
University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Montana Kaimin, 1898-present (ASUM)

2-16-1996 Montana Kaimin, February 16, 1996 Associated Students of the University of Montana

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Recommended Citation Associated Students of the University of Montana, "Montana Kaimin, February 16, 1996" (1996). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 8881. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/8881

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MontanaJF The University of Montana TT"Kaimin JF | f Our 98th year, Issue 64 Kaimin is a Salish word for messages Friday, February 16,1996 Teachers' Union says contract was violated

Kimberly Robinson istration will be in violation Kaimin Reporter of the contract as soon as the fall schedule is published Students who sign up for March 8. fall classes might arrive next “I think when the schedule fall to discover their courses is published we’ll have ample have been canceled, if faculty grounds for a grievance,” members succeed with a pro­ Barrett said. The UTU has posed grievance later this 20 days to file a grievance spring. after the publication date, The University Teachers’ union grievance officer Mike Union is considering fifing a Kupilik said. grievance over what they see If the grievance is filed as a violation of the faculty and found to be valid, classes contract. that were added to meet Union representative workload requirements could Richard Barrett said the vio­ be canceled, Kupilik said. lation stems from demands Barrett said the problem that the faculty increase lies in the notion that “only their workloads beyond what classes count.” This idea, he the UTU contract requires. said, is the governor’s bottom Barrett said the governor line. However, he added, fac­ doesn’t recognize some out- ulty are also under pressure of-the-classroom work such from UM’s own administra­ as field trips and graduate tion to add classes. advising as part of workload More classes, Barrett said, requirements, even though will increase student enroll­ the contract does. This ment and credit loads, which explains the call for added will help the university classes, he said. retain state dollars. Katie Conway, a junior in pre-law and sociology, demonstrates her opposition to the proposed student The contract states faculty But if faculty concentrate pub, “The Study Brake." will increase their instruc­ only on hours spent in class, tional workload by 20 per­ other programs will suffer, cent over the next four years. history professor Mehrdad It also saysfaculty won’t be Kia told the Kaimin. Student protests UC bar proposal assigned a teaching load of “Our work is being quanti­ fied by hours spent in the Sonja Lee wrong message to UM stu­ think people need is a coffee­ more than 16.5 credit hours house where underage classroom,” Kia said. “What Kaimin Reporter dents. people unless there is a reduction in “We tell students who live can get together.” research and service or it’s is work anyway?” he asked. A UM student angered by a in the dorms not to have alco­ But other students on cam­ otherwise worked out in a “Isn’t research and recogni­ proposal to start a pub in the hol, yet we are trying to sell it pus feel differently. prior agreement. tion for the university work?” University Center has vowed in the UC,” she said. “I think students here on However, said Bill Wilmot, Kia said the state has no to do whatever it takes to keep Conway also said the pub’s campus need some entertain­ a communications professor, right to demand a quality the bar off campus, even if she profits won’t help the universi­ ment,” Kami Parmiter, a “We’ve been asked to turn in research program from a uni­ has to sit in front of the pub ty because the bar will be junior in international busi­ schedules above what the versity that puts an empha­ site all day. under a private contractor. ness said. “As long as there contract calls for.” sis only on teaching. Katie Conway, a junior in John McKee, assistant are age limits, it’s better to Faculty have already “This contract treats, the pre-law and sociology and a supervisor of the UC Game stay on campus rather than increased their workloads, university as a factory,” he former ASUM student affairs Room, disagreed. Although walk downtown.” Barrett said, and the admin­ said. committee member, sat in the profits from the pub would go Conway said liability prob­ UC for three hours Thursday to The Ritz bar, he said doors lems also will be created by to protest the bar, which could would be opened between the serving alcohol on campus. open as early as next fall. And game room and the pub, gen­ She said even if a private con­ ASUM thaws Kyi-Yo funds she promised to keep coming erating revenue for UM. tractor is held responsible for back if necessary. “Instead of defining morals, problems, people will still hold Constitutional review committee “Even if I have to sit out we should look at what will the university Hable. here everyday I will,” she said. help the university financial­ “People are going to go for to probe membership board actions Conway said she is protest­ ly,” McKee said. the deep pockets, not a small ing the pub because she Clair Savon, a junior in contractor,” she said. Erica Curless Organization, the funds Liberal Studies, said she “I won’t let this go quietly,” remained frozen until ASUM believes there is no need to Kaimin Reporter have alcohol on campus. agreed with Conway’s protest. Conway said. Legal Council Bruce Barrett A university pub would pro­ “There are so many bars in Kyi-Yo’s April powwow reviewed the change. mote underage drinking, she Montana and Missoula -Lee Douglas contributed to may become a reality because The money was released said, and would send the already,” she said. “What I this story ASUM unfroze its bank Thursday morning after account Thursday. Barrett decided a name ASUM Business Manager changing precedent existed, ASUM votes yes to UC bar, grill Jason Thielman froze the Thielman said. club’s account in December Kyi-Yo needs ASUM fund­ karaoke. Erica Curless after two members claimed ing to host its annual April UM Productions director Virginia Jones Kaimin Reporter the presidency. Thielman powwow, but money was not attended Wednesday’s meeting to voice oppo­ refused to release the funds available during the two- Serving beer and burgers at a UC pub sition to the Senate’s vote. Jones is worried until a name change dispute month account freeze, received a vote of support Wednesday by the her organization would have too much was solved. Thielman said. ASUM Senate. responsibility in the deal and that a financial Kyi-Yo’s recognition was Because some ASUM ASUM President Matt Lee wrote The plan hasn’t been given enough thought. revoked Feb. 12, by the Senators have questioned Study Brake bylaws in December and is wait­ “My concern is some wording in the pro­ ASUM Board on Membership ASUM and the membership ing for UM*s administration and president to posed bylaws does specifically mention UM because of constitutional board’s involvement in sus­ approve the proposal. Productions,” she said. membership requirements. pending