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Louvain Studies 31 (2006) 132-169 doi: 10.2143/LS.31.1.2019383 © 2006 by Louvain Studies, All rights reserved



Abortion: An Ethical and Moral Appraisal. Raymond F. Collins . . . . . 3:17-30 According to the Scriptures: The Ecumenical Movement and its Methods Tomorrow. Anton Houtepen ...... 22:107-126 Acts Amid Precepts. Bernardo J. Cantens, Mary Jo Iozzio ...... 28:384-393 The Adult Catechumenate: Pastoral Application of Vatican II Theology. Thomas P. Ivory ...... 9:211-220 The Advocate in the Church: Source of Conflict or Conflict Solver?. Rik Torfs ...... 25:122-142 The African Synod: Experiences and Impressions. Roger Vangheluwe . . 20:65-72 American Catholics: Accomplishments and Challenges at Century’s End. John A. Dick ...... 19:138-148 American Protestant Theology: Its Present in the Light of Its Past. Martin E. Marty ...... 6:23-34 An Analysis of the American Theological Reaction to Janssens’ Stand on “The Pill”. Francis W. Swift ...... 1:19-53 The Anglican Position on Apostolic Continuity and Apostolic Succession in the Porvoo Statement. Mary Tanner ...... 21:114-125 The Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue about Authority in the Church. Adelbert Denaux ...... 24:291-318 The Anthropology of Augustine. Johannes T. van Bavel ...... 5:34-47 Anthropology of the Old Testament. Jos Luyten ...... 5:3-17 Apostolic Continuity and Apostolic Succession in the Porvoo Common State- ment: A Challenge to the Nordic Lutheran Churches. Ola Tjørhom 21:127-137 Apostolic Continuity of the Church and Apostolic Succession in the First Five Centuries. Metropolitan John Zizioulas of Pergamon . . . . . 21:153-168 “Apostolic Continuity of the Church and Apostolic Succession:” Conclud- ing Reflections to the Centro Pro Unione Symposium. William Henn 21:186-199 Apostolic Continuity, Ministry and Apostolic Succession from a Refor- mation Perspective. Harding Meyer ...... 21:169-182 Approaching the Other in Faith: A Reply to Paul F. Knitter. Terrence Merrigan ...... 24:355-360 Are Religions Incommensurable? Reflections on Plurality and the Reli- gious Imagination. Garrett Green ...... 27:218-239 “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?’’: The Gospel Message of Jesus Today. Jan Lambrecht ...... 8:115-128 The ‘Aristocracy of Talent’ and the ‘Mystery’ of Newman. Dermot Fenlon 15:203-225 Artificial Insemination: Ethical Considerations. Louis Janssens . . . . . 8:3-29 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 133


Asceticism at the Service of Grace. Donald C. Maldari ...... 28:32-47 Asking the Unavoidable – Affirming the Unimaginable. Spencer Stopa . 2:384-390 Aspects of Sin in Today’s Theology. David F. Kelly ...... 9:191-197 The Assembly as Liturgical Symbol. John D. Laurance ...... 22:127-152 Assimilating the Word: Priestly Spirituality and Lectio Divina. Raymond Studzinski ...... 30:70-91 At the Crossroads of Two Laws: Some Reflections on the Influence of Secular Law on the Church’s Response to Sexual in the . John P. Beal ...... 25:99-121 At the Intersections of Poetry, Existential Philosophy and Theology: The Origins of Juan Luis Segundo’s Thought. Odair Pedroso Mateus . 22:229-244 The Attitude of the Early Church toward the Ministry of Women. Roger Gryson ...... 2:254-262 Augustine and Religious Experience. Carol Harrison ...... 27:99-118 Augustine of Hippo: Precursor of Modern Biblical Scholarship. Raymond F. Collins ...... 12:131-151 Augustine, Pelagius and the Controversy on the Doctrine of Grace. Piet F. Fransen ...... 12:172-181 Augustine’s Doctrine of Man. Gerald Bonner ...... 13:41-57 Authority and Power: Issues for the Contemporary Church. John F. O’Grady ...... 10:122-140 Authority in a Sacramental Democracy: The Views of John Neville Figgis. Seán E. Hall ...... 9:331-352 Autonomy, Solidarity and Law’s Pedagogy. M. Cathleen Kaveny . . . . . 27:339-358 The Background of the New Testament: Diversity in First-Century Judaism and Its Contemporary Implications. Kevin Keith . . . . . 17:131-151 Baptism as the Matrix of Ministry. Gerard Austin ...... 23:101-113 Baptismal Catechumenate: Model for All Catechesis. Catherine Dooley . 23:114-123 The Basic Goods Theory and Revisionism: A Methodological Compari- son of the Use of Scripture as a Source of Moral Knowledge. Todd A. Salzman ...... 26:117-146 Bearing Witness to the Differend: A Model for Theologizing in the Post-modern Context. Lieven Boeve ...... 20:362-379 Being Theologians in a Paradigm-Shift. Jerome T. Walsh ...... 9:116-121 Belief in Man and God. Frans Vansina ...... 4:38-50 Benevolent Love and the Celibate Father. Bernard Stevens Duval . . . . 1:165-187 Between Traditio and Progressio: Some Remarks on Augustinianism, Pelagianism, Massilianism and the Challenges of an et-et Theology. Donato Ogliari ...... 28:12-31 Beyond Dividing Thinking: Solomon’s Judgment and the Wisdom- traditions of Women. Annelies van Heijst ...... 19:99-117 Biblical Time and the Conjugal Metaphor. Jerome Walsh ...... 2:376-383 Bibliography of the Work of Jan Lambrecht, 1952-1992...... 17:117-130 Bibliography of the Work of Raymond F. Collins 1959-1994...... 20:332-340 Blazing the Frontiers of American Ecumenism. John C. Meyer . . . . . 6:3-10 Bonhoeffer’s Ethical Concepts. Francis Manning ...... 2:315-328 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 134


Breathing with Both Her Lungs: Yves Congar and Dialogue with the East. Finbarr Clancy ...... 29:320-349 Breezes: Religious Images in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Gerard Loughlin ...... 27:265-279 Broadening Horizons: Constructing an Epistemology of Religious Belief. Frederick D. Aquino ...... 30:198-213 Buber’s Translation of the Bible. Freddy De Meyer ...... 7:212-218 Call and Response: Missionary Considerations. Anthony J. Gittins . . . 10:264-285 Can Priestly Celibacy Have Symbolic Value for Christian People?. Stephen R. Kenzig ...... 6:273-287 Can We Unterstand God?. Charles Hartshorne ...... 7:75-84 Cardinal Congar’s Ecumenism: An ‘Ecumenical Ethics’ for Reconciliation?. Gabriel Flynn ...... 28:311-325 Cardinal Newman’s Apologetic Use of History. J. Derek Holmes . . . . . 4:338-349 Catechesis in Our Time. Catherine Dooley ...... 7:195-204 The in China Today. Maria Goretti Lau ...... 11:170-175 Catholic Ethics on Life and the Body. V. L. Heylen ...... 2:3-13 Catholics and Other Religions: Bridging the Gap between Dialogue and Theology. Paul F. Knitter ...... 24:319-354 Celam’s Policies on the Cultures/Culture Problem. Jesús Castillo Coronado 20:380-392 Celibacy and Commitment: A Critical Review of Keith Clark’s “An Expe- rience of Celibacy’’. Ronald Rolheiser ...... 9:81-90 Celibacy in Man-Woman Relationships: A Case Study. Maurits De Wachter 3:83-98 Change and Renewal in Moral Method. Maurits De Wachter ...... 4:255-264 Change in Christian Dogmatic Language. Jan H. Walgrave ...... 4:245-253 Change in Theology. Colm O’Grady ...... 4:209-228 The Changing Face of Catholic Moral Theology: From the Constitution De Ordine Morali to Gaudium et Spes. Michael Callahan . . . . 3:41-50 Charles Gore and Anglican Religious Communities: An Anglo-Catholic Interpretation of Conventual Life. Rene Kollar ...... 19:163-179 The Child in the Manger: A Meditation on Lk 2:1-20. Jan Lambrecht . 5:331-335 Christ Beyond Dogma: Doing Christology in the Context of the Reli- gions and the Poor. Aloysius Pieris ...... 25:187-231 Christ, the Lord of Creation. Joël Delobel ...... 16:155-169 Christ’s Mind, Paul’s Mind. Teresa Wong ...... 17:293-305 Christian Approaches to Interreligious Dialogue. Chester Gillis . . . . . 22:15-38 Christian Ethics of Peace and Creation: Between Utopism and Reality. Gerrit Manenschijn ...... 16:41-58 Christian Ethics of Responsibility: Theologico-Anthropological Method- ology of Charles E. Curran in Moral Theology. George Therukattil 9:47-60 Christian Faith and (In)Tolerance. Jef Van Gerwen ...... 16:220-241 Christian Humanistic and Reformatory Thought: An Analysis of the Problem. Karel Blockx ...... 7:302-314 Christian Leadership of Tomorrow. Henri J. M. Nouwen ...... 3:175-188 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 135


Christian Morality and Universal Morality: The One and the Many. Norbert J. Rigali ...... 19:18-33 Christian Parents and Infant Baptism. Christiane Brusselmans ...... 2:29-48 “Christianity and the Religions” Revisited. Jacques Dupuis ...... 28:363-383 Christology and Theology of Religions: and Karl Rahner. Anselm K. Min ...... 11:3-21 A Christology for Our Age. Willy Logister ...... 2:272-276 The Church in South Africa. Wilfred Sebothoma ...... 10:60-68 The Church Knowing and Acting: The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law. Myriam Wijlens ...... 20:21-40 Church of Jesus Christ: An Exegetical-Ecclesiological Consideration. Robrecht Michiels ...... 18:297-317 The Church of the Thessalonians. Raymond F. Collins ...... 5:336-349 Church Tribunals secundum and praeter legem. Rik Torfs ...... 26:346-366 Classical Catholic Moral Theology and the World Church: Some Sugges- tions on How to Move Forward. Paulinus Ikechukwu Odozor . . . 30:276-298 The “Classical Prophets’’ in Josephus’ Antiquities. Christopher T. Begg . . 13:341-357 Cloning and Cloning Technologies: The Case for Nuclear Replacement. William Wilson ...... 24:72-75 Cloning, Uniqueness, and Individuality. Thomas A. Shannon ...... 19:283-306 Come, Creator Spirit, and Renew Life: A Theological Meditation on the “Life-giving Spirit”. Jürgen Moltmann ...... 22:3-14 The Concept of Social Sin. Hormis Mynatty ...... 16:3-26 The Concept of the Common Good in the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church, 1891-1971. John G. Vrana ...... 5:360-369 Concepts of Man in Some Major Religious Traditions of the East. Frank De Graeve ...... 5:67-79 The “Conciliar Process’’ for Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation: The European Experience. Joseph A. Selling ...... 14:346-364 Confirmation as Ecclesial Commissioning. Edward Jeremy Miller . . . . 10:106-121 Confirmation in Context. Lambert Leijssen ...... 20:294-315 Congar, Architect of the Unam Sanctam. Alberto Melloni ...... 29:222-238 Conjugal Love: Ends, Means and Beyond. Merie L. Lavoie ...... 1:195-202 Conscience and Church Authority. Philippe Delhaye ...... 2:355-375 Consecrated Thought Between the Priest and the Philosopher. William Desmond ...... 30:92-106 Considerations on “Humanae Vitae’’. Louis Janssens ...... 2:231-253 Contemporary Christological Questions. Albert Van Roey ...... 2:158-169 Contemporary Philosophy of Man. Louis Van Haecht ...... 5:59-66 The Continuing Education of Priests and the American College. John A. Dick ...... 17:10-17 A Conversation between Charles Hartshorne and Jan Van der Veken. Jan Van der Veken ...... 8:129-142 The Conversations at Malines. Bernard Barlow ...... 4:51-72 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 136


1 Corinthians 13:7 and Christian Hope. Emily Wong ...... 17:232-242 The Craft of Catholic Theology. Terrence Merrigan ...... 18:243-257 Created to Praise: Gerard Manley Hopkins and . Philip Ballinger ...... 22:153-180 The Criterion of Option for the Poor and Moral Discernment: The Vision of Marciano Vidal García. Patricia Lamoureux ...... 21:261-287 Critical Orthodoxy. John J. Haldane ...... 14:108-124 ‘Critical’ Theology? Notes on Theological Method. Beáta Tóth . . . . . 26:99-116 Cultural Diversity: A Blessing or a Curse for Theology and Spirituality?. Peter C. Phan ...... 19:195-211 David Tracy’s Postmodern Reflection on God: Towards God’s Incompre- hensible and Hidden Infinity. Younhee Kim ...... 30:159-179 The Death of Christ and the Cross in Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. Frank J. Matera ...... 18:283-296 The Defeated Paul, Aroma of Christ: An Exegetical Study of 2 Corin- thians 2:14-16b. Jan Lambrecht ...... 20:170-186 The Deferral of Infant Baptism According to Canon 868, §I, 2°. Paul D. Counce ...... 13:322-340 The of Peter in the Gospel of John. Maurits Sabbe ...... 20:219-240 Desire, Experience and Revelation: The Concept of Reality in the Think- ing of Antoine Vergote. Bart Pattyn ...... 18:333-356 Development of Doctrine and the Spiritual Development of the Believer. William Fey ...... 15:166-187 Devils and Angels in the Old Testament. Johan Lust ...... 5:115-120 The Devils’ Faith: Some Considerations on the Nature of Faith in Augus- tine and Aquinas. Carlos Steel ...... 13:291-304 Dialogue with Tradition: Challenges Confronting Exegesis and Biblical Theology in the 21st Century. Gilbert Van Belle ...... 28:3-11 Did Apostolic Continuity Ever Start? Origins of Apostolic Continuity in the New Testament. Gerald O’Collins ...... 21:138-152 Did Jesus Found the Church?. Adelbert Denaux ...... 21:25-45 Did Jesus Found the Church? Which Church?. Raymond F. Collins . . . 21:356-364 Did the Word of God Become a Human Person?. Herman-Emiel Mertens 18:175-180 Difficulties in Using the New Testament in American Catholic Discus- sions. Raymond E. Brown ...... 6:144-158 Discipleship and Citizenship: From Consensus to Culture Wars. John Coleman ...... 17:333-350 Discipleship and Liberation Theology: The Critical and Reforming Tendencies of Basic Christian Identity. Patricia A. Schoelles . . . . 19:46-64 The Distinctive Characteristics of Roman Catholic American Spirituality. Jean Le Clercq ...... 9:295-306 The Distinctive Contribution of Ignacio Ellacuría to a Praxis of Libera- tion: “Shouldering the Burden of Reality”. Georges De Schrijver . 25:312-335 Divorce and Remarriage: Considered from an Interdisciplinary Perspective. Francis V. Manning ...... 3:243-258 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 137


