Myrtle Rust reviewed The impacts of the invasive plant pathogen Austropuccinia psidii on the Australian environment R. O. Makinson 2018 DRAFT CRCPLANTbiosecurity CRCPLANTbiosecurity © Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre, 2018 ‘Myrtle Rust reviewed: the impacts of the invasive pathogen Austropuccinia psidii on the Australian environment’ is licenced by the Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre for use under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Australia licence. For licence conditions see: This Review provides background for the public consultation document ‘Myrtle Rust in Australia – a draft Action Plan’ available at Author contact details R.O. Makinson1,2
[email protected] 1Bob Makinson Consulting ABN 67 656 298 911 2The Australian Network for Plant Conservation Inc. Cite this publication as: Makinson RO (2018) Myrtle Rust reviewed: the impacts of the invasive pathogen Austropuccinia psidii on the Australian environment. Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra. Front cover: Top: Spotted Gum (Corymbia maculata) infected with Myrtle Rust in glasshouse screening program, Geoff Pegg. Bottom: Melaleuca quinquenervia infected with Myrtle Rust, north-east NSW, Peter Entwistle This project was jointly funded through the Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre and the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program. The Plant Biosecurity CRC is established and supported under the Australian Government Cooperative Research Centres Program. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This review of the environmental impacts of Myrtle Rust in Australia is accompanied by an adjunct document, Myrtle Rust in Australia – a draft Action Plan. The Action Plan was developed in 2018 in consultation with experts, stakeholders and the public. The intent of the draft Action Plan is to provide a guiding framework for a specifically environmental dimension to Australia’s response to Myrtle Rust – that is, the conservation of native biodiversity at risk.