2016 Depository Library Council Meeting Transcripts

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2016 Depository Library Council Meeting Transcripts 2016 Depository Library Council Meeting Transcripts October 17 - 19, 2016, Washington, DC FEDERAL DEPOSITORY LIBRARY PROGRAM http://www.fdlp.gov 1 1 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE 2 FEDERAL DEPOSITORY LIBRARY PROGRAM 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Depository Library Council Meeting 11 12 Monday, October 17, 2016 13 14 15 16 17 Doubletree Hotel 18 300 Army Navy Drive 19 Arlington, Virginia 22202-2891 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 1 C O U N C I L M E M B E R S 2 3 Davita Vance-Cooks, Director 4 United States Government Publishing Officer 5 Laurie Beyer Hall, Acting Superintendent of Documents 6 GPO 7 Scott Matheson, Chair 8 Yale Law School 9 Susan K. Miller, Lead Program & Management Analyst 10 GPO 11 James Shaw, Dr. C.C> & Mable L. Criss Library 12 University of Nebraska at Omaha 13 Karen M. Russ, Ottenheimer Library 14 University of Arkansas, Little Rock 15 Thomas Fischlschweiger 16 Broward County Public Library, Fort Lauderdale, FL 17 Teri Taylor, 18 New Jersey State Library, Trenton, NJ 19 Marianne Mason, Federal and State Information 20 Librarian 21 University Libraries, University of Iowa 22 Lisa Russel, Senior Program Analyst 23 Library Services & Content Management, GPO 24 Daniel O'Mahony, Direct of Library Planning & 25 Assessment 3 1 Brown University Library 2 3 C O N T E N T S 4 AGENDA ITEM PAGE 5 Depository Library Council Meeting Kickoff 4 6 Lunch Break 7 Council Session - Public Library Depositories 59 8 Council Session - Shaping Discard Practices and How 9 They Affect Your Library 115 10 Wrap-up 11 A review and discussion of conference activities 12 And any action items for Council 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4 1 2 3 P R O C E E D I N G S 4 MR. MATHESON: Good morning. Good morning. 5 Thank you. 6 I'd like to welcome everyone and officially 7 call to order the Fall 2016 Depository Library Council 8 Meeting and Federal Depository Library Conference. I'm 9 Scott Matheson. I'm the chair of the Depository 10 Library Council. And with me -- 11 (Applause.) 12 MR. MATHESON: Thank you. 13 With me are the other members of Council and 14 some GPO staff. But we're going to go through real 15 quickly and introduce the Council members so that folks 16 on the room as -- who can see the signs, but also folks 17 listening remotely who can't see our -- the signs with 18 everyone's name on them know who people are when we 19 start doing Q&A. 20 So let's go ahead and start with Rich. 21 MR. GAUSE: Rich Gause, University of Central 22 Florida. 23 MS. TAYLOR: Teri Taylor, New Jersey State 24 Library. 25 MS. HARTNETT: Cass Hartnett, University of 5 1 Washington, Seattle. 2 UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE SPEAKER: Can't hear. 3 Speak up. 4 MS. HARTNETT: Cass Hartnett, University of 5 Washington, Seattle. 6 MR. CORNWALL: Daniel Cornwall, Alaska State 7 Library. 8 MS. BERNSTEIN: Melissa Bernstein, James E. 9 Faust Law Library, University of Utah. 10 MS. WILLIAMS: Beth Williams, Stanford 11 University, Robert Crown Law Library. 12 MR. O'MAHONY: Dan O'Mahony, Brown University, 13 Providence, Rhode Island. 14 MS. MASON: Marianne Mason, University of 15 Iowa. 16 MS. THORNTON: Lori Thornton, New Mexico State 17 Library. 18 MR. SHAW: Jim Shaw, University of Nebraska at 19 Omaha. 20 MR. FISCHLSCHWEIGER: Tom Fischlschweiger, 21 Broward County Public Library, Fort Lauderdale. 22 MS. ROSS: Karen Ross, University of Arkansas, 23 Little Rock. 24 MS. KRUMSEE: Kirstin Krumsee, State Library 25 of Ohio. 6 1 MR. MATHESON: Thank you all. 2 You'll notice that we're 14 this year. 3 Usually, we're 15. Unfortunately, our friend, Erin 4 Guss, took a new job, which is fortunate for her, 5 unfortunate for us. And she had to resign from 6 Council. But we're working on finding a successor, 7 especially somebody with public library experience. If 8 this is you or somebody you know, talk to a Council 9 member, talk to me, let us know. And we'll see what we 10 can do about getting that vacancy filled. 11 I'd like to start by thanking the GPO staff, 12 who have worked so hard to make this conference a 13 reality. You'll see them with the blue name badges on. 14 You've work with -- you work with them in your 15 depository work. You know how wonderful they are. But 16 they really go above and beyond to make this conference 17 work and happen for all of us both here in Arlington as 18 well as the folks listening remotely. So thanks to 19 them. 20 (Applause.) 