The Divorce Saying in Q 16:18. Frans Neirynck ...... 20:201-218 Doctrinal Implications of Magisterial Use of the Language of Social Sin. Margaret Pfeil ...... 27:132-152 The Doctrine of Creation in Ecological Perspective. Herman-Emiel Mertens 12:83-88 The Doctrine of the Trinity: An Empty Dogma or a Fruitful Theolo- goumenon?. Piet Schoonenberg ...... 16:195-206 Does Christ Have an Asian Face? An Analysis of Aloysius Pieris’ Theology of Religions. Frederik Glorieux ...... 30:325-349 Does the Figure of “Son of Man” Have a Place in the Eschatological Thinking of the Qumran Community?. Géza Xeravits ...... 26:334-345 The Dogmas of Science and the Science of Dogma: The Conventionalism of Édouard Le Roy. C. J. T. Talar ...... 12:195-211 Doing Moral Theology with the Downtrodden and Integral Human Free- dom. George Therukattil ...... 13:209-231 Doing Theology in the Context of Cultural and Religious Pluralism: An Asian Perspective. Peter C. Phan ...... 27:39-68 The Double Face of Love in Augustine. Johannes van Bavel ...... 12:116-130 “Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you” (James 4:8): The Development of Karl Rahner’s Theological Thinking in Its First Period. Roman A. Siebenrock ...... 29:28-48 Early Reformation and Social Structures. C. Augustijn ...... 5:163-178 Ecclesial Discipleship: Applying the Requirements of the Gospel to the Church as Social Institution. Colleen Mary Mallon ...... 28:344-362 An Ecclesiology in Eschatological Perspective. Herman-Emiel Mertens . 7:55-60 The Ecclesiology of “The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults’’. George S. Worgul ...... 6:159-169 Ecology and Ethics. Johan De Tavernier ...... 19:235-261 Empiricism and Theological Method in the Works of Joseph Butler and George Berkeley. Lawrence Terrien ...... 8:170-192 The End of the Beginning – Discerning Fundamental Themes in Rahner’s Theology of Death. Gerard Mannion ...... 29:166-186 Engineering Ethics: History, Professionalism, and Contemporary Cases. Kenneth M. Weare ...... 13:252-271 Entrepreneurship in Papal Thought. Francis Hannafey ...... 26:217-244 Episcopal Conferences and the Power of the Spirit. Ladislas Örsy . . . . 25:363-375 The Epistemology of Castaneda’s Don Juan as Compared to that of St. John of the Cross. Carlo Kwan ...... 10:244-263 Ethical Style for the Creative Conscience. Walter E. Conn ...... 7:183-194 Ethics for the Kingdom of God: The Gospel According to Mark. Frank J. Matera ...... 20:187-200 The Ethics of Lying in Contemporary Moral Theology: Strategies for Stimulating the Discussion. Julia Fleming ...... 24:57-71 The Eucharist and Christian Community: Some Pauline and Augustinian Evidence. Cor Traets ...... 12:152-171 The Eucharist and Eucharistic Adoration. John D. Laurance ...... 26:313-333 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 138


Eulogy for Professor Emeritus J. H. Walgrave O.P. 25 October, 1986. Jan Lambrecht ...... 12:3-7 The European Synod of 1991. ...... 17:319-332 Evangelization, Catechesis, and the Beginnings of Western Eucharistic Theology. Mary Collins ...... 23:124-142 Evolution in Bernard Häring’s Ethical Thinking. Joseph Omoregbe . . . 7:45-54 The Evolution of Structures Taking Place in Catechetics. Didier Piveteau 3:207-218 An Examination of the Beginnings of Social Justice. Dennis Brodeur . . 9:176-190 Examining the Ethical Enigma. John M. Zivich ...... 2:282-289 The Exercise of Authority in the Church Today: Its Concrete Forms. Piet Fransen ...... 9:3-25 Experience and Faith. Jan H. Walgrave ...... 7:3-14 Exploring the Frontiers: Jacques Dupuis and the Movement “Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism”. Terrence Merrigan . . 23:338-359 The Faculty of Theology during the Enlightenment (1730-1797). Jan Roegiers ...... 5:234-251 The Faculty of Theology in Conflict with Erasmus and Luther. Karel Blockx ...... 5:252-263 The Faith of the Thessalonians. Raymond F. Collins ...... 7:249-269 Feminist Concerns and the Authorial Readers in Philippians. Veronica Koperski ...... 17:269-292 Feminist Theology: Late Arrival or Changeling in the Academy?. Mary Grey ...... 18:318-332 Finding God: A Matter of Recovering or Discovering? Reflection on Augustine’s Teaching. Antoon Vergote ...... 12:99-115 The Four Faces of American Catholicism. Avery Dulles ...... 18:99-109 Freedom in Jan van Ruusbroec’s “Spiritual Tabernacle’’. James A. Wiseman 16:59-71 From Facts to Norms: Dialogue with Charles Curran’s “Catholic Moral Theology in Dialogue’’. Maurits De Wachter ...... 5:80-88 From O.T.S.O.G. to T.A.S.C.A.S.: Eleven Theses toward a Christian Theology of Interreligious Encounter. Frank De Graeve ...... 7:315-325 From Social to Cultural Secularization. Michael Paul Gallagher . . . . . 24:103-118 From the Recent Past. Van der Veken, Jan, Merkle, John C., Connor, James, Grima, George, Collins, Raymond F., Crean, Hugh F., Kenzig, Stephen R. 6:51-78 Full-Time Pastoral Ministers and Diocesan Governance. Roch Pagé . . . 26:166-179 The Function of Tradition in the Theological Method of Hans Küng. Catherine Mowry LaCugna ...... 8:382-402 The Future of God: Moltmann’s Adventurous Journey of Exploration. Herman-Emiel Mertens ...... 22:85-90 Gavin D’Costa’s Trinitarian Theology of Religions. Przemyslaw Plata . . 30:299-324 Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Spirit. Andrew Tallon ...... 2:277-281 The Gift of Authority and the Renewal of the Church’s Catholicity. Nicholas Sagovsky ...... 25:232-259 Globalization, Postmodernity and Governance in the Church. T. Howland Sanks ...... 28:194-216 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 139


Gloria Dei, Homo Vigilans: Waking up to Grace in Rahner and Levinas. Michael Purcell ...... 21:229-260 God in the First Letter to the Thessalonians: Paul’s Earliest Written Appre- ciation of ho theos. Raymond F. Collins ...... 16:137-154 God Interrupts History: Apocalypticism as an Indispensable Theological Conceptual Strategy. Lieven Boeve ...... 26:195-216 God or Man? Normative Theology in the Instruction Donum Vitae. Jan Jans ...... 17:48-64 God Suffers Evil. Paul Thelakat ...... 14:16-25 God’s Changeability and Unchangeability: The Vision of Piet Schoonen- berg. Herwi Rikhof ...... 18:21-37 God’s Own Righteousness: Dabourne’s New Reading of Romans 1–4. Jan Lambrecht ...... 25:260-274 The God-Question according to Walter Kasper. Herman-Emiel Mertens 10:286-289 Good News for Every Nation via Inculturation. Eugene Hillman . . . . 25:336-347 The Gospel Preached by the Deaf: Conversation as Complete Form of Language in Pastoral Ministry with the Deaf. Marcel Broesterhuizen 27:359-375 Grace as God’s Self-Communication: The Starting Point and Develop- ment in Rahner’s Thought. Lambert Leijssen ...... 20:73-78 The Great Jubilee and the Purification of Memory. Kevin Lenehan . . . 25:291-311 Grisez on Contraception. Jerome T. Walsh ...... 1:115-123 The Groaning Creation: A Study of Rom 8:18-30. Jan Lambrecht . . . 15:3-18 Guadalupe: The Birth of American Mestizo Christianity. Virgilio Elizondo 26:295-312 Hadewijch: A Feminist in Conflict. Paul Mommaers ...... 13:58-81 R. M. Hare and Moral Theology. K. P. Carlon ...... 8:30-46 Has Feminist Theology a Vision for Christian Church? Mary Grey . . . 16:27-40 “Heralds and Apostles”: The Mission of the American College of Louvain – Past, Present and Future. Kevin A. Codd ...... 27:171-176 Heschel’s Theology of Divine Pathos. John C. Merkle ...... 10:151-165 Hindsight is Foresight: The Case of John Henry Newman. Hendrik Imberechts ...... 12:30-53 His Very Name Is Beauty: Aesthetic Experience and Christian Faith. Herman-Emiel Mertens ...... 20:316-331 Historical Criticism and the Resurrection of Jesus: A New Tendency in Recent Scholarship. Peter De Mey ...... 23:246-273 Historicity in Conjugal Morality: Evolution and Continuity. Louis Janssens 1:262-268 History and Theology. Jan H. Walgrave ...... 4:362-373 The History of Jesus and Contemporary Christology. Charles M. Grenville 1:269-283 The Holistic Personalism of Professor Magister Louis Janssens. Roger Burggraeve ...... 27:29-38 Homage Jan Lambrecht. Joël Delobel ...... 17:101 Homage Raymond F. Collins. Joël Delobel ...... 20:103 Hope in Ludwig Feuerbach’s Humanist Weltanschauung. Theodore Scharle 5:149-162 Hospitality in Acts 16. John Gillman ...... 17:181-196 How Do Stories Save Us? Two Contemporary Theological Responses. Scott Holland ...... 22:328-351 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 140


How Do We Know (What There Is To Know)? Criteria for Research. Geert Van Oyen ...... 26:245-267 How is the Law Fulfilled in Us? An Interpretation of Rom 8:4. Richard W. Thompson ...... 11:31-40 The Human Person in the Vision of Genesis 1–3: A Synthesis of Con- temporary Insights. Willem A. M. Beuken ...... 24:3-20 “Hypostatized in the Logos”: Leontius of Byzantium, Leontius of Jerusalem and the Unfinished Business of the Council of Chalcedon. Dennis M. Ferrara ...... 22:311-327 The Idea of a Catholic University. Ian Ker ...... 21:203-215 The Idea of the Church: Reflections on John Coulson’s “Newman and the Common Tradition’’. Jan H. Walgrave ...... 4:265-278 The Identity of Religious Life: The Contributions of Jean-Marie Tillard Critically Examined. Donald C. Maldari ...... 14:325-345 Ignatian Dimensions of Rahner’s Theology. Michael Paul Gallagher . . . 29:77-91 Image and Training of the Priest in Italian Modernism. Robrecht Boudens 4:350-361 Image and Truth in Newman’s Moral Argument for God. Stephen Fields 24:191-210 Imagination and Religious Commitment in the Pluralist Theology of Reli- gions. Terrence Merrigan ...... 27:197-217 Imagination, Method in Theology, and Rhetoric: On Re-examining Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Stephen Happel ...... 8:143-169 Imagination, Ritual and Eucharistic Real Presence. George S. Worgul . . 9:198-210 The Impact of Jesus Research on Christology. ...... 21:216-228 The Impact of the American Catholic Experience on the Church in Europe. Jean Le Clercq ...... 9:284-294 The Implications of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services on the Clinical Practice of Resolving Ectopic Preg- nancies. John F. Tuohey ...... 20:41-57 The Importance of Political Philosophy to Catholicism: Reflections on Tinder and Salkever. James V. Schall ...... 18:56-71 The Importance of the ‘Real’ for the Interpretation of Newman’s Spiritu- ality and Holiness. Vincent Ferrer Blehl ...... 15:226-232 In Memoriam Frank De Graeve, S. J. Joël Delobel ...... 18:195-197 In Search of Wholeness. Basil Hume ...... 14:179-194 In What Sense Can Marriage Be Called a Sacrament?. Patrick Gaalaas . 8:403-409 Incarnation, Theory, and Catholic Bodies: What Should Post-Postmodern Catholic Theology Look Like?. Anthony J. Godzieba ...... 28:217-231 Infallibility and the Ordination of Women. Richard R. Gaillardetz . . . 21:3-24 The Influence of Saint Augustine on J. H. Newman. Richard Penaskovic 353-362 The Influence of the Catholic University of Louvain on the Church in the United States. John Tracy Ellis ...... 9:265-283 Inner City Poverty and the Ethic of Accompaniment. Andrew Skotnicki 26:50-62 The Instruction on Respect for Life: I. The Fundamental Methodology. Joseph A. Selling ...... 12:212-244 The Instruction on Respect for Life: II. Dealing with the Issues. Joseph A. Selling ...... 12:323-361 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 141


An Instrument in His Hand: Newman and a Theology of the Priesthood. Denis Robinson ...... 30:137-154 An Intellectual Discipleship: Newman and the Making of Wilfrid Ward. Sheridan Gilley ...... 15:318-345 Interpreting Mark – Some Recent Theories of Redaction Criticism. Frank J. Matera ...... 2:113-131 Interpreting Mystical Contemplation in the Writings of Richard of St. Victor. Terence German ...... 11:119-130 Introducing an Introduction. John P. Meier ...... 9:307-318 Introduction. James Puglisi ...... 21:109 Irony and Humor in Newman. Robrecht Boudens ...... 20:254-264 Is a “Via Media” Possible? John Henry Newman in “Conversation” with John Milbank and “Radical Orthodoxy”. Wendy Allen ...... 27:376-388 Is Active Nonviolent Resistance Jesus’ Third Way? An Answer to . Jan Lambrecht ...... 19:350-351 Is Consensus in Theology Possible?. Bryan J. A. Gray ...... 8:227-243 Is Silence Golden? Paul and Women’s Speech in Corinth. Caroline Vander Stichele ...... 20:241-253 “It is a joy for me to do it”: An Appreciation of Christiane Brusselmans. Susan K. Roll, Thomas P. Ivory ...... 17:3-9 “It is for the Lord that we live and die”: A Theological Reflection on Romans 14:7-9. Jan Lambrecht ...... 28:143-154 Jacques Dupuis: A Select Bibliography of Reviews and Reactions, Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1997)...... 27:406-410 James H. Cone, Black Historical Experience and the Origins of Black Theology. Diana L. Hayes ...... 12:245-260 Jan Hendrik Walgrave: His Life, His Thought, His Inspiration. Hans J. Kothuis ...... Ronald Rolheiser ...... 8:219-226 Jan Lambrecht the Exegete. Veronica Koperski, Reimund Bieringer . . . . 17:103-116 Jesus and Prayer. Jan Lambrecht ...... 6:128-143 Jesus and the Nonviolent Struggle of Our Time. Walter Wink . . . . . 18:3-20 Jesus and the Unclean Spirit: The Literary Relation between Mark and Q in the Beelzebul Controversy (Mark 3:20-30 par). Raoul Syx . . . 17:166-180 Jesus as Master of the Golgotha-Situation: Old Soteriological Questions Reposed. Herman-Emiel Mertens ...... 14:291-311 Jesus Symbol of God: Criticism and Response. Roger Haight ...... 27:389-405 Jesus’ Walking on the Waters: A Contribution to the History of the Pericope in the Gospel Tradition. Albert-Marie Denis ...... 1:284-297 Jewish and Roman Catholic Approaches to Bioethics: Convergence and Divergence in Method and Substance. Aaron L. Mackler . . . . . 25:3-22 Jews and Christians in Conflict: Why the Fourth Gospel Changed the Synoptic Tradition. Thomas M. Dowell ...... 15:19-37 John Finnis and the Proportionalism Debate: A Critique of a Critique. Richard Gaillardetz ...... 14:125-142 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 142


