THOMAS 1. CLARKE Director, Division of Mining and Reclamation West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Appellee.


Action Complained Of: The Appellants named above respectfully represent that they are aggrieved by:

1) The renewal ofWV/NPDES Permit WVlO08285 on September 14,2012 in violation of regulations and guidance for the evaluation of the reasonable potential of a discharge to exceed water quality standards;

2) The renewal ofWV/NPDES Permit WVI008285 on September 14,2012 to Alex Energy, Inc. without final and effective selenium limits to ensure compliance with applicable state water quality standards.

Relief Requested: The Appellants therefore pray that this matter be reviewed and that the Board grant the following relief:

An order vacating WV/NPDES Permit WVlO08285 and directing Appellee:

1) To conduct a proper reasonable potential analysis for selenium;

2) To modifY the permit to include enforceable selenium limits which will ensure compliance with all applicable water quality standards; and

3) Any other relief the Board deems appropriate. Specific objections: The specific objections to the above actions, including questions offact and law to be determined by the Board, are set forth in detail in separate numbered paragraphs attached hereto.

Amendment of this Notice of Appeal may be had only by leave of the Board, and only for good cause shown.

Dated this 10th day of September 2012.

AMY G A WSON (WV Bar No. 11420) JOSEPH LOVETT (W.Va. Bar No. 6926) Counsel for Appellants Appalachian Mountain Advocates P.O. Box 507 Lewisburg, WV 24901 (304) 629-8633


I) Appellant Sierra Club is a nonprofit corporation incorporated in California, with more than 600,000 members nationwide and approximately 2,000 members who reside in West

Virginia and belong to the West Virginia Chapter. The Sierra Club is dedicated to exploring, enjoying, and protecting the wild places of the Earth; to practicing and promoting the responsible use of the Earth's resources and ecosystems; to educating and enlisting humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to using all lawful means to carry

out these objectives. The Sierra Club's concerns encompass the exploration, enjoyment and protection of surface waters in West Virginia.

2) Appellant Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition is a nonprofit organization incorporated in Ohio. Its principal place of business is in Huntington, West Virginia. It has approximately 1,500 members. Its mission is to organize and maintain a diverse grassroots organization dedicated to the improvement and preservation of the environment through education, grassroots organizing, coalition building, leadership development and media outreach.

The Coalition has focused on water quality issues and is a leading source of information about water pollution in West Virginia.

3) Appellant West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, Inc. is a nonprofit grassroots

membership organization whose volunteer board and approximately 1,600 members work for the

conservation and wise management of West Virginia'S natural resources. Incorporated in West

Virginia in 1967 it is one of the state's oldest environmental advocacy organizations and for over

four decades has been a leader in citizen efforts to protect West Virginia'S people, land and water

resources from the harmful effects of coal mining. 4) Appellants' members use and enjoy the area and streams near the Whitman No.3

Surface Mine, including the streams that will receive discharges from the outlets covered by the associated NPDES permits. Their aesthetic environmental and recreational interests will be adversely affected by the mine's environmental impacts, including discharges of water pollutants associated with coal mining.


5) WV/NPDES Permit WVI008285 authorizes discharges from Alex Energy, Inc.'s

Whitman No.3 Surface Mine in Logan County of West Virginia near the town of Whitman.

6) Outlets 003, 005, and 006 ofWV/NPDES Permit WVI008285 discharge effluent from surface runoff and mine discharge from Whitman No.3 Surface Mine.

7) Outlets 003, 005, and 006 of WV /NPDES Permit WVl 008285 discharge into

Whitman Creek.

8) Whitman Creek is listed on the WVDEP's 2010 and Draft 2012 303(d) lists as biologically impaired and on the Draft 2012 303(d) list as impaired for selenium. Trace Fork of

Copperas Mine Fork, another receiving stream ofWV/NPDES Permit WVI008285, is also on the WVDEP's Draft 2012 303(d) list as biologically and selenium impaired.

9) Left Fork of Right Fork of Trace Fork is just over the ridge from WV/NPDES

Permit WVI008285, and it is on the WVDEP's 2010 303(d) list as impaired for selenium.

10) Selenium sampling conducted for the WV/NPDES Permit WVI008285 reissuance produced a selenium sample at Outlet 003 of 3.34 Ilg/l.

11) The sampling from Outlet 003 served as a representative sample for Outlets 005 and 006 in the reissuance ofWV/NPDES Permit WVI008285. 12) Whitman No.3 Surface Mine is permitted to operate in seams associated with high concentrations of selenium, including the Stockton and 5-Block coal seams.

13) Alex Energy operates an adjacent mine, mining permit number S505389. That mine also discharges to Whitman Creek with consistent discharges exceeding the water quality criteria for selenium, reaching concentrations of 16.7 I-lgll. .

14) Despite the above facts, available to the permit writer, the most recent reissuance of WVINPDES Permit WVI 008285 did not include either limits or monitoring for selenium at any outlet.


1. The WVDEP Failed to Properly Conduct the Necessary Analysis to Determine-if Discharges from Permit WVI008285 have the Reasonable Potential To Cause or Contribute to Violations of the Applicable Water Quality Criteria for Selenium

15) In order to protect water quality and ensure compliance with applicable water quality standards, federal regulations applicable to West Virginia's NPDES program provide:

Each NPDES permit shall include conditions meeting the following requirements when applicable .... (d) Water quality standards and State requirements: any requirements in addition to or more stringent than promulgated effluent limitations guidelines or standards under sections 301, 304, 306, 307, 318, and 405 ofCWAnecessaryto: ... (1) Achieve water quality standards established under section 303 of the CWA, including State narrative criteria for water quality.

(i) Limitations must control all pollutants or pollutant parameters (either conventional, nonconventional, or toxic pollutants) which the Director determines are or may be discharged at a level which will cause, have the reasonable potential to cause, or contribute to an excursion above any State water quality standard, including State narrative criteria for water quality.

(ii) When determining whether a discharge causes, has the reasonable potential to cause, or contributes to an in-stream excursion above a narrative or numeric criteria within a State water quality standard, the permitting authority shall use procedures which account for existing controls on point and nonpoint sources of pollution, the variability of the pollutant or pollutant parameter in the effluent, the sensitivity of the species to toxicity testing (when evaluating whole effluent toxicity), and where appropriate, the dilution of the effluent in the receiving water.

(iii) When the permitting authority determines, using the procedures in paragraph (d)(1 )(ii) of this section, that a discharge causes, has the reasonable potential to cause, or contributes to an in-stream excursion above the allowable ambient concentration of a State numeric criteria within a State water quality standard for an individual pollutant, the permit must contain effluent limits for that pollutant.

40 C.F.R 122.44 (applicable to state NPDES programs pursuant to 40 C.F.R. § 123.25).

16) The U.s. EPA has developed guidance for the performance ofa reasonable

. potential analysis on toxic pollutants such as selenium. See EPA Office of Water, Technical

Support Document for Water Quality-based Toxics Control. § 3 March 1991. Pursuant to this

guidance a reasonable potential analysis may be conducted with or without effluent data, but all

available information should be taken into account. Id. at § 3.1.3.

17) Variability of effluent in a discharge must be taken into account as a principal part

of any reasonable potential analysis performed using effluent data. Id. at § 3.3.2. EPA uses a

statistical approach to assess variability and apply it to the measured effluent data. Under this

approach a minimum of ten samples is needed to reliably establish a coefficient of variance. Id.

at §§ 3.3.2; 5.5.3. Ifless than ten data points are used then a default coefficient of variance can

be used based on the typical variability of effluents measured by the EPA.

18) Using the default coefficient of variance and the statistical method employed by

EPA to determine reasonable potential to violate the numeric water quality for selenium, the

permit writer would have determined a reasonable potential exists to violate selenium limits at

Outlets 003, 005, and 006.

19) Upon information and belief, Plaintiffs allege that the variability of selenium in

discharges is greater than that of typical toxic pollutants contributing to the default coefficient of variance in EPA's guidance. As such, other information and data, such as those described in

EPA's Technical Support Document for Toxics Control should be taken into account when there is insufficient sampling to establish a site-specific coefficient of variance (in other words, when there are less than ten samples).

20) The WVDEP has come up with its own guidance for evaluating the reasonable potential for selenium discharges on a mining operation to violate selenium water quality criteria in the absence of reliable effluent data. EPA has recognized that alternative analyses may be used when there is an absence of reliable effluent data. DEP has developed selenium guidance which may be used in such a situation.

21) WVDEP guidance provides that a proposed activity should be presumed to have a reasonable potential to violate selenium water quality criteria:

1) "The proposed mining is in the Winifrede to Upper No.5 Block Coal seam interval. ..." or;

2) "Site-specific or adjacent water quality data (associated with mining in the same geologic strata) shows concentrations equal to or more than 5 Ilg/l. This water data may include, but is not limited to . . . data from DEP Trend Stations, DMRs and DEP Stream Assessments ..." or;

3) "[I]f the receiving stream for a proposed discharge is listed on the operable Section 303(d) List for use impairment related to selenium ..."

WVDEP Division of Mining and Reclamation, Permit Handbook (July 1999).

22) This presumption for a reasonable potential to violate selenium water quality criteria can only be overcome through appropriate core sampling. Id.