Kyi-Yo, a constitu­ The beer-and-wine bar would be located Jones said she is worried the salary for the The club was reinstated tional review board is being between the Food Court and the game room pub’s director is not included in the financial Wednesday. But because the formed to investigate. ASUM in the University Center. The Study Brake statement. Entertainment costs such as club submitted its request President Matt Lee has not would run Monday through Thursday and advertisement and set-up and technical crews under a new name, Kyi-Yo yet appointed review board include a fast-food grill and provide nightly also aren’t mentioned, she said. Native American members. entertainment such as poetry readings and See “ASUM ” page 3 2 Montana Kalmin, Friday, February 16,1996 Opinion______NFL faces crisis as The McPhee Vote, Part I innocent toys? Hmmm...0n I believe it was in gious icons) and second thought, this might October last that I Column by BBQ Larvets (BBQ teams city-hop decreed 1995 the flavored beetle lar­ actually be a diversionary tac­ More and more Americans seem to be obsessed with Year of the Loser. vae—”no calories!”). tic by McPhee to lure Bob into the range of enemy fire. After what is wrong with this country of ours. Some say That was an excel­ Indeed, directly greed, some say malcontent, others might argue it’s lent proclamation adjacent to bold let­ all, Bob took lots of heat for his Americans’ disregard for anyone beside themselves. And then, but as They tering shrieking attacks on smut last summer. nowhere are these problems more manifest than in the say, this is now. “Year of the Rat!” Ah yes, it must be a ruse, recent rumblings of the National Football League. And, of course, with is—and yes, every for just to the right of that The NFL was clipping along on the crest of a new year, comes a word of this is poor girl’s face are the words Reaganomics in the mid-80s when a new title, and I fear true—a photo of a “Year of the Rat,” a clear “ modest doormat team from St. Louis 1996 is no exception: young girl, her eyes endorsement of Dole’s nearest KaiFTlin decided it would pull up its roots and welcome to the Year opened wide in challenger, Pat Buchanan. move to the desert. It seemed of the Rat. Jason alarm, deep-throat­ To that end, the American editorial a harmless idea at the time: the fan ing a large rodent. Heritage Dictionary offers as Now, I’ll be the Vaupel __ support was minimal, their stadium first to admit that I Well, well! .its second definition of “rat” was barely accessible and the excite­ had nothing to do The image, in these heady words: “ A despi­ ment surrounding the program was clearly gone. But with this latest and of itself, speaks cable, sneaky person.” And, below the seemingly innocent Cardinal move was a fault christening. Rather, I was volumes, as does the caption, who could possibly be more that, almost a decade later, would shake the very foun­ rummaging though the mas­ particularly now that the race “despicable” and “sneaky” than dations of fan support that the NFL counts on for its sive stacks of junk mail my for the American presidency a man at the heart of the two existence. disgraceful shanty receives, has officially rocketed out of most diabolical political scan­ In the last year, we have seen Los Angeles, the sec­ when I came upon two copies the starting blocks. The entire dals of our time, Watergate ond-largest city in the United States, go from having of the quarterly catalog from package is clearly an endorse­ and the Iran-Contra Affair. To two professional football teams to none. We have seen “Archie McPhee and Co.: ment of both front-runners for wit: Uncle Pat was a speech the Raiders return to their original home of Oakland Outfitters of Popular Culture.” the Republican nomination. writer for Tricky Dick when and the Rams split to St. Louis — years detached from This organization specializes Or is it? the deal went down, and the departure of the Cardinals. A few months ago, the in all varieties of tacky plastic First, there’s the photo. Director of White House Browns announced their intention to leave Cleveland toys, gags, and “gifts,” many of How could it not drive Bob Communications when Dutch for the promise of big bucks in Baltimore, a city that which adorn my humble villa. Dole, champion of all that is Reagan was playing Atomic saw its original team, the Colts, leave for Indianapolis Normally I wouldn’t waste 50 pure, chaste and peaceful, into Cowboy in the ‘80s. To hold some years back. And, of course, the latest moving lines of valuable print space to a mad, slavering froth of hate both jobs, one must have at attempt by the Seattle Seahawks aims to fill the still­ discuss the printed marvels and choler? Which, I think, is least a pint or two of rat blood warm hearth of NFL profit left deserted in Los Angeles that arrive at my doorstep exactly what the McPhee com­ coursing though one’s veins, just over a year ago. everyday just past noon, but pany was trying to do when methinks. This dizzying game of musical chairs perpetrated by the graphic on the cover of this they printed that hideous, sav­ It would seem Archie money-hungry NFL owners does more than just to con­ catalog floored me. age cover: give the man fuel McPhee would agree: The fuse uniform shipping distributors, though. It symbol­ It seems Archie McPhee and for his coalition of Christian Year of the Rat is here. izes reputed flaws in American society. Rather than Co. are attempting to use both fire. Why not give Bobby blame themselves for their own attendance or financial child-pornography and crack­ something “new” to thump on, Jason Vaupel will continue problems, owners pawn off responsibility for a stagnant ling political commentary to such as the use of bizarre with Part II of this series next market on the people of the cities in which their teams peddle Turbo Giow-Marias pseudo-sexual images to hawk week, assuming he doesn’t die dwell. The owners’ solution is simple after that: barring (small glow-in-the dark reli­ cheap trinkets and seemingly- of sun-stroke before. all regard for fans, they only have to look for a place where the marketable skills of their football teams might be appreciated. And it is downright uncanny how many times these destinations bring brand-spanking Letters to the Editor ------L new stadiums gained from a contract with a written what to do at this point. spect for uni­ escape clause. Of course, the only thing delaying these moves is an Kyi-Yo conflict not Obviously there is a great versity stu­ dents. even more grotesque giant: the American legal system, human rights issue interest, as there should be, in Allow me which usually manages at least a couple obligatory rerecognizing the club, howev­ press conferences to protest the move before the team Editor, er, the more parties involved to clarify. shoves off for new land anyway. As an active member of the with this mess, the more com­ First some Sure, fans in these new towns will jump on the novel­ suspended Kyi-Yo Club, I am plicated it will get. It started believed my ty of their new teams and ride out the wave for a few interested in the reasons why with two conflicting groups