Joseph Butler and Arguments for the Existence of God. Lawrence B. Terrien 8:265-285 Josephus’ Portrait of Josiah. Louis H. Feldman ...... 18:110-130 Juan Luis Segundo in Conversation: An Interview with Jesús Castillo Coronado...... 22:263-307 Juan Luis Segundo’s Place in Latin American Theology. Afonso Murad . 22:245-262 Justice and Health Care for the Poor. Edward J. Mahoney ...... 13:232-251 Karl Barth’s Teaching on Creation. Herman-Emiel Mertens ...... 10:341-353 Karl Rahner, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and the Question of Theological Aesthetics: Preliminary Considerations. James K. Voiss ...... 29:147-165 Karl Rahner, Theologian of the Experience of God?. Rik Van Nieuwenhove 29:92-106 Koinonia – A Symposium on Ecclesial Communion. Gerard Philips, Albert Van Roey, Roger Aubert, Albert Houssiau, Gustave Thils, François Houtart ...... 2:91-112 Küng’s Plea for a Global Ethic. Herman-Emiel Mertens ...... 23:274-279 The Language of Paradox in Mysticism. Vivian Ligo ...... 14:26-37 Language, Transcendence, and the Structure of Interiority: Coleridge’s Logic. Stephen Happel ...... 8:286-306 The Last Judgement as an Act of Grace. Eberhard Jüngel ...... 15:389-405 The Lasting Significance of Karl Rahner for Contemporary Catholic Theology. Paul D. Murray ...... 29:8-27 Law and Grace in Pauline Eschatology. Beda Rigaux ...... 2:329-333 Leadership in the Post-Constantinian Church According to St. Gregory Nazianzen. George Demacopoulos ...... 30:214-228 Life, Responsibility, and a New Encyclopedia. Maurits De Wachter . . . 8:95-103 “Lord, Teach Us to Pray’’ (Luke 11:1): A Reflection on the Prayer of Petition. Raymond F. Collins ...... 10:354-371 “Lord” in 2 Corinthians 10:17. Kasper Wong ...... 17:243-253 ‘Loss and Gain’: A Grammar of Conversion?. Herman Servotte . . . . . 15:256-266 Louis Janssens’ Interpretation of Aquinas: A Reply to Recent Criticism. Joseph A. Selling ...... 19:65-74 Louvain Studies 1966-1991: An Index to Volumes 1-16...... 16:355-385 Louvain’s Faculty of Theology during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Cen- turies. Edmond van Eijl ...... 5:219-233 The Loving God and the Suffering Human. Herman-Emiel Mertens . . 16:170-177 Luther’s Struggle Against Moralizing the Christian Message. Gerhard Ebeling ...... 10:3-14 Luther’s Theses-posting, Reality or Legend?. Karel Blockx ...... 2:49-61 Maasai Religion and Inculturation. Eugene Hillman ...... 17:351-376 Making a Long Story Short? A Plea for Narrative Theology. Herman-Emiel Mertens ...... 13:27-40 The Making of Moral Theology: Reflections upon a Noteworthy Study. Joseph A. Selling ...... 14:152-160 Man Before and Without Christ: Rom 7 and Pauline Anthropology. Jan Lambrecht ...... 5:18-33 Man’s Self-Understanding in Christian Theology. Jan H. Walgrave . . . 5:48-58 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 143


Mantras, Hesychasts, and Mysticism. John C. Meyer ...... 9:221-225 Marc Oraison on Sexuality. Jacques Etienne ...... 1:188-194 Marriage: Change in Pastoral Care and Canonical Practice. James H. Provost 5:179-189 Mary in the Fourth Gospel: A Decade of Johannine Studies. Raymond F. Collins ...... 3:99-142 The Meaning and Validity of Quality of Life Judgments in Contemporary Roman Catholic Medical Ethics. James J. Walter ...... 13:195-208 The Meaning of Pistis Christou in Philippians 3:9. Veronica Koperski . . 18:198-216 The Meaning of dikaiosúnj in Philippians 3:9. Veronica Koperski . . . . 20:147-169 Meaningful Living and Acting: An Ethical and Educational-Pastoral Model in Christian Perspective. Roger Burggraeve ...... 13:3-26, 137-160 The “Meanings” of Human Sexuality. Joseph A. Selling ...... 23:22-37 Meister Eckhart on Justice and True Obedience. Michael Demkovich . . 18:131-144 The Message of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37). Jan Lambrecht . . 5:121-135 The Metaphysics of Gender and Sacramental Priesthood. Stephen Long . 10:41-59 Methodological and Practical Issues in the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. David F. Kelly ...... 23:321-337 Methodology or Ideology: The Condom and a Consistent Sexual Ethic. John Tuohey ...... 15:53-69 Mjkéti üdropótei: Some Notes on the Patristic Exegesis of 1 Timothy 5:23. Boudewijn Dehandschutter ...... 20:265-270 Ministry and the Christian Scriptures. Raymond F. Collins ...... 20:112-125 Ministry and the Death of the Myth. Vincent Rush ...... 19:149-162 The “Model of Church’’ in the First Christian Community of Jerusalem: Ideal and Reality. Robrecht Michiels ...... 10:303-323 Moltmann’s Theological Core. Herman-Emiel Mertens ...... 2:178-181 Mon journal du Concile: Yves Congar and the Battle for a Renewed Eccle- siology at the . Gabriel Flynn ...... 28:48-70 Moral Pluralism and Christian Ethics. Norbert J. Rigali ...... 13:305-321 Moral Problems Involved in Responsible Parenthood. Louis Janssens . . 1:3-18 Moral Teaching, Traditional Teaching and Humanae Vitae. Joseph A. Selling 7:24-44 The Morality of Terminating Life vs. Allowing to Die. Edward J. Mahoney 6:256-272 More than Merely Names. Karel Blockx, Jacques Etienne, Edmond van Eijl, Jan H. Walgrave, Willy Onclin, Raymond F. Collins, Gustave Thils . 5:280-308 The Mother of Wisdom: Exploring the Parabolic Imperative in the Early Works of John Henry Newman. Denis Robinson ...... 27:153-170 Mystical Desire: An Imaginary Solution or a Symbolic Transformation?. Thomas Acklin ...... 9:61-80 Nature and Grace in Twentieth-Century Catholic Theology. Herman-Emiel Mertens ...... 16:242-262 The Nature and Scope of Theology. Jan H. Walgrave ...... 4:3-12 Nature, Grace, and a Pagan’s Salvation: Adomnán’s Vita Columbae as a Possible Historical Antecedent to Rahner’s Theology of the Anony- mous Christian. Tomás O’Sullivan ...... 29:131-146 Necessary Canonical Reform: Urgent Issues for Action. James A. Coriden 26:147-165 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 144


A Neglected Idiom in an Overstudied Passage (Phil 2:6-8). Mathew Thekkekara ...... 17:306-314 A New Commentary on the Book of Job. Jos Luyten ...... 11:60-69 New Light on Christian Gnosis. Johannes van Oort ...... 24:21-39 New Movements and Communities in the Life of the Church. Ian Ker . 27:69-95 A New Sexuality? Reaction to John McNeill’s “The Church and the Homosexual’’. Lawrence T. Reilly ...... 6:288-298 A Newer Look at the Theology of Sin. Eugene J. Cooper ...... 3:259-307 Newman and the Anglican Tradition: Reflections on Tractarianism and the Seventeenth-Century Anglican Divines. Geoffrey Rowell . . . . 15:136-150 Newman and the ‘Orphans of Vatican II’. Ian Ker ...... 15:119-135 Newman and the Roman Authorities. Robrecht Boudens ...... 15:301-317 Newman and Science. John Kent ...... 15:267-281 Newman on the Functions of the Church: A Prophetic Voice for Today?. Kevin D. Bucher ...... 7:15-23 Newman on the Practice of Theology. Terrence Merrigan ...... 14:260-284 Newman on the Theologian in the Church: Some Kindly Light on a Con- temporary Problem. Kevin D. Bucher ...... 8:307-317 Newman the Theologian. Terrence Merrigan ...... 15:103-118 Newman’s Biblical Hermeneutics. Jaak Seynaeve ...... 15:282-300 Newman’s Dialogical Vision of the Church. Jeremy Miller ...... 8:318-331 Newman’s ‘Lesson of the Marriage Ring’: Celibacy and Marriage in the Thought of John Henry Newman. Daniel Cere ...... 22:59-84 Newman’s “Prejudiced Man”: Christianity, Civilization, and Bias. Daniel Cere ...... 26:27-49 The Non-infallible Magisterium and Theologians. Louis Janssens . . . . 14:195-259 Norms and Priorities in a Love Ethics. Louis Janssens ...... 6:207-238 The Notion of Sin in Light of the Theory of the Fundamental Option: The Fundamental Option Revisited. Eugene J. Cooper ...... 9:363-382 The Notion of Spirituality in the Theology of Karl Rahner. Declan Marmion ...... 21:61-86 The Notion of Time as Found in the Mythologies of Four Cultures: A Comparison. Carlo Kwan ...... 11:131-150 Obedience, Children and the Fourth Commandment – A New Testament Note. Raymond F. Collins ...... 4:157-173 Objecting to Koinonia: The Question of Christian Discipleship Today – And Why Communion Is Not the Answer. Clare Watkins . . . . 28:326-343 Of Truth and Method: Juan Luis Segundo’s Mapping of a Liberating Hermeneutic Circle. John Ries ...... 22:205-215 Old and New in the Bible: Guidelines for a Better Understanding of the Relationship between the Old and New Testaments. Luc Dequeker 3:189-205 Old Catholicism: A Forgotten Lesson of Catholic Reform. Victor Conzemius ...... 4:320-337 “On Behalf of Others,’’ “Cleansing,’’ and “Return’’: Johannine Images for Jesus’ Death. Frank J. Matera ...... 13:161-178 On Juridical Elements in Theology. Robert E., Jr. Rodes ...... 28:113-142 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 145


On the Humanae Vitae Process: Ethics of Teaching Morality. Norbert J. Rigali ...... 23:3-21 One Letter Too Many in Paul’s First Letter? A Study of (n)ßpioi in 1 Thess 2:7. Joël Delobel ...... 20:126-133 The Ongoing Debate on Infallibility: Hans Küng’s Contribution. Manuel Rebeiro ...... 19:307-337 Ontic Evil and Moral Evil. Louis Janssens ...... 4:115-156 Ontic Good and Evil: Premoral Values and Disvalues. Louis Janssens . . 12:62-82 The Openness of the Human Person: The Anthropological Foundations of Graced Existence. Michael Cleary ...... 10:97-105 An Opportunity for Truth and Justice: The Unification of Europe as a Challenge to Church and University. Adrian H. van Luyn . . . . 28:83-98 Optatam Totius – The Decree on Priestly Formation: A Short Survey of Its History at the Second Vatican Council. Mathijs Lam- berigts ...... 30:25-48 The Oracles Against the Nations: Synthesis and Analysis for Today. Michael Cahill ...... 16:121-136 Our Commonwealth Is in Heaven. Jan Lambrecht ...... 10:199-205 Overcoming Poverty and Oppression: Liberation Theology and the Problem of Evil. Peter C. Phan ...... 20:3-20 Padua, Louvain and Paris: Three Case Studies of University-Jesuit Con- frontation (1591-1596). John Patrick Donnelly ...... 15:38-52 Pastoral Attitudes and Practice: On the Reform of Canon Law. James H. Provost ...... 3:143-154 Paul and the Renewal of the Ministerial Priesthood: A Reflection on 2 Cor 2:14–7:4. Frank J. Matera ...... 30:49-69 and the Frankfurt School’s Critical Theory of Religion – A Dialogue. Stephen Lau ...... 14:3-15 Paul, as Seen Through His Own Eyes: A Reflection on the First Letter to the Thessalonians. Raymond F. Collins ...... 8:348-381 Paul’s Damascus Experience: Reflections on the Lukan Account. Raymond F. Collins ...... 11:99-118 Paul’s Defense of Christian Liberty in Galatians. John Buckel ...... 17:254-268 Paul’s Divine Jealousy: The Apostle and His Communities in Relationship. Reimund Bieringer ...... 17:197-231 The Penitentials and ‘The Making of Moral Theology’. Dennis Billy . . 14:143-151 The Personal Conquest of Truth. A. J. Boekraad ...... 5:136-148 Personalist Morals. Louis Janssens ...... 3:5-16 Piet Fransen: A Biographical Sketch. Frank De Graeve ...... 10:87-96 The Place of Theology Now in the Light of the “Idea of a University’’. Jan H. Walgrave ...... 7:239-248 “Please give me some of your son’s love-fruits” (Gen 30:14): Apportion- ing or Sharing God’s Election?. Willem A. M. Beuken ...... 23:203-220 The Pneumatic Christology of John Henry Newman. Donald G. Graham 28:275-294 The Poet of the World: The Affirmation of God in Whitehead’s Philosophy. André Cloots ...... 7:91-101 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 146


