Committee Secretary Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs PO Box 6100 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515 Fax: +61 2 6277 5829 [email protected]


Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Social Services Legislation Amendment (No Jab, No Pay) Bill 2015

As a Naturopath and mother, I am deeply concerned by the No Jab, No Pay proposed bill.

Vaccines have never been established as being safe by double blind trials. Especially multiple . The very nature of a is horrific – it bypasses all natural immunity pathways and directly dumps an extremely toxic load of life endangering chemicals into the body. Toxic chemicals such as formaldehyde and thermisol, aluminum, and squalene.

There is also the misconception that is . It is not. Not even close. Immunisation is when a person who has been previously unvaccinated, contracts an illness/disease and recovers, thus naturally producing antibodies. This is real and genuine immunization. Vaccination does not confer immunity. At best, 63% of the population who is fully vaccinated will ever have full ‘immunity’. That leaves a hell of a lot of people ‘at risk’.

Then you have vaccine shedding. All live virus vaccines; polio, , measles, all shed for up to 90 days. Even John Hopkins Hospital has signs telling people not to visit immune compromised patients when visitors have been vaccinated with any of these vaccines. Vaccine shedding is real and is one of the real causes of the spread of measles & polio. In fact, polio has been renamed just to keep the ‘official numbers’ down. Polio is a lot more common than people believe. Many who come down with the flu and have deep bone aching in the shoulders and hips and lower back, have in fact, polio. Paralysis from polio is rare.

The new gene mutation on the block: MTHFR means a person undermethylates. Now this is bad because it has a whole cascade effect down the line of genetics. Add in and you have a rapidly growing number of very ill people. MTHFR gene is often correlated with Autism. I see many clients with this gene

1 mutation and Autism. Vaccinating them is a genuine mistake. It won’t kill them, but it sure will make them more Autistic and have a lot more health issues. This creates an unnecessary burden on the health care system. One that Australia can hardly afford.

With all this in mind, to penalize parents for choosing not to inject their child (nor themselves) with toxic chemical cocktails of neurotoxins and immune destroyers is criminal. This is blackmail pure and simple.

Many of these parents are highly educated and understand that they alone, are responsible for their child’s health. None would willingly put their child or anyone else’s child’s health at risk. Using emotional and financial blackmail is not the answer.

I realise there is a lot of pressure to increase vaccination rates in Australia. Yet we have one of the highest rates of vaccinations. Our country isn’t any safer. Our citizens are not any healthier. Look at countries such as Denmark and other European countries. They have the lowest vaccination rates, yet they have some of the healthiest citizens. Country after country is abandoning many vaccines as they have been shown to cause detrimental health repercussions in their citizens.

I implore you to reconsider this legislation and abandon it. There are far safer and significantly more effective ways to improve the health and true immunity of the community at large. Homeoprophelaxis is far safer and significantly more effective at promoting genuine immunity. Even educating parents to better food choices that promote healthier immune systems is a better answer and much better way of spending the Nations money. Imagine, a country that is healthier! Less sick days, more productivity. Happier citizens.

It requires you, the committee to evaluate the incoming information. To see that there are numerous studies that show that vaccines are not safe. Look at the studies not funded by the vaccine industry. Look at peer reviewed studies that show that multitudes of Medical Professionals, Scientists and Geneologists, Immunologists and other health professionals do NOT support vaccination. Because of the adverse health risks and effects. Vaccines are not safe.

Yours sincerely