Trojan Extension Line for Bio-Degradable Condoms Market Research 346 “Summer 2011” July 11th, 2011 Professor Shulman

Prepared By: Johnny Chien Sara Nejad Hashemi Michael Robinson Arista Zareh Dominique Thomas



Part 1. Qualitative Research



Screener Page……..……………………………………………………………………Pg.6

Discussion Guide…..………………………………………………………………….Pg. 7



For Future Research…………………………………………………………..……....Pg.13

For Product Development……………………………………………….…………....Pg.15

Part 2. Quantitative Research. (Awareness, Attitude, and Usage Study)

Background…………………………………………………………………………………..Pg. 16

Method…………………………………………………………………………….……..…..Pg. 17

Attitude and Usage Questionnaire……………..……………………………………Pg.18

Findings……………………………………………………………………………………. .Pg. 24

Implications………………………………………………………………………………….Pg. 37



Trojan brand condoms are advertised as being the #1 brand in America. The condoms are made from premium quality latex and help to reduce the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. To ensure the durability and reliability of each condom, they have been electronically tested by the finest doctors across the world. The majority of Americans like Trojan brand condoms over any other condoms because of the over 30 different varieties of condoms. We are planning to introduce an extension line of condoms that are eco-friendly and flushable. The condoms would be available in both a variety of lubricated and ribbed features with a price similar to the current Trojan Ecstasy product. Trojan eco-friendly Green condoms would be manufactured using a biodegradable material allowing users to dispose of them in toilets without causing harm to the environment.

Disposable condoms were supposed to be the best fit for the environment, but have been questioned on their biodegradability. The biggest problem is, the condoms are not disposing properly and ending up in wildlife environments. Animals are also digging up the buried condoms, and eating them or just leaving them around the environment to cause further damage. Polyurethane condoms in particular, given they are a form of plastic, are not biodegradable, and latex condoms take a very long time to break down. After sex, most people take the used condom and flush it down the toilet. When flushed down a toilet, condoms can clog the plumbing in your house. If the condom manages to make it through your septic system, it will only end up with the solid waste. This means that somebody has to pull it out of the sewage treatment, which isn't pleasant for anybody. The condom might even make it past the treatment plant. This is not good because it means that it could end up in the water supply, and the last thing we need is more pollution in our rivers, lakes, and oceans. Most condoms are made of latex, which means that they will biodegrade. Latex, however, does not biodegrade when it is under water, which is why it is not good to flush your used condoms. Condoms are not entirely made of latex, however, and the other things on condoms like spermicide and lubricant that might affect the

3 biodegradability. The best thing is to wrap it in a bit of toilet paper or paper towel and then to put it in the garbage. Don't wrap your condom up in plastic, as then it certainly won't biodegrade

Focus Group/In-Depth Interviews


To conduct the focus group/in-depth interviews, we first designed a screener page to find out college student who use condoms during sexual activities. First of all, the respondent could not have worked for a market research company, an advertising agency, or a company that makes or distributes condoms or other products. Secondly, the respondent should be

18-25 years old and college student who use condoms to protect against pregnancy or diseases.

Respondents were terminated if they had not purchased any condoms in the past month. The screener page allows us to interview relatively a young market audience.

For the focus group interviews, two member of our team are in charge of taking notes of what respondent says, and one member of our team asks all the questions to the focus group. The focus group consisted of 6-7 people from our market research class. And we need to make sure that the member of our group can’t join the focus group. The focus group member should answer the question one by one to the same question. Our team conducted the focus group interview twice, each time the note taker and the interviewer should be different people from our team. So the total number of respondents is 12 people, and the interviewers are 5 people in total. And the focus group interviews are conducted outside the classroom after the class is over each time.

Normally, it takes about one hour to complete a focus group interview.

After the focus group interviews are completed, our team member conducted in-depth interviews separately. Each group member interviews 3 respondents in total and only one

4 respondent one interviewer each time. So our team conducted 15 times in-depth interviews with

15 different people. Every team member should recruit his respondents using his own method.

Usually, the respondents are his classmates, friends and roommates who are also young college students like him. Since the in-depth interviews is person to person. Our team members choose home, Starbucks, restaurant, and classroom as the place of where interviews were held. Since the topic of the interview is a little bit private and sensitive for some respondents, the time period of each interview varies greatly because some interviewers and respondents need some warm-up conversations to break the ice before the formal interview starts, while some interviewers and respondents are intimate friends of each other so that they can start interview immediately without any awkward situation.