Political Accommodation, Forgiveness and Reconciliation – Three Dis- tinct Steps?. Terence P. McCaughey ...... 24:135-146 Postmodern Challenges to ‘Tradition’. Kathryn Tanner ...... 28:175-193 (Post)Modern Theology on Trial? Towards a Radical Theological Herme- neutics of Christian Particularity. Lieven Boeve ...... 28:240-254 Power as Service. Jan Lambrecht ...... 12:54-61 Preparing Christian Assent through Contemporary Literature – Camus. Roy A. Selenske ...... 1:55-69 Presbyters and Chicanos: Toward Full Partnership in Liberation. Alex Nagy 6:35-50 The Priesthood and the New Ecclesial Movements and Communities. Ian Ker ...... 30:124-136 The Primacy of Peter: A Lukan Perspective. Raymond F. Collins . . . . 26:268-281 The Problem of Methodology in Liberation Theology. James G. O’Donnell 8:258-264 The Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect. Joseph A. Selling ...... 8:47-62 Problems of the Literal and Spiritual Senses of Scripture. Joseph A. Fitzmyer 20:134-146 Problems with a Trinitarian Reformulation. Catherine Mowry LaCugna . 10:324-340 Process or History in God?. Piet Schoonenberg ...... 4:303-319 Proportionalism: A Right Relationship among Values. Bernard Hoose . . 24:40-56 Proportionate Reason and Its Three Levels of Inquiry: Structuring the Ongoing Debate. James J. Walter ...... 10:30-40 Proportionate Reasoning and the Concept of Ontic Evil: The Moral Theological Legacy of Louis Janssens. Joseph A. Selling ...... 27:3-28 Providence and Politics: A Reflection on the Contemporary Relevance of the Political Ethics of John Calvin. Eric Fuchs ...... 10:231-243 The Quest for a Just Economy in a New Europe: Ethical Implications of the Social Market Economy. Gerrit Manenschijn ...... 18:159-174 Rahner and Lonergan on Spirituality. Raymond Moloney ...... 28:295-310 Rahner in the Mirror of Poststructuralism: The Practice of Theology as the Venture of Thought. John McSweeney ...... 29:187-208 Rahner’s Approach to Moral Decision Making. Jeremy Miller ...... 5:350-359 Raymond F. Collins: U.S.A. – K.U.L. – C.U.A. Joseph A. Selling . . . . 20:104-111 Reading Wisdom Wisely. Luke Timothy Johnson ...... 28:99-112 “Real’’ and “Notional’’ in Blondel and Newman. Jan H. Walgrave . . . 12:8-29 Recent Developments in American Catholic History. John Tracy Ellis . . 9:251-264 Reflections on Purely Conceptual Theology and on “Real’’ Theology. Gerard Philips ...... 2:263-271 Reflections on The National Catechetical Directory for the United States and the Roman Synod on Catechetics in Our Time. Mariella Frye 7:205-211 Reflections on W. Pannenberg’s Revelation Theology. Edmund J. Dobbin 4:13-37 Religions: Towards a Different Paradigm. James J. Kelly ...... 27:306-334 Religious Experience. James J. Kelly ...... 8:244-257 Religious Experience and Faith. Xavier J. Puthenkalam ...... 12:261-282 Religious Experience through Conscience. Jan H. Walgrave ...... 4:91-114 Religious Experience through Conscience in the Religious Philosophy of Abraham Joshua Heschel. John C. Merkle ...... 6:354-365 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 147


Religious Imagination and the Counterfeit Doubles of God. William Desmond ...... 27:280-305 Religious Pluralism and Religious Imagination: Can a Pluralistic Theology Sustain Christian Faith?. Paul F. Knitter ...... 27:240-264 Re-reading Gaudium et Spes on Marriage and the Family. Joseph A. Selling 8:82-94 The Revised Code: A New Way of Thinking for Church and about Priests. James H. Provost ...... 9:226-235 Revisions of Homosexuality: The Catechism and “Always Our Children”. Peter Black ...... 25:72-81 Richard McCormick and the Moral Magisterium. Richard R. Gaillardetz 25:348-362 The Risen Christ: Tenor of a Viable Apologetic. Richard V. Asakiewicz . 1:71-96 A Risk Observed. Jacques Haers ...... 21:46-60 Ritual as the Interpreter of Tradition. George S. Worgul ...... 10:141-150 Ritual, Power, Authority and Riddles: The Anthropology of Rome’s Declaration on the Ordination of Women. George S. Worgul, Jr. . . 14:38-61 The Role of the Catholic University in the Promotion of Interreligious Dialogue. Francis Cardinal Arinze ...... 23:307-320 The Role of the Churches and the Responsibility of the Faithful in South Africa. Dennis E. Hurley ...... 13:99-108 The Role of the Community in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Catherine Dooley ...... 14:312-324 Roman Catholic Theology in the United States. James Hennesey . . . . 6:11-22 Root Metaphors of Society: Linking Sociological and Moral-theological Analysis. Jef Van Gerwen ...... 11:41-59 Sacerdotal Poiesis: Beauty and the Priest. P. Wallace Platt ...... 30:107-123 The Sacrament of Reconciliation. Albert Houssiau ...... 1:158-164 Sacrament: An Economy of Gift. David N. Power ...... 23:143-158 Sacramentality and the Theology of Creation: A Recovered Paradigm for Sacramental Theology. Kevin W. Irwin ...... 23:159-179 Sacraments and the Ecclesial Mediation of Grace. Margaret Mary Kelleher 23:180-197 Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Question of Proportionality. Louis Janssens 9:26-46 Saint Thomas Aquinas and Theological Exegesis of Sacred Scripture. Terence Mc Guckin ...... 16:99-120 Santo Domingo: Exclusion or Inclusion of Liberation Theology? Jacques Van Nieuwenhove ...... 18:217-242 The Sayings of Jesus on Nonviolence. Jan Lambrecht ...... 12:291-305 Schoonenberg’s Christology in Context. Steven Pujdak ...... 6:338-353 The Scramble to Patent Life Will Devalue All Life. Sean McDonagh . . 24:119-134 Scriptural Exegesis and Dogmatic Theology. Gerard Philips ...... 2:14-28 Scripture’s Light on Salvation. Edward Penonzek ...... 2:173-177 ‘A Seat of Wisdom, A Light of the World’: Considering the University. Nicholas Lash ...... 15:188-202 Secrecy in the New Testament: An Exegetical and Theological Study. Raymond F. Collins ...... 25:49-71 Secularized Man and Christian Rite. Antoon Vergote ...... 2:141-157 “Seeking Yahweh” and the Purpose of Chronicles. Christopher Begg . . . 9:128-141 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 148


The Self-Understanding of the Church after Vatican II. Robrecht Michiels 14:83-107 Sensus fidei: Meaning, Role and Future of a Teaching of Vatican II. John Burkhard ...... 17:18-34 The Shaking of the Foundations – Again! Culture and the Liberation of Theology. Mary Grey ...... 20:347-361 A Short History of the Meaning of the Formula Fides et Mores. Piet Fransen 7:270-301 Signifying Presence: The Ecumenical Sacramental Theology of George Worgul. Scott Holland ...... 18:38-55 Silence about God. Frans Vansina ...... 6:100-127 Small Groups: An Experience of Church. Raymond F. Collins ...... 13:109-136 “So as not to Despise God’s Grace:” Re-assessing Rahner’s Idea of the “Anonymous Christian”. Eamonn Conway ...... 29:107-130 The Social Mission of the Church: Its Changing Contexts. T. Howland Sanks ...... 25:23-48 A Sociologist Looks at the American Church. François Houtart . . . . . 2:132-140 Some Elements and Methodological Considerations for Interpreting Segundo’s Theo-Anthropological Project. Jesús Castillo Coronado . 22:216-228 The Spirit Speaks to the Churches: Continuity and Development in Congar’s Pneumatology. Patrick Mullins ...... 29:288-319 Spirit Theology: Problems in Contemporary Ecclesiology. Roland L. Gamache ...... 1:323-342 Spiritual Theology and Twentieth-Century Suffering: A Dialogue with Karl Rahner. Marie L. Baird ...... 22:352-369 The Start of an Ecumenical Revolution: England and the Road to Malines. John A. Dick ...... 11:151-169 ‘A Strange Providence’: Newman’s Illness in Sicily. Roderick Strange . . . 15:151-165 A Stranger in the City: A Contribution to the Study of the Narrative Christology in Luke’s Gospel. Adelbert Denaux ...... 30:255-275 The Structure of Psalm 23. Charles O’Connor ...... 10:206-230 ‘Substantial Agreement’: A Problem of Ecumenism. Henry Chadwick . . 16:207-219 Symbols in Rahner: A Note on Translation. Albert Liberatore ...... 18:145-158 A Symposium on “Humanae Vitae’’ and the Natural Law. Philippe Delhaye, Jacques Etienne, Victor Heylen, Louis Janssens ...... 2:211-230 A Temptation to Violence: The Two Swords in Lk 22:35-38. John Gillman 9:142-153 The Ten Commandments and the Christian Response. Raymond F. Collins 3:308-322 “… that this letter be read to all the brethren’’: A New Testament Note. Raymond F. Collins ...... 9:122-127 Theological Education for U.S. Seminarians: Diverse Models in a Com- plex Age. Katarina Schuth ...... 15:370-388 The Theological Presuppositions of Centesimus Annus. Joseph A. Selling . 17:35-47 The Theological Significance of Non-Christian Religions. Gustave Thils 1:312-322 The Theological Significance of the New Ordination Rite. Albert Houssiau 3:31-40 Theology and Humanism: A New Stage in the Dialogue. Jan Van der Veken ...... 7:172-182 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 149


Theology and the Science of Canon Law: A Historic and Systematic Overview. Myriam Wijlens ...... 16:292-311 Theology of Ministry: A Review of Recent Literature. Lawrence B. Terrien 9:154-175 The Theology of Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians. Raymond F. Collins ...... 6:315-337 The Theology of Technopolis. Michael Slusser ...... 1:97-114 Theology, Spirituality, and the Role of Experience in Karl Rahner. Declan Marmion ...... 29:49-76 Thick and Thin: An Angle on Catholic Moral Teachings. Russell B. Jr. Connors ...... 21:336-355 To Be Created Precedes Our Creativity. Abraham van de Beek . . . . . 19:34-45 To Initiate into a World of Difference: A Design for Dynamic-Integral Values Education. Bert Roebben ...... 19:338-349 To Treat the Dutch Rightly. Simon Kwakman ...... 2:170-172 Total War, The Use of Force, and Proportionality. Joseph A. Selling . . . 11:22-30 Toward a Catechesis of Confirmation. Brian Haggerty ...... 2:334-354 Toward a Christian Ethic of Love and Personal Responsibility in the Area of Human Sexuality. Douglas J. Spina ...... 8:63-81 Toward a Dipolar View on the Whole of Reality. Jan Van der Veken . . 7:102-114 Toward a Theology of Ministry: The Lima Document and Roman Catholic Theology. Conrad T. Gromada ...... 15:353-369 Towards a Common Understanding of the Sacraments. Martien E. Brinkman ...... 23:38-59 Towards a Theology of Change. Edward O. de Bary ...... 10:15-29 Towards the Truth about Hiding the Truth. Bernard Hoose ...... 26:63-84 Tracings of an American Theology. Diana L. Hayes ...... 14:365-376 Tradition and the Doing of Theology. Michael Slusser ...... 9:111-115 The Trappist Monk Revisited: An Essay in Retrieval of a Mertonian Vision. Vivian Ligo ...... 16:312-330 The Treatment of Sacred Art in the Catechism: Some Questions and Concerns. Michael A. Seger ...... 22:39-58 “The Truth Will Make You Free:” The Theology of Religious Pluralism Revisited. Jacques Dupuis ...... 24:211-263 The Turn of the Century – A Turning Point for the Faculty of Theology. Roger Aubert ...... 5:264-279 The Two-Fold Logos of Newman and Pascal: L’Esprit géometrique. Mary Katherine Tillman ...... 15:233-255 Unbelief Today: Its Christian Source. Georges Van Riet ...... 1:143-157 Understanding of God according to Thomas Aquinas. Jan H. Walgrave . 7:85-90 Understanding Sin in the New Testament. Eugene J. Cooper ...... 1:298-311 Unity Among the Orthodox Churches: From the Theological Approach to the Historical Realities. Charalambos K. Papastathis ...... 25:143-157 US Hispanic Theologians: A Sketch of What They Are Doing. Kenneth G. Davis, Jesús Castillo-Coronado ...... 26:3-26 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 150


Using the Bible for Peace? A Methodological Reflection on the Use of Bible Citations. Peter Schmidt ...... 12:306-322 Utilitarianism and Contemporary Moral Theology: Situating the Debates. Charles E. Curran ...... 6:239-255 Values and Canon Law. Myriam Wijlens ...... 20:393-400 Values, Goods and Priorities: Can Law Determine the Pattern?. Joseph A. Selling ...... 20:58-64 The Varieties of Symbolic Forms. James J. Kelly ...... 24:171-185 Vatican II, Christianity and the World Religions. Dermot A. Lane . . . 24:147-170 Veritatis Splendor and the Sources of Morality. Joseph A. Selling . . . . . 19:3-17 A View of the State of the Priesthood in the United States. Katarina Schuth 30:8-24 Virtue Ethics and Sexual Ethics. James F. Keenan ...... 30:180-197 Western European Attitudes to Death and the Hereafter. Jan Kerkhofs . 20:282-293 What Catholic Theologians Have to Learn from Radical Orthodoxy: What Radical Orthodoxy Has to Learn from Catholic Theology. Laurence Paul Hemming ...... 28:232-239 What is a Mystical Experience? History and Interpretation. Rob Faesen . 23:221-245 What Kind of Church Do You Want? The Breadth of Augustine’s Eccle- siology. Johannes T. van Bavel ...... 7:147-171 What the Christian Coalition Really Wants. Justin Watson ...... 23:60-77 The Wife of Pilate (Matthew 27:19. Florence Morgan Gillman . . . . . 17:152-165 Will and Meaning: Reflections on a Recent Analogy Concerning Christ’s Institution of Eucharist and Orders. Dennis Michael Ferrara . . . 21:315-335 The Will to Common Confession: The Contribution of Calvinist Protes- tantism to the World Council of Churches Study Project Confessing the One Faith. Martien E. Brinkman ...... 19:118-137 William James and the Neurophysiology of Theism. Laurence J. O’Connell 8:332-341 A Witness to Change: The New Testament. Raymond F. Collins . . . . 4:229-243 Women Confessors in the Middle Ages?. Kate Dooley ...... 20:271-281 Work and Workers in the Pastoral Letters of the United States Conference of Bishops 1792-1961. Mary Elsbernd ...... 19:212-234 Worship and Witness: Some New Variations on an Old Theme. Frans Jozef van Beeck ...... 27:119-131 Yves Cardinal Congar, un maître en théologie. Gabriel Flynn ...... 29:239-257 Yves Congar: Faithful Critic of the Church in Mon journal du Concile. M. Cecily Boulding ...... 29:350-370 Yves Congar: From Suspicion to Acclamation. Fergus Kerr ...... 29:273-287 Yves Congar: Mentor for Theologians. Richard P. McBrien ...... 29:258-272


