1091168-000-117-2564 Section 7
UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON. D.C. 20545 I'I1'. T,~ ) j ALL FBI INFOP1~TIOM CO~ITAI~~D ]\lr {'.'.(1 1\1;,. 'k DATE 03-13-2009 BY 60324 u.c bawl-~ M· '1 Mt. \" .. "-1"1 Honorable J. Edgar Hoover, Director i'\l ~ Tel p , f;'1fll1" Federal Bureau of Investigation l\Ji~3 1,; "_ U. S. D~partment of Justice Miss GanJy _ Washington, D. C. 20535 \, Dear Mr. Hoover: Reference is made to FBI memorandum dated February 3~1 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, concerning Dr. Zalman M. Sh 1 a~).J io. 1/ ~~~~~~~~t~--,h FBI Headqu t rs, L~-;r----...1.i;i~u...._-l----,~~;--.,...-:;-:~ b6 of my staff, n er- b7e on March 4, 1971, in Reading ~v--a-n~i-a-.--~A~s-u-mm--a-r--y~of the interview is enclosed. I wish tr exyress my anrreciation for the courtesies ex • i n ed to andL _ by Special Agent I lof th R ading, i,pennsYlvania, F~I Office. I.would aPTreciate t't if you lexpress my gratltude to Speclal AgentL . i 1 Sincerely, ~ ee' .7... '--- William T. Riley, Dir Division of Security Enclosure: Interview of 1 I<Cy 1, Series AY riEe· 30 TillS malenal contaiflS alion a1fecting tIM national defense 01 the StltllS witll1n Ih" me8rllllg of Uti espio S, Title 18, 11.5£., Sees. 793 and 794, the ra miSSIOf1 or reveliftioo of which in all)' mannef t a unauthonzed person IS pfotllbited by taw. X.b.ia do ALL FBI INFOP11ATION CO~ITAI~~D onsiata of _ :2.::::.
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