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______.1999. “Right to the End They Didn’t Know Where They Meant to Be Going” [Interview]. Available online at www.seraj.org Originally appeared in Lowr Mehr, Oct. 1999. [Translator: Nilou Mobasser.]

______. 2000. Intellectuals: The Powerless Weilders of Power: A Conversation with Abdol Karim Soroush” Available online at www.seraj.org [Translator: Nilou Mobasser.]

______.2000. “Contraction and Expansion Of Women’s Rights” Zanan Available online at www.seraj.org [Translator: Nilou Mobasser.]

______. 2000. “Types of Religiosity” Kiyan. No 51 Available online at www.seraj.org [Translator: Nilou Mobasser.]

Tajzadeh, Seyed Mostafa. 2000. “Tajzadeh: Dictatorship of Majority is Dangerous and Dictatorshop of Minority is Horrible.” Hayate Nou [Daily] July 9, Vol.1 No. 29:7. Available at www.netiran.com.

Taraqqi, Hamid Reza. 2000. “We Don’t Know the People You are Talking About…” Sobh-e Emruz [Daily]. [With Seyed Esmail Azadi] April No. 394: 6 & 16. Available at www.netiran.com.

Tavakoli, Ahmad. 2001. “One of the Shortcomings of the Right Faction Is Too Little Attention to People.” Nowruz (Morning Daily). No 80. May 13:6-7. Available at www.netiran.com.

Velayati, Ali Akbar. 1998. “Relations with the U.S.: Yes or No?” Qods [Daily]. Feb. 10 & 15. Available at www.netiran.com.

Yazdi, Ebrahim 1998. “Undisclosed Facts About the Revolution and After: An Interview with Ebrahim Yazdi.” Gozaresh [Political, Social and Economics] [Iranian Monthly]. Sept. 19:12-20. Available at www.netiran.com.

Yazdi, Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah. 2002. “Interaction of Government and Religion from Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi’s Point of View.” Resalat. June 17. Vol. 7 No 4747:5. Available at www.netiran.com.

Philosophical/Political Tracts by Iranian and Moslem Leaders

Abduh, Shaykh Muhhamad 1982 “Islam, Reason, and Civilization” in Donohue, John and Esposito, John [editors]) Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford Press. al-Afghani, Sayyid Jamal 1982 “An Islamic Response to Imperialism.” Pp in John Donohue and John Esposito (eds) Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford Press.

al-Banna, Hasan 1982. “The New Renaissance” Pp in John Donohue and John Esposito (eds) Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford Press. 446

Al-Banna Hasan. 1975. Five Tracts of Hasan Al-Banna (1906-1949): A Selection From the Majmu ‘at Rasa il al-Imam al Shahid Hasan al-Banna. translation by Charles Wendell Berkely: University of California Press.

al-Tahtawi, Rifa A Badawi 1982 “Fatherland and Patriotism” Islam in Perspective (Donohue, John and Esposito, John [editors]) Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives. New York: Oxford Press.

Al-e Ahmad, Jalal. [1962] 1981. Gharbzadegi [Plagued by the West and also translated as Westoxification]. Translated by Paul Sprachman. New York: Center for Iranian Studies at Columbia University.

______. [1963] 1988. By The Pen. Translator M.R Ghanoonparvar. Introduction by Micael Craig Hillman. Austin, Texas: Center for Middle Eastern Studies, the University of Texas.

Khalkahali, Sayyid Adb al-Azim Imad al-Ulama. 1988. “A Treatise on the Meaning of Constitutional Government.” Pp 334-353 in Said Amir Arjomand (ed) Authority and Political Culture in Shi’ism. Hamid Dabashi (translator). Albany NY: State University Press.

Khatami, Mohammad. 1997. Hope and Challenge: The Iranian President Speaks. [Translated by Alidad Mafinezam] Binghamton University: Institute of Cultural Studies.

______. 1998. Islam, Liberty and Development. [Translated by Hossein Kamaly] Binghamton University: Institute of Cultural Studies.

Khomeini, Ruhollah al-Musavi. 1949. Forty Hadith: An Exposition on 40 ahadith through the Prophets and his ahl al-Bayt. [Translated by Muhliqa Qara’I and Ali Quli Qara’i]. Qum, Iran: Al-Tawhid. (available online at www.al-islam

______. 1979. Islamic Government. [translated Joint Publications Research Service] New York: Manor Books Inc.

______. 1980. The Revolutionary line of action. Tenran: Great Islamic Library.

______. 1981. Islam and Revolution: Writings and Declarations of Iman Khomeini, translated by Hamid Alger, Berkeley: Mizan Press.

