 5 Country Merchants, Schoo) Superintendants rials, and the like—-yet be assumes the title of Doctor for the and lot joining the residence of G. If. Silver#.— and have applied a variety of outward applica­ purpose ol gaining credit for what he is .not. He says “ h» Church street, New Brunswick, New Jersey, and Teachers will find all the variety of School It is well suited for a small family and will furnish tions, with but little advantage. About a month has attended two medical schools, and practiced for fifteen O f F ICE MANUFACTORY Where they are prepared to offer to their friends Books in use at New York prices. years! !’’ Now the truth is, he iiever practiced medicine • a comfortable residence. since, I was advised by Mr. Charles Parker to and the public a general assortment of Writing and wrapping paper of various quali­ day in his life ! Such wilful, wicked misrepresentation If not sold by Saturday, Sept. 1st, it will be of­ make use bf your Lotion, and am happy to say it looks bad to the character and'Veracity of the man,' I wioh Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND’S ties, are sold at the mill prices, adding merely the fered at has given me more relief than anything hereto­ j most sincerely, he had never mado those statements of him COMP.MJNJL* EX TRACT Ole Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, freight and cartage from the mills. . ! self or of me. When will mfen learn to be honest and truth PUBLIC SALE, fore made u6e of, and have no doubt it will make | lul in all their dealings'and intercourse with their fellow Suitable for the approaching Season, at very low Account Books, of the best quality, and of every SARSAPARILLA, on that day, a t tho house of R. M. Smith, at 3 a permanent cure. You are therefore at liberty men ! He applied to one Rncl Clapp to assist him in man prices- size and description, are manufactured and sold at I ufacturing his mixture, stating the larae sums he wouW The most W onderful iM id n e of Hie Age, o’clock, P. M. Also a very large assortment of Carpeting, em­ this establishment. to use my name relative to the merits of ypur ; make, as an inducement to emhark in the business. The*. C. C. BLAUVELT, Lotion in any manner you may think proper. I men have been insulting and libelling me. in all possibl 1,500.000 BOTTLES bracing a^reat variety of New Patterns, of supe­ AH the variety of Music Books now in use, are Adtiiihistrhtor with the wifi annexed; Yours, &.C., ------| forms, in order to impress the public With the belief that MANUFACTURED VKAIU.Y. rior quality and rich colors, at prices mncji lower furnished in large or small quantities. the Old Dixonr?a Sarsaparilla was not the genuine, original Hightstown, June 3f)th, 1849. 1-ls. than usual. ’Together with a complete assortment Here also may be found a Depository oFSunday JOHN_B. TI1RQCKM DRTON, M. D, Sarsaparilla, made from the Old Doctor's Original Rect- TUI a Medicine Is pul ««p In Mottles 53"T he above sale stands adjpuched till Sat- ! pie. This S. P. Towrisenir siFftt I have sold tlnjfise of'iiif and Ims c.\ii('(l more Ibmt ,of .Stair Carpeting, Matting, Rugs, Rag Carpets, School Books, which are furnished at the publish­ Office of tho Philadelphia and Trenton R. R. Co | name for 87 a week. I will give him $500 if he will pro­ - sepl& s ,1 0 0 ,0 0 0 C ases o f .CUrte** Scov, Si c. , ers-prices. . P hiladelphia, June 21, 1847. duce one single solitary proof tip this. His statements of "above S»a1e stands adjoumci’Hifl Also a great variety'of Transparent Window ■-'I’ura«w<*ttg?fekrtlmap»jk Co!, aye .nothing but a tissue of w i t h i n tJh.e l a s t T e n Y e a r* Norn- Is lic it u l Family. Bibles, varying in pride' from $1 to $ i0 , M r. J. R. S. Barnes, Trenton, N.-X the public, am> keep Mules* dentil by S. P. TOW NS ICNII. the 2 9 Ih day of December ne.xt. sep.29 Shades, of new designs, painted in Oil and war­ sold below the New' York prices. My Dear Sir— In answer to your letter, I am [ the trutrnlownMn regard to his sauring, fermenting com- ranted not to fade or stick. Those wishing to The highest price paid for Rags, in trade or j pound. This is to caution die public .to purchase none but- e x p o s i: . pleased to inform you, that for the last eighteen j Old Dr. JACOR ToVvnsend’? Sarsaparilla, having on it the BY RK. A 1)1 NO TH E FOLLOW ING AFFIDAVIT purchase any of the above named articles will cash. months I have not had any return of the Piles, I Old Doctor’s likeness, liis fam ily Goat of.•Arms, ami hi* --the Public will learn the origin, nr nUliei here the James C. Norris, find it to their interest to call and examine our Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Leases, Indentures, \ and amjperfcctly satisfied tha{ your Pile Lotion in j lignatureacross the Coat of Arms. recipe for making the stuff they call OM 1.) COACH-MAKER, WHEELWRIGHT & BLACKSMITH stock. 