Hello, I’m ______. I’m doing a survey today on condoms and I’d like to ask you some questions.

1. Do you or does anyone in your household work for any of the following types of companies? (READ LIST, AND TERMINATE IF “YES” TO ANY)

A market research company

An advertising agency

A company that makes or distributes condoms or other birth control products

2. In which of the following age groups do you fall?

Under 18 ____ (TERMINATE) 18-25 ____ Over 25 ____ (TERMINATE)

3. In the past month how many times have you used any of the following products? (READ LIST)

Condoms ______(TERMINATE IF 0)

IUD ______

Other ______

4. Are you sexually active? Yes _____ No ______(TERMINATE IF NO) 5. Are you a … (READ LIST)

Full – Time college student ( )

A part – time college student ( )

Not attending college at all à TERMINATE

6. Record Gender: Male _____ Female ______





Discussion Guide

Trojan Flushable Condoms 1. Warm-up (10 minutes)

Identify yourself Want your opinions – there aren’t correct or incorrect answers Want everyone to participate Microphones because associates behind mirror, and audio taping One person at a time talking May need to move session along, so don’t be offended if cut off discussion Ask if anyone has any questions Today we’ll be talking about Condoms Respondents briefly describe themselves on relevant factors: Name, family situation, work/school situation, relationship status (Married; in a committed relationship; dating; single)


How do you define ?

How many sexual partners have you had in the past 12 months?

Did you use a condom with all your sexual partners?

Why do you choose to use Condoms?

What are the positives of using condoms? What are the negatives of using condoms?


How often would you say you buy Condoms? Where do you normally make your purchase for Condoms?


Name three condom brands. What condom brand do you usually buy? Why do you choose this particular brand? From the following options, what do you value most, when buying condoms?(brand, price, quality, features, quantity per package, eco-friendliness)



Have you ever used Trojan condoms? What do you think of Trojan Condoms? What are the three things you like about this brand? What are the three things you dislike about this brand? What types of people choose Trojan? Why non-buyers would not buy them, give some reasons? What other brand would someone buy instead of Trojan? How do our Condoms displayed vs. the competition on important criteria:

• Product is like; Users are like; Brand personality

6. OUR CONDOM OPINIONS (10 minutes)

How do you usually dispose condoms?

Do you think condoms are flushable?

Do you think condoms are biodegradable (can be decomposed in nature)?

How long do you think it takes for a condom to be decomposed?

Would it make a difference to you, if a condom was biodegradable?

If you had the option to buy a regular pack of Trojan condoms for $ 5 or a pack of flushable AKA “Green” Trojan condoms for $ 5.25, which one would you buy?

If you could improve only one aspect in condoms, what would it be? (Quality, durability, variety, price, eco-friendliness)

7. Reaction to positioning/rough ads to encourage people to buy flushable condoms (30 minutes)

What do you think of advertising for our Condoms? What do you think about our advertisement? (10 minutes) Show our advertisement and ask for any suggestions (10 minutes) What is the reaction to selected new concepts for our Condoms? (10 minutes)



In this segment, we present the findings from the qualitative research. We carefully analyzed the data we got from conducting two focus groups and fifteen in-depth interviews with college students. This segment consists of four different categories:

1) College students’ experience of condoms and their shopping behavior.

2) College students’ knowledge of different brands of condoms.

3) College students’ awareness of Trojan condoms (The brand).

4) College students’ reactions and thoughts regarding an eco-friendly extension of Trojan condoms.

1) College students’ experience of condoms and their shopping behavior:

First we asked the subjects a few questions, in order to evaluate college students’ attitude towards using condoms in general. Based on the answers we got, most subjects use condoms to practice safe sex. Almost all the subjects, regardless of gender, use condoms in order to prevent

STDs/AIDS and pregnancy. However, more females than males still consider using other contraceptive methods, such as birth control pills, as practicing safe sex. Thus, it wasn’t a surprise to see that most female subjects only used 1-5 condoms in the past month. Male subjects on the other hand, used relatively a lot more condoms than females. In fact, some male subjects used more than 20 condoms only in the past month. Surprisingly, despite the high number of condoms used by male subject in the past month, we learned that most of them did not use

9 condoms with all their sexual partners. However, most female subjects used condoms with all their sexual partners, which indicates that female college students tend to practice safe sex more than male college students do. But why more than half of the participants did not use a condom?

