
the Science of the Total Environment A”rnlrmmrionsl ,avms,To.SC,rn,i(i. Rrlrvrh

ELSEVIER The Scienceof the Total Environment183 (1996) 137-149

Decomposition processes:modelling approaches and applications

Daryl L. Moorhead*a, Robert L. Sinsabaughb, A.E. Linkins”, James F. Reynoldsd

Program, Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409-3131, USA ‘Biology Department, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 43606. USA ‘Office of the Vice President, Clarkson University, Pots&m, New York 13676, USA ‘Botany Department - The Phytotron, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0340, USA


Decomposition is a fundamental process, strongly influencing ecosystemdynamics through the release of organically bound nutrients. Decomposition is also a complex phenomenon that can be modified by changes in the characteristics of the decaying materials or prevailing environmental conditions. For these reasons, the impacts of local, regional or global environmental changes on the quality and turnover of dead are of considerable interest. However, realistic limits to the complexity, as well as temporal and spatial scales,of experimental studies re- strict their usefulnessin extrapolating long-term or large-scaleresults of simultaneous environmental changes. Alter- natively, many simulation models have been constructed to gain insight to potential impacts of anthropogenic activities. Becausestructure and approach determine the strengths and limitations of a model, they must be considered when applying one to a problem or otherwise interpreting model behaviour. There are two basically different types of models: (1) empirical models generally ignore underlying processeswhen describing system behaviour, while (2) mechanistic models reproduce system behaviour by simulating underlying processes.The former models are usually accurate within the range of conditions for which they are constructed but tend to be unreliable when extended beyond these limits. In contrast, application of a mechanistic model to novel conditions assumes only that the underlying mechanismsbehave in a consistent manner. In this paper, we examine models developed at different levelsof resolution to simulate various aspects of decomposition and nutrient cycling and how they have been used to assesspotential impacts of environmental changes on terrestrial .

Keywords: Decomposition; Ecosystem modelling; models

1. Introduction e.g. the Antarctic Dry Valleys (Cathey et al., 1981; Parker and Simmons, 1985). Nonetheless, decom- Decomposition is comparable in importance to posers typically receive less attention from scien- as a fundamental ecosystem tific investigators than plants or other hetero- process. In fact, an ecosystem needs only pro- trophic groups. ducers and (as biological com- Decomposition is a composite phenomenon in ponents) to exist indefinitely, and some extreme which many different processes contribute to the environments support few other trophic entities, degradation of complex organic compounds (Fig. 1; see also Swift et al., 1979). Theoretically, these * Correspondingauthor, processes ultimately reduce organic materials to

QO48-9697/96/$15.000 1996Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDI 0048-9697(95)04974-6 138 D.L. Moorhead et al. /The Science of the Total Environment 183 (1996) 137-149