1 Principal Office, 10£ Nassau-street. N. Y. City. Townsend’* Sarsaparilla, came lY.»m -and v •ill lie uble und Lawyers’ and Justices’ Blanks, are printed my case has effected a Permanent Cure. I am JACOB TOWNSEND. to judge which U the genuine and original II 11*1 Of the : FT.1HE subscriber respectfully invites the atten- New Brunswick, June 20, 1849. i-6m. and sold mere. not now compelled to consult my diet, as former­ honesty of the men who are employed in s ell.uK >l »* I tiou pi the public to liis fucilities for maflu-. Books bound in a variety of styles. ly, hut can indulge myself freely in the most the original Dr Townsend's Sarsapai ilia JOHN TERIIUNE. Townsend was the original proprietor and i fucturing Garriagos of all kinds, of tho best ma- Ho! Trenton, Ho! highly seasoned food, without feeling the least in­ New Brunswick, June 30, 1849. 1-Gm. ■ l)r. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and Ini nu bn terials and by experienced workmen. Having CROZEU & VAIVNEST, convenience. Since my cujre, I have gained gained n reputation that no other remedy e been engaged in tho business for a number of some twelve or fourteen pounds in flesh, and en­ lie m anufactured over one million ol Until** NO, 58 WARREN STREET, TRENTON, TO THOSE WHO MAY VISIT NEW BRUNSWICK. . and is m anufacturing at jnesent ..0-U b.ttl ' years, and being tborougly acquainted with every joy better health than I have done for thirty We use more Hamuparill.i and Vellow D | branch, renders his establishment more advan­ first door below the “ Mechanics Bank,” offer for years past. Judging from my experience, I am establishment dncli day, than all the othet > sale as cheap DRY GOODS and GRO­ Summer and Winter Goods of opinion your Pile Lotion is far better than any tageous to all who desire to purchase. FOR 1849- Manufacturers in the world. Principal C ER IE S as can be found in 2_____ “ Internal” Remedy, as I used many of them, f ulton st. He also carries on the Wheelwrighting and Trenton or elsewhere. ETER-S. STOUTyttt Nnr-69-Barnrt Street, and found buttemporaay relief from any of them. Blaeksmithing business, and is prepared to cxe- Griggs’ old stand, would respectfully invito j READ THE AFFIDAVIT. N H A N D —splendid Black Silks, all widths; Yours, truly, J. MORRELL* ' cute in the best manner anything in that line. Phis friends and the public generally lo call and j ■City noil Comity <;/ N ew For/., st. Particular attention paid to repairing ('ar- Plain and Figured Light Silks and Satins, William Armstrong, of the said city, being duly O examine his extensive assortment of the most do- ! N ew Y ork, Sept. 23, 1847. Bareges, Linen Lustre, Lawns, and other Dress • worn, doth rjepose and say that he is a practic' d rirages Wagons, &c. . sirable and seasonable Goods, both for Gentle­ J. R. S. Barnes, Esq : Sir— Your favor of the Druggist ami Chemist. That some time in the latter Goods in their variety. Cloths, Cassimere, and JA M ES C. NORRIS. men’s and Ladies’ wear, which he intends to sell .20th inst. is received, which I hasten to answer. pint of May, or first of .June, 1848, j man by the name Vestings, T ickings, Shirtings, and Sheetings, all of Jacob Tow niiiiud, w ho a t that -tima-vvuH. ii.-LiOuk_.and- Hightstown, July 7, 18.49, 2-ly__ at prices to compete with any Cush House, at ! I have made'use of your Pile Lotion, a bottle widths ami prices. pamphlet, peddler, called upon deponent, at the.house wholesale or retail. of which was presented to me by Capt. C. Hinkle, of Mr. Thompson. No 4J llmlson-stiect, where depo. Also, an assortment of China, Glass and CHARLES CARSON, Also keeps, on hand a general assortment of of tho “ Steamboat John Stevens,” and am happy nent.hoarded. and reijnested deponent to wiite him a Queensware, of all kinds, all of which will be recipe by which to make a Syrup of Sarsaparilla. Groceries, Coarse and fine Salt, Fish by the bar- j in having it in my power to say, have experi­ sold cheap. Call and see. Deponent further says, that he became ncqiiirfJded Saddler, Harness Maker, and reLaud half barrel, and take in exchange all kinds enced its salutary effects ; and no doubt, had I with said Townsend at the office of 'I'heodore Foster, EDWARD W. CUOZER, CARRIAGE TRIMMER, of Country Produce, at the highest market prices. applied it in the manner prescribed, I should have k.Bn., Book I’uhlisher, w ith whom said ( Tow nseuil WM. C. VAN N E ST . dealt That said Townsend hod had frequent conversa­ MAIN STREET, HIGHTSTOWN. Also a Superior artiefe of Live Geese Feathers. been relieved much sooner than l was. Trenton, June 30, 1849. 1-tf Old Dr. Jacob Townsend. tions with .deponent respecting the inanufact1 PETER S STOUT. My sufferings were intolerable for a long time. TIIE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER OF THE article of Sarsaparilla to he sold unde i the hand a general assortment of Saddles, of l)r New Brunswick, June 20, 1849. 1-Gm. i I tried a number of different remedies, but to no Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla Jacob Townsend. 