of essay was emo- — years. But with the current rate of franchise movement, the UM Human Rights people, let’s leave it at that. tional and frustrated. Before I no football “promise land” is above the possibility of Coalition is getting involved in This is not a human rights defend those naive statements having its supporters join the growing legion of disgrun­ our affairs. I do appreciate the issue. I would argue that the same tled former fans left behind in other cities. It is a cycle insightful information and Peter Benning applies toward the Union that denies fans a firm identification with any one team opinion of Stephanie J. Glaros, Freshman, Anthropology Faculty. One person said that and deftly undermines the very roots of what makes however, I do not think it is the reason students should not sports great. her place to discredit the be involved in discussions with actions taken by ASUM, nor the powers that be is because Thomas Mullen get involved in this conflict. By Student suggests we are too emotional and frus­ taking action, she is throwing ASUM coup trated when involved in a con­ a rock to an already drowning troversial issue. It was also situation. Editor, stated that students don’t Montana Kaimin With the current position, To the Associated Students understand the issues facing The Montana Kaimin, in its 98th Susan Minogue, Jennifer Savage, the club members have not of the University of Montana: the University Teachers’ Union year, is published by the students Danielle Smith only lost our club’s recognition, Contract because the issues of The University of Montana, Production Manager. April Jones Impeach Matt Lee!! Missoula. The UM School of Production Assistants.... Steven but we continue to lose time are too complicated. And... Journalism uses the Montana Millhouse, Danielle Smith that is needed to plan our pow­ Dennis E. Tyrrell your point is? Kaimin for practice courses but Advertising Representatives..... wow. This situation is only I would argue that if I can assumes no control over policy or Betsy Ehlinger, Andrea Harsell Senior, Social Work content. Office Manager...... Vicki Warp hurting people; directly as per­ [email protected] read and comprehend Office Assistant...... Dawn Hayes sonal conflicts mount and indi­ Editorial Board members Reporters...Karen Chdvez, Erica Thucydides, than working on deciding how much work facul­ Editor...... Lorie Hutson Curless, Justin Grigg, Kathie rectly with all of the loyal News Editors Matt Ochsner, Hayton, Jason Kozloski, Erin drummers, dancers, elders, ty does is within my realm. Juntunen, Sonja Lee, Fac^lt^b^elittles Becky Shay, Molly Wood children and even spectators Dana Shonk Arts Editor...... Brian Hurlbut Kimberly Robinson, Morgan intelligence Features Editor...Matt Venendaal Sturges that return to our powwow Vice President ASUM Sports Editor...... Thomas Mullen Sports Writers...... Anna Maria year after year. Editorials are the product of a Delia Costa, Brian Crosby Arts Writer...... Zach Dundas It seems that history keeps I would like to let UM stu­ Clarification group consensus with heavy Photographers..... Jordan Larue, repeating itself; sticky politics doses of the writer’s own opinion. Stuart Th u rlkill, Ann Williamson dents know what the Union A headline in the Business Manager...... Shellie Columnists... Jason Vaupel, are getting in the way and tak­ Faculty think of us. Or maybe Wednesday, Feb. 14 issue of the Nelson Matt Venendaal ing precedence over our Indian I should talk about what they Montana Kaimin may have Design Editor...... April Jones Cartoonist...... ,.„....David Green culture. This is a very embar­ Designers...... Justin Grigg, Business office phone think of me. Either way it is given readers the impression Tofer Towe, Kyle Wood (406) 243-6541 rassing situation for everybody not a favorable view. The that alcohol is served the the Photo Editors...... Seanna Newsroom phone and I think it should have O’Sullivan (406)243-4310 Union Faculty’s reaction to my Foresters’ Ball. There is no Copy Editors...... Jennifer Brown, httpy/www.umt.eduJkaimin been resolved long ago. It is essay in yesterday’s Kaimin alcohol served at the event hard to know where to be and represents their total disre- Montana Kaimin, Friday, February 16,1996 3

continued from page 1 FareWars! ASUM: awaiting approval Many Destinations Apply. “There is a real lack of tainment is already available Must Purchase By Feb, detail in the plan,” Jones in Missoula.” said. Sen. Jennifer Henry told . But ASUM Vice President Jones Wednesday it was a Certain travel dates/restrictions apply Dana Shonk said Productions “mere technicality” that put "Customer service is more than our motto. only concentrates on big the pub under Productions It is the way we do business!" events like Pearl Jam con­ guidance. certs. He said including But Lee reminded the Senate that ASUM is UC Campus Ct. Sat. by appointment smaller gigs like Monday M-F 9-5 p.m. night football and karaoke Productions’ employer. travel Call for more information would be an inexpensive way “They are employees of Connection Located in the UC to give students more diverse ours and we don’t boss them 549-2286 entertainment. around,” he said. “But, they Jones said Productions do not boss us around and tries to bring students shows tell us what to do.” not already available. The pub needs President WELCOME BACK STUDENTS “The reason we don’t do George Dennison’s approval (karaoke and open mic) is before becoming reality. Spring Semester Groups are Now Forming because that kind of enter­ SPRING SEMESTER 1996 ACOA/CO-DEPENDENCY GROUP: Led by FOOD, FRIEND or FOE? Led by Cheryl KAIMIN ONLINE Joanne Blake, MS CCDC. Wondering why you are VanDenberg, PhD, & Martha Silverman, PhD. not happy or feeling good about yourself? Perhaps This group will provide a supportive environment it’s because of all the old baggage you brought with for people who struggle with their relationship you from your family of orgin. Forge a new with food and body image. The group will It’s no line! Access us relationship with yourself as you learn to make explore emotional vs. physical hunger, better choices that enhance your self-worth and overeating, binging, purging, and self care. increase your happiness. Wednesdays, 1-2:30 p.m. Thursdays, 3:10-4:30 p.m., beginning in February on the ’Net: Starts in February FEELING GOOD: Led by Michael Frost MA LPC & Quincy Robyn Young MA, Clinical BEREAVEMENT GROUP: Led by Mike Frost Psychology Graduate Student. If you wake up MA LPC & Kerry Maier, Couselor Education dreading the day...or have trouble getting out of http ://www. u mt. ed u/kai m i n Graduate Student. Come for support and comfort as bed...if you have to force yourself to anything...if you deal with issues of death ana dying. Fridays you believe you're worthless...if you find yourself 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Starting date to be announced losing interests, and not getting out as much...you will benefit from this group, which teaches ways to respond to our moods, deal with emotional SELF ESTEEM GROUP: Led by Fred Weldon, problems, and get rid of depression, Fridays, EdD LPC. A practical and