levels of resolution is used to examine various Organic: K7 b Inorganic: . CO2 aspects of decomposition and nutrient cycling. * Decomposkxr -NH4 * *photochemical -PO4 -thermal 2. Types of models -enzymic Many mathematical models have been con- Fig. 1. Conceptual model of processes responsible for litter structed to simulate litter decay, and a brief criti- decay. que of common mathematical techniques is provided by Weider and Lang (1982). A more gen- eral scheme (Reynolds and Leadley, 1992) their inorganic constituents. Of particular impor- classified models according to the underlying con- tance to ecosystem dynamics is the release of ceptual approach. This classification system organically bound nutrients, e.g. and clarifies the strengths and limitations inherent in , which then can be utilized by plants. different modelling strategies and, thus, provides Organic matter decay can be viewed from many valuable insights for potential management ap- levels of resolution, e.g. an ecosystem process, a plications. property of saprophytic dynamics, an Reynolds and Leadley recognize two fundamen- extension of physi- tally different categories, viz, empirical and ology and nutrition, or as a composite biochemical mechanistic models. Empirical models describe the process based on enzyme kinetics. In this paper behaviour of a system at a particular hierarchical reference is made to a hierarchical framework, level of interest, without examining underlying emphasizing relationships between levels of resolu- processes. For this reason, such models often are tion, insights provided within levels, and applica- very accurate predictive tools within the range of tions to specific questions (Table 1). system behaviour for which they are developed, dynamics of microbial communities, net respira- but their utility in exploring processes on other tory output, etc., are included in the knowledge sites, for other systems, or in response to changing that taxonomic, methodological, and interpretive environmental conditions is highly problematical. problems limit understanding of microbiota at In contrast, mechanistic models reproduce system the community, population, species and individual behaviour by simulating underlying processes. The levels (Klopatek et al., 1993). In spite of such dish- application of mechanistic models to conditions culties, decomposition and concomitant nutrient other than those for which they were developed cycling processes are central to many environmen- assumes that the underlying processes behave in a tal management scenarios, e.g. maintenance of site consistent manner. fertility, reclamation following , deter- Many models incorporate elements of empirical mining sustainable harvest regimes, and assessing and mechanistic approaches. For example, semi- long-term system responses to global changes. In mechanistic models include a mix of mechanistic this paper, the development of models at different and empirical approaches at a given hierarchical level of interest. These models offer potential for extrapolation because they explicitly incorporate Table 1 Hierarchical perspectives of decomposition processes; level of some of the biological underpinnings of the interest and associated context process. Because structure and approach determine the Level of interest Context limitations of a model, they must be considered Changing climate, CO,, UV-B when applying one to a problem or interpreting Ecosystem Energy and nutrient cycles model behaviour. Community Plant-microbial interactions Population Microbial growth 2. I. Empirical approaches Physiological Microbial physiology Sub-cellular Extracellular In general, decomposing materials lose mass as they decay and negative exponential models often D.L. Moorhead et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 183 (1996) 137-149 139 are used to describe this pattern (Weider and where AET is actual evapotranspiration, L is lig- Lang, 1982): nin content of the litter and a, b and c are model parameters. Another empirical model was Mass t = Mass, . emkt (1) developed by Melillo et al. (1982), in which mass loss is an exponential function of time (Eq. 1) and where the litter mass remaining after some time in- the decay rate coefftcient varies with initial terval (t) is calculated as a function of the original and nitrogen content of the litter: mass and a decay rate coefficient (k). Without knowledge of the underlying mechanisms, the im- -k = de (lignin/nitrogen~ (3) portance of environmental factors can be used em- pirically to modify this pattern. For example, the where d and fare model parameters. The primary rate of litter mass loss is affected by strength of such empirical models is their ability to and moisture conditions. Temperature effects predict system behaviour accurately within the often are described by an exponential equation or range of data for which they were developed. The Qlo function. On the other hand, moisture effects models developed by Meentemeyer and Melillo are more complicated, maximum decay rate occurs and colleagues were based on data collected in at some optimum moisture condition and declines closed-canopy, mesic, temperate ; they have as moisture conditions diverge from this optimum been used very successfully to describe litter decay (Bunnell and Scoullar, 1975). Usually, the effects in such ecosystems. of moisture and temperature are included in Although the Meentemeyer model describes lit- models by scaling the estimated decay rate (Eq. 1) ter decay well in many ecosystems, it does not hold according to temperature and moisture responses for others (Whitford et al., 1981; Schaefer et al., (And&n and Paustian, 1987). 1985). Surface litter loses mass far too rapidly in Not all types of materials decay at the same rate the northern Chihuahuan Desert, USA, to be con- even under identical climatic regimes, but knowl- sistent with Meentemeyer’s equation (Fig. 2); edge of underlying chemistry is needed to predict Schaefer et al. (1985) found that litters high in lig- these patterns. Plant materials consist of many dif- nin content decayed faster than those with low lig- ferent types of compounds, each of which decays nin content (note negative slope of regression in at a particular rate (Minderman, 1968). Often, for Fig. 2). This contradiction of Meentemeyer’s convenience, these compounds are placed into model illustrates the key limitation of empirical three general classes of materials; polar and non- models, i.e. often they are inaccurate when used polar extractives (soluble component) decay very beyond the range of data for which they were rapidly and have high nutrient contents; - developed. soluble fractions ( and ) decay rapidly if nutrients are available but decay slowly otherwise; acid-insoluble fractions () decay slowly at all times. The decay rate of a mate- 100 1 rial can be more accurately estimated when its chemical composition is known. These general relationships between decomposi- tion, litter quality and climate are so ubiquitous and well-known that many studies of litter decay do not examine other factors. Some models are based solely on these relationships, for example, Meentemeyer (1978) developed a very simple Expected Loss (%) equation to calculate the amount of litter loss over time: Fig. 2. Actual vs. expected mass losses of various litter types in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, New Mexico, USA; Loss = a + b.AET + c.AET/L (2) R2 = 0.571 (data from Schaefer et al., 1985). 140 D.L. Moorhead et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 183 (1996) 137-149

