E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2016 No. 34 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was wrestle Coach Baeb; and I have to tell Harris-Perry was talking about politics called to order by the Speaker pro tem- you, wrestling Coach Baeb was like in a unique way, like few others on the pore (Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia). wrestling a bear. airwaves. She brought diverse voices to f Unfortunately, I only had 1 year of the table to talk directly and coaching from Mike, and I certainly unapologetically about the politics of DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO could have benefited from many more. race in America, a major theme among TEMPORE During his time as coach, Mike won 8 candidates and a critical conversation The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Central Suburban League Conference to include on the airwaves. fore the House the following commu- championships, 13 IHSA Regional I am sad to see her go, just like Alex nication from the Speaker: championships, and 7 State place win- Wagner before her, but I am even sad- ners. der because I don’t think these are iso- WASHINGTON, DC, lated cases. March 2, 1016. Coach Baeb has also been a leader, a Anchorman Jose Diaz-Balart is an- I hereby appoint the Honorable JODY B. friend, and a mentor to many students other voice that seems to be dis- HICE to act as Speaker pro tempore on this over the past 30 years, all of whom are day. better off having been under his leader- appearing from English language air- PAUL D. RYAN, ship, and that includes myself. waves. You remember Jose. He is the Telemundo anchorman NBC would Speaker of the House of Representatives. I offer my sincere thanks to Coach bring out to ask a question—only one f Baeb for his friendship and for his lead- question—about immigration during ership. I wish him all the best in his fu- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE the Republican Presidential debates in ture endeavors. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- 2012. f ant to the order of the House of Janu- You may have met his brother Lin- ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- DIVERSITY ON NETWORK coln. He used to sit over there, and his nize Members from lists submitted by TELEVISION other brother MARIO still does. Jose had a 2-hour show on MSNBC and did a the majority and minority leaders for The SPEAKER pro tempore. The very good job, but Jose is a lot harder morning-hour debate. Chair recognizes the gentleman from to find these days. They cut him back, The Chair will alternate recognition Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. and now it seems that they are cutting between the parties, with each party Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, when limited to 1 hour and each Member him out. we got our first color TV, it was a big For example, MSNBC announced that other than the majority and minority deal in my family. We were working they were sending a team of reporters leaders and the minority whip limited class, Puerto Rican, and not used to to Florida to report on the primary to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- such luxury; so when we got a color next Tuesday, but not Jose, one of the bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. TV, we had really arrived in America. most respected and recognized journal- f Every Sunday night, my sister and I ists in America, who happens to be would watch ‘‘The Wonderful World of HONORING COACH MIKE BAEB from Miami and a Florida political dy- Disney’’ that always started with the nasty. Apparently he is not the right The SPEAKER pro tempore. The same announcement: ‘‘The following guy to report on politics in Florida. Chair recognizes the gentleman from program is brought to you in living Let’s not forget the great NBC rac- Illinois (Mr. DOLD) for 5 minutes. color on NBC.’’ Then you would hear ism flip-flop last year when NBC sev- Mr. DOLD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today the NBC chimes. ered its ties to Donald Trump because to recognize New Trier High School Well, that was a long time ago. Now of his racist remarks about Latinos, wrestling coach Mike Baeb, who is you turn on NBC, and the furthest only to have him host their flagship leaving New Trier after helping lead thing from your mind is color. What is comedy show ‘‘Saturday Night Live’’ a the wrestling program for over 30 going on at NBC? Last week Wake For- few months later. years. est University professor and MSNBC That was right about the same time When he arrived at New Trier, he television host Melissa Harris-Perry last fall when NBC’s executives met truly injected new life into the pro- was abruptly pulled from the airwaves with members of the Congressional gram, and I should know because I was without even a chance to say good-bye. Hispanic Caucus and NBC News Presi- a senior on the wrestling team when he NBC said they wanted a show that dent Deborah Turness told us, ‘‘We love came in as a coach. As a senior and the was more about politics, but I have to the Hispanic community,’’ as she up- captain of the team, I often had to say, when I watched her show, Melissa dated us on strides they were making

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:46 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02MR7.000 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1088 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016 on diversity in hiring. She made it very Logan branch in West Virginia. We Since 2007, our bipartisan team in clear that she had our community’s in- have lived here for all of our lives. Congress, including a number of Mem- terests at heart when she said, ‘‘Yo ‘‘Due to the declining coal industry, bers who have recently joined us who hablo Espan˜ ol’’ in her beautiful British we had to move to another State and served in Iraq and and accent. move our daughter from the school know these circumstances firsthand, Most of the news coverage of this that she loves. has been working to reform and revise meeting was about when she used the ‘‘We have a lot of friends and family the program, sometimes fighting just term ‘‘illegals’’ to describe immi- that have either had to pack up and to keep it alive. grants, which, in case you need a re- move away also and some that have In November of last year, the Na- minder, is not a good idea when you stayed and have been laid off and are tional Defense Authorization Act ex- are meeting with members of the Con- suffering. tended and expanded the Afghan SIV gressional Hispanic Caucus. ‘‘This is all due to Obama’s war on program to ensure the continued pro- Well, forgive me for not noticing just coal. You see, when coal is affected, so tection of these souls. However, the how much progress NBC was making are small businesses, schools, and final version of the bill also lengthened on diversity when some of the most much more, especially people’s liveli- the period of service from 1 to 2 years visible people of color at NBC, like hoods.’’ required for individuals ‘‘submitting a Alex Wagner, Melissa Harris-Perry, and Mr. Speaker, the people of my dis- petition after September 30, 2015.’’ Jose Diaz-Balart, are disappearing. trict want to work. They want a pay- The State Department’s initial an- But let’s be clear: this is not about check to provide for their families. nouncement on the interpretation of quotas, window dressing, or checking They want a better future for their the law would have made more than the diversity box. Journalists of color children. 3,000 of our Afghan allies who had al- bring a different texture and a different Thanks to the war on coal, thanks to ready begun the cumbersome applica- perspective on what issues matter and the EPA’s regulations putting coal tion process start over to demonstrate what should be discussed and debated mines out of business, West Virginians the 2 years of qualifying employment. on television. are suffering. This administration That is why Representative KINZINGER The reality is that our Nation has be- needs to put West Virginians back to and I prepared this bipartisan letter to come more diverse, and our television work, not put West Virginians out of call on the State Department to revisit and our news media and our political work. the interpretation. institutions, including the Democratic f Thankfully, after review and consid- and Republican Parties, have not kept SPECIAL IMMIGRANT VISA eration of the concerns from Members up. PROGRAM of Congress, the State Department When NBC has a bad year when it agreed to apply the 2-year requirement The SPEAKER pro tempore. The comes to race, or when the Oscars have only to new applicants. This is wel- Chair recognizes the gentleman from a couple of bad years when it comes to come news. Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- people of color, these are moments to Every hour that is delayed to relo- utes. talk about and confront the emotions cate these vital partners to safety, puts Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, and ideas we all have—we all have— their lives at risk and lives of their about race and ethnicity. today a bipartisan group of several dozen Members from both sides of the families. I am glad we have put this be- It is a good time to think about what hind us perhaps, but we cannot keep aisle led by ADAM KINZINGER and me the phrase ‘‘e pluribus unum’’ really operating in this inefficient manner means in America today. This is a dis- were going to be sending a letter to Secretary Kerry, and I am pleased to while our allies and their families face cussion we should all be having all of consistent threats. the time here in this body, on news say we don’t have to send it. programs, and in entertainment. It is a The origin of the request dealt with b 1015 discussion I hope every family is hav- our military operations in the Middle They deserve better. And we can do ing at their dinner table. East, the brave Iraqi and Afghan men better. and women who provided sensitive and f It is shameful that we cannot better trusted services to United States mili- serve those who have put their lives on TAMMY BATEMAN’S STORY tary personnel. For over a decade, I the line to help us. It seems that there The SPEAKER pro tempore. The have been working to try and protect is always another roadblock that oc- Chair recognizes the gentleman from them. curs. West Virginia (Mr. JENKINS) for 5 min- These Iraqis and Afghans who worked This should be a bipartisan issue that utes. with Americans, whether as drivers or Members of Congress and the adminis- Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia. Mr. interpreters, were shoulder to shoulder tration can work together on to save Speaker, every West Virginian knows with our troops, often in dangerous cir- lives. It is not just saving the lives of about the consequences of the war on cumstances. In some instances, we the people who helped us. coal. We see it everywhere we go: have heard how their services literally It ensures the safety of our troops mines are closing; school districts are made the difference as to whether our and other American personnel cur- laying off employees; county commis- soldiers lived or died. rently serving in harm’s way. It will sions are forced to lay off deputy sher- Now, thousands of our allies who ensure the success of our future mis- iffs; retailers are going out of business; helped us, face kidnapping, torture, sions. No one in their right mind will mom-and-pop stores are struggling, and murder as a direct result of their cooperate with American forces under barely able to hang on. assistance provided to the United dire circumstances if we abandon them A pink slip doesn’t mean just a loss States because members of the Taliban after their vital assistance. of a job. It means a loss of a way of life; and the self-proclaimed Islamic State I applaud the State Department’s re- it means hard choices; and for some it and other hostile elements on the interpretation of this work require- means having to leave West Virginia ground see these individuals’ service as ment and look forward to working with entirely to find work elsewhere. The an act of betrayal—and they have long my colleagues on the SIV program im- war on coal is killing West Virginia memories. provements this year. I hope we can do jobs. To reward their faithful service and a better job to meet our responsibility Tammy Bateman and her family had to fulfill our moral obligation, I have to these souls who risked so much to to make a difficult decision. It changed worked with colleagues on both sides of help Americans. the life of every member of her family, the aisle and with Senators, starting f in particular that of her daughter. with Senator MCCAIN and the late Sen- Tammy is a West Virginia coal voice. ator Kennedy in 2007, to create a spe- REFORMING OUR MENTAL HEALTH This is her family. cial immigrant visa program. Known as CARE SYSTEM Here is what Tammy wrote to me: the SIV program, enables the safe relo- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ‘‘My husband worked for Cecil Walk- cation of these Afghans and Iraqis to Chair recognizes the gentleman from er Machinery for over 20 years at the the United States. New Jersey (Mr. LANCE) for 5 minutes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.002 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1089 Mr. LANCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise supporting families and individuals un- rights of LGBT individuals at a dif- today in strong support of reforming dergoing sudden or long-term mental ficult time in our Nation’s history. our Nation’s broken mental health care health crises. The bill views those who It took great courage, but George system. need care through the mental health was never one to shy away from taking Too often we are reminded that the lens, not just through the criminal jus- a stand. George had a passion for pub- country’s mental health care system is tice system. lic service and a sincere faith that our not working nearly as well as should be Our work on these bills is part of a representative government plays a role the case. Many Americans hide behind larger conversation on improving men- in improving lives. the curtain of shame and insecurity tal health care in this country. These He worked alongside his good friend, while many others lack access, assist- bills will help struggling families who Seattle’s mayor Ed Murray, was chair ance, or even information on how they seek the best care for their loved ones. of the King County Democratic Party, may receive treatment. It will help those who fear stigma to and worked for the 1996 Clinton-Gore It is a vicious cycle, where the vul- get the care they need and will give our campaign. Later, moving to San Fran- nerable who need the most care are in- servicemen and -women and veterans cisco, he worked side by side with stead left out of society, unemployable, the care they deserve. Cleve Jones, another prominent LGBT and, in some cases, a danger to them- I urge support for these measures, rights activist. selves and others. and I welcome all good ideas to the From Washington to San Francisco, Recent data suggests that fewer than table for reforming our mental health to our beautiful desert in the Coachella one-third of Americans with care system. Valley, George made an enormous im- diagnosable mental illness actually get f pact. After moving to the Valley, he treatment. Experts also estimate that worked in the office of the great Sen- CELEBRATING GEORGE ZANDER’S more than half of those who suffer ator BOXER. from severe mental disorders do not re- LEGACY He was a member of the Palm ceive treatment in any given year. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Springs Police Advisory Board, the At least 25 percent of returning Chair recognizes the gentleman from Palm Springs Police Department LGBT troops from Iraq and Afghanistan will California (Mr. RUIZ) for 5 minutes. Outreach Committee, and vice chair of experience some type of mental health Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- the Warm Sands Neighborhood Organi- condition. We owe our servicemen and ognize and celebrate the life of a mag- zation. -women and veterans this effort to get nificent human being, remarkable lead- George was a contributor for the them the care they need and deserve. er, and close personal friend, Mr. LGBT publication, The Bottom Line, I am proud to partner with Demo- George Zander of Palm Springs, Cali- cofounded the Desert-Stonewall Demo- cratic Congresswoman DORIS MATSUI of fornia. crats, and later became the Palm California, with whom I serve on the Many in our community knew Springs field officer manager for Energy and Commerce Committee, in George as a strident advocate for Equality California. recently introducing a bill to signifi- equality. George was a gentle man with George played a key role in advo- cantly expand access and strengthen a burning passion to make our Nation cating for laws that protect the LGBT community mental health and behav- a more perfect Union, particularly for community locally and statewide, ioral health services across the coun- our LGBT brothers and sisters. working tirelessly to defeat propo- try. In my years working in the Coachella sition 8. He also collaborated with The Expand Excellence in Mental Valley, I, like so many others in our other local LGBT groups, such as the Health Care Act aims to expand mental community, knew George as a col- Palm Springs Human Rights Cam- health care planning grants in two league, adviser, and, above all, a dear paign, the LGBT Center, Desert AIDS dozen States, including New Jersey, friend. Project, and Trans Palm Springs. through an initiative based on our 2014 George left this world on December Mr. Speaker, George was a true lead- Excellence in Mental Health Act that 10, 2015. Nonetheless, his vision, pas- er who was the victim of a hate crime was signed into law by President sion, and vigorous strength to fight for weeks before his death. I condemn Obama in 2014. a more just Coachella Valley, a more these acts. There should be no space for This measure is directly tackling one just Nation, and, ultimately, a more these types of actions toward any of the most significant mental health just world, are what remain. human being, regardless of race, reli- care challenges: access. The Expand George’s legacy is one of social jus- gion, sexual orientation, or gender Excellence in Mental Health Act will tice. For over three decades, he was ac- identity. enable more States to experiment with tively engaged in the communities that For more than three decades, George the tools and practices to fix this bro- make up the desert of the Coachella spearheaded efforts advocating for ken system. Valley. He was a leader among us and human rights and equality for all in By expanding the law to include steadfastly guided our community to- my district and across the Nation. more States, we encourage greater col- ward a more inclusive and welcoming George was not only an extraor- laboration and testing to find out what place. dinary leader, activist, friend, and hus- solutions work, how best to care for So today I would like to take a mo- band, but, overall, a gentle, loving, and those who need treatment, and what ment to memorialize the life of George caring human being. we can do to keep the people of the Zander, whose legacy will live on for In honor of George Zander, let us pay United States safe. future generations, not just in the our respects and never forget his leg- The Excellence in Mental Health Coachella Valley, but in the history of acy. Let us continue fighting for a Care Act is one of the most significant our Nation. more just and tolerant world. works Congress has already passed into As a young man, George heeded f law on mental health care. We should President Kennedy’s call to service and expand it and keep the momentum joined the Peace Corps, where it be- THE NEED TO STAND UP AGAINST going. came clear that he was a natural lead- ASSAD AND RUSSIAN WAR CRIMES I am also proud to be working with er. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Republican Congressman TIM MURPHY His leadership and advocacy for the Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from of Pennsylvania on this issue. Dr. MUR- LGBT community spanned decades and Indiana (Mrs. BROOKS) for 5 minutes. PHY, who has a Ph.D. in psychology, began in a time where it was far less Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speak- has been using his expertise to lead a politically or socially acceptable to do er, last week a U.N. panel released a serious discussion in the House Energy so, but that didn’t stop him. deeply troubling report on the grave and Commerce Committee on this crit- In Seattle, Washington, George was a and horrific atrocities taking place ical issue. member of the first openly gay and les- across Syria. The report was mandated His Helping Families in Mental bian association, called the Dorian by the U.N. Human Rights Commission Health Crisis Act, which I am proud to Group. This vanguard organization ad- to investigate and record all violations cosponsor, takes a clinical approach to vocated for the advancement of the of international law since March 2011.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.004 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1090 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016 The report outlines in painstaking groups which have announced and entered prised of barrel and cluster bomb at- detail the mass human rights abuses into the truce. Disturbingly significant is tacks and a number of ground incur- that innocent civilians must endure the fact that cluster bombs as well as sions against opposition groups who thermobaric weapons were deployed, adding from both the Russian-backed Syrian to the number of innocent civilian fatalities had entered into the truce. offensive and terrorist groups like and horrifying injuries. In the first 2 days alone, there were ISIS. In light of repeated breaches by the regime more than 29 documented deaths, most- Hospitals are deliberately targeted— and its allies since the commencement of the ly of women and children, and dozens 33 in Aleppo alone—resulting in mass truce, the growing number of fatalities, of injuries. This is during the alleged civilian casualties. In blatant disregard which currently stands at twenty-nine docu- cease-fire. mented deaths, in addition to the dozens who of core human rights law, starvation have been injured as indiscriminate tar- Some believe that this far-off con- has systematically been used as a geting of populated areas continues, we wish flict isn’t affecting communities across weapon of war. to clarify the following: America. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Over 450,000 people are currently It is most unfortunate that the Russian say they are wrong. trapped in besieged towns and villages Ministry of Defense presented an erroneous I routinely meet with Syrian Ameri- in Syria, and thousands are at risk of map riddled with false military information cans in Indiana who share stories of starving to death. (http://youtu.be/MaYvdEidSzsSent) and at- tributed this map to the United Nations for the devastation their loved ones are ex- Schools and playgrounds and other calculated political and military purposes, periencing back in their homeland. Lis- public spaces are routinely shelled to as purported areas of political influence and tening to them recount the struggles of inflict the maximum amount of terror distribution of forces on Syrian territory. their families reminds me that, if we on innocent civilians. The report tells The sole purpose of that exercise was to ex- are to adhere to our values as a Nation, of attacks on a girls school in Duma, clude certain areas from the truce and to we must defend the vulnerable and ex- where 19 civilians were killed. Even continue their systematic bombardment and pand basic human liberty. forced displacement. Given the serious con- though there were no military objec- sequences of these violations on the Syrian Standing idly by as bombs rain down tives, government forces attacked the people and on the unity and territorial integ- on hospitals or as Assad uses starva- school twice, the second attack taking rity of Syria, we urge that you take the nec- tion as a method of warfare is an abdi- place during first aid evacuation ef- essary measures to respond and counter false cation of what we stand for as a Na- forts. Russian allegations and put a stop to such tion, but that is exactly what we have Last month Secretary Kerry helped practices. done. negotiate a temporary, 2-week cease- We call on the United Nations and the Friends of Syria Group to be mandated to This President’s insistence on dimin- fire with Russia that was supposed to specify the territory covered by the truce to ishing American power abroad has em- end the fighting and allow for the de- prevent hostilities in the designated inclu- powered Putin to step into the leader- livery of aid to besieged towns. sion zones, such a task must be assumed by ship vacuum, has bolstered Assad in Unfortunately, like the deal we an impartial and transparent party. We also Syria, and has prolonged the conflict. struck with Russia on Assad’s use of note that the absence of clear separation We must not succumb to difficulty. chemical weapons, this cease-fire mere- lines will result in the targeting of civilian populated areas by the regime and its allies, We must take a stand and start mean- ly locks in the gains achieved by the and henceforth constitute yet another fla- ingfully engaging our allies and Assad regime and gives Russia outsized grant violation of Security Council resolu- strengthen the moderate Syrian forces, influence in shaping the future of the tions jeopardizing the truce. like the Kurds on the ground, to fight Middle East. Regardless, the terms of Although the Syrian opposition groups to replace the Assad regime. the agreement were almost imme- have demonstrated maximum levels of self- Both my constituents and the Na- restrain and have thus far continued to ad- diately violated. tion’s top military advisers know that Any hope of a sustained peace was here to their obligations to the truce, it seems likely that the regime and its allies’ doing so is the only way to bring any dashed this week with the almost-im- persistent crimes against the Syrian people long-term stability to Syria. mediate and predictable breach of the will inevitably undermine international ef- f cease-fire agreement. forts for the continuation of the truce. On Sunday, the Syrian opposition re- We have agreed to the temporary truce as b 1030 leased a letter documenting violations a response to sincere international efforts SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY’S ACCESS of the cease-fire agreement by the aiming to ease the suffering of the Syrian TO WATER Assad regime, Russia, and Iranian- people and to assist in the implementation of the humanitarian provisions of UNSCR 2254, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. backed militia, which I will include in in particular: articles 12, 13 and 14. Failure LAHOOD). The Chair recognizes the gen- the RECORD. to achieve any significant progress in this OSTA FEBRUARY 28, 2016. regard will leave us no option but to examine tleman from California (Mr. C ) for H.E. Mr. BAN KI-MOON, alternative measures to ensure the protec- 5 minutes. Secretary-General, tion of the Syrian people and bring an end to Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today United Nations, New York. the crimes committed against them. It is to speak about one of the most impor- EXCELLENCY SECRETARY-GENERAL: I regret therefore of critical importance for the Secu- tant issues facing the San Joaquin Val- to inform you that hostilities committed by rity Council to stand firm and unwavering in ley, and that is the access to water. Russian, Iranian, the Syrian regime, and for- its resolve. California has received well-above- eign militias and mercenaries allied to them The persistent violations of the regime and have continued against the Syrian people de- the forces allied to it will undermine Secu- average rainfall during the months of spite the truce taking effect on the 27th Feb- rity Council efforts for a political process, December and January. But for the ruary 2016. including the most recent, UNSCR 2268. It is past several weeks, we have seen dry Right from the onset of the truce, a large abhorrent to pursue a political process conditions, once again, come back. number of violations have been committed through which the suffering of the Syrian For the last several weeks I have by the regime and its allies in several parts people is used as a means to achieve political tried to speak on behalf of the need to of Syria. The regime has continued to target and military gains; under such cir- cumstances, negotiations will be unfeasible. make changes so that we can urge the populated areas using helicopter raids to de- Federal agencies to pump water at ploy explosive barrels, resulting in a large Excellency Secretary-General, the gravity number of fatalities and causing significant of the situation, and the consequent clear maximum levels that are allowed injuries, most of whom were innocent women and direct threat to peace and security at a under the biological opinions, so that and children. There were seven recorded inci- regional and international level, require the we could bring more water to the San dents of such breach. Furthermore, there United Nations to intervene immediately, to Joaquin Valley and the farms located have been twenty-four recorded breaches in- stop the crimes committed against the Syr- south of the delta. ian people and to preserve the unity and in- volving artillery shelling and five incidents It is welcome news that they are recording offensive ground operations. Re- tegrity of Syria. Yours respectfully, pumping at more robust levels, and it corded breaches of the truce were registered is my hope that we will continue to in twenty-six different areas held by the DR. RIAD HIJAB, moderate opposition. Coordinator General, The High pump at maximum levels when allow- Moreover, today, Sunday 28th February, Negotiations Committee. able, especially because these El Nino Russian fighter jets launched twenty-six air Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. These vio- conditions that we have had in Decem- strikes against territory held by opposition lations discussed in this letter are com- ber and January are now fading, sadly.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.005 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1091 With the possibility of California’s who have been most affected in areas gentleman from Illinois (Mr. LAHOOD) rainy and snow seasons coming to an that I represent? for 5 minutes. end, and with much less precipitation I am talking about farm workers. I Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, I rise than we had hoped for, we must take am talking about farmers. I am talking today to formally congratulate the advantage of every drop of precious about farm communities that put food 404th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade water that is in the system. every night on America’s dinner table. from Normal, Illinois, for receiving the We need a comprehensive plan to fix I will continue to believe that we still Reserve Family Readiness Award from California’s broken water system that can come together if we focus on the Department of Defense at the Pen- provides short-term operational flexi- achievable solutions. tagon last Friday. bility and, at the same time, increases After years of moving more and more This award is bestowed on the top the State’s long-term drought resil- water through the delta in an attempt unit in each Reserve component for iency that will provide real water reli- to halt species decline, we haven’t ac- their outstanding programs that sup- ability and actually recovers species tually recovered any of these species. port unit missions and family readi- that have been listed in the Sac- It is high time, I believe, to try some- ness. ramento, San Joaquin Delta. thing new. The 404th Maneuver Enhancement It is time to address these issues that I remain committed to working with Brigade, under Unit Commander, Cap- are impacting these species in the my colleagues on both sides of the aisle tain Jera Muder, has more than 2,000 delta and implement a plan to recover to craft solutions that increase Califor- soldiers in various functional units, them so that we can stop operating the nia’s drought resiliency and provide from engineering to military police, to water system primarily with the blunt water to the communities who have support units. tools of the Endangered Species Act been most impacted by the recent These family readiness support pro- that clearly aren’t working. They are drought because, after all, this is about grams allow our soldiers, sailors, ma- not working because the species are security. It is about job security, it is rines, airmen, and guardsmen to serve not recovering. about economic security, it is about throughout the world with peace of Studies have indicated that on some the future security of our valley and mind, knowing that their home front is rivers feeding into the delta, over 98 the State of California. safe. percent of the juvenile salmon are We must fix California’s broken This is a prestigious title, and it eaten by invasive species like the water system for the short term and makes me proud and Illinois proud that striped bass that aren’t even native to the long term. Time is of the essence, these remarkable men and women call California. and every day of delay only results in central Illinois home. Despite this knowledge and the clear losses of these vital water supplies. Today we applaud their families for protections provided listed species by f the sacrifices they make so their sol- the Endangered Species Act, the ad- SEVENTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF diers can defend our country abroad, ministration has established a goal to THE MILLER-RAFFAELE VFW and we congratulate them on this well- double the amount of striped bass in POST deserved award. California. To those in our Armed Forces keep- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The It should not be the policy of the ing our homes and families safe, thank Chair recognizes the gentleman from United States to increase the popu- you. And to the fathers, mothers, Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 lations of invasive species that prey on wives, husbands, and children behind minutes. native salmon in California. I don’t get Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. our troops, you also deserve our grati- it. This makes absolutely no sense and Mr. Speaker, I rise today in recogni- tude for your ongoing sacrifice and needs to be corrected. tion of the 70th anniversary of the Mil- bravery. We should be implementing a pred- ler-Raffaele VFW Post 6221 in Empo- f ator control program which, I might rium, Cameron County, located in the add, is supported by the Salmon Fish- KLAMATH RIVER DAM REMOVAL Pennsylvania Fifth Congressional Dis- eries Institute. As a matter of fact, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. trict. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania). The Chair they have got over 31 programs on The post is named after two sets of recognizes the gentleman from Cali- predator control that they would like brothers who answered the call to de- fornia (Mr. LAMALFA) for 5 minutes. to implement. They can’t implement fend the United States of America in Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, yester- one of them. World War II, Jack and Harry Miller, day in the Natural Resources Com- We should be focusing on trying to along with Sam and Frank Raffaele. make a difference, and that is why I Jack and Harry were killed within 1 mittee, I requested and demanded that am proud to be a cosponsor of Rep- month of each other in 1944. Sadly, the Interior Department explain its in- resentative JEFF DENHAM’s legislation, Sam and Frank also made the ultimate volvement in creating what appears to the Save Our Salmon Act. sacrifice on the same day, yet miles be a shell corporation, which it calls a The Save Our Salmon Act, by Con- apart from one another, also in 1944. non-Federal entity, which would work gressman DENHAM, would eliminate the After the war ended, the community to remove dams on the Klamath River policy of doubling striped bass popu- welcomed back the surviving men and in northern California and southern Or- lations in the delta, a policy which has women who formed the Miller-Raffaele egon, this without any authorization very serious negative impacts to our Post 6221, which was officially opened from Congress. native salmon species and causes tre- on March 5, 1946. Interior officials refused to answer in mendous harm to the farm commu- Mr. Speaker, we owe so much to the committee whether they will be sub- nities in the San Joaquin Valley. members of our Nation’s Armed ject to the Freedom of Information Act We have to determine if California is Forces, and especially to those mem- or even explain why stakeholders are going to operate with a broken system bers of the Greatest Generation who required at these meetings to sign non- or if Congress, the administration, and traveled to places such as Europe and disclosure agreements before learning the State can come together with Fed- Asia to fight tyranny. how they will be affected by the ac- eral and State legislation to provide I am proud to salute the members of tions at these secret meetings. meaningful solutions to fix our broken the Emporium VFW on this important They don’t like having them called water system for the future, for the anniversary, and I wish them the best secret meetings. They have other eu- 21st century. of success in the future. phemisms, such as a private conversa- Will we allow communities to dry up f tion, what have you. They are even or- and blow away, as some of my col- ganizing bylaws for an incoming board leagues, I believe, sometimes infer? CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 404TH at these meetings. Or will we come together and craft a MANEUVER ENHANCEMENT BRI- Mr. Speaker, the very idea that Fed- solution that can improve conditions GADE eral and State government employees for everyone across the State, while fo- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. are involved in a project designed ex- cusing on drought recovery for those LAMALFA). The Chair recognizes the plicitly to avoid open government,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.007 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1092 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016 open government laws, and public dis- Dear Lord of mercy, we give You working for a Canadian or border-re- closure should give us all pause, espe- thanks for giving us another day. Hear lated employer. cially since tax dollars are being used our prayers and those of people around That is why I helped lead the efforts to pay for the salaries of those folks in- the world that there might be an end and support the Promoting Travel, volved, their travel, the meeting to hunger. Commerce, and National Security Act, spaces, et cetera. They are not doing We use this moment to be reminded a necessary step to solidify the this pro bono. of Your presence and to tap the re- preclearance agreement between the While this is billed as a California- sources needed by the Members of this U.S. and Canada, which was reached Oregon project, the Interior Sec- people’s House to do their work as well nearly a year ago. retary’s signature is on a pact to cre- as it can be done. This significant, bipartisan legisla- ate this entity that suggests that the As the Nation digests the results of a tion is great news for U.S.-Canadian re- administration is, again, trying to end most significant voting day, may the lations, and I strongly encourage my run Congress to achieve a political Members remain focused on the tasks colleagues to cosponsor this vital piece goal. at hand. of legislation to maintain a secure I will continue working to get an- All this day and through the week, northern border and facilitate travel swers on this Klamath issue on the re- may they do their best to find solu- and commerce between the U.S. and moval of the dams and the effect it will tions to pressing issues facing our Na- Canada and benefit our upstate New have on the Klamath Basin water tion. Please hasten the day when jus- York economy. users. tice and love shall dwell in the hearts f But in the meantime, the administra- of all peoples and rule the affairs of the BELFAIR SHOOTING tion needs to end its focus on dam re- nations of Earth. moval and work towards a solution May all that is done this day be for (Mr. KILMER asked and was given that doesn’t ignore the water supply Your greater honor and glory. permission to address the House for 1 issues that affect so much of the West, Amen. minute.) Mr. KILMER. Mr. Speaker, last Fri- affect many thousands in northern f day, in the region I represent, tragedy California, and especially those di- struck the close-knit community of rectly in the line of fire in the Klamath THE JOURNAL Belfair. A shooting took the lives of a Basin that have been clamoring for so The SPEAKER pro tempore. The family and a neighbor. All the victims long for a long-term solution to keep Chair has examined the Journal of the were taken too soon from this world. the waters flowing to their farms. last day’s proceedings and announces Right now, in their place, is heart- At a time of extreme drought in Cali- to the House his approval thereof. break. fornia and the Western States, and Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Since this happened, we have been even more burdens such as the elec- nal stands approved. thinking of the friends and family im- tricity renewable mandate that is f pacted by this shooting. Pastors from going to affect California to 50 percent North Mason have gathered mourners of required renewables, the concept of PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE together to offer support and prayers. removing hydroelectric dams that also The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the I want to make sure we note the make a little water storage and have gentlewoman from Kansas (Ms. JEN- courage of local law enforcement and some positive effects on river tempera- KINS) come forward and lead the House other first responders who came to the ture is absurd. in the Pledge of Allegiance. scene. The Mason County Sheriff’s Of- Why is the priority something that is Ms. JENKINS of Kansas led the fice, among others, deserves praise for going to hurt the people of the region, Pledge of Allegiance as follows: putting their lives on the line in con- hurt their goals? I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the fronting the person responsible for this Instead, we should be pursuing water United States of America, and to the Repub- violence and responding to an awful storage in California and putting this lic for which it stands, one nation under God, situation. issue aside. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. As a dad of two little girls, it pains On top of that insult to injury is that f me that so many communities like it is being done in secret, without con- ours are faced with tragedies like this. gressional approval, without the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER I am hopeful we can come together to chance for all the stakeholders that PRO TEMPORE find ways to stop them. really have an affect in the area to be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The words of Jamie McCallum, a pas- involved. Chair will entertain up to 15 requests tor at Belfair Community Baptist This is the wrongheaded way to do for 1-minute speeches on each side of Church, ring true as we pick up the things. It is offensive to me, it is offen- the aisle. pieces from this incident. Pastor sive to my constituents. McCallum said: f f Violence and pain may have the strongest U.S.-CANADA PRECLEARANCE voice for the moment, but love and life have RECESS AGREEMENT the final say. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- (Ms. STEFANIK asked and was given f ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair permission to address the House for 1 REMEMBERING BORIS NEMTSOV declares the House in recess until noon minute and to revise and extend her re- today. (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was marks.) Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 41 given permission to address the House Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, in my minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- for 1 minute and to revise and extend district in northern New York, Canada cess. her remarks.) is more than just a bordering nation. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, f They are our neighbors and our friends. this past Saturday, February 27, b 1200 Canadians and upstate New Yorkers marked the first anniversary of the as- enjoy their summers together fishing sassination of Russian pro-democracy AFTER RECESS along the St. Lawrence River, golfing and opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, The recess having expired, the House on Wellesley Island, visiting the Thou- who was tragically gunned down in was called to order by the Speaker pro sand Islands National Park, and explor- Moscow. tempore (Mr. MOOLENAAR) at noon. ing Boldt Castle. Killed just days before he was due to f Plattsburgh, a city in my district, publish evidence of Russian military has even branded itself as Montreal’s involvement in Ukraine, Boris led the PRAYER U.S. suburb, hosting more than 100 U.S. effort in exposing the regime’s corrup- The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick subsidiaries of Canadian companies, tion at every turn as he fought for a J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: with 15 percent of its area workforce more open and democratic Russia.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.009 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1093 Mr. Speaker, this poster was actually a past president of the Washburn In conclusion, God bless our troops, used in Russia by Boris’ supporters Alumni Association and is in the and may the President, by his actions, protesting in the aftermath of his mur- Washburn Athletic Hall of Fame. He never forget September the 11th in the der. remains to this day a leader and teach- global war on terrorism. I had the honor of working with Boris er in the University United Methodist f for many years, and he would want us Church in Topeka. WHOLE WOMAN’S HEALTH V. to do our part to hold Putin account- Happy 100th birthday, Carl Nord- HELLERSTEDT able. But we cannot forget the ques- strom, and thank you for your service tionable circumstances surrounding his to Kansas. (Ms. JUDY CHU of California asked murder. f and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise I call on the administration to sanc- PROMOTING TRAVEL, COMMERCE, and extend her remarks.) tion any Russian official involved in AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT Boris’ murder, and I urge that their Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Mr. names be added now to the Magnitsky (Mr. HIGGINS asked and was given Speaker, this morning I stood in front permission to address the House for 1 list of human rights violators. Let’s of the Supreme Court with hundreds of minute.) honor Boris in this way. passionate voices rallying to defend Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in our right to choice. f support of the Promoting Travel, Com- Before the Court today is one of the GUN MYTH merce, and National Security Act in- most significant abortion cases to be troduced in the House and Senate. heard in years. For over 40 years now, (Mr. CICILLINE asked and was given This legislation sets rules by which permission to address the House for 1 Roe v. Wade has been the law of the American border agents will operate in land, recognizing a woman’s right to a minute.) Canada, thereby allowing a land port of Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, today I safe abortion when she needs it and entry to move the inspection of all in- where she needs it. want to bring attention to another bound cargo to the Canadian side of the myth about gun violence: the sugges- But State laws, like the Texas law in border. question, chip away at that right so tion that more guns are the key to re- Last year U.S. Customs and Border that women must drive hundreds of ducing gun violence. Protection conducted a pilot program miles and face serious delays before ex- On December 4, just days after San at the Peace Bridge in Buffalo. It con- Bernardino, Senator TED CRUZ said, ercising their right to choice. cluded that preinspection of cargo What is worse is that preventing ‘‘You stop bad guys by using our guns.’’ would double the capacity of the bridge women from accessing safe medical We hear similar comments from gun and slash wait times during peak sea- care has led to a sharp increase in self- advocates and allies all the time, but son from 22 minutes to 5 minutes. the facts tell a much different story. The Peace Bridge is an economic life- induced abortions. We cannot accept Not one of the 62 mass shootings from line between western New York and putting women at risk by returning to 1982 to 2012 was stopped by an armed southern Ontario, and its efficiency the horrors of the back alley that citizen. and safety is a top priority. I thank harmed so many. Today I call on the Supreme Court to A 1998 study in the Journal of Trau- Congresswoman KUSTER for her leader- ma, Injury, Infection, and Critical Care ship and partnership. I urge the House keep women safe and recognize that found that a gun in the home is 22 to approve this important legislation. our constitutional rights should not depend on our ZIP Code. times more likely to be used against a f friend or family member than used in f AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED TO self-defense. KNOW BLEEDING DISORDERS A 2003 study found women in homes AWARENESS MONTH with a gun were 2.7 times more likely (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina asked and was given permission to ad- (Mr. BENISHEK asked and was given to be murdered. A 2013 study found, for permission to address the House for 1 each percentage point increase in a dress the House for 1 minute and to re- vise and extend his remarks.) minute and to revise and extend his re- State’s gun ownership rate, firearm marks.) homicide rates increased by 0.9 per- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speaker, yesterday Economics Pro- Mr. BENISHEK. Mr. Speaker, I rise cent. fessor Peter Morici of the University of today wearing my red tie because this Facts are stubborn things. But the Maryland in The Washington Times March marks the first national Bleed- facts are clear. More guns will not end cited facts the American people need to ing Disorders Awareness Month. our country’s epidemic of gun violence. know: Bleeding disorders, such as hemo- f ‘‘President Obama would like us to philia or Von Willebrand disease, are HONORING CARL NORDSTROM ON believe things are getting better every currently estimated to affect more HIS 100TH BIRTHDAY day, but average median incomes are than 3 million people nationwide. down about $1,650 on his watch. Elderly These disorders are frequently under- (Ms. JENKINS of Kansas asked and women are working in record numbers diagnosed, and many victims of these was given permission to address the because pensions and retirement in- disorders often struggle to get proper House for 1 minute and to revise and comes are being decimated.’’ ‘‘Young medical care. As a doctor who treated extend her remarks.) folks, bogged down by student loans, patients in northern Michigan, I have Ms. JENKINS of Kansas. Mr. Speak- can’t buy homes and face rocketing firsthand experience with patients er, I rise today to celebrate the 100th apartment rents.’’ tackling these difficulties. birthday of Carl Nordstrom of Topeka ‘‘Should the economy tumble, Hillary While the medical community has on March 5. Clinton will try to buy off voters with made great strides over the years in Carl has devoted his life to public more Obama-vintage free stuff that improving the quality of care available service. He was the executive director makes creating jobs in the private sec- for those impacted by bleeding dis- of the Kansas Association of Commerce tor so tough.’’ orders, we can do more. and Industry from 1970 until 1982. He ‘‘Expanding ObamaCare-mandated I met recently with constituents in was cofounder of Leadership Kansas, benefits will push up prices for drugs, my district who are impacted by bleed- inspiring leaders to maintain and medical services, and insurance pre- ing disorders, and they shared with me strengthen the social, business, and po- miums even more and cause employers the great work being done in northern litical fabric of our State. In 1983, Carl to hire even fewer workers.’’ Michigan by Munson Healthcare’s was named Kansan of the Year by the ‘‘Instead of more jobs, America will Bleeding Disorder Center to provide Native Sons and Daughters of Kansas. have more debt and more employers better care for patients throughout A graduate of Topeka High School fleeing.’’ northern Michigan. and Washburn University, he partici- ‘‘America did not become a super- I hope that my colleagues and I can pated in many amphibious landings in power by being timid, and it’s time for all join together with the medical re- the Pacific during World War II. He is a President who understands this.’’ search community to build on these