realistic group 1- 2:30 p.m., beginning soon. experience designed to inspire you to try new techniques and ideas for building healthier A WOMEN'S GROUP; Led by Betty Miller self-esteem. This will be a workshop with sharing, RNC What do you want from your deepest heart? Obstacles and options. Day and time to be Do Laundry exercises, and goal orientation. Start beleving in announced. Ole’s yourself and make it happen. Mondays, 3:00-4:30 Z^nd!o^ and Study. p.m. beginning February 26th WOMEN'S GROUP-A JOURNEY OF ONE'S SELF: Led by Cheiyl VanDenburg, PhD & Too! KNOCK OUT NICOTINE: Led by Fred Weldon, Kristin Croyle, Clinical Psychology Graduate Student. This process-oriented group will • Open 24 Hours EdD LPC. It’s never to late to kick the habit. facilitate self-exploration. Themes to be explored Nicotine impairs your quality of life and can cause include: self-esteem, family dynamics, intimacy • Study Tables for Students shortness of breath, less energy and more colds. and relationships. Tuesday, 5:10-6:30 p.m., Smoking, chewing or dipping can lead to cancer, starting date to be announced. • Espresso Bar cause gum disease, mouth sores, cost you a bundle 1600 Russell (Mount & Russell) and ruin your looks. A six-session program based WOMEN UNLOCKING DREAMS: Led by on the American Lung Association model. Cost per Cheryl VanDenburg PhD: It’s been said that person: $15. Mondays 3-4:30 p.m. beginning in dreams are the royal road to the unconscious, and April. interpreting them can be a useful and powerful tool.This group for women will explore dreams using them as a mirror for self-reflection. SKILLS FOR OPTIMIZING YOUR LIFE Mondays 2:10-3:30 p.m.. Beginning in February. THROUGH THE MIND-BODY CONNECTION: Led by Will Cowdrey, LPC & FROM SURVIVING TO THRIVING. A Quincy Robyn Young MA, Clinical Psychology SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN SEXUALLY Graduate Student. This series of workshops will ABUSED AS CHILDREN: Led by Will introduce you to techniques to allow you to Cowdrey, LPC. This group will provide an achieve your personal goals, more fully relax, cope opportunity for men to explore a wide range of and manage your stress, improve your sleep, issues associated with their childhood sexual reduce anxiety, and improve your overall health abuse experiences, including affected belief and immune system. You are asked to commit to systems and behaviors, sexuality and ways of attending the whole series, as the skills build from moving from surviving to thriving. Tuesdays, REGISTERING, DROPPING OR week to week. Thursdays 10-11:30 a.m., Feb. 22nd 2- 4:00 p.m., starting date to be announced. through April 25th. Ten participants maximum. ADDING SELF-ESTEEM & RELATIONSHIP ENHANCEMENT FOR SEXUAL ABUSE (Through Feb. 16 — By Telephone) TAMING TOUR TEST ANXIETY DRAGONS: SURVIVORS: Led by Jennifer Waltz PhD & Led by Will Cowdrey MS LPC & Quincy Robyn Kristin Davis MA. Women who have Students may drop/add or register by DIAL Young MA, Clinical Psychology Graduate Student. experienced negative or abusive sexual This workshop will assist students in overcoming experiences in childhood or adolescence may BEAR until 5 p.m., Feb. 16,1996. performance anxiety associated with academics, have difficulty with self-esteem, depression or (February 17 - March 11 — By Paper) i.e. tests, exams., public speaking and forming satisfying relationships, especially when presentations. The seminar will be offered on making the transition to college. This group will Students may drop/add with a paper form that Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon, March 9th and provide support, discussion and building April 27th. Call to reserve a space; limited to 25 strengthts in these areas, in a here-and-now is available at the Registration Center, Lodge. participants. focused way. Begins last week of February, 113. The form must be signed by: (1) the student's times/day to be announced. For more CARING FOR US: KEEPING COUPLES information & screening appointment for this instructor; (2) the student's advisor. FROM THE BRINK:Led by Carmen Lousen, group, call 243-5549. MA LPC & Ken Welt PhD. This is a time-limited LATE REGISTRATION group for partners in committed relationships. LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP: Led by Cheryl /(Students may request late registration with the "Petition The needs of the participating couples will R. VanDenburg, PhD. This support group is determine the emphases of this group, although it designed to explore the issues of homophobia, ' Hamster and Pay Fees After the Deadline" paper form is anticipated that content will incluae relationships, family dynamics, the lesbian I available at the Registration Center, Lodge 113.The form understanding each others unique needs and community, coming out, parenting and experiences, eliminating unintended hurtful intergrating sexual orientation with ust be initialed by: the instructor of every course. If messages, enhancing sexual communication, school/career. Tuesdays, 1:30-3:00 p.m. approved by the late registration committee, an $80 late maintaining intimacy and autonomy, and envisioning a future for each relationship. The fee will be assessed. group will be limited to four couples and a screening appointment is required. Times and LEPHONE REGISTRATION FOR dates of sessions will be announced later. .Student Health Services SUMMER 1996 YMedical • Dcnral • Couwlino • WeDnttS phoii^RegistraUq^or Smnpier 1996 will begin V‘ ’d(ely,^.pril1,1996 wen the Summer The University of Montana Counseling and filass'schedule-is'pgblished. Psychological Services are offered to all students Dial Bear is still available to access your grades for the as a part of your Student Health Service Fee. following semesters: Spring 1995, Summer 1995 Call to schedule an appointment 243-4711 and Autumn 1995. 4 Montana Kaimin. Friday, February 16,1996 $CASH IN A ^FLASH ^ELECTRONIC ______Stax filing UM officers Student Special! 1040 EZ & 2 W-2's: $24.95 Why wait for your tax refund? recognized 928 E. Broadway 1916 Brooks 2120 S. Reserve Northgate Plaza 721-0105 721-8633 549-7400 543-3171 Morgan Sturges Kaimin Reporter