2.2. Mechanistic models Linking carbon and nutrient dynamics of the More mechanistic models have been developed decomposition process is readily explained on the to simulate litter decay (Bosatta and Agren, 1991), basis of microbial physiology. For example, the although the common ones are actually semi- flow of C from nutrient-limited substrates (such as mechanistic in structure (McGill et al., 1981; Van cellulose) is controlled by the availability of N Veen et al., 1984; Parton et al., 1987; Stroo et al., from other sources because the internal N content 1989; Moorhead and Reynolds, 1991; Rastetter et of such nutrient-limited pools is insufficient to al., 1992). In most cases, decomposer micro- meet microbial needs in association with potential are identified as driving litter decay, C losses. Therefore, actual C losses from such ma- and attention is directed toward linking decay pro- terials are limited by balancing system C and N cesses to attributes of microbial physiology. Thus, availabilities with microbial needs (Parnas, 1975, the effects of moisture and temperature regimes on 1976; Bosatta and Berendse, 1984): litter decay result largely from alterations in microbial activity. Temperature affects decay in (C/N)1 x e = (UN), (5) three basic ways: (1) microbial activities are very limited in frozen or at exceeding where e is the carbon assimilation efficiency of the 40-50°C; (2) activity rates generally increase from microbiota, and (UN), and (UN), are the C/N low temperatures (above O’C) to a maximum at ratios of litter and microbiota, respectively. If about 30-40°C; and (3) short-term freezing- (C/N), x e > (C/N),, then microbial growth is thawing events often cause high turnover in micro- limited by nitrogen availability. Conversely, if bial biomass (Morley et al., 1983). In a comparable (C/N), x e < (C/N),, then growth is limited by manner, moisture availability has at least three carbon availability. This is true for any essential effects: (1) microbial activities are very limited in nutrient. Add to this relationship the fact that dry soils (< - 1.5 MPa) and in very moist or satur- some organic compounds can be more readily ated soils when anaerobic conditions develop, (2) degraded than others, and it defines the fundamen- activity rates generally increase to some maximum tal way in which litter quality controls decomposi- at an intermediate level of moisture, and (3) rapid tion. When mineral forms of nutrients are also changes in moisture levels, such as following considered, this equation can be expanded to esti- a dry period, increase microbial turnover (Kieft et mate net immobilization or mineralization poten- al., 1987). tials (Moorhead and Reynolds, 1991). Decomposition rates are affected by nutrient Dynamics of the microbial community are in- and lignin content of litter. Different materials corporated in many of the more mechanistic decompose at contrasting rates because they are decomposition models, with microbial growth, degraded differentially by catabolic enzymes pro- (and subsequent decay) and mineralization duced by saprophytic organisms (Linkins et al., processes variously included. Turnover of the 1984). However, few studies have attempted to microbial pool is very important because the re- quantify enzymic activities or relate these activities lease of nutrients from dead microbial biomass can to litter decay. In general, most semi-mechanistic stimulate the decay of nutrient-limited substrates models divide decaying materials into sub-classes or otherwise result in the net mineralization of of compounds. A common scheme is one identify- nutrients. One of the most detailed descriptions of ing soluble, holocellulose, and lignin fractions of microbial dynamics was incorporated in a model litter. Decomposition then is estimated with a developed by Paustian and Schniirer (1987) which three-component exponential equation: focussed entirely on the growth dynamics of decomposer fungi. In this approach, the dynamics dC/dt = Cle-kl’ + C2e-k21 + C3emk3’ (4) and characteristics of the fungal community were interpreted with respect to decay processes. where the combined loss of solubles (C,), The major strength of these more mechanistic holocellulose (C,) and lignins (C3) defines the models is the confidence with which they can be overall loss of litter (C). applied to novel situations or conditions for which D.L. Moorhead et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 183 (1996) 137-149 141 they were not developed. For example, semi- mechanistic models of decomposition processes (Parton et al., 1987; Moorhead and Reynolds, 80 1991; Rastetter et al., 1991) have been used, ap- parently successfully, for situations very different 60 from those upon which they were based (Burke et 40 al., 1989; Schimel et al., 1990; Rastetter et al., 1992; Moorhead and Reynolds, 1993; Ojima et al., 20 1993). The major drawback to greater mechanism is the complexity of the resulting model, requiring 0 more data to define parameters and greater atten- tion to interpreting model behaviour. Lignocellulase Activities 2.3. Enzyme-based modeling Recently, a new type of model has been Fig. 3. Relationship between litter mass loss and a cumulative developed to describe litter decay, based on the measure of extracellular lignocellulase degradative enzyme ac- activities of extracellular enzymes. Since micro- tivities associated with the litter. Data derived from a suite of organisms accomplish decay by producing published studies; R2 = 0.732 (from Sinsabaugh et al., 1994). enzymes that catalyze the degradation of sub- strates in their immediate environment, decom- position rates should be directly related to the activity of key classes of enzymes (Sinsabaugh et tions of interest to managers and may be al., 1991). However, models expressing litter decay used to help formulate policy decisions. as a function of extracellular enzyme activities have been restricted largely to the degradation of 3.1. Decomposition as an isolated process dissolved organic materials in aquatic environ- Litter decay is important to studies of soil ero- ments (Chrost, 1991). Only Sinsabaugh et al. sion and site fertility, because surface litter layers (1991) have attempted to relate enzyme activities dissipate raindrop energy, slow surface to mass loss of plant litter in terrestrial systems. movements, absorb water, minimize wind erosion Preliminary analyses of published data show and serve as a major source of nutrients. Decom- that litter mass loss rates are correlated with the position models have been developed and used to activities of extracellular enzymes (Fig. 3), and this simulate litter decay or nutrient cycling processes relationship can be used as a statistically-based independent of other aspects of ecosystem behav- model of litter decay (Sinsabaugh et al., 1994). Al- iour. Obviously, many of the simple empirical though such a model is empirical at the level of models, like those formulated by Meentemeyer enzyme activity, enzyme activity is the primary (1978) and Melillo et al. (1982, 1989), have limita- biological mechanism underlying litter degrada- tions but can be used to estimate litter turnover tion (the latter representing a higher, hierarchical and mineral nutrient release under different level phenomenon). The potential uses of enzyme- climatic conditions and altered litter quality, as based decomposition models are only now being determined by their driving variables. However, explored. caution is necessary when extrapolating beyond the conditions for which these models were 3. Model applications developed. In contrast, more mechanistic models offer greater potential for exploring novel condi- Models are developed for a variety of reasons, tions, and have been used to extrapolate the effects including use in the synthesis of data, identifying of global climatic changes and of anthropogenic areas of uncertainty, testing and formulating activities on litter decay and nutrient cycling. hypotheses, and evaluating conceptual relation- One of the ways in which a number of global ships. However, models are also applied to ques- changes, such as climate, atmospheric COz, and 142 D.L. ,%foorhe& et al. / The Science of the Total Environment I83 (1996) 137-149