Well, according to our research, absolutely all subjects believe that using condoms results in loss of sensation. Also, some male subjects consider price and disposal as other disadvantage of using condoms, which may result in their lack of interest in condoms.

When it comes to College students’ condom purchasing patterns, we discovered that most female subjects tend to never buy condoms, or just buy one pack in a year. On the other hand, almost all male subjects tend to buy condoms every month and even every week. Hence, we think that male college students are the main consumers of condoms in general. In addition, we found out that most subjects purchase condoms from stores such as CVS and target; a large portion might buy condoms from convenience stores such as 7-11 or gas station; and only a few male subjects tend to buy condoms in bulk from Costco to save money and have enough condoms in stock.

2) College students’ knowledge of different brands of condoms:

After evaluating the subjects’ overall attitude towards condoms, we asked them questions to evaluate their level of knowledge about different brands of condoms. Not to our surprise, all male and female subjects named Trojan among the three condom brands they could think of without any aid. was the second most known brand among all subjects, and Lifestyle was the third. However, more females than males seem to be familiar with Lifestyle condoms, compared to the other two brands. Also, according to the results, most respondents would prefer

10 to buy Trojan condoms over the other brands, with an exception of a few, who prefer Durex instead.

Most subjects regardless of gender choose Trojan condoms, because of the brand’s strong marketing and advertising campaigns and also its good reputation. Most subjects think of Trojan ads as humorous, informative and relatable; and they believe that the ads help establish more brand awareness. Some respondents also mentioned that they like Trojan because it’s reliable, with a variety of high quality products.

Overall, almost all subjects believe that quality is the most important aspect, when it comes to choosing condoms. Some subjects also mention features as another important aspect.

However, price seemed to be a critical factor for some male college students.

3) College students’ awareness of Trojan condoms (The brand):

As a part of this research, we wanted to see where the Trojan brand stands among other brands of condoms, when it comes to brand awareness. Based on the results, almost all subjects, with the exception of one male, have used Trojan condoms in the past. Most of them think that

Trojan condoms are safe and reliable with a high quality; and they also mentioned that it’s a great option for protection and pregnancy and STDs prevention.

When we asked them why they choose Trojan condoms, most said that they like the brand, first because of its good reputation and reliability; second, because of its wide variety; and third, because of their great advertisements. However, all subjects mentioned that they don’t like the thickness and also the high price of Trojan condoms; hence, why they think that Trojan

11 condoms are appealing to everyone, especially educated young adults, who can afford it.

Virtually all participants agree that price is the most important factor that causes people not to buy Trojan condoms. However, some also mentioned that other birth control methods might be another reason why some people don’t purchase Trojan condoms.

4) College students’ reactions and thoughts regarding an eco-friendly extension of Trojan condoms:

Since the new eco-friendly Trojan condoms are made out of biodegradable material, they can be flushed down the toilet. Unlike regular latex condoms, these eco-friendly condoms will not plug the toilet. When we asked the participants how they dispose used condoms, almost all subjects said they dispose them by tossing it in the trash. However, several male subjects also dispose condoms by flushing it down the toilet. Most female subjects know that condoms are not flushable; though, almost all male subjects believe that it’s normal to flush condoms down the toilet.

We also wanted to know if college students are aware how ecologically harmful latex condoms could be. In response to the questioned we asked them about this subject, almost all the participants said that condoms (latex) are not biodegradable. However, females seem to be more aware of this fact than males are. Moreover, most subjects think that it only takes 1-10 years for condoms to decompose in nature; and only as few as 4 subjects know that it takes over 100 years for condoms to decompose.

Finally, we wanted to see if college students are interested in this new line of eco-friendly

Trojan condoms. According to the responses, relatively most subjects don’t care if a condom was

12 biodegradable or not. In fact, almost all male subjects declared that they are not that interested in

“green condoms”; however, most of those who care if condoms are biodegradable or not were females. Hence, it was no surprise when almost all male subjects responded that they would not buy eco-friendly condoms with the 5% increase in price compared to the regular version.

However, almost all female subjects said that they would purchase eco-friendly condoms instead, despite the increase in price. We also found out that if subjects could improve one aspect about

Trojan condoms, most would improve quality and price. Some also mentioned variety and durability. In facts, only 2 subjects mentioned eco-friendliness, which indicates that eco-friendly

Trojan condoms may not be a success in this particular market.