Saving the life of a woman trapped under a tree stump was EVERYDAY DISCOUNTS! all a matter of “being in the right place at the right time,” University Policewoman and 10off 20off 30off one of Missoula County’s Officers of the Year, Jamie Kosena said Thursday. All Non-text Newly Released NY Times Best Sellers Kosena and fellow officer Joe Books (students Clotn Editions faculty & staff) (all customers) (all customers) Bailey were two University Police officers honored by the * Sorry, we cannot discount special orders Missoula Exchange Club at its annual award ceremony Feb. 8. This was the first year the Jamie Kosena, in her third year of law enforcement for the University University Police department of Montana campus police, is one of Missoula County’s Officers of the Year. joined in the awards. UNIVERSITY CENTER “I’m very excited about it,” they ever got hurt.” Police was “an oversight.” HOURS: M-F...8 to 6 SaL.,10 to 6 Kosena said. “We were finally Bailey now works for the recognized as a police depart­ Missoula Police Department The winners of this year’s ment to participate.” and was not available for com­ Missoula Exchange Club According to Sgt. Richard ment. Officer of the Year awards: Thurman of the University. Officers of the Year are cho­ • University Police: Joe Police, Kosena and Bailey were sen by their supervisors who Bailey and Jamie Kosena “instrumental in saving the nominate them in letters to the • Montana Highway woman’s life last May.” ♦ CLINIC ♦ club explaining their choice. Patrol: Ed Hilbert The May incident occurred These letters are then read • Missoula County after a stump-removal operation WHEN PRIVACY COUNTS... aloud at the ceremony. Sheriff’s Department: Susan went awry, trapping a woman in “It used to be that we tried to Hintz a 3 to 4 foot deep hole from her • FREE Pregnancy Testing/Counseling pick one law officer of the year,” • Montana Department of pelvis to head. Kosena said the John Velk, club chairman said. Fish, Wildlife and Parks: • Birth Control combined efforts of her and “I kind of thought that was silly. Doug Johnson Bailey, the fire department and • Abortion Services The one who won each year was • Missoula Police paramedics saved the woman’s either someone who’d been shot Department: The entire • Morning After Pill life. The woman has fully recov­ at or shot at someone.” department was nominated • STD/HIV Testing Counseling ered. Using letters allows each by Chief Peter Lawrenson in “It was a big effort by every­ • Evening Appointments Available department to select at least one honor of its team efforts body,” Kosena said. “It’s the kind nominee, Velk said. throughout the year, especial­ of thing you wish the public Velk said the previous years ly in the area of youth vio­ Confidential • Affordable • Supportive would see because it would exclusion of the University lence. make everybody comforted if 610 N. California.. .721-1646

of Montana — Missoula

McNair /Scholars A FEDERALLY FUNDED PROGRAM I Program The TRIO programs direct attention to the needs of low-income/first generation students to improve their lives. TRIO programs are designed to identify promising students and prepare them to do college work (Upward Educational Bound), provide tutoring and support services to students Opportunity once they enroll in college (Educational Opportunity Program), and prepare a small number of highly moti­ Program vated students for graduate/doctoral studies (McNair Scholars Program). Students and faculty are invited to check out the TRIO display at the ^Upward 1 University Center, 1st floor, Thursday Bound and Friday, February 15 and 16. Montana Kaimin, Friday, February 16,1996 5 Arts Desert rock should heat up Missoula Brian Hurlbut in us that made us get our shit Kaimin Arts Editor together instead of hiding in our hotel rooms crying about being Success can do strange famous.” things to people. In the case of Get if together they did, and the , the winding out of their effort comes the path to the top has had lasting band’s sophomore release, effects. But don’t worry, for the “Congratulations I’m rise to stardom has been noth­ Sorry”( A&M), which continues ing but beneficial for America’s their tradition of thoughtful, current darlings of pop. accessible guitar-based pop. For “Everything that’s happened those worried the band might in the last four years has helped succumb to the pressures of to make us a stronger band and recording a follow-up to a com­ stronger individuals,’’ states mercial smash, Rhodes puts singer Robin Wilson. What those assumptions to rest. “By Wilson is referring to is the the time we hit Memphis to time since the release of 1992s record, we feared nothing,” he “New says. “We didn’t really worry Courtesy Photo Miserable about what Experience,” a anyone else THE GIN BLOSSOMS, along with fellow Tempe-ites Dead Hot Workshop and The Refrehments, will be verything that’s at the UC Ballroom Monday,.Feb. 19, for an 8p.m. performance. The band has just released their second record that would think.” happened in the album, “Congratulations I’m Sorry," as a follow-up to the hugely successful and radio-friendly “New spawned E The Gin Miserable Experience." numerous hit last four years has Blossoms singles includ­ helped to make us a obviously like ing “Hey to play in Jealousy,” stronger band and front of an “Found Out stronger audience, and About You* individuals. ” they’ll be Cale^ and “Until I doing so this Fall Away.” —Robin Wilson Monday night The record Gin Blossoms Lead Singer in front of a didn’t take off sold-out crowd commercially intheUC: until almost a Ballroom. year after its release, during Opening will be two other The Montana Repertory for the. Missoula Indian Fred Green with Daddy-O which time the band was tour­ Tsmpe-based bands, Dead Hot Theatre presents Neil Center are requested. will be at Jay’s Upstairs ing constantly and often playing Workshop and The Simon’s The Sunshine Boys, Calobo, one of the tonight for a 9:30 show. Jay’s two shows a day. Although the Refreshments. The playing at 8p.m. tonight and Northwest’s most popular also hosts the Fireballs of breaking of “New Miserable Refreshments, who were signed tomorrow night at the acts, bring their acoustic Freedom, Spanker, and Experience” was quite sudden, to Mercury Records after an Montana Theatre. It will grooves into town for a show Ballantrae Saturday night at the Blossoms were ready. impressive stint at Austin’s also be presented Feb. 21-24, at the Top Hat tonight. The 9:30. Cover is $2. “When it finally happened, we South By Southwest Music with a 2p.m. matinee on the Portland-based seven piece The Buttered Toast felt like we’d worked hard for Festival in Texas, will soon 24th. Tiekets are available band is known for their Society presents a student it,* recalls drummer Philip release their debut album, at Worden’s, Rockin’ Rudy’s engaging live performances reading at Java the Hut, Rhodes. “Fizzy Fuzzy Big & Buzzy” The and the UM box office. and their latest CD, “Ya tonight at 7:30. Robert Blake The Tempe, Arizona-based catchy, southwestern flavored ASUM and AIES present Dum Di Dum” has reached and John Floridis bring their quintet, which also includes sounds heard in such tracks as A Night In The Native Arts, number eleven on the NW acoustic sounds to the same Jesse Valenzuela, Scott Johnson “Don’t Wanna Know,” “Blue an evening of Native top twenty list of the Seattle venue on Saturday night for on guitar and bassist Bill Leen, Collar Suicide” and “Banditos” American dancing, singing, Ropket magazine. an 8p.m. performance. say that constant touring and should provide the perfect appe­ and storytelling, tonight at The Top Hat also has The If you’re looking to get having a hit record will either tizer to Monday’s main dish of 7p.m. in the Mount Sentinel Mike Reilly Band on tap for outta town, Wildberry Jam break a band up or make it bet­ the Gin Blossoms. A full menu room in the University Saturday night, with a cover will be at Harold’s Club in ter. “For whatever reason,” says of desert rock indeed. Center. Admission is free, of $2, and a free show on Milltown tonight and tomor­ Wilson, “it triggered something but donations of canned food Sunday featuring Fat Paw. row night.