UV-B intensity, may affect ecosystems is by modi- Table 2 fying nutrient cycles (Graham et al., 1990; Results of varying climate regime, i.e. average soil water con- Reynolds et al., 1995). Decomposition rates tent (% dry soil wt.), season length (days) and maximum sum- mer temperature (“C), on simulated annual turnover of litter change in response to changing physical factors, nitrogen by decomposer microbiota in an arctic, tussock tundra litter characteristics, and decomposer com- soil (from Moorhead and Reynolds, in press) munities. In addition, nutrient and energy dyna- mics are so tightly linked in terrestrial ecosystems Water Annual turnover (gN. m-* + year-‘) that dynamics and site fertility w Maximum summer temperature/season length should be affected by changes in litter decay (van de Geijn and van Veen, 1993). However, only IT, 93 9"C, 113 ll”C, 133 recently have studies begun to investigate these days days days topics (Wedin and Tilman, 1990). 200 3.19 5.02 6.43 The effects of temperature and moisture condi- 250 4.18 5.53 7.09 tions on litter decay rates are well known. For 300 4.55 6.02 7.71 these reasons, the effects of climate changes on 400 5.16 6.83 8.14 500 5.54 7.32 9.37 decomposition are not difficult to evaluate. All 600 5.62 1.43 9.50 other factors being constant, shifts in temperature 700 5.39a 7.12 9.11 and moisture patterns drive predictable changes in 750 5.17 6.83 8.74 decomposition rates. Results of several simulation 800 4.88 6.46 8.27 studies examining the potential effects of changing 900 4.19 5.54 7.10 loo0 3.39 4.49 5.76 climate on decomposition and nutrient cycles generally support this view (Pastor and Post, 1988; %urrent conditions. Schimel et al., 1990; Rastetter et al., 1992; Moorhead and Reynolds, 1993; Ojima et al., 1993). Moorhead and Reynolds (1995) showed tion of SOM (Stott et al., 1983). Data from desert that decomposition and nitrogen dynamics in a ecosystems suggest that photochemical degrada- tussock tundra soil responded to changes in tion of exposed litter is significant in hot, dry moisture and temperature regimes in a predictable environments; this is consistent with the direct fashion, but uncertainties in projected soil climatic relationship between decay rate and lignin content regimes limited the reliability of model results of surface litter reported by Schaefer et al. (1985; (Table 2). Similarly, other studies link a range of Fig. 2). model behaviours to uncertainties in predicted Moorhead and Callaghan (1994) used the CEN- climate changes (Schimel et al., 1990; Ojima et al., TURY model (Parton et al., 1987) to project the 1993), although simulated decay patterns are con- effects of increasing UV-B intensity on litter decay sistent with fluctuations in temperature and and SOM pool sizes by increasing the decay rate moisture regimes. of lignin and allocating the increased carbon flow Aside from climatic and CO2 effects, the poten- from litter lignin to use by (Fig. tial impacts of other disturbances and stresses on 4). A set of 20-year simulations with a 25% decomposition are being examined with simula- increase in lignin turnover produced end-of-year tion models. For example, Moorhead and quantities of lignin and holocellulose in residual Callaghan (1994) recently explored the potential litter that were 64 and 32% lower than control effects of increasing UV-B levels on litter degrada- values, respectively. The size of the active, slow tion and soil organic matter dynamics. Many and passive soil pools decreased ~0.7, 3.9 and organic polymers, including plant lignins, are 2.5%, respectively. The greatest impact of increas- susceptible to photochemical degradation so that ed lignin degradation was accelerated litter turn- increasing W-B levels may stimulate litter turn- over and loss of carbon from the system via over. This could affect soil organic matter pools microbial respiration, with modest impact on soil because plant lignin constitutes a significant por- organic matter pools. This does not imply that D.L. Moorhead et al. /The Science of the Total Environment 183 (1996) 137-149 143