21 MR. MATHESON: So we are so pleased that more 22 than 275 colleagues are joining us in person and even 23 more pleased that several hundred more are joining via 24 the live stream. We have attendees from every type of 25 depository from service academies and federal agencies 7 1 to public, state, and academic libraries. 2 In addition to the variety of attendees, we 3 have a variety of opportunities to learn and 4 participate over the next three days. In this room, or 5 on this online stream, you'll find Depository Library 6 Council Meetings where Council will be presenting and 7 discussing issues we feel are important to the FDLP. 8 Each session includes time for Q&A from the 9 audience. So you can participate, including online 10 folks. We'll be capturing all the questions in the 11 chat. So if you're in this room or this stream, we 12 want you to participate. We want your feedback. 13 In other rooms and on another stream starting 14 tomorrow, you'll have opportunities to learn from 15 federal agencies about their information products, from 16 your colleagues about innovative programs in their 17 libraries, and from GPO staff about new tools to -- and 18 support they're providing to allow us to serve our 19 patrons better. 20 As you saw this morning during Coffee with 21 Council, we also have many vendors and Agency partners 22 onsite who can demonstrate products and answer your 23 questions or take suggestions. 24 I know we all love CIS, and here's one of 25 their products. You can go out and pick up some of the 8 1 flashcards or the booklets as well if you go out and 2 visit folks in the room right behind us. 3 One tradition that we have at Council that I 4 am not going to break is a little exercise called 5 Council calisthenics. We use it to get to know each 6 other, to learn who's here with us. We also use it to 7 make sure that people are still awake. 8 (Laughter.) 9 MR. MATHESON: So without further ado, 10 everyone who is from west of the Mississippi who came 11 here today from west of the Mississippi, stand up. 12 (Applause.) 13 MR. MATHESON: Excellent. Thanks for your 14 travel. 15 All right. Now we'll do one that's easy 16 because this is the opposite. 17 Everyone from east of the Mississippi -- 18 that's me. I'm standing. Great. 19 (Applause.) 20 MR. MATHESON: All righty. Now, this one is 21 going to be more exclusive. 22 Everyone from outside the contiguous United 23 States. 24 (Applause.) 25 MR. MATHESON: Excellent. Hi, Glenn (ph). 9 1 All righty. Now, this one we're going to do 2 in stages. So everyone who's stand -- once you stand 3 up, stay standing. 4 Everyone who has more than 20 years of 5 experience in documents work, on your feet. 6 (Applause.) 7 MR. MATHESON: Great job. Okay. 8 More than 10, join them. Anyone with more 9 than 10, join them. All righty. 10 (Applause.) 11 MR. MATHESON: Good. More than five. More 12 than five? 13 (Applause.) 14 MR. MATHESON: All right. This is great. So 15 look around. See, these are the folks who have been 16 doing this a while and know some of the problems and 17 can answer some of the questions. 18 Now everybody sit down. And anyone who is a 19 student or who has less than two years of experience 20 doing documents work, stand up. 21 (Applause.) 22 MR. MATHESON: Everyone who is standing -- no, 23 stay up, stay up, stay up. Everyone who was standing 24 before, look at these people. Find one of them during 25 the conference and introduce yourself so that you can 10 1 really network with them. 2 The other folks you want to find are folks 3 with these ribbons that say First-time Attendee. Some 4 of them are white. Some of them are blue. Find one of 5 these folks and introduce yourself because remember 6 when you were starting out. That networking was really 7 important, and that's how we learn from each other. 8 Thanks. 9 You guys can sit down. Thanks everyone. Good 10 job. 11 (Applause.) 12 MR. MATHESON: Last one. Everyone who is 13 either presenting a session or has presented -- is -- 14 has put up a poster session, stand up. 15 (Applause.) 16 MR. MATHESON: Thank you. 17 So these are the folks who, this year, 18 volunteered to present and make this conference a 19 success.
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