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.013 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1094 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016 gains and find commonsense and bipar- MAC and its mission continue to flour- firearms from this situation tempo- tisan ways to develop new treatment ish. rarily. options for those suffering from bleed- f I urge my colleagues to join me in co- ing disorders. sponsoring this commonsense bill. RECOGNIZING THE ACCOMPLISH- f f MENTS OF THE HONORABLE b 1215 PATSY MINK DURING WOMEN’S TEXAS HAS NO CHOICE HISTORY MONTH (Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of VICTIMS OF GUN VIOLENCE (Ms. GABBARD asked and was given New York asked and was given permis- (Mr. PETERS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 sion to address the House for 1 minute.) permission to address the House for 1 minute.) Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New minute.) Ms. GABBARD. Mr. Speaker, after York. Mr. Speaker, this morning I Mr. PETERS. Mr. Speaker, Roy, graduating from Maui High in 1944 as joined hundreds of women on the steps Utah, June 21, 2015: Shawna Smith, 26 class president and valedictorian, and of the Supreme Court to protest the years old; Tylee Smith, 6; Blake Smith, attempting college with dreams of be- Texas law that is under consideration 2. coming a doctor, Patsy Mink had over by the Court today. The Texas law has already shut down Bristol, Tennessee, August 29, 2015: a dozen medical schools slam the door Lena Rose, 57 years old; Toshya over half of the abortion clinics in the shut simply because she was a woman. State of Texas, and if the law is upheld Millhorn, 39; James Millhorn, 36. Rather than quit, she took action. Columbus, Ohio, November 23, 2015: today, it will effectively end the con- She went to law school, becoming the stitutional right of women in Texas to John Anderson, 31; Christina Anderson, first Japanese American female attor- 30 years old; Landon Anderson, 7. obtain a legal abortion. ney in Hawaii, and was elected as the If that happens, the extreme Texas Montgomery, Alabama, December 28, first Asian American woman ever to 2013: Glenn Thomas, 22 years old; law will likely be used as a blueprint Congress in 1965. by anti-choice extremists across this Kimberle Johnson, 21; Timnorious Through her 12 terms in the House of country. Hamilton, 20. Representatives serving Hawaii’s Sec- Now, they claim that this law’s re- Tucson, Arizona, May 12, 2015: Raul ond District, which I am honored to strictive provisions are necessary to Carrillo, 58 years old; Karen Saari, 53; represent today, she was a true cham- protect a woman’s health. But doctors Erik Carrillo, 32; Isela Rodriguez, 17. pion for equal rights and opportunity. across this Nation will tell you that Cleveland, Ohio, November 21, 2014: In 1972, her landmark bill, Title IX, that is a lie. The harsh restrictions Lemon Bryant, 60 years old; Sherita was signed into law, legislation that were designed with the single purpose Johnson, 41; Ja’Rio Taylor, 19 years has since allowed young women all of closing and blocking access to old; Shaylona Williams, 17 years old. across the country the very same op- choice. Mountain, Alabama, November 16, portunities to jump high, run fast, hit I proudly joined over 162 of my col- 2015: Sylvia Duffe, 71 years old; Clara hard, and go the extra mile, the same leagues on an amicus brief urging the Edwards, 68. as their male counterparts. Court to strike down this law. The f As we kick off Women’s History right to choose is meaningless without Month, let us recognize and celebrate the access to choice. FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY CELE- Patsy Mink and the countless other BRATION OF THE MILITARY AF- f women throughout our Nation’s his- FAIRS COMMITTEE OF KEY WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH tory who have blazed trails before us WEST and broken down barriers for a better (Mr. TED LIEU of California asked (Mr. CURBELO of Florida asked and future for our next generation. and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.) was given permission to address the f House for 1 minute and to revise and Mr. TED LIEU of California. Mr. extend his remarks.) SHOOTING IN CENTRAL KANSAS Speaker, today I rise to acknowledge Mr. CURBELO of Florida. Mr. Speak- (Mrs. CAPPS asked and was given and celebrate the month of March as er, I rise today to congratulate the permission to address the House for 1 Women’s History Month. During this Military Affairs Committee of Key minute and to revise and extend her re- month, we recognize the many suc- cesses of women all across America and West on their 50th anniversary celebra- marks.) tion. Since its inception, MAC’s mis- our Nation’s history. Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, last I am proud to represent California’s sion has been to strengthen the bonds Thursday, yet another city, this time 33rd Congressional District, home to between military members and civil- in central Kansas, was added to the list many female trailblazers such as ians in the Florida Keys. Members of of communities across the country af- Barbra Streisand who, in addition to MAC are devoted citizens of their com- fected by gun violence. her many accomplishments in the en- munity, participating or volunteering Three lives were taken, 14 injured, tertainment industry and her philan- in local events to ensure that Keys life and many others changed forever. thropic contributions, is the first fe- continues to thrive. Sadly, many of us know all too well male director to receive Kennedy Cen- Today I am proud to recognize two the pain that comes from acts of vio- ter Honors and recently received the original charter members of MAC, Mr. lence caused by the trigger of a gun. Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Na- Edward B. Knight and Mr. Frank Ninety minutes before this shooter tion’s highest civilian honor. Toppino. Mr. Knight is a former Naval opened fire, he was served with a re- We also have Sherry Lansing, who aviator in World War II, while Mr. straining order in response to a domes- was the first woman to head a major Toppino was in the U.S. Army in the tic violence report. Often these protec- Hollywood studio, the first female stu- Pacific Theatre, also in World War II. tion orders serve as the first notifica- dio chief to receive a star on the Holly- Both men have gone on to become tion to an abuser that the relationship wood Walk of Fame, and the first successful entrepreneurs, businessmen, is ending and, as in this case, that can woman to be named Pioneer of the and philanthropists in Key West. They lead to more violence. Year by the Foundation of Motion Pic- are highly respected pillars of the Flor- That is why I offered the Protecting ture Pioneers. ida Keys community, bringing together Domestic Violence and Stalking Vic- Then we have Michelle Kwan, who military members and civilians. They tims Act, a bill that would prevent in- was born in my hometown of Torrance, lead by example, inspiring us to uphold dividuals subject to judicial protection an alumnus of UCLA, who is not only a the values and the visions of MAC and orders from temporarily purchasing or 5-time world championship ice skater their charter members. possessing a firearm. with two Olympic medals, but also I applaud Mr. Toppino, Mr. Knight, The hours right after an abuser is serves as senior adviser to the U.S. De- and the members of the Military Af- first served with a restraining order partment of State’s Bureau of Edu- fairs Committee of Key West on a very are the most volatile and dangerous, cational and Cultural Affairs, among successful and unifying 50 years. May and it is only responsible to remove many other roles.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.014 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1095 As we celebrate Women’s History tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman Although the Congressional Budget Month, let us continue to work to cre- from Florida (Mr. HASTINGS), pending Office does not estimate State-specific ate equal opportunities for future gen- which I yield myself such time as I savings, this bill would also save State erations of women. may consume. During consideration of Medicaid programs from several mil- f this resolution, all time yielded is for lion dollars over the same timeframe. the purpose of debate only. The Office of Inspector General at PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION GENERAL LEAVE the Department of Health and Human OF H.R. 3716, ENSURING RE- Services has previously found that 12 MOVAL OF TERMINATED PRO- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Members percent of terminated providers were VIDERS FROM MEDICAID AND participating in a State Medicaid pro- CHIP ACT have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- tend their remarks. gram as of January 1, 2012, after the Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, by di- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there same provider was terminated for rea- rection of the Committee on Rules, I objection to the request of the gen- sons of integrity or quality from an- call up House Resolution 632 and ask tleman from Texas? other State Medicaid program. for its immediate consideration. There was no objection. b 1230 The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, House lows: The base bill, H.R. 3716, will ensure Resolution 632 provides for a rule to that we put an end to this problem. H. RES. 632 consider a commonsense, bipartisan State Medicaid and State CHIP pro- Resolved, That at any time after adoption piece of legislation that will address grams will be required to report termi- of this resolution the Speaker may, pursuant waste, fraud, and abuse within the nated providers to the Centers for to clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the Medicaid program. Medicare & Medicaid Services within 21 House resolved into the Committee of the The rule provides for 1 hour of de- Whole House on the state of the Union for business days. The Centers for Medi- bate, equally divided between the ma- care & Medicaid Services will then be consideration of the bill (H.R. 3716) to amend jority and the minority of the Com- title XIX of the Social Security Act to re- required to include that data and Medi- quire States to provide to the Secretary of mittee on Energy and Commerce. The care provider terminations in its Ter- Health and Human Services certain informa- Committee on Rules made in order four mination Notification database within tion with respect to provider terminations, amendments that were submitted to 21 business days. In addition, State and for other purposes. The first reading of the committee, three Democratic Medicaid and State CHIP managed care the bill shall be dispensed with. All points of amendments and one bipartisan offer- contracts will be required to include a order against consideration of the bill are ing. provision that providers terminated for waived. General debate shall be confined to Finally, the rule affords the minority the bill and shall not exceed one hour equal- reasons of integrity or quality from the customary motion to recommit, a Medicare, Medicaid, or SCHIP be ter- ly divided and controlled by the chair and final opportunity to amend the legisla- ranking minority member of the Committee minated from participation in their on Energy and Commerce. After general de- tion should the minority choose to ex- provider networks. Where Medicaid or bate the bill shall be considered for amend- ercise that option. CHIP payments are made to providers ment under the five-minute rule. In lieu of H.R. 3716, the Ensuring Access to for services performed more than 60 the amendment in the nature of a substitute Quality Medicaid Providers Act, com- days after the provider’s termination, recommended by the Committee on Energy bines two bipartisan bills that were those States will be required to pay and Commerce now printed in the bill, it unanimously reported out of the En- shall be in order to consider as an original back the Federal portion of the Med- ergy and Commerce Committee: H.R. icaid match of those payments. bill for the purpose of amendment under the 3716, the Ensuring Terminated Pro- five-minute rule an amendment in the na- The bill will also ensure that State ture of a substitute consisting of the text of viders Are Removed from Medicaid and Medicaid agencies have a current and Rules Committee Print 114-45. That amend- CHIP Act that was introduced by Dr. complete list of providers serving Med- ment in the nature of a substitute shall be LARRY BUCSHON, a member of the com- icaid patients by requiring providers to considered as read. All points of order mittee; and H.R. 3821, the Medicaid enroll with the State agency. To against that amendment in the nature of a DOC Act authored by Representative streamline reporting requirements and substitute are waived. No amendment to CHRIS COLLINS, also on the committee. eliminate duplication, the Centers for that amendment in the nature of a sub- Not only is this bill bipartisan, it has Medicare & Medicaid Services will be stitute shall be in order except those printed received support of the administration, in the report of the Committee on Rules ac- required to develop uniform termi- companying this resolution. Each such and it is an important illustration of nology for terminations related to amendment may be offered only in the order the work we are doing in the House fraud, integrity, or quality. printed in the report, may be offered only by right now to improve health care for These simple reforms will ensure a Member designated in the report, shall be all Americans. that we stop paying millions of Federal considered as read, shall be debatable for the The Medicaid program continues to taxpayer dollars for fraudulent and time specified in the report equally divided suffer from fraud, waste, and abuse. wasteful care and that beneficiaries are and controlled by the proponent and an op- These issues cause direct harm to the not receiving care from providers who ponent, shall not be subject to amendment, beneficiaries and waste billions of tax- have failed to adhere to basic standards and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- payer dollars. sion of the question in the House or in the of quality or integrity. Committee of the Whole. All points of order Medicaid beneficiaries frequently end The second key issue this bill tackles against such amendments are waived. At the up in the emergency room, not because is one of access to care. Beneficiaries conclusion of consideration of the bill for they need emergency care, but because in the Medicaid program have histori- amendment the Committee shall rise and re- they cannot find a physician partici- cally struggled to find a physician who port the bill to the House with such amend- pating in their Medicaid program. This will accept Medicaid and can provide ments as may have been adopted. Any Mem- is an inefficient and ineffective way to treatment. H.R. 3716 includes H.R. 3812, ber may demand a separate vote in the access health care. introduced by Representative CHRIS House on any amendment adopted in the H.R. 3716 is commonsense legislation COLLINS of New York, to empower Committee of the Whole to the bill or to the that resolves both of these problems amendment in the nature of a substitute beneficiaries with better information made in order as original text. The previous and improves beneficiary access to that will arm them with the informa- question shall be considered as ordered on quality providers. Not only is this bill tion that they need to access care the bill and amendments thereto to final good for patients, it is fiscally respon- without first going to an emergency passage without intervening motion except sible. room. one motion to recommit with or without in- According to the Congressional Budg- While Medicaid beneficiaries enrolled structions. et Office, this package would reduce in managed care plans have a defined The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Federal outlays by $15 million over the network of providers, about half of tleman from Texas is recognized for 1 budget window because the Medicaid States use delivery systems other than hour. program would no longer be paying risk-based managed care, and those Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, for the providers who had been terminated for served under a fee-for-service or pri- purpose of debate only, I yield the cus- reasons of fraud, integrity, or quality. mary care case management program

