&d£3 ■ . "(^acL'x THE VILE AGE RECORD, The Chinese are in Ban Francisco in large PUBLIIISED EVERT SATURDAY, AT HIOHTSTOWN, hers, putting up houses in their ovA fashion, MEW JERSEY, DV and bring along the most sober and industrious YARD & ST U E T S, of all the emigrants. One of the California " EDITORS AND rROTRIETORS. papers says of the buildings—“The buildings TERMS. brought from China are generally twenty feet JAMES S. YARD, W hen sent at the expense of the Publishers, $5,00 PER ANNUM. square, one slory in height, and twelve feet JACOB STUIiTS. 1,50 IN ADVANCE. (by Carriers, or otherwise,) * * - - $2.00 from the floor lo the ceiling. The timbers are W hen sent by mail, - ................................1.50 round, and many of them are crooked. The Payable half yearly in advance. VOL. 1. HIGHTSTOWN, N. J., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1819. NO. 24. blind is so constructed as to_,rlose itself by its ADVERTISING. raransnssEKaRaoDB own weight—the slat of double width outside... One square 14 lines, or less, one time, - 50cts Every subsequent insertion, - - - - 25 cts tors aw ay, he stooped down to the witch, say­ had let the dog escape from her hold and enter sight, (!) while his last recedih* voice,'cryin’ ] Xaugliter. Tlie limber is very uniform in size, and about One square one year, including the paper, $10.00 ing, in a gentle tone ; the h a ll; that Charles de Blois, in the moment “ hornets! stop him ! hornets!” still-m ng rn i W ithout if our faces would have been rigid, six or eight inches in diameter. The boards A liberal deduction made to those who adver­ “.Heaven grant you mlft be mistaken, and her ears. j hyena-like; The iniquities o f our heart, with are well seasoned, and resemble American ce- „ tise half a column or more by the year. of despair, saw the dog, made a secret sign of All advertisements not marked the mtniber qf that my suj^gj&^mav--V-- the evils recognighition, and thus won his bride, and the np sweet antidote to insertions required, will be pubUafcc-1'JL. tjwW BfiffST 'deriver you from the fury of right to light for the crown of Brittany. A Ilog on Horsebaclv. have made the face of the best among us a hor­ we have described, including the ereclion, is out, and charged accordingly. W e had proceeded but a short distance from these people ! rid, husky thing, with two sullen, htn.gry $1500.” Tlie XTnclad Horseman. El Java! when we encountered a singularly “You have saved the witch, my lord ; this is lights at the top— foi foreheads would then have BY MAJ. JOSEPH JONES. grave, and, at the same time, ludicrous process­ Phii.adklihha has two hundred and fifty fo c tr ji. all she possesses ; lake it! Hitherto straw has gone out of fashion—and a cavenrous hole be­ , , • , , , , , , ,, , i Widowers should look out for breakers.— ion. Borne on the shoulders of four men came thousand inhabitants—of which only two been his bed: but when he shall once have re- , ... ■, . f low his nose. Think of a babe'without laugh­ The Motherless. , , , Absalom Nippers was a widower, and one of first a litter, on which a corpse was lying. This thousand families have a competency to live posed upon the ermined couch, he shall sleep _____. , • , , . ter— as it is, its first intelligence ! The creature God help and shield the motherless, 1 r 1 the most particular men, perhaps, that ever was decorated with flowers of different species, upon ; twenty thousand are dependant upon T he stricken, bleeding dove— on no other, and will acknowledge no one but, ,. , , , ., /. , , . show s the divinity of its origin and end by _ , ’ . , . 5 I lived, though some people said, that when his and the bearers were carrying it to El Javal for mechanical and professional branches, and the For whom there gushes no rich fount a Duke of Brittany for his master. Forget f .... ,• , , . , smiling upon us. Yes ; sm iles at its first talk ! J b wife was still alive he used to dress as a com- interment. N ot a creature, save the four men ; rest are divided into laborers, beggars and others Of deep and deathless love ! not to desire your successor to cherish the c ,, , , , „ . , . , with the world, smiles the first answer that it mon field hand, and did’nt use to take any following promiscuous employments for a The saddest title grief confers — who bore the litter, was attached to this singu­ understands. And then, as worldly wisdom For who so lone as they, prop jet dog. pains with himself at all. Everybody knows living. lar