23) "If the total selenium concentration of any strata [tested from the core sample] is equal to or greater than 1 mg/kg, then the activity will be deemed to have reasonable potential to violate selenium WQC ..." Id. 24) Applying the DEP's mining guidance for selenium would have resulted in a finding of a reasonable potential to violate selenium water quality criteria at Outlets 003, 005, and 006.

25) The WVDEP did not perform any justifiable reasonable potential analysis for selenium discharged on WV/NPDES Permit WVI008285.

2. The Permit Does Not Contain Selenium Limits Necessary to Ensure Compliance with Water Quality Standards

26) Appellants incorporate by reference all allegations made in paragraphs I through

25 supra.

27) Both the Clean Water Act and West Virginia Water Pollution Control Act require compliance with both numeric and narrative water quality standards. 33 U.S.C. § 1313; W.Va.

Code § 22-11-7b; 47 C.S.R. § 47-1-1 et seq .

. 28) A permit cannot be issued "[w ]hen the imposition of conditions cannot ensure compliance with applicable water quality requirements." 47 C.S.R. 30-3.2.a.7.

29) A permit cannot be issued "[w ]hen the conditions of the permit do not provide for compliance with the applicable requirements of the [Clean Water Act] and [the West Virginia

Water Pollution Control Act.]" 47 C.S.R. § 30-3.2.a.1.

30) Data submitted with the permit application and available to the permit writer indicates that discharges from Whitman No.3 Surface Mine have the reasonable potential to cause an exceedance of applicable water quality criteria for selenium.

31) WV /NPDES Permit WVl 008285 does not contain effluent limits for selenium and will not ensure compliance with applicable water quality standards.

QUESTIONS OF FACT AND LAW 32) Whether the Appellee has approved a pennit that will not comply with the West

Virginia Water Pollution Control Act and the federal Clean Water Act in the ways described above, specifically;

a. Whether Appellee erred by not following state and federal law for evaluating the reasonable potential of a discharge to violate water quality standards; and

b. Whether Appellee erred by not requiring selenium limits to ensure compliance with applicable water quality standards.


33) Appellants respectfully request the Board:

a. Answer each of the objections in Appellants' favor;

b. Vacate the Director's pennit approval ofWVINPDES Pennit WVI008285;

c. Remand the permit and direct Appellee to follow the appropriate state and federal regulations and guidance to conduct a reasonable potential analysis for discharges of selenium to cause or contribute to a water quality standards violation;

d. Remand the pennit with instructions to impose effective numeric limits for selenium;

e. Alternatively to modify the pennit to address each of Appellants' concerns, consistent with the Board's ruling on the objections above. <50--- AMY G. WSON (WV Bar No. 11420) JOSEPH LOVETT (W.Va. Bar No. 6926) Appalachian Mountain Advocates P.O. Box 507 Lewisburg, WV 24901 (304) 629-8633

Counsel for Appellants CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

This is to certify that I, Amy G. Dawson, attorney for the Appellants, have this day, the 10th of October 2012, served a true copy of the foregoing Notice of Appeal, to all parties, to the following addresses:

Via first class mail:

Alex Energy, Inc. P.O. Box 1098 Holden, WV 25625

Thomas L. Clarke Division of Mining and Reclamation West Virginia Dep. ofEnv't1 Protec. 60 I 5ih Street Charleston, WV 25304

(Original + six copies) Jackie D. Shultz Envirorunental Quality Board 60 I 5ih Street Charleston, WV 25304 Mwv9:o~ Appalachian Mountain Advocates P.O. Box 507 Lewisburg, WV 24901 (304) 629-8633

Counsel for Appellants west virginia department of environmental protection Division ofM ining and.Reclamation Earl Ray Tomblin, Oo-vemor 601 57" Street, SE· R.andy C. Huffinan, Cabinet Secretary Charleston, WV 25304-2345 September 14, 2012 www.dcp.vvv.gov Phnne: (304) 926·0490· Fax·: (304) 926-0456



Enclosed is your WVNPDES Pennit No. WVIOO.8285 for your Surface Mine located near Whitman in Logan County, West Virginia.

We suggest that tills permit Or a copy ofit be kept in the office nearest the discharge point.

tfyou have any questions, please contact me at (304) 792·7250 or by mail at:

Department of Environmental Protection 110 t George Kostas Drive Logan, WV 25601 Attention; Mark A. Alt


Mal'kA. Alt Pennit Writer cc: Environmental Protection Agency . Environmentallnspector DEP Regional Office File Headquruters NPDES File

Promoting a healthy environment. · ~> .. ' . dep west virginia department of environmental protection Divi;ion of Mining and Reclamation Earl Rll)' Tomblin, Governor 601 57th Street, SE Randy C. Huffman, Cabinet Secretary Charleston, WV 25304.2345 www.dep.wv.gov Phone: 304·926·0490 Fax: 304-926·0496


ASSOCIATED PERMITS: S505489 " EXPIRE DATE: September. 13, 2017

SUBJECT: Storm Water; Surface Mine



LOCATION: Whitman Logan Group E Upper (City) (County) (Hydrologic) (Drainage Basin) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:

This is to certify that: ALEX ENERGY INC POBOX 1098 HOLDEN, WV 25625

Is hereby granted a West VIrginia NPDES Water PollutIon Control Penni! to: maintain and operate the Whitman NO.3 Surface Mine in the Dorothy, StOCkton, 5·Block & Kittanning seams of coal and to discharge treated and stormwater into Whitman Creek & Trace Fork of Copperas Mine Fork of Island Creek of the Guyandotte River. This permit is. subject to the following terms a nd conditions: ~'". """""_'"',_,,",,". """rom'" '"' .""~" ..,~,._ ;".~ ----.----~-.-.~- .. BY:~~ ,- ThomasL.C~ Director

Promoting a healthy environment. Pentlit No. \N\Il008285 ...


1 ~ The permittee is authorized to discharge fro~ OutlE!:t Number($) fISted below.:

2. ' EFFLlIENT LIMiTATIONS AND MONITORING FREQUENCY: Outlets Should be limited and monitored by the peimitlBe as specified

Outlet EIfloent latitude Elevation EFFLUENT Begins Ends Quant DlSCIlARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Number Type ,Longitude In Feet CHARACTERISTICS Cone Min. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Units Measurement Freq. ' Sample Type' , 001 L 37"4Tl0' 1220 Row 0412712000 puan NIA ~port Only Report Only GPM Semi-monthly Estimated 82"05'36"

t:>peeific'COnductance 0911412012 pone Report Only !Report Only Report Only UMHo/C~ Semi-monthly Grab

H 04127/2006 Fone 16·00 jNtA ~.OO Sid Units Sem~monthly Grab

otal Suspended Solids 04127/2006 Fone ~A ~500 0.00 MG/L Semi ..monthly Grab

f'ett!eallie Solids 0412712006 Fone \NIA NlA ~.50 MLJl' See section A of Permit Grab

etal Sulfates (as S04) 0911412012 ponc ~portOnly Report Only f.eport Only MGiL Semi-monthly Grab

'on, Total (as Fe) 0412712006 pone ~eportOnly 1.42 1".46 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

, !Manganese, Total (as Mn) 04127/2006 Fone !Report Only .00 ~,47 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab jAluminum, TotaJ (as AI) 04/2812007 r-- 0nc fteport Only 1.89 [3.27 MG/L , Semf.monthly Grab

f'\luminum, Oiss. (as AI) 04127/2006 pcnc Report Only Report Only lReport Only MG/L Sem~nthly Grab

ota! Dissolved Solids 0911412012 ponc Report Only ~eport Only Report Only MG/L Sem~thly Grab (TOS) (See 3,4)

------Permit No. WV1008285 Page 3 of 2.7' . A. DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND. MONITORING REQUIR!iI!!!ENTS 1. The permlHee.i. authorized to discharge from Outiet Nurnber(s) listed below:

2. EFFLUENT UMITATIONS AND MONITORING FREQUENCY: Outlets should be limited and monitored by the permitiee as specified , , , Outlet Latitude Effluent Elevation EFFLUENT Begins Ends Quant DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Nuniber Type Longitude In Feet CHARACTERISTICS Conc Min. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Units Measurement Fieq. Samp!eType 3T'47'15" P02 L 1220 flow 041271200~ Quan Report Only Report Only GPM 82(005'13" [NIA Semi·monthly Estimated

Specific COnductance 0911412012 ponc ~port Only feport Only Report only UMHOICru Semi·monthly Grab pH 0412712006 ponc ".00 f'lIA 19.00 Std Units· Semi.monl!1ly Grab

otal Suspended SOlids 0412712006 Fone NlA fl5.00 0.00 MGIL Sem~monthJy Grab

reweable Solids 0412712006 Cone INIA NIA .50 MUl' See Section A of Permit Grab

otal Sulf>ltes (as S04) 0911412012 pone "epon Only Report only ReponOnly MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

ron, Total (as Fe) 0412712006 ponc ReponOnly 1.42 .46 MGIL Semi-monthly .. Grab

Mansenese, Total (as Mn) 0412712006 Fane Report Only ~.OO 3.47 MGlL Sem~ly Grab

luminum, Total (as AI) 0412812007 Fone ~eport Only 1.89 ~.27 MGIL Sem~onthly Grab

foluminum, Diss, (as AI) 0412712006 I'-'0nc "eport Only Report Only Report Only MGIL Serm-monthly Grab

otal Dissolved Solids 0911412012 I'-'0nc "eport Only Report only Report Only MGlL Semi-monthly Grab ~S) I (See 3,4) Permit No. WV1008285 Page 4 0127 A. DISCHARGE UMITAnONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 1. The perml_ is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) listed below:

2. : EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING FREQUENCY: OuUets should be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

OUtlet Effluent Latitude Elevation EFFLUENT Begins EndS Quan/ DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Num.ber Type Longitude In Feet CHARACTERISTICS Cone Min. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. DaUy Units Measurement Freq. Sample Type ~ L 3;>-47'19" 1120 Flow 04/2712006 puan NlA Report Only Report Only GPM Semi-monthly Estimated. I 82'Q4'4!l" ISpecific COndu~tance. 09114/2012 pone ~eport Only Report Only Report Only UMHOICIV Semi-monthly , Grab;. pH 0412712006 Cone ~.OO NIA ~.OO Std Un~s Semi-monthly Grab·

otal Suspended SolidS 0412712006 pone ~/A ~5.00 0.00 MGlL : Semi-monthly Grab

~ettleable Solids 0412712006 f'onc NIA ~/A p.50 MUL' See Seclion A of Permit Grab

otal Sulfates (as S!l4) 09/1412012 ~onc Report Only . ~eport Only report Only MGII. Semi-monthly Grab

ron, Total (as Fe) 04127/2006 pone Report Only .42 p.46 MGIL Semi-monthJy Grab

~ngane$e. Total (as Mn) 0412712006 ponc f,eport Only .00 .47 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

i'liuminum, Total (as AI) 0412812009 ponc Report Only 1.89 .27 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

fA,luminum, Oiss. {as AI) 0412712006 pone Report Only Report Only Report Only MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

otal Dissolved Solids 0911412012 ~one ~eport Only Report Only f,eport Only MGIL Semi-monthly Grab • (TDS) (See 3, 4) Penn it No. WVl008285 Page A. DISCHARGE LIMITAnONS AND MONITQRIN~ RE9IJ!REMENTS

1. The permittee is authOo1red to discharge from Outlet Number(s) listed below:

2. EFFLUENT L1MITATIONS AND MONITORING FREQUENCY, Outlets should be limited and monitored by the pennittee as speeified below:

Outlet Effluent latitude Elevation EFFLUENT Begins Ends Quant D1SCHARGE liMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Nlnlber Type Lon!jirude !n Feet CHARACTERISTICS Cone Min. Daily Avg. Monthly. Max. Daily Units Measurement Freq. Sample Type L 37'47'23" pus 1440 low 0412712006 puan WA fl.eport Only Only GPM Semi-monthly Estimated 82\>04'54" fePort Specifie Conductance 0911412012 pone Report Only Report Only Report Only jUMHO/CM S.emt-monthly Grab

H 0412712006 Cone ".00 iNtA ~.OO Std Units Semi-monthly Grab

otal Suspended So~ds 04127/2006 Fone ~A 135.00 0.00 MGiL Semj..monthly Grab ~ettleabl. Solids 04127/2006 pone iNtA N/A r·SO ML/L' See Section A of Permit Grab

otal Sulfates (as 804) 09/1412012 pone !Report Only Report Only Report Only MGiL Semi-monthly Grab

Iron, Total (as Fe) 0412712006 pone f\eport Only ~.28 .94 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab IManganese, Total (as Mnl 0412712006 rone jReport Only iz.oo .47 MGiL Semi:.o,onthly Grab

f"lum;num, Total (as Al) 0412aJ2007 Cone ~.pOIT Only .89 3.27 MGiL Semi-monthly Grab

f'\IUminum, Diss. (as AI) 0412712006 pone ~eportOnly RepOrt Only Report Only MG/L Semi-monthly Grab

atai Dissolved So~ds 0911412012 !Cone RepOitOnly Report Only ReporlOnly MG/L Semi-monthly Grab (TDS) (See 3, 4) Permit No. wY1oo8285 Page S of 27 A. DISCHARGE'UMITATIONS AND MONITORING BlilQUIREMENTS

1. The permittee is authorized \0 discharge from Outlet Number(s) listed below:

2. . EFFLUENT LlMITATIOMS AND MONITORING FBEQUENCY: Outlets should be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Outlet Effluent Latitude Elevation EFFLUENT Begins Ends Quanl DISCHARGE UMITATIONS MOMITORING REQUIREMENTS Number Type Longitude In Feet CHARACTERISTICS Cone Min. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Units Measurement Freq. Sample Type 06 37"47'24" L 1440 low 0412712006 uan ~A [Report Only Report O"ly . GPM Semi-monthly Estimated 82"04'59" r • ISpecifie COnductance 0911412012 Fone ~eportOnly Report Only Report Only ~MHOICM SemI..rnonthly Grab

I pH 0412712006 I"0ne .00 ~IA ~.OO Std units Semi-monthly Grab I

otal Suspended Solids 04127f2006 Fonc NIA 135.00 0.00 . MGIL Semi~manthly Grab

~ettleable Solids 04/27f2006 ~ne NIA N/A !l.SO MUL* See Sectioo A of Permit Grab

otaI Sulfates (as S04) 09M412012 Cone Report Only Report Only ~eport Only MGlL Semi-monthly Grab

Iron, Total

l'1anganese, Total

I"'luminum, Total

f'!urilinum. Diss. (as AI) 0412712006 I"0nc lReport Only lReport On Iy Report Only MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

otal Dissolved Solids 09114/2012 ponc Report Only Report Only p:leport Only MGIL Semi-monthly Grab (TDS) (See 3, 4) Permit No. WV1008285 Page 7 of 27 "" DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS

1. The permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) ~stad lJelow:

2•. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING FREQUENCY: outlets should be limited and monitored by tlte permittee as specilied below:

Outlet Effluent Latitude Elevation EFFLUENT Begins Ends Quanf DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Number Type Longitude' In Feet CHARACTERISTICS . Conc M"1Il. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Dally Units Measurement Freq. Sample T)l!ie 07 L 37<>47'23" 1440 flow 0412712006 Quan N/A Report Only Report Only . GPM Semi-monthly 82"05'08" Esfirnated

!SpecifiC COnductance 0911412012 pone Report Only Report Only /'leport Only UMHOICM Semi~month1y Grab

[PH 04/2712006 ponc .00 ~/A 13.00 Std Units Semi ..monthly Grab

ata! Suspended Solids 0412712006 Fone N/A 135.00 0.00 MG/L Semi·monthly Grab lSettieable SoUds 0412712006 rone ~A NIA p.50 MlJL' See Secfion A of Permit Grab otal SuWalas (as S04) 0911412012 Fane ","port Only ~eport Only Report Only MG'L Semi-monthl.y Grab

Iron, Total (as Fe) 04/2712006 Fane Repo

Manganese, Total (as Mn) 04127/2006 Fane Report Only ~OO ~.47 MG/L Sem~monthly Grab

~Iuminum. Total (as AI) 0412812007 Fone jReport Only 1.89 ~27 MG/L Semi-mont~ly Grab

~Iumln"m, Diss. (as AI) 0412712006 pone fteport Only Report Only fteport Only MG'L Semi-monthly Grab

otal OissolveCl Solids 0911412012 Cone !'eport Only Report Only Report Only MG'L Semi-monthly Grab KIDS) J (See 3,4) Permit No. WVl008285 ,. Page 8 of 27 A • DISCHARGE UMITATIONS AND MO!!lITORIN~ REQUIREMENTS . 1. The .permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet' Number(s) Jisted belOW:

2. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING FREQUENCY: Outlets should be limited and monitored by lI1e permittel' as spe<;ified below: , , , Outlet Effluent L;atilude Elevation EFFLUENT Begins Ends Quanl DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Number Type Longitude In Feet CHARACTERISTICS Cone Min. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Da~y Units . Measlllement Freq. Sample Type 37<147'23" 008 L 1440 low 04/27/2ll06 puan N/A Report Only ~eportOnly GPM Semi-monthly Esilrsiated 82<105'17'- : Specific Conductance 09/14/2012 f

H 0412712006 pmc ~.oo NlA 9.00 Std Units Serni-monthly Grab

otal Suspended Solids 04127/2006 Cone N/A ~5.00 0.00 MG/L Semi~monthly Grab

~ettleable Solids 0412712006 rone N/A IWA O.SCi MUL· See Section A of Pem1it Grab

otal Sul!ates (as 504) 09/1412012 pone ~eportOnly Report Only ~eport Only MG/L Semi-monthly . Grab

Iron, Total (as Fe) 04/2712006 pone Report Only .28 13.94 MG/L Semi-monttuy Grab

jlAanganese, Total (as Mn) 0412712006 pone ~eport Only ,,-00 f'.47 MGiL semi-monthly Grab II.luminum, Total (as A~ 04/2812007 rone f.eport Only 1.89 \3.27 MGiL Semi-monlhly Grab