ACKLIN, Thomas, Mystical Desire: An Imaginary Solution or a Symbolic Transformation? ...... 9:61-80 ALLEN, Wendy, Is a “Via Media” Possible? John Henry Newman in “Conversation” with John Milbank and “Radical Orthodoxy” . . 27:376-388 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 151


AQUINO, Frederick D., Broadening Horizons: Constructing an Episte- mology of Religious Belief ...... 30:198-213 ARINZE, Francis Cardinal, The Role of the Catholic University in the Promotion of Interreligious Dialogue ...... 23:307-320 ASAKIEWICZ, Richard V., The Risen Christ: Tenor of a Viable Apologetic 1:71-96 AUBERT, Roger, The Turn of the Century – A Turning Point for the Faculty of Theology ...... 5:264-279 AUGUSTIJN, C., Early Reformation and Social Structures ...... 5:163-178 AUSTIN, Gerard, Baptism as the Matrix of Ministry ...... 23:101-113

BAIRD, Marie L., Spiritual Theology and Twentieth-Century Suffering: A Dialogue with Karl Rahner ...... 22:352-369 BALLINGER, Philip, Created to Praise: Gerard Manley Hopkins and Ignatius of Loyola ...... 22:153-180 BARLOW, Bernard, The Conversations at Malines ...... 4:51-72 BEAL, John P., At the Crossroads of Two Laws: Some Reflections on the Influence of Secular Law on the Church’s Response to Clergy in the United States ...... 25:99-121 BEGG, Christopher, “Seeking Yahweh” and the Purpose of Chronicles . 9:128-141 —, The “Classical Prophets’’ in Josephus’ Antiquities ...... 13:341-357 BEUKEN, Willem A. M., “Please give me some of your son’s love-fruits” (Gen 30:14): Apportioning or Sharing God’s Election? ...... 23:203-220 —, The Human Person in the Vision of Genesis 1–3: A Synthesis of Contemporary Insights ...... 24:3-20 Bibliography of the Work of Jan Lambrecht, 1952-1992 ...... 17:117-130 Bibliography of the Work of Raymond F. Collins 1959-1994 ...... 20:332-340 BIERINGER, Reimund, Paul’s Divine Jealousy: The Apostle and His Com- munities in Relationship ...... 17:197-231 BILLY, Dennis, The Penitentials and ‘The Making of Moral Theology’ . 14:143-151 BLACK, Peter, Revisions of Homosexuality: The Catechism and “Always Our Children” ...... 25:72-81 BLEHL, Vincent Ferrer, The Importance of the ‘Real’ for the Interpretation of Newman’s Spirituality and Holiness ...... 15:226-232 BLOCKX, Karel, Luther’s Theses-posting, Reality or Legend? ...... 2:49-61 —, The Faculty of Theology in Conflict with Erasmus and Luther . . . 5:252-263 —, Christian Humanistic and Reformatory Thought: An Analysis of the Problem ...... 7:302-314 BLOCKX, Karel, ETIENNE, Jacques, VAN EIJL, Edmond, WALGRAVE, Jan H., ONCLIN, Willy, COLLINS, Raymond F., THILS, Gustave, More than Merely Names ...... 5:280-308 BOEKRAAD, A. J., The Personal Conquest of Truth ...... 5:136-148 BOEVE, Lieven, Bearing Witness to the Differend: A Model for Theo- logizing in the Postmodern Context ...... 20:362-379 —, God Interrupts History: Apocalypticism as an Indispensable Theological Conceptual Strategy ...... 26:195-216 —, (Post)Modern Theology on Trial? Towards a Radical Theological Hermeneutics of Christian Particularity ...... 28:240-254 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 152


BONNER, Gerald, Augustine’s Doctrine of Man ...... 13:41-57 BOUDENS, Robrecht, Image and Training of the Priest in Italian Modernism 4:350-361 —, Newman and the Roman Authorities ...... 15:301-317 —, Irony and Humor in Newman ...... 20:254-264 BOULDING, M. Cecily, Yves Congar: Faithful Critic of the Church in Mon journal du Concile ...... 29:350-370 BRINKMAN, Martien E., The Will to Common Confession: The Contri- bution of Calvinist Protestantism to the World Council of Churches Study Project Confessing the One Faith ...... 19:118-137 —, Towards a Common Understanding of the Sacraments ...... 23:38-59 BRODEUR, Dennis, An Examination of the Beginnings of Social Justice . 9:176-190 BROESTERHUIZEN, Marcel, The Gospel Preached by the Deaf: Conversa- tion as Complete Form of Language in Pastoral Ministry with the Deaf ...... 27:359-375 BROWN, Raymond E., Difficulties in Using the New Testament in Amer- ican Catholic Discussions ...... 6:144-158 BRUSSELMANS, Christiane, Christian Parents and Infant Baptism . . . . 2:29-48 BUCHER, Kevin D., Newman on the Functions of the Church: A Prophetic Voice for Today? ...... 7:15-23 —, Newman on the Theologian in the Church: Some Kindly Light on a Contemporary Problem ...... 8:307-317 BUCKEL, John, Paul’s Defense of Christian Liberty in Galatians . . . . . 17:254-268 BURGGRAEVE, Roger, Meaningful Living and Acting: An Ethical and Educational-Pastoral Model in Christian Perspective . . . . 13:3-26, 137-160 —, The Holistic Personalism of Professor Magister Louis Janssens . . . 27:29-38 BURKHARD, John, Sensus fidei: Meaning, Role and Future of a Teaching of Vatican II ...... 17:18-34

CAHILL, Michael, The Oracles Against the Nations: Synthesis and Analysis for Today ...... 16:121-136 CALLAHAN, Michael, The Changing Face of Catholic Moral Theology: From the Constitution De Ordine Morali to Gaudium et Spes . . 3:41-50 CANTENS, Bernardo J. & IOZZIO, Mary Jo, Acts Amid Precepts . . . . 28:384-393 CARLON, K. P., R. M. Hare and Moral Theology ...... 8:30-46 CASTILLO CORONADO, Jesús, CELAM’s Policies on the Cultures/Culture Problem ...... 20:380-392 —, Some Elements and Methodological Considerations for Interpreting Segundo’s Theo-Anthropological Project ...... 22:216-228 CERE, Daniel, Newman’s ‘Lesson of the Marriage Ring’: Celibacy and Marriage in the Thought of John Henry Newman ...... 22:59-84 —, Newman’s “Prejudiced Man”: Christianity, Civilization, and Bias . . 26:27-49 CHADWICK, Henry, ‘Substantial Agreement’: A Problem of Ecumenism 16:207-219 CLANCY, Finbarr, Breathing with Both Her Lungs: Yves Congar and Dialogue with the East ...... 29:320-349 CLEARY, Michael, The Openness of the Human Person: The Anthropo- logical Foundations of Graced Existence ...... 10:97-105 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 153


CLOOTS, André, The Poet of the World: The Affirmation of God in Whitehead’s Philosophy ...... 7:91-101 CODD, Kevin A., “Heralds and Apostles”: The Mission of the American College of Louvain – Past, Present and Future ...... 27:171-176 COLEMAN, John, Discipleship and Citizenship: From Consensus to Culture Wars ...... 17:333-350 COLLINS, Mary, Evangelization, Catechesis, and the Beginnings of Western Eucharistic Theology ...... 23:124-142 COLLINS, Raymond F., Abortion: An Ethical and Moral Appraisal . . . 3:17-30 —, Mary in the Fourth Gospel: A Decade of Johannine Studies . . . . 3:99-142 —, The Ten Commandments and the Christian Response ...... 3:308-322 —, Obedience, Children and the Fourth Commandment – A New Testament Note ...... 4:157-173 —, A Witness to Change: The New Testament ...... 4:229-243 —, The Church of the Thessalonians ...... 5:336-349 —, The Theology of Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians ...... 6:315-337 —, The Faith of the Thessalonians ...... 7:249-269 —, Paul, as Seen Through His Own Eyes: A Reflection on the First Letter to the Thessalonians ...... 8:348-381 —, “… that this letter be read to all the brethren’’: A New Testament Note ...... 9:122-127 —, “Lord, Teach Us to Pray’’ (Luke 11:1): A Reflection on the Prayer of Petition ...... 10:354-371 —, Paul’s Damascus Experience: Reflections on the Lukan Account . . 11:99-118 —, Augustine of Hippo: Precursor of Modern Biblical Scholarship . . . 12:131-151 —, Small Groups: An Experience of Church ...... 13:109-136 —, God in the First Letter to the Thessalonians: Paul’s Earliest Written Appreciation of ho theos ...... 16:137-154 —, Ministry and the Christian Scriptures ...... 20:112-125 —, Did Jesus Found the Church? Which Church? ...... 21:356-364 —, Secrecy in the New Testament: An Exegetical and Theological Study 25:49-71 —, The Primacy of Peter: A Lukan Perspective ...... 26:268-281 CONN, Walter E., Ethical Style for the Creative Conscience ...... 7:183-194 CONNORS, Russell B., Jr., Thick and Thin: An Angle on Catholic Moral Teachings ...... 21:336-355 CONWAY, Eamonn, “So as not to Despise God’s Grace:” Re-assessing Rahner’s Idea of the “Anonymous Christian” ...... 29:107-130 CONZEMIUS, Victor, Old Catholicism: A Forgotten Lesson of Catholic Reform ...... 4:320-337 COOPER, Eugene J., Understanding Sin in the New Testament . . . . . 1:298-311 —, A Newer Look at the Theology of Sin ...... 3:259-307 —, The Notion of Sin in Light of the Theory of the Fundamental Option: The Fundamental Option Revisited ...... 9:363-382 CORIDEN, James A., Necessary Canonical Reform: Urgent Issues for Action 26:147-165 COUNCE, Paul D., The Deferral of Infant Baptism According to Canon 868, §I, 2° ...... 13:322-340 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 154


CURRAN, Charles E., Utilitarianism and Contemporary Moral Theology: Situating the Debates ...... 6:239-255

DANNEELS, Godfried, The European Synod of 1991 ...... 17:319-332 DAVIS, Kenneth G. & CASTILLO-CORONADO, Jesús, US Hispanic Theologians: A Sketch of What They Are Doing ...... 26:3-26 DE BARY, Edward O., Towards a Theology of Change ...... 10:15-29 DE GRAEVE, Frank, Concepts of Man in Some Major Religious Traditions of the East ...... 5:67-79 —, From O.T.S.O.G. to T.A.S.C.A.S.: Eleven Theses toward a Christian Theology of Interreligious Encounter ...... 7:315-325 —, Piet Fransen: A Biographical Sketch ...... 10:87-96 DEHANDSCHUTTER, Boudewijn, Mjkéti üdropótei: Some Notes on the Patristic Exegesis of 1 Timothy 5:23 ...... 20:265-270 DELHAYE, Philippe, Conscience and Church Authority ...... 2:355-375 DELHAYE, Philippe, ETIENNE, Jacques, HEYLEN, Victor, JANSSENS, Louis, A Symposium on “Humanae Vitae’’ and the Natural Law . . . . 2:211-230 DELOBEL, Joël, Christ, the Lord of Creation ...... 16:155-169 —, Homage Jan Lambrecht ...... 17:101 —, In Memoriam Frank De Graeve, S. J...... 18:195-197 —, Homage Raymond F. Collins ...... 20:103 —, One Letter Too Many in Paul’s First Letter? A Study of (n)ßpioi in 1 Thess 2:7 ...... 20:126-133 DEMACOPOULOS, George, Leadership in the Post-Constantinian Church According to St. Gregory Nazianzen ...... 30:214-228 DE MEY, Peter, Historical Criticism and the Resurrection of Jesus: A New Tendency in Recent Scholarship ...... 23:246-273 DE MEYER, Freddy, Buber’s Translation of the Bible ...... 7:212-218 DEMKOVICH, Michael, Meister Eckhart on Justice and True Obedience . 18:131-144 DENAUX Adelbert, Did Jesus Found the Church? ...... 21:25-45 —, The Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue about Authority in the Church 24:291-318 —, A Stranger in the City: A Contribution to the Study of the Narrative Christology in Luke’s Gospel ...... 30:255-275 DENIS, Albert-Marie, Jesus’ Walking on the Waters: A Contribution to the History of the Pericope in the Gospel Tradition ...... 1:284-297 DEQUEKER, Luc, Old and New in the Bible: Guidelines for a Better Understanding of the Relationship between the Old and New Testaments ...... 3:189-205 DE SCHRIJVER, Georges, The Distinctive Contribution of Ignacio Ellacuría to a Praxis of Liberation: “Shouldering the Burden of Reality” . . 25:312-335 DESMOND, William, Religious Imagination and the Counterfeit Doubles of God ...... 27:280-305 —, Consecrated Thought Between the Priest and the Philosopher . . . 30:92-106 DE TAVERNIER, Johan, Ecology and Ethics ...... 19:235-261 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 155


DE WACHTER, Maurits, Celibacy in Man-Woman Relationships: A Case Study ...... 3:83-98 —, Change and Renewal in Moral Method ...... 4:255-264 —, From Facts to Norms: Dialogue with Charles Curran’s “Catholic Moral Theology in Dialogue’’ ...... 5:80-88 —, Life, Responsibility, and a New Encyclopedia ...... 8:95-103 DICK, John A., The Start of an Ecumenical Revolution: England and the Road to Malines ...... 11:151-169 —, The Continuing Education of Priests and the American College . . 17:10-17 —, American Catholics: Accomplishments and Challenges at Century’s End ...... 19:138-148 DOBBIN, Edmund J., Reflections on W. Pannenberg’s Revelation Theology ...... 4:13-37 DONNELLY, John Patrick, Padua, Louvain and Paris: Three Case Studies of University-Jesuit Confrontation (1591-1596) ...... 15:38-52 DOOLEY, Catherine, Catechesis in Our Time ...... 7:195-204 —, The Role of the Community in the Sacrament of Reconciliation . . 14:312-324 —, Baptismal Catechumenate: Model for All Catechesis ...... 23:114-123 DOOLEY, Kate, Women Confessors in the Middle Ages? ...... 20:271-281 DOWELL, Thomas M., Jews and Christians in Conflict: Why the Fourth Gospel Changed the Synoptic Tradition ...... 15:19-37 DULLES, Avery, The Four Faces of American Catholicism ...... 18:99-109 DUPUIS, Jacques, “The Truth Will Make You Free:” The Theology of Religious Pluralism Revisited ...... 24:211-263 —, “Christianity and the Religions” Revisited ...... 28:363-383 DUVAL, Bernard Stevens, Benevolent Love and the Celibate Father . . . 1:165-187