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.016 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1096 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016 include some of the most vulnerable Mr. Speaker, the majority’s fumble not going to play along with House Re- Medicaid enrollees, such as the elderly on the budget has ushered in a new publican functionaries who would send and disabled children. Unfortunately, level of dysfunction for this institu- stuff to the Senate that is not going to these enrollees may have limited as- tion. My Republican friends’ inability pass. I predict that we will one day sistance in identifying physicians who to govern has gotten so bad that they have the usual omnibus at the end of participate in the Medicaid program. can’t even agree to follow through on this process, and that is tragic. Specifically, the policy would require an agreement they have already agreed Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of State Medicaid programs to publish an to and has been signed into law. my time. electronic directory of physicians who As we debate today, it is still not Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I have have billed Medicaid in the prior year— clear how the majority plans to move no further speakers, so pending Mr. an indication that the physician has or forward on one of this body’s most HASTINGS’ conclusion, I will reserve the likely still accepts Medicaid patients. basic constitutional obligations: appro- balance of my time. That directory would include the phy- priating funds to run the country. Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, I have sician’s name, specialty, address, tele- I told the young people working with no further speakers as well, and I am phone number, and, where relevant, in- me that I thought of a metaphor last prepared to close. I yield myself the balance of my formation on whether the physician is night about when I first learned to accepting new patients and linguistic time. swim. I grew up in an area where there Mr. Speaker, if we defeat the pre- capabilities. were a lot of lakes, so it was automatic vious question, I am going to offer an Medicaid is estimated to cover 83 that all of us would learn how to swim, million people this year, and it is grow- amendment to the rule to bring up a and we did. In learning to swim, among resolution that would require the Re- ing. H.R. 3716 makes two targeted but the things that the young boys taught important reforms to strengthen the publican majority to stop its partisan me was there were times when you just games and finally hold hearings on the integrity of the Medicaid program and tread water, where you don’t move for- to improve access to quality care. This President’s budget proposal. ward or backward. If you are back- Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- legislation is another example of the stroking, just tread water. Some sent to insert the text of the amend- Energy and Commerce Committee’s learned to float. I didn’t. But appar- ment in the RECORD, along with extra- record of success on bipartisan reform ently my Republican friends have neous material, immediately prior to to improve the state of health care in learned to float and have learned to the vote on the previous question. America. I encourage my colleagues to tread water because we are not going The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there vote for this package. anywhere fast in this institution of objection to the request of the gen- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of dysfunction. tleman from Florida? my time. The inability to fulfill this obligation There was no objection. Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield is truly astounding and reveals a Re- Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, I urge myself such time as I may consume. my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ and defeat Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman publican majority that may wish upon the previous question. from Texas for yielding me the cus- every star in the sky to return to reg- ular order but has no earthly idea of Mr. Speaker, the bill underlying this tomary 30 minutes for debate. rule institutes a number of proposals Mr. Speaker, I rise today to debate how to do so. Indeed, the only regu- that have broad bipartisan support. So the rule for H.R. 3716, Ensuring Re- larity we see coming out of today’s Re- again I ask: Why are we here debating moval of Terminated Providers from publican leadership is one dedicated to a rule for such a bill? Quite obviously, Medicaid and CHIP Act. Among other disorder. it is because Republicans have no things, this bill requires State Med- The inability to even begin a fruitful choice but to tread water. In doing so, icaid and CHIP programs to report pro- discussion of a budget process is but they have called a time-out on helping viders terminated for reasons of fraud, one among many pieces of evidence the American people; they have called integrity, or quality to CMS within 21 that prove that the Republican hopes of regular order are as elusive as is a time-out on doing their job. business days. They have done so so that they may The requirements in this legislation their ability to put forth a plan that make haste in putting Humpty Dump- are straightforward and have achieved will benefit working class Americans, ty back together again. broad bipartisan support. I find myself strengthen our infrastructure, and pro- vide for the least among us. It would be Good luck, my friends. Truly, truly, I strangely in the position of agreeing wish you good luck. with all of what my colleague from comical if it were not so dire. Let’s recap how we have arrived at In the meantime, rest assured that Texas had to say. I listened to him in- those of us on this side of the aisle tently. So it only leaves the question: this point of Republican inability to govern. For the first time in 40 years, stand ready in getting to the people’s Why is this bill being presented here business once you can pull yourselves Republicans refuse to even invite a rep- today instead of under the suspension together and put forth a budget plan. I resentative from the administration to calendar? am, of course, suspect of whether our testify on the President’s budget pro- Rather than taking the time to de- friends on the other side of the aisle posal. Then, Republican leaders failed bate a rule for a bill that could be will be able to do so. passed without the need for a special to hold a committee markup on a budg- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance rule, would it not be a better use of et resolution last week and fumbled of my time. this body’s valuable legislative time to their plans to present their conference Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield debate and pass a budget resolution with a promised budget blueprint. Now, myself the balance of my time. and get the appropriations process in order to appease the insatiable rad- Mr. Speaker, I do want to point out started? ical fringe of his party, Speaker RYAN today is March 2, significant for many Mr. Speaker, I applaud Speaker is threatening to break the terms of of us in Texas because that is Texas RYAN’s promises to end Republican ob- the bipartisan budget agreement Independence Day, a date that is recog- struction and dysfunction and return passed into law last year—totally un- nized across the Nation as one that to regular order, but I cannot see how believable. brought independence to the State of what is unfolding now is a step in that Mr. Speaker, the American people de- Texas. direction. serve better. They want us to work to- I would point out it seems like often- Last fall, Republicans and Democrats gether to fund their government and times, in my role here presenting the came together to pass a bipartisan solve the problems of this country. Republican case for the rule from the budget agreement. Now Republicans, This whole Republican budget process Rules Committee, it also becomes my appeasing the most extreme fringe of has shown that the majority and the duty to provide some historical per- their party, are considering breaking radical fringe rightwing of their party spective for the House of Representa- that agreement. Breaking this agree- are simply not up to that task. tives, and today is no exception. ment will not be without consequences I might add that I read last night March 2, today, the first year that for this Nation, including deeper cuts that the majority leader in the other the Democrats had the majority in re- to seniors and working families. body has made it very clear that he is cent memory was calendar year 2007.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.018 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1097 When was a budget passed in calendar the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 51 year 2007? It was passed on March 29. I consideration of the subject before the House minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- would point out that the only thing bi- being made by the Member in charge.’’ To cess. defeat the previous question is to give the partisan about that budget resolution opposition a chance to decide the subject be- f was the opposition. fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s b 1301 Calendar 2008, a bit better, the budg- ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that et passed on March 13, the middle of ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- AFTER RECESS the month, about 2 weeks from where mand for the previous question passes the The recess having expired, the House we are today. Once again, on that control of the resolution to the opposition’’ was called to order by the Speaker pro budget, 212 yeas and 207 nays. But the in order to offer an amendment. On March tempore (Mr. DOLD) at 1 o’clock and 1 nays were bipartisan. The yeas, of 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- fered a rule resolution. The House defeated minute p.m. course, were of a single party. the previous question and a member of the f Calendar year 2009, the budget didn’t opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, pass until the month of April, and, asking who was entitled to recognition. ENSURING REMOVAL OF TERMI- once again, the only thing bipartisan Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R–Illinois) said: NATED PROVIDERS FROM MED- about the budget that year was its op- ‘‘The previous question having been refused, ICAID AND CHIP ACT position. the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- Then, finally, I would point out that gerald, who had asked the gentleman to GENERAL LEAVE yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to the following calendar year, 2010, there Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Speaker, I ask the first recognition.’’ unanimous consent that all Members was no budget submitted. The Republican majority may say ‘‘the So, Mr. Speaker, my understanding vote on the previous question is simply a may have 5 legislative days to revise from the chairman of the Budget Com- vote on whether to proceed to an immediate and extend their remarks and to in- mittee is they are actively working on vote on adopting the resolution. . . . [and] clude extraneous material on H.R. 3716. the budget. I wish them Godspeed. I am has no substantive legislative or policy im- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there thankful that I don’t have to be in the plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what objection to the request of the gen- they have always said. Listen to the Repub- room while it is being done, but I have tleman from Indiana? lican Leadership Manual on the Legislative There was no objection. every confidence that they will produce Process in the United States House of Rep- a budget document that the House will resentatives, (6th edition, page 135). Here’s The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- then consider. But today—today—Mr. how the Republicans describe the previous ant to House Resolution 632 and rule Speaker, today’s rule provides for con- question vote in their own manual: ‘‘Al- XVIII, the Chair declares the House in sideration of an important fix to the though it is generally not possible to amend the Committee of the Whole House on Nation’s Medicaid program. the rule because the majority Member con- the state of the Union for the consider- trolling the time will not yield for the pur- I certainly want to thank Dr. LARRY ation of the bill, H.R. 3716. pose of offering an amendment, the same re- The Chair appoints the gentleman BUCSHON and Mr. COLLINS of New sult may be achieved by voting down the pre- York—both, of the Energy and Com- vious question on the rule. . . . When the from North Carolina (Mr. HOLDING) to merce Committee, two important motion for the previous question is defeated, preside over the Committee of the members of the Committee on Energy control of the time passes to the Member Whole. and Commerce—for their work on this who led the opposition to ordering the pre- b 1302 legislation. vious question. That Member, because he then controls the time, may offer an amend- IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to ment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of vote ‘‘yes’’ on the rule and ‘‘yes’’ on Accordingly, the House resolved amendment.’’ itself into the Committee of the Whole the underlying bill. In Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House The material previously referred to of Representatives, the subchapter titled House on the state of the Union for the consideration of the bill (H.R. 3716) to by Mr. HASTINGS is as follows: ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal to order the previous question on such a rule amend title XIX of the Social Security AN AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 632 OFFERED BY [a special rule reported from the Committee Act to require States to provide to the MR. HASTINGS OF FLORIDA on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- Secretary of Health and Human Serv- At the end of the resolution, add the fol- ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- lowing new sections: ices certain information with respect tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: ‘‘Upon re- to provider terminations, and for other SEC. 2. Immediately upon the adoption of jection of the motion for the previous ques- this resolution it shall be in order without tion on a resolution reported from the Com- purposes, with Mr. HOLDING in the intervention of any point of order to con- mittee on Rules, control shifts to the Mem- chair. sider in the House the resolution (H. Res. 624) ber leading the opposition to the previous The Clerk read the title of the bill. Directing the Committee on the Budget to question, who may offer a proper amendment The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the hold a public hearing on the President’s fis- or motion and who controls the time for de- bill is considered read the first time. cal year 2017 budget request with the Direc- bate thereon.’’ The gentleman from Indiana (Mr. tor of the Office of Management and Budget Clearly, the vote on the previous question BUCSHON) and the gentleman from New as a witness. The resolution shall be consid- on a rule does have substantive policy impli- York (Mr. TONKO) each will control 30 ered as read. The previous question shall be cations. It is one of the only available tools considered as ordered on the resolution and for those who oppose the Republican major- minutes. preamble to adoption without intervening ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- The Chair recognizes the gentleman motion or demand for division of the ques- native views the opportunity to offer an al- from Indiana. tion except one hour of debate equally di- ternative plan. Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chairman, I yield vided and controlled by the chair and rank- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume. ing minority member of the Committee on The bipartisan bill before us today the Budget. back the balance of my time, and I improves access to quality healthcare SEC. 3. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not move the previous question on the res- apply to the consideration of H. Res. 624. olution. providers for vulnerable Medicaid pa- The previous question was ordered. tients. THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT The resolution was agreed to. Today, State Medicaid programs too IT REALLY MEANS A motion to reconsider was laid on often suffer from waste, fraud, and This vote, the vote on whether to order the the table. abuse, which can harm beneficiaries previous question on a special rule, is not f and waste taxpayer dollars. At the merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- b 1245 same time, too many Medicaid patients dering the previous question is a vote may have a hard time finding a doctor. against the Republican majority agenda and RECESS Our bill takes an important step for- a vote to allow the Democratic minority to The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ward in addressing both of these issues. offer an alternative plan. It is a vote about what the House should be debating. BENISHEK). Pursuant to clause 12(a) of First, H.R. 3716 would ensure Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the rule I, the Chair declares the House in healthcare providers that are termi- House of Representatives (VI, 308–311), de- recess for a period of less than 15 min- nated from Medicaid or from one scribes the vote on the previous question on utes. State’s Medicaid program for reasons

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:46 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.019 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1098 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016 of fraud, integrity, or quality are also grams several million dollars over the care or by another State. All States terminated from other State Medicaid same timeframe. are not currently required to report programs. The Office of Inspector Gen- Mr. Chairman, this legislation pro- this information, and if it is reported, eral at HHS has previously found that vides commonsense reforms that help it is in many differing formats, lim- 12 percent of terminated providers were protect Medicaid beneficiaries, that iting the data’s usability. participating in a State Medicaid pro- improve access to care, and that save This legislation would require all gram after the same provider was ter- Federal and State dollars in the Med- States to report information on fraudu- minated from another State Medicaid icaid program. I urge my colleagues to lent providers to the Secretary for in- program. support H.R. 3716. clusion in a currently existing termi- It is critical that fraudulent pro- I reserve the balance of my time. nation database that is accessible to viders are not allowed to defraud tax- Mr. TONKO. Mr. Chairman, I yield all States. The legislation also requires payers or to harm patients across the myself such time as I may consume. the Secretary to develop uniform cri- board. Medicaid beneficiaries are some I am here to express my strong sup- teria for States to use when submitting of the most vulnerable patients, so our port for the Ensuring Access to Quality information. bipartisan bill will ensure that they Medicaid Providers Act. The language would also require all are better protected. This common- In particular, I am pleased that this providers in managed care to enroll sense bill was reported favorably from legislation incorporates the Medicaid with State Medicaid agencies so that our Health Subcommittee and from the Directory of Caregivers Act, also States know all providers that are par- full Energy and Commerce Committee known as the Medicaid DOC Act. This ticipating in the program. This legisla- last year. is legislation in which I joined with my tion preserves all existing provider ap- The other important aspect of this colleague and friend from New York, peals processes, and it changes nothing legislation was authored by CHRIS COL- Representative COLLINS, in intro- regarding the underlying standard for LINS of New York. This provision of the ducing. fraud in this part of the program. bill requires State Medicaid programs I thank Representative COLLINS for In closing, Mr. Chairman, I urge all to provide beneficiaries who are served his initiative in this area and for work- Members to support this bipartisan leg- under fee-for-service or primary care ing together on this issue in a collabo- islation, which makes Medicaid more case management programs an elec- rative and bipartisan way. I also thank consumer-friendly and strengthens pro- tronic directory of physicians who are the Energy and Commerce Committee gram integrity. participating in the program. staffs on both sides for providing con- I reserve the balance of my time. Research shows that too often Med- structive feedback and for expedi- Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chairman, I yield icaid patients today have a hard time tiously moving this bill out of com- myself such time as I may consume. finding a doctor. The Government Ac- mittee. This is the type of legislation that we countability Office has previously The impetus behind this bill is sim- should be passing on the House floor, found that Medicaid patients face par- ple and straightforward: to make it and I will urge the Senate to pass this ticular challenges in accessing certain easier for Medicaid beneficiaries to find legislation later. This is just good gov- types of care, such as obtaining spe- and access a doctor. ernment. It corrects some obvious cialty care or dental care. Addition- The underlying legislation would re- flaws in the Medicaid program that ally, the GAO has previously reported quire States that operate a fee-for- will protect patients and save tax- that 38 States experienced challenges service Medicaid program to publish an payers money. I am very pleased that in ensuring enough participating pro- online provider directory, just like we are able to address this today. viders. managed care plans and private insur- I reserve the balance of my time. To help empower Medicaid patients ance are already required to do. By cre- Mr. TONKO. As I earlier mentioned and equip them with better informa- ating a one-stop-shop for Medicaid in my comments, one of the key par- tion, this policy would apply require- beneficiaries to find information on ticipants in putting this effort together ments similar to those in place for participating providers, this common- was Representative WELCH from the Medicaid managed care plans to fee- sense legislation will make it easier for State of Vermont. for-service and/or primary care case individuals and families to access qual- I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman management programs. ity health care. from Vermont (Mr. WELCH), a good Under the bill, States would be re- The legislation details the minimum friend and a fellow Energy and Com- quired to list on their Web sites a di- items that must be included in a pro- merce Committee member. rectory of physicians that would in- vider directory, but it also allows Mr. WELCH. I thank the gentleman clude the physician’s name, specialty, States to go beyond those given stand- from New York. address, and telephone number. Addi- ards. All consumers deserve to have ac- Mr. Chairman, we are lucky we have tionally, for physicians serving as case cess to a basic electronic provider di- Dr. BUCSHON, a good Member, a good managers through the PCCM programs, rectory to find the best physicians for friend, and a great Energy and Com- States would be required to include in- their use. merce Committee person, who, with his formation on whether a physician is The second component of the legisla- experience as a physician, is able to accepting new patients as well as to tion under consideration would provide give us the benefit of this bill. I thank list the physician’s cultural and lin- the CMS with critical tools to keep pa- the gentleman from Indiana for that. guistic capabilities. tients safe, to protect taxpayer dollars, The Medicaid program is an incred- In a day and age when Medicaid pa- and to protect the integrity of our ibly important program to get health tients can use their phones to search Medicaid program. care to poor Americans who need it. for the nearest gas station or grocery This bipartisan bill, introduced by The vast majority of our providers use store, it makes good sense to ensure Representatives BUCSHON, WELCH, and the Medicaid program to provide those that States are giving patients better BUTTERFIELD, implements previous OIG services, but some fraudulent providers information so that they can readily recommendations and builds on au- use that program to rip off taxpayers. find a doctor near them who accepts thorities originally authorized under It has got to stop. Medicaid patients. the ACA. The ACA included a provision One of the things that Dr. BUCSHON Finally, according to the Congres- that prohibited disqualified providers observed and brought to our attention sional Budget Office, H.R. 3716 would from Medicare or a one State Medicaid was that when States are aggressively reduce Federal outlays by $15 million program from simply crossing State monitoring for fraud and when they over a 10-year budget window because lines and receiving payments in an- identify a fraudulent provider, they the Medicaid program would no longer other State Medicaid program. write that person off the rolls so that be paying providers that were termi- The ACA provision has been hard to that provider can’t keep ripping off the nated for reasons of fraud, integrity, or implement, however, because States taxpayers. But that information quality. The CBO does not estimate don’t have a consistent or a standard- doesn’t get disseminated to other State-specific savings, but this bill ized way of knowing when a specific States, so that fraudulent provider would also save State Medicaid pro- provider has been terminated by Medi- simply steps across the State line, sets

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.023 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1099 up another operation, and starts rip- our specialties. We want to make sure the standing Committee on Energy and ping off taxpayers all over again. that the patients that we serve have Commerce, who has shown great lead- This legislation addresses that rip- access to physicians who are providing ership for the Democrats at the Energy off. I am glad it does because we can quality health care and are not de- and Commerce table. He is very much debate about lots of things, but there is frauding the system. supportive of this effort here, and we unity here about wanting to make cer- I reserve the balance of my time. thank him for that. tain that any taxpayer dollar is well Mr. TONKO. Mr. Chair, I will con- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Chair, I am spent and that it is not ripped off by a tinue to reserve the balance of my pleased to support H.R. 3716, the Ensur- fraudulent provider. This sets up prac- time. ing Access to Quality Medicaid Pro- tical mechanisms for States that have Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I yield 2 viders Act. This legislation is the com- identified a fraudulent provider so they minutes to the gentleman from New pilation of two bills, H.R. 3821 and H.R. may share that information with other York (Mr. COLLINS). 3716, which are true efforts to improve States so they don’t find themselves Mr. COLLINS of New York. Mr. program integrity in Medicaid in ways digging the same hole. Chair, I thank both Congressman that will strengthen the Medicaid pro- We have bipartisan support for this. BUCSHON and Congressman TONKO for gram. Both bipartisan bills passed out It is a money-saving bill. The CBO esti- their help on this very important bill of the Energy and Commerce Com- mates that it would save approxi- that we are debating today. Included in mittee through regular order and were mately $28 million over 10 years. Congressman BUCSHON’s bill, H.R. 3716, favorably reported by voice vote. That may sound like small money; is a bill that Mr. TONKO and I put to- Part of the new compiled bill reflects but do you want to know something? gether, H.R. 3821, the Medicare Direc- H.R. 3821, the Medicaid DOC Act. This That is real money. It is about the tory of Caregivers, or DOC, Act. bipartisan initiative, introduced by money, but it is also about constant Our thought behind this bill came Representatives COLLINS of New York vigilance so as to make sure that the from the GAO report that identified ac- and TONKO, would require States that programs we design for good intentions cess to care as one of the key issues participate in fee-for-service Medicaid work. facing Medicaid beneficiaries. There is to publish electronic provider direc- The CHAIR. The time of the gen- nothing worse than someone saying: tories. This is critical information for tleman has expired. ‘‘The good news is you have got med- patients so they can more easily find Mr. TONKO. I yield the gentleman an ical insurance coverage through Med- doctors in their area. Currently, managed care plans in additional 1 minute. icaid. The bad news is they can’t find a Medicaid are already required to main- Mr. WELCH. I thank the gentleman. physician.’’ tain these directories, but there is no Mr. Chairman, it is just what we So as a very good, commonsense gov- such requirement for fee-for-service should be doing here so we can look at ernment idea, what Representative Medicaid programs. While some States things that have good intentions, like TONKO and I came up with was the thought that we should be publishing are already providing these directories, the Medicaid program, and find where not every State does so. This common- there are holes in it and try to close on each State’s Web site a list of the providers who have seen a Medicaid pa- sense and consumer-friendly legisla- them so that the program runs better tion will require that all States provide so that taxpayer money is saved and so tient in the last 12 months, the name of the physician, the address, the tele- their Medicaid patients with this infor- that the efficiency of government is mation, and it does so quickly, requir- enhanced. phone number, and their specialty, so at least these folks navigating the sys- ing directories to be up and running in less than 1 year. b 1315 tem to find a doctor have somewhere to Now, while the bill includes min- And that is a mutual responsibility go as a starting point: ‘‘Here is a doc- imum items that must be included in a that we have so that people can have tor that has seen a Medicaid patient in confidence that the taxpayer dollars provider directory, it also encourages the last 12 months. Let me give them a States to go beyond these standards. that they are spending, whether it is call.’’ So they are not just lost going While I am hopeful that States will for Medicaid or the Pentagon or any through the phonebook, so to speak, or take the initiative to provide other in- other program, are spent for the in- Google. formation, like whether doctors are tended purposes and are not wasted. What our bill would do, it would re- taking new patients, the timeline set Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I yield my- quire that States that operate a fee- forth in this legislation is so acceler- self such time as I may consume. for-service or primary care case man- ated, it is important that we build this I thank the gentleman for his com- agement program set up an online di- foundation first before adding addi- ments. It is true that when you find rectory of physicians who have seen tional requirements to States. I look common ground and work together, these Medicaid patients. We believe forward to continuing to work on this good things happen, and this is one of that this kind of access to caregivers important issue with my colleagues. those instances. will keep people out of the emergency The second part of the bill would pro- I think there are a lot of areas in rooms. They will have coordinated care vide CMS with critical tools to keep health care. I was a healthcare pro- by a physician, which is the best and patients safe, protect taxpayer dollars, vider before I was a heart surgeon. I most inexpensive way to treat them. and protect the integrity of the Med- took care of Medicaid and Medicare pa- Representative BUCSHON’s bill com- icaid program. tients, private insurance patients, and bined with our bill, H.R. 3821, does save This bipartisan bill, introduced by patients that did not have the ability $15 million over the 10-year period, as Representatives BUCSHON, WELCH, and to pay. I think that we need to con- scored. The bill went through regular BUTTERFIELD, implements previous OIG tinue to look for ways to improve our order and passed out of the Energy and recommendations and builds on au- safety net healthcare programs, mainly Commerce subcommittee and full com- thorities originally authorized under continue to look for ways to make sure mittee by voice vote with no objec- the Affordable Care Act, which prohib- that people have access to health care tions. ited disqualified providers from Medi- in the United States regardless of their We are also encouraged to know the care or one State Medicaid program ability to pay, regardless of their ZIP White House has signaled that they do from simply crossing State lines and Code. support passage of this important ac- receiving payments in another State That said, we need to make sure that cess to care legislation. Medicaid program. people have access to quality health Again, I thank Chairmen UPTON and But the current law has been hard to care, and that is why bills like this are PITTS, and Ranking Members PALLONE implement because States don’t have a so important. It weeds out providers and GREEN for their support. I encour- consistent or standardized way of that are fraudulent and have other age my colleagues to vote in favor of knowing when a specific provider has quality-related problems. this bipartisan legislation. been terminated by Medicare or an- As a physician—and I will speak for Mr. TONKO. Mr. Chair, I yield 3 min- other State. Since States are not cur- some of my physician friends—this is utes to the gentleman from New Jersey rently required to report this informa- the type of thing that we all want in (Mr. PALLONE), the ranking member of tion or, if it is reported, it is in many