______. 1984. A clarification of questions: translation of the Resaleh towzih al-masael. London: Westview Press.

______. 1989 Last Will and Testament. [translated Muhammad Karbasi]. Washington D.C.: Muslim Student Assiciation [Washington DC Chapter].


______.1995. Imam Khomeini and the Culture of Ashura. International Congress on Imam Khomeini and the Culture of Ashura. Teheran Iran: Institute for the Compilation and Publication of Works of Imam Khomeini, International Affairs Department.

Larijani, Mohammad Javad. 1999. “Democracy is Closer to Islam Than Other Models of Governance.” Payame Emruz [Monthly]. Nov., No. 34:18-24. Available at www.netiran.com.

Mutahhari, Murtada [Ayatollah] Western Nationalism and Islamic Nationhood. [Translated by Dr. Wahid Akhtar]. Qum, Iran: Al-Tawhid. Available online at www.al-islam.

______. Nd. Women and Her Rights [Translated MA Ansari] Qum, Iran: Islamic Seminary Publications. Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project. Available online at www.al- islam.

______. Nd The Causes Responsible for the Materialist Tendencies in the West [4 parts] [Translated by Mujahid Husayn]. Qum, Iran:Al-Tawhid. Available online at www.al- islam.

______. [1960] The Awaited Savoir. Qum, Iran: Al-Tawhid. Available online at www.al- islam

______. Nd. Man and Universe Qum, Iran: Al-Tawhid. Available online at www.al-islam.

______. Nd. “The Principle of Ijtihad in Islam.” [translator: John Copper] Al Serat Vol X No.1. Available online at www.al-islam.

______. Nd. “The Role of Reason in Ijtihad” [translator: Mahliqa Qara’i] Al-Tawhid Vol IV No.2. Available online at www.al-islam.

______. Nd. “The Role of Reason in Ijtihad” [translator: Mahliqa Qara’i] Al-Tawhid Vol IV No.3. Available online at www.al-islam.

Nabavi, Behzad. 1998. “Suggestion of Conflict Between Freedom and Security and Values is the Joint Scenario of the System and Opponents of Mr. Khatami” Salaam [Daily]. Dec. 20:1 & 8. Available at www.netiran.com.

Nouri, Abdullah. 1998. “Protest Meetings are Free Unless They Undermine Islamic Foundations.” Salaam & Hamshahri. March 5:1,2 & 15. Available at www.netiran.com.

Nuri, Shayky Fadl Allah. 1988. “Book of Admonition to the Heedless and Guidance to the Ignorant.” Pp 354-370 in Said Amir Arjomand (ed) Authority and Political Culture in Shi’ism. Hamid Dabashi (translator). Albany NY: State University Press.


Riza, Sayyid Muhammad n.d. Shi’ism: Immamate and Wiliyat. Ontario, Canada: Al Mo’aruf Books and Al Tawhid: Jourbal of Islamic Thought and Culture. Available online at www.al-islam.

Soroush, Abdol Karim 2000. Reason, Freedom, & Democracy in Islam: Essential Writings of . Translated and Edited by Mahmoud Sadri and Ahmad Sadri. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Tabataba’i, Allamah Muhammad Husayn. 1975. Shi’ite Islam. Hossein Nasr (editor and translator). London: George Allen and Unwin. Also available at Al-Tawhid online www.al-islam.

______. 1988. “Taqiyyah” Pp 203-205 in Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Hamid Dabashi and Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr (eds). Shi’ism: Doctrines, Thought and Spirituality. (eds) Albany NY: State University Press.


The Iranian at http://www.iranian.com/today.html

NetIran Weekly Journal. Feb. at www.netiran.com

Iran Daily. http://www.iran-daily.com/

Iran News. http://www.iran-news.com/

Iran News Agency. At http://www.irna.com

Khameini, Ali. Office of the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Ali Khameini] and his speeches are available at: Islam-pure.de/imam/speeches/

Khatami, Mohamed. Office of the Iranian Presidency. Press conferences, speeches and interviews are available at: www. President.ir/khatami/

NetIran Weekly Journal 2000. “List of Candidates Elected by People for the Sixth Term of the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majlis), and Their Party Affiliation.” Feb. 27.

New York Times. The CIA report: "CLANDESTINE SERVICE HISTORY, OVERTHROW OF PREMIER MOSSADEQ OF IRAN, November 1952-August 1953." Made available on June 16, 2000. http://www.nytimes.com/library/world/mideast/041600iran-cia-index.html

Soroush, Abdol Karim. Interviews from 1998-2001 are available at http://www.seraj.org. Many were originally presented in the Iranian journal Kiyan. 449

Tawhid. This is an Iranian scholarly journal which also publishes primary text of Iranian religious social thinkers. It is available at: http://www.al-islam.org.

Tehran Times. http://www.tehrantimes.com/