“From Press to Borne WEATHER. 99 (C. S. Weather Bureau Forecast.! Within the Hour Rain this afternoon and tonight; The Stir’s carrier system covers slightly colder tonight: tomorrow fair. block the regular Temperature—Highest, 4S, at 3:15 every city and edi- p.m. yesterday: lowest, 39, at 5:30 tion is delivered to Washington homes a.m. today. Full report on page 4. as fast as the papers are printed. fatteningy WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION Circulation, 105,461 Closing N. Y. Stocks and Bonds, Page 28 V, J V Yesterday’s Jfc.* OP) Press. XT QH OQ(I Entered as second class matter U\\t Mean* Associated TWO CENTS. APRIL, 1927-THIRTY-EIGHT PAGES. JM O. i)V',<!.nu. post office, Washington, D. WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, 2, Civil War Veteran Three-Fool Snow BRITISH RUSH MORE Weds Girl He Left WILKINS. KIDNAPED And Winter Storms LADUE TO ASSUME CM; Home 60 Years Ago AMERICAN, Sweep California DISTRICT ENGINEER By SLAINBY By Press. TO the Associated Press. the Associated TROOPS - MINNEAPOLIS, April 2.—-An SAX FRANCISCO. April 2. interrupted romance which sur- With a three-foot snowfall at the vived for nearly 60 years of summit of the Sierra, and storms in all sections of the State except POST | separation bloomed anew' today as MEXICAN BANDITS ON JUNE 21 DEBATED a set- BLOCKADE the south. Spring a Civil War veteran of Minneapolis received started on a honeymoon with the back today in California. as girl he had left behind more than Murder Follows by Blue Canyon, Redding and New Commissioner First Of* New Outrages "Feared a half century ago.
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