July/August 2012

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; Knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; And to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7 & 8

CURE International Prayer Guide July/August 2012

1 CURE Worldwide

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; Love and faithfulness go before you. Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, Who walk in the light of your presence, Lord. They rejoice in your name all day long; They celebrate your righteousness. Psalm 89:14-17

Pray for the New Believer in your email who has recently come to Christ through the ministry outreach of CURE. Continue to pray for the impact CURE has on patients, both physically and spiritually.

Afghanistan Praise God for the continued security of our staff despite the many security concerns in .

Pray for the personal peace of the CURE staff in Afghanistan and an opening of their hearts and minds to the peace that surpasses all even in the midst of so many uncertainties.

Bethlehem Pray as CURE follows the Lord’s leading and continues to explore options in Bethlehem.

Dominican Republic Praise God for CURE Dominican Republic’s new Spiritual Director, Elba Lopez de Nin. Elba brings a wide range of talent to the team. Her ability to organize, launch, and lead a team has been a blessing to many organizations. She went to school in Miami, FL, but her love and compassion for the people of the DR brought her back to the Dominican Republic. Her hours of volunteer work include time as a youth leader, marriage mentor, and discipleship leader within the Santa Domingo community and her church. Elba has a deep and seasoned faith. The DR team will be strengthened by her presence, allowing even more to hear the gospel.

Pray for a mobile clinic that will be taking place on August 11 in the village of San Cristobal. Pray that seeds would be planted and that families would find both physical and spiritual hope.

Egypt Praise God that the nurses in the wards are passionate about participating in the spiritual mission of CURE.

Pray for our teenage patients who need accommodations for .

CURE International Prayer Guide July/August 2012

2 Praise God for the success of a uniquely challenging surgery at the CURE hospital in , Ethiopia. Praise the Lord for Dr. Eric Gokcen and his team of physicians who were recognized by the government of Ethiopia for their impressive work.

Pray that God will continue to be glorified through this attention that the CURE hospital has received in Ethiopia.

Honduras Praise God for Jenny England’s trip to to train a new CUREkids Coordinator. After a year as the CUREkids coordinator in Kijabe, , Jenny has joined the CURE Headquarters staff as the CUREkids Global Coordinator. She is tasked with the training, operational oversight, recruitment, and coaching of our network of national and western CUREkids Coordinators.

Pray that the transition from one CUREkids coordinator to another will go smoothly and be a positive experience for both the former and new CUREkids coordinators in Honduras.

Kenya Praise God for a smooth transition in the midst of a major change in leadership. Thank you for joining in praying last month over this change.

Pray for strength and wisdom for the spiritual ministry staff as they interact with and show Christ’s love to patients and families daily.

Malawi Praise God for political peace in . Praise Him for a peaceful transition of power after the death of former President Bingu wa Mutharika, constructive debate in Parliament, the opening up of the national broadcaster to divergent views, and continued peace prevailing in the country.

Pray that CURE Malawi’s senior management team would look to God for wisdom and guidance as it formulates, implements, and oversees the day-to-day work of the hospital.

Niger Praise God that former patients and their parents regularly return to visit the hospital. Many who have seen the love of Christ and the care given at the CURE hospital in have made a real effort to maintain their relationship with the CURE staff even after they have been released. This is a testament to the work that is being done at the hospital.

Pray that God will help these relationships with former patients and families, as well as relationships with new and current patients and families, bear fruit for His kingdom.

CURE International Prayer Guide July/August 2012


Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you. You rule over the surging sea; When its waves mount up, you still them. Psalm 89:8-9


Praise God that the Foundation and CURE are partnering together to build a hospital in the . Tim Tebow, former starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos and now a part of the New York Jets, was born in the Philippines to missionary parents and has a heart for the country. The 30-bed hospital will be in Davao City on the island of Mindanao, an especially poor area of the Philippines. Praise God that the building project is underway.

Pray for God to work in the hearts of all involved in the building of the Tebow CURE Hospital – from the donors and contractors to the construction workers and neighbors.

Uganda Praise God for a GO Team of nine members from all over the US that is currently spending three weeks in . The team is helping Uganda’s Spiritual Ministry team with an outreach event to Gulu. During this event, mothers come with their babies for discipleship and for lessons in skills, such as bead making and sewing.