Implications for future research conducted using quantitative research would require us to go more in-depth and ask more questions to have a better understanding of who our potential consumer is and how we can get them to buy our product. Since we are targeting the college market we really need to find out if college students are becoming more environmentally conscious with their purchase behavior. Open end questions should be asked after stating facts about how latex is hurting the environment. How we can help the environment if we start purchasing eco-friendly biodegradable condoms would be of importance in our study. Our objectives in our quantitative study provided us with general information such as brand awareness, product purchasing, likes and dislikes of an eco-friendly condom, and name selection.

Some future implications to be used next time a quantitative study is conducted would be to ask, how environmentally conscious are college students? What is the best way to promote to college students using eco-friendly condoms? Developing a sample product and letting the consumer try it then ask of what their opinions are, would be some suggestions for further research. Trojan is the most

13 recognizable brand and with the best reputation so as a brand extension it has to live up to what the public perceives it to be. With durability confidence in all other brands of Trojans, we need to ask how safe does the consumer feel when using a bio-degradable condom made from a different material. Are they worried that it might break easily, will it still protect me from STD’s? Many people trust the brand name for these reasons of durability and protection from diseases, so more emphasis needs to be put on reliability when a new product is put on the market.

Purchase behaviors such as where can we reach a market for college students that are environmentally conscious can see our brand of condoms and want to buy them. Most respondents said they make their purchase for condoms at convenience stores and supermarkets so what if we put our product in specialized stores such as Whole Foods and Trader Joes that get a larger consumer base shoppers that are environmentally conscious. We would need to find out if college students shop at these particular stores. A large ad campaign based on getting college students to make purchases that are Earth conscious and getting them to go “green” when it comes to protected sex could potentially get a large favoritism.

Price of condoms also proved to be a potential problem amongst college students and getting them to pay a little more for Bio-degradable condoms. More research would have to be done to find a suitable price to get college students to buy these condoms. Since we would have to manufacture these condoms using different material and provide extensive testing this would raise the cost of our condoms. Many respondents had no problem paying a slightly higher price for our condoms but would the deciding benefits overweight the price? Would our target market pay a higher price for condoms that are just bio-degradable? Keeping the price higher than other variety Trojan condoms offer, but also keeping it within the just noticeable difference so consumers aren’t totally neglected to buy them is crucial in the pricing strategy. Also the cost of most products in these specialty supermarkets tends to

14 be higher than other grocery stores so our condoms would fit in with a high price. We would need to see how large the market is of college students shopping at these “organic” supermarkets. People that shop at these “organic” supermarkets are willing to pay a higher price for their products because they know these products are beneficial to protecting the environment. If we can get college students to become more proactive with buying environmentally safe products and have them shop at these stores we might see a huge increase in sales of these condoms.

Implications: For Product Development

Results from the qualitative research can have direct implications for product development and marketing. After carefully analyzing the data we received from conducting the two focus groups and fifteen in-depth interviews with college students, our research has suggested several different features to develop advertising and product development. First, we found that college students need to be educated on the importance of biodegradable condoms through various advertising methods. Second,

Trojan should advertise the benefits of the “eco-condom” so consumers do not mind paying the 5% increase, because the benefits exceed the value.

Advertising the significance of biodegradable condoms is highly recommended. Trojan should use their strong brand perception of having reliable, high quality products to promote their new line of condoms. Educating college students on the importance of a green product and its benefits to both themselves and the environment will help with product development. We propose that Trojan promotes the eco-friendly condom through various media methods, including television advertising and social media outlets. Using the familiar comedic television ads that Trojan is notorious for to promote the eco- condom will encourage the need of our specific condom. These advertisings should be played on networks that target our 18-25 year old demographics. Social media applications such as Facebook and

Twitter are also recommended to assist in developing the product and its awareness. Followers of their


Facebook and Twitter page can gain knowledge of this new product by reading posts and information.

They can also receive opinions, ideas, and feedback from their Facebook and Twitter followers, which will also help build the product.

Advertising the benefits of the eco-condom will help with the issue of the 5% price increase over a package of latex condoms. When purchasing condoms, male subjects were more likely to buy them over our female subjects. Since all male subjects declared that they did not want to pay the 5% increase for a biodegradable product, it is vital for Trojan to promote the value of the price increase. We find it beneficial for Trojan to advertize the easy and proper disposals of both latex and the eco-condom. With this knowledge, we believe both male and female purchasers will find our flushable condoms worth the price increase.