The effects of litter quality on decay patterns have been examined in a multitude of experimental and simulation studies (Reynolds et al., 1995). Moreover, these effects are predictable; decay rates decrease with increasing lignin content, and increase with nutrient concentration (Parton et al., 1987; Moorhead and Reynolds, 1991). The great- Fig. 4. Carbon flow diagram for the CENTURY model, est challenge in applying such models to a chang- describing litter decay (Parton et al., 1987). Dashed arrow in- ing world is predicting the changes in litter quality. dicates modification to simulate photodegradation of lignins in Schimel et al. (1990), Rastetter et al. (1992) and plant litter exposed at the soil surface. Ojima et al. (1993) are among those who include changing litter quality as a dynamical component of their modeling studies, but do not address ex- changes in surface accumulations of litter are plicitly the mechanisms responsible for this unimportant because erosion patterns and short- change. Rastetter et al. (1992), in particular, em- term nutrient dynamics are closely related to litter phasize the point that nutrient availabilities decay. As yet, no experimental studies have tested ultimately will limit ecosystem responses to these results. changes in climate and CO*. Other anthropogenic impacts further complicate 3.2. Decomposition in an ecosystem context the evaluation of the effects of climate, changes in Decomposition is only a part of whole ecosys- CO,, etc., on the decomposition and nutrient cycl- tem behaviour, so studies of decay processes in iso- ing processes. For example, the results of a lation from other ecological processes should be temperate model (Thornley et al., 1991) viewed with skepticism. For example, Pastor and suggest that combined CO, and N fertilization Post (1988) evaluated potential effects of climate from human activities have synergistic effects on changes on ecosystems and noted that vege- ecosystem carbon dynamics. Burke et al. (1991) tation composition depends in part on soil nitro- also indicate that the effects of other human im- gen availability. In turn, changes in pacts are likely to diminish our ability to detect composition can alter soil nitrogen availability ecosystem responses to global changes. Clearly, (Wedin and Tilman, 1990). the predictive capacities of ecosystem models are Pastor and Post (1988) identified decomposition limited by their abilities to incorporate and in- as a process that links plant community composi- tegrate the important driving variables. Never- tion and soil nutrient status. Therefore, any factor theless, Agren et al. (1991) conclude that several that modifies litter quality or quantity, or decom- models of forest and grassland ecosystems provide position rates, affects patterns of decay and nutri- realistic predictions of responses to climate change ent mineralization. In a recent evaluation of because these models explicitly link key plant and elevated CO2 effects on terrestrial ecosystems, decomposer processes. Reynolds et al. (1995) noted that litter quality may change with CO, levels because the C/N ratios of 3.3. Experimental and modelling inter-ace at least some plants change with COz: enrichment At the least, uncertainties in projected changes (CoQteaux et al., 1991; Lambers, 1993). In addi- in climate and litter quality limit the confidence tion to the direct effects of elevated CO, on the with which models can predict future patterns of chemistry of particular species, plant community decomposition and nutrient cycling. Nor is it easy composition may change as a result of shifts in to conduct validation experiments that adequately competitive interactions among species, thus alter- represent realistic temporal and spatial dimen- ing overall litter characteristics. Whatever the sions, or capture the complexities of, ecological cause, changes in litter quality would be expected systems. However, a spatially-based climose- to affect decomposition. quence of contiguous sites can be used as a sur- 144 D.L. Moorhead et al. /The Science of the Total Environment 183 (1996) 137-149 rogate for temporal changes in climatic Table 3 characteristics at a particular site while retaining Chemical characteristics of litter