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SOUTHGATE MALL 721-7844 6 Montana Kaimln, Friday, February 16,1996 Sports Griz-'Cat contest brings conference clawing to Harry Adams Held House games. Anna Maria Della Costa The Montana State Bobcats are 15-7 overall and Montana State leads the Kaimin Sports Writer are 7-2 in Big Sky Conference series 132-111, but the Griz have won eight of the last 12. Intra-state rivals in men’s play. They are second in the UM beat MSU three times basketball are big games in league behind leader Boise and among themselves. State and have won seven of last year, winning in Bozeman and Missoula and in But when you throw in a their last nine games. Last few things like a tight confer­ weekend the ‘Cats lost at the semi-finals of last year’s Big Sky Conference post sea­ ence race and a pair of teams Weber State 94-90 but beat that were each chosen to fin­ Northern Arizona 76-61. In son tournament. This season, the two teams ish atop the Big Sky the game against NAU, met on Jan. 20 with the ‘Cats Conference in separate pre­ MSU’s leading team scorer, season polls, you’ve got your­ senior center Quadre Lollis winning in Bozeman 72-65. In self a huge game with a little scored 56 points and added 27 the game Samuelson had a more than just bragging rebounds in the game. He game and career-high 26 points. For MSU, forward rights at stake. made 22-of-28 shots and 12- Once again, it’s the ‘Cat- of-15 free throws. Nico Harrison had 22 points, guard Scott Hatler had 13 Griz Classic. The Grizzlies have a 16-6 The two teams will face off overall record and are 6-3 in and Lollis scored 12. in their 244th meeting tomor­ the Big Sky. They are tied On Saturday, the Griz hope row night in Dahlberg Arena with Weber State for third in they can take advantage of in what could be one of the the league, but Weber State their home court and play a biggest games of the season plays at Boise State tomorrow solid game. “Rebounding is definitely a for both teams. night in another key With only five games left in matchup. key to our game,” said junior the regular season, both Montana is coming off a guard Kirk Walker. “When we Montana State and Montana split weekend as well. They rebound well we win games, are still in the hunt for the beat NAU 77-46 but lost to when we’re out-rebounded we league championship. A win Weber State 97-80 last week­ lose. We also need to cause by either team could give end. Senior forward Shawn some turnovers but not turn them the inside track to pos­ Samuelson leads the Griz in the ball over ourselves.” sibly winning the conference. points, scoring 16.5 points a “We definitely can’t afford The Griz have a crucial game and in rebounds, 7.2 a to lose any more games, but three-game homestand where game. He has led UM in scor­ we’re home, and we haven’t they could pick up some ing in nine of its last 11 lost a home game all season,” ground in the conference race. After they face-off with the BIG SKY STANDINGS Cats this weekend, they host Idaho State and Boise State OVERALL next weekend. MSU will also TEAM BIG SKY play BSU next weekend. Boise State 8-1 12-9 “We know we can Control MONTANA STATE 7-2 15- 7 our own destiny from here on MONTANA 6-3 16- 6 out,” Assistant Coach Todd 15-8 UM’s Nate Covill drives past Dominique Davis in practice Thursday. Schmautz said. “Right now Weber State 6-3 9-11 The Griz face cross-state rival Montana State Saturday night at we have to just concentrate Idaho State 5-4 Dahlberg Arena. on Montana State and what Idaho 3-6 9-11 we have to do to win that N. Arizona 1-8 4-16 game and we’ll go from 2-18 Track team returns to Bozeman there.” E. Washington 0-9 Both the men and the Brian Crosby women lost their head-to-head Kaimin Sports Writer Lady Griz may clinch title with win over 'Cats meeting last week to the This Griz-Cat weekend isn’t Bobcats. The Lady Griz fell to coming off consecutive wins game Thomas Mullen just for the pumpkin the ‘Cats 80-44, and the Griz against Northern Arizona The teams met last month Kaimin Sports Editor pounders. fell to the ‘Cats 82-49. Head and Weber State. The in Missoula, with the Lady The Griz track team is Coach Dick Koontz thought Bobcats routed NAU 83-66 Griz taking home a 60-42 win When the Lady Griz bas­ heading back down 1-90 to last week was a “break­ then slipped past Weber 68- in a game that saw MSU ketball team plays the Lady Bozeman after last Sunday’s through” meet for some of his 66 in overtime. The Lady shoot just 24 percent from ‘Cats tonight in Bozeman, meet try qualify more athletes. Griz beat Weber 76-64 and the field. UM shot 42 percent to to there will be more than just athletes for the Big Sky “Our team had both good then pounded NAU 91-61. from the floor, led by the 20 pride on the line. Championships to be held and bad things happen in After last weekend’s games, points of guard Skyla Sisco. The first-place UM March 1-2. Bozeman,” said Koontz. both teams also ended up Julie Brown was the only women’s basketball team will Todd Hering and Dave “There were, however, some with the Big Sky Conference MSU player to score in dou­ square off against second- Kolle have qualified for the great performances.” co-player of the week — UM’s ble digits. Selvig said this place MSU at 7:35 p.m. If the 55-meters, while Kolle also Sprinters Todd Hering, Greta Koss and MSU’s Blythe time around, his Lady Griz Lady Griz are successful qualified in the 200-meter. Dave Kolle and freshman Hommes shared the honor would not get away with a they’ll have a Big Sky Troy McDonough