s p ec i e s c h a m p i o n CHAMPIONS RACHAEL MASKELL OF THE Constituency York Central s Champions Tansy beetle I’ve had an interest in wildlife River Ouse. As the species all my life – I’m an outdoors champion, I’ve been to where kind of person and grew up it lives in my constituency, COMMONS in the country, so to have talked to academics who a species that is so unique carry out research and to the constituency and I promote it at needs protection seemed every opportunity. FROM THE HEDGEHOG TO THE HEN an incredible HARRIER, MPs ACT AS CHEERLEADERS opportunity. The FOR THE UK’S RAREST SPECIES, BUT ASIDE tansy beetle is FROM GIVING THEM A PHOTO OP IN A about 1cm long, an iridescent LOCAL NEWSPAPER, DOES IT BENEFIT green colour, and THE WILDLIFE? ASKS JAMES FAIR – apart from a small population in East Anglia t’s a blisteringly hot day in seat in Parliament, and the – is only found Central London in early hedgehog, in England at least, along a short July, and some 40 people no longer has a champion. stretch of the are listening attentively to If you include 93 Members Inatural history TV presenter of the Scottish Parliament Steve Backshall handing out (MSPs) and 32 Welsh Assembly head fritillary [the species he “I think 80 per cent of our gongs to MPs. First up is a special Members (AMs), along with champions] or the lapwing environmental protection mention for Oliver Colvile. 39 MPs in the House of or many of the species that stems from Europe,” she says. “Oliver is well known as a Commons, 164 of our elected colleagues are talking about “Whenever I’ve raised this, champion of the hedgehog,” politicians are so-called species today were to go extinct, even in I’ve had assurances from the says Backshall to low murmurs champions, cheerleaders for our constituencies, let alone the Government that we aren’t of appreciation from the some of our rarest wildlife. such as raising questions with s p ec i e s c h a m p i o n country,” he tells his colleagues. going trade away those rights audience. “He frequently I LOVE ministers or initiating a debate. and what replaces them will be mentions hedgehogs in debates ANIMAL ADVOCATES ❝ THE IDEA We also encourage them to get DEREK THOMAS BREXIT ON THE HORIZON as good, if not better, than the and – it says here – has gained Mammals, birds, reptiles, YOU CAN BE out into the field and see their There are many people who EU standard.” ‘a degree of notoriety over it’. amphibians, insects, fish, species on site visits.” Constituency West Cornwall & The Isles of Scilly may feel justified in taking what But calls for an environment I love the idea that you can be trees and wildflowers are DEBATING This, many do enthusiastically. Champions Manx Shearwater Benyon – or, indeed, any MP protection act, she says, in the middle of a debate about all championed. Species Overall winner Rachael Maskell – says about protecting wildlife went unheeded, and the the NHS or immigration, and represented include the obvious THE NHS AND – Labour MP for York Central with an unhealthy pinch of salt, appointment of Michael Gove suddenly Oliver shouts out, ‘But (badgers, by Colin Smyth MSP), OLIVER SHOUTS, and champion for the beautiful Every MP likes to celebrate from the EU, and they want given the record governments as Environment Secretary she what about the hedgehog?’” the obscure (the striped lychnis ‘WHAT ABOUT tansy beetle – regularly visits something about their to make sure that this kind of have over recent decades of finds worrying. “Some things And it’s certainly true moth, by Steve Brine MP) and the parts of the River Ouse in constituency that’s unique work is still funded. So when failing to reverse wildlife declines. he’s said in the past, about that Colvile has done much the ornate (the pearl-bordered HEDGEHOGS?’” her constituency that are, just and exciting, and Manx people do talk about how This issue is raised by Kerry regulations being red tape and a to raise the plight of the fritillary butterfly, by Russell about, the only place in the UK shearwaters do that for me. we can make Brexit work for McCarthy, Labour MP for burden, concern me.” species, including launching George AM). where it is found. Matt Warman, People are nervous about the UK, it’s got to be more East and species champion for But she indicates around the a petition to enhance They range from the largest meanwhile, the Conservative how we navigate our exit than about jobs and farm the swift. Last year’s State of room and says: “It’s good that its legal protection. – the blue whale, which has a UK endemic only found in MP for Boston and Skegness, subsidies, it’s got Nature report wasn’t so much a there are Conservative as well as Though the petition the MSP Kenneth Gibson as four locations in the world and receives the ‘Muddy Welly’ award to be about how we wake-up call to the authorities, Labour MPs championing these subsequently failed its advocate on the grounds just 2.5mm long, which has the for spending a day helping with continue to protect as a final plea for action, but species. Richard Benyon’s good. to attract the 100,000 that the waters between Conservative MP for South West a redshank survey at the RSPB’s these species there are some politicians who We’ll be putting Gove on the signatures it needed Shetland and the Faroes Devon, , proudly Frampton Marsh reserve. and allow them to believe in the need to relax nature spot soon.” to force a debate are important fighting its corner. Introducing the awards blossom. Tourism legislation in order to create jobs Talking to both Conservative in parliament, it habitat – to “This is a way of engaging ceremony, Richard Benyon, the is our bread and and boost the economy. and Labour MPs (neither the gained a great the smallest: MPs with nature and species in Conservative MP and former butter in West Along with many sole Liberal Democrat nor deal of media the horrid their constituencies,” says Sarah