funeral procession, but immediately in the comes upon the little thing, it crows, il cbuck- Upon whose pith a mother’s love Without saying a word the duke took the! . , , . c. J 6 how he spruced up about six weeks after Mrs. rear, and, as if enjoying such protection as it 0f^“ One single vote sent Oliver Cromwell Sheds not its holy ray ! leash from the hand oi the old woman, and i m - , , , . , . jes, it grins, and shakes in its nurse's arms, or 1 Nippers died, and how he went to church reg* afforded, was a female driving a little, scrubby, to the long Parliament, Charles Stuart to the returned pensive to the castle, followed with . w c , , . , ,, . , in waggish humor, playing bo-peep with the N o gentle form above them bends .... 1 . ,, , , , , , ular every Sunday, hut they did nt have no half starved,lal uuraE.donkey ,»in theme samemine infectiondirection — willingness by the dog, who not once turned r , , . • parent, it reveals its high destiny, and declares scaffold, revolutionized England, and made To soothe the couch of pain— 1 1 , 1 I, r- confidence m his religion, and used to say he ! Upon the back of 'lie Ass. with his head turn- to him with ears lo hear the heirdom of its im- Great Britain free. N o voice so fond as her’s essays back to Iook at his oid mistress. From this , . , , , . ,• •. ,• 1 , ’ only went to church to show, his new suit ol 1 ed• towards* the• animal’s*• tail, Four votes in the city of New York, made To calm the feverish brain. time he was constantly with the duke, or with large and ex-1 mortality.' Let materialists blaspheme as gin- mourning, and to ogle the gals. tremely fat hog was riding— the first of the Thomas Jefferson President of the United Oh, other tongues may whisper love, Jane de Penlhievre, his niece, whom he wished ! getly and acutely as they w ill; they must find With such a character among the wiinmin, swinish race I had erer scon mounted. His States; one vote gave us the tariff of 184?, and En accentirsaft and mild ; to ii ake his successor. eonfusitm itr laughter. Man may take a tri­ : it aint to be supposed that he stood any chance But none on earth so pure as that four legs were confined, two on either side of umph, and stand upon tile broad grins; for he one vole made the tariff of 1840. One vole A mother bears her child ! Years passed away. John III became in­ j of getting another ,Mrs. Nippers near home, and lire animal which was bearing him a lon g; and gave us Texas, made war with Mexico, slew firm, and sought for his niece a husband capa- looks around lire world, and his innermost soul, ; whether he was as bad/to his first wife as they the hog was ever and anon changing the posi­ thousands ol our people and purchased Cali­ Judge kindly of the motherless— ble of supporting her claims against John de I •, , , • sweetly tickled with the knowledge, tells him 1 * b . ° i said he was, or not, one thing was certain he tion, of his head from one side (o the oilier, in fornia, turned thither the tide of emigration, A weary lot is theirs, Montfort. Three princes contended for Jane’s . „ , e o . fin . that he oi all creatures, laughs, imagine, if And oit the heart the gayest seems, had to look aoioad ior some one to fill her order, apparently, to take the greatest possible you can, a laughing fish. Let men, then, send and will change the destiny of the world.— N. A load of sorrow bears. hand—Charles of Blois, nephew to Philip of . r * place comfort under the circumstances. I cannot say a louiWta, h a ! through the universe, and be Y. D ay Book. No faithful voice directs their steps, France; Charles D’Evreux, son to the King of , , - r , ° Mr. Nippers was very lucky in finding a gal that his equestrian performance was altogether Or bids them forward press, Navarre; and John, Duke of Cornwall, brother 1 • . , • , ■, reverently grateful for the privilege.— Douglas Fumai.k Beauty.— A cultivated mind and ’ jHst to his mind, what lived about ten miles as graceful as some I have seen, or that he had “ And if they gang a kennin’ wrung,” to P.d ward III. of England. rI he duke was se- f. xT r, i - . Jerrold. good heart will give an intelligent and even God help the motherless ! 3 from ins plantation. Nancy Parker was rich, that dauntless hearing which gives to feats of celly inclined towards th? first mentioned 1 an(J ,ho h she was„n very young nor very T he South A merican F orrests.—The for- beautiful expression to the face.
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