Background: Quantitative Study:

Everyone that was used in the focus group or in-depth interviews had heard about Trojan brand condoms, whether they use them or not. The advertising and marketing that goes behind Trojan brand condoms makes consumers think that they are the only condom on the market. Few students had ever seen an advertisement of any other brand of condom. The attitudes about Trojan brand condoms were overall positive. People loved the quality and different variety of condoms that Trojan has to offer. The majority of people that were interviewed use Trojan condoms, if they use condoms at all. Some people even told us their favorite kind of Trojan condom they use for extended sexual pleasure. The overall response to the eco-friendly, flushable condoms were great. People loved it because it was cheaper in price and able to be flushed in the toilet without any harm to the earth.


Method: Quantitative Research:

According to the screener page of focus group/in-depth interviews, the respondent could not have worked for a market research company, an advertising agency, or a company that makes or distributes condoms or other birth control products. Also, the respondent should be 18-

25 years old and college student who use condoms to protect against pregnancy or diseases. The respondents are qualified for the interview only when he meets both prerequisite stated above.

To conduct quantitative interview, each group member of our team should interview at least 4 respondents in total and one respondent one interviewer each time. Since we have 5 members in the team, and each member just interviewed 4 respondents, there are 20 respondents in total for the quantitative interview. And the quantitative interview is conducted 20 times by 5 interviewers. The quantitative interview is held at different place determined by respondents or interviewers. Normally, it is held at classrooms, Starbucks, home, and any other place that is suitable for an interview. The questionnaire estimates that it will take 90 minutes to finish the interview. However, according to the data recorded, the time period of the interviews varies from

60-90 minutes. The questionnaire is composed of two type questions. One is rating question, the other is open-end question. Question Number 5-8 is open-end questions. They ask respondents to express their ideas about how they like the new line of condom product, how they dislike the new line Trojan condom and how interested they are in trying different type of Trojan condom.




1a. Now, I’d like to ask you to name all the brands of condoms that you can think of. (DO NOT READ LIST. RECORD ONLY FIRST BRAND MENTIONED UNDER “MENTION FIRST” BELOW. RECORD ALL OTHER BRANDS UNDER “OTHER UNAIDED”)

1b. What other brands can you think of? (RECORD UNDER UNAIDED)

1c. Have you ever heard any of the following brands of condoms? (READ BRANDS NOT MENTIONED IN 1a-b. RECORD BRANDS HEARD OF UNDER “EVER HEARD”)

1d. In the past year have you purchased any of the following brands of condoms? (READ BRANDS; ONLY READ IF RESPOSDENT IS AWARE OF THE BRAND IN Q, 1a, 1b, OR 1c. IF PURCHASED, RECORD UNDER “PURCHASED”)


2. (ASK FOR EACH BRAND BELOW THAT RESPONDENT IS AWARE OF IN Q. 1a-c) How familiar would you say you are with each of the following condom brands in terms of knowing what they are like- very familiar, quite familiar, somewhat familiar, not too familiar, or not at all familiar? How familiar are you with… (READ BRAND NAME. START WITH TROJAN)



( ) OKAMOTO BEYOND SEVEN ( ) TROJAN 3. Now, for each condom brand I mention, I’d like you to tell me if you think it’s excellent, good, fair, or poor. How would you rate these condoms on your overall perception of them?


4. Trojan Condoms is planning to come out with an extension line of new eco-friendly condoms. The condoms would be available in both a variety of lubricated and ribbed features with a price similar to the current Trojan Ecstasy product. Trojan Eco-friendly Green condoms would be manufactured using a biodegradable material allowing users to dispose of them in toilets without causing harm to the environment. Based on what I’ve told you, I’d like to ask you some questions.

5. First, based on the product idea I’ve given you, and what you already know about Trojan condoms, what do you think you’d like about the new line of condoms?

What else do you think you’d like?

6. And, based on the description I’ve given you, and what you already know about the Trojan brand, what do you think you’d dislike about the new product line of condoms?


7 Now I’m going to read you some statements about these new flushable condoms and based on what your impression of these new condoms as well as you previous experienced I’d like you to tell me how much you agree or disagree with each one by using a 10 point scale where “1” means you disagree completely and “10” means you agree completely. You can use any number from 1 to 10.