examined within the long- the ecological features of the system. For example, term, intersite decomposition study (LIDET), sponsored by the USA Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program Tate (1992) offers a soil climosequence in tussock of New Zealand as a surrogate for tem- Species Lignin Nitrogen poral changes in soil carbon dynamics accompany- W) (“W ing probable climatic change for this ecosystem Acer saccharum (leaves) 16.64 0.87 type. These grassland climates range in mean an- Ammophila breviligulata (leaves) 19.26 0.74 nual temperature from 2-10°C and total annual Betula lutea (leaves) 26.71 1.63 precipitation from 350-5000 mm, respectively. Bouteloua eriopoda (leaves) 14.39 0.98 The relationship between soil carbon content and Bouteloua gracilis (leaves) 9.84 0.97 temperature-precipitation factors across this se- Ceanothus greggii (leaves) 14.59 1.35 Cornus nuttalii (leaves) 0.36 0.99 quence of sites suggests that global warming would Drypetes glauca (leaves) 9.48 1.98 increase C-turnover in these soils in a manner that Drypetes glauca (roots) 17.92 0.93 is consistent with expected effects of temperature Fagus grandifolia (leaves) 26.93 0.93 and moisture conditions on decay processes. Gonystylus bancanus (wood) 24.63 0.32 A suite of modelling studies focussing on the Kobresia myosuroides (leaves) 11.72 1.10 Larrea tridentata (leaves) 10.93 2.13 central prairie regions of the USA also may be in- Liriodendron tulipifedra (leaves) 10.10 0.80 terpreted as examining a climosequence extending Myrica cerifer (leaves) 27.81 2.03 from the warmer, drier, southwest shortgrass Pinus elliotti (leaves) 27.47 0.49 prairies to the cooler, wetter, northeast tallgrass Pinus elliotti (roots) 33.82 0.79 prairies (Parton et al., 1987; Burke et al., 1989; Pinus resinosa (leaves) 26.51 0.72 Pinus strobus (leaves) 21.72 0.70 Schimel et al., 1990; Burke et al., 1991; Ojima et Pop&s tremuloides (leaves) 21.17 0.78 al., 1993). In general, soil organic matter pools Pseudotsuga menzesii (leaves) 25.00 0.90 increase with increasing rainfall and decreasing Quercus prinus (leaves) 25.36 1.14 temperature. Schimel et al. (1990) and Ojima et al. Rhododendron macrophyllum 18.13 0.54 (1993) specifically modify climate drivers to assess (leaves) Robinea pseudoacaia (leaves) 24.89 2.48 potential impacts of climate change on these Schizachyrium gerardi (leaves) 12.04 0.67 ecosystems; decomposition was related most close- Schizachyrium gerardi (roots) 15.66 0.67 ly to temperature. Unfortunately, neither these Schizachyrium scoparium (leaves) 16.02 0.69 models nor observations of Tate’s (1992) tussock Spartina alternaifolia (leaves) 6.86 0.76 grassland toposequence explicitly include changes Thuja plicata (leaves) 21.04 0.72 Triticum aestivum (leaves) 17.72 0.52 in litter quality due to changes in plant community Voshysia ferragenea (leaves) 19.85 1.98 composition, a likely consequence of climate change for many ecosystems. Aside from uncertainties in projected changes in ter being examined include a broad range of litter climate and litter quality, differential behaviours quality characteristics (Table 3), and the study and sometimes conflicting predictions of various sites represent climatic conditions ranging from decomposition models reduce our confidence in tropical rain forests through arctic tundra, in- their output. A broadly based set of integrated cluding deserts, grasslands, and temperate forests experimental and modelling studies is being con- (Table 4). Four decomposition models (Fig. 5) are ducted to address these uncertainties simultane- being used to simulate litter decay in this study, to ously. The Long-Term, Intersite Decomposition gain insight to the limitations imposed by model Experiment Team (LIDET) is monitoring the structure on their abilities to capture the dynamics decay of various litters (a total of 31 different of interactions between climate and litter quality. types) on 21 sites throughout North America. A detailed description of the LTER sites is provided 3.4. Insights provided by enzyme models by Van Cleve and Martin (1991). The types of lit- The activities of extracellular enzymes can be D.L. Moorkead et al. /The Science of the Total Environment 183 (1996) 137-149 145