and Darryl Santee Gladeau all had good this week. win if they played like they Conference trophy to take Coppedge have qualified in weekends, finishing 1-2-3 in For UM, Koss shot 76 per­ did against MSU last month. home with their state brag­ the 55-meter hurdles, and the 55-meter dash. Koontz cent from the field in the two “(MSU) will play much bet­ ging rights. Dave Macaluso hit the qualify­ added that Ben Zaino, Dave games, en route to 41 points, ter than they did here,” And don’t think Bobcats ing mark in the pole vault. For Macaluso and Troy 21 rebounds and five steals. Selvig said. don’t know it. They’ve dubbed the women, Nikki Traina and McDonough all ran well in the MSU junior Hommes scored His evidence comes from a the game “WAR” (Women’s Michelle Henderson have both 1600-meter relay. Freshman 47 points, 22 rebounds and 45 percent MSU shooting per­ Attendance Record) night in qualified in the 400 meters, sprinter Brooke Stinson, in nine steals. formance against Weber an attempt to break the and Brooke Stinson qualified her first competitive race since MSU has a 9-3 home State and their 83-point per­ record set at a ‘Cat-Griz for the 200. Cathy Schwend her junior year in high school, record this season, but Can’t formance against Northern matchup in 1991. and Nikki Traina qualified in tied for first in the 200-meter rely on trends alone while Arizona — but not from the “We like that,” assured UM the 55-meter hurdles. dash. Last Friday, at the facing the Lady Griz. influence of the expected Head Coach Robin Selvig. Schwend also qualified in the Mountain State Games in UM continues to lead the record-breaking crowd at “We play really good on the long jump. Brenda Naber, Lisa Pocatello, Junior Cathy country in both scoring MSU’s Worthington Arena. road and we’ve played at Oyen and Angie Remington Schwend and sophomore Troy defense and opponent field­ “The bigger the crowd the places with big crowds this each qualified in the high McDonough both broke their goal percentage, and is beat­ better,” Selvig said, “and I year; so I think that kind of jump, triple jump and shot own school records in the pen­ ing league opponents by an think our kids look at it that atmosphere will be great.” put, respectively. tathlon. UM and MSU are both average of 19.4 points per way.” Montana Kaimin. Friday. February 16.1996 7 PRESIDENT GEORGE M. DENNISON WEEKLY OPEN OFFICE HOURS Spring Semester 1996 Concerning U A Night In The Native Conference Room 207A in Wednesday, February 21 1'3 P-m Arts- 7 p.m., Mount Sentinel UC, everyone welcome. Room, 3rd Floor, University Philosophy Forum- Thursday, March 7 H a m "1 P-m Center. Free. Donations of Andrew Light, “What Is canned food for the Missoula Environmental Quality?”, Wednesday, March 20 12-2 p.m. Indian Center. 4:10-5:30 p.m. Law School, Faculty Seminar Series­ Pope Room. Office hours open to students, faculty and staff religious Values & the International Pot-Luck Appointments Appreciated • 243-2311 Political Process,” by Party- Music and snacks pro­ Mehrdad Kia, history associ­ vided, 8 p.m. International ate professor, 2-4 p.m., House. Mansfield Center Conference Last Day to add or drop Room. spring insurance coverage. ASTHMATICS Alcoholics Anonymous- Last day to pay fees for Comerstones Group, 12:10 Spring semester. Age 18-65 p.m., University Center Last day to add classes, Non-Smoker Conference Room. add graduate credit & receive Faculty Recital- Anne a partial refund for classes Using at least one asthma Medication Basinski, soprano; Stephen dropped. Kalm, baritone, 8 p.m., Music National Student 5 Clinic Visits Recital Hall. Exchange Applications are Receive up to $320 Phoenix Meeting- Noon, due. .. .for your participation in an asthma Incensed? —Write a letter to the Kaimin. clinical research trial of an investigational medication. FREE MEDICAL EVALUATION AND FREE RESEARCH-RELATED TREATMENT WILL BE PROVIDED FOR THOSE WHO QUALIFY E1-5557 With this Coupon Dr. Shull Lemire has been awarded a grant to evaluate an asthma ANY5ERVICE research medication in patients with mild to moderate asthma. $5.00 The ______PACKAGE Call Northwest Clinical off BIKE^DOCTOR'NFtBt? ARY Trials Coordinators


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Drop-in aquatic certifications are required. New Metabolism breakthrough! Feb 19th. 130 N. Higgins Downtown. Guaranteed Results. $29.95. 1-800-600- hours: weekdays 10-5. SARS is a Employment June 6 to Aug 10. Room, Affordable used furniture, desks, .beds, 7389. program of the SHS. board and seasonal salary. For an application call Birchwood and Gunflint couches, etc. Household stuff. Third MISCELLANEOUS Street Curiosity Shop, 2601 South Third Women’s dream group. This group for 1-800-451-5270. SERVICES West, 542-0097. We buy furniture, too. FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 women will look at, interpret one’s Billion in public and private sector grants dreams; using them as a mirror for self­ GLACIER NATIONAL PARK, MONTANA. Come havT the best 1983 Nissan Sentra Station Wagon. & scholarships is now available. All reflection Mondays 2:10-3:30. Call College Scholarships Available White 5-speed runs great! 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Close to campus. Call to campus. $5/hr. Experience preferred. OBO. INDIVIDUALS. CALL NOW. RAISE SUNDAY 12-5. 543-6350 S500 IN ONLY ONE WEEK. 1-800-862- 542-0552 days. 549-7476 Call 549-8017 days, 549-7476 evenings. 1993 Grand Cherokee 4WD; 56K, Air, 1982. EXT. 33. evenings/weekends. CARLO BUYS Sales and Marketing Intern. 