environment minister in the Cornwall, and we conservationists, McCarthy is Green MP who are species coverage. ground- Whitebread, a parliamentary coalition Government, speaks know that properly concerned about what happens champions were present) it And then, weaver spider, advocate for the RSPB. “We passionately about the dire thought-out and as the Government repeals was clear those who attended at the General hope to raise awareness of straits in which much of our funded legislation legislation that stems from EU were serious about their Election in June, Newbury MP Richard threats to wildlife, and give MPs wildlife finds itself. “What an really works. membership and replaces it responsibility to protect Benyon champions but Art; R Benyon: Plantlife; D Thomas: Chris McAndrew/UK Parliament/Creative Parliament/Creative Thomas: Chris McAndrew/UK D Plantlife; Art; R Benyon: é but George/D Patrick by Illustration Falk/Buglife beetle: Steven tansy Buglife; R Maskell: Chris Gomersall/; Manx shearwater: Commons; Colvile lost his ideas for action they can take, affront it would be if the snake’s with new national laws. wildlife and the environment, the snake's head fritillary. 58 BBC Wildlife September 2017 September 2017 BBC Wildlife 59 AGENDA ANALYSIS

s p ec i e s c h a m p i o n Network. “If you can get someone to buy into an issue, THE IDEA KERRY McCARTHY you get more of their time,” ❝ OF SPECIES he says. “Someone who is a CHAMPIONS IS Constituency Bristol East H Champions Swift species champion is likely to be speaking about it to ministers A GOOD ONE, and will get traction with BUT PROOF OF The RSPB asked if I the home they’ve got with newspapers or TV. That gives would champion the swift swift boxes. It took them you a direct route into both the THE PUDDING because it’s an urban bird years to attract the swifts, House of Commons and the IS IN THE and I represent an urban but they’ve got webcams national media, and that’s far constituency. I hooked up now and it’s absolutely more credible than what any LEGISLATING." with a group called Bristol fascinating. We had an event policy officer might say.” Swifts and went to see at Bristol Zoo, and architects The real question, says the were talking about writer, blogger and former how you can make Conservation Director of the The cirl bunting champion sure all new-builds RSPB, Mark Avery, is whether MP Sarah Wollaston, have swift boxes any of this talk will be translated Conservative MP for Totnes, in them, which into positive outcomes. The receives praise for mentioning is something idea of species champions is a the species as one that I’m very keen to good one, but the proof of the has benefitted from agri- push with Bristol pudding will be in the debating environment schemes and so Council. I think and the legislating. arguing the case for subsidies Exeter’s done it “Let’s say HS2 is going to that protect nature. “Being a and a few damage some pipistrelle roosts species champion changes the other places. and habitats,” he says. “Will dynamic,” says Shardlow. “MPs any of them, in a debate, bring feel ownership of something.” up the species? To what extent Still, democracy is an will they actually represent this unpredictable beast, and no MP particularly in the light of our the RSPB (which all support the species in parliament when a is going to base their re-election departure from the EU, and species champions initiative) serious issue comes up?” at the next General Election were broadly knowledgeable come in, providing policy This does happen, says Matt on championing the ruderal about the issues. and briefing papers to help Shardlow of Buglife. He cites bumblebee (Daniel Zeichner, But nature protection is a interested and supportive MPs. the example of the former MSP Labour MP for Cambridge) or complex issue, so how can we Mary Scanlon, who championed the violet click beetle (Harriett expect our MPs to understand ACHIEVING CREDIBILITY the pearl mussel until she left Baldwin, Conservative MP for the habitat requirements of It also helps if an MP, MSP or Holyrood. “She phoned us up West Worcestershire). a dormouse or the possible AM has been out in the field and said there was a hydropower The skylark – which has impact of an offshore wind and understands the nuts and bill going through next week, declined by 60 per cent in 50 farm on seabirds? Of course, bolts of coalface conservation, so what did she need to say. We years – doesn’t currently have a that’s where wildlife groups according to Mark Holmes of worked out what impact it might sponsor because Conservative such as Buglife, Plantlife and the Conservative Environment have on the pearl mussel.” Neil Carmichael lost his Stroud seat this year. With fundamental changes to the way we subsidise farming looming after we leave K McCarthy: Allstar Picture Library/Alamy; swift: Paul Sawer/FLPA; R Pow: Chris McAndrew/UK s p ec i e s c h a m p i o n the EU, it will be needing one, and the RSPB says it has a few MPs under consideration. Parliament/Creative Commons; snipe: Henny Brandsma/Minden Pictures/FLPA REBECCA POW Whoever says yes will have a Constituency Deane H Champions Snipe chance to be a real champion, and maybe get a gong from Steve Backshall. I’m passionate about the environment and work a lot with the RSPB, the Wildlife Trusts and farmers, and I + thought I would like to highlight the very good work FIND OUT MORE Species champions: the RSPB is doing on the Levels, where they have changed the habitat [in West Sedgemoor uk/specieschampions reserve] to encourage more snipe to breed. I went (England); www.scotlink. down there with my husband and the RSPB guys org/work-areas/ to see if we could spot any, and we heard them species-champions drumming with their feathers. I’d never heard it (Scotland); before – people try to explain it to you, and it means nothing until you hear it for yourself. champions (Wales)

60 BBC Wildlife September 2017