Table 4 Field sites, ecosystem types and locations for the long-term, intersite decomposition study (LIDET), sponsored by the USA Long- Term Ecological Research (LTER) program

Site Ecosystem Location

Andrews LTER Temperate rain forest Oregon, USA Arctic Lakes LTER Arctic tundra Alaska, USA Baro Colorado Island Tropical rain forest Baro Colorado Island, Panama Bonanza Creek LTER Boreal forest Alaska, USA Blodgett Research Forest Conifer forest California, USA Cedar Creek LTER Tallgrass prairie Minnesota, USA Central Plains LTER Shortgrass steppe Colorado, USA Coweeta LTER Eastern deciduous forest North Carolina, USA Curlew Valley Sagebrush steppe Utah, USA Florida State University Slashpine forest Florida, USA Guanica State Forest Dry tropical forest Puerto Rico Hubbard Brook LTER Eastern deciduous forest New Hampshire, USA Harvard Forest LTER Eastern deciduous forest New York, USA Jomada LTER Warm desert New Mexico, USA Juneau, Alaska Temperate rain forest Alaska, USA Kellogg LTER Temperate agriculture Michigan, USA Konza LTER Tallgrass prairie Kansas, USA La Selva Station Tropical rain forest Costa Rica Loch Vale Watershed Subalpine forest Colorado, USA Luquillo LTER Subtropical rain forest Puerto Rico Monte Verde Evergreen Costa Rica Niwot Ridge LTER Alpine tundra Colorado, USA North Inlet LTER Estuarine marsh South Carolina, USA Northern Lakes LTER Temperate lakes Wisconsin, USA Olympic National Park Temperate rain forest Washington, USA Santa Margarita Reserve Coastal chaparral California, USA Sevilleta LTER Desert grassland/shrubland New Mexico, USA Virginia Coast LTER Barrier islands Virginia, USA used to develop models of particular decomposi- Increasing amounts of labile carbon have been tion and nutrient cycling processes. For example, observed in plant rhizospheres associated with analyses of Eriophorum vaginatum (arctic sedge) elevated CO2 and may stimulate microbial activi- tussocks provided parameters for a Michaelis- ties which influence nutrient availabilities (Norby Menten model of phosphatase activities in an et al., 1986; O’Neill et al., 1987; Conroy et al., Alaska tussock tundra (Moorhead et al., 1993). 1992; Comins and McMurtrie, 1993). Following a This model was used to simulate seasonal phos- 3-year in situ CO;! fumigation experiment in phatase activities in the soils of this phosphorus- tussock tundra (Alaska, USA; Hilbert et al., 1987; limited ecosystem. Results suggested that amounts Grulke et al., 1990), assays of below-ground en- of P released from decaying organic matter varied zymic activities detected increased activity of the widely over the course of the summer and that alternate oxidase pathway in plant roots and phosphatase activities associated with living roots mycorrhizae, increased phosphatase activity on of E. vaginatum were capable of exceeding the an- root and mycorrhizae surfaces and in surrounding nual plant demand for P. Clearly, the level of soils, increased cellulase activities on mycorrhizae specificity afforded by enzymic studies permits surfaces, and reduced cellulase activities in sur- focussing on selected aspects of decomposition rounding soils (Linkins, unpublished data). These and nutrient cycling. It also provides insights into changes in phosphatase activities were used to broader questions. modify the phosphatase model developed by 146 D.L. Moorhead et al. /The Science of the Total Environmenr 183 (1996) 137-149

