National Liberal Federation of India
REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF T H E NINETEENT H SESSION OF THE National Liberal Federation of India On December 29th) 80th and /Jl st, 1987. V2,4 N18p r:A LCII'J''J'A · 1 - ~ Print.<! by Jtu.ul(al"l IJ u~f. , ~>t th•: N•·w l11di"" p,.,.""· •1, D111T ~ tl · t ! lll, t;14 J, :11 tl 1• (J17/..L.F-j lfllt J•,\,Jitdll:<l \,y tl .. , HH<:r·<!l.•u·.r , lt.e• ·•:pti•oll C•1111111itt•••J, Cll lnu\I Jt. REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE , NINETEENTH SESSION OF THE fJational Liberal Federation of India I]ELD _.:\. T C.A.LC.:urrT.A. On Decetnbe1· 29th, 80th cn~d /list, 1937. CAWlJTTA, Print'''! by Rall~alal Dutt, u.t tho New In<lian Pri!H", fl, Dnff Sb·e1•t, Cu.lcntt11 u.ncl Pul,Ji~Ju,,] J,y tl1c SPI:rotary, P.c•:r'['ti<m CfJmruitte•,, Cakutta. MR. JATINORA NATH BASU, M.A . , M.L.A. Chairman of tho R eception Committee . SIR CHIMANLAL SETALVAO, K . C . I.E., LL. D. Preside nt. Nineteenth Session of the National Liberal Federation, Calcutta, December 29th, 30th and 31st, 1937. Page:;. hTHODL"CTIOX i-iii 'l'EX1' OF HESOLUTIOXS PASSED 1-7 FmST DAY'S PROCEEDINGS 9-34 Welcome Address of JUr. J. N. Basu 10-15 Election of the President 15-18 President's Address 19-33 Subjects Committee 34 SECOND ThY's PnocEEDINGS 34 THIRD DAY'S PROCEEDINGS 34-104 RESOLUTJOl\S :- (1) Losses during the year 35 (2) The New Constitution 35-50 (3) Reform in Indian States 51-55 (4) Military Policy and Expenditure 55-63 (5) Indians Overseas 63-74 (6) Separation of Judicial from Executive Functions 75-78 (7) Education 78-87 (8) Communism and Fascism 87-92 (9) Economic Development 92-96 (10) Boundaries of Bengal 96-97 (11) Indian Medical Service 97-99 (12) Dctenues 99-100 (13) The Andamans 100 (H) Excise Policy 100 (15) Untouchability 100 (Hi) Council and Office-bcarets for 1938 100-101 (17) 1\l:xt Session of the Federation 101 (10)' Vote of Thanks 101-103 PnESIDE:\T's CO::i'CLUD!XG SPEECH 103-10-l: Al'I'ENDIX A.
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