Aluminum, Diss. (as AI) 04127/2006 )lionc ~eportOnly Report Only Report Only MGiL Semf..monthly Grab

otai Dissolved SOJids 09/1412012 Cone f.eport Only "epOrt Only Report Only MGIL Semi-monthly Grab (TDS) (See 3,4) - . Penni! No. WV1008285 \,1 Page 9 of 27 A. . DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REqUIREMENTS ! . 1. Tile permittee is authorized 10 discharge from Outlet Number(s) listed below:

~ ':;;'---'---"'UE'" l...UWlI 111.1 l!t:!!n2 """u AIIUI'\IIIIII...IT'i.U"U rl'u:~c.N,",,': uuoetS snoUlCl De IImtteCl ana monitored by the pel111ittee as ~ecified below:

Outlet Effluent latitude' Elevation. EFFLUENT Begins Ends Quan/ DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Number Type Longitude In Feet CHARACTERISTICS Cone Min. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Units MeasurE;ment Freq~ Sample Type 09 L 37"'47"16" low 1470 04I2.71'l.006 puan N1A .feport Only feportOnly GPM Semi-monthly 82°05'28" .Estimated

~pecific Conductance 0911412012 p'nc Report Only feport Only feport Only UMHOICM Semi-monthly Grab·

pH 0412712006 jl'onc p.OO ~A ~.OO Sid Units Semi-monthly Grab

otal Sus'Pended Solids 0412712006 p'nc N/A f3S,OO 0.00 MGlL Semi .. monthiy' Gra~

!Settleable Solids 04!Z712006 pmc NIA iWA p.SO ML/L' See Section A of Perm;r: Grab

otal Sulfates (as S04) 0911412012 ~onc report Only Report Only ~eportOnly MGIL Semi-monthiY Grab

Iron, Total (as Fe) 04/2712006 ponc ~epo.rt Only .28 f3.94 MGIL Semi-monthiy Grab

. Mansanes., Total (as Mn) 04127/2006 Conc Report Only .00 3.47 MGlL Seml-monthly Gra~

~uminum, Total (as Ai) 04128/2007 Conc Report Only 1.89 ~.27 MG/L Sem;"monthty Grab

iuminum, Dlss. (as AQ 04/271ZOO6 ,-,one Report Only Report Only KepOrtOnly MGlL Semi-monthly Grab

otal Dissolved Soiids 09I14!Z012 Cone Report Only Report Only Reper! Only' MG/L semi-monthly Grab TOS) . (See 3, 4)


- Permit No. WV1008285 Page 10 0127 .' . A. DISCi'l~QIUJMITAtIQI\I$ AND MONITOJ~INQ REQlJIBEI'II.eITS 1. The permittee,is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) Usted below:

2. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORIN<3 FREQUENCY: OUllets should be lim~ed and monitored by the penniij". as specified below:

OuUet Effluent latitude Elevation EFFLUENT Begins Ends Quan! DlSCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING Rl!QU1REMENTS Number Type Longitude In Feet CHARACTERISTICS Cone Min. Daily AV9. Monthly Max. Daily Unils Measurement Freq. Sample Type 10 L 37·47'16" 1450 Flow 0412712006 puan ~eport Only nly ·GPM Semi-monthly Estimated 82"05'36'" ""A fePort° .. ~peeifie Gen

pH 0412712006 ~nc .00 !'JIA \9.00 Std Units Semi-monthly Grab

otal suspended SolidS 0412712006 e<>nc NlA fl5.00 [to.OO MGiL Semi-monthly Gnib ~ettleable Solids 0412712006 pone NJA r-A 10.50 MUL- See Section A of Permtt Grab

otal Sulfates (as S04) 09/1412012 ponc Report Only ~eport Only f"Port Only MG/L Semi-monthly Grab

Iron, Total (as Fe) 0412712006 pone ~portOnly .28 .94 MG/L Semi-monthly Grab

[Manganese, Total (as Mn) 0412712006 ponc !Report Only .00 13·47 MGiL Semi-monthly Grab

.f"Juminum, Total (as AI) 0412812007 ~ne Repert Only 1.89 3.27 MG/L Semi-monthly Grab

f"Juminum, Diss. (as AI) 0412712006 Cone Repert Only Report Only Report Only MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

otal Dissolved Soflds 09/1412012 Fanc Report Only !'leport Only [RePort Only MGIL semi-monthly Grab . [(rOS) (See 3,4)


1. The Permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Nw-nber{s) listed below:

2. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING FREQUENCY: outlets should be limited and mon~OTed by the permittee as specified below:

Outlet Effluent Latitude Eie\fation EFFLUENT Begins Ends Quant DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Number Type Longitude In Feet CHARACTERlSnCS Conc Min. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Units Measurement Freq. S.ampleType P11 L 37"47'35" 144!} 04J27/2006 Quan NlA RePOrt Only Report Only GPM Semi-monthly Estimated 82"'05'08- row ~pecific Conductance 0911412012 Cone Report Only "eport Only Report Only UMHOICili Semi-monthly Grab

pH 04/2712006 pone 6.00 NIA .00 SId Un~s Semi...monthly Grab

otal Suspended SoUds 04127/2006 pone ~A 5.00 0.00 MGiL Semi-monthly Grall

lSettleable Solids 04/27/2OOG pone N/A f-l/A p.50 MLIL· See Sectlon A of Permit Grab

o!al Sulfates (as 5(4) 0911412012 pone Report Only feportOnly Report Only MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

Iron, Total (as Fe) 04127/2006 pone fleport Only . .82 f'.15 MGlL Semi-monthly Grab

lMangane~e, Total (as Mn) 0412712006 potIC !Report Only .00 3.47 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

luminum, Total (as AI) 04128/2007 Cone [Report Only .89 13.27 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

!'I'uminum. Oi ... (as AI) 0412712006 pone "eport Only f.eport Only [Report Only MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

otal Dissolved $olids- . 0911412012 pone Report Only !Report Only [Report Only MGIL Semi-monthly Grab TDS) (See 3,4)


- I Permit No. WV1008285 Page 12 0127 A. . DISCHARGE UMI1!lnQN§ AND !!lQ!lITORING REQUIREMENTS

1. The permittee is authorized to· discharge from Outlet Number(s) listed ~Iow:

2. EFFbUENT UMITATIONSAND MONITORING FREQUENCY: Outlets should be!imi\ed and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

OUtlet Effluent Latitude Elevation EFFLUENT Begins Ends Quanl DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Number Type Longitude 1n Feet CHARACTERISTICS Cone Min. Daily Av9. Monthly Max. Daily Units Measurement Freq. . Semple Type 37.047'36'" [012 L 1470 low 04iz71ZOW puan /A RepqrtOniy ~eportonlY GPM Semi-monthly . Estimated . 82°0533" iN SpeCific Conductance 09/1412012 pone RepertOnly ~eportOnly fepertOnly ~MHOIC~ Semi-monthly Grab

pH 0412712006 ponc ~.oo ~IA ~.OO Std Units Semi-monthly Grab

olal Suspended Solids 04/271Z006 p,nc NIA 135.00 0.00 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

~ettleable selios 0412712006 . ~onc NtA 1N'A .50 MUL' See Seicli

otal Sulfates

Iron, Total (as Fe) 0412712006 ponc Report Only .62 ~.15 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

Manganese, Total {as Mn} 0412712006 ponc Report Only .00 .47 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

IA-luminum, Total (as AI) 04126/2007 Cone ~eport Only .89 .27 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab i ~uminum, Diss. (as Ai) 0412712008 Fanc ReportDnIy "'-eport Only "'-eport Only MGIL Semi-monthfy Grab

otal Dissolve d SOlids 0911412012 Fone Report Only lReport Only . \Report Only MGIL Semknonthly Grab [fDS) (See 3. 41


1. The pennittee is authorized ttl discl1arge from Outlet Number(s) liSled below:

2. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITQB!NG FRsgUENCY: Outlets should be TIrililed and monitored by tne parmittee as spacilied below:

Oullet Effluent latitude E1evati(Xl EFFLUENT Begins Ends Quanl DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Nuniber Type Longitude In Feet CHARACTERISTICS cone Min. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Units Measurement Freq. SempleTypa 13 .L 37"47'40" 1470 low 04I2712(lOO puan NIA Report Only Report Only GPM Semi~monthfy . Estimated 82"'05'40" Specifie Conductance 0911412012 "onc Report Only feportOnly Report Only. UMHOICM· Semi-monthl~ , Grab

pH 0412712006 Fone .00 NJA ~.OO SId Units Semi.monthly Grab

olal Suspended Sor.d$ 04127/2006 pone /'IIA 5.00 0.00 MGiL Semi-monthly Grab

~e!tleable Solids 0412712006 Fone f'JIA NJA p.50 Ml/P See Section A of Penni! Grab

otaJ Sulfates (as 504) 0911412012 fone feportOnly feportOnly ~port Only MGIL Sem~-month'Y Grab

Iron, Total (as Fe) 0412712006 pone ~eport Only .82 fl·15 MGiL Semi-monthly Grab ~anganese. Total (as Mn) 0412712008 pone Report Only f-OO r·47 MGiL Semi-monthly Grab f"ruminum. Total (as AI) 0412812007 pone report 0l11y .89 13.27 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