0 3Harness, . Whips, Fly Nets, &c. Carrriages That said Townsend stated he w.i n old r Cheaper than Ever. effect. Yours 1 give exclusive preference, for Old ,I)r. Townsend is now about 70 vears of age. and has Trimmed in the best manner. 1 -1 y. long been known as- the A U T H O R ami DISCO VERKR poor, and w as'not lit for hard, labo nod w *<1 ■ •rP H E subscriber has laid in a general assort- Dr. Roberts’ speedy rebel and soothing qualities, and take plea­ the G D V V / N E O R IG IN A L “ T O W N S E N b make some money, in order to live ca y in Ins old -1- meat of D ry G oods, G roceries and H ard­ sure in recommending it to all who may be af­ SARSAPARILLA. ” Heine poor, lie was compelled to days, and that, if Sarsaparilla under the jiainenf Town­ Great Ccniral, Paterson Block, ware ; I ron and S t e e l ; Boors and S hoes; limit us manufacture, by which meains it has been kept out send sold so well, and so much money was made by Compound Sarsaparilla Pills flicted. Respectfully, youb*, &.c., of m arket, and the sa les circum scrit>cd to those only who it, he could see no reason why lie might not make Clothing Emporium. H ats and C ats ; M ayhew’k P loughs, and Cast­ JAMES HAND, had proved its worth. and known its value. It had reached something out of it too. (his name being Townmnd.l ings, Clover, Timothy and Herd Grass Seed; H E best and cheapest Family Medicine in 1G Coen ties Slip, N. Y. the ears of many, tit*’■'ertheiess, as tliosp persons who had if he could get n capable person to prepaid n, recipe, Til#: .MOST e x t e n siv e ESTABLISHMENT OF t h e the World. An Alterative, Tonic, Diuretic, been healed of sore .liccases. and sitved from death, pro* nod m anufacture it.tor him. Deponent in .our oi the Paints and Oils; Paper Hangings; Schenek’s T • 'lunvv' o« v/on.bM H, KIND IN THE STATE. and mild Cathartic. Price 314 cents per Box, STEAMER “JOHN POTTER.” eon vet Rations asked said Townsend if he was related Syrup, Townsends Sarsaparilla, and various insensible persptration : relaxes st ncmires and ughtnew.te to Dr R. I*. Townsend, to which ha replied, ..thuL h« A ir-IL L IA M rr. RUNIC, Paterson-Block, New kinds of Patent Medicines. Also a lot of Peach containing 50 Pills. N ew Y ork; Oct. 1, 1847. moves Ril obstruction S, and mvigora :cs the cut ire, it’ervoiti knew Dr 8. P. Townsend would he down on him all. i V V Brunswick, N. J., has now completed the Baskets always on hand, made by experienced The great superiority of “ Roberts’ Compound Mu. J ohn R. S. Barnes: Dear. Sir— I received system. Is not ibis tlten tie tdiould commence, but that he did not yours of the 15th ult., ?nd woiild have answered The Medicine you pre.-ci! h i in -lit I v n e e d i ihim, a« lie had form d a c hip with ii ’ most extensive assortment of F ashionable C lo­ workmen all of the same pattern. 1 buy cheaper Sa rsapurilla Pills '’ over all oilier preparations of But can anv of the-'C things be .-ai.! oi S |» r"wnscnd'» could furnish tho re Bite a mot p.tHl thing ever offered Hi this City or State. He is than ever, because, I have adoptedNhe CASH Sarsaparilla and Pills, is the concentrated form it at once, had my mind been made up as to the inlet tor article ( Thiis young man’s liquid is ndt to be well prepared to di ltd httnse U ag St till' j warranted in making this extensive preparation in SY ST E M , and feeling thankful to tho Public for and purity of the extract., which, being combined mode of recommendation my experience would COMPARED WITH TIIE OLD DR’S. thqtnugl.tbe made with other vegetable extracts, renders them the of one GRAND FACT, lha • fNCAPA- vfleyHineut fnitTW’i f X . j view of the fact that he has a larger custom than past patronage, I flatter myself that they will RLE o DETERIORATION and of said Jacob Tow n-i, he v | any Store in the city. call and view my stock before purchasing else­ most purifying of all medicines. The delay, I am pleased to inform you,, h a s N E V E R , SPOILS manufacture of n S T of S ar i Purchasing his goods direct from tho Importer, where. The peculiar virtues of the- Sarsaparilla root given me time to hear from five cases of the Files, while t ic other DOES * soui in g .ferm e i ting, and bt.nri him. Raid Towns ! obsory have for a long time attracted the attention of the which have been perfectly cured by tho so o f the bo t/es containing it in o frnsmen « : the sour, a make a «pi xhil.it to in largo quantities, before others who buy in ttj" Country P roduce taken at the customary your valuable Pile Lotion. T he disease liqiliil xploding.and damngt ig other go. ds! Mu q r.’.i 1 afiprnvftl. i s l,f ' gratil ! small quantities have commenced making up for prices. medical profession aiVtl the public, and greal in­ is a horribl • compound be potw inns to the F ^ stern ? Wh, »« they fu bed all th j their sales, warrants him in making the assertion; JOHN T. HUTCHINSON. terest has been directed to the development of its. dreadful one, and prevails to so great an » x ten t put n c / into a system threat diseased ir itlf acid ? W told dcpoti that tho buttle* medical properties ; various syrups, tinctures and that il the public could he. as well satisfie* a s I cauflea I>.v»pe|i«ia liu. .trill ! 