BACHELOR OF ARCHITECURE (B.Arch.) (1st Yr.) Study Tour of . Trip Report

Faculty Guide: Ar. Amitesh Vijay, Ar. Mehak Manrao, Ar. Vidya Anil, Ar. Samreen Sultan

Date: 20th-24th January 2020

Understanding of building and its details Objectives Introduction to research methods of history of buildings

Understanding of building’s measured drawings

Basic model development

Storyline formation through videography / photography and sketches

Common architectural features of these spaces with historical value.

Basic forms and their spatial characteristics.


1.Measured drawing processes Teaching plan 12 gates of Ahmedabad have been chosen for developing an understanding of measured drawing and creating miniature models. Teen Darwaza 1. Delhi Gate 2. Dariya-pur Gate

3. Premabhai Gate 4. Kalupur Gate 5. Panchkuwa Gate 6. Astodia Gate 7. Sarangpur Gate 8. Jamalpur Gate 9. Bhadra Gate 10. Khanpur Gate Methodology

i.Data collection

Pre requisite data such as narrative of the place, blog study, collection of drawings (plans, elevations and sections) was done by the students beforehand.

ii. Process

All the students were divided into several groups section wise and drawings representing the following details were made on the site-

i. Style of architecture, history of gate, approach / location

ii. All plans with span

iii. All elevations

iv.Details of columns, balconies, carvings, calligraphy, jharoka, ornamentation etc.-other peculiar details

v. Activity mapping around the gate

vi. scope of conservation (conditional analysis-write up)

2.Sketch Documentation of Jama Masjid and Roza Methodology

i.Data collection

Pre requisite data such as narrative of the place, blog study, collection of drawings was done by the students beforehand.

ii. Process All the students were divided into several groups section wise.

6 groups from each class were made to cover the following parameters in Sarkhej Roja and Jama Masjid

i. Style of architecture, history of site, approach / locatio n

ii. All plans with circulation

iii. All elevations

iv. Details of columns, balconies, carving, calligraphy etc-other peculiar details

v. Activity mapping around the site

vi. Videography

Day 1- 20.01.2020: Depart from Delhi Railway station a t 03:20 pm for Trip Details Ahmedabad. Overnight Journey by train in Sleeper Class.

Day 2- 21.01.2020 - Arrival next day morning at 07:40 Am. Adalaj Step well and documentation for the following gates till evening:

1. Teen Darwaza 7. Astodia Gate 2. Delhi Gate 3. Dariya-pur Gate 8. Sarangpur Gate 4. Premabhai Gate 5. Kalupur Gate 9. Jamalpur Gate 6. Panchkuwa Gate 10. Bhadra Gate

11. Khanpur Gate

Followed by dinner at the hotel.

Day 3- (22.01.2020): CEPT University, NID, IIM, Husain Doshi GUFA, Sangath and Akshardham.

Evening at Kankariya Lake and dinner in the Hotel.

Day 4- (23.01.2020): sketch documentation of Jama Masjid and Sarkhej Roja.

Day 5- (24.01.2020): walk at old Ahemdabad city.

Depart for Ahmadabad railway station at 6:30pm for Delhi. Overnight Journey by train in Sleeper Class. Arrival next day morning at 10:10 Am.

Deliverables Key Plan

Site Plan Floor Plans



Site Elevations

Site Sections

Details of context

Free Hand Sketches

Technical Sketches, Site Axonometric

Details of carvings, calligraphy, ornamentation, balconies etc.

Detailing through Photography and videography

Photographic Story of Sarkhej roza and Jama masjid

Achievements The task was completed by majority of the students to a satisfactory level , there first introduction to site visit and its documentation could take place with the most culturally and historically enriching sites (gates and mosques)

Jama Masjid entrance

The Masjid e Jahan Numa (lit. the 'World- reflecting Mosque'), commonly known as the Jama Masjid of Delhi, is one of the largest mosques in . It was built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan between 1650 and 1656 at a cost of one million rupees, and

Jama Masjid entrance was inaugurated by Imam Syed Abdul Ghafoor Shah Bukhari from Bukhara, present- day Uzbekistan.

Adalaj Step well

The Adalaj step well or 'Vav', as it is called in Gujarati, is intricately carved and is five stories deep. It was built in 1498. The history of the Adalaj step-well is established by an inscription in Sanskrit found on a marble slab positioned in a recess on the first floor, from the eastern entry to the well Adalaj Step well

NID, National Institute of Design

The National Institute of Design (NID) is a design school in Ahmedabad India. The institute functions as an autonomous body under the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. NID is recognized by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research under NID, National Institute of Design Ministry of Science and Technology, government of India. IIM Ahmedabad

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, is a leading public business school and an Institute of National Importance located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Established in 1961, the institute offers master's degree programmes in management and agri-business management, a fellowship programme and a number of executive training programmes. IIM Ahmedabad

Siddi Syed Mosque


1. A good mix of ancient (Jama Masjid, Adalaj Step well, Sarkhej Roza and the gates) and contemporary (NID, IIM, CEPT, etc) style of architecture was experienced by the students in the city.

2. Students learned about how architectural marvels/ monuments act as elements of cultural pride and grandeur and not merely as buildings. (take away from the interviews conducted around Jama Masjid and the gates) 3. The students learned about the idea of place making and activity mapping of any historic setting in the current time period.

4. Students also learned about how amalgamation of Hindu and Islamic style of architecture go hand in hand in the same building (gates built/mosque built by Ahmed shah showed intermix style of architectures in its various components.

5. The students learned about contemporary style of architecture by experiencing the built of IIM, NID and CEPT by master architects. The students realized how they can play with open sapaces, lighting and natural ventilation.

6. Finally the students also learned how a monument once functioned taking into account environmental and climatological aspects (case of Adalaj stepwell)