Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert Programs, Season 12, 1892

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Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert Programs, Season 12, 1892 ACADEMY OF MUSIC, PHILADELPHIA. BOSUN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. ARTHUR NIKISCH, Conductor. Twelfth Season, 1892-93. PROGRAMME OF THE FIRST CONCERT. Wednesday Evening, Nov. 2, At 8 o'clock. With Historical and Descriptive Notes by William F. Apthorp. PUBLISHED BY C. A. ELLIS, MANAGER The Mason & Hamlin Piano has been exhibited in three Great World's Competitive Exhibitions, a nd has received the HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD at each one, as follows : AMSTERDAM, . 1883. NEW ORLEANS, . 1883. JAMAICA, . 1891. Because of an improved method of construction, in- troduced in 1882 by this Company, the Mason & Hamlin PIANOFORTES Are more durable and stand in tune longer than any others manufactured. CAREFUL INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED. Local Representatives, WM. G. FISCHER & CO., PHILADELPHIA. (2) " Boston Academy Symphony of Music. Orchestra Season of 1892-93. Mr. ARTHUR NIKISCH, Conductor. First Concert, Wednesday Evening, November 2, At Eight. PROGRAMME. Weber - - - - - - - - Overture, " Oberon - " " Weber Aria from Oberon," Ocean ! thou mighty monster 'i Miss JUCH. " Wagner - Vorspiel and "Liebestod," from "Tristan und Isolde Liszt ------ Song with Orchestra, "Loreley" Miss JUCH. / Tschaikowsky ----- Symphony No. 5, in E minor Andante. Andante cantabile, con alcuna licenza. Valse (Allegro moderato). Finale (Andante maestoso). Soloist, Miss EMMA JUCH. (3) SHORE LINE BOSTON T*r\ NEW YORK NEW YORK TOL\J BOSTON Trains leave either city, week-days, except as noted : DAY EXPRESS at 10.00 A.M. Arrive at 4.30 P.M. BUFFET DRAWING-ROOM CARS. AFTERNOON SERVICE at 1.00 P.M. Arrive 7.30 P.M. BUFFET CARS THROUGH. "SHORE LINE FLYER" at 2.00 P.M. Arrive at 7.40 P.M. PARLOR CARS ONLY. DINING CAR BOSTON and NEW LONDON. GILT EDGE EXPRESS at 5.00 P.M. Daily, Sundays included. Arrive at 1 l.OO P.M. DRAWING-ROOM and PARLOR SMOKING CARS THROUGH, and DINING CAR BETWEEN BOSTON and NEW LONDON. The last trains between the two cities to leave and arrive at terminal the same day. MIDNIGHT EXPRESS at 12 O'CLOCK. Daily, Sundays included, and arrive at 7.00 A.M. The last train from either city. Wagner Drawing-room Cars on Day Trains. Compartment Sleeping Cars on Night Trains. Open for occupation at 9. 15 P.M. TRAINS LEAVE BOSTON FROM PARK SQUARE STATION. TRAINS LEAVE NEW YORK PROM GRAND CENTRAL STATION. 11 PftT ANT AT 1?YPRF^<\ " This is the route of the Celebrated Pullman Vestibuled VUliUlUAli LiArllLlOO. Through Day Train Service between Boston and Washington. R KENDRICK, General Manager. (MR PftTftNV BAHPftiin J yJltU VAJLVlU RillUYVAl/. GEO. L. CON NOR, Gen'l Pass'r Agent. ROYAL BLUE LINE Finest and Safest Trains in the World, between New • YorK • ao<I * W&sbii?$top VIA JERSEY CENTRAL, PHILADELPHIA & READING AND BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROADS. All trains vestibuled, heated by steam, lighted by the Pintsch Gas System, and protected by Pullman's Anti-telescoping Device. PULLMAN DAY COACHES, P/VRLOR CARS* SLEEPING CARS, DINING CARS. NEW YORK TO WASHINGTON IN FIVE HOURS. Tickets on Sale at all Railroad Offices. Boston Office, 21 1 Washington Street. / (4) Overture to " Oberon." Karl Maria von Weber, 1786-1826. Softly sounding through the surrounding silence, we hear the^long-drawn notes of Oberon's horn, the potent spell by which all the magical enchant- ments in the opera are conjured up. Elfin forms flit gracefully through the sunlight between the foliage ; the fairy dance ends in a gentle sigh^of love. Here we meet with one of von Weber's most charming and original orchestral devices. This tender love-melody is harmonized in three parts, the upper voice being sung by the violas and first 'celli in unison, the middle voice by two clarinets in their low chalumeau register, and the bass sustained by the second 'celli. Nothing could be simpler, and yet the Oculists Prescriptions OUR SPECIALTY. WE HAVE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF SHELL LORGNETTES, v CALL AND SEE THEM. Ferguson & Weston, 39 SOUTH 15th ST., PHILA . (5) " Govern these ventages with your fingers and thumb, . andit will discourse most eloquent music. Look you, these are the stops." {Hamlet) Shakespeare. To hear Paderewski or Rubinstein would be a treat. You can hear them play their whole repertoire. All depends on your recollection of it. You can regulate the stops of the i*EOLIAN so as to make the pause, t^ie crescen<^°? ana< the retard just as they made it, while the instrument executes the notes. IN YOUR HOME you can have a permanent orchestra that costs no more than a piano. You can play the Symphonies that are rendered by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, as well as a complete Opera, rendering