EBELING, Gerhard, Luther’s Struggle Against Moralizing the Christian Message ...... 10:3-14 ELIZONDO, Virgilio, Guadalupe: The Birth of American Mestizo Christianity ...... 26:295-312 ELLIS, John Tracy, Recent Developments in American Catholic History 9:251-264 —, The Influence of the Catholic University of Louvain on the Church in the United States ...... 9:265-283 ELSBERND, Mary, Work and Workers in the Pastoral Letters of the United States Conference of Bishops 1792-1961 ...... 19:212-234 ETIENNE, Jacques, Marc Oraison on Sexuality ...... 1:188-194

FAESEN, Rob, What is a Mystical Experience? History and Interpretation 23:221-245 FELDMAN, Louis H., Josephus’ Portrait of Josiah ...... 18:110-130 FENLON, Dermot, The ‘Aristocracy of Talent’ and the ‘Mystery’ of Newman ...... 15:203-225 FERRARA, Dennis Michael, Will and Meaning: Reflections on a Recent Analogy Concerning Christ’s Institution of Eucharist and Orders 21:315-335 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 156


—, “Hypostatized in the Logos”: Leontius of Byzantium, Leontius of Jerusalem and the Unfinished Business of the Council of Chalcedon 22:311-327 FEY, William, Development of Doctrine and the Spiritual Development of the Believer ...... 15:166-187 FIELDS, Stephen, Image and Truth in Newman’s Moral Argument for God 24:191-210 FITZMYER, Joseph A., Problems of the Literal and Spiritual Senses of Scripture ...... 20:134-146 FLEMING, Julia, The Ethics of Lying in Contemporary Moral Theology: Strategies for Stimulating the Discussion ...... 24:57-71 FLYNN, Gabriel, Mon journal du Concile: Yves Congar and the Battle for a Renewed Ecclesiology at the Second Vatican Council ...... 28:48-70 —, Cardinal Congar’s Ecumenism: An ‘Ecumenical Ethics’ for Reconcil- iation? ...... 28:311-325 —, Yves Cardinal Congar, un maître en théologie ...... 29:239-257 FRANSEN, Piet, A Short History of the Meaning of the Formula Fides et Mores ...... 7:270-301 —, The Exercise of Authority in the Church Today: Its Concrete Forms 9:3-25 —, Augustine, Pelagius and the Controversy on the Doctrine of Grace . 12:172-181 FRYE, Mariella, Reflections on The National Catechetical Directory for the United States and the Roman Synod on Catechetics in Our Time ...... 7:205-211 FUCHS, Eric, Providence and Politics: A Reflection on the Contemporary Relevance of the Political Ethics of John Calvin ...... 10:231-243

GAALAAS, Patrick, In What Sense Can Marriage Be Called a Sacrament? 8:403-409 GAILLARDETZ, Richard R., John Finnis and the Proportionalism Debate: A Critique of a Critique ...... 14:125-142 —, Infallibility and the Ordination of Women ...... 21:3-24 —, Richard McCormick and the Moral Magisterium ...... 25:348-362 GALLAGHER, Michael Paul, From Social to Cultural Secularization . . . 24:103-118 —, Ignatian Dimensions of Rahner’s Theology ...... 29:77-91 GAMACHE, Roland L., Spirit Theology: Problems in Contemporary Ecclesiology ...... 1:323-342 GERMAN, Terence, Interpreting Mystical Contemplation in the Writings of Richard of St. Victor ...... 11:119-130 GILLEY, Sheridan, An Intellectual Discipleship: Newman and the Making of Wilfrid Ward ...... 15:318-345 GILLIS, Chester, Christian Approaches to Interreligious Dialogue . . . . 22:15-38 GILLMAN, Florence Morgan, The Wife of Pilate (Matthew 27:19 . . . . 17:152-165 GILLMAN, John, A Temptation to Violence: The Two Swords in Lk 22:35-38 ...... 9:142-153 —, Hospitality in Acts 16 ...... 17:181-196 GITTINS, Anthony J., Call and Response: Missionary Considerations . . 10:264-285 GLORIEUX, Frederik, Does Christ Have an Asian Face? An Analysis of Aloysius Pieris’ Theology of Religions ...... 30:325-349 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 157


GODZIEBA, Anthony J., Incarnation, Theory, and Catholic Bodies: What Should Post-Postmodern Catholic Theology Look Like? . . . . . 28:217-231 GRAHAM, Donald G., The Pneumatic Christology of John Henry Newman 28:275-294 GRAY, Bryan J. A., Is Consensus in Theology Possible? ...... 8:227-243 GREEN, Garrett, Are Religions Incommensurable? Reflections on Plurality and the Religious Imagination ...... 27:218-239 GRENVILLE, Charles M., The History of Jesus and Contemporary Chris- tology ...... 1:269-283 GREY, Mary, Has Feminist Theology a Vision for Christian Church? . . 16:27-40 —, Feminist Theology: Late Arrival or Changeling in the Academy? . . 18:318-332 —, The Shaking of the Foundations – Again! Culture and the Liberation of Theology ...... 20:347-361 GROMADA, Conrad T., Toward a Theology of Ministry: The Lima Docu- ment and Roman Catholic Theology ...... 15:353-369 GRYSON, Roger, The Attitude of the Early Church toward the Ministry of Women ...... 2:254-262

HAERS, Jacques, A Risk Observed ...... 21:46-60 HAGGERTY, Brian, Toward a Catechesis of Confirmation ...... 2:334-354 HAIGHT, Roger, The Impact of Jesus Research on Christology . . . . . 21:216-228 —, Jesus Symbol of God: Criticism and Response ...... 27:389-405 HALDANE, John J., Critical Orthodoxy ...... 14:108-124 HALL, Seán E., Authority in a Sacramental Democracy: The Views of John Neville Figgis ...... 9:331-352 HANNAFEY, Francis, Entrepreneurship in Papal Thought ...... 26:217-244 HAPPEL, Stephen, Imagination, Method in Theology, and Rhetoric: On Re-examining Samuel Taylor Coleridge ...... 8:143-169 —, Language, Transcendence, and the Structure of Interiority: Coleridge’s Logic ...... 8:286-306 HARRISON, Carol, Augustine and Religious Experience ...... 27:99-118 HARTSHORNE, Charles, Can We Unterstand God? ...... 7:75-84 HAYES, Diana L., James H. Cone, Black Historical Experience and the Origins of Black Theology ...... 12:245-260 —, Tracings of an American Theology ...... 14:365-376 HEMMING, Laurence Paul, What Catholic Theologians Have to Learn from Radical Orthodoxy: What Radical Orthodoxy Has to Learn from Catholic Theology ...... 28:232-239 HENN, William, “Apostolic Continuity of the Church and Apostolic Succession:” Concluding Reflections to the Centro Pro Unione Symposium ...... 21:186-199 HENNESEY, James, Roman Catholic Theology in the United States . . . 6:11-22 HEYLEN, V. L., Catholic Ethics on Life and the Body ...... 2:3-13 HILLMAN, Eugene, Maasai Religion and Inculturation ...... 17:351-376 —, Good News for Every Nation via Inculturation ...... 25:336-347 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 158


HOLLAND, Scott, Signifying Presence: The Ecumenical Sacramental Theology of George Worgul ...... 18:38-55 —, How Do Stories Save Us? Two Contemporary Theological Responses 22:328-351 HOLMES, J. Derek, Cardinal Newman’s Apologetic Use of History . . . 4:338-349 HOOSE, Bernard, Proportionalism: A Right Relationship among Values 24:40-56 —, Towards the Truth about Hiding the Truth ...... 26:63-84 HOUSSIAU, Albert, The Sacrament of Reconciliation ...... 1:158-164 —, The Theological Significance of the New Ordination Rite . . . . . 3:31-40 HOUTART, François, A Sociologist Looks at the American Church . . . 2:132-140 HOUTEPEN, Anton, According to the Scriptures: The Ecumenical Move- ment and its Methods Tomorrow ...... 22:107-126 HUME, Basil, In Search of Wholeness ...... 14:179-194 HURLEY, Dennis E., The Role of the Churches and the Responsibility of the Faithful in South Africa ...... 13:99-108

IMBERECHTS, Hendrik, Hindsight is Foresight: The Case of John Henry Newman ...... 12:30-53 IRWIN, Kevin W., Sacramentality and the Theology of Creation: A Recov- ered Paradigm for Sacramental Theology ...... 23:159-179 IVORY, Thomas P., The Adult Catechumenate: Pastoral Application of Vatican II Theology ...... 9:211-220

Jacques Dupuis: A Select Bibliography of Reviews and Reactions, Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1997) ...... 27:406-410 JANS, Jan, God or Man? Normative Theology in the Instruction Donum Vitae ...... 17:48-64 JANSSENS, Louis, Moral Problems Involved in Responsible Parenthood . 1:3-18 —, Historicity in Conjugal Morality: Evolution and Continuity . . . . 1:262-268 —, Considerations on “Humanae Vitae’’ ...... 2:231-253 —, Personalist Morals ...... 3:5-16 —, Ontic Evil and Moral Evil ...... 4:115-156 —, Norms and Priorities in a Love Ethics ...... 6:207-238 —, Artificial Insemination: Ethical Considerations ...... 8:3-29 —, Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Question of Proportionality . . . . 9:26-46 —, Ontic Good and Evil: Premoral Values and Disvalues ...... 12:62-82 —, The Non-infallible Magisterium and Theologians ...... 14:195-259 JOHN (ZIZIOULAS) OF PERGAMON, Metropolitan, Apostolic Continuity of the Church and Apostolic Succession in the First Five Centuries . 21:153-168 JOHNSON, Luke Timothy, Reading Wisdom Wisely ...... 28:99-112 Juan Luis Segundo in Conversation: An Interview with Jesús Castillo Coronado ...... 22:263-307 JÜNGEL, Eberhard, The Last Judgement as an Act of Grace ...... 15:389-405

KAVENY, M. Cathleen, Autonomy, Solidarity and Law’s Pedagogy . . . . 27:339-358 KEENAN, James F., Virtue Ethics and Sexual Ethics ...... 30:180-197 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 159


KEITH, Kevin, The Background of the New Testament: Diversity in First- Century Judaism and Its Contemporary Implications ...... 17:131-151 KELLEHER, Margaret Mary, Sacraments and the Ecclesial Mediation of Grace ...... 23:180-197 KELLY, David F., Aspects of Sin in Today’s Theology ...... 9:191-197 —, Methodological and Practical Issues in the Ethical and Religious Direc- tives for Catholic Health Care Services ...... 23:321-337 KELLY, James J., Religious Experience ...... 8:244-257 —, The Varieties of Symbolic Forms ...... 24:171-185 —, Religions: Towards a Different Paradigm ...... 27:306-334 KENT, John, Newman and Science ...... 15:267-281 KENZIG, Stephen R., Can Priestly Celibacy Have Symbolic Value for Christian People? ...... 6:273-287 KER, Ian, Newman and the ‘Orphans of Vatican II’ ...... 15:119-135 —, The Idea of a Catholic University ...... 21:203-215 —, New Movements and Communities in the Life of the Church . . . 27:69-95 —, The Priesthood and the New Ecclesial Movements and Communities . 30:124-136 KERKHOFS, Jan, Western European Attitudes to Death and the Hereafter 20:282-293 KERR, Fergus, Yves Congar: From Suspicion to Acclamation ...... 29:273-287 KIM, Younhee, David Tracy’s Postmodern Reflection on God: Towards God’s Incomprehensible and Hidden Infinity ...... 30:159-179 KNITTER, Paul F., Catholics and Other Religions: Bridging the Gap between Dialogue and Theology ...... 24:319-354 —, Religious Pluralism and Religious Imagination: Can a Pluralistic Theology Sustain Christian Faith? ...... 27:240-264 KOLLAR, Rene, Charles Gore and Anglican Religious Communities: An Anglo-Catholic Interpretation of Conventual Life ...... 19:163-179 KOPERSKI, Veronica, Feminist Concerns and the Authorial Readers in Philippians ...... 17:269-292 —, The Meaning of Pistis Christou in Philippians 3:9 ...... 18:198-216 —, The Meaning of dikaiosúnj in Philippians 3:9 ...... 20:147-169 KOPERSKI, Veronica, BIERINGER, Reimund, Jan Lambrecht the Exegete . 17:103-116 KOTHUIS, Hans J., ROLHEISER, Ronald, Jan Hendrik Walgrave: His Life, His Thought, His Inspiration ...... 8:219-226 KWAKMAN, Simon, To Treat the Dutch Rightly ...... 2:170-172 KWAN, Carlo, The Epistemology of Castaneda’s Don Juan as Compared to that of St. John of the Cross ...... 10:244-263 —, The Notion of Time as Found in the Mythologies of Four Cultures: A Comparison ...... 11:131-150

LACUGNA, Catherine Mowry, The Function of Tradition in the Theolog- ical Method of Hans Küng ...... 8:382-402 —, Problems with a Trinitarian Reformulation ...... 10:324-340 LAMBERIGTS, Mathijs, Optatam Totius – The Decree on Priestly Formation: A Short Survey of Its History at the Second Vatican Council . . . 30:25-48 LAMBRECHT, Jan, Man Before and Without Christ: Rom 7 and Pauline Anthropology ...... 5:18-33 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 160