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:42 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.024 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016 differing formats, it limits the data’s I thank Dr. BUCSHON and Mr. COL- I yield back the balance of my time. usability. LINS, as well as the Health Sub- Mr. UPTON. Mr. Chair, today we are mak- This legislation being considered committee and its chairman, Chairman ing a difference for the nation’s most vulner- would require all States to report in- PITTS, and the full committee, includ- able. Republicans and Democrats working to formation on fraudulent providers to ing, of course, Chairman UPTON and strengthen Medicaid, and the White House the Secretary for inclusion in an exist- Ranking Member PALLONE. Let’s work has officially given its seal of approval to these ing termination database that is acces- together to ensure passage of this leg- commonsense reforms. sible to all States. It also requires the islation on the floor of the House Today is an important day and underscores Secretary to develop uniform criteria today. what we can accomplish when we work to- for States to use when submitting in- Mr. TONKO. Mr. Chair, I reserve the gether. formation and ensures those providers balance of my time. Medicaid is an important lifeline for so many in managed care plans are enrolled Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I yield 2 in Michigan and across the country. It is esti- with the State and also captured in the minutes to the gentleman from Geor- mated the program will expand to cover 83 database. gia (Mr. CARTER). million people this year—to put that into per- Finally, the bill preserves and pro- Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I spective, that’s one in four Americans. Given tects all existing provider appeal proc- rise today in support of H.R. 3716, the its rapidly growing size, it is imperative the esses and changes nothing regarding Ensuring Access to Quality Medicaid program is working as it is intended—pro- the underlying standard for fraud in Providers Act. viding care for folks who need it most. this part of the program, an important A recent report by the HHS inspector The Ensuring Access to Quality Medicaid protection. This is smart policy that general found that more than 1 in Providers Act we are considering is the prod- stakeholders and the administration every 10 Medicaid providers who were uct of two bills authored by committee mem- agree will improve Federal and State terminated for fraud, integrity, or bers Dr. LARRY BUCSHON and Rep. CHRIS efforts. quality in one State were still partici- COLLINS that unanimously cleared both the I urge Members to support the bill. pating in another State’s Medicaid pro- Health Subcommittee and full committee last Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I yield 2 gram. fall. minutes to the gentleman from New To ensure that Medicaid patients are Dr. BUCSHON led the effort to help cut down Jersey (Mr. LANCE). receiving their care from a qualified, on fraud by eliminating bad actors. The bipar- Mr. LANCE. Mr. Chair, this is the licensed doctor, H.R. 3716 provides that tisan legislation ensures that providers termi- way Congress should work, in a bipar- disqualified providers be reported with- nated from Medicare or a state Medicaid pro- tisan capacity on an issue of impor- in 21 days to CMS, and each Medicaid tance to better the health of the Amer- gram for reasons of fraud, integrity, or quality provider must be enrolled with the ican Nation. are terminated across the board from all other As is so often true of the House En- State Medicaid agency. state Medicaid programs. ergy and Commerce Committee, we H.R. 3716 also provides that State With a program as large as Medicaid, it will work in a bipartisan fashion. It is the Medicaid programs include an elec- always be a target for fraudsters, but we can committee of jurisdiction for so many tronic directory of physicians who work to limit their impact, and this bill is an of the issues that reach this floor, with serve Medicaid patients. Today, many positive step that will save millions of dollars the support in committee and in sub- Medicaid patients have a hard time and send the message loud and clear that bad committee of both Republicans and finding a doctor and instead rely on the actors in one state should not be allowed to Democrats. Legislation coming out of emergency room. With an established participate anywhere, period. our committee, the Energy and Com- directory, Medicaid patients will be In addition to reducing fraud, we are helping merce Committee, is legislation that able to know which doctors are avail- increase access for those most in need. Find- passes here on the floor, goes over to able to them and will ultimately get ing a doctor is often a difficult task, and Mr. the other House, and is eventually better care. COLLINS led this effort to increase access to signed into law by the President of the I encourage my colleagues to support care beyond the emergency room. If a state is United States. I am pleased that we are the reforms in H.R. 3716 so we can using a fee-for-service or primary case man- working closely with the other elected make sure that Medicaid patients are agement system to deliver care to Medicaid branch of government in this area. receiving the care and attention they patients, this bill requires they provide those I commend Congressman BUCSHON, deserve. patients with a directory of physicians. Dr. BUCSHON, for his legislation that Mr. TONKO. Mr. Chair, again, I just Medicaid managed care plans already pro- will so improve the issue we are dis- would thank all who have been in- vide a network of doctors and nurses to care cussing, and I think that Medicaid pro- volved with the effort here—from my for patients. This requirement ensures that pa- viders is an important matter for the perspective, particularly Representa- tients in fee-for-service Medicaid programs entire Nation. I also compliment Con- tive COLLINS, Dr. BUCSHON, Representa- don’t have to fend for themselves. gressman COLLINS of New York for his tive WELCH, and others who put to- Research has shown that access to doctors involvement on this issue. gether, I think, a good effort here to can be a problem for Medicaid beneficiaries, With a program as large as Medicaid, have a bipartisan, collaborative effort so this commonsense step will help ensure it will always be a target for those who that speaks to sensitivity, speaks to beneficiaries are empowered with better infor- engage in fraud, but we can work to compassion toward the patients, those mation that is more readily available. And limit the impact of those who engage requiring the access to health care, and that’s a good thing. in fraud. The Congressman’s bill is a certainly has great respect for the tax- This bill doesn’t solve all our problems, but positive step in that direction. It will payer and the ensuing outcomes. it is a significant bipartisan step forward. And save millions of dollars and send a mes- With that, I would encourage my col- yesterday, the Office of Management and sage loud and clear that bad actors in leagues to support the legislation. Budget announced the administration ‘‘sup- one State should not be allowed to par- I yield back the balance of my time. ports House passage of H.R. 3716 because it ticipate anywhere. Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I would improves program integrity for Medicaid and Medicaid-managed care plans already just like to echo the words of Mr. the Children’s Health Insurance Program.’’ provide a network of doctors and TONKO. This is good legislation. It im- We’ve got Republicans, Democrats, and the nurses to care for patients. The re- proves the Medicaid program. It en- White House all in lockstep supporting mean- quirement in this bill ensures that pa- sures access to quality providers for ingful, 21st century reforms for Medicaid. This tients in fee-for-service Medicaid pro- our Medicaid recipients in all of our bill shows that it’s possible to work together on grams do not have to fend for them- States. Also, it helps our States to de- Medicaid. selves. termine when people have been kicked I’d like to once again thank Dr. BUCSHON Research has shown that access to off the program as a provider in an- and Mr. COLLINS, as well as Helath Sub- doctors can be a problem for Medicaid other State and, therefore, helps them committee Chairman PITTS and full committee beneficiaries, so this commonsense protect the patients in their own Ranking Member PALLONE. Together, we are step will help ensure beneficiaries are States. building upon the committee’s proud bipartisan empowered with better information I urge all of my colleagues to support record of success. Let’s keep the momentum and that this happens across the board. this legislation. going to help our most vulnerable folks.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:31 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.026 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1101 The CHAIR. All time for general de- 1903(m) or 1905(t)(3) (as applicable), beginning form terminology to be used with respect to bate has expired. on the later of the first day of the first plan specifying reasons under subparagraph (A)(v) of Pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be year for such managed care entity that begins paragraph (8) of section 1902(kk) of the Social considered for amendment under the 5- after the date of the enactment of this para- Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396a(kk)), as amended graph or January 1, 2017, the State shall require by paragraph (1), for the termination (as de- minute rule. that such contract include a provision that pro- scribed in such paragraph) of the participation In lieu of the amendment in the na- viders of services or persons terminated (as de- of certain providers in the Medicaid program ture of a substitute recommended by scribed in section 1902(kk)(8)) from participation under title XIX of such Act or the Children’s the Committee on Energy and Com- under this title, title XVIII, or title XXI be ter- Health Insurance Program under title XXI of merce, printed in the bill, it shall be in minated from participating under this title as a such Act. order to consider as an original bill for provider in any network of such entity that (6) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Section the purpose of amendment under the 5- serves individuals eligible to receive medical as- 1902(a)(41) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. minute rule an amendment in the na- sistance under this title. 1396a(a)(41)) is amended by striking ‘‘provide ‘‘(B) NOTIFICATION OF TERMINATION.—For the that whenever’’ and inserting ‘‘provide, in ac- ture of a substitute consisting of the period beginning on January 1, 2017, and ending cordance with subsection (kk)(8) (as applicable), text of Rules Committee Print 114–45. on the date on which the enrollment of pro- that whenever’’. That amendment in the nature of a viders under paragraph (6) is complete for a (b) INCREASING AVAILABILITY OF MEDICAID substitute shall be considered as read. State, the State shall provide for a system for PROVIDER INFORMATION.— The text of the amendment in the na- notifying managed care entities (as defined in (1) FFS PROVIDER ENROLLMENT.—Section ture of a substitute is as follows: subsection (a)(1)) of the termination (as de- 1902(a) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)) is amended by inserting after para- H.R. 3716 scribed in section 1902(kk)(8)) of providers of services or persons from participation under this graph (77) the following new paragraph: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- title, title XVIII, or title XXI.’’. ‘‘(78) provide that, not later than January 1, resentatives of the United States of America in (3) TERMINATION NOTIFICATION DATABASE.— 2017, in the case of a State plan that provides Congress assembled, Section 1902 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. medical assistance on a fee-for-service basis, the SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. 1396a) is amended by adding at the end the fol- State shall require each provider furnishing This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Ensuring Re- lowing new subsection: items and services to individuals eligible to re- moval of Terminated Providers from Medicaid ‘‘(ll) TERMINATION NOTIFICATION DATABASE.— ceive medical assistance under such plan to en- and CHIP Act’’. In the case of a provider of services or any other roll with the State agency and provide to the SEC. 2. INCREASING OVERSIGHT OF TERMI- person whose participation under this title, title State agency the provider’s identifying informa- NATION OF MEDICAID PROVIDERS. XVIII, or title XXI is terminated (as described tion, including the name, specialty, date of (a) INCREASED OVERSIGHT AND REPORTING.— in subsection (kk)(8)), the Secretary shall, not birth, Social Security number, national provider (1) STATE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.—Section later than 21 business days after the date on identifier, Federal taxpayer identification num- 1902(kk) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. which the Secretary terminates such participa- ber, and the State license or certification num- 1396a(kk)) is amended— tion under title XVIII or is notified of such ter- ber of the provider;’’. (A) by redesignating paragraph (8) as para- mination under subsection (a)(41) (as applica- (2) MANAGED CARE PROVIDER ENROLLMENT.— graph (9); and ble), review such termination and, if the Sec- Section 1932(d) of the Social Security Act (42 (B) by inserting after paragraph (7) the fol- retary determines appropriate, include such ter- U.S.C. 1396u–2(d)), as amended by subsection lowing new paragraph: mination in any database or similar system de- (a)(2), is amended by adding at the end the fol- ‘‘(8) PROVIDER TERMINATIONS.— veloped pursuant to section 6401(b)(2) of the Pa- lowing new paragraph: ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Beginning on January 1, tient Protection and Affordable Care Act (42 ‘‘(6) ENROLLMENT OF PARTICIPATING PRO- 2017, in the case of a notification under sub- U.S.C. 1395cc note; Public Law 111–148).’’. VIDERS.— section (a)(41) with respect to a termination for (4) NO FEDERAL FUNDS FOR ITEMS AND SERV- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Beginning not later than a reason specified in section 455.101 of title 42, ICES FURNISHED BY TERMINATED PROVIDERS.— January 1, 2018, a State shall require that, in Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on No- Section 1903 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. order to participate as a provider in the network vember 1, 2015) or for any other reason specified 1396b) is amended— of a managed care entity that provides services by the Secretary, of the participation of a pro- (A) in subsection (i)(2)— to, or orders, prescribes, refers, or certifies eligi- vider of services or any other person under the (i) in subparagraph (A), by striking the bility for services for, individuals who are eligi- State plan, the State, not later than 21 business comma at the end and inserting a semicolon; ble for medical assistance under the State plan days after the effective date of such termi- (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘or’’ at under this title and who are enrolled with the nation, submits to the Secretary with respect to the end; and entity, the provider is enrolled with the State any such provider or person, as appropriate— (iii) by adding at the end the following new agency administering the State plan under this ‘‘(i) the name of such provider or person; subparagraph: title. Such enrollment shall include providing to ‘‘(ii) the provider type of such provider or per- ‘‘(D) beginning not later than January 1, 2018, the State agency the provider’s identifying in- son; under the plan by any provider of services or formation, including the name, specialty, date ‘‘(iii) the specialty of such provider’s or per- person whose participation in the State plan is of birth, Social Security number, national pro- son’s practice; terminated (as described in section 1902(kk)(8)) vider identifier, Federal taxpayer identification ‘‘(iv) the date of birth, Social Security num- after the date that is 60 days after the date on number, and the State license or certification ber, national provider identifier, Federal tax- which such termination is included in the data- number of the provider. payer identification number, and the State li- base or other system under section 1902(ll); or’’; ‘‘(B) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in cense or certification number of such provider or and subparagraph (A) shall be construed as requir- person; (B) in subsection (m), by inserting after para- ing a provider described in such subparagraph ‘‘(v) the reason for the termination; graph (2) the following new paragraph: to provide services to individuals who are not ‘‘(vi) a copy of the notice of termination sent ‘‘(3) No payment shall be made under this title enrolled with a managed care entity under this to the provider or person; to a State with respect to expenditures incurred title.’’. ‘‘(vii) the effective date of such termination by the State for payment for services provided (c) COORDINATION WITH CHIP.— specified in such notice; and by a managed care entity (as defined under sec- (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 2107(e)(1) of the So- ‘‘(viii) any other information required by the tion 1932(a)(1)) under the State plan under this cial Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397gg(e)(1)) is Secretary. title (or under a waiver of the plan) unless the amended— ‘‘(B) EFFECTIVE DATE DEFINED.—For purposes State— (A) by redesignating subparagraphs (B), (C), of this paragraph, the term ‘effective date’ ‘‘(A) beginning on the applicable date speci- (D), (E), (F), (G), (H), (I), (J), (K), (L), (M), (N), means, with respect to a termination described fied in subparagraph (A) of section 1932(d)(5), and (O) as subparagraphs (D), (E), (F), (G), in subparagraph (A), the later of— has a contract with such entity that complies (H), (I), (J), (K), (M), (N), (O), (P), (Q), and (R), ‘‘(i) the date on which such termination is ef- with the requirement specified in such subpara- respectively; fective, as specified in the notice of such termi- graph; and (B) by inserting after subparagraph (A) the nation; or ‘‘(B)(i) for the period specified in subpara- following new subparagraphs: ‘‘(ii) the date on which all appeal rights appli- graph (B) of such section, has a system in effect ‘‘(B) Section 1902(a)(39) (relating to termi- cable to such termination have been exhausted that meets the requirement specified in such nation of participation of certain providers). or the timeline for any such appeal has ex- subparagraph; and ‘‘(C) Section 1902(a)(78) (relating to enroll- pired.’’. ‘‘(ii) after such period, complies with section ment of providers participating in State plans (2) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR MANAGED 1932(d)(6).’’. providing medical assistance on a fee-for-service CARE ENTITIES.—Section 1932(d) of the Social Se- (5) DEVELOPMENT OF UNIFORM TERMINOLOGY basis).’’; curity Act (42 U.S.C. 1396u–2(d)) is amended by FOR REASONS FOR PROVIDER TERMINATION.—Not (C) by inserting after subparagraph (K) (as adding at the end the following new paragraph: later than January 1, 2017, the Secretary of redesignated by paragraph (1)) the following ‘‘(5) STATE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR Health and Human Services shall, in consulta- new subparagraph: MANAGED CARE ENTITIES.— tion with the heads of State agencies admin- ‘‘(L) Section 1903(m)(3) (relating to limitation ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—With respect to any con- istering State Medicaid plans (or waivers of on payment with respect to managed care).’’; tract with a managed care entity under section such plans), issue regulations establishing uni- and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:42 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.027 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016