the Soprano's Aria or the Tenor's Recitative at will. While it plays its many parts, you govern the entire rendition by the use of stops. Catalogue free on application. C. J. HEPPE & SON, 1 1 17 Chestnut Street, Phila. Chestnut; (6) effect is utterly without parallel in orchestration. Then comes a sudden crash of the whole orchestra,— the most sudden, the least expected, the loudest sounding crash in all orchestral music: it is famous everywhere, it has probably given rise to more comic incident in thus bursting upon the unprepared ears of audiences than any other single passage in all orches- tral music. And, curiously enough, it never loses it magic : every time you hear it, it sounds louder and more tremendous than the last. The ensuing allegro con fuoco begins with a rush in the violins that seeks its fellow for impetuous brilliancy. If only Weber could have maintained him- self at the height of this first onslaught ! But that would have been super- human : no composer on earth could have done it. The second theme of this allegro, first introduced by the clarinet and then taken up by the first violins, is the melody of Sir Huon's love-song : the brilliant conclusion " theme is taken from the final stretto of Rezia's grand scene, Ocean ! thou mighty monster." The whole overture is one of the most brilliant that has come from the composer's pen. [bw Engird conservatory of music (Founded by Dr. Eben Tourjee.) RICHARD H. DANA, President. CARL FAELTEN, Director. THE COURSES of STUDY are arranged with a view to giving a broad and comprehen- sive musical education. THE FACULTY has been chosen with reference not only to their standing as artists, but also with regard to their ability as teachers of the highest excellence. THE ASSOCIATED DEPARTMENTS of Music, Elocution, Fine Arts, and Modern Lan- guages provide the most ample means for acquiring a thorough and complete knowledge of one or all of these subjects at comparatively small cost. THE FREE COLLATERAL ADVANTAGES, consisting of the Faculty Concerts, Pupils' Recitals, Lectures, Chorus Classes, Orchestral Practice, etc., are of inestimable value to the student. Special classes in the Art of Conducting, the training of Boy Choirs and a Normal Course for advanced pupils who are preparing to teach, are now made prom- inent features of the work. Send for calendar, or call at the Institution. F. W. HALE, General Manager. FRANKLIN SQUARE, BOSTON, MASS. (7) COLD MEDAL. PARIS. 1878. WALTER BAKER & CO.'S BREAKFAST COCOA FROM WHICH THE EXCESS OF OIL HAS BEEN REMOVED. IS ABSOLUTELY PURE AND IT IS SOLUBLE. No chemicals are used in its preparation. It has MORE THAN THREE TIMES THE STRENGTH of cocoa mixed "with starch, arrowroot, or sugar, and is therefore far more eco- nomical, COSTING LESS THAN ONE CENT A CUP. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, EASILY DIGESTED, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Ask Your Grocer for it. Allow no Substitution. WALTER BAKER & CO.,, DORCHESTER, MASS. (8) " " " Recitative and Aria, Ocean ! thou mighty monster," from Oberon Act II., No. 13 (sung by Rezia). Karl Maria von Weber. " Oberon," von Weber's last opera, was written for London on an Eng- lish text by J. R. Planche, founded on Sotheby's translation of a poem by Wieland. It was first brought out under the composer's direction at Covent Garden Theatre on April 12, 1826. John Braham, the noted tenor, sang the part of Sir Huon. The story is a fairy tale in which Oberon, king of the elves, has just parted from his queen, Titania, after a connubial tiff, swearing " never to meet in love till some fond pair, through weal and woe,'mid flood, chains, and fire, should keep their plighted faith inviolatet," Puck helps Oberon to find such a pair in Sir Huon de Bordeaux, a knight at Charlemagne's court, and Rezia, daughter of Haroun el Raschid, caliph of Bagdad. The great scene sung at this concert — second only to " Agathe's grand scena in the second act of the " Freischiitz — is by Rezia, who has been cast ashore on a barren island, together with her lover, Sir Huon, and at last sees a ship steering toward them. The calm grandeur of the first part, the gradual climax, culminating in an outburst of almost frantic joy at the end, have hardly been surpassed. NOVEMBER BULLETIN OF NEW MUSIC. NOCTURNE — B-flat. I. J. Paderewski. 75 cents. "THE WILD HUNTSMANr Descriptive songfor Bass voice. A. W. Lansing. ., . ... 60 cents. BRIDAL MARCH. Arranged from Ch. Lecocq. For organ or piano. Dr. Isaac Barton. ... 60 cents. "BREAK NOT HER SLEEP." Solo for Mezzo-soprano or Baritone. A. W. Borst. 40 cents. MAZURKA BRILLIANT Hobart D. Hewitt. 50 cents. "MY LADY, OH, MY LADY." Tenor solo. Words by Chas. Mcllvaine, music by A. W. Lansing'. ... 4.0 cents. "JOHN GILPIN." Humorous Cantata, for four voices or for quartette and chorus . A. W. Borst. f . $1.00 All of the above are published and for sale by W.
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