LAUGHING BEAR NEWSLETTER 120 March/April 2000; edited by Tom Person; Copyright 2000 by Laughing Bear Press; Estab. 1976; ISSN 1056-0327 P.O. Box 613322, Dallas, TX 75261-3322; 817-858-9515; e-mail:
[email protected]; Keyword: Laughing Bear; $15/12 issues, $17.50/Canada, £15/UK, Eire, $25/other The Surviving Small the middle of the run would be Computer To Plate acceptable. Plates for offset printing are Press: Before You Hire Now the question is: Who was made by first photographing each a Printer responsible for the print job being a page and developing the film. Years ago I worked for a com- disaster? Then a graphic artist “strips” the pany that dealt with the Army. One It was me. I got a bid on 4,000 film negatives onto frames. A project was to produce a full color books. I did not specifically say frame is a paper or polyester sheet comic book of tips for maintaining that I wanted 4,000 beautiful, with a hole cut into it for each page the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. usable books nor did I ask the to give the film more support and Since I the only person there with printer how much overage (wasted make it easier to handle, especially any publishing experience at all copies) we’d have to add to the run when there are several pages (and it was minimal at the time), I to get them. mounted (or “imposed”) for print- was chosen to find a printer. I assumed the printer knew ing the book “4 up”, “16 up”, etc.