(D) in subparagraph (P) (as redesignated by (c) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.— Page 3, beginning on line 24, strike ‘‘appli- paragraph (1)), by striking ‘‘(a)(2)(C) and (h)’’ (1) IN GENERAL.—The amendment made by cable), beginning on the later of the first day and inserting ‘‘(a)(2)(C) (relating to Indian en- subsection (a) shall not be construed to apply in of the first plan year for such managed care rollment), (d)(5) (relating to reporting require- the case of a State in which all the individuals entity that begins after the date of the en- ments for managed care entities), (d)(6) (relating enrolled in the State plan under title XIX of the actment of this paragraph or January 1, 2017, to enrollment of providers participating with a Social Security Act (or under a waiver of such the State shall require that such contract’’ managed care entity), and (h) (relating to spe- plan), other than individuals described in para- and insert ‘‘applicable), no later than July 1, cial rules with respect to Indian enrollees, In- graph (2), are enrolled with a medicaid managed 2018, such contract shall’’. dian health care providers, and Indian managed care organization (as defined in section Page 4, strike lines 12 through 21. care entities)’’. 1903(m)(1)(A) of such Act (42 U.S.C. Page 6, line 1, strike ‘‘January 1, 2018’’ and (2) EXCLUDING FROM MEDICAID PROVIDERS EX- 1396b(m)(1)(A))), including prepaid inpatient insert ‘‘July 1, 2018’’. CLUDED FROM CHIP.—Section 1902(a)(39) of the health plans and prepaid ambulatory health Page 6, line 17, strike ‘‘the applicable date Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(39)) is plans (as defined by the Secretary of Health and specified in subparagraph (A) of section amended by striking ‘‘title XVIII or any other Human Services). 1932(d)(5)’’ and insert ‘‘July 1, 2018’’. State plan under this title’’ and inserting ‘‘title (2) INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED.—An individual Page 6, line 21, strike ‘‘(i)’’. XVIII, any other State plan under this title, or described in this paragraph is an individual Page 6, line 21, strike ‘‘for the period speci- any State child health plan under title XXI’’. who is an Indian (as defined in section 4 of the fied in subparagraph (B) of such section, has (d) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this Indian Health Care Improvement Act (25 U.S.C. a system in effect that meets’’ and insert section shall be construed as changing or lim- 1603)) or an Alaska Native. ‘‘beginning on January 1, 2018, complies iting the appeal rights of providers or the proc- (d) EXCEPTION FOR STATE LEGISLATION.—In with’’. ess for appeals of States under the Social Secu- the case of a State plan under title XIX of the Page 6, line 23, strike ‘‘such subparagraph; rity Act. Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.), and’’ and all that follows through page 7, SEC. 3. REQUIRING PUBLICATION OF FEE-FOR- which the Secretary determines requires State line 2 and insert ‘‘section 1932(d)(6)(A).’’. SERVICE PROVIDER DIRECTORY. legislation in order for the respective plan to Page 7, line 5, strike ‘‘January 1, 2017’’ and (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 1902(a) of the Social meet one or more additional requirements im- insert ‘‘July 1, 2017’’. Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)) is amended— posed by amendments made by this section, the Page 10, line 15, strike ‘‘paragraph (1)’’ and (1) in paragraph (80), by striking ‘‘and’’ at respective plan shall not be regarded as failing insert ‘‘subparagraph (A)’’. the end; to comply with the requirements of such title Page 10, line 21, strike ‘‘paragraph (1)’’ and (2) in paragraph (81), by striking the period at solely on the basis of its failure to meet such an insert ‘‘subparagraph (A)’’. the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and additional requirement before the first day of Page 10, lines 23 and 24, strike ‘‘reporting (3) by inserting after paragraph (81) the fol- the first calendar quarter beginning after the requirements’’ and insert ‘‘contract require- lowing new paragraph: close of the first regular session of the State leg- ment’’. ‘‘(82) provide that, not later than 180 days islature that begins after the date of enactment Page 11, after line 15, insert the following: after the date of the enactment of this para- of this section. For purposes of the previous sen- (e) OIG REPORT.—Not later than March 31, graph, in the case of a State plan that provides tence, in the case of a State that has a 2-year 2020, the Inspector General of the Depart- medical assistance on a fee-for-service basis or legislative session, each year of the session shall ment of Health and Human Services shall through a primary care case-management sys- be considered to be a separate regular session of submit to Congress a report on the imple- tem described in section 1915(b)(1) (other than a the State legislature. mentation of the amendments made by this primary care case management entity (as de- The CHAIR. No amendment to the section. Such report shall include the fol- fined by the Secretary)), the State shall publish lowing: (and update on at least an annual basis) on the amendment in the nature of a sub- (1) An assessment of the extent to which public Website of the State agency administering stitute shall be in order except those providers who are included under subsection the State plan, a directory of the providers (in- printed in House Report 114–440. Each (ll) of section 1902 of the Social Security Act cluding, at a minimum, primary and specialty such amendment may be offered only (42 U.S.C. 1396a) (as added by subsection care physicians) described in subsection (mm) in the order printed in the report, by a (a)(3)) in the database or similar system re- that includes— Member designated in the report, shall ferred to in such subsection are terminated ‘‘(A) with respect to each such provider— (as described in subsection (kk)(8) of such ‘‘(i) the name of the provider; be considered read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report section, as added by subsection (a)(1)) from ‘‘(ii) the specialty of the provider; participation in all State plans under title ‘‘(iii) the address of the provider; and equally divided and controlled by the XIX of such Act. ‘‘(iv) the telephone number of the provider; proponent and an opponent, shall not (2) Information on the amount of Federal and be subject to amendment, and shall not ‘‘(B) with respect to any such provider par- financial participation paid to States under ticipating in such a primary care case-manage- be subject to a demand for division of section 1903 of such Act in violation of the ment system, information regarding— the question. limitation on such payment specified in sub- sections (i)(2)(D) and subsection (m)(3) of ‘‘(i) whether the provider is accepting as new b 1330 patients individuals who receive medical assist- such section, as added by subsection (a)(4). ance under this title; and AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. BUCSHON (3) An assessment of the extent to which ‘‘(ii) the provider’s cultural and linguistic ca- The CHAIR. It is now in order to con- contracts with managed care entities under pabilities, including the languages spoken by sider amendment No. 1 printed in title XIX of such Act comply with the re- the provider or by the skilled medical interpreter House Report 114–440. quirement specified in section 1932(d)(5) of providing interpretation services at the pro- Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chairman, I have such Act, as added by subsection (a)(2). (4) An assessment of the extent to which vider’s office.’’. an amendment at the desk. (b) DIRECTORY PROVIDERS DESCRIBED.—Sec- providers have been enrolled under section tion 1902 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. The CHAIR. The Clerk will designate 1902(a)(78) or 1932(d)(6)(A) of such Act (42 1396a), as amended by section 2(a)(3), is amend- the amendment. U.S.C. 1396a(a)(78), 1396u–2(d)(6)(A)) with ed by adding at the end the following new sub- The text of the amendment is as fol- State agencies administering State plans section: lows: under title XIX of such Act. ‘‘(mm) DIRECTORY PROVIDERS DESCRIBED.—A Page 1, lines 2 and 3, strike ‘‘Ensuring Re- Page 12, lines 1 and 2, strike ‘‘180 days after provider described in this subsection is— moval of Terminated Providers from Med- the date of the enactment of this paragraph’’ ‘‘(1) in the case of a provider of a provider icaid and CHIP Act’’ and insert ‘‘Ensuring and insert ‘‘January 1, 2017’’. type for which the State agency, as a condition Access to Quality Medicaid Providers Act’’. Page 12, line 10, strike ‘‘a directory’’ and on receiving payment for items and services fur- Page 1, lines 15 and 16, strike ‘‘January 1, all that follows through line 13 and insert nished by the provider to individuals eligible to 2017’’ and insert ‘‘July 1, 2018’’. the following: ‘‘a directory of the physicians receive medical assistance under the State plan, Page 3, lines 1 and 2, strike ‘‘the effective described in subsection (mm) and, at State requires the enrollment of the provider with the date of such termination specified in such option, other providers described in such State agency, a provider that— notice’’ and insert ‘‘the date on which such subsection that—’’ ‘‘(A) is enrolled with the agency as of the date termination is effective, as specified in the Page 12, after line 13, insert the following: on which the directory is published or updated notice’’. ‘‘(A) includes—’’. (as applicable) under subsection (a)(82); and Page 3, line 16, strike ‘‘REPORTING REQUIRE- Page 12, line 14, strike ‘‘(A)’’ and insert ‘‘(B) received payment under the State plan in MENTS’’ and insert ‘‘CONTRACT REQUIRE- ‘‘(i)’’. the 12-month period preceding such date; and MENT’’. Page 12, line 14, insert ‘‘physician or’’ be- ‘‘(2) in the case of a provider of a provider Page 3, line 20, strike ‘‘STATE REPORTING fore ‘‘provider’’. type for which the State agency does not require REQUIREMENTS FOR MANAGED CARE ENTITIES’’ Page 12, line 15, strike ‘‘(i)’’ and insert such enrollment, a provider that received pay- and insert ‘‘CONTRACT REQUIREMENT FOR MAN- ‘‘(I)’’. ment under the State plan in the 12-month pe- AGED CARE ENTITIES’’. Page 12, line 15, insert ‘‘physician or’’ be- riod preceding the date on which the directory Page 3, line 22, strike ‘‘(A)’’ and all that fore ‘‘provider’’. is published or updated (as applicable) under follows through ‘‘With respect’’ and insert Page 12, line 16, strike ‘‘(ii)’’ and insert subsection (a)(82).’’. ‘‘With respect’’. ‘‘(II)’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:42 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02MR7.006 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1103 Page 12, line 16, insert ‘‘physician or’’ be- HHS review the implementation of the It is now in order to consider amend- fore ‘‘provider’’. requirements in this bill regarding ter- ment No. 4 printed in House Report Page 12, line 17, strike ‘‘(iii)’’ and insert minated providers and report back to 114–440. ‘‘(III)’’. Congress on what they find. This is an Page 12, line 17, strike ‘‘of the provider’’ The question is on the amendment in and insert ‘‘at which the physician or pro- important feedback loop to ensure ap- the nature of a substitute, as amended. vider provides services’’. propriate oversight. The amendment was agreed to. Finally, the amendment clarifies Page 12, line 18, strike ‘‘(iv)’’ and insert The CHAIR. Under the rule, the Com- that the fee-for-service provider direc- ‘‘(IV)’’. mittee rises. Page 12, line 18, insert ‘‘physician or’’ be- tory is required to include physicians fore ‘‘provider’’. and, at a State’s option, other pro- Accordingly, the Committee rose; Page 12, line 20, strike ‘‘(B)’’ and insert viders. The amendment also clarifies and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. ‘‘(ii)’’. the information that could be included SMITH of Nebraska) having assumed the Page 12, line 20, insert ‘‘physician or’’ be- in the directory. chair, Mr. HOLDING, Chair of the Com- fore ‘‘provider’’. mittee of the Whole House on the state MODIFICATION TO AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED Page 12, line 23, strike ‘‘(i)’’ and insert of the Union, reported that that Com- ‘‘(I)’’. BY MR. BUCSHON Page 12, line 23, insert ‘‘physician or’’ be- Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I ask mittee, having had under consideration fore ‘‘provider’’. unanimous consent to modify the sec- the bill (H.R. 3716) to amend title XIX Page 13, line 1, strike ‘‘(ii)’’ and insert ond instruction relating to page 13, line of the Social Security Act to require ‘‘(II)’’. 1, as provided at the desk. States to provide to the Secretary of Page 13, line 1, insert ‘‘the physician’s’’ be- The CHAIR. The Clerk will report the Health and Human Services certain in- fore ‘‘provider’s’’. modification. formation with respect to provider ter- Page 13, line 3, insert ‘‘physician or’’ before The Clerk read as follows: minations, and for other purposes, and, ‘‘provider’’. Modification to amendment No. 1 of- pursuant to House Resolution 632, he Page 13, line 5, strike ‘‘provider’s office.’’ and insert ‘‘physician’s or provider’s office; fered by Mr. BUCSHON: reported the bill back to the House and’’. Page 13, line 1, insert ‘‘physician’s or’’ be- with an amendment adopted in the Page 13, after line 5, insert the following: fore ‘‘provider’s’’. Committee of the Whole. ‘‘(B) may include, at State option, with re- The CHAIR. Is there objection to the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under spect to each such physician or provider— request of the gentleman from Indiana? the rule, the previous question is or- ‘‘(i) the Internet website of such physician There was no objection. dered. or provider; or The CHAIR. The amendment is modi- ‘‘(ii) whether the physician or provider is Is a separate vote demanded on any fied. amendment to the amendment re- accepting as new patients individuals who The Chair recognizes the gentleman ported from the Committee of the receive medical assistance under this title.’’. from Indiana. Page 13, line 6, strike ‘‘PROVIDERS’’ and in- Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chairman, I urge Whole? sert ‘‘PHYSICIAN OR PROVIDER’’. my colleagues to support this bipar- If not, the question is on the amend- Page 13, line 10, strike ‘‘PROVIDERS’’ and ment in the nature of a substitute, as insert ‘‘PHYSICIAN OR PROVIDER’’. tisan amendment to H.R. 3716. Page 13, line 10, strike ‘‘A’’ and insert ‘‘A I yield back the balance of my time. amended. physician or’’. The CHAIR. Does any Member seek The amendment was agreed to. Page 13, line 12, insert ‘‘physician or’’ be- time in opposition to the amendment? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The fore ‘‘provider of’’. Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chairman, I ask question is on the engrossment and Page 13, line 15, insert ‘‘physician or’’ be- unanimous consent to reclaim my third reading of the bill. fore ‘‘provider’’. time. The bill was ordered to be engrossed Page 13, line 17, strike ‘‘provider with the The CHAIR. Is there objection to the and read a third time, and was read the State agency, a’’ and insert ‘‘physician or request of the gentleman from Indiana? provider with the State agency, a physician There was no objection. third time. or’’. The CHAIR. The gentleman from In- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Page 14, line 1, insert ‘‘physician or’’ before diana is recognized. question is on the passage of the bill. ‘‘provider of’’. Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chairman, I yield The question was taken; and the Page 14, line 3, insert ‘‘physician or’’ before ‘‘provider’’. to the gentleman from New York (Mr. Speaker pro tempore announced that Page 14, beginning on line 10, strike ‘‘in TONKO). the ayes appeared to have it. which all the individuals enrolled in the Mr. TONKO. Mr. Chair, I rise in sup- Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Speaker, on that State plan under title XIX of the Social Se- port of the manager’s amendment. I demand the yeas and nays. curity Act’’ and insert ‘‘(as defined for pur- This amendment provides a new bill The yeas and nays were ordered. poses of title XIX of the Social Security Act) name that incorporates the underlying The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- in which all the individuals enrolled in the policies from each of its component ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- State plan under such title’’. bills and reflects additional technical ceedings on this question will be post- Page 15, line 3, insert ‘‘of Health and changes that have been outlined by the Human Services’’ after ‘‘Secretary’’. poned. Page 15, line 12, strike ‘‘section’’ and insert gentleman from Indiana (Mr. BUCSHON), ‘‘Act’’. made in consultation with CMS. This is a very targeted policy that f The CHAIR. Pursuant to House Reso- went through extensive review through lution 632, the gentleman from Indiana regular order in the committee. The RECESS (Mr. BUCSHON) and a Member opposed manager’s amendment reflects the each will control 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- final iteration of that hard work. ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair The Chair recognizes the gentleman I would urge all my colleagues to from Indiana. declares the House in recess subject to support this simple refining amend- the call of the Chair. Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chairman, I yield ment. myself such time as I may consume. Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chairman, I yield Accordingly (at 1 o’clock and 38 min- This bipartisan amendment makes a back the balance of my time. utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. few technical changes to the bill. The CHAIR. The question is on the First, this amendment modifies the amendment, as modified, offered by the f short title to better reflect the policies gentleman from Indiana (Mr. BUCSHON). of both sections of the bill. The amendment, as modified, was b 1715 Second, this amendment updates the agreed to. effective dates throughout the bill to The CHAIR. It is now in order to con- AFTER RECESS ensure that States and HHS have the sider amendment No. 2 printed in time necessary to correctly implement House Report 114–440. The recess having expired, the House the provisions. It is now in order to consider amend- was called to order by the Speaker pro Next, it includes a requirement that ment No. 3 printed in House Report tempore (Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee) at the Office of the Inspector General at 114–440. 5 o’clock and 15 minutes p.m.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:42 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02MR7.007 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1104 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016 REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- Crowley Jenkins (KS) Olson Vargas Wasserman Wilson (SC) Cuellar Jenkins (WV) Palazzo Veasey Schultz Wittman VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF Culberson Johnson (OH) Pallone Vela Waters, Maxine Womack H.R. 4557, BLOCKING REGU- Cummings Johnson, E. B. Palmer Vela´ zquez Watson Coleman Woodall LATORY INTERFERENCE FROM Curbelo (FL) Johnson, Sam Paulsen Visclosky Weber (TX) Yarmuth CLOSING KILNS ACT OF 2016, AND Davis (CA) Jolly Payne Wagner Webster (FL) Yoder Davis, Danny Jones Pearce Walberg Welch Yoho PROVIDING FOR PROCEEDINGS Davis, Rodney Jordan Perlmutter Walden Wenstrup Young (AK) DURING THE PERIOD FROM DeFazio Joyce Perry Walker Westerman Young (IA) MARCH 4, 2016, THROUGH MARCH DeGette Kaptur Peters Walorski Whitfield Young (IN) 11, 2016 Delaney Katko Peterson Walters, Mimi Williams Zeldin DelBene Keating Pingree Walz Wilson (FL) Zinke Mr. BYRNE, from the Committee on Denham Kelly (IL) Pittenger NOT VOTING—27 Rules, submitted a privileged report Dent Kelly (MS) Pitts DeSantis Kelly (PA) Pocan Benishek Gutie´rrez Pascrell (Rept. No. 114–443) on the resolution (H. DeSaulnier Kennedy Poe (TX) Black Herrera Beutler Pelosi Res. 635) providing for consideration of DesJarlais Kildee Poliquin Brady (PA) Hinojosa Rice (NY) the bill (H.R. 4557) to allow for judicial Deutch Kilmer Polis DeLauro Johnson (GA) Richmond review of any final rule addressing na- Diaz-Balart Kind Pompeo Duffy Larson (CT) Rogers (KY) Dingell King (IA) Posey Ellmers (NC) Lewis Sanchez, Loretta tional emission standards for haz- Doggett King (NY) Price (NC) Franks (AZ) Lofgren Scott, David ardous air pollutants for brick and Dold Kinzinger (IL) Price, Tom Frelinghuysen Mulvaney Smith (WA) structural clay products or for clay ce- Donovan Kirkpatrick Quigley Green, Gene Napolitano Westmoreland ramics manufacturing before requiring Doyle, Michael Kline Rangel 1733 F. Knight Ratcliffe b compliance with such rule, and pro- Duckworth Kuster Reed So the bill was passed. viding for proceedings during the pe- Duncan (SC) Labrador Reichert The result of the vote was announced riod from March 4, 2016, through March Duncan (TN) LaHood Renacci Edwards LaMalfa Ribble as above recorded. 11, 2016, which was referred to the Ellison Lamborn Rice (SC) A motion to reconsider was laid on House Calendar and ordered to be Emmer (MN) Lance Rigell the table. printed. Engel Langevin Roby Stated for: Eshoo Larsen (WA) Roe (TN) f Esty Latta Rogers (AL) Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. Farenthold Lawrence Rohrabacher 105, I was unavoidably detained. Had I been MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Farr Lee Rokita present, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Fattah Levin Rooney (FL) Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, Messages in writing from the Presi- Fincher Lieu, Ted Ros-Lehtinen dent of the United States were commu- Fitzpatrick Lipinski Roskam during rollcall vote No. 105 on March 2, 2016 nicated to the House by Mr. Brian Fleischmann LoBiondo Ross (H.R. 3716), I was unavoidably detained. Had Pate, one of his secretaries. Fleming Loebsack Rothfus I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Flores Long Rouzer Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, during rollcall f Forbes Loudermilk Roybal-Allard Fortenberry Love Royce vote No. 105 on March 2, 2016 (H.R. 3716), ENSURING REMOVAL OF TERMI- Foster Lowenthal Ruiz I was unavoidably detained. Had I been NATED PROVIDERS FROM MED- Foxx Lowey Ruppersberger present, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Frankel (FL) Lucas Rush Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, on ICAID AND CHIP ACT Fudge Luetkemeyer Russell Wednesday, March 2, 2016, I was absent dur- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Gabbard Lujan Grisham Ryan (OH) Gallego (NM) Salmon ing rollcall vote No. 105. Had I been present, ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- Garamendi Luja´ n, Ben Ray Sa´ nchez, Linda I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on final passage of ished business is the vote on passage of Garrett (NM) T. H.R. 3716—Ensuring Access to Quality Med- the bill (H.R. 3716) to amend title XIX Gibbs Lummis Sanford Gibson Lynch Sarbanes icaid Providers. of the Social Security Act to require Gohmert MacArthur Scalise Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, States to provide to the Secretary of Goodlatte Maloney, Schakowsky I was unable to vote on Wednesday, March 2, Health and Human Services certain in- Gosar Carolyn Schiff 2016, due to important events being held formation with respect to provider ter- Gowdy Maloney, Sean Schrader Graham Marchant Schweikert today in our district in Houston and Harris minations, and for other purposes, on Granger Marino Scott (VA) County, Texas. If I had been able to vote, I which the yeas and nays were ordered. Graves (GA) Massie Scott, Austin would have voted as follows: On H.R. 3716, The Clerk read the title of the bill. Graves (LA) Matsui Sensenbrenner Graves (MO) McCarthy Serrano the Ensuring Access to Quality Medicaid Pro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Grayson McCaul Sessions viders Act, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ question is on the passage of the bill. Green, Al McClintock Sewell (AL) f The vote was taken by electronic de- Griffith McCollum Sherman vice, and there were—yeas 406, nays 0, Grijalva McDermott Shimkus CONTINUATION OF THE NATIONAL Grothman McGovern Shuster EMERGENCY WITH RESPECT TO not voting 27, as follows: Guinta McHenry Simpson [Roll No. 105] Guthrie McKinley Sinema UKRAINE—MESSAGE FROM THE Hahn McMorris Sires YEAS—406 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED Hanna Rodgers Slaughter STATES (H. DOC. NO. 114–112) Abraham Boyle, Brendan Chabot Hardy McNerney Smith (MO) Adams F. Chaffetz Harper McSally Smith (NE) The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Aderholt Brady (TX) Chu, Judy Harris Meadows Smith (NJ) fore the House the following message Aguilar Brat Cicilline Hartzler Meehan Smith (TX) Allen Bridenstine Clark (MA) Hastings Meeks Speier from the President of the United Amash Brooks (AL) Clarke (NY) Heck (NV) Meng Stefanik States; which was read and, together Amodei Brooks (IN) Clawson (FL) Heck (WA) Messer Stewart with the accompanying papers, referred Ashford Brown (FL) Clay Hensarling Mica Stivers to the Committee on Foreign Affairs Babin Brownley (CA) Cleaver Hice, Jody B. Miller (FL) Stutzman Barletta Buchanan Clyburn Higgins Miller (MI) Swalwell (CA) and ordered to be printed: Barr Buck Coffman Hill Moolenaar Takai Barton Bucshon Cohen Himes Mooney (WV) Takano To the Congress of the United States: Bass Burgess Cole Holding Moore Thompson (CA) Section 202(d) of the National Emer- Beatty Bustos Collins (GA) Honda Moulton Thompson (MS) gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides Becerra Butterfield Collins (NY) Hoyer Mullin Thompson (PA) for the automatic termination of a na- Bera Byrne Comstock Hudson Murphy (FL) Thornberry Beyer Calvert Conaway Huelskamp Murphy (PA) Tiberi tional emergency unless, within 90 Bilirakis Capps Connolly Huffman Nadler Tipton days prior to the anniversary date of Bishop (GA) Capuano Conyers Huizenga (MI) Neal Titus its declaration, the President publishes Bishop (MI) Ca´ rdenas Cook Hultgren Neugebauer Tonko Bishop (UT) Carney Cooper Hunter Newhouse Torres in the Federal Register and transmits to Blackburn Carson (IN) Costa Hurd (TX) Noem Trott the Congress a notice stating that the Blum Carter (GA) Costello (PA) Hurt (VA) Nolan Tsongas emergency is to continue in effect be- Blumenauer Carter (TX) Courtney Israel Norcross Turner yond the anniversary date. In accord- Bonamici Cartwright Cramer Issa Nugent Upton Bost Castor (FL) Crawford Jackson Lee Nunes Valadao ance with this provision, I have sent to Boustany Castro (TX) Crenshaw Jeffries O’Rourke Van Hollen the Federal Register for publication the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:31 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.033 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1105 enclosed notice stating that the na- pose an unusual and extraordinary foreign policy of the United States. For tional emergency declared in Executive threat to the national security and for- these reasons, I have determined that Order 13660 of March 6, 2014, is to con- eign policy of the United States. For it is necessary to continue this na- tinue in effect beyond March 6, 2016. this reason, the national emergency de- tional emergency and to maintain in The actions and policies of persons clared on March 6, 2014, and the meas- force the sanctions to respond to this that undermine democratic processes ures adopted on that date, on March 16, threat. and institutions in Ukraine; threaten 2014, on March 20, 2014, and December . its peace, security, stability, sov- 19, 2014, to deal with that emergency, THE WHITE HOUSE, March 2, 2016. ereignty, and territorial integrity; and must continue in effect beyond March NOTICE contribute to the misappropriation of 6, 2016. Therefore, in accordance with its assets, as well as the actions and section 202(d) of the National Emer- policies of the Government of the Rus- gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am CONTINUATION OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY WITH RESPECT TO ZIMBABWE sian Federation, including its pur- continuing for 1 year the national On March 6, 2003, by Executive Order ported annexation of Crimea and its emergency declared in Executive Order 13288, the President declared a national use of force in Ukraine, continue to 13660. emergency and blocked the property of pose an unusual and extraordinary This notice shall be published in the certain persons, pursuant to the Inter- threat to the national security and for- Federal Register and transmitted to the national Emergency Economic Powers eign policy of the United States. There- Congress. Act (50 U.S.C. 1701–1706), to deal with fore, I have determined that it is nec- BARACK OBAMA. the unusual and extraordinary threat THE WHITE HOUSE, March 2, 2016. essary to continue the national emer- to the foreign policy of the United gency declared in Executive Order 13660 f States constituted by the actions and with respect to Ukraine. HOUR OF MEETING ON TOMORROW policies of certain members of the Gov- BARACK OBAMA. ernment of Zimbabwe and other per- THE WHITE HOUSE, March 2, 2016. Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana. Mr. sons to undermine Zimbabwe’s demo- Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that NOTICE cratic processes or institutions. These when the House adjourns today, it ad- actions and policies had contributed to journ to meet at 9 a.m. tomorrow. the deliberate breakdown in the rule of CONTINUATION OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there law in Zimbabwe, to politically moti- WITH RESPECT TO UKRAINE objection to the request of the gen- On March 6, 2014, by Executive Order vated violence and intimidation in that tleman from Louisiana? country, and to political and economic 13660, I declared a national emergency There was no objection. pursuant to the International Emer- instability in the southern African re- gion. gency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. f On November 22, 2005, the President 1701–1706) to deal with the unusual and CONTINUATION OF THE NATIONAL issued Executive Order 13391 to take extraordinary threat to the national EMERGENCY WITH RESPECT TO additional steps with respect to the na- security and foreign policy of the ZIMBABWE—MESSAGE FROM THE tional emergency declared in Executive United States constituted by the ac- PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED Order 13288, including the blocking of tions and policies of persons that un- STATES (H. DOC. NO. 114–113) the property of additional persons en- dermine democratic processes and in- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- gaged in undermining democratic proc- stitutions in Ukraine; threaten its fore the House the following message esses or institutions in Zimbabwe. peace, security, stability, sovereignty, from the President of the United On July 25, 2008, the President issued and territorial integrity; and con- States; which was read and, together Executive Order 13469, which expanded tribute to the misappropriation of its with the accompanying papers, referred the scope of the national emergency assets. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs declared in Executive Order 13288 and On March 16, 2014, I issued Executive and ordered to be printed: authorized the blocking of the property Order 13661, which expanded the scope of additional persons who were engaged To the Congress of the United States: of the national emergency declared in in undermining democratic processes Section 202(d) of the National Emer- Executive Order 13660, and found that or institutions in Zimbabwe, facili- gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides the actions and policies of the Govern- tating public corruption by senior offi- for the automatic termination of a na- ment of the Russian Federation with cials, or were responsible for commit- tional emergency unless, within 90 respect to Ukraine undermine demo- ting human rights abuses related to po- days prior to the anniversary date of cratic processes and institutions in litical repression. Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, its declaration, the President publishes The actions and policies of these per- stability, sovereignty, and territorial in the Federal Register and transmits to sons continue to pose an unusual and integrity; and contribute to the mis- the Congress a notice stating that the extraordinary threat to the foreign pol- appropriation of its assets. emergency is to continue in effect be- icy of the United States. For this rea- On March 20, 2014, I issued Executive yond the anniversary date. In accord- son, the national emergency declared Order 13662, which further expanded the ance with this provision, I have sent to on March 6, 2003, and the measures scope of the national emergency de- the Federal Register for publication the adopted on that date, on November 22, clared in Executive Order 13660, as ex- enclosed notice stating that the na- 2005, and on July 25, 2008, to deal with panded in scope in Executive Order tional emergency originally declared in that emergency, must continue in ef- 13661, and found that the actions and Executive Order 13288 of March 6, 2003, fect beyond March 6, 2016. Therefore, in policies of the Government of the Rus- and renewed every year since then, is accordance with section 202(d) of the sian Federation, including its pur- to continue in effect beyond March 6, National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. ported annexation of Crimea and its 2016. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the use of force in Ukraine, continue to un- The threat constituted by the actions national emergency originally declared dermine democratic processes and in- and policies of certain members of the in Executive Order 13288. stitutions in Ukraine; threaten its Government of Zimbabwe and other This notice shall be published in the peace, security, stability, sovereignty, persons to undermine Zimbabwe’s Federal Register and transmitted to the and territorial integrity; and con- democratic processes or institutions, Congress. tribute to the misappropriation of its contributing to the deliberate break- BARACK OBAMA. assets. down in the rule of law, to politically THE WHITE HOUSE, March 2, 2016. On December 19, 2014, I issued Execu- motivated violence and intimidation, f tive Order 13685, to take additional and to political and economic insta- steps to address the Russian occupa- bility in the southern African region, HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE tion of the Crimea region of Ukraine. has not been resolved. These actions OF OFFICER ASHLEY GUINDON The actions and policies addressed in and policies continue to pose an un- (Mr. WITTMAN asked and was given these Executive Orders continue to usual and extraordinary threat to the permission to address the House for 1

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:00 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02MR7.019 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1106 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016 minute and to revise and extend his re- [From The Plain Dealer, Feb. 26, 2016] So, he said he was fine, and once we got marks.) TOLEDO NATIVE EDWARD BYERS WILL BE outside, I noticed that our medics were Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise AWARDED working on Nick, and you know, being a today to honor the life and service of (By Brian Albrecht) medic myself I passed off the American hos- tage off to our other teammates and I went Officer Ashley Guindon. CLEVELAND, OHIO.—The rescue of an Amer- over to work on Nick, and did resuscitative Officer Guindon was killed in the line ican hostage in Afghanistan in 2012 will re- efforts on him all the way to the hospital, of duty Saturday while responding to a sult in Toledo native and Navy SEAL Ed- where he was announced dead there.’’ call for help from a domestic violence ward C. Byers Jr. being awarded the Medal of The official citation noted: ‘‘Chief Petty victim. Honor by President Barack Obama in a cere- Officer Byers displayed superior gallantry, mony at the White House on February 29. extraordinary heroism at grave personal She was 28 years old, and during her The Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator short life, Officer Guindon had done risk, dedication to his teammates, and calm is only the 11th living service member to be tactical leadership while liberating Dr. Dilip more for others than most of us will awarded the Medal of Honor for bravery dis- Joseph from captivity.’’ ever do. She spent 6 years in the Ma- played in Afghanistan. Byers said that when he found out he was rine Corps Reserves before interning According to Navy information, Byers was being awarded the Medal of Honor, ‘‘I felt and ultimately working with the born in Toledo in 1979 and grew up in Grand very honored and very humbled because I’m Prince William County Police Depart- Rapids, Ohio. After graduating from Otsego gonna be a representative for the Navy and High School, where he played varsity soccer, the naval special warfare community, and ment. he joined the Navy in 1998. At funeral services Tuesday, Officer there’s a weight that’s carried with that. Byers attended school ‘‘And that weight is the sacrifices that ev- Guindon was remembered as a police- and also completed a basic underwater demo- erybody has made within this community. woman and as a peace officer. lition/SEAL course and special operations Guys like Nick Cheque and all of our other In Prince William County, the Police combat medic course in 2003. brothers that have fallen, is it’s an affirma- Department’s stated mission is to ‘‘en- He went on 11 overseas deployments, in- tion of the job that we do, and an apprecia- hance the quality of life by providing cluding nine combat tours. tion of the job we do.’’ police services through shared respon- The Medal of Honor is awarded to members In the interview, Byers also credited the of the armed forces who distinguish them- sibility with the public.’’ support of his family, and noted that when selves conspicuously by gallantry and intre- he told his mother about the award cere- As members of the public, it is in- pidity at the risk of their own lives above mony, ‘‘the first question out of her mouth is cumbent upon us to respect the work and beyond the call of duty. ‘Do you think I can come to it?’ And I said that police officers do, the sacrifices The mission that lead to his Medal of of course, mom, I think you’ll be able to that they make, and the lives that Honor award involved the rescue of Dr. Dilip come to it.’’ they touch across the Commonwealth Joseph, an American who was abducted with He also noted that his daughter ‘‘knows and the United States of America. his driver and Afghan interpreter in Decem- that I’m daddy, and she loves me just for ber of 2012. that. If you talk to her one-on-one, she’ll tell God rest you and keep your family, U.S. intelligence located Joseph in a re- Officer Guindon. Thank you for your you all the five nicknames she has for me, mote mountainous area in a small, single- and none of them includes ‘hero.’ ’’ service. room building, and Byers was part of the He concluded, ‘‘I’m gonna continue to be a team assigned to the recovery mission. f SEAL. And I’m gonna take whatever job or In a subsequent Navy Interview, Byers de- mission is next for me, and just continue CONGRATULATING NAVY SEAL tailed his role in that mission: doing that. I don’t have any plans on chang- ‘‘So that night was December 8 in Eastern EDWARD BYERS ing my job at this time. I still love what I Afghanistan, it was a cool night, we got off do, and as long as I love what I do I’ll con- (Ms. KAPTUR asked and was given the helicopters, did a four- or five-hour pret- tinue doing it.’’ permission to address the House for 1 ty arduous hike through the mountains, and Byers’ personal decorations include the minute and to revise and extend her re- upon getting to our target building where we Bronze Star with Valor (five awards), the marks.) assumed the American hostage was at, our (two awards), the Joint Service point man Nick Cheque, he was right in front Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I want to Commendation Medal with Valor, the Navy of me, he saw a guard come out of the door, Commendation Medal (three awards, one add the congratulations and com- he engaged that guard and we started sprint- with Valor), the Combat Action ribbon (two mendations from the people of Ohio’s ing towards the door. awards), and the Good Conduct Medal (five Ninth District to Navy SEAL Edward ‘‘Nick made his way in, and I made my way awards). Byers for his incredible valor, and I in right behind him, and I went down by the He is one of only eight living Navy Medal thank the President of the United wall, and I engaged an enemy by the back- of Honor recipients. There are 78 living re- States for awarding him this week the side of the wall. And then I saw another per- cipients total. Medal of Honor. son moving across the floor, so by the time Ohio has had 319 other Medal of Honor re- I got to him he was on his back and I was cipients with a connection to this state, dat- Born in Toledo, Ohio, and raised in able to get down on top of him and straddle ing back to the Civil War. Grand Rapids, Ohio, SEAL Team Mem- him with my knees, and I had to adjust my SUMMARY OF ACTION ber Byers is a credit, not only to his night vision to try to get some facial rec- SENIOR CHIEF SPECIAL WARFARE OPERATOR ognition. service, but to the patriotic people who (SEAL) EDWARD C. BYERS JR.: FOR ACTIONS ‘‘At the same time this is happening I’m raised him, and for his enlistment in DURING OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM ON calling out trying to find the location of the the U.S. military. DEC. 8, 2012 The bravery that he exhibited and American hostage. And finally he spoke up and it was at that time I engaged the person Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Ed- the training and readiness that he ex- I was on top of and jumped off, and jumped ward C. Byers Jr., , dis- emplified through his valorous service off of the guy I was on and jumped onto the tinguished himself by heroic gallantry as an in Afghanistan will go down in the an- doctor who was about three or four, maybe Assault Team Member attached to a Joint nals of American history. five feet to my right. Task Force in support of Operation ENDUR- He is only one of a handful of SEALs ‘‘The reason I did that is because I was ING FREEDOM on 8 December 2012. who have been awarded the Medal of wearing body armor, so I wanted to protect SPECIFIC ACCOMPLISHMENT Honor. He handled the ceremony with him from any other potential threats in the Dr. Dilip Joseph is an American citizen, great dignity, and we send our love and room. who was abducted with his driver and Afghan ‘‘Anyone who’s been in combat knows that interpreter on 5 December 2012. Intelligence congratulations to his wife, to his fam- in those moments you either react, or you reports indicated that Dr. Joseph might be ily, and to all those who have the get killed. transported to another location as early as 9 pleasure of knowing this really great ‘‘When I did that there was a guy that was December 2012. Dr. Joseph was being held in American. right behind him within arm’s reach, who a small, single-room building. Congratulations, SEAL Team Mem- was armed, and I was able to pin that guy to The target compound was located in a re- ber Edward Byers. You distinguished the wall by his throat, kind-of holding the mote area beside a mountain in the yourself on behalf of the people of your doctor, and waiting for my teammates to Qarghah’i District of Laghman Province, Af- country and for freedom-loving people come in and take care of the threat that was ghanistan. Chief Byers was part of the rescue right next to us. When I was done, I still laid team that planned to make entry into the around our world. on top of him, and kept asking him ‘hey can room of guards where the hostage was be- Mr. Speaker, I will include in the you walk,’ you know, and ‘is there anything lieved to be located. Success of the rescue CONGRESSIONAL RECORD two articles medically wrong with you,’ because our goal operation relied upon surprise, speed, and ag- about this Toledo native. is to bring this guy back alive. gressive action. Trading personal security