'Do we not i II know tli.n wl t.» be of tl and .sil l | that he can sell a suit of F a sh io n a b le C lo th in g Hightstown, June 30. 1849. am, of the merits of your Lotion, y ou would uot food sours in our stomachs ilti ,.r ...... a! a luirer price to the customer than it costs at decoctions have been prepared from it, all of llatulencc, heartburn, palp he I Tmvn-yitd; it to - til.4 <>»!<•« ol 1)i S r i w ti-end, which have been found to contain little or none of be able to supply the demand. plaint, tli&rrluca. ilysmter lie, ami corruption c i I,-!* som e stores to get the gonds- marie...... —— uc. at' JrH 1: Spring and Summer Clothing. the valuable properties of the root. Medical rrirrr . .olu.. coutdufiiouc -jittnuit, v - ^ o . ^-ay, y.uu are at blood i What is Scrofula 1 i acid hum or m the h Aiul dej>mum t fqrllie'i *ay •>, that ).•Mm rfTdWrm. ’I'he. fallowing prices will serve to show wheth­ W hat produces all dip hum ItHv-brMig 'Hi Hrttf e.l, and v ••iilv :believe* th e Syrup o r«ctq.t 111>>. wold er this is reality or not, viz : FOR 1849. - are uAvareJiuw./ slightly; tire-root yields its virtues liberty.to-refor to me* in cuse your Lotion requires i. Sea•Id Iloud, Suit R'n r las. W hhe a, nhl 1 actib T<:m t/.icitd’x l? rnuilc ill the i by maceration in water, and tlu* impossibility of a better recoinrneudatum-. - » Swell ine-s. Fev er Sorca.-Tind srll ttlcera t Jil .flnd.ex.--_ t*ipe 1*. r A large, lot of black Summer Cloth S a cks and T A 7 IL1.I AM M. W OODHULL respectfully ninhcd by i nent. to . <« »b T on r >1, ns fore,aid. retaining it when prepared in alcohol. Hence the Your ob’t serv’t., C. FORBES, It is (lothing under hewvft. »r ii an acid .- hci •leponent «mith not P elt on, a goodVartiele, $1 75 to $2. V \ informs his friends and the public that ho which nd thus spoils all thic flu ds ol t And furt great value of the solid extract of which these Capt. of Steam er'“ John Potter.” \V II.I.I\.\J AirHST Bo n i ; A lot of Boys’ Sacks and Pelt us, made frpHj still continues'the or less Wliai! causes Rhelimnti 8 worn t<• befi»r<* me, thi s -2 Hit d;»y o f :M.iv,. 1.M !•* Piljs are prepared. One Box of the Compound 1 fluid w ich m:sinuuics itself bet vr.'.cn French and German black Cloth, superfine, 'for Tailoring Businessin all its branches, Office of Camden & Amboy R. II. Co.< nr and inflaming the d. e w OOI?! ll LI.. $ 5 . Sarsaparilla Pills contains more of the Sarsapa- ; May.nr of the t of N w r» .k AT NO. 22 PEACE STREET, P hiladelphia, N ov. 1, 1847. So of nervous di. Black- Lustre and Tweeds, from Sjj I 75 to 2 50. rilla than is contained in two bottles of the syrups "dorm ige.l cite u la lion, at ul nc PROOF!! PROOF!f J T (Opposite Church Street,) New Brunswick, N. J. usually sold. M r. Barnes: S ir— I congratulate you upon Hi cl hi S I pirntuluoirs, made from stripes and plaids, as Having secured the services of Mr. GhqrJes C. the unparalleled success which your celebrated •t liorril.h- to mak. Ifeie i* proff cuin'lu-i'k e th.it Dr. ’’.‘T c i nscrid> The proprietor experimented for several years Sarafqmrill the o rig itvi 1. T he foil...... low as (15 cents ; former price $1. Hutchinson, whose experience, skill, and taste Pile Lotion has met with. to obtain from the root a solid extract, which s<;,r I' ERMENTING. At ID ‘ rOMPi iU.Nl>’ lume of tinl* mo d ionpectn.hie paper* lo. ile J eai\s, SuUinetts, and Handsome Cassiiheres, arc so well, knowli!; Re will take charge of the The permanent cure, effected in the case of our should possess all its valuable properties in the S I* TOW NS KM FROM T H E !|>I to 2. Cutting Department, iand respectfully solicits tho Mr. Morrell, Secretary of the Philadelphia & 10 KOItld fain have it tin. feral. «l that >idi>, A lb:any Eve nlnu; A n u n • id . most concentrated form, which he combined in Vesta— an endless variety and quantity, 75 patronage of hie friends. Trenton Railroad Company, who had suffered for nsonil1« (iim im e O, ivin, :/ So nt Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla. the form of Pills, and has used them in his prac­ N of 1. cents; usually sold for J^'l to 1 50. R eady Made. Clothing, thirty-seven years, is without a precedent. I have Thsi olmhl r haa \ iften'si: lara remedy. tice with the most astonishing success ; and, at 1 "\ 'tMi" " iirh or p. m edicine, as Dr Tdw nMiihIs’k Snrs:«pn rilla, MEN'S SACKS: , Of every style, quality and price, to suit-all kinds • most distant ic-c Oihl,. the suggestion of many friends, he now offers known it used in many cases, and in no instance which was originally. and c the |prcsei it time, M EN ’S AND BOY’S SHIRTS, the cheapest medicine in the world, with the full Tow. .Id D bv Clapp St Toyvnsertd, the pi esent pronri d ors Silica A large lot made from