Aluminum, Diss. (as AI) 0412712006 Cone Report Only ~eport Only Report Only MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

otal Dissolved Solids 0911412012 Cone Report Only feportOniy [Report Only MGiL Semi-monthly Grab (TDS) (See 3,4)

------. Permit No. WV1008285 Page 14 'of'2J A. DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 1•. The pennittee is authorized to disdlarge from O~t1et Number(s) fISted below:

2. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING FREQUENCY: Outlets should be limired and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Outlet· Effluent Lamuda Elevation EFFLUENT Begins Ends Qualll DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Number Type Longitude In Feel CHARACTERISTICS Cone: Min. Daily AviJ. Monlhly Max. Daily Units Measurement Freq: Sample Type 014 37"47'43" low L 1480 0412712006 puan· ~IA feport Only "eport Only GPM Semf.monthly 82'05'47" Estima~ !Specific Conductance 0911412012 jeonc jRePort Only feport Only Report Only UMHOICII Semi-monthly Grab

H 0412712006 ~onc ~.oo riA 9.00 Sid units Semi-monthly Grab I i otal Suspended Solids 0412712006 pone NlA ~5.00 0.00 MGlL Semi-monthly Grab

p>ettleable Solids 04127-12096 ponc NlA ~IA .50 MUL'" See Section A of Permit Grab

otal Sulfates (as $04) 0911412012 C;onc Report Only [Report Only Report Only MGIL semi--monthly Grab

Iron, Total (as Fe) 0412712006 Cone Report Only .82 3.15 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

I"langanese, Total (as Mn) 0412712006 COnC Report Only .00 .47 MGIL Semi-monthly Gra.b

f".!uminum, Total (as AI) 0412812007 pmc fleport Only .89 1327 MGIL Semf.monthiy Grab

f'\luminum. Di$S. (as AI) 0412712006 pone [Report Only Report Only [Report Only MGlL Semi-monthly Grab

otal Dissolved. Solids 0911412012 pone [Report Only "aport Only feportOnly IIIGIL Semi-monthly Grab (iDS) (See 3, 4)


1. The permittee is authOO:zed to d;seharge from Outlet NU!Jlber(s) fisted below:

2. : EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING FREQUENCY: Outlets should be timited and monitored by the pennittee as specified.belOW:

OuUet Effluent Latilllde Elevation EFFLUENT Begins Ends Quanl DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Number Type Longitude In Feet CHARACTERISTICS Cone Min. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Units Measurement Freq •. Sam'ple Type )15 L .37"47"38" 1480 Flow 0412712006 puan A fteport Only ~eportOnly GPM Semi-monthly Estimated 82"05'52" ru ~pecifie Conductance 0911412012 Cone feportOnly Report Only Report Only jUMHOICM Semi-monthly Grab

pH 0412712006 pone \6.00 NiA IS·OO SId Units Semi-monthly Grall

alai Suspended Solids 0412712006 pone ""A 5.00 0.00 MGIL Se mi-monttlly Grab

~ettleallie Solids 0412712006 !Cone IN/A !'VA 10.50 MUL" See Section A of Permtt Grab

otal Sulfates Cas S04) 0911412012 one eport Only ,neport Only Report Only MGlL· Semi-monthly Grab

Iron, Total (as Fe) 0412712006 Cone Report Only 1.82 3.15 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

!'A"nganese, Tolal

flumin"m, Tolal Cas AI) 0412812007 I,;one ~eport Only .89 fl·27 MGlL Semi-monthly Grab

jMu,:"mum. Diss. (as AI) 0412712006 pone ~eportOnly feport Only Report Only MGlL Semi-monthly G",b

-etal Dissolved SoUds 0911412012 pone lReport Only feport Only Report Only MGIL Semi-monthly Grab (TDS) (See 3, 4)


I Penn it No. WVl008265' " . Page 16 of 27 A. DISCHARGE UMITATIONS AND MONIIOB!t!G REQUIREMENTS 1. The permittee is authorized to discnarge from Outlet Number(s) listed below:

2. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORltllO FREQU!;NCY: Outlets should be limiled and monitored by the permittee as specified belCMr.

Outlet Effluent Latitude Elevation EFFLUENT Begins Ends QU3I1' DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Number Type Longitude In Feet CHARACTERISTICS Cone Min. Daily AV9. Monthly Max. Daily Units Measurement Freq. SampieType ~16 L 37°47'33" 1480 low 0412712006 Quan NlA Report Only Report Only GPM Semi-monthly . Estimated 82°05·58" !>pecmc Conductance 0;)114l2012 p.nc Report Only feportOnly feportOnly UMHO/CM Semi-monthly Grab PH 0412712006 P<>nc 15·00 ~/A ~.\l0 Sid Units Semi..monthly Grab

atal Suspended Solids 0412712008 ponc ",/A 35.00 0.00 MGlL 5emiw month,ly Gmb

fSettleable SolidS 04127/2006 ponc. N/A ~A .50 MUL* See Sed:ion A of Permit Grab

DIal SulfaleS (as S04] 09/1412012 pone Report Only Report Only Report Only MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

Iron, Total (as Fe] 04/2712006 Cone Report Only .82 ~.15 MGIl Semi-monihly . Grab

Manganese, Total (as Mn) 04/2712006 Cone Report Only .00 3.47 MGIL Semknonthly Grab

~Iuminum, Total (as AI) 0412812007 'pone Report Only 1.89 ~.27 MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

~Iuminum. Oiss. (as AI) 0412712006 pone "eport Only Report Only ~eportOnIY MGIL Semi-monthly Grab

ota! Dissolved Solids 0911412012 onc Report Only, Report Only, MGiL Semi-monthly Grab r-- ~eport Only reDS) (See 3, 4)

----- Perm1t No. WV1008285 Pa~e 17 of27 A.. DISctfARGE LIMITATIONS AND MQt:l!TORING REQUIREMENTS

1. The permittee is authon.ed to d;sc/large from Outlet Numbel(s) listed below:

2.. EFFLUENT YI!!!ITATlONS AND MONITORING FREQUENCY: Outlets should be limned and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

OUtlet Efl!uent Latitude Elevation EFFLUENT Begins Ends Quanl DISCHARGE UMITATlONS . MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Number Type Longitude In Feet CHARACTERISTICS Cone Min. Daily Avg. Montilly Max. Daily Units Measurement Freq. Sample Type P17 L sr47'23" 1450 Flow 04127/2006 puan ~IA ~eportOnly f!eport Only ·GPM Semiwmonthly Estimated 82°06'04" f'pecific COnductance 0911412012 r-- 0nc ~eport Only Report Only Report Only UMHO/CM Semi-monthly . Grab

~ 0412712006 ponc 13·00 iN'A ~.OO Std Units Semi-monthly Grab

ota! Suspended Solid:> 0412712006 ponc ~IA il5.OO j70.00 MG/L Semi-monthly Grab

!Settleable Solids 0412712006 Conc iN1A ~IA ~.5e MUL' See Sect1°o A of Pennit Grab

otal Sulfates

Iron, Total (as Fe) 0412712006 ponc ~portOnly 1.82 .15 MG/L Semi-monthly Grab

lMangane.. , Total (as Mn) 0412712006 . ponc !Report Only ~.OO f3.47 MGIL Semknonthly Grab

jAluminum, Total

otal Dissolved SoUds 0911412012 ponc ~eport Only ~eport Only Report Only MG/L Se~nthly Grab kiDS) (See 3, 4) ( ", Permit No. WV1008285 Page 18 0127 A. D!SCHARGE UMITATlONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS

1. The permittee is aulhorized to discharge from Outlet Number(S) listed below:

2. EFFLUENT UMITATlONS AND MONITORING FREQUENCY: Outlets shouid be 'm~ed and mooHored by the permittee as specified below: ,.

~ Outlet Effluent Latitude Elevation EFFLUENT Begins Ends Quanl DISCHARGE UMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS I Nuri1ber 1)Ipe . Longitude In Feet CHARACTERISTICS Cone Min.Oaily Avg. Monthly. Max. Daily Units. Measurement Freq. .' Sample Type 18 L 37"47'02" 1260 low 0112QJ2010 puan ~eport Only Report Only . Report Only GPM Semi:monthly Estimated 82'05'40" . ISpedfrc Conductance 0911412012 ~ne ~portOnly Report Only Report Only UMHO/CM Semi-monthly Grab

pH 01/2012010 Fone ~.OO Report Only .00 Std Units Semi.monthly Grab

otal Suspended Solids 0112012010 p,nc !Report Only 5.00 0.00 MG/L Semi~manthly Grab

Settleable Solids 0112012010 pcne NlA N/A iO·50 MUL* Sae Section A of Permit Grab

otal Sulfates (as S04) 09/1412012 !'-'onc Report Only Raport Only lReport Only MGlL Semi·monthiy Grab

ron, Total (as Fe) 0112012010 pmc "eport Only 1.42 .46 MG/L Semi-monthly Grab

Manganese, Total (as Mn) 0112012010 ponc RepO!lOnly .00 1l.47 MG/L Semi-monthly Grab.

fAluminum. Total (as AI) 0112012010 ponc !Report Only 1.89 P7 MGlL SerT!i~month~ Grab

fAluminum. Diss. (as AI) 0112012010 ~ne Report Only ~partOnlY ~eportOnly MGIL Semi-monthly Grab"

otal Dissolved Solids 09/14/2012 Cane RaportOnly Report Only lReport Only MG/L Semi-monthly Grab· !