modify models to reflect changes in decomposition or nutrient cycling processes. In addition to focussing on the activities of particular enzymes, changes in the relative activities of suites of en- zymes also provide insight to microbial communi- ty dynamics. For example, Sinsabaugh and Moorhead (1994) developed a model that com- pares the relative activity levels of carbon- acquiring versus nutrient-acquiring enzymes as a means of evaluating controls on decomposition. Similar approaches could be used to examine 1 DEAD-MICROBES 1 plant-decomposer, or plant-mutualist interactions.

Fig. 5. Carbon flow diagrams for litter decay models used 4. Conclusions within a long-term, intersite decomposition study (LIDET), sponsored by the USA Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program; A, GEM (Rastetter et al., 1991); B, Decomposition is a key ecological process that GENDEC (Moorhead and Reynolds, 1991) (see also CEN- controls nutrient availabilities to plants in ter- TURY, Fig. 4). restrial ecosystems. Traditional studies of ecosys- tem dynamics and current research focussing on the impacts of global changes on ecosystems em- Moorhead et al. (1993) to simulate phosphorus phasize the link between producer and decom- dynamics of tussock tundra. Similarly, changes in poser subsystems. For example, Leadley and cellulase activities were used to modify the tussock Reynolds (1992), modelling plant responses of tundra decomposition model developed by tussock tundra, concluded that increasing temper- Moorhead and Reynolds (1993). Behaviours of the ature, season length, moisture availability, and modified models suggest that nitrogen release CO2 level will have little impact on plant produc- from decaying organic matter was sensitive to the tivity unless nutrient availabilities also change. rate of cellulose decay; the observed reduction in Experimental data from a variety of studies cor- cellulase activity in organic soil at doubled CO* roborate this conclusion and recent modelling reduced simulated annual nitrogen turnover. The efforts are beginning to link above- and below- effects of a concurrent increase in cellulase activity ground responses of ecosystems to changes in associated with rhizomorphs of mycorrhizae are climate, CO2 and other disturbances. less certain, but probably represent a localized The value of a model to any particular study increase in nitrogen release. An observed increase depends on the match between study goals and in phosphatase activities of root surfaces at higher model formulation. Recent evaluations of ecosys- CO, increased (roughly) the amount of associated tem models (Leadley and Reynolds, 1992) and phosphorus mineralization proportionally. Similar arctic decomposition models (Moorhead and effects were found for roots, mycorrhizae, and Reynolds, 1995), emphasize the relative strengths organic soil horizons. Arctic plants appear to and weaknesses of modelling approaches sug- respond to elevated CO2 by stimulating phospha- gested by Reynolds and Leadley (1992). In sum- tase activities of roots and mycorrhizae, and mary, empirical models are easy to formulate, cellulase activity of mycorrhizae. 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