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:31 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.038 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1107

for speed of action was inherent to the suc- For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity NAVY MEDAL OF HONOR FACTS cess of this rescue mission. Each assaulter in at the risk of his life above and beyond the Senior Chief Byers is the 6th Navy SEAL the rescue force volunteered for this oper- call of duty as a Hostage Rescue Force Team in history to receive the Medal of Honor. ation with full appreciation for the risks Member in Afghanistan in support of Oper- Senior Chief Byers is one of only eight liv- they were to undertake. ation ENDURING FREEDOM from 8 to 9 De- ing Navy Medal of Honor recipients. There With the approval of the Commander of all cember 2012. As the rescue force approached are 78 living recipients total. International Security Assistance Forces in the target building, an enemy sentry de- There have been 745 Medals of Honor Afghanistan, the rescue force launched from tected them and darted inside to alert his awarded to Navy personnel. (308 of those its forward operating base. The infiltration fellow captors. The sentry quickly re- were for actions during the Civil War) was an exhaustive patrol across unimproved emerged, and the lead assaulter attempted to trails and mountainous terrain. After nearly Only two Navy service members have re- neutralize him. Chief Byers with his team ceived the Medal of Honor for actions subse- four hours of patrolling, the rescue force was sprinted to the door of the target building. positioned to make its assault on the target quent to the Vietnam War, and both of those As the primary breacher, Chief Byers stood awards were posthumous. (Lieutenant Mi- compound. in the doorway fully exposed to enemy fire As the patrol closed to within 25 meters of chael Murphy and Petty Officer Michael while ripping down six layers of heavy blan- the target building, a guard became aware of Monsoor, both SEALs) kets fastened to the inside ceiling and walls the rescue force. The forward-most assaulter The most recent Navy recipient of the shot at the guard and ran towards the door to clear a path for the rescue force. The first Medal of Honor was Petty Officer 2nd Class to make entry as the guard disappeared in- assaulter pushed his way through the blan- Michael Monsoor, who was posthumously side. Chief Byers was the second assaulter in kets, and was mortally wounded by enemy awarded the Medal of Honor by President a sprint towards the door. Six layers of blan- small arms fire from within. Chief Byers, George W. Bush on Apr. 8, 2008. kets securely fastened to the ceiling and completely aware of the imminent threat, The most recent living Navy recipient of walls served as the Afghan door. While Chief fearlessly rushed into the room and engaged the Medal of Honor was Robert Ingram, who Byers tried to rip down the blankets, the an enemy guard aiming an AK–47 at him. He left the Navy in 1968, and was later awarded first assaulter pushed his way through the then tackled another adult male who had the Medal of Honor by President Bill Clinton doorway and was immediately shot by darted towards the corner of the room. Dur- on Jul. 10, 1998 for actions during the Viet- enemy AK–47 fire. Chief Byers, fully aware of ing the ensuing hand-to-hand struggle, Chief nam War. the hostile threat inside the room, boldly en- Byers confirmed the man was not the hos- Senior Chief Byers is the first living active tered and immediately engaged a guard tage and engaged him. As other rescue team duty member of the U.S. Navy to receive the pointing an AK–47 towards him. As he was members called out to the hostage, Chief Medal of Honor since Apr. 6, 1976, the late engaging that guard, another adult male Byers heard a voice respond in English and Rear Admiral James Stockdale and Lieuten- darted towards the corner of the room. Chief raced toward it. He jumped atop the Amer- ant Thomas Norris (also a SEAL) each re- Byers could not distinguish if the person ican hostage and shielded him from the high ceived the decoration from President Gerald may have been the hostage scrambling away volume of fire within the small room. While Ford. or a guard attempting to arm himself with covering the hostage with his body, Chief Senior Chief Byers is the first living active an AK–47 that lay in the corner. Chief Byers Byers immobilized another guard with his duty enlisted member of the U.S. Navy to re- tackled the unknown male and seized control bare hands, and restrained the guard until a ceive the Medal of Honor since Petty Officer of him. While in hand-to-hand combat, Chief teammate could eliminate him. His bold and Michael Thornton (also a SEAL) was award- Byers maintained control of the unknown decisive actions under fire saved the lives of ed the Medal of Honor by President Richard male with one hand, while adjusting the the hostage and several of his teammates. By Nixon on Oct., 15 1973. focus of his night vision goggles (NVGs) with his undaunted courage, intrepid fighting This is the 14th Medal of Honor awarded his other. Once his NVGs were focused, he spirit, and unwavering devotion to duty in for actions in Afghanistan. Including Senior recognized that the male was not the hos- the face of near certain death, Chief Petty Chief Byers, 11 of those 14 awards were to liv- tage and engaged the struggling armed Officer Byers reflected great credit upon ing recipients. Four Medals of Honor were guard. himself and upheld the highest traditions of awarded posthumously for actions in Iraq. By now other team members had entered the United States Naval Service. the room and were calling to Dr. Joseph to f identify himself. Chief Byers heard an un- BIOGRAPHY known voice speak English from his right SENIOR CHIEF SPECIAL WARFARE OPERATOR CLOSING GUANTANAMO BAY (SEAL) EDWARD C. BYERS JR. side. He immediately leaped across the room (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was and selflessly flung his body on top of the Senior Chief Edward C. Byers Jr. was born American hostage, shielding him from the in Toledo, Ohio in 1979. He grew up in Grand given permission to address the House continued rounds being fired across the Rapids, Ohio. In 1997, he graduated from Ot- for 1 minute and to revise and extend room. Almost simultaneously, Chief Byers sego High School where he played varsity his remarks.) identified an additional enemy fighter di- soccer. Byers joined the Navy in September Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the rectly behind Dr. Joseph. While covering the 1998, and subsequently attended Recruit cold-blooded, calculating terrorists sit- hostage with his body, Chief Byers was able Training and Corpsman ‘‘A’’ School in Great ting in Guantanamo murdered and plan to pin the enemy combatant to the wall with Lakes, Illinois. to continue killing Americans. his hand around the enemy’s throat. Unable Byers started his naval career as a Hos- to fire any effective rounds into the enemy, pital Corpsman. In 1998, he was assigned to Since President Obama took office, Chief Byers was able to restrain the combat- Great Lakes Naval Hospital. In 1999, he he has released 150 terrorists back to ant enough to enable his teammate to fire served with 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marines in their home countries. In fact, Spanish precision shots, eliminating the final threat Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, where he de- and Moroccan police just arrested four within the room. ployed with the 26th Marine Expeditionary suspected members of a jihadi cell who Chief Byers quickly talked to Dr. Joseph, Unit aboard USS AUSTIN (LPD 4). During recruited fighters for the Islamic confirming that he was able to move. He and deployment he earned his Enlisted Surface his Team Leader stood Dr. Joseph up, calmed State. One is described as a former Warfare Specialist (ESWS) badge and Fleet Gitmo detainee who formerly fought him, and let him know he was safe with Marine Force (FMF) warfare device. American Forces. Once Dr. Joseph was In 2002, Byers attended Basic Underwater with militants against Americans in moved to the helicopter-landing zone, Chief Demolition SEAL (BUD/S) training and grad- Afghanistan. Byers, a certified paramedic and 18D medic, uated with Class 242. After graduation, he at- The 91 high-security prisoners re- assisted with the rendering of medical aid to tended the Special Operations Combat Medic maining at Guantanamo committed the urgent surgical assaulter. Chief Byers (SOCM) course. SOCS Byers has been as- some of the most repulsive crimes and others performed CPR during the 40- signed to East Coast SEAL Teams. He was minute flight to Bagram Airfield where his known to all of us. promoted to the rank of Senior Chief Petty Severely lacking in detail, the plan teammate was declared deceased. Officer in January of 2016. Chief Petty Officer Byers displayed supe- Byers has deployed overseas 11 times with to close Gitmo fails to describe where, rior gallantry, extraordinary heroism at nine combat tours. His personal decorations under what authority, and at what cost grave personal risk, dedication to his team- include the Bronze Star with Valor (five the relocation of these terrorists will mates, and calm tactical leadership while awards), the Purple Heart (two awards), the be. liberating Dr. Dilip Joseph from captivity. Joint Service Commendation Medal with He is unquestionably deserving of the Medal Mr. Speaker, it is against the law to Valor, the Navy Commendation Medal (three of Honor. transfer terrorist detainees to Amer- awards, one with Valor), the Combat Action OFFICIAL CITATION ican soil without congressional ap- ribbon (two awards), and the Good Conduct proval. CHIEF SPECIAL WARFARE OPERATOR (SEA, AIR, Medal (five awards). AND LAND) EDWARD C. BYERS, JR. UNITED Byers holds a National Paramedics Li- The United States should do every- STATES NAVY cense, and has studied Strategic Studies and thing it can to keep terrorists out of For service as set forth in the following ci- Defense Analysis at Norwich University. our country, not purposely bring them tation: Byers is married and has a daughter. here.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02MR7.025 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1108 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016 Closing Gitmo endangers our U.S. na- nounced policy of January 6, 2015, the general. He was the guy. He moved his tional security, and it is a bad idea. gentleman from Texas (Mr. POE) is rec- army from Mexico City into these And that is just the way it is. ognized for 60 minutes as the designee areas of revolution, areas where people f of the majority leader. were fighting against the government, Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the republic, or the dictatorship of b 1745 today is March 2, 2016. 180 years ago, on Santa Anna. He had squelched, really, SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED March 2, 1836, in a little place called all of these revolutionary movements; STATES NOMINATION PROCESS Washington-on-the-Brazos down in although, portions of these areas did (Mr. ROTHFUS asked and was given Texas, people of what is now Texas de- declare independence and appeared to permission to address the House for 1 clared their independence from the na- have independence for a period of time. minute and to revise and extend his re- tion of Mexico—March 2, 1836. Tonight So that brings us to 1835, several marks.) I am here to talk a little bit about months before Texas declared inde- Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, when those folks 180 years ago and the cause pendence. Here is what started the our Founders wrote the Constitution, and the result of the Texas War of Texas War of Independence: they had the wisdom to create a sys- Independence against Mexico. While all of these other movements— tem of checks and balances among the We have to back up a little bit. For some were going on, some would go on three branches of government. They a long time, almost 300 years, what is a few months later. But during this pe- knew this would limit power, protect now Texas was controlled by the Span- riod, there was insurrection in north- against abuses, and promote liberty. ish. They claimed the land in Texas. It ern Mexico because people were trying Under our Constitution, the Presi- was sparsely populated: some Indian to seek independence. It started on Oc- dent has the right to nominate Jus- tribes, but not very many folks. At tober 2, 1835, at Gonzales, Texas, a tices to the Supreme Court, but one some point, Spain also controlled what small little community in Gonzales, House of the Congress, the Senate, has is now Mexico. Texas. the coequal right to consent to such an Mexico, the nation of Mexico, chose Remember, Texas is a part of Mexico appointment. One branch has a power, to declare independence from that Eu- at this time. The Mexican Government, another has a check. ropean country of Spain and went to when it was a free government, had en- Today, with a vacancy on the Su- war with Spain to secure their inde- couraged immigration into this part of preme Court, we have a chance to see pendence back in 1820. That revolu- Texas—not just from the United this system of checks and balances in tion—they called it the War of Inde- States, but from Mexico and from Eu- action. In deciding whether to consent pendence—was successful. Mexico set ropean countries. to an appointment to the Supreme up an independent nation, a democ- But this town of Gonzales, Texas, was Court, the Senate should assess wheth- racy. They formed a government and a in possession of a cannon. The cannon er the President has been acting con- constitution very similar to the United was to protect themselves from the sistent with the Constitution. States. Texas was a part of Mexico at people who lived in the area that were The chart to my left highlights just a that time and was part of a state called hostiles, as they were called in those few of President Obama’s unconstitu- Coahuila. It was the Coahuila de Texas, days. Native Americans are who they tional actions since he was reelected in two areas of northern Mexico that were were. And that cannon was for that 2012. These actions have been frequent, one state in Mexico. purpose. repeated, and grave. These actions Things were fine until Mexico elected The Mexican Government said: We have poisoned the well of deliberation a President by the name of Santa want the cannon back. You cannot for any appointment by this President. Anna. When he became President of have the cannon in Gonzales, Texas. In that light, why wouldn’t the Sen- Mexico, this particular President abol- We don’t want you having it. ate withhold consent? It is a game the ished the democracy, abolished the The Mexican Government made the President chose to play, and with- constitution of 1824 that set up the demand on October 2 to the folks in holding consent to his appointment is Government of Mexico, and declared Gonzales, Texas: Return the cannon to an appropriate consequence. himself the dictator of Mexico. In fact, the Mexican military. The people, the settlers of Gonzales, f he destroyed the Republic of Mexico, the democracy of Mexico, and put him- said: No. We are not going to do it. We GUANTANAMO BAY self as dictator-in-charge. are not giving you back the cannon. We (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given Throughout the history of the world, need it. permission to address the House for 1 we know of a lot of dictators, but they So they resisted. They even made a minute and to revise and extend his re- all seem to have one thing in common: flag. They called it the Come and Take marks.) they take away the rights—the civil It flag. You may have seen that re- Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, once rights—of the people. cently. It is still popular with a lot of again, Congress acted to stop the Some people in Mexico didn’t like folks. It was a flag that said, ‘‘Come transfer of GTMO detainees to the this, and therefore they started their and take it,’’ with a cannon on it. They United States. Guantanamo Bay is a own secession movement, their own hoisted this, and they had a skirmish much better venue to hold these known revolution, their own independence. with the Mexican Army, who came to terrorists than to have them on Amer- Now, most Americans know that Texas take the cannon. Shots were fired on ican soil. Yet the President wants to was one of those areas in Mexico that both sides, multiple shots. Apparently, defy Congress and the American peo- declared its independence from Mexico, most of the people shooting weren’t ple, who desire not to have this happen, and that independence, that revolu- great marksmen. A couple of Mexican and bring them onto American soil. tion, was successful. But there were soldiers were wounded, and they re- It endangers our courts, our system other areas of northern Mexico—and treated without the cannon. But that of government, and our people by here on this map I have some of those event started the actual shooting war bringing them here or even ultimately areas—that also declared their inde- in the War of Independence. releasing them. We need to have the pendence for the reason they wanted to Months before that, there had been President, if he tries this and loses in be free. They wanted independence complaints. There had been letters court, once again, take a lesson in the from the dictatorship. written to the Mexican Government. final 10 months of his term that he There was the Republic of the Yuca- Stephen F. Austin, the Father of needs to uphold the law that we passed tan, there was the Republic Coahuila, Texas, had been imprisoned in Mexico and that he signed. and there were three or four other re- City trying to get some civil rights for f publics, and the Republic of the Rio people who lived in what is now Texas. Grande. Several areas of population in But it all came to a head at this event THE TEXAS WAR OF Mexico declared their independence. in October of 1835. INDEPENDENCE AGAINST MEXICO So what happened? Santa Anna not It is interesting what started the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. only was the dictator, but he was the Texas War of Independence, the shoot- ALLEN). Under the Speaker’s an- commander in chief, and he was the ing war, is very similar to what started

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.039 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1109 the shooting war between the colonists Alamo, who is really my most favorite Finally, on March 6, after 13 days, and Great Britain. You remember the person in all of history. He was a 27- Santa Anna and his superior army British were in Boston. We have all year-old lawyer from South Carolina stormed the Alamo. All 187 Texans heard about the march through Lex- by way of Alabama. He had come to were killed. If any surrendered, they ington and Concord. Texas to settle in the 1830s, and his were executed. The purpose the British Army name was William Barret Travis. He The Mexican casualties, according to marched through Lexington and Con- was placed in command of the Alamo, Santa Anna, were about 1,000 casual- cord in the 1770s was to take the fire- of all 180, 187 of the folks that were ties on the Mexican side. The Tejanos arms, the weapons, away from the colo- there. While he was in the Alamo—he that were in the Alamo, all 11, were nists, out of the armories in Lexington entered on February 23—he realized also killed in the attack. and Concord. Of course, the colonists that the enemy was going to be a supe- Travis made the comment in a later refused. They fired back, and it started rior force. letter that was sent out of the Alamo the shooting war with the British Em- before this March 6 attack that defeat b 1800 pire, later a successful War of Inde- will cost the enemy more than victory. pendence. In the cold, damp Alamo, a blue It turns out he was right. It is interesting that both of them norther, as we called it in those days, Anyway, the Alamo fell. The flag started when government showed up to had come. It was cold. The Alamo is that flew over the Alamo—I don’t know take the weapons, the firearms, of the near San Antonio, Texas. He wrote a if you can see it, Mr. Speaker—was not people who lived in that area. letter asking for help. I have a copy of the Lone Star flag. A lot of people The shooting war started, and, quite his letter on my wall in my office. think it was the Lone Star flag, which frankly, it was successful up until Here is what it said. To me, it is one is our Texas State flag. about this time in 1836. An army of of the most passionate letters ever It is the flag of Mexico with the Texans had entered a place called the written about freedom. It is dated Feb- Mexican eagle removed from the flag. Alamo in February of 1836—February ruary 24, 1836, in Bexar. And the date of 1824 was placed on that 23, 1836—because of the approaching To the People of Texas and All Patriots flag. Most historians think that was army of Santa Anna that was coming and Fellow Citizens. I am besieged by a thou- the flag that flew over the Alamo. sand or more of the enemy under Santa north into Texas—Tejas, as it was What is the significance of this? 1824 Anna. The enemy is receiving reinforce- was the year that the constitution was called. ments daily and will no doubt increase to The men that assembled at the written for the Republic of Mexico. The 3,000 or 4,000 in 4 or 5 days. The enemy has defenders of the Alamo wanted a con- Alamo to try to stop the invading demanded surrender at its discretion. Other- army coming in were an interesting wise, the fort will be put to the sword. I have stitutional government. That is why they flew this flag, the bunch. There were 100 to 187 of them. answered that demand with a cannon shot, 1824 constitution flag, to let the world They came from almost all of the then- and the flag still waves proudly over the know that is why they were defending States of the United States. They came wall. I ask that you come to my aid with all dispatch. If this call is neglected, I am deter- the concept of liberty, freedom, and a from several foreign countries, includ- mined to sustain myself as long as possible constitutional government as opposed ing Great Britain, Scotland, Ireland, and die like a soldier who never forgets what to a dictatorship. France, Germany, and Austria. Many is due his own honor and his country—vic- But the Alamo fell. Santa Anna then of them were from what we call Mex- tory or death. William Barret Travis, Com- started moving northeast through ico, and they had come into the Alamo. mander. Texas. The Alamo is in San Antonio, An interesting name that is unique That is a portion of the letter that he Bexar County. It was just called Bexar to Texas history is that Texans of wrote that he sent out throughout the in those days. Spanish Mexican descent were called area of Texas asking for help. The cou- Meanwhile, an individual by the Tejanos, a unique name for Texans, rier was Jim Bonham, another South name of Sam Houston, who was the Tejanos of Spanish Mexican or His- Carolinian that had come to Texas. He commander of all Texas armies, the panic descent. There were eleven of was William Barret Travis’ boyhood few that there were, had been pre- them at the Alamo. friend. He would take this letter to dif- paring an army while the men in the The 180 to 187 were from all walks of ferent areas of Texas asking for help. Alamo were at the Alamo. life. I told you they were from all dif- Only one group of folks answered He was assembling more volunteers— ferent countries. They were not only that letter, and it was the men in everybody was a volunteer—not only Anglos and Tejanos, but there were two Gonzales, Texas, where this all started. from Texas, but other Tejanos. Other African Americans, two Blacks, at the They decided that they would leave folks from other States formed an Alamo, we understand. They were law- Gonzales, which is near San Antonio, army to defeat or to take on Santa yers; they were frontiersmen; they march to the Alamo and help defend Anna. were shopkeepers; they were young, the Alamo. There were 32 of them. Santa Anna had actually split his and they were old. When they arrived at the Alamo— army into three different columns. He There was even a United States Con- some historians have said as they was moving his three columns up gressman at the Alamo. His name was walked into the Alamo—Travis said through northeast Texas from Mexico. David Crockett. He was a former Con- they came here to die. That brought Sam Houston and his army weren’t gressman from the State of Tennessee. the total up to about 180 to 187. ready; so, he didn’t attack Santa Anna. He had gone to Texas to help in the If you will, Mr. Speaker, think about In fact, he moved east. It is called the revolution and also to see the fortunes what those 32 men left behind. This is Runaway Scrape. that he could make as an individual. a rough area of the world in Texas, just Not only was the army moving east There were a lot of reasons why peo- the weather. But the people they left away from Santa Anna’s invaders, but ple came to Texas, but 180 to 187 of behind were their wives and their kids the people who lived there were leav- them were in the Alamo to defend and because the men had gone to defend the ing, too, because they were afraid of to protect that concept of freedom. Alamo. the Mexican Army. This is a painting of what the Alamo After the Alamo fell and all of those They were afraid of Santa Anna, is looked like at the time those men were men were killed, it was then left up to who they were afraid of. So you have in the Alamo. those wives and children to make an the army, you have the settlers, and So they entered the Alamo—let’s get existence in frontier Texas. They, in you have everybody moving northeast, the sequence of events correct—Feb- their own right, were amazing people called the Runaway Scrape. ruary 23. They are in the Alamo on that went ahead and forged an exist- Sam Houston continued to move. He March 2 when Texas declared independ- ence after Texas independence was de- would not engage the Mexican Army. ence. They were in the Alamo for 13 clared. In fact, some Texas folks—politicians— days. The final battle at the Alamo was So they are in the Alamo. On March were irritated with Sam Houston be- on March 6, 1836. 2, Texas declares independence. Prob- cause he wouldn’t go to battle. While they were in the Alamo, they ably the men in the Alamo never knew They kept moving east. They went were led by the commander of the that Texas declared independence. through San Antonio, what is now

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:31 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.041 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1110 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016 Interstate 10 between San Antonio and some say historically—modern revi- of all races, of all nationalities, from Houston. They went right through that sionists—that this isn’t exactly true, all States. area, right through what is now Hous- but I believe it because I want to be- They fought in a war against another ton. The Mexican Army is following lieve it. nation, a dictator, for the same reason him. Santa Anna is following him. Santa Anna was preoccupied with an that the 13 colonies fought for inde- They go to a place called Harrisburg, individual that was loyal to the Repub- pendence against Great Britain: for which is just east of Houston, on the lic of Texas, an individual that we freedom and for liberty. marshes of the San Jacinto River, a fondly call the Yellow Rose of Texas b 1815 marshy area, to a peninsula, and Sam now. Therefore, he wasn’t prepared to Houston stopped on April 20, 1836. go into battle when the Texans were There is an independent streak that Santa Anna continued to march and coming down this small hill. runs through all Texans. It is a state of came on the peninsula. Both armies are In any event, they were caught by mind for Texas. on the peninsula. On April 21, here is surprise. This battle lasted 18 minutes. Mr. Speaker, how much time re- what happened. Eleven Texans were killed, 600 of the mains? As you know, Mr. Speaker, most bat- enemy were killed, and the rest were The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- tles throughout history, no matter captured. In fact, more were captured tleman has 34 minutes remaining. where they are, no matter who they later than in the Texas Army. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, we are—the Greeks, the Romans, every- The battle lasted 18 minutes. Mili- are of an independent mind, of an inde- body—start at sunup or right before tary historians studied this battle be- pendent philosophy. March 2 is an im- sunup. But that didn’t happen on April cause of its decisiveness. So General portant day for us because our ances- 21, 1836. Houston led one battle. It was success- tors and people we don’t even know The Texans went to battle in the ful. Santa Anna was captured. about decided that it was worth their middle of the afternoon. They weren’t Texas claims independence from lives to fight against tyranny—against going to wait until the next day. The Mexico—that was April 21, 1836—and a totalitarian government run by a dic- soldiers were ready to do battle. Sam goes ahead and forms a government, tator. They were volunteers. They were Houston really had no choice but to forms a republic and, in September of normal people who just had that flame lead them into battle. And so he did. the same year, elects a president and a of liberty in their souls, and they re- In the middle of the afternoon, just vice president. fused to have it taken away from them. one column—there were only a handful From October of 1835 to September of So we remember those folks who cre- of them, more than at the Alamo—a 1836 was the War of Independence. Dec- ated Texas, who fought for independ- single column, single file, was led by an laration of independence was on March ence for Texas, those men at the individual playing a flute, another per- 2. April 21 the battle was successful. Alamo—William Barret Travis, Davy son carrying the flag, and a third indi- Texas is a free and independent coun- Crockett, Jim Bowie, Jim Bonham, and vidual beating the drums. try and remains so for 9 years. 187 more individuals. The youngest was The flutist didn’t know any songs. So The battle cry at the Battle of San 15, Tapley Holland from Ohio. The old- he played an old—we would call it a Jacinto, as you have heard in history, est was 68—who fought and died for house of ill repute song, ‘‘Come to the was ‘‘Remember the Alamo.’’ ‘‘Remem- that liberty. Bower.’’ I don’t know the lyrics of it, ber Goliad.’’ That was another place When Texas became part of the Mr. Speaker, but you can look it up. where Texans were massacred that United States, it had great depth be- He played on his flute ‘‘Come to the fought Santa Anna’s army. cause of the War of Independence. Part Bower,’’ which was the song they This is what Texas looked like when of the deal for Texas to be admitted to marched into battle with, carrying a Texas declared independence from Mex- the Union, even by one vote, was this flag of Lady Liberty, a semi-clothed in- ico. Maybe you can see it, Mr. Speaker. land that I mentioned to you that was dividual on the flag. Then you had the I don’t know. all sold to the Federal Government, to drummer. You see what is now Texas over here, the Union, to pay off the debts of the Then you had all of these really but you see a lot of other land. You see Republic of Texas. Thus, as we know scary-looking folks going into battle, Oklahoma, part of Kansas, part of New now, Texas looks like this. All of these the Texas Army. Most of them didn’t Mexico, part of Colorado. It even goes other areas became other States that have any kind of uniforms. They up to part of Idaho, almost to the Ca- were later admitted to the United dressed like frontiersmen. They had a nadian border. All of this area here, States. shotgun, a long rifle, a tomahawk, Texas claimed all of—that is the Re- When there was the agreement be- knives, well-armed individuals. public of Texas—and claimed it for 9 tween Texas and the United States to Also with them was Juan Seguin. years. join the Union, it was agreed—and it is Juan Seguin was a captain in the Texas Texas periodically would try to join still possible—that Texas may divide Army. He was a Tejano. He led this the United States as the 28th State. now the State of Texas into five dif- cavalry of Tejanos to protect one of the Two times Texas tried to join the ferent States. Now, that is not going to flanks when the Texans were marching Union, and two times Congress rejected happen, because nobody is going to be down. He, like the rest of the Texas Texas’ approval into the Union. able to agree on what should be called Army, did not have uniforms. They On the third time, rather than have a ‘‘Texas’’; but we can divide into five wore their normal clothes. treaty with Texas—because Texas was States, and that is the decision of the Sam Houston wanted to make sure an independent country—a joint reso- people who live in Texas. that the Texans and the foot soldiers lution was filed. One of the other provisions of the didn’t mix up the Mexican Army with It passed the House of Representa- joint resolution was that Texas may the Tejanos that were in the cavalry. tives and it passed the Senate, because fly its flag, the Lone Star Flag—the So he had all of the Tejanos put a you didn’t need two-thirds vote then. flag of the one star, the Lone Star, the playing card in their sombrero. In We still have those discussions today, Lone Republic—even with the Amer- those days, apparently, the cards don’t we? A joint resolution. ican flag. When you go to Texas, you weren’t small like they are today. By one vote, Texas was admitted to will see a lot of American flags, and They were big. the Union in 1845 and, in 1846, actually you will see a lot of Texas flags, but They stuck this 4x6 card—or some- came into the United States as the 28th most of the Texas flags are flying level thing like that—in their hats, their State. with the American flag. They can do sombreros, so that everybody would It was a republic once. A lot of people that by law. Texas does that because of know that they were on the side of lib- in Texas still think we are a republic, its agreement and admission into the erty, not part of the Mexican Army, a and we seem to act like it sometimes. Union. unique part of Texas history. But we have a unique history. Our country has a great history, Mr. So, in the middle of the day, what The history of Texas, why I like it so Speaker, with 50 States, with all of our had happened was Santa Anna was tak- much, is because everybody wanted to territories. Our history is unique. No ing a nap. It was siesta time. Now, live in Texas, wanted to come to Texas, place on Earth is like the United