Jeans, a good service­ Fancy Silk and Satin Cravats, take muce pleasure in recommending it to those ilia nt•e heaven tride opa assurance that they will be found to be the best t they are unlike in erot•y pa rntetl, the Doctor hns re- ided'tn able article, as low as $1 75; price in other Gingham Cravats, who may ho afflicted. New York, yvhere hevUeopslieOteeps a store, and attend' to the medicine ever prepared. le lliin e in common. Stores, $ 2 50. Suspenders, Hosiery, Gloves, Bosoms and Col Yours, &c., A. C. GATZ.MER. P *To wnsend is no doct business that accuiiYuRitc*hi Sites at that point. The Tho Compound Sarsaparilla Pills aro used fi.Ctnry Is In this city, and Is {inducted bv the GENTLEMEN'S DRESSING GOWNS . lars, Valises, Trunks,' Carpet Bags, Slc. no ph armaceuliBt—km>w C nil tl: IC IS.IIIU for the permanent cure of those diseases which j H ightstown, N. J., Dec. 4, I847r (it sea sc t linn aniv other common, m 1 * 0 ner. Mr ' hq.p- her ie med icin uufao* A lot at lesfi price than any other store, in tho city. In addition to the above variety of readymade man. wh the pub: tured arise from an impure state of the blood, and mor- j M r. A. R eckless: Dear Sir— When 1 pur­ DRAB OVERCOATS AND SACKS: articles, he has on hand a good assortment, of the fc w of our citizens iiat e an'f idea iof the nmoltint of bid secretions of the liver and stomach, viz : Ery- ; chased a bottle of Barnes’ Pile Lotion of you, Light fabric for travelling : made from superfine best quality Cloths, Cassimcres, and . Vestings, tues of the arti used in p I w lich are in. tins •no lin iic tlmt is nutnufncti tied urIll sold BChide* sipelas, (Scrofula or King’s Evil, Ulcers, Scald : about eight months since, you requested me to in­ capable of cha which mi'j the AGENTS the s,l!es in lb is country , it is t 1 to tiie f a iindus, Tweeds and other stuffs, from $ 5 to (i 50, very which will ho made to order in the most fashion­ ...... Head, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Blotches, ! form you of its effects, after giving it a fair trial. of Disease inst. f health 1 West: India 1slarid*. Sointh Anlericn, am 1 ev en t o Ku- cheap. Believed to he tire only lot in the cilv able styles. Satisfied that long credits make high Rut wl el«c sh juld be ex sd fro ne who know? dcrnble qttantitic s. A t tho k to ry Boils, Pimples, Sore, Weak or Inflamed Eyes, 1 should have done so some time since, but 1 i pa rat iv • or di s 1 Ii rountre* ■ / ’ /; L TOS A ND D R A li 'SA (' K S, prices, and that, the good customers must pay for nothing c eiy ol nice they employ u steam c ngme. ibesidesi a 1urge mt nther Glandular Swellings, Rheumatic Affections, wished to ascertain whether the speedy cure it i pe xpertonre ..ok :•! •rvr up even a of n.en. won ills, jo the p, of th* Made from black Summer Cloth, Tweeds the bad, my terms will be, hereafter, cash ; or to nnon dot '*» a,'d Ri r?I« Pains in the, Bones and Joints, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, effected would be-permanent or merely temporary. "it, tre, and other materials, varying in price from .^>2 the, good customers, when requested, short time. the ltdy for shipi Asthma, Diarhcca and Dysentery, Coughs; Colds, ! WEAK STOMACHS AND 1•A FEEIBI.ED SN'STI•:m s . "■iy to -1 ; usual price asked, is from $ 3 to G. Reinember l1ie one price Cheap Cash Store, For the past eleven years I have been subject Consumption, when caused by capillary oqslruc- to frequent attacks of the Piles, from which I nix mid kiniiw well the medical | .sol plan's, illie II. «t The groat sol e the m edicine has act I'li red, 1 Gold mixed Tweed Sacks aiid P eltos, with No. 22 Peace Street, New Brunswick. n>anner of securing and concern iheir healing viirtlive. tions of the lungs, in persons of scrofulous consti­ duced a number.ol metdo got up imitatiims, ml there velvet and silk collars, extra made, will be sold „ June 30, 1849. l-6m. suffered severely. I tried various remedies, with­ a!«'i* an ext eosivc knowledge olf the v.i which i* at the present: time. other met!icjnos tutions, Inflammation of the Lungs, Influenza, atl> human system, and how na adapt rutned trs to lm sobr. that for $fi 50 ; former price* $9. out anything like a permanent benefit. 1 felt but set the me called •• Di 1 cud's Karsnpurillu. ” One 1In pur. Indigestion, Headache, Jaundice, Chill Fevers thesc dfeca.sen! ticular stm ted M .«.holt tin,e ago io New \:ml. is DOESKIN SACKS cj- D O R S A Y F R O C K S , little confidence in Barnes’ Pile Lotion when you 1t is to tirreat fratttls upon w io r n.l’s Sarsapn iiihi,” nil np- Some extra tine ; the style of some of which can­ Furniture Warehouse. recommended it to mo. I had, however, used J'WOUtUled humnnitv, to kirl'll.• ho, te in the dasjvaim .- pa re i.i Iv with n bility, and diseases arising from an injudicious use bosloin, to restore heaiih.