—, The Message of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37) ...... 5:121-135 —, The Child in the Manger: A Meditation on Lk 2:1-20 ...... 5:331-335 —, Jesus and Prayer ...... 6:128-143 —, “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?’’: The Gospel Message of Jesus Today ...... 8:115-128 —, Our Commonwealth Is in Heaven ...... 10:199-205 —, Eulogy for Professor Emeritus J. H. Walgrave O.P. 25 October, 1986 12:3-7 —, Power as Service ...... 12:54-61 —, The Sayings of Jesus on Nonviolence ...... 12:291-305 —, The Groaning Creation: A Study of Rom 8:18-30 ...... 15:3-18 —, Is Active Nonviolent Resistance Jesus’ Third Way? An Answer to Walter Wink ...... 19:350-351 —, The Defeated Paul, Aroma of Christ: An Exegetical Study of 2 Corinthians 2:14-16b ...... 20:170-186 —, God’s Own Righteousness: Dabourne’s New Reading of Romans 1–4 25:260-274 —, “It is for the Lord that we live and die”: A Theological Reflection on Romans 14:7-9 ...... 28:143-154 LAMOUREUX, Patricia, The Criterion of Option for the Poor and Moral Discernment: The Vision of Marciano Vidal García ...... 21:261-287 LANE, Dermot A., Vatican II, Christianity and the World Religions . . 24:147-170 LASH, Nicholas, ‘A Seat of Wisdom, A Light of the World’: Considering the University ...... 15:188-202 LAU, Maria Goretti, The Catholic Church in China Today ...... 11:170-175 LAU, Stephen, Paul Tillich and the Frankfurt School’s Critical Theory of Religion – A Dialogue ...... 14:3-15 LAURANCE, John D., The Assembly as Liturgical Symbol ...... 22:127-152 —, The Eucharist and Eucharistic Adoration ...... 26:313-333 LAVOIE, Merie L., Conjugal Love: Ends, Means and Beyond ...... 1:195-202 LE CLERCQ, Jean, The Impact of the American Catholic Experience on the Church in Europe ...... 9:284-294 —, The Distinctive Characteristics of Roman Catholic American Spirituality ...... 9:295-306 LEIJSSEN, Lambert, Grace as God’s Self-Communication: The Starting Point and Development in Rahner’s Thought ...... 20:73-78 —, Confirmation in Context ...... 20:294-315 LENEHAN, Kevin, The Great Jubilee and the Purification of Memory . . 25:291-311 LIBERATORE, Albert, Symbols in Rahner: A Note on Translation . . . . 18:145-158 LIGO, Vivian, The Language of Paradox in Mysticism ...... 14:26-37 —, The Trappist Monk Revisited: An Essay in Retrieval of a Mertonian Vision ...... 16:312-330 LOGISTER, Willy, A Christology for Our Age ...... 2:272-276 LONG, Stephen, The Metaphysics of Gender and Sacramental Priesthood 10:41-59 LOUGHLIN, Gerard, Breezes: Religious Images in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction ...... 27:265-279 Louvain Studies 1966-1991: An Index to Volumes 1-16 ...... 16:355-385 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 161


LUST, Johan, Devils and Angels in the Old Testament ...... 5:115-120 LUYTEN, Jos, Anthropology of the Old Testament ...... 5:3-17 —, A New Commentary on the Book of Job ...... 11:60-69

MACKLER, Aaron L., Jewish and Roman Catholic Approaches to Bioethics: Convergence and Divergence in Method and Substance . . . . . 25:3-22 MAHONEY, Edward J., The Morality of Terminating Life vs. Allowing to Die ...... 6:256-272 —, Justice and Health Care for the Poor ...... 13:232-251 MALDARI, Donald C., The Identity of Religious Life: The Contributions of Jean-Marie Tillard Critically Examined ...... 14:325-345 —, Asceticism at the Service of Grace ...... 28:32-47 MALLON, Colleen Mary, Ecclesial Discipleship: Applying the Require- ments of the Gospel to the Church as Social Institution . . . . . 28:344-362 MANENSCHIJN, Gerrit, Christian Ethics of Peace and Creation: Between Utopism and Reality ...... 16:41-58 —, The Quest for a Just Economy in a New Europe: Ethical Implications of the Social Market Economy ...... 18:159-174 MANNING, Francis V., Bonhoeffer’s Ethical Concepts ...... 2:315-328 —, Divorce and Remarriage: Considered from an Interdisciplinary Perspective ...... 3:243-258 MANNION, Gerard, The End of the Beginning – Discerning Fundamental Themes in Rahner’s Theology of Death ...... 29:166-186 MARMION, Declan, The Notion of Spirituality in the Theology of Karl Rahner ...... 21:61-86 —, Theology, Spirituality, and the Role of Experience in Karl Rahner . . 29:49-76 MARTY, Martin E., American Protestant Theology: Its Present in the Light of Its Past ...... 6:23-34 MATERA, Frank J., Interpreting Mark – Some Recent Theories of Redac- tion Criticism ...... 2:113-131 —, “On Behalf of Others,’’ “Cleansing,’’ and “Return’’: Johannine Images for Jesus’ Death ...... 13:161-178 —, The Death of Christ and the Cross in Paul’s Letter to the Galatians 18:283-296 —, Ethics for the Kingdom of God: The Gospel According to Mark . . 20:187-200 —, Paul and the Renewal of the Ministerial Priesthood: A Reflection on 2 Cor 2:14–7:4 ...... 30:49-69 MCBRIEN, Richard P., Yves Congar: Mentor for Theologians ...... 29:258-272 MCCAUGHEY, Terence P., Political Accommodation, Forgiveness and Reconciliation – Three Distinct Steps? ...... 24:135-146 MCDONAGH, Sean, The Scramble to Patent Life Will Devalue All Life . 24:119-134 MC GUCKIN, Terence, Saint Thomas Aquinas and Theological Exegesis of Sacred Scripture ...... 16:99-120 MCSWEENEY, John, Rahner in the Mirror of Poststructuralism: The Prac- tice of Theology as the Venture of Thought ...... 29:187-208 MEIER, John P., Introducing an Introduction ...... 9:307-318 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 162


MELLONI, Alberto, Congar, Architect of the Unam Sanctam ...... 29:222-238 MERKLE, John C., Religious Experience through Conscience in the Reli- gious Philosophy of Abraham Joshua Heschel ...... 6:354-365 —, Heschel’s Theology of Divine Pathos ...... 10:151-165 MERRIGAN, Terrence, Newman on the Practice of Theology ...... 14:260-284 —, Newman the Theologian ...... 15:103-118 —, The Craft of Catholic Theology ...... 18:243-257 —, Exploring the Frontiers: Jacques Dupuis and the Movement “Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism” ...... 23:338-359 —, Approaching the Other in Faith: A Reply to Paul F. Knitter. . . . . 24:355-360 —, Imagination and Religious Commitment in the Pluralist Theology of Religions ...... 27:197-217 MERTENS, Herman-Emiel, Moltmann’s Theological Core ...... 2:178-181 —, An Ecclesiology in Eschatological Perspective ...... 7:55-60 —, The God-Question according to Walter Kasper ...... 10:286-289 —, Karl Barth’s Teaching on Creation ...... 10:341-353 —, The Doctrine of Creation in Ecological Perspective ...... 12:83-88 —, Making a Long Story Short? A Plea for Narrative Theology . . . . 13:27-40 —, Jesus as Master of the Golgotha-Situation: Old Soteriological Questions Reposed ...... 14:291-311 —, The Loving God and the Suffering Human ...... 16:170-177 —, Nature and Grace in Twentieth-Century Catholic Theology . . . . 16:242-262 —, Did the Word of God Become a Human Person? ...... 18:175-180 —, His Very Name Is Beauty: Aesthetic Experience and Christian Faith 20:316-331 —, The Future of God: Moltmann’s Adventurous Journey of Exploration 22:85-90 —, Küng’s Plea for a Global Ethic ...... 23:274-279 MEYER, Harding, Apostolic Continuity, Ministry and Apostolic Succes- sion from a Reformation Perspective ...... 21:169-182 MEYER, John C., Blazing the Frontiers of American Ecumenism . . . . 6:3-10 —, Mantras, Hesychasts, and Mysticism ...... 9:221-225 MICHIELS, Robrecht, The “Model of Church’’ in the First Christian Community of Jerusalem: Ideal and Reality ...... 10:303-323 —, The Self-Understanding of the Church after Vatican II ...... 14:83-107 —, Church of Jesus Christ: An Exegetical-Ecclesiological Consideration 18:297-317 MILLER, Edward Jeremy, Confirmation as Ecclesial Commissioning . . 10:106-121 MILLER, Jeremy, Rahner’s Approach to Moral Decision Making . . . . 5:350-359 —, Newman’s Dialogical Vision of the Church ...... 8:318-331 MIN, Anselm K., Christology and Theology of Religions: John Hick and Karl Rahner ...... 11:3-21 MOLONEY, Raymond, Rahner and Lonergan on Spirituality ...... 28:295-310 MOLTMANN, Jürgen, Come, Creator Spirit, and Renew Life: A Theolog- ical Meditation on the “Life-giving Spirit” ...... 22:3-14 MOMMAERS, Paul, Hadewijch: A Feminist in Conflict ...... 13:58-81 MULLINS, Patrick, The Spirit Speaks to the Churches: Continuity and Development in Congar’s Pneumatology ...... 29:288-319 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 163


MURAD, Afonso, Juan Luis Segundo’s Place in Latin American Theology 22:245-262 MURRAY, Paul D., The Lasting Significance of Karl Rahner for Contem- porary Catholic Theology ...... 29:8-27 MYNATTY, Hormis, The Concept of Social Sin ...... 16:3-26

NAGY, Alex, Presbyters and Chicanos: Toward Full Partnership in Liberation ...... 6:35-50 NEIRYNCK, Frans, The Divorce Saying in Q 16:18 ...... 20:201-218 NOUWEN, Henri J. M., Christian Leadership of Tomorrow ...... 3:175-188

O’COLLINS, Gerald, Did Apostolic Continuity Ever Start? Origins of Apostolic Continuity in the New Testament ...... 21:138-152 O’CONNELL, Laurence J., William James and the Neurophysiology of Theism ...... 8:332-341 O’CONNOR, Charles, The Structure of Psalm 23 ...... 10:206-230 O’DONNELL, James G., The Problem of Methodology in Liberation Theology ...... 8:258-264 ODOZOR, Paulinus Ikechukwu, Classical Catholic Moral Theology and the World Church: Some Suggestions on How to Move Forward 30:276-298 ÖRSY, Ladislas, Episcopal Conferences and the Power of the Spirit . . . 25:363-375 OGLIARI, Donato, Between Traditio and Progressio: Some Remarks on Augustinianism, Pelagianism, Massilianism and the Challenges of an et-et Theology ...... 28:12-31 O’GRADY, Colm, Change in Theology ...... 4:209-228 O’GRADY, John F., Authority and Power: Issues for the Contemporary Church ...... 10:122-140 OMOREGBE, Joseph, Evolution in Bernard Häring’s Ethical Thinking . . 7:45-54 O’SULLIVAN, Tomás, Nature, Grace, and a Pagan’s Salvation: Adomnán’s Vita Columbae as a Possible Historical Antecedent to Rahner’s Theology of the Anonymous Christian ...... 29:131-146

PAGÉ, Roch, Full-Time Pastoral Ministers and Diocesan Governance . . 26:166-179 PAPASTATHIS, Charalambos K., Unity Among the Orthodox Churches: From the Theological Approach to the Historical Realities . . . . 25:143-157 PATTYN, Bart, Desire, Experience and Revelation: The Concept of Reality in the Thinking of Antoine Vergote ...... 18:333-356 PEDROSO MATEUS, Odair, At the Intersections of Poetry, Existential Philosophy and Theology: The Origins of Juan Luis Segundo’s Thought ...... 22:229-244 PENASKOVIC, Richard, The Influence of Saint Augustine on J. H. Newman 353-362 PENONZEK, Edward, Scripture’s Light on Salvation ...... 2:173-177 PFEIL, Margaret, Doctrinal Implications of Magisterial Use of the Language of Social Sin ...... 27:132-152 PHAN, Peter C., Cultural Diversity: A Blessing or a Curse for Theology and Spirituality? ...... 19:195-211 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 164


—, Overcoming Poverty and Oppression: Liberation Theology and the Problem of Evil ...... 20:3-20 —, Doing Theology in the Context of Cultural and Religious Pluralism: An Asian Perspective ...... 27:39-68 PHILIPS, Gerard, Scriptural Exegesis and Dogmatic Theology ...... 2:14-28 —, Reflections on Purely Conceptual Theology and on “Real’’ Theology 2:263-271 PHILIPS, Gerard, VAN ROEY, Albert, AUBERT, Roger, HOUSSIAU, Albert, THILS, Gustave, HOUTART, François, Koinonia – A Symposium on Ecclesial Communion ...... 2:91-112 PIERIS, Aloysius, Christ Beyond Dogma: Doing Christology in the Context of the Religions and the Poor ...... 25:187-231 PIVETEAU, Didier, The Evolution of Structures Taking Place in Catechetics 3:207-218 PLATA, Przemyslaw, Gavin D’Costa’s Trinitarian Theology of Religions . 30:299-324 PLATT, P. Wallace, Sacerdotal Poiesis: Beauty and the Priest ...... 30:107-123 POWER, David N., Sacrament: An Economy of Gift ...... 23:143-158 PROVOST, James H., Pastoral Attitudes and Practice: On the Reform of Canon Law ...... 3:143-154 —, Marriage: Change in Pastoral Care and Canonical Practice . . . . . 5:179-189 —, The Revised Code: A New Way of Thinking for Church and about Priests ...... 9:226-235 PUGLISI, James, Introduction ...... 21:109 PUJDAK, Steven, Schoonenberg’s Christology in Context ...... 6:338-353 PURCELL, Michael, Gloria Dei, Homo Vigilans: Waking up to Grace in Rahner and Levinas ...... 21:229-260 PUTHENKALAM, Xavier J., Religious Experience and Faith ...... 12:261-282

REBEIRO, Manuel, The Ongoing Debate on Infallibility: Hans Küng’s Contribution ...... 19:307-337 REILLY, Lawrence T., A New Sexuality? Reaction to John McNeill’s “The Church and the Homosexual’’ ...... 6:288-298 RIES, John, Of Truth and Method: Juan Luis Segundo’s Mapping of a Liberating Hermeneutic Circle ...... 22:205-215 RIGALI, Norbert J., Moral Pluralism and Christian Ethics ...... 13:305-321 —, Christian Morality and Universal Morality: The One and the Many 19:18-33 —, On the Humanae Vitae Process: Ethics of Teaching Morality . . . . 23:3-21 RIGAUX, Beda, Law and Grace in Pauline Eschatology ...... 2:329-333 RIKHOF, Herwi, God’s Changeability and Unchangeability: The Vision of Piet Schoonenberg ...... 18:21-37 ROBINSON, Denis, The Mother of Wisdom: Exploring the Parabolic Imperative in the Early Works of John Henry Newman . . . . . 27:153-170 —, An Instrument in His Hand: Newman and a Theology of the Priest- hood ...... 30:137-154 RODES, Robert E., Jr., On Juridical Elements in Theology ...... 28:113-142 ROEBBEN, Bert, To Initiate into a World of Difference: A Design for Dynamic-Integral Values Education ...... 19:338-349 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 165