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.043 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1111 States. It is because of our history, be- the past 60 years. Still, there are many, ment—a cause I have fought for my en- cause of the diversity of the peoples many milestones that women have yet tire time in Congress. and cultures in this country. The diver- to reach. March is Women’s History Month, sity of Texas, the diversity of the Even with the most women Congress and we have many accomplishments to United States is what gives it strength. has ever seen, this body, supposedly celebrate and to be proud of, but we It is not a weakness. It is a strength. elected to both represent and reflect must remain focused on the continued It is, I think, quite important that the United States, is still overwhelm- struggle for full equality for women. we as Members of the House of Rep- ingly 80 percent male, in fact. Women Without the ERA, this goal will not be resentatives, who represent the 50 still make 78 cents for every dollar a fully realized, and half of Americans States of the United States, make sure man earns, particularly troubling when will not realize their full potential. All that we talk about our history—how you think about the 40 percent of of us, men and women, stand to benefit we are a unique Nation among peoples, women I just mentioned who are sup- from true gender equality. how we have always been a unique Na- porting their families. Black women Consider, for instance, some laws tion among peoples—and preserve what make even less at 64 cents on the dollar that are being proposed across the Na- those folks at the Alamo fought for and while Latina women make just 66 cents tion that have disparate negative im- what our folks fought for in the Colo- on the dollar. If this week is any indi- pacts on women: nies in wars since then, which are free- cator, there are still great numbers of In Illinois, a bill sponsored by men is dom and liberty. Those are not trite people, primarily men, who feel we are pending that would deny a birth cer- words. They are core words. The con- incapable of making our own decisions tificate to a newborn of a single moth- cept of liberty lives in every person about our health care. er unless a father is listed on the birth ever born in history. Most people never We have got a long way to go, Mr. certificate. This would make it impos- see it. Most people in the world today Speaker. Part of the reason we can’t sible for a single mother to enroll her aren’t free, but there are a few, and get all the way there is that we have child in a public school, for her child to those few—some of those few—are in not passed the Equal Rights Amend- obtain a driver’s license, or for her to what we call the United States of ment. We have been avoiding ensuring collect child support and other benefits America. protection for women in the Constitu- for the child. The law is silent on sin- I thank all of those Texans back in tion for almost 100 years. Quite frank- gle fathers. Texas for honoring Texas Independence ly, there is only so much we can do In Kentucky, the State senate has Day, March 2, 1836. Especially, we until we offer that basic level of pro- passed a bill sponsored by a man that should always honor those people who tection. would force all women who are seeking lived in our history who gave their Mr. Speaker, the ERA was first draft- to terminate pregnancies to undergo lives for the rest of us, because they ed and introduced in the 1920s. It fi- ultrasounds, whether they want to or were good folk. nally passed in 1972 and was sent to the not, and to have doctors describe the And that is just the way it is. States for ratification, where it re- images to them. While we cannot know Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ceived 35 of the 38 approvals that it for sure how an ERA would affect the of my time. needed. Unfortunately, time ran out. outcome of future Supreme Court f One of the reasons we have yet to solve cases, we have seen that its absence some of the greatest challenges facing leaves women vulnerable to discrimi- WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH our Nation’s women is the lack of true nation without their having legal re- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. protection in the Constitution. course. DONOVAN). Under the Speaker’s an- What better way to ensure the right These legislative efforts to roll back nounced policy of January 6, 2015, the to fair pay for women? What better hard-won progress and to curtail rights gentlewoman from New Jersey (Mrs. way to ensure equal treatment in the are directed squarely at women. You WATSON COLEMAN) is recognized for 60 workplace? What better way to protect will not find equivalent examples of minutes as the designee of the minor- against laws that inherently limit bills that roll back or constrain the ity leader. women? What better way to protect all rights of men—and men only. Unfortu- GENERAL LEAVE of the progress we have made and to nately, that noble and empowering dec- Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Mr. ensure that women can continue to laration in our founding document that Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that excel? ‘‘all men are created equal’’ left some all Members have 5 legislative days to The Equal Rights Amendment would of us out. In fact, it leaves about half revise and extend their remarks and to provide the foundation for legislation the population of America out. include extraneous material on the that protects women from discrimina- Many people are actually surprised subject of this Special Order. tion at every level—legislation that is when they realize that the United The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there more necessary now than it has ever States Constitution does not mention objection to the request of the gentle- been with more and more women lead- women. That omission has, unfortu- woman from New Jersey? ing at home and in the workplace. nately, become a glaring problem when There was no objection. We will spend a lot of time in the it comes to achieving full equality— Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Mr. coming weeks talking about what we and not just a problem for women but Speaker, this week, we open Women’s need to do for women—from the pas- for families as well—for everyone. For History Month—an opportunity for us sage of the Fair Pay Act to ensuring instance, when women make less than to celebrate the progress women have paid leave for women and men. Yet men just because they are women, it is made and the amazing contributions there is one thing that we should have an issue that affects their entire fami- that we are responsible for. done long ago, and my colleagues are lies. We have more women in Congress here tonight, on the floor with me, to We saw that in the case of Lilly now than ever before. Women are now call for action where we have failed be- Ledbetter. The Supreme Court found the leading breadwinners or are the fore. that she had been paid less for doing only breadwinners in 40 percent of It is now my pleasure to yield to the the very same job as her male counter- households. We have more women who gentlewoman from New York (Mrs. parts. This not only meant that, for lead major companies and who are in CAROLYN B. MALONEY), the primary years, she made less money than her prominent positions, like on the Su- sponsor of the ERA bill. male colleagues in order to support her preme Court. Women today are more Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New family and to provide for her children likely to earn college degrees and to York. I thank the gentlewoman for throughout her working life, but it attend graduate school than are their yielding. meant that she would also spend her male counterparts, and more women Mr. Speaker, I thank my friend, Rep- entire retirement being less financially are entering traditionally male-domi- resentative BONNIE WATSON COLEMAN, secure. nated fields. That progress has been in- and the Congressional Progressive Cau- Such unfair and unequal treatment credibly swift. We are talking about cus for dedicating this time to talk should certainly be prohibited under gains that have really only happened in about passing the Equal Rights Amend- our Constitution. Yet the late Supreme

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.045 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016 Court Justice Antonin Scalia famously prohibitions against sex discrimination It is time to stop making excuses. told an interviewer for the California in the workplace or schools. The ERA Women and like-minded men have to Lawyer Magazine that he believed that would stop bias in wages, benefits, hir- demand that Congress and State gov- the Constitution does not outlaw this ing practices, and other conditions of ernments get this done. Equal means kind of discrimination because, in his employment. equal. view, the 14th Amendment does not If America wants to be a world leader I thank the gentlewoman for yield- apply to women. in the promotion of human rights, it ing, and I thank her from the bottom The 14th Amendment reads that no needs to lead by example on women’s of my heart for really organizing this State shall ‘‘deny to any person . . . rights. Sadly, in this area, America is important Special Order. the equal protection of the laws.’’ exceptional only in a bad way. Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Mr. To most people, that would seem to The U.S. stands out as one of the few Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for be pretty simple and straightforward; nations that does not even address gen- being with us this evening. but Justice Scalia argued that the der equality in its Constitution. As the I yield to the gentlewoman from word ‘‘person’’ should not apply to world’s leading democracy, we are fall- Florida (Ms. GRAHAM). women. In his view, when it was writ- ing behind on women’s equality. At a Ms. GRAHAM. Mr. Speaker, first I ten, it was only meant to apply to the time when we seek to champion democ- want to thank Congresswoman WATSON recently emancipated slaves. racy around the world, we must guar- COLEMAN for holding this special ses- The problem here is that there is am- antee equality here at home. It is time sion and bringing attention to the biguity about whether or not gender for the United States to secure equal Equal Rights Amendment. discrimination is explicitly prohibited rights for women across our Nation by When I was born in 1963, we lived in by the Constitution. The only solution ratifying the ERA. a different world. It was legal to openly to this challenge is to plainly include Progress can all too easily be rolled discriminate against hiring women; it women in the Constitution. So between back. Laws can be repealed, and judi- was legal to discriminate against the State and congressional legislators cial attitudes can shift, turning women women in lending and credit; it was who believe it is permissible to roll into second class citizens. It seems like legal to pay women substantially less I spend a majority of my time here in back hard-won rights and to pass legis- than men; and it was legal to fire a Congress just fighting to hold on to lation that unfairly and unequally bur- woman just for becoming pregnant. what we already have, trying to keep it dens women—and the idiosyncratic Fortunately, when I was born, things from being rolled back. An ERA would views of Supreme Court Justices who were beginning to change. Women were protect the progress made on women’s declare women are not people—it is es- fighting for and gaining greater equal- rights from any shifting political sential to pass the Equal Rights ity. trends. Amendment in a brief amendment that Today, women are better protected Women are still not receiving equal from those forms of discrimination. We simply reads: pay for equal work. According to the have made great strides, but we ‘‘Women shall have equal rights in U.S. Census Bureau, women still earn haven’t yet been able to recognize our the United States and every place sub- 78 cents for every dollar earned by a equality in the Constitution. There is ject to its jurisdiction. Equality of man, and this has contributed to older nothing more sacred, nothing more im- rights under the law shall not be de- women being the largest segment of portant to America than our Constitu- nied or abridged by the United States poverty in our great Nation. Because tion. or by any State on account of sex.’’ when you are paid less, your pension is I support the Equal Rights Amend- less, your 401(k) is less, your Social Se- b 1830 ment because I grew up in a changing curity is less, and that happens to have Let’s put women in the Constitution world, but I want my daughter and the at long last. profound effects on women. Just this past week there was an ar- next generation to grow up in a Research shows that 75 to 90 percent ticle in The Wall Street Journal that changed world. I want my daughter to of Americans mistakenly believe that talked about the largest group of peo- live in a country where her and every the ERA has already passed and that ple that are growing in the workforce woman’s equality of rights under the men and women are equal under the are older women, and this is because law shall not be denied or abridged by law. In 2012, a poll asked: Do you think they cannot afford to retire. They have the United States or by any State on the Constitution should guarantee to continue working because of the dis- account of sex. equal rights for men and women? And crimination in pay and because of hav- To illustrate why I believe we should 91 percent said yes, including 86 per- ing taken times when they weren’t in and still can ratify the Equal Rights cent of Republicans. the workforce to take care of a sick Amendment, I want to specifically The way things stand now, the Su- parent or to nurse and raise a child. speak about the history of the ERA in preme Court has ruled that the Con- Sex and pregnancy discrimination my home State of Florida. stitution provides strict guidelines persists in the workforce. Govern- Our House of Representatives voted against discrimination based on race mental programs, such as Social Secu- for ratification of the ERA three sepa- and national origin, but it is silent on rity, still unequally provide benefits to rate times—in 1972, 1975, and 1979—but issues of gender discrimination. men and women. our Senate remained more divided on When it comes to gender discrimina- An ERA would be a woman’s best de- the issue. tion, the Court has applied a lesser fense against harmful practices that Bill Cotterell, a columnist for the standard that makes it easier to get punish her simply because she is a Tallahassee Democrat, recently opined: away with discriminating against woman. We cannot keep fighting dis- It was still a very different world, where a women. Plain old common sense and crimination against women one battle Member of the legislature walked around your basic sense of fairness should tell at a time, constantly playing defense. with a toy pig under his arm, proudly pro- you that the same strict scrutiny, pro- Passing the ERA will put women on claiming himself a male chauvinist. tection against discrimination based equal footing in the legal system of all It was a different world, one still on race and national origin, should also 50 States, particularly in areas where changing, but I am proud to say there apply to discrimination based on sex. women have historically been treated were men who stood up for the women So the ERA would establish un- as second class citizens. of our State in the State senate. One of equivocally, once and for all, that We have 186 bipartisan cosponsors of them was my father, Bob Graham, who women are entitled to equal treatment H.J. Res. 52 in the House, which I bucked his own Democratic Party lead- under the law. Equal treatment means proudly introduced with Representa- ership to support the ERA, a move that equal treatment. Equal means equal tive CYNTHIA LUMMIS of Wyoming—just helped earn him the title of a doghouse for all, women included. The ERA 32 shy of a majority. It reflects the Democrat. would, once and for all, provide clear, strength of the belief that women After repeated failures in the Senate, constitutional guidance on gender eq- should be included in the Constitution some thought the ERA was dead, but it uity issues. The ERA would lend the and guaranteed equal treatment under resurfaced in Florida in 1982. That sum- force of the Constitution to existing the law. mer, just a few weeks remaining before

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.047 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1113 the ratification deadline, more than said about discrimination against discrimination, which clearly there 10,000 men and women marched on our women. He was a constitutional expert, was; she had to prove that it was inten- State capitol in support of the amend- an originalist, and he said the fol- tional discrimination by United Parcel ment. lowing: Service, and she couldn’t prove that. Hearing their call and supporting ‘‘Certainly the Constitution does not Now, in all the other forms of dis- their cause, my father, who had moved require discrimination on the basis of crimination, whether it is based on out of the doghouse into the Gov- sex. The only issue is whether it pro- race or religion, you only have to prove ernor’s mansion, called our legislature hibits it. It doesn’t.’’ that there was discrimination, not that into special session. For the fourth When I read that quotation by Jus- there was intentional acts of discrimi- time, the House voted in favor of the tice Scalia—may he rest in peace—I nation. So that is why it is so impor- amendment, but unfortunately the sen- had shivers up and down my spine be- tant that we get this in the Constitu- ate blocked ratification. That was 34 cause it was so direct. It was so clear. tion. years ago. It makes the point that the Constitu- We have a new generation of women And today I believe our State is bet- tion of this country does not prohibit who are more independent, more able ter than that. I believe, given another discrimination based on sex, even to support themselves, and more politi- chance to ratify the Equal Rights though the vast majority of Americans cally empowered than ever. I just read Amendment, Democrats and Repub- believe it is already in the Constitu- an article that shows single women are licans in Florida could be united to tion. now our most potent political force in support equality for women. Ninety-six percent of U.S. adults be- this country. Single women—whether I am proud to have grown up in a lieve that male and female citizens they are single never been married, sin- changing world, but it is time for our should have equal rights, and 72 per- gle divorced, single separated, single— daughters and the next generation of cent mistakenly believe it is already in are our most potent electoral force. women to grow up in a changed world. the Constitution. As Justice Scalia They deserve the right to full legal It is time to recognize their equality in pointed out, it is not. equality under our Constitution. How our Constitution. So what does that mean? can this body, of all bodies, not recog- I thank the Congresswoman for That means that every single woman nize the importance of equality among bringing attention to this issue and for in this country can be subject to dis- men and women? all that you do on behalf of women. crimination and not have a legal foot So I have introduced H.J. Res. 51. It Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Mr. to stand on. is very simple. Speaker, I yield to the gentlewoman Probably one of the most obvious The ERA was introduced first in 1923 from California (Ms. SPEIER), the spon- cases is the case of Peggy Young. by Alice Paul, and introduced every sor of legislation that would retro- Peggy Young worked for United Parcel Congress since then, and then it was actively lift the deadline for the ratifi- Service for 10 years. She was a good introduced and actually passed the cation of the ERA. worker, a hard worker. And then, lo House and passed the Senate. It then Ms. SPEIER. I thank the gentle- and behold, she gets pregnant. She gets had to be ratified by three-quarters of woman from New Jersey for bringing pregnant. She goes to her supervisor the States. Unfortunately, when that us together tonight to talk about one and she says: I am pregnant. was drafted, in the preamble they put a of the most fundamental issues facing He says: Okay. Go to your doctor and timeline. It was ratified by 35 States, women in this country. I would hope find out what accommodations you will but not 38. So it came back to Con- that we would do these Special Orders require. gress, and they amended the preamble on a monthly basis or maybe even and extended the length of time in b 1845 more frequently to kind of beat the which the ERA could be passed by drum about how important it is for us She went to her doctor, and her doc- other States. And then nothing hap- to address this issue. tor said: Well, you can do anything ex- pened. Today we see everything we need to cept you can’t lift more than 10 What this resolution does—and it see to convince us of the need to ratify pounds. would only require a majority of the the Equal Rights Amendment and put So she came back to her supervisor Members of this body to pass it—is ba- women’s equality into the Constitu- and said: I can do anything except I sically use the precedent and take the tion. We have a pay gap that has not can’t lift more than 10 pounds. preamble and the time deadline and closed where women are making 79 He said: Oh, my gosh, that is a ter- just strike it. cents for every dollar that men make. rible liability. There is no need for a deadline in a For African American women that is 63 For all intents and purposes, she was constitutional amendment. Most con- cents, and for Latina women it is 54 fired from her job. She was told she stitutional amendments have not been cents for every dollar earned by a man. will have to take a leave of absence, subject to a deadline. There is prece- In fact, women in this country have that she will not be paid, and that she dent that they were willing to change to work until April 15 of the following would not be eligible for health bene- it as it relates to the ERA, and I say year—tax day, ironically—to make as fits. So her entire pregnancy she had let’s make it yet another precedent and much money as their male counter- no prenatal care and no health insur- just take the timeline out of it. That parts. We can’t afford that. We can’t ance. would give us the opportunity to get afford that in a country that speaks of Now, what makes this story particu- three more States to pass the ERA, to equality. larly insidious is that during that same ratify it. Meanwhile, we have a Congress and timeframe, men at the United Parcel We already know in Virginia it has State legislators who are focused like a Service who had heart disease, heart been passed by the senate, and we are laser beam on attacking women’s attacks, had had a DUI, or had diabetes waiting for action in the house. As my health. We just spent 5 hours today in were asked to go to their doctors and good friend from Florida said, in Flor- a hearing of a special committee de- find out what accommodations they ida they could pass it, conceivably, signed specifically to attack women’s should propose. Some of them came now. health. Since the start of 2016—merely back with the exact same accommoda- So why not do what is fundamentally 2 months ago, and for the last 2 tion: that they could not lift more than right? Why not do what is so simple? months—there have been more than 201 10 pounds. Twenty-four simple words, that is all anti-choice bills introduced in State What did United Parcel Service do? the ERA is. It is on one page, and it is legislatures across this country, efforts United Parcel Service accommodated simply: ‘‘Equality of rights under the to undermine a woman’s right to them. That is profound discrimination. law shall not be denied or abridged by choose. But guess what. Peggy Young filed a the United States or by any State on We have a Supreme Court seat at lawsuit. It went all the way to the Su- account of sex.’’ stake and issues of gender equality preme Court, and it got remanded. It The time has come, Members, and I hanging in the balance. It is important got remanded in part because not only applaud my good colleague from New to quote what the late Justice Scalia did she have to prove that there was Jersey for bringing us together. We