7a. How much do you agree or disagree that the product ______?

Comes in different varieties _____

Is a high quality condom _____

Cost less than other brands of condoms _____

Is a good brand to use if you are trying to impress your mate _____

Will protect against sexual transmitted diseases _____

Protect against pregnancy _____

Would appeal to you better if it was eco friendly _____

8a. Now I’d like to know how interested you are in each of the varieties they are considering. So, for each variety I mention please tells me if you are interested, quite interested, somewhat interested, not very interested, or not at all interested in trying the variety. Let’s start with “Trojan eco-friendly Condoms”. How interested are you in trying the Trojan eco-friendly condoms—Very interested, quite interested, somewhat interest, not very interested, or not at all interested.

8b. And how interested are you in trying the Trojan Ecstasy Fire and Ice Lubricated condom—very interested ,quite interested, somewhat interested, not very interested, not very interested, or not at all interested?

8c. And how interested are you in trying the Trojan Her Pleasure Warm Sensations Lubricated condom—very interested ,quite interested, somewhat interested, not very interested, not very interested, or not at all interested?

8d. And how interested are you in trying the Trojan-ENZ Spermicidal Lubricated condom—very interested ,quite interested, somewhat interested, not very interested, not very interested, or not at all interested?


( ) Trojan eco-friendly condoms

Very interested…………………….5

Quite interested…………………...4

Somewhat interested……………3

Not very interested, or ………….2

Not at all interested……………….1

( ) Trojan Ecstasy Fire& Ice Lubricated Condom

Very interested…………………….5

Quite interested…………………...4

Somewhat interested……………3

Not very interested, or ………….2

Not at all interested……………….1

( ) Trojan Her Pleasure Warm Sensations Lubricated Condom

Very interested…………………….5

Quite interested…………………...4

Somewhat interested……………3

Not very interested, or ………….2

Not at all interested……………….1

( ) Trojan-ENZ Spermicidal Lubricated Condom

Very interested…………………….5

Quite interested…………………...4

Somewhat interested……………3

Not very interested, or ………….2

Not at all interested……………….1


9a. Let’s assume that Trojan is coming out with a new eco-friendly condom that is also flushable. Some different names are being considered for the new condom. I’m going to read each of the names, and for each one, please let me know what name appeals to you. We will use a scale from 1-10, where 1 means does not appeal at all, and 10 means appeals a great deal. You can use any number from 1-10. Here is the first name. (READ THE FIRST NAME) How much does (NAME) appeal to you from 1-10? (RECORD BELOW)

9b. How much does (READ NEXT NAME) appeal to you, from 1-10? (CONTINUE UNTIL ALL NAMES HAVE BEEN ASKED ABOUT)

( ) Trojan Eco

( ) Trojan Green

( ) Trojan Flushable

( ) Trojan Eco-Max

( ) Trojan Earth-friendly

10a. In the past month, what is your best estimate of the number of packages of condoms you’ve personally purchased? (GET A SPECIFIC NUMBER, NOT A RANGE) ______

10b. And the total of (NUMBER IN Q. 10a) packages of condoms you bought in he past month, how many were purchased in the following situations? (THE TOTAL NUMBER MUST ADD TO THE NUMBER IN Q.10a)

Went to store for specific brand…………………. ______

Bought the cheapest one……………………………. ______

Bought the biggest pack…………………………….. ______

All other reasons……………………………………….. ______


10c. And the total of (NUMBER IN Q.11a) packages of condoms you bought in the past month, how many were purchased from each of the following sources? (TOTAL NUMBER MUST ADD TO THE NUMBER IN Q.10a)

A convenience store, such as 7-11…………….…… ______

A supermarket…………………….…………………….…. ______

A discount wholesale store, such as Costco…. ______

All other sources……………………………………….….. ______

10d. (ASK ONLY IF PURCHASED TROJAN CONDOMS IN Q.1d) and the total of (NUMBER IN Q.11a) packages of condoms you bought in the last month, how many were Trojans? (GET A SPECIFIC AMOUNT, NOT A RANGE)



Quantitative research:

In this segment, we present the findings from the quantitative research. We carefully analyzed the data we got from surveying a total of nineteen college students. This segment consists of four different categories:

1) College students’ level of awareness of different brand of condoms.

2) College students’ perception of the Trojan brand.

3) College students’ level of interest in the new eco-friendly Trojan condoms.