20/40 auto, cassette; $16,500. 542-8651. Women who have experienced RAPE DANGER! CERAMIC FEVER. No hours/week. Spring, summer and fall known cure. Symptoms not fatal. Pottery semesters. Missoula based logistics firm. COMPUTERS and/or SEXUAL ASSAULT: we can Last year Carlo’s purchased over $45,000 classes help. 8 weeks: $39. Phone 543- Possible full-time employment upon offer a safe place to further or begin your worth of clothing from our customers. healing process. The SEXUAL 7970. completion for more information come to Co-op Education, Lodge 162: deadline CD-ROM game “Hell” S40.00/OBO. Carlo pays up to $15 Levi 501’s, Gap, ASSAULT RECOVERY SERVICES Ban-Rep, Rei, Doc, LL Bean, Tweeds, Computer Repair ASAP. Evenings 542-6224. (SARS) is offering a SUPPORT GROUP JCrew, Open daily 11-5:30, Sunday 12-5, for student survivors beginning Monday, Most makes & models EDUCATIONAL DISCOUNTS 204 3rd. 543-6350 Feb 26, 7:10-9:10 pm. If you are UC Computers Housekeeping approx. 6 hours/week. Day on technologically advanced interested, please call 243-6559. SARS is 243-4921 and hours flex. Send resume to Box and software a program of the Student Heal th Services. 2867. Missoula MT 59806. TYPING Go to the SOURCE HELP WANTED UC COMPUTERS Prc-Hcalth Science Club meeting Wed. Children’s book author seeks illustrator to 243-4921 FAST, ACCURATE. Verna Brown. Feb 21,7 pm, SC 423. Only requirement draw pig characters in story. Send resume 543-3782. is interest. MCAT information and Applications for MMUN co-director are and drawings to: PIGS, P.O. Box 66, St. available in LA 101. Questions, call Andy Ignatius, MT 59865. scholarship opportunities through Military FORMS/RESLMES/W ORDPERFECT Services. at 549-5893. BERTA 251-4125 8 Montana Kaimin, Friday, February 16,1996 Two ASUM groups GO GRIZ! Beat the Cats battle for funds 12 oz bottles those there will be no Human Erica Curless Services organization,” Lee $3.99/6 pk Kaimin Reporter said before the vote. Home of the World Beer Specials But several Senators dis­ The distribution of ASUM’s Famous 3 for $1 Hot Dogs Miller lite $592,000 could determine agreed with Lee. Miller Genuine Draft which ASUM group can create “I have to stand up when I a referral center matching say all broad-based groups are Miller Genuine Draft lite needy students with local out of luck if we take 8 percent assistance programs. to finance one organization or Greta Koss, Lady Griz B-Ball received Ole's Both the ASUM Human even 2 percent to another Services Agency and ASUM organization,” Sen. Jeremy PLAYER -OF -THE-GAME AWARD Hueth said. Childcare want funding to Locally owned and operated. All the money you spend with us make campus and community Other Senators agreed and stays in the local economy. Exclusive sponsor of the PLAYER -OF -THE-GAME award. said the agency duplicates resources easily accessible for To date we have donated over $50,000 to the students. But ASUM can only Childcare’s program. athletic scholarship fund. . afford to fund one referral “I can’t see creating a new organization. agency when Childcare can do Childcare is asking ASUM it for less,” Sen. Michael for about $19,000 to hire a Mathem said. part-time staff person, provide Lee said the agency would internet access to local ser­ not just refer students to ser­ MARDI GRAS vices and basic office supplies. vices but help them fill out the The Human Services applications. Lee also said Agency wants $40,000 of stu­ Childcare should concentrate CELEBRATION dent activity money to hire a on expanding its care facilities director, several part-time instead of expanding its infor­ staffers and other operational mation center. FEBRUARY 20TH -24TH costs. The amount equals But Ronck said Thursday, TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY about 7 percent of ASUM’s Childcare is asking for more Country Dance entire budget, ASUM Business money to expand its facilities Disco Night Blast Into CRAB RACES Manager Jason Thielman said. at the new student housing Contest The Past With Your Costume Contest The Senate voted complex. The office tried to Favorite Face Painting Wednesday on what percent of expand last year but no space Win Great 70's Music & Tattoo's the $592,000 will be reserved was available, she said. COSTUME Come Dressed As The Dead Providing more social service Frizesl WEDNESDAY for each budget category. Each CONTEST SATURDAY of the 150 student groups fit referrals would also be a nat­ Mens' Pool ural expansion for the office, Authentic Shrimp into a category depending on Tournament! their mission. For example, Ronck said. SI Crawfish Boil: Phoenix is in the support cate- • “It’s a nice expansion of our Dress Up As 4-8 p.m. • gory, and music and academic services and using our staff better,” she said. “It will make Bud Light Join The Fun AU groups go under the profes­ Night Long sional title. the whole program stronger.” Women! Because Human Services is Severe category cuts would defined as a broad-based be made to fund the agency, group, it has to compete with Thielman said. the other 10 groups in that “If the president wants to category for funding. President fund it he has to get rid of all KYSS-FM Recruits Matt Lee unsuccessfully asked funding for the entire support the Senate to change the per­ category or professional cate­ centages Wednesday to fund gory,” he said. “I think it will Coach Don Read! the agency. be very challenging to find an “If you don’t vote to change additional $40,000 in this bud-

So much for so little. Read the Kaimin

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