‘,an*l bloom,, and vigor inm the by dint of h.Iveil ising, nnd the BEN JA M IN S. DISBROW but little more than Half the bottle, when I wAs iistiul remedies i co,rte .1 to in such effort.s. to up, • tonri. not bo hud elsewhere in-the city. cru shed anid broken, and to ban noilv that OM1) DR. of mercury, and whenever medicine is required to he op- the i I Dr, s cat n DRESS AND FROCK COATS: N FORMS his friends and the public in general, entirely cured, and to my surprise and satisfaction, J ACOB T- Broadcloth, of the best English, French, and It is with cheerfulness and pleasure I inform you I.uvled '•«'. i u cars of pat.cut mnl espen Sive laboi:. Hr 8. P. ino/st EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT of be used by persons of all ages. They aro pleas­ wit Inn the reach, and to the kr nsend, lormerly ol tins c American manufactures, at the low price of,}g>8 of my permanent cure. This invaluable remedy tha t they tinav learn and know. ity. ns is well known FURNITURE, ant to the palate, and produce no nausea, uneasi­ Tran»i(icn(li e u r Bun the ,.;o Soino extra fine, plain and figured, from {jl.to lure of the Old Dr’s Sarsaparilla. The Sat partlla root, 1 then'.selves will i a m may he wanted in his line of business, m aybe and letters on the subject of tho medicine, must has experienced from the use of your Pile Lotion. 2 ; a good article. found at llie it is well known 'o-meilir.iii men, contains n nv medicinal 1 u ho •dicitu be addressed, post paid, to C. P. FA Y , New York He is One of a number, here, that have been per­ pr..,..irlio., mill .om . pntprrlic. w!„rl, »rr i Ins medfeir Pants of Cassimere—a largo lot of Plaids, North-West corner of Warren and Front sis* fectly cured by your valuable remedy. Ploase and others, which it retained in preparinga,iuriri« li lor use, prm f tl ie y i: iginal, Ac Tho Stripes, Mexican side Stripes and Plain, from •city, General Agent for the United (States, British duee ferm entation and ,tinl medical prop• P hiladelphia, Jan. 10, 1848. IS MS O N 1>’* extraordi .which VESTS, -L kinds of Furniture* to order, in the latest and vrties of the r*ot, which give to it alla its value tiie page nl 11..- | of cv.cry descripiion, fashion, cut and quality. A Agency of Dr. S, S. Fitch's M r. B arnes i- Dear Sir--A n intimate friend of Any person eon.boil o .v the roo. till they get n dark )r 8 most fashionable style, and will warrant their work 1*. 'l ow iiM-rMl. W l|i • ;r ,r desirable genUiel Vest for 75 cents. mine, who has been afflicted for several years colored liquid, which is • frmn the coloring matter in Dr. I ownsen.l h , Sa.sa,- to be of the best materials and made in a masterly Celebrated Medicines. the root than from anvil D r: tltfiv can then strain this st door to oil is, w Iticte lit Every ollwr quality, such as black Satin Vests, manner. with the Piles, and at times suffered the .most ex­ insipid or vapid liquid Hen with sour mnlussps. nod i iik SE D by him with .such distinguished success cruciating tortures, notwithstanding he had used SARSAPARILLA EXTRACT or S\ UUP.” s dm iUg an I' . I a good article, for l$'J ; former price <§3 ; figured TURNING then call it “ 041,0 ' '* inn I if mr bn rills* |>ei in the cure of almost every remedy, and had the advantage of But such is not the article known its the da , and s-uliu and Silks, a very rich article, $ 2 50 pivar Connected with their manufactory they have a U •ven this err •I" COUGHS, CONSUMPTION, CATARRH, ASTHMA, HEART the best medical attendance ; ho had also used a GENUINE OLD DR -JACOB TOWNSEND S demi ml. No nu ;d i .gient .. ranted the humic as formerly asked $3 50 : splen­ complete Turning establishment, and are prepared SARSAPARILLA. pop) DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, GONORHCEA, PILES, variety of internal remedies, to no effect, and w lant as bis prej lb.' Ho did rich S Ik Vests at. very low prices. to do anything in that line at short notice. This is so prepared that all the inert properties of the editio .Almanacs for W " '.d be FEMALE COMPLAINTS, & C ., SLC. whilst suffering recently with a very severe at­ , Sarsaparilla root .are first removed, everything capable of has pt FUR A ISII ING GOODS ; [LT A lot of S ea so n ed H ubs constantly on hand. id be Now V. rk r ndi Also, Dr. S VS. Fitch’s Abdominal Supporters, tack, .was induced to use your Pile Lotion. He : becoming acid or fermentation is extracted and rejected ; last n. id be a an endless variety— i'ino Linen Collars, a good „Tho U n d e r t a k in g B u siness particularly at­ ^ IB ledge* Shoulder Braces, Inhaling Tubes, and Lectures then every par'ide of medient virtue is secured in a pure that it the cheapest adv "g hr has b dune. article from fc lo 12 cents ; fine Linen Bosoms, tended to,, at the shortest notice. No additional informs me its effect was astonishing ; in a few and concentrated form; and thus it is rendered incapable •T his i xported to tin mins, U gn ui'ruricry, 25 cents each ; Stocks of all kinds ; on Consumption, and the art of preserving Life applications he was relieved, and in three days of losing any of its valuable and healing properties. Pro- dies, South Am erica and Korop* Plde charge for tho hew style of Coffins. S ca rfs of all descriptions ; Cravats, from IG and Health to Old Age, &c., &c. - time ho was well ; his health is better than for pat ed in this way, it is made the most power hi I agent in the quantities, and is coming into genoial iis. th. BUTCH ER Sl FIELD ER For Sale -ut the store of A PPLE G A T E & Cure of innum erable Diseases. countries, as well as here. cents lo the highest priced article' imported Hightstown, Juno 30,. 