1) College students’ level of awareness of different brand of condoms:

First, we wanted to measure participants’ degree of awareness of different condom brands including Trojan. According to the results we got from the subjects, all 19 of them mentioned the brands Trojan, Durex and Lifestyle first. However, we found that 69% of all participants mentioned Trojan as the first brand of condom they could think of without any help.

Below, in table A, you can see all the results in percentages:

Table A.



In order to make it easier to analyze the results, we also included charts A, B. Chart A demonstrated the level of brand awareness among all brand of condoms, including Trojan. As you can see, each cluster shows what percentage of participants mentioned a brand first, mentioned the brand without any aid, and also what percentage purchased Trojan condoms within the past year.

Brand Awareness

69% meoned first other unaided purchased


36% 36% 31% 21% 20% 14% 8% 10% 3%

Trojan Durex Lifestyle Other

Chart A.

Chart B however, includes only the top three brands based on chart A. This chart demonstrates

what percentage of participants either mentioned each of these brands first or mentioned them

without any aid. As we mentioned before Trojan has the highest level of brand awareness among

all brands, with a total of 77%, compared to Durex with 57% and Lifestyle with 30%.


Brand Awareness

Menoned First Other Unaided


69% 36% 20% 21% 10% Trojan Durex Lifestyle

Chart B.

We also measured what percentage of participants purchased Trojan in the past year. Based on the results, 52% of all participants purchased Trojan condoms within the past twelve months.

Our subjects tend to purchase other brands less often. In fact, 31% of them purchased Durex,

14% bought Lifestyle and only as little as 3% purchased all other brands combined.


Trojan Durex Lifestyle Other 14% 3% 31% 52%

Chart C.


We wanted to see if the same results would hold up, if we asked participants how many packs of condoms they purchased in the past month; and that what percentage of those packages were

Trojan condoms. Based on the responses, the 19 participants purchased a total of 58 packs of condoms; and as much as 64% of all condoms purchased within the past month were Trojan.

Trojan's Market Share

All Other 36% Trojan 64%

Chart D

Even though 64% of all condom purchases were Trojan, we wanted to make sure that the participants made the purchase more according to their brand preference than other factors such as price. According to the results, 47% of the times participants purchased a specific brand, based on their personal preference; 38% of times they bought the biggest package; and only 15% of times the purchase was influenced mainly by the lowest price.


Reason To Buy

Biggest package Specific Brand 38% 47% Cheapest Brand 15%

We also decided to evaluate where our subjects purchase condoms from. We asked whether they buy their condoms from convenient stores (such as 7-11, am/pm, or even gas stations), supermarkets (such as Target, Wal-Mart or CVS), discount stores such as Costco, or any other locations.

Based on the responses, 40% of our subjects buy condoms from convenient stores, 31% from discount stores, 27% from supermarkets and only as little as 2% buy condoms from other locations.


Locaon Other 2% Discount Stores 31% Convenient Stores 40%

Supermarket s 27%

Chart E

Even though, our surveys showed that 77% of all subjects are aware of Trojan, we wanted to measure how familiar they are with the Trojan condoms, compared to other brands, such as

Durex and Lifestyle. In the table below, you can see what percentages of our subjects were familiar with each brand.



( ) LIFESTYLE 11% 37% 31% 21% SKYN ( ) OKAMOTO 21% 79% BEYOND SEVEN ( ) TROJAN 84% 16%

Table B.

We also made chart F based on table B, in order to demonstrate what brand our subjects were the most familiar with; and as you can see, all participants are either very familiar (84%) or quite familiar (16%) with the Trojan brand.

Brand Familiarity

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Trojan Durex Lifestyle Other Not at all familiar 5% 45% Not too familiar 5% 11% 26% Somewhat familiar 17% 11% 23% Quite familiar 16% 10% 41% 4% Very Familiar 84% 68% 32% 2%


2) College students’ perception of the Trojan brand:

Next, we wanted to see how this specific demographic perceives the Trojan brand. When we asked them what they think about the quality of different brands of condom. Chart G shows what the subjects think about the quality of each brand, including Trojan.

Brand Quality

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Trojan Durex Lifestyle Other Poor 5% 5% 5% 37% Fair 5% 21% 38% Good 22% 26% 53% 16% Excellent 68% 48% 42% 9%

Chart G

To make the data even easier to analyze, we also made a cluster chart based on the same data from chart G. As you can see, we found out that 68% of the participants think that Trojan has an excellent quality. This number is 20% higher than the runner up, Durex, and that shows Trojan is perceived to have the best quality among all other brands. However, this chart also demonstrates that both Durex and Lifestyle condoms are known for their good quality as well.