• Instantaneous maximum limitation not to be exceeded at any time. 3. COMPLIANCE POINT: Samples taken for compliance with the above monitoring requirements shall be taken at the following locations: Outlet sites

4. ALTERNATE EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS: If alternate effluent limits are chosen, the following monitoring scheme applies: Ca) Table I Alternate Stonn Limitations applies to any discharge orinerease in the volume ofa discharge caused by precipitation within any 24-hour period. .

(b) Analyze the required parameters, which are determined by effluent type (listed in A. I.) and rainfall event, listed in Table I Alternate Storm Limitations.

(c) The pennittee shall have the burden of proof that the discharge or increase in discharge was caused by the applicable rainfall event. This shall be verified by the use of a rainfall gauge located within three miles of the discharge point and last emptied no more than twenty-four hours plio!' to the time the sample was taken, Automated rain gauges may also be utilized. The ·sampling date and amouut of rainfall measured by the gauge shall be reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report(DMR).

5. The rainfall gauge shall be located within three miles of the discharge point and last emptied not more than 24 hoW'S prior to the time the sample was taken. Automated rain gauges may also be utilized. The sampling date and amount of rainfall measured for the 24-hour period of the sarupie being collected shall be repolted on the Discharge Monitoling Report(DMR) for each DMR reported. .

6. SUBMISSION OF DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORTS (DMRs): (a) Perniittee shall submit each quarter, according to the enclosed format, a Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) indicating the values of the constituents listed in Part A, to be in the discharge measured at the specific compliance points .. All analyses must be determined by methods required in 40 CFR Part 13 6.

(b) The required quarterly reports shall be postmarked no later than twenty (20) days following the end of the reporting peliod and shall be sent to: West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Division of Mining & Reclamation I HPU I NPDES Section 601 57th Street SE Charleston, West Virginia 25304

(c) Enter reported average and maximum values under Quantity and Concentration in the units specified for each parameter, as appropriate.

(d) Specify the number of analyzed samples that exceed the allowable permit conditions in the columns labeled N.E. (i.e. number exceeding).

(e) Specify frequency of analysis of each parameter as number of analyses/specified period (e.g. 3/month is equivalentto 3 analyses perfonned every calendar month). If continuous enter Cont. The frequency listed on format is the minimum required. Notwithstanding the frequency of . sampling/analyses, there must be at least 10 calendars days between two of the sampling/analyses ..

(f) Calculations fo!' all limitations which require averaging of measurements shall utilize an arithmetic means unless otherwiSe .specified in the.permit. ''No discharge" or "no flow" cannot count as a . sample collected for calculating the arithmetic average when reporting the monthly average limit or averaging of measurement for reporting purposes. DMM-5-A PERMI.TNO. WVl008285 Page , 20 of27

7. Any "not detected (ND)" tesult.'l by the permittee must be "ND" at the method d'etection limit (MDL) for the te5tmethod used for that parameter and must be reported as less than the MDL used. The permittee may not report the result as zero, "ND", or report theresult as less than a minimum level (ML), reporting limit (RL), or practical quantitation limit (PQL).

When averaging values of analytical results for DMR reporting pUrposes for monthly averages, the permittee should use actual analytical results when these results are greater than or equal to the MDL and should use zero (0) when these results are less than the MDL. If all analytical result.'l are non-detect at the MDL «MDL), then tbe permittee should use the actual MDL in the calculation for averaging and report the results as less ,than the aveJage calculation.

8_ Iii incidences where a specific test method is not defined, the permittee shall utilize an EPA approved method with a method detection limit (MDL) sensitive enough to confirm compliance with the pennit effluent limit for that parameter .. If a MDL is not sensitive enough to comftrm compliance, the most sensitive approved method must be used. If a more sensitive EPA approved method becomes avallable, that method shall be used. Should the current and/or new method not be sensitive enough to confirm compliance with the permitted effluent limit, analytical result.'l reported as "not detected" at the MDL of the most sensitive method available will be deemed compliant for purposes of pennit compliance. Results shall be reported on the Discharge,Monitoring Reports as a numeric value less than the MDL. DMM-5-A PERMIT NO. WVI008285 Page 21 of2?


1 YI::.AF., ~ 2 YEAR - 10 YEP.R :e:fPLm:liIT TYPDiS DRY WEA'l'HgR 24 HOUR 24 HOUR J'1 HOUR.


a. Dischar~ea· from underground TSS pH I~on Flow (Nn AL'l'ERNATE LIMITATIONS) work~nga of underground Manganese WQBELw** mines not commingled

b. Discharges from undarground TSS pH Iron Flow Manganese WQBEL"'·* Flow pH workings of underground WQBE;L*** mines commingled c . contraIl"ed surfaoe mine TSS pH Iron Flow· Manganese WQBEL*"'* Flow pH drainage (except steep .slope WQBEL*** and mountaintop removal)

d. Non-oontrolled ~urface mine TSS Iron Flow SS** pH Iron Flow S8** pH FloW" pH drainage(except steep slope pH Manganese Manganese WQBEL**'" Flow WQBEL*** and mountaintop removal) WQBEL*** NOBEL"'**

e. Discha~ges from coal refuse TSS pH Iron Flow I Flow SS* '" pH Flow pH disposal areas Manganese WQES~*~~ I WQSEL*** WQBEL***

f. Discha:r'ges from steep slope TSS lron Flow Fl<'>W SS~* pH WQBEL*** and mountaintop removal pH Manganese a.reas WQSEL"'u

g. Discharges from preparation TSS Iron Flow Flow SS** pH WQSEL"'*-I< Fl~w pH plants and preparation plant pH Manganese WQ:eBL*** associated areas (excluding WQBEL**'" coal rafu.se p:lles)

h. Discharges from reclamation Flow SS*'" pH WQBELU>I- Flow pH areas WQBEt.***


i. Discharges from underground TSS ph Iron Flow (NO ALTERNATE LIMITATIONS) workings of underground WQBEL*"'''' mines not commingled

j. ~kaline ~ine nischa~ges TSS Iron Flow Flow BS*'" pH WQBEL*"'* Flow pH pH WQBEL*"'it WQBEL*,v*

k. Reclamation areas Flow SS*'" pH WQBELu* Flow pH WQBBL*** WATER QUALITY BASED LIMITS

1. Wate~ quality based TSS Flow pH S8 ft.* ~H Flow WQBEL"''''''' effluent limits WQBELww* m. Bathhouse & Sewage (NO ALTERNATE LIMI~A~IONS) DCP* Disoharge or increase in the volume of a discharge oaused by precipitation within any 24 hour period S8*"" Settleable Solids WQEEL>I-:H All Parameters with calculated. Water Quality Based Effluent Limits

county; Logan l-Year 02.40 2-Year 02.'14 DMM-5-A PERMIT NO. WV1008285 Page 22 of27


I. The pennittee·shall achieve compliance with the following interim requirements with the discharge limitations specified in this penn it in accordance with the following schedule:

Interim Requirement Completion Date

Effective date of this permit

2. Reports of compliance or non-compliance with, and progress reports on the lnterim and final requitements contained in the above compliance schedule shall be submitted no later than fonrteen (14) days following each schedule date. .

N/A DMM-5-A PERMIT NO. WVlO08285 Page 23 of27


5.1 Duty to Comply, Penalties

5.2 Duty to Reapply

5.3 Duty to Halt or Reduce Activity

5.4 Duty to Mitigate

5.5 Proper Operation and Maintenance

5.6 Pennit Actions

5.7 Transfer

5.8 Property Rights

5.9 Duty to Provide Infonnation

5.10 Inspection and Entry

5.11 Monitoring and Records

5.12 Signatory Requirements

5.13 Reporting Requirements

5.14 Bypass

5.15 Upset

5.16 Reopener Clause

5.17 Removed Substances

5.18 New Sources (if applicable)

5.19 Defmitions ,

DMM-5-A PERMIT NO. WVIOOS285 Page 24 of27

D. OTHER REOUIRElyiENTS 1. REPORTING SPILLS AND ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGES Nothing in this penn it shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the . pelmittee from any responsibilities, liabilities or penalties established pursllant ro Series 3, Section 1 of the Environmental Quality Boards regulations. Attached is a copy of the West Virginia Spill Alert System for use in complying with Series 3, Se<;tion 1 of the regulations as they pertain to the reporting of spills and accidental discharges. 2. HAULAGEWA VS AND ACCESS ROADS

Haulageways and access roads shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with best management . practices including, but not limited to, the perfonnance standards contained in Title 38, Series 2, Section 4 of the West Virginia Surface Mining Reclamation Regulations.

3. RECEIVING STREAMS The r.e.peiving streams shall be monitored by grab samples as required at the stream sampling points listed below, ·and the samples shall be analyzed for the parameters listed below. The flow of the stream shall also be estimated at the time of monitoring. Monitoring shall be done approximately at the same time as the discharge points are monitored as reqUired under Section A of this pennit. A quarterly report ofthe stream moniWring and flow shall be sent to the NPDES section in Charleston, on the enclosed forms along with the reports required under Section A. Based upon the"stream monitoring flow data, water quality standards or other information, the Department may at any time mndify the effluent Iim!ts in Section A of this permit for any of the discharge points if necessary, to insure compliance with waier quality standards.