1849. 1-ly. some years past, and ascribes it to the use of yout Hence the reason why we hear commendations nu every S w l m l l c r i . 'good black Cravat lor 75 cents; Suspenders, a NORTON, Hightstown. valuable remedy. Respectfully, yours, &c., side in its favor by men, women, anil Children. We find it Druggists and others that sell Sarsaparilla for the , good article, 12 cents and upward according to IHj ’ Dr. Fitch’s “ Guide Book to Invalids, and CHARLES J. W QLBERT, J un doing wonders in (lie curb of genuine and original Dr Townsend’* Sars.ipn, lilln. Directions for Promoting Health, and Instructions CONSUMPTION, DYSPEPSIA, and LIVER- | quality. Clothing! Clothing!! P hiladelphia, Feb. 21, 1848. COMPLAINT, and in RHEUMATISM. SC-ROF that is not signed by S. P. Townsend, commits i< ii to Mothers in the management of Children, may and swindles the customers. Men that would he Carpet Bugs, Umbrellas, Gloves, Ilaudkcr- To J. R. S. B arnes, Esq., Trenton, N. J. ULA, PILES. COST! YEN ESS. nil CUTANE­ Oweps cj- Metlar, No. 23 Church street, be had, gratuitously, by calling for it at the storo OUS ERUPTIONS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES guilty of such nn act, would commit any other fraud 1 chiefs, good silk, 50 cents, some at 31 cents : Dear Sir— A member of my family has been ’--and no Druggist of common intelligence but knows New Brunswick, as above. An extremely valuable Book. 1-ly and all affections arising from that ours is the only genuine. Drawers and under Shirts, a good article 50 cts. afflicted for twenty years with the Piles. Your IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. j each, or $1 a pair. OULD respectfully call the attention of It possesses n marvellous efficacy in all complaints nr Old .Jacob TdW iKtml. Lotion was recommended, and by uqing only one their old customers and the public generally sing from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from Some people who are not-well informed, and have Overalls, Green Jackets, and an endless va- W Hightstown Brick-Yard. bottle, I believe a permanent cure has been effect­ unequal circulation, determination oi blood to the heac, not read the papers, and not seen our advertisements, i riety of C lothing adapted to all casses at a less to an examination of their new and extensive H P IIE Subscriber is now manufacturing, and has ed, as five months have now elapsed, and there palpitation of-the heart, cold I'ect and hands, cold chills and have been led to,suppose, that'because these men ad­ j price than pan be purchased at any other store in stock of hot flashes over the body. It has not its equal in Golds find vertise their stud as “ Old Jacob Townsends ••"that it X constantly on hand, at his Brick-Yard, about are no signs of a return of the disease. It is due I this place. The above stock is all of Fresh Goods, Coughs ; and promotes easy trx pectoral ion and gentle per must, of course, lie the original. Jt is less .than n u t Spring and Summer Clothing. half u mile from Hightgtown, on the road leading to suffering humanity, and to yourself, that I spiral ion, relaxing strictures uf the lungs,, throat and every year since they commenced to make their medicine and of recent manufacture, tmd of such qualifies to Cranbury, as good an assortment of Bricks as should add my testimonial^)^ the healing virtues u her part, j . Ours lias been in the market over ten y ears. and prices as will bo sure to suit every purchaser. Having found it necessary to eniarge their store of your Lotion. With sincere respect, But in nomintr is its excellence rrtore manifestly seen and This Old Jacob Townsend. CLOTHS. in order to supply their customers, they have also can be found at any other manufactory, and he j acknowlbdged than in all kinds and stages of They are endeavoring to palm off on the public u» will warrant them to be of Your friend, GEO.-D. C ALLAN AN. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Always on band a very extensive assortment. increased their stock of goods to such an extent on old Physician, Stc. He is not a regular Lhicah ■ THE BEST QUALITY. City of Philadelphia, ss. It -works wonders in cases of Fluor Alhus or W hites. Physician, and never attempted to manufacture j med­ , of French, English, German, and American that they cannot fuil pleasing all who may favor Falling of the Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed, or P ainful PRICES. Geo. D. Callanan, being duly sworn, deposes icine,- until these men hired him for the mm of lm Cloth. A good quality of French black Cloth for them with a call.) Menses /Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and the like; name. They say they do not wish‘the people to oc (Salmon Brick, $5 per 1000 and says : that the foregoing statement, in relation and is effectual in curing alt the forms of K idney Diseases. *$2 50, warranted not to fade ; super super $ 3 50 It is useless to enumerate articles and prices. Vieve that their Sarsaparilla is ours, or the same—but Hard do 7 per do to the c|ure effected by the use of Barnes’ Pilo By removing obstructions, and regulating the general , to $ 5 . Call and satisfy yourselves before purchasing else­ system, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, and the better to deceive the public, they nt the same time Arch do 6 per do is strictly true. GEO. D. CALLANAN. 3*>ert that their’sf is the Old Dr. Townsend’s, and Un­ CASSIMERS, where. thus cures all forms of Or $ 6 per 1000 the run of the kiln. (Sworn and subscribed before me, February 21, Nervous Diseases and Debility, original; and endeavor to make' tiie people bHiUVe ■The most complete assortment in town ; Plain, All goods sold at this place warranted well made that th e stu flth e y m anufacture, Is the Di. Tow use ml's 1848 . J (Sw ift, Mayor. and thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other mal- WARD C. PERRINE. adies, ns Spinal irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitus' Dance, Sursaparilla, tliat has performed so many wonderful Black, Handsome and Good, for 7 s ; Fancy O ' BARNES” PILE LO T IO N is an E x te r ­ cures for the past ten years, and which has gained o B ojs’ Clothing. Hightstown, June 30, 1849 1-ti Swooning, Epileptic Fits, C spoils ions, tfc. L stripe and Plaids, 62j cents to $ 1 00 ; side stripe nal Vegetable Remedy; it is highly approved by It cleanses the blood, exciteo .tie liver to healthy action, reputation which no other medicine ever e ijjoyed— | and plain mixed, entirely new, and most genteel which is a base, villainous, unprincipled' fake hood A large assortment, cut in the Latest style, the Medical Faculty; it lot only relieves, but tones the stomach, and gives good digestion, relieve* the W e have coimnenced suits against these men lor article made. from a great variety of-goods, for sale low. Wholesale and Retail bowels of torpor and constlrpation, allays inflammation, pu- Permanently Cures the the most aggravated ca­ rifles the skin, equalize, iho circulation of iho blood, pro­ damages. We wish It to he understood, (hat the old man VESTINGS, ducing genUe warmth equally all over tiie body, and tha is no relation to Dr. Townsend whatev cr. in their ad- Grocery and I.iquor Store. ses of this disease, of which tact the most numer­ I of all qualities, from the lowest to the highest ar­ Cloth ! Cloth !! ous letters and certificates of the first men inf the For sale in U ightslown by vertisemeiits and circnlara, they publish a nnmjiei o/ . ticle imported. LA RG E and extensive stock of giTAsgTalsehoods roapeeting- Dr. T ow nsaJid.wvhich w e Just received, a splendid stock of French, Eng­ country can be shown. This Lotion is not offered IRA SMOCK. w ill not notice. CHOICE WINES AND LIQUORS , Sattinetts, Jeans, Hangup Cord, Fustians, Cot- lish, and American Cloths, for sale by the yard, A as a C ertain Cure:for a long catalogue of diseases, ; ton Goods and Tweeds, the best assortment to be at Wholesale and Retail, at the Grocery and Li­ For sale in Hlglilstown by or made to order in the most fashionable styles. quor store in Burnet Street, at the foot of Schure- but those afflicted/with the P iles, fpr which alone found ; all of which have been selected with great it is offered, may rely upon being care, and will be sold to customers by the yard man Street, N ew Brunswick. Job Printing R R. FORMAN, Cassimeres and Vesting. O ' PERMANENTLY CURED. £ $ (they may make them up or take them to any ALBANY ALE OR BEER, OF ALL KINDS A large lot of Black and Fancy Caeeimercs, of of the Best quality, for, sale oy the barrel. Those FOR SALE BY other shop and have them made,) at as Low p r i­ the latest style of patterns. Also Vestings of NEATLY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED For Sale wanting to buy either are requested to call at tho James M. Cubborly, Hightstown ; J ces {**h e same goods can be obtained in any every description of Goods and patterns, AT THE OFFICE OF FA R M W A G O N , nearly new and in good Dry Goods store in the United States. Grocery and Liquor Store before purchasing else­ R. Davis, Freehold; 03” Remember! Nu. 23 Church Street. order. Enquire at this office. [sopt29. where. J ohn B rush, A g’t for Conover, Hendrickson,& Co., Jmlaystown 1 N e w Brunswick, June 30, le>4ff. l-6m. New Brunswick, Juno 20,1849. THE YIIXAGE RECORD, l-6m. P. S. STO UT. Vandeventer, Princeton. '3 HlQHTSTOWNy NEWJER8BY,