ROEGIERS, Jan, The Faculty of Theology during the Enlightenment (1730-1797) ...... 5:234-251 ROLHEISER, Ronald, Celibacy and Commitment: A Critical Review of Keith Clark’s “An Experience of Celibacy’’ ...... 9:81-90 ROLL, Susan K., IVORY, Thomas P., “It is a joy for me to do it”: An Appre- ciation of Christiane Brusselmans ...... 17:3-9 ROWELL, Geoffrey, Newman and the Anglican Tradition: Reflections on Tractarianism and the Seventeenth-Century Anglican Divines . . 15:136-150 RUSH, Vincent, Ministry and the Death of the Myth ...... 19:149-162

SABBE, Maurits, The Denial of Peter in the Gospel of John ...... 20:219-240 SAGOVSKY, Nicholas, The Gift of Authority and the Renewal of the Church’s Catholicity ...... 25:232-259 SALZMAN, Todd A., The Basic Goods Theory and Revisionism: A Method- ological Comparison of the Use of Scripture as a Source of Moral Knowledge ...... 26:117-146 SANKS, T. Howland, The Social Mission of the Church: Its Changing Contexts ...... 25:23-48 —, Globalization, Postmodernity and Governance in the Church . . . 28:194-216 SCHALL, James V., The Importance of Political Philosophy to Catholicism: Reflections on Tinder and Salkever ...... 18:56-71 SCHARLE, Theodore, Hope in Ludwig Feuerbach’s Humanist Weltan- schauung ...... 5:149-162 SCHMIDT, Peter, Using the Bible for Peace? A Methodological Reflection on the Use of Bible Citations ...... 12:306-322 SCHOELLES, Patricia A., Discipleship and Liberation Theology: The Critical and Reforming Tendencies of Basic Christian Identity . . 19:46-64 SCHOONENBERG, Piet, Process or History in God? ...... 4:303-319 —, The Doctrine of the Trinity: An Empty Dogma or a Fruitful Theolo- goumenon? ...... 16:195-206 SCHUTH, Katarina, Theological Education for U.S. Seminarians: Diverse Models in a Complex Age ...... 15:370-388 —, A View of the State of the Priesthood in the United States . . . . . 30:8-24 SEBOTHOMA, Wilfred, The Church in South Africa ...... 10:60-68 SEGER, Michael A., The Treatment of Sacred Art in the Catechism: Some Questions and Concerns ...... 22:39-58 SELENSKE, Roy A., Preparing Christian Assent through Contemporary Literature – Camus ...... 1:55-69 SELLING, Joseph A., Moral Teaching, Traditional Teaching and Humanae Vitae ...... 7:24-44 —, The Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect . . . 8:47-62 —, Re-reading Gaudium et Spes on Marriage and the Family ...... 8:82-94 —, Total War, The Use of Force, and Proportionality ...... 11:22-30 —, The Instruction on Respect for Life: I. The Fundamental Metho- dology ...... 12:212-244 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 166


—, The Instruction on Respect for Life: II. Dealing with the Issues . . 12:323-361 —, The Making of Moral Theology: Reflections upon a Noteworthy Study 14:152-160 —, The “Conciliar Process’’ for Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation: The European Experience ...... 14:346-364 —, The Theological Presuppositions of Centesimus Annus ...... 17:35-47 —, Veritatis Splendor and the Sources of Morality ...... 19:3-17 —, Louis Janssens’ Interpretation of Aquinas: A Reply to Recent Criticism 19:65-74 —, Values, Goods and Priorities: Can Law Determine the Pattern? . . . 20:58-64 —, Raymond F. Collins: U.S.A. – K.U.L. – C.U.A...... 20:104-111 —, The “Meanings” of Human Sexuality ...... 23:22-37 —, Proportionate Reasoning and the Concept of Ontic Evil: The Moral Theological Legacy of Louis Janssens ...... 27:3-28 SERVOTTE, Herman, ‘Loss and Gain’: A Grammar of Conversion?15:256-266 SEYNAEVE, Jaak, Newman’s Biblical Hermeneutics ...... 15:282-300 SHANNON, Thomas A., Cloning, Uniqueness, and Individuality . . . . 19:283-306 SIEBENROCK, Roman A., “Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you” (James 4:8): The Development of Karl Rahner’s Theological Thinking in Its First Period ...... 29:28-48 SKOTNICKI, Andrew, Inner City Poverty and the Ethic of Accompaniment 26:50-62 SLUSSER, Michael, The Theology of Technopolis ...... 1:97-114 —, Tradition and the Doing of Theology ...... 9:111-115 SPINA, Douglas J., Toward a Christian Ethic of Love and Personal Respon- sibility in the Area of Human Sexuality ...... 8:63-81 STEEL, Carlos, The Devils’ Faith: Some Considerations on the Nature of Faith in Augustine and Aquinas ...... 13:291-304 STOPA, Spencer, Asking the Unavoidable – Affirming the Unimaginable 2:384-390 STRANGE, Roderick, ‘A Strange Providence’: Newman’s Illness in Sicily . 15:151-165 STUDZINSKI, Raymond, Assimilating the Word: Priestly Spirituality and Lectio Divina ...... 30:70-91 SWIFT, Francis W., An Analysis of the American Theological Reaction to Janssens’ Stand on “The Pill” ...... 1:19-53 SYX, Raoul, Jesus and the Unclean Spirit: The Literary Relation between Mark and Q in the Beelzebul Controversy (Mark 3:20-30 par) . . 17:166-180

TALAR, C. J. T., The Dogmas of Science and the Science of Dogma: The Conventionalism of Édouard Le Roy ...... 12:195-211 TALLON, Andrew, Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Spirit ...... 2:277-281 TANNER, Kathryn, Postmodern Challenges to ‘Tradition’ ...... 28:175-193 TANNER, Mary, The Anglican Position on Apostolic Continuity and Apostolic Succession in the Porvoo Statement ...... 21:114-125 TERRIEN, Lawrence B., Empiricism and Theological Method in the Works of Joseph Butler and George Berkeley ...... 8:170-192 —, Joseph Butler and Arguments for the Existence of God ...... 8:265-285 —, Theology of Ministry: A Review of Recent Literature ...... 9:154-175 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 167


THEKKEKARA, Mathew, A Neglected Idiom in an Overstudied Passage (Phil 2:6-8) ...... 17:306-314 THELAKAT, Paul, God Suffers Evil ...... 14:16-25 THERUKATTIL, George, Christian Ethics of Responsibility: Theologico- Anthropological Methodology of Charles E. Curran in Moral Theology 9:47-60 —, Doing Moral Theology with the Downtrodden and Integral Human Freedom ...... 13:209-231 THILS, Gustave, The Theological Significance of Non-Christian Religions 1:312-322 THOMPSON, Richard W., How is the Law Fulfilled in Us? An Interpreta- tion of Rom 8:4 ...... 11:31-40 TILLMAN, Mary Katherine, The Two-Fold Logos of Newman and Pascal: L’Esprit géometrique ...... 15:233-255 TJØRHOM, Ola, Apostolic Continuity and Apostolic Succession in the Porvoo Common Statement: A Challenge to the Nordic Lutheran Churches...... 21:127-137 TORFS, Rik, The Advocate in the Church: Source of Conflict or Conflict Solver? ...... 25:122-142 —, Church Tribunals secundum and praeter legem ...... 26:346-366 TÓTH, Beáta, ‘Critical’ Theology? Notes on Theological Method . . . . 26:99-116 TRAETS, Cor, The Eucharist and Christian Community: Some Pauline and Augustinian Evidence ...... 12:152-171 TUOHEY, John F., Methodology or Ideology: The Condom and a Consis- tent Sexual Ethic ...... 15:53-69 —, The Implications of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services on the Clinical Practice of Resolving Ectopic Pregnancies ...... 20:41-57

VAN BAVEL, Johannes T., The Anthropology of Augustine ...... 5:34-47 —, What Kind of Church Do You Want? The Breadth of Augustine’s Ecclesiology ...... 7:147-171 —, The Double Face of Love in Augustine ...... 12:116-130 VAN BEECK, Frans Jozef, Worship and Witness: Some New Variations on an Old Theme ...... 27:119-131 VAN BELLE, Gilbert, Dialogue with Tradition: Challenges Confronting Exegesis and Biblical Theology in the 21st Century ...... 28:3-11 VAN DE BEEK, Abraham, To Be Created Precedes Our Creativity . . . . 19:34-45 VANDER STICHELE, Caroline, Is Silence Golden? Paul and Women’s Speech in Corinth ...... 20:241-253 VAN DER VEKEN, Jan, Toward a Dipolar View on the Whole of Reality 7:102-114 —, Theology and Humanism: A New Stage in the Dialogue ...... 7:172-182 —, A Conversation between Charles Hartshorne and Jan Van der Veken 8:129-142 VAN DER VEKEN, Jan, MERKLE, John C., CONNOR, James, GRIMA, George, COLLINS, Raymond F., CREAN, Hugh F., KENZIG, Stephen R., From the Recent Past ...... 6:51-78 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 168


VAN EIJL, Edmond, Louvain’s Faculty of Theology during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries ...... 5:219-233 VAN GERWEN, Jef, Root Metaphors of Society: Linking Sociological and Moral-theological Analysis ...... 11:41-59 —, Christian Faith and (In)Tolerance ...... 16:220-241 VANGHELUWE, Roger, The African Synod: Experiences and Impressions 20:65-72 VAN HAECHT, Louis, Contemporary Philosophy of Man ...... 5:59-66 VAN HEIJST, Annelies, Beyond Dividing Thinking: Solomon’s Judgment and the Wisdom-traditions of Women ...... 19:99-117 VAN LUYN, Adrian H., An Opportunity for Truth and Justice: The Unifi- cation of Europe as a Challenge to Church and University . . . . 28:83-98 VAN NIEUWENHOVE, Jacques, Santo Domingo: Exclusion or Inclusion of Liberation Theology? ...... 18:217-242 VAN NIEUWENHOVE, Rik, Karl Rahner, Theologian of the Experience of God? ...... 29:92-106 VAN OORT, Johannes, New Light on Christian Gnosis ...... 24:21-39 VAN OYEN, Geert, How Do We Know (What There Is To Know)? Criteria for Historical Jesus Research ...... 26:245-267 VAN RIET, Georges, Unbelief Today: Its Christian Source ...... 1:143-157 VAN ROEY, Albert, Contemporary Christological Questions ...... 2:158-169 VANSINA, Frans, Belief in Man and God ...... 4:38-50 —, Silence about God ...... 6:100-127 VERGOTE, Antoon, Secularized Man and Christian Rite ...... 2:141-157 —, Finding God: A Matter of Recovering or Discovering? Reflection on Augustine’s Teaching ...... 12:99-115 VOISS, James K., Karl Rahner, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and the Question of Theological Aesthetics: Preliminary Considerations ...... 29:147-165 VRANA, John G., The Concept of the Common Good in the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church, 1891-1971 ...... 5:360-369

WALGRAVE, Jan H., The Nature and Scope of Theology ...... 4:3-12 —, Religious Experience through Conscience ...... 4:91-114 —, Change in Christian Dogmatic Language ...... 4:245-253 —, The Idea of the Church: Reflections on John Coulson’s “Newman and the Common Tradition’’ ...... 4:265-278 —, History and Theology ...... 4:362-373 —, Man’s Self-Understanding in Christian Theology ...... 5:48-58 —, Experience and Faith ...... 7:3-14 —, Understanding of God according to Thomas Aquinas ...... 7:85-90 —, The Place of Theology Now in the Light of the “Idea of a University’’ 7:239-248 —, “Real’’ and “Notional’’ in Blondel and Newman ...... 12:8-29 WALSH, Jerome T., Grisez on Contraception ...... 1:115-123 —, Biblical Time and the Conjugal Metaphor ...... 2:376-383 —, Being Theologians in a Paradigm-Shift ...... 9:116-121 WALTER, James J., Proportionate Reason and Its Three Levels of Inquiry: Structuring the Ongoing Debate ...... 10:30-40 9770-07_LouvainStud_06-1_08 21-02-2007 09:16 Pagina 169


—, The Meaning and Validity of Quality of Life Judgments in Contem- porary Roman Catholic Medical Ethics ...... 13:195-208 WATKINS, Clare, Objecting to Koinonia: The Question of Christian Discipleship Today – And Why Communion Is Not the Answer . 28:326-343 WATSON, Justin, What the Christian Coalition Really Wants ...... 23:60-77 WEARE, Kenneth M., Engineering Ethics: History, Professionalism, and Contemporary Cases ...... 13:252-271 WIJLENS, Myriam, Theology and the Science of Canon Law: A Historic and Systematic Overview ...... 16:292-311 —, The Church Knowing and Acting: The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law ...... 20:21-40 —, Values and Canon Law ...... 20:393-400 WILSON, William, Cloning and Cloning Technologies: The Case for Nuclear Replacement ...... 24:72-75 WINK, Walter, Jesus and the Nonviolent Struggle of Our Time . . . . . 18:3-20 WISEMAN, James A., Freedom in Jan van Ruusbroec’s “Spiritual Tabernacle’’ 16:59-71 WONG, Emily, 1 Corinthians 13:7 and Christian Hope ...... 17:232-242 WONG, Kasper, “Lord” in 2 Corinthians 10:17 ...... 17:243-253 WONG, Teresa, Christ’s Mind, Paul’s Mind ...... 17:293-305 WORGUL, George S., The Ecclesiology of “The Rite of Christian Initia- tion of Adults’’ ...... 6:159-169 —, Imagination, Ritual and Eucharistic Real Presence ...... 9:198-210 —, Ritual as the Interpreter of Tradition ...... 10:141-150 —, Ritual, Power, Authority and Riddles: The Anthropology of Rome’s Declaration on the Ordination of Women ...... 14:38-61

XERAVITS, Géza, Does the Figure of “Son of Man” Have a Place in the Eschatological Thinking of the Qumran Community? ...... 26:334-345

ZIVICH, John M., Examining the Ethical Enigma ...... 2:282-289