STREAM STATION LATlTUPE LQNGfruDE &,lliIL DWC 31' 41' 35.0000" 82' 03' 14.0000" " 890 Parameters: Stream Flow cfsf Specific Conductance/ pHI Total Sulfates (as S04)/ Iron, Total (as Fe)/ Manganese, Total (as Mn)/ Aluminum, Total (as Al)/ Aluminum. Diss. (as AIY Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) UTF . 31' 41' 52.0000" 82' 05' 44.0000" 1040 Parameters: Stream Flow cfs/ Specific Conductance/ pHI Total Sulfates (as S04)/ Iron, Total (as Fe)/ Manganese, Total (as MnY Aluminum, Total (as AlY Aluminum, Diss. (as AI)/ Total Dissolved Solids (IDS) UWC 37' 47' 12.0000" 82' 05' 26.0000" 1]95 Parameters: Stream Flow cfsf Specific Conductaoce/ pHI Total Sulfates (as S04)/ Iron, Total (as Fe)! Manganese, Total (as Mn)/ Aluminum, Total (as AI)/ Aluminum, Diss. (as AI)! Total Dissolved Solids (TOS) 4. SURFACE MINES If the coal mining operation has been granted Phase II revegetation release and all discharge points have been eliminated during the period this permit is in effect, the discharge limitations and monitoring. requirements in Section A and Section D.3 stream monitoring shall not apply. The coal mining operation shall be maintained in accordance with best management practices including, but not limited to the applicable performance standards contained in Title 38, Series 2, West Virginia Mining Reclamation Regulation until the associated perfurmance bond has been final released. PERMIT NO. WVI008285 Page 25 of27

5. STORM WATER DlSCBARGES Such discharges shall comply with the applicable Water Quality Standards in 47 CSR 2. Activities consisting of discharges of storm water runoff or snow melt composed entirely of flows which are from conveyances lIsed for collecting and conveying precipitation runoff, in accordance with 47 CSR 30, Section 3.1.a.6 and are authorized under Chapter 22, Article 3, are authorized by this permit. Such storm water discharges shall not involve any mineral removal, pumping ofstorm water, or storm water runoff commingled with mine drainage, refuse drainage, coal stockpile areas, preparation plant areas, loading areas or unloading areas. The activities shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the issued Article 3 Permit Revision including incidental boundary revisions and with tile hestmanagementpractices and perfurmance standards contained in 38 CSR 2 and Chapter 22, Article:1. These storm water discharges are authorized under this Condition upon issuance of the associated Article 3 application for the life of this permit. Updated NPDES permit application information will be submitted in the next reissu.nce application fur activities covered under this Condition. The Director reserves the right to require any permittee to submit a NPDES modification when·the Director determines that such receiving stream will be better protected by an individual NPDES modification.

6. SPECIAL SAMPLING CONDITIONS As set forth in the remainder of this condition, Permittee shall monitor following a qualifYing event at the constructed on-bench' outlel (precipitation induced) whicb bas been disturbed by mining activity with the largest component drainage area and at the constructed on-bench outlet (precipitation induced) at the lowest elevation on the down dip portion of the operation that has been disturbed by mining activity" at the time of the qualifying event. The stream monitoring stations associated with the monitored outlets must also be monitored at approximately the sarne time. A qualifYing event is defined as any event where 0.3 inches or more of rainfall occurs within a consecutive 24 hour period. The monitoring can be initiated at any point after rain gauge data indicates 0.3 inches of precipitation has occurred and shall be completed no !alel·than eighteen (18) hours after cessation of the precipitation event. Once a qualifYing event is sampled in a given calendar month, this condition is satisfied for that calendar month. Monitoring at both the outlets and at the associated stream monitoring stations required by this condition shall be for flow, pH, toial dissolved solids, specific condUctivity and sulfates In the event of a discharge from the precipitation induced outlets, the sarnple(s) may be substituted for one of the required semi-monthly samples for the outlet(s) and as such, must be analyzed for all parameters listed in Section A of the permit for each respective outlet and parameters listed in Section 0.3 of the permit for the associated stream monitoring s131ion(s). Samples collected from an event that are in addition to the required semi-monthly monitoring must be analyzed for total dissolved solids, sulfates, specific conductivity, flow and pH for each respective outlet and associated stream station(s). Rain gauge information must be maintained during the term of the life of the permit and made avaHable to the Director upon request. The Director may require additional sampling if necessary to document that narrative water quality standards are being achieved. "Note: Outlets with technology-based post mining effluent limitations (flow, pH and settable solids) are exempt from this condition and shall not be sampled to fulfill the requirements of such. Monthly reports must he maintained detailing which ontlet(s) and stream monitoring statlon(s) were monitored for this condition. The reports must document that the outlet(s) sampled met the criteria defmed in the special condition. Each report must contain the following information: DMM-5-A' PERMIT NO. WVI008285 Page 26 of 27

Date, time and rain 'gauge reading for the event sampled,

Analytical results (flow, pH, total dissolved solids, specific conductivity and sulfates) for the outlet(s) stresm monitoring station(s) sampled each month to fulfill the requirements of this condition.

These monthly reports must he submitted quarterly no later than twenty (20) days following the end of each quarter. In the event that the sample will be used to substitute for one of the required semi­ monthly sampling requirements, the analysis must also be included in the discharge monitoring report for that given month.

copies ofilie quarterly reports are to be submitted in a fonnat prescribed by WVDEP to: West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection DMR - NPDES Program Manager 60 I 57th Street S.E. Charleston, WV 25304 and WVDEP - Regional Office - Pennit Inspector

7. REOPENER CLAUSE This permit may he reopened and modified, suspended, revoked and reissued or revoked at any time if Ulformation becomes available and demonstrates that the established controls do not attain and maintain the narrative water quality criteria at 47 CSR 3.2.e and 47 CSR 3.2.i. PERMIT NO. WVI008285 Page 27 of27

The herein-described activity is to be extended, modified, added to, made, enlarged, acquired, constructed or installed, and operated, used and maintained strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of this pennit; the plans and specifications submitted with Permit Application No. N/A, completed the N/A day ofNI A N/A; the infonnation submitted with the application for Reissuance No. WVlO08285 completed the 03 day of July 2012, with the plan of maintenance and method of operation thereof submitted with such application(s) with the WVNPDES .Regulations, Series 36 and with any applicable rules and regulations promulgated by the State Environmental Quality Board.

·Failure to comply with the tenDS and conditions ofthis permit, with the plans and specifications submitted with Permit Application·No. N/A, completed the N/A day ofN/A, N/A, with the information submitted with Application No. for Reissuance No. WVI 008285 completed the 03 day of July, 2012 and with the plan of . maintenance and method of operation thereof submitted with such appJication(s) shall constitute grounds for the revocation or suspension of this pennit and for \he invocation of all the enforcement procedures set forth in Article 11, Cliapter 22 of the code of West Virginia.

This pennit is issued in accordance with the provisions of Article I r, Chapter 22 of the Code of West Virginia and is transferable under the terms of WVNPDES Regulations, Series 30, Subsection 3.5.c. EMERGENCY RESPONSE SPILL ALERT SYSTEM WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION

REOUIREMENTS: West Virginia Legislative Rules Title 47, Series 11, Section 2 effective July I, 1987.

RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING: Each and every person who may cause or be responsible for any spill or accidental discharge of pollutants into the waters of the State shall give immediate notification to the Emergency Notification Numberl·800·642·3074. Such notification shall set forth insofar as possible and as soon thereafter as practical the time and place of such spill or discharge, type or types and quantity or quantities of the material or materials therein, action cir actions taken to stop SUch spill or discharge and to minimize the polluting effect thereof, the measure or measures taken or to be taken in order to prevent a recurrence of any such spill or discharge and such additional. information as may be requested by the Departm ent of Enviionmental Protection. A written verification of such notification shall be submitted upon request of the Department of Environmental Protection. It shall be the responsibility of each industrial establishment or other entity discharging directly into a strearn to have available the following information pertaining to those substances that are employed or handled in its operation in sufficiently large amount as to constitute a hazard in case of an accidental spill or discharge into a public streanl: 1. Potential toxicity in water to main, animals and aquatic life; 2. Details on analytical proc~ures for the quantitative estimation of such substances in water; and 3. Suggestions on safeguards or other precautionary measures to nullify the toxic effects of a SUbstance once it has gotten into a stream .. Failure to furnish such information as required by Section 14, Article 11, Chapter 22, Code of West Virginia shall be punishable under Section 24, Article ll, Chapter 22, Code of West Virginia. . It shall be the responsibility of any person who causes or contribntes in any way to the spill or accidental discharge of any pollutant Or pollutants into State waters to immediately take any and all measures necessary to contain such spill or discharge. It shall further be the responsihility of such person to take any and all measures necessary to clean up. remove and otherwise render such spill or discharge harmless to the water of the State. When the Director, Division of Water and Waste Management determines it necessary for the effective containment and abatement of spills and accidental discharges, the Director of Water and Waste Management may require the person or persons responsible for such spill or discharge to monitor affected waters on a manner prescribed by the Director of Water and Waste Management until the possibility of any adverse effect on the waters of the State no longer exists.