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.048 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1114 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016 should do it again. I enjoy working 4518. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- Security, transmitting the Department’s with you on any number of issues. ment of Defense, transmitting a letter on the final rule — Drawbridge Operation Regula- Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Mr. approved retirement of Lieutenant General tion; Acushnet River, New Bedford and Speaker, I want to thank the gentle- Bennet S. Sacolick, United States Army, and Fairhaven, MA [Docket No.: USCG-2016-0058] his advancement to the grade of lieutenant (RIN: 1625-AA09) received February 29, 2016, woman, and I want to say tonight that general on the retired list, pursuant to 10 pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by we definitely will be coming back here U.S.C. 1370(c)(1); Public Law 96-513, Sec. 112 Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to again on a Special Order hour and ad- (as amended by Public Law 104-106, Sec. the Committee on Transportation and Infra- dressing this issue. We will just con- 502(b)); (110 Stat. 293); to the Committee on structure. tinue to do it until we can see some Armed Services. 4528. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, movement. I thank you for that. 4519. A letter from the Chief Counsel, U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, Security, transmitting the Department’s in- Mr. Speaker, the women tonight, the transmitting the Department’s final rule — terim rule — Drawbridge Operation Regula- Members of the House, have spoken so Suspension of Community Eligibility; Mas- tion; Lake Pontchartrain, Slidell, LA [Dock- eloquently and so compellingly on this sachusetts: Boston, City of, Suffolk County; et No.: USCG-2015-0814] (RIN: 1625-AA09) re- issue and the urgency with which we [Docket ID: FEMA-2015-0001] [Internal Agen- ceived February 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. need to take this issue up. But the cy Docket No.: FEMA-8421] received Feb- 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, women of this Nation, they are very ruary 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on strong and intelligent and capable citi- 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Transportation and Infrastructure. 4529. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, zens as well. Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Financial Services. U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland As our laws in our society have given 4520. A letter from the Under Secretary, Security, transmitting the Department’s women a turn at bat, we have stepped Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, De- temporary final rule — Safety Zone; Closure up to the plate, and we have proven partment of Defense, transmitting the De- of Morro Bay Harbor Bar Entrance; Morro time and again that we can do what partment’s intent to sign a Project Agree- Bay, CA [Docket No.: USCG-2015-1083] (RIN: men do just as well as they do it, and ment Concerning Small Intelligent Un- 1625-AA00) received February 29, 2016, pursu- often even better. manned Aerial Systems with the Ministry of ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Defence of the Republic of India, Trans- Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Although expectations and stereo- mittal No.: 03-16, pursuant to 22 U.S.C. Committee on Transportation and Infra- types are changing, women are still 2767(f); Public Law 90-629, Sec. 27(f) (as structure. lacking in equal footing. Last year the amended by Public Law 113-276, Sec. 4530. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, United States fell to 28th place in the 208(a)(4)); (128 Stat. 2993); to the Committee U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland annual world equality rankings, behind on Foreign Affairs. Security, transmitting the Department’s even Rwanda and the Philippines. We 4521. A letter from the Principal Deputy temporary final rule — Safety Zone; New are one of only a few nations that fails Under Secretary, Policy, Department of De- Years Eve Firework Displays, Chicago River, fense, transmitting the Department’s Coop- Chicago, IL [Docket No.: USCG-2015-1074] to specifically affirm the legal equality erative Threat Reduction Program Annual (RIN: 1625-AA00) received February 29, 2016, of men and women in our governing Report to Congress for Fiscal Year 2016, pur- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by documents, a failure we would hold any suant to 50 U.S.C. 3715; 50 U.S.C. 3741 — 3743; Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to other nation accountable for. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. the Committee on Transportation and Infra- The ERA is the biggest and most 4522. A letter from the Assistant Adminis- structure. basic step we can take to ensure equal- trator, Bureau for Legislative and Public Af- 4531. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, ity for every woman. We need it, and fairs, United States Agency for International U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Development, transmitting the Agency’s for- Security, transmitting the Department’s in- we need it now. So let us work together mal response to the GAO report entitled, terim rule — Regulated Navigation Area; Re- to give women equal rights once and ‘‘Foreign Aid: USAID Has Taken Steps to porting Requirements for Barges Loaded for all. Safeguard Government-to-Government with Certain Dangerous Cargoes, Illinois Wa- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Funding but Could Further Strengthen Ac- terway System located within the Ninth of my time. countability’’ (GAO-15-377), pursuant to 31 Coast Guard District; Expiration of Stay U.S.C. 720; to the Committee on Foreign Af- (Suspension) and Administrative Changes f fairs. [Docket No.: USCG-2013-0849] (RIN: 1625- BILLS PRESENTED TO THE 4523. A letter from the Chairman, Federal AA11) received February 29, 2016, pursuant to PRESIDENT Maritime Commission, transmitting the 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law Commission’s Annual Report to Congress on 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, EEO Complaint Activity for Fiscal Year 2015, mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- reported that on February 12, 2016, she pursuant to Public Law 107-174, 203(a); (116 ture. presented to the President of the Stat. 569); to the Committee on Oversight 4532. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, United States, for his approval, the fol- and Government Reform. U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland lowing bills: 4524. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- Security, transmitting the Department’s fice of Personnel Management, transmitting temporary final rule — Security Zone; H.R. 757. To improve the enforcement of the Office’s Federal Equal Opportunity Re- Kailua Bay, Oahu, HI [Docket No.: USCG- sanctions against the Government of North cruitment Program Reports for Fiscal Years 2015-1030] (RIN: 1625-AA87) received February Korea, and for other purposes. 2013 and 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 7201(e); 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); H.R. 907. To improve defense cooperation Public Law 89-554 (as amended by Public Law Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 between the United States and the 95-454, Sec. 310); (92 Stat. 1153); to the Com- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. mittee on Oversight and Government Re- tation and Infrastructure. H.R. 1428. To extend Privacy Act remedies form. 4533. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, to citizens of certified states, and for other 4525. A letter from the Senior Counsel for U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland purposes. Regulatory Affairs, Office of the Assistant Security, transmitting the Department’s f Secretary for Management, Department of final rule — Drawbridge Operation Regula- the Treasury, transmitting the Department’s tion; Missouri River, Atchison, KS [Docket ADJOURNMENT final rule — Uniform Administrative Re- No.: USCG-2014-0358] (RIN: 1625-AA09) re- Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Mr. quirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Re- ceived February 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Speaker, I move that the House do now quirements for Federal Awards (RIN: 1505- 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, adjourn. AC48) received February 29, 2016, pursuant to Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law Transportation and Infrastructure. The motion was agreed to; accord- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- 4534. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, ingly (at 6 o’clock and 52 minutes mittee on Oversight and Government Re- U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland p.m.), under its previous order, the form. Security, transmitting the Department’s House adjourned until tomorrow, 4526. A letter from the President and Chief final rule — Drawbridge Operation Regula- Thursday, March 3, 2016, at 9 a.m. Executive Officer, Amtrak, National Rail- tion; Duwamish Waterway, Seattle, WA road Passenger Corporation, transmitting [Docket No.: USCG-2015-0285] (RIN: 1625- f Amtrak’s Fiscal Year 2017 General and Leg- AA09) received February 29, 2016, pursuant to EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, islative Annual Report, pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law ETC. 24315(b); Public Law 103-272, Sec. 1(e); (108 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Stat. 918); to the Committee on Transpor- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive tation and Infrastructure. ture. communications were taken from the 4527. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, 4535. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, Speaker’s table and referred as follows: U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:00 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02MR7.050 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1115 Security, transmitting the Department’s Security, transmitting the Department’s Mississippi, between the National Park Serv- final rule — Moving Security Zone; Escorted temporary final rule — Safety Zone; James ice and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Vessels; MM 90.0 — 106.0, Lower Mississippi River, Newport News, VA [Docket No.: for other purposes; with an amendment River; New Orleans, LA [Docket No.: USCG- USCG-2016-0044] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received (Rept. 114–441). Referred to the Committee of 2014-0995] (RIN: 1625-AA87) received February February 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. the Whole House on the state of the Union. 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on ural Resources. H.R. 482. A bill to redesig- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- Transportation and Infrastructure. nate Ocmulgee National Monument in the tation and Infrastructure. 4544. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, State of Georgia and revise its boundary, and 4536. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland for other purposes; with an amendment U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting the Department’s (Rept. 114–442). Referred to the Committee of Security, transmitting the Department’s in- temporary final rule — Safety Zone; Hudson the Whole House on the state of the Union. terim rule — Moving Security Zone; Es- River, Anchorage Ground 19-W [Docket No.: Mr. BYRNE: Committee on Rules. House corted Vessels; MM 90.0 — 106.0, Lower Mis- USCG-2016-0028] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received Resolution 635. Resolution providing for con- sissippi River; New Orleans, LA [Docket No.: February 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. sideration of the bill (H.R. 4557) to allow for USCG-2014-0995] (RIN: 1625-AA87) received 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, judicial review of any final rule addressing February 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on national emission standards for hazardous 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Transportation and Infrastructure. air pollutants for brick and structural clay Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on 4545. A letter from the Assistant Secretary products or for clay ceramics manufacturing Transportation and Infrastructure. of the Army, Civil Works, Department of De- before requiring compliance with such rule, 4537. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, fense, transmitting the Department’s Edisto and providing for proceedings during the pe- U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Beach interim final integrated feasibility re- riod from March 4, 2016, through March 11, Security, transmitting the Department’s port and environmental assessment for 2016 (Rept. 114–443). Referred to the House temporary final rule — Safety Zone; Intra- March 2014 (H. Doc. No. 114—109); to the Com- Calendar. coastal Waterway; Lake Charles, LA [Docket mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure No.: USCG-2015-1086] (RIN: 1625-AA00) re- f and ordered to be printed. ceived February 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 4546. A letter from the Assistant Secretary PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, of the Army, Civil Works, Department of De- Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Under clause 2 of rule XII, public fense, transmitting the Department’s Bogue Transportation and Infrastructure. bills and resolutions of the following 4538. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, Banks final integrated report and environ- titles were introduced and severally re- U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland mental impact statement for August 2014 (H. ferred, as follows: Doc. No. 114—110); to the Committee on Security, transmitting the Department’s By Mr. KING of New York (for himself, temporary final rule — Safety Zone; Rich- Transportation and Infrastructure and or- dered to be printed. Mr. OLSON, Mr. BLUM, Mr. WEBSTER land, Apra Harbor/Philippine Sea, GU [Dock- of Florida, Mr. WELCH, and Mr. et No.: USCG-2015-1101] (RIN: 1625-AA00) re- 4547. A letter from the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil Works, Department of De- VALADAO): ceived February 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. H.R. 4660. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- fense, transmitting the Department’s Flagler 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, enue Code of 1986 to allow an increased work County hurricane and storm damage reduc- Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on opportunity credit with respect to recent tion final integrated feasibility study and Transportation and Infrastructure. veterans, and for other purposes; to the Com- environmental assessment for September 4539. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, mittee on Ways and Means. U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland 2014 (rev. October 2014) (rev. April 2015) (H. By Ms. FUDGE (for herself, Mr. HINO- Security, transmitting the Department’s Doc. No. 114—111); to the Committee on JOSA, Ms. BROWN of Florida, Ms. temporary final rule — Safety Zone; Bayou Transportation and Infrastructure and or- PLASKETT, Ms. WILSON of Florida, Mr. Chene beginning at mile 130.0 on the dered to be printed. VEASEY, Mr. THOMPSON of California, Atchafalaya River extending through the 4548. A letter from the Secretary and the Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. COURTNEY, and Bayou Chene ending at Mile 85.0 on the Attorney General, Department of Health and Mr. TAKANO): Human Services and the Department of Jus- Intercoastal Waterway Morgan City, LA H.R. 4661. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- tice, transmitting the Departments’ Annual [Docket No.: USCG-2016-0016] (RIN: 1625- cation Act of 1965 to include Parent PLUS Report to Congress on Health Care Fraud AA00) received February 29, 2016, pursuant to loans in income-contingent and income- and Abuse Control Program for FY 2015, pur- 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law based repayment plans, and for other pur- suant to 42 U.S.C. 1395i(k)(5); Aug. 14, 1935, 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- poses; to the Committee on Education and mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- ch. 531, title XVIII, Sec. 1817(k)(5) (as added the Workforce. ture. by Public Law 104-191, Sec. 201(b)); (110 Stat. By Mr. ROE of Tennessee (for himself 4540. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, 1996); jointly to the Committees on Energy U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland and Mr. HOYER): and Commerce and Ways and Means. H.R. 4662. A bill to amend the Public Security, transmitting the Department’s 4549. A letter from the Assistant Attorney Health Service Act to increase the pref- temporary final rule — Safety Zone; Transit General, Office of Legislative Affairs, De- erence given, in awarding certain asthma-re- Restrictions, Lower Mississippi River Mile partment of Justice, transmitting the De- lated grants, to States that allow trained Marker 311.0 — 319.0 [Docket No.: USCG-2016- partment’s First Quarterly Report for FY school personnel to administer asthma-re- 0023] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received February 29, 2016 on the Uniformed Services Employment lated rescue medications, and for other pur- 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, pursu- poses; to the Committee on Energy and Com- by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. ant to 38 U.S.C. 4332(b)(1); Public Law 103-353, 868); to the Committee on Transportation merce. Sec. 2(a) (as added by Public Law 110-389, By Mr. JOLLY: and Infrastructure. Sec. 312(c)); (122 Stat. 4165); jointly to the 4541. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, H.R. 4663. A bill to forbid Federal agencies Committees on the Judiciary and Veterans’ from buying Apple products until Apple pro- U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Affairs. Security, transmitting the Department’s vides the Federal Government with technical 4550. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, support necessary to access encrypted infor- temporary final rule — Safety Zone; Transit Legislative Affairs, Department of State, Restrictions, Lower Mississippi River Mile mation sought by a warrant that may be ma- transmitting the Department’s determina- terially relevant to the commission of ter- Marker 365.0 — 361.0 [Docket No.: USCG-2016- tions and the associated report, pursuant to 0014] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received February 29, rorism; to the Committee on Oversight and Public Law 112-239, Secs. 1244(c)(1), 1246(a), Government Reform, and in addition to the 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added and 1247(a); jointly to the Committees on by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. Committees on the Judiciary, and House Ad- Foreign Affairs, the Judiciary, Oversight and 868); to the Committee on Transportation ministration, for a period to be subsequently Government Reform, and Financial Services. and Infrastructure. determined by the Speaker, in each case for 4542. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, f consideration of such provisions as fall with- U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland in the jurisdiction of the committee con- Security, transmitting the Department’s REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON cerned. temporary final rule — Safety Zone; Bayou PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. NADLER (for himself, Ms. ROS- Petite Caillou, Boudreaux Canal Floodgate; Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of LEHTINEN, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. POE of Chauvin, LA [Docket No.: USCG-2015-1125] committees were delivered to the Clerk Texas, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. GRAYSON, (RIN: 1625-AA00) received February 29, 2016, for printing and reference to the proper pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mr. Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); ; calendar, as follows: TED LIEU of California, Ms. MENG, to the Committee on Transportation and In- Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- Mr. O’ROURKE, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. frastructure. ural Resources. H.R. 4119. A bill to authorize BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsylvania, 4543. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, the exchange of certain land located in Gulf Mr. KING of New York, and Mr. DONO- U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Islands National Seashore, Jackson County, VAN):

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Mar 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L02MR7.000 H02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1116 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2016

H.R. 4664. A bill to direct the President to By Ms. MENG (for herself, Mr. CREN- By Ms. FUDGE: submit to Congress a report on actions the SHAW, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. SALMON, Mr. H.R. 4661. Department of State and other relevant Fed- SHERMAN, Mr. CROWLEY, and Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- eral departments and agencies have taken POLIS): lation pursuant to the following: regarding steps to ensure that a just, com- H.R. 4674. A bill to support the sustainable Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3, otherwise prehensive Arab-Israeli peace accord also recovery and rebuilding of Nepal following known as the Commerce Clause. finds resolution of the issue of Jewish refu- the recent, devastating earthquakes near By Mr. ROE of Tennessee: gees from Arab countries and Iran; to the Kathmandu; to the Committee on Foreign H.R. 4662. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Affairs. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. BEYER (for himself, Mr. By Ms. NORTON: lation pursuant to the following: REICHERT, Mr. WELCH, and Mrs. H.R. 4675. A bill to direct the Adminis- Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 MCMORRIS RODGERS): trator of the Federal Aviation Administra- Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 H.R. 4665. A bill to require the Secretary of tion to prohibit the use of leaded fuel by air- By Mr. JOLLY: Commerce to conduct an assessment and craft operating within United States air- H.R. 4663. analysis of the outdoor recreation economy space; to the Committee on Transportation Congress has the power to enact this legis- of the United States, and for other purposes; and Infrastructure. lation pursuant to the following: to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. By Mr. ROONEY of Florida (for himself Article I. Section 8 By Mrs. BLACKBURN: and Mr. DEUTCH): By Mr. NADLER: H.R. 4666. A bill to require State edu- H.R. 4676. A bill to amend title 18, United H.R. 4664. cational agencies that receive funding under States Code, to provide an additional tool to Congress has the power to enact this legis- the Elementary and Secondary Education prevent certain frauds against veterans, and lation pursuant to the following: Act of 1965 to have in effect policies and pro- for other purposes; to the Committee on the Article I, Section 8, clauses 1, 3, and 18. cedures on background checks for school em- Judiciary. By Mr. BEYER: ployees; to the Committee on Education and By Mr. ASHFORD (for himself, Mr. H.R. 4665. the Workforce. CUELLAR, Ms. SINEMA, Mr. SCHRADER, Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. CLAWSON of Florida (for him- Mr. COSTA, and Mr. COOPER): lation pursuant to the following: self, Mr. MURPHY of Florida, Mr. H.J. Res. 83. A joint resolution proposing a Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United BUCHANAN, and Mr. HASTINGS): balanced budget amendment to the Constitu- States Constitution. H.R. 4667. A bill to direct the Secretary of tion of the United States; to the Committee By Mrs. BLACKBURN: the Army to expedite the completion of re- on the Judiciary. H.R. 4666. pairs to the Herbert Hoover Dike, Florida, By Mr. PERRY (for himself and Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- and for other purposes; to the Committee on SALMON): lation pursuant to the following: Transportation and Infrastructure, and in H.J. Res. 84. A joint resolution to authorize The Commerce Clause: Article 1, Section 8, addition to the Committee on the Budget, the use of United States Armed Forces Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution gives Con- for a period to be subsequently determined against organizations that support Islamist gress the power ‘‘to regulate commerce with by the Speaker, in each case for consider- extremism, and for other purposes; to the foreign nations, and among the several ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- Committee on Foreign Affairs. states, and with the Indian tribes.’’ risdiction of the committee concerned. By Mr. PEARCE (for himself, Mr. COLE, By Mr. CLAWSON of Florida: By Ms. DUCKWORTH (for herself, Mr. and Ms. MCCOLLUM): H.R. 4667. CUMMINGS, Mr. HANNA, Mr. CON- H. Con. Res. 122. Concurrent resolution Congress has the power to enact this legis- NOLLY, Mr. LYNCH, Ms. NORTON, Mr. supporting efforts to stop the theft, illegal lation pursuant to the following: NADLER, and Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN): possession or sale, transfer, and export of Article 1 Section 8 of the United States H.R. 4668. A bill to affirm that Federal em- tribal cultural items of American Indians, Constitution ployees are protected from discrimination on Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians in the By Ms. DUCKWORTH: the basis of sexual orientation or gender United States and internationally; to the H.R. 4668. identity and to repudiate any assertion to Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition Congress has the power to enact this legis- the contrary; to the Committee on Oversight to the Committees on Foreign Affairs, and lation pursuant to the following: and Government Reform. Natural Resources, for a period to be subse- Clause 18, Section 8, Article 1 of The Con- By Mr. FOSTER: quently determined by the Speaker, in each stitution of the United States H.R. 4669. A bill to support the establish- case for consideration of such provisions as By Mr. FOSTER: ment of a Standards Coordinating Body in fall within the jurisdiction of the committee H.R. 4669. Regenerative Medicine and Advanced Thera- concerned. Congress has the power to enact this legis- pies; to the Committee on Energy and Com- By Mr. SALMON (for himself, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: merce. ROYCE, Mr. CASTRO of Texas, Mr. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power By Mr. HECK of Nevada (for himself, BERA, Mr. DESJARLAIS, Mr. KELLY of granted to Congress under Article I, Section Mr. HARDY, and Mr. AMODEI): Pennsylvania, Mr. CICILLINE, and Mr. 8, Clauses 1 and 18 of the United States Con- H.R. 4670. A bill to adjust the boundary of ROHRABACHER): stitution. the Mojave National Preserve; to the Com- H. Res. 634. A resolution recognizing the mittee on Natural Resources. By Mr. HECK of Nevada: importance of the United States-Republic of H.R. 4670. By Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan (for Korea-Japan trilateral relationship to Congress has the power to enact this legis- himself and Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALO- counter North Korean threats and nuclear lation pursuant to the following: NEY of New York): H.R. 4671. A bill to amend title 18, Unites proliferation, and to ensure regional security Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2: States Code, to eliminate Federal Prison In- and human rights; to the Committee on For- ‘‘The Congress shall have Power to dispose dustries advantages over the private sector eign Affairs. of and make all needful Rules and Regula- and small business in the procurement of f tions respecting the Territory or other Prop- erty belonging to the United States; and commercially available goods and services; CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to the Committee on the Judiciary. nothing in this Constitutions shall be con- By Ms. JENKINS of Kansas: STATEMENT strued as to Prejudice any Claims of the H.R. 4672. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of United States, or of any particular State.’’ enue Code of 1986 to make permanent the ex- the Rules of the House of Representa- By Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan: ception for marginal production from the H.R. 4671. tives, the following statements are sub- Congress has the power to enact this legis- taxable income limit on percentage deple- mitted regarding the specific powers tion for oil and natural gas wells; to the lation pursuant to the following: Committee on Ways and Means. granted to Congress in the Constitu- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3—To regulate By Mr. LOEBSACK (for himself, Mr. tion to enact the accompanying bill or Commerce with foreign Nations, and among WALZ, Mr. PETERSON, Mr. POCAN, and joint resolution. the several States, and with the Indian Mrs. BUSTOS): By Mr. KING of New York: Tribes. H.R. 4673. A bill to amend the Farm Secu- H.R. 4660. Amendment X—Nothing in the Constitu- rity and Rural Investment Act of 2002 to es- Congress has the power to enact this legis- tion authorizes the Federal government to tablish a competitive grant program for re- lation pursuant to the following: do anything other than those things enumer- newable fuel infrastructure, and for other Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 ated (coin money, enter into treaties, con- purposes; to the Committee on Agriculture, The Congress shall have Power To lay and duct a Census—which are inherently govern- and in addition to the Committee on Natural collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, mental). Thus, under Amendment X, the Resources, for a period to be subsequently to pay the Debts and provide for the common right to carry out commercial activities is determined by the Speaker, in each case for Defence and general Welfare of the United reserved to the States, respectively, or to consideration of such provisions as fall with- States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises the people. in the jurisdiction of the committee con- shall be uniform throughout the United By Ms. JENKINS of Kansas: cerned. States. H.R. 4672.

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Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1550: Mr. SESSIONS. H.R. 4305: Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1598: Mr. NORCROSS. H.R. 4336: Mr. EMMER of Minnesota, Mrs. Article I, Section 8: H.R. 1625: Mrs. DAVIS of California. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York, and Mr. The Congress shall have Power To lay and H.R. 1655: Mr. CARNEY. NADLER. collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, H.R. 1769: Mr. POE of Texas, Mr. FORBES, H.R. 4380: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. SINEMA, to pay the Debts and provide for the common and Mr. STEWART. and Ms. EDWARDS. Defense and general Welfare of the United H.R. 1811: Mr. COHEN. H.R. 4381: Mr. BOUSTANY. States. H.R. 1923: Mr. RENACCI. H.R. 4396: Mr. TAKANO, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, By Mr. LOEBSACK: H.R. 1941: Mr. MCKINLEY and Mr. RUSH. Ms. NORTON, and Mr. CA´ RDENAS. H.R. 4673. H.R. 2016: Mrs. BEATTY. H.R. 4399: Mr. LEVIN. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2054: Mr. DESAULNIER. H.R. 4447: Mr. LEWIS. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2058: Mr. WOMACK. H.R. 4448: Mr. OLSON. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Con- H.R. 2090: Mr. GRIJALVA. H.R. 4451: Mr. OLSON. stitution. H.R. 2121: Mrs. COMSTOCK. H.R. 4456: Ms. DUCKWORTH. By Ms. MENG: H.R. 2170: Mr. NEWHOUSE. H.R. 4472: Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. H.R. 4674. H.R. 2215: Mr. LAMALFA. H.R. 4479: Mr. MCGOVERN, Ms. NORTON, and Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2355: Mr. ISRAEL. Mr. ELLISON. H.R. 4480: Mr. GRIJALVA. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2399: Mr. GIBSON. H.R. 4488: Mr. O’ROURKE, Mr. ENGEL, and Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- H.R. 2430: Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. tion H.R. 2461: Mr. ROSS. H.R. 4499: Mr. TONKO and Mr. DOLD. By Ms. NORTON: H.R. 2536: Mr. FOSTER. H.R. 4505: Mr. FINCHER, Mr. HINOJOSA, and H.R. 4675. H.R. 2646: Mr. DONOVAN. Mr. ELLISON. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2747: Mr. NOLAN and Mr. EMMER of H.R. 4535: Mr. CARTWRIGHT, Mr. KEATING, lation pursuant to the following: Minnesota. H.R. 2799: Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Mr. POLIS, Mr. and Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. clause 3 of section 8 of article I of the Con- RAT HECK of Nevada, Mrs. DAVIS of California, H.R. 4544: Mr. B . stitution. H.R. 4552: Mr. GRIJALVA. and Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. By Mr. ROONEY of Florida: H.R. 4555: Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. H.R. 2802: Mr. RIGELL. H.R. 4676. PITTENGER, Mr. BABIN, Mr. HARPER, Mr. H.R. 2844: Ms. MCCOLLUM. Congress has the power to enact this legis- ALLEN, and Mr. BISHOP of Utah. H.R. 2846: Ms. NORTON. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4570: Ms. ESHOO, Ms. STEFANIK, and H.R. 2894: Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Article I, section 8—to make rules for the Mr. HONDA. H.R. 2896: Mr. ROTHFUS and Mr. MILLER of Government and Regulation of the land and H.R. 4584: Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. CAL- Florida. Naval Forces. VERT, Mr. CUELLAR, Mr. MOOLENAAR, Mr. H.R. 2901: Mr. ROTHFUS. By Mr. ASHFORD: BABIN, Mr. MCCAUL, and Mr. PALAZZO. H.R. 2911: Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. H.J. Res. 83. H.R. 4592: Mr. LYNCH, Mr. MOULTON, Mr. H.R. 3099: Ms. MATSUI, Mr. LARSON of Con- Congress has the power to enact this legis- WELCH, Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. PASCRELL, Mr. necticut, and Mr. DENHAM. lation pursuant to the following: LARSON of Connecticut, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. H.R. 3137: Mr. TOM PRICE of Georgia. Article V of the Constitution, that grants TONKO, Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. KING of New York, H.R. 3183: Mr. JONES. Congress the authority, whenever two thirds and Ms. PLASKETT. H.R. 3222: Mrs. LUMMIS and Mr. GRAVES of of both chambers deem is necessary, to pro- H.R. 4603: Mr. RICHMOND and Ms. SCHA- Georgia. pose amendments to the Constitution. KOWSKY. H.R. 3326: Mr. ROONEY of Florida and Mr. By Mr. PERRY: H.R. 4612: Mr. PALAZZO and Ms. MCSALLY. GUINTA. H.J. Res. 84. H.R. 4617: Mr. KEATING. H.R. 3351: Mr. NORCROSS. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4625: Mr. RANGEL, Mr. ISRAEL, Ms. H.R. 3377: Mr. KILMER. lation pursuant to the following: ESTY, Ms. KUSTER, and Mr. LOBIONDO. H.R. 3381: Mr. GUINTA and Ms. MATSUI. Section 8 of Article 1 of the Constitution H.R. 4636: Mr. CRAMER, Mr. GROTHMAN, H.R. 3406: Mr. POLIS and Ms. LEE. Mrs. LOVE, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, and Mr. f H.R. 3446: Mr. PETERS. SMITH of Missouri. H.R. 3516: Mrs. ELLMERS of North Carolina. H.R. 4640: Mr. KEATING. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 3520: Ms. TSONGAS and Mr. DANNY K. H.R. 4642: Mr. HASTINGS. DAVIS of Illinois. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 4651: Mr. CARTER of Georgia, Mr. KING H.R. 3637: Mr. RANGEL. were added to public bills and resolu- of New York, and Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. H.R. 3660: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. tions, as follows: H.R. 4653: Ms. MATSUI, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. H.R. 3687: Mr. WESTERMAN. RUSH, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Ms. NORTON, Ms. H.R. 140: Mr. BOUSTANY. H.R. 3706: Ms. ADAMS, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE EDWARDS, Ms. LEE, Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ, and Mr. H.R. 228: Mrs. BLACKBURN and Mr. BARR. JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. WELCH, Mr. ISRAEL. H.R. 239: Mr. GRAYSON and Mr. SERRANO. ES ARLAIS ULTGREN ANNY D J , Mr. H , Mr. D K. H.R. 4655: Mr. SENSENBRENNER. H.R. 244: Mr. OLSON. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. NORCROSS, Ms. KAPTUR, H.R. 4657: Mr. WELCH. H.R. 292: Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. RYAN H.J. Res. 22: Mr. NADLER. H.R. 333: Mr. PETERSON. of Ohio, and Mr. CAPUANO. H.J. Res. 55: Mr. GARRETT, Mr. GUINTA, H.R. 359: Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New H.R. 3713: Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN and Mr. RYAN Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. FINCHER, Mr. AUSTIN York. of Ohio. SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. RATCLIFFE, Mr. H.R. 448: Mr. POLIS. H.R. 3779: Mr. COHEN. FRANKS of Arizona, and Mr. LOUDERMILK. H.R. 563: Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. ´ H.R. 3808: Mr. CARDENAS, Mr. TROTT, and H. Con. Res. 36: Mr. NORCROSS. MITH H.R. 605: Mr. S of New Jersey and Mr. Mr. HARDY. H. Con. Res. 40: Mr. KING of New York. TONKO. H.R. 3817: Ms. CLARKE of New York, Mr. H. Con. Res. 89: Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. H.R. 616: Mr. DEUTCH. RYAN of Ohio, and Mr. RUSH. BRIDENSTINE, Mr. FARENTHOLD, and Mr. SEN- H.R. 624: Ms. BROWNLEY of California. H.R. 3880: Mr. TROTT. SENBRENNER. H.R. 654: Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina, H.R. 3886: Mr. HONDA. H. Con. Res. 121: Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN, and Mr. POMPEO. H.R. 3913: Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. H. Res. 245: Ms. MENG. H.R. 699: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. H.R. 3952: Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. H. Res. 377: Mr. EMMER of Minnesota. H.R. 775: Mr. BLUM. H.R. 3977: Mr. CARTWRIGHT. H. Res. 436: Ms. MENG. H.R. 793: Mr. OLSON. H.R. 4055: Mr. BLUMENAUER. H. Res. 518: Ms. MENG. H.R. 802: Mr. SCHRADER. H.R. 4062: Mr. ZINKE. H. Res. 551: Mr. SERRANO, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. H.R. 845: Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. H.R. 4063: Mr. BLUMENAUER. ALLEN, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. KING of New York, H.R. 863: Mr. GOODLATTE. H.R. 4073: Ms. SLAUGHTER and Mr. GRAVES and Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. H.R. 923: Mr. KING of Iowa. of Missouri. H. Res. 613: Mr. RENACCI. H.R. 932: Mrs. BEATTY. H.R. 4096: Mr. MESSER. H. Res. 616: Mr. RYAN of Ohio and Mr. H.R. 953: Mr. BISHOP of Michigan and Mr. H.R. 4126: Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois and Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. GUTIE´ RREZ. JOYCE. H. Res. 617: Mr. PEARCE, Mr. MEADOWS, Mr. H.R. 986: Mr. ROSS and Mr. KING of Iowa. H.R. 4137: Mr. ELLISON. YOHO, Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia, Mr. H.R. 989: Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. H.R. 4167: Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. CUELLAR, Mr. MULVANEY, Mr. ROKITA, Mr. ALLEN, Mr. H.R. 999: Mr. BOUSTANY. BROOKS of Alabama, and Mr. VELA. FLEMING, Mr. BRAT, Mr. LAMALFA, Mr. H.R. 1093: Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. H.R. 4262: Mr. BOST, Mr. OLSON, Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. ABRAHAM, and Mr. H.R. 1333: Mrs. ELLMERS of North Carolina. STUTZMAN, Mr. ROKITA, Mr. KELLY of Penn- BYRNE. H.R. 1431: Mr. PALAZZO. sylvania, and Mr. MILLER of Florida. H. Res. 626: Ms. MENG. H.R. 1432: Mr. PALAZZO. H.R. 4264: Mr. MCGOVERN. H. Res. 629: Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. H.R. 1486: Mr. BABIN. H.R. 4277: Mr. ZINKE and Mr. BOUSTANY. BLUMENAUER, Ms. CLARKE of New York, Mr.

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SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of New York, Mr. 47. The SPEAKER presented a petition of ments of the three coastal counties to be DELANEY, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. MCGOVERN, and the Jackson County Board of Supervisors, used for strategic, economic development to Mr. MCNERNEY. relative to a resolution to join with coast create new jobs, and expand the state’s tax f cities and counties in requesting the legisla- base from sales and income taxes generated ture to appropriate at least 80% of the $750 from Mississippi coast businesses; which was PETITIONS, ETC. million in economic damages from the Deep- referred to the Committee on Financial Under clause 3 of rule XII, water Horizon oil spill to the local govern- Services.

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