THE NUMEC REPORT Declassified Documents Reveal Depth of Israeli Theft of U.S

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THE NUMEC REPORT Declassified Documents Reveal Depth of Israeli Theft of U.S THE NUMEC REPORT Declassified Documents Reveal Depth of Israeli Theft of U.S. Nuclear Materials BY JOHN FRIEND & A MERICAN FREE PRESS INTRODUCTION corrupt political establishment, and none of the culprits have been brought to justice. ecently declassified documents published by Israel, the self-proclaimed Jewish state, has a long, the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern well-documented history of engaging in industrial, mili - Policy ( prove beyond a shadow tary and political espionage against the United States. of a doubt that the state of Israel engaged in Agents, assets, puppets and partisans of the Zionist Ra covert operation in which agents operating regime occupying Palestine have long had a major influ - on her behalf stole highly enriched nuclear material from ence —some would say a lock —on American foreign and an American nuclear power facility in Apollo, Pennsyl - domestic policy. Espionage, political blackmail and cor - vania during the 1960s. The massive theft of nuclear ma - ruption and a wide variety of other criminal misdeeds terial was smuggled to Israel for use in its clandestine carried out by Israel’s agents and partisans dominating nuclear weapons program. The documents published re - the American political and media establishment have veal that this nuclear theft operation was , in fact , discov - been effectively covered up and kept out of view of the ered and investigated by leading federal law enforcement American public. Israel is portrayed as “America ’s great - agencies, including the FBI, along with federal intelli - est ally ” and the only “democracy ” in the Middle East, gence agencies, such as the CIA, and was well known at when in reality Israel has subverted and abused the the highest levels of the United States federal govern - United States of America, all the while receiving hun - ment. However, the operation has largely been down - dreds of billions of dollars in foreign and military aid in played and covered up by the controlled media and the process, not to mention unwavering diplomatic and Keystone Generating Station in Apollo, PA 2 | THE NUMEC REPORT • AMERICAN FREE PRESS • 1-888-699-NEWS • WWW.AMERICANFREEPRESS.NET political support in the international arena. ling the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation Israel has even attacked the United States on multiple (NUMEC), as well as their criminally negligent behavior occasions. The 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty , in that has resulted in unspeakable environmental and which 34 American servicemen were murdered and an - health damages to the people of Apollo and the surround - other 174 wounded, is a prime example. Readers of ing area, will be outlined. The shameful coverup by the AMERICAN FREE PRESS are all too familiar with the sordid federal government, American political establishment details of that outrageous affair, and the manner in which and mass media of this sordid affair will be exposed as it was allowed to take place and subsequently covered well. up at the highest levels of the American political, military and media establishment. TOP GEOPOLITICAL AND MILITARY GOAL More recently, evidence suggests that Israel played a central role in organizing and executing the attacks in Since its inception, Israeli leaders and military strate - New York City and Washington, D.C. on Sept . 11, 2001. gists have largely based their geopolitical and military Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a Marine Corps veteran and former strategy around acquiring nuclear technology and director of studies with the Strategic Studies Institute at weapons. Essentially, Israel ’s entire national security pol - the U.S. Army War College, has written and spoken ex - icy, from the very beginning, was based around the ac - tensively about Israel’s role in the events of 9-11, and the quisition of weapons of mass destruction, particularly a way in which the Jewish state has benefitted in the after - nuclear weapon, a fact that is well documented by main - math of that horrific event. stream and alternative journalists and researchers alike, “Only two intelligence agencies had the expertise, as - including AFP ’s own Michael Collins Piper , whose book sets, access and political protection to execute 9-11 in The Golem is required reading on this subject. the air and on the ground: our CIA and Israel ’s Mossad,” Beginning in the early 1960s, efforts were made by Is - wrote Sabrosky. “Only one had the incentive, using the rael to acquire nuclear technology from the West — ‘who benefits ’ principal: Mossad. And that incentive covertly and overtly—which resulted in the illegal theft dovetailed perfectly with the neocons ’ agenda and ex - of nuclear material and technology from the Nuclear Ma - plicitly expressed need for a catalytic event to mobilize terials and Equipment Corporation, known as the the American public for the wars, using American mili - NUMEC , nuclear facility based in Apollo, Pa ., details of tary power to destroy Israel ’s enemies. Thus, the evi - which are still