VOLUNTARY REPORTING BY LAW OFFICERS. U.S. COAST GUARD, LOCK MASTERS AND OIHRM: In cases involving river and highway accidents where the responsible party mayor may not be available to report.the incident, law officers, U.S. Coast Guards, Lock Masters and other interested persons should make the report.

WHO TO CONTACT: Notify Department Headquarters in Charleston, West Virgirria at the follOWing numher: 1·800-642-3074. (This is a toll·free, 24-hour emergency response numher.)

INFORMATION NEEDED; • Source of spill or discharge • Personnel at the scene • Location of incident • Actions initiated • Time of incident • ShipperlManufacturer identification • Name of material spilled/discharged • Railcarfrruck identification numbers • Amount of material spilled/discharged • Container type • Spilled/discharged materiaJs toxicity · .. ,




SMCRA PERMIT NOs.: 3505489

opp D ATE: ~~07!£/O""3""/2",-O",12,----,At2;Ip;!l'p",ro",,ved,,,-_

REGION: _...... !='Lo!1ggan!l!L_ INSPECTOR; _~C",·u,-"rti.... s A£Ll,.D""e",lo"'lng,,--_

NPDES PERMIT WRITER: _--...fMr!lar!!Jk>./Ab. .1:JA.u.lt __ RIGHT TO APPEAL

Notice is hereby given of your right to appeal the terms and conditions of this agen.cy action as provided under West Virginia Code § 22-11-21. Pursuant to the provisions of § 22B-I-7(c), a person subject to this action (permittee) may file an appeal to the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) within 30 days of being served notice of such agency action. For other parties (citizens) adversely affected or aggrieved by this action, an appeal may be filed to ille EQB within 30 days after the date upon which service was complete to the subject person "(permittee)". Such Notice of Appeal shall be sent to the EQB on the fonn prescribed by the Board.

West Virginia Environmental Quality Board 601 57th Street, SE Charleston, West Virginia 25304 RATIONALE PAGE

NPDES Number; WV1008285 (NPR-4-Major) County: Logan Company Name·; ALEX ENERGY INC

Facility Name: Whitman No. 3 Surface Mine

~MA/Permit No.: 85a54B9 Other Apps; Date of Draft; 0.7/0.3/20.12 Permit Writer: Mark A. Alt

Region~ Logan

1. New or expanded· discharge? NO 2. Facility eligible for General permit? NO

3. Basis for effluent limitat1on~ A. Determine uses of each receiving stream. Stream Uses Stream Name

1 RUM CK 1 TRACE FK/COPPERAS MINE ~K 1 unnamed trib 1 Unnamed Trib 1 WHITMAN CK

B. Parameters of concern: pH YES ~e YES MIl Al (D) YES Al (T) ~O Others Specify Others: N/A

c. Justification Review~ Alex Energy Inc has submitted NPR No.4 for the "W"nitman No.3 Surface Mine" which covers Article 3 permit S-5054-89 that will that will. discharge treated and storm-water runoff from all associated access roads sites into Whitman Creek & Trace Fork of Copperas Mine Fork of Island creek of the Guyandotte River. "

On-Bench OUtlets 005,006,007,008,009 and 010 will keep TMDL limits of 2.28 mg./l monthlyavg. - 3.94 mg/l daily max. for iron, 2.0. mg/1 monthly avg. - 3 .. 47 mg/l daily max for manganese and 1.89 mg/l monthly avg. - 3.27 mg/l daily max for aluminum. On­ Bench outlets 011, 0.12, 0.13, 0.14, 0.15, 016, and 0.17 will keep TMDL limits of 1.82 mg./l monthlyavg. - 3.15 mg/l daily max. tor iron, 2.0 mg/l monthly avg. - 3.47 mg/l daily max for manganese and 1.89 mg/l monthly avg. - 3.27 mg/l dailY max for aluminum. In- stream outlets 001, 00.2, 003 and 018 will keep water quality limits of 1.42 mg./1 monthlyavg. - 2.46 mg/l daily max. tor iron, 2.0 mg/1 monthly avg. - 3.47 mg/l daily max for manganese and 1.89 mg/l monthly avg. - 3.27 mg/l daily max for aluminum. Monitoring for sulfate, "total dissolved solids and conductivity is being added to all outlets and in-stream monitoring stations as monitoring only on a semi-monthly frequency to supplement the application of the August 12, 2010 Permitting Guidance for Surface Coal Mining operations to Protect West Virginia's Narrative Water Quality Standards.

OUtlets 005,006,007,008,009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, and 017 proposed in this application are precipitation induced discharges (i.e. associated with on-bench sediment structures that discharge in direct response to precipitation only). Acccrding to the permitting Guidance for Surface coal Mining Operations to Protect West Virginia's Narrative Water Quality Standards, 47CSR2-sections 3.2.e and 3.2.1 issued August 12, 2010 and revised August 18, 20.10; facilities of this type are unlikely to cause or contribute to violations of West Virginia"1 s narrative water quality standards. Precipitation induced discharges (stormwater) flow only in response to precipitation and do not have residence time with unweathered rock and therefore would not be expected to have elevated mineralization/ions in the discharge. Outlets that only flow during precipitation are flowing only at the time when the receiving streams have the greatest assimilative capacity (dilution). specHicall¥, this· outlet is designed to not ·dischaige . dUring· critical low· flow· conditions of the receiving stream and therefore. does not have a reasonable potential to adversely impac't;·· the aquatic ecosystem.

Valley fill No·. 1,· (outlet .001), Valley fill No.2 (outlet 002), valley Fill No.3 (Outlet 003)", and valley fill No.4 (outlet 004) all surface disturbance associated with these fills have b~en·reclaimed. All mining associated with this permit is complete. No future di·sturbance is plalU1.ed or anticipated to occur on this permit. Attached al:."'e photos showing the reclaimed permit and the reclaimed valley fills.

There are two (2) special conditions being added to this permit,

6. special Sampling Condition - This Special sampling condition is being added to the permit to ve:dfy tire pJ:esumption that discharges from on-bench outlets which flow only in response to preCipitation would .not be expected to have reasonable potential to cause or contribute to a violation of the narrative water quality standards. The sampling is also intended to document relationShip between dischaJ:ges from on-bench outlets (pJ:ecip-induced) and stream quality and to verify that dischaJ:ges from these outlets only flow when streams have the greatest assimilative capacity. Sample site criteria are being specified to diJ:ect sampling to the outlet (s) which are most likely to discharge during any given sampling event in response to precipitation. The sample locations will change in response to the progress of mining.

7. Reopener Clause ~ This permit may be may reopened and modified, suspended, revoked and reissued'at any time if information becomes available and demonstrates that the established· controls do not attain and maintain the narrative water quality criteria at 47 CSR 3.2.e and 47 CSR 3.2.i.

4. Types of effluent limitations:

Teohnology Eased Outlets (0),

Water Quality Based Outlets (17), 001, 002, 003, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, Oll, 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017, alB

.Be$t Professional JUdgement Based OUtlets (a) ~

Speoial Outlets (0),

Ammonia out~ets (Q):

Sewage Outlets (0),

Additional Comments~ N/A

5. Special conditions Or other monitoring requirements;

Stxeam Monitoring: DWC, UTF, OWC

Groundwater Monitoring:

6. Does the application contain: Valley fillS/J:efuse? N/A In Ephemeral Streams? N/A In Inte.rmittent/Perennial Streams? N/A UNITED STATES ENVIRONM!=NTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION III 1650 Arch Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103·2029

Mr. Jeffrey Parsons West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Division ofMining & Reclamation 601 sih Street SE Charleston, WV 25304

Re: WVNPDES No.WVI 008285 - Reissuance No.4 Alex Energy Inc. Whitman No.3 Surface Mine SMCRA,No.8505489 EPA Receipt Date - July 16,2012

Dear Mr. Parsons:

Pursuant to Section 402 of the Clean Water Act, 40 C.F.R. § 123.44, andthe Memorandum ofAgreement Regarding the Administration and Enforcement ofthe National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) in West Virginia (1982) (MOA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region III received the above referenced ctIaft permit.

Alex Energy Inc. proposes to maintain the Whitman No.3 Surface Mine. There are 17 outlets associated with this permit. Outlets 005, 006, 007, 008, 009,010,011,012,013,014, 015,016, and 017 are precipitation induced discharges. Valley Fills No.1, No.2, No.3 and No. 4 are associated with outlets 001, 002,003 and 004 respectively and all surface disturbances with these fills have been reclaimed. All mining associated with this permit is complete. Monitoring for sulfate, total dissolved solids and conductivity as well as a special sampling condition and a reopener clause have been added to the permit. Based on our limited review, we will not be providing comments.

Please forward a copy of the final permit when issued. Feel free to contact me at (215) 814·5717 if you any questions or call Brian Hamilton at (215) 814-5497.

Sincerely, ~<;;~~ Evelyn S. MacKnight, Chief NPDES Permits Branch (3WP41) Water Protection Division

.t\,,~ Print.d on 100% recJic I ed/recyclable paper with 100% post-consumer fiber /l1Id process chlorine free. Customer Service Hotline: l-B0fJ..43B-2474