Brand Quality

Excellent Good Fair Poor


53% 48% 42% 38% 37% 26% 22% 21% 16% 9% 5% 5% 5% 5%

Trojan Durex Lifestyle Other

Chart H

3) College students’ level of interest in the new eco-friendly Trojan condoms:

Finally, we asked specific questions to help us determine what college students think of this new product, and how interested in this idea they really are. Hence, we decided to measure how our subjects would rate different attributes of the new eco-friendly Trojan condoms. We asked them to rate each attribute based on the product description we provided them with earlier, and also based on their previous experience with Trojan condoms. Our respondents were asked to rate each attribute on a scale of 1-10. In order to show how each aspect is rated, we took the average of all responses. Chart J demonstrates how our participants rated each attribute, and as you can see “Price” and “Better if eco-friendly”, were rated 5.1 and 6.6 respectively.


Trojan Aributes Rang

Trojan aributes rang

7.9 8.9 8.4 9 8.7 5.1 6.6

Next, we asked the subjects to tell us what they think they would like about the new eco-friendly

Trojan condoms. They gave us different answers, which we categorized. We put similar answers in one category. Based on the different answers, we found out that 100% of subjects like the product because it is eco-friendly; and only 11% liked it because it’s flushable and easier to dispose.

120% 100% 100%



40% 26% 26% 21% 21% 11% 16% 20% 16% 5% 5% 0%



We also asked them what they don’t like about the new eco-friendly Trojan condoms. Again, we put similar answers in one category; and we had a total of 5 different categories. As you can see in the chart below, 63% of subjects would not like to buy this product, because they are afraid that the quality is not as good as regular condoms, since it’s made of biodegradable material.

They feared that the eco-friendly condoms would break easier, and won’t be as durable. 42% of respondents said that they think the new product would be more expensive, and that would discourage them from buying this product.





30% 63%

20% 42% 32% 32% 10% 21%

0% Quality Price Loss of sensaon Hesitant about Lack of variety idea


Table K


Next, we measured the respondents’ level of interest in the new eco-friendly Trojan condoms.

Based on the responses, a total of 69% of subjects, consisted of 37% very interested, and 32% quite interested, were interested to try this new product.

level of interest in eco-friedly condoms 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Very Quite Somewhat Not very Not at all interested interested interested interested interested level of interest in eco-friedly 37% 32% 15.50% 15.50% 0% condoms

Chart L

This relatively high percentage of people, who are interested to buy the new eco-friendly Trojan condoms, might affect the sales of other Trojan condoms; or be affected by consumers’ interest in the other Trojan condoms. Therefore, we rated subjects’ level of interest in four different types of Trojan condoms, including the new eco-friendly type. Based on the results, 69% of all subjects are equally interested in both Trojan eco-friendly condoms and Trojan Ecstasy fire and ice. Therefore, we believe that these two kinds of Trojan condoms might compete with each other, if the new product comes out.


Level of interest in different Trojan condoms 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Eco-friendly Ecstasy Fire & Ice Her Pleasure ENZ spermicidal Quite interested 32% 32% 16% 27% Very interested 37% 37% 42% 5%

Chart M

And lastly, we asked our subjects to rate potential names for this new line of eco-friendly Trojan condoms. We asked them to rate 5 names on a scale of 1-10, and then we took the average for each name. Based on the results, the name with the highest rating is TROJAN ECO with an average rating of 7.9. Other highly ranked name is TROJAN GREEN with an average of 7.3.




Finally, after tabulating the results of our awareness, attitude, and usage study, we analyzed the information in terms of implications for product development, as well as product positioning and advertising. We believe that our product development will be successful because we are tackling an untouched market. No other company is producing a condom line that is green; Trojan will have the first flushable condom. We suggest product positioning in terms of test marketing samples of our condoms in college towns. Conduct field test marketing, this will help detour from cannibalization of other Trojan condoms. We believe this will be successful because it will build product awareness on a highly recognizable brand, encouraging word of mouth marketing. This ties in with our ad campaign, which includes social media outlets and television commercials. We want to build awareness of the harmful effects of latex on the environment; ending up in parks or harming sea animals.