coming to light after years of suppression dential trail for 9-11 and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq by the federal government. runs from PNAC, AIPAC and their cohorts , through the Following the establishment of the Jewish state, mostly Jewish neo-cons in the Bush Administration and which came shortly after WWII and the much bally - back to the Israeli government.” hooed —and, in many cases, entirely fabricated — The ugly details relating to Israel’s subversion, violent “crimes ” against the Jewish people in Europe collectively attacks and espionage carried out against the United known as the “Holocaust ,” Israeli leaders and interna - States are well documented and well established at this tional Zionist organizations were primarily concerned point. However, the vast majority of the American people with maintaining, solidifying and expanding their newly remain largely ignorant of these facts due to the failure acquired territory in Palestine and protecting their peo - of the controlled mass media, which is owned largely by ple living there. Surrounded by hostile nations and im - organized Jewish financial and political interests with di - bued with a hysterical zeal to ensure another “Holocaust ” rect ties to the Zionist regime occupying Palestine, to re - would never again be committed against the Jewish peo - port, expose and analyze this information. ple, the leaders of world Zionism sought to acquire and In this special report, we will investigate and expose possess the weapons and technology that would guaran - the fact that Israel, working in collusion with American tee their safety and wellbeing. Of course, obtaining nu - Zionists, stole and diverted hundreds of kilograms — clear technology and nuclear weapons were a top roughly 600 pounds —of highly enriched uranium from a priority for international Jewry and their newly created nuclear facility based in Apollo, Pa . for its clandestine state in the Middle East. nuclear weapons program. This theft was discovered and Much has been written about Israel ’s nuclear ambi - investigated by federal law enforcement and intelligence tions over the years, including important contributions agencies, and was well known in elite political circles. by Jewish and Israeli authors. In 1991, the reputable However, the entire operation has been and continues mainstream journalist Seymour Hersh, who is Jewish to be largely covered up and ignored by the mass media. himself , authored The Samson Option , exposing and de - The brazen criminal actions of those owning and control - tailing Israel ’s nuclear aspirations and objectives. Follow - WWW.AMERICANFREEPRESS.NET • 1-888-699-NEWS • AMERICAN FREE PRESS • THE NUMEC REPORT | 3 ing in Hersh ’s footsteps, Israeli journalist Avner Cohen a people. Israel and its worldwide network of agents, as - authored Israel and the Bomb in 1999, which provided sets and puppets would stop at nothing to acquire what even more details of Israel ’s nuclear program and how was necessary to develop and build a nuclear weapon, Israeli leaders viewed the acquisition of nuclear technol - including the technology, material, know-how and facil - ogy and weapons as a cornerstone of their geopolitical ities. Covert programs were developed to acquire the ma - and military agenda. terials and technology necessary for nuclear weapons In his book, Cohen elaborates on the role David Ben production, and clandestine networks were created to Gurion , a“Founding Father ” and the first prime minister transfer or smuggle stolen nuclear technology and mate - of Israel, played in formulating Israeli military and geopo - rial to the Jewish state for weapons production. litical policy, and his overall worldview. Cohen wrote: ZIONIST ORGANIZATION OF AMERICA & NUMEC Imbued with the lessons of the Holocaust, Ben Gurion was consumed by fears for Israel ’s secu - Zalman Shapiro, a Jewish chemist and staunch Zionist rity. who was the president of the Pennsylvania chapter of the In his public speeches and writings as prime Zionist Organization of America, has long been at the minister Ben Gurion rarely discussed the Holo - center of the NUMEC affair, in which hundreds of kilo - caust. In private conversations and communica - grams of weapons-grade, highly enriched uranium went tions with foreign leaders, however, he returned to missing from the Apollo nuclear facility during the 1960s the lessons of the Holocaust time and again. under Shapiro ’s direction. Anxiety about the Holocaust reached beyond IRmep ’s Israel Lobby Archive , perhaps the best Ben Gurion to infuse Israeli military thinking. The source of information relating to the destructive and sub - destruction of Israel defined the ultimate horizon versive role the network of pro-Israel lobbying organiza - of the threat against Israel. Israeli military plan - tions and Israeli agents and assets have had and continue ners have always considered a scenario in which a to have on American foreign and domestic policy, has united Arab military coalition launched a war published a wide variety of documents, often obtained against Israel with the aim of liberating Palestine through Freedom of Information Act requests, relating and destroying the Jewish state.
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