Pray that the GO Team’s trip will effectively compliment what the CURE national staff is accomplishing throughout the year in the Uganda hospital.

United Arab Emirates Praise God that the Vice President of Patient Relations, Trey Hulsey, and his wife, Jessie, have been able to spend time in the U.S. and visit with family, friends, and supporters.

Pray for the relationships between the Christian staff at the Oasis Hospital and the staff members who do not know Christ. Pray for eyes and hearts to be opened.

Zambia Praise God for His continued financial provision at the CURE hospital.

Pray for a 17-year-old patient named Bernard who was paralyzed from the neck-down when he was working in a well and a bucket of cement fell on him. He is currently being treated at the CURE hospital for bedsores. Pray for Bernard’s spiritual and physical healing.

CURE International Prayer Guide July/August 2012


CURE Management Services (CMS)

Angola Praise God for the successful meetings in Luanda last month that advanced CMS fundraising activities for the Luanda Medical Center.

Pray for the upcoming visit by the President of , José Eduardo dos Santos, to our medical center project in Luanda.

China Praise God for the excellent relationship being developed with CMS customers in Dalian and their current desire to expand CMS scope of activities with their organization.

Pray for wisdom as CMS finalizes two new initiatives in and presents to prospective customers in Zhengzhou, Hangzhou and Kunming.

Indonesia Praise God for the strong relationships that have been developed with the CMS staff as well as the government officials.

Pray that CMS can finalize its Kencana management agreement this month and begin to engage the personnel it has identified to work full time on this project.

CURE Specialty Programs

CURE Clubfoot Worldwide (CCW) Praise God for the CCW leadership team in consisting of Dr. Francel Alexis and Kendy Bellegarde, who are devoted to making clubfoot a thing of the past. Praise God also for those who are committed to partnering with CCW Haiti.

Pray for the CCW programs in Africa, especially the efforts to begin work in Liberia and . Pray for meetings with key people and for commitments from good partners in both countries. Pray for the right partners to be found and good contacts to be made within the government and with key healthcare players.

CURE Hydrocephalus Praise God for the arrival of new trainees from Guinea and Mozambique at the CURE Uganda hospital in Mbale. Also, praise Him for Care Coordinator recruits who now are onboard in Uganda, Zambia, Nigeria, Liberia, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, and Malawi.

Pray for funding to continue to increase, especially for the CURE hospitals in Uganda and Zambia, so that CURE may continue at a prudent pace for Hydrocephalus training.

CURE International Prayer Guide July/August 2012

5 The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth; You founded the world and all that is in it. Your arm is endowed with power; Your hand is strong, your right hand exalted. Psalm 89:11, 13

CURE Board Praise God for the relationships CURE has had with the board members over the years and the ways that God has led each of the board members to CURE.

Pray for a telephonic board meeting that will happen at the beginning of August. Pray that everything runs smoothly and that the meeting would be productive and fruitful.

Home Office Praise God for the recent hire of CURE’s new Chief Operating Officer (COO), Jeff Newman. Jeff has served as a consultant with CURE for several months, and with each interaction and conversation, it has been clear that the Lord was leading both CURE and Jeff to a longer-term relationship. With many years of experience in clinical and healthcare operations, Jeff has often been tasked with assessing current operations and turning around clinics and hospitals in order for them to function more effectively. Jeff fits in well with the vision for CURE, one that sees the organization grow deeper in order to bear more fruit. His expertise will lead CURE in its efforts to increase the number of children and families we serve in each location.

Pray for CURE’s college campus program, which is being headed up by Katie Rae Spell. Katie Rae comes to CURE from the University of Georgia at Athens. In her new role as CURE’s Advocacy Coordinator, Katie Rae is responsible for growing the Do For Kids Who Can't program, helping other campuses to replicate the success of CURE University of Georgia at Athens. The Lord has already been doing tremendous work and thirteen schools have shown an interest in having CURE at their campuses. Pray not only for the opportunity to bring CURE to these schools, but ultimately to further the Kingdom at these places. Pray that the Lord would prepare the hearts of the students to receive CURE and, ultimately, Christ fully.

Please use these lines to add prayers & praises as they come up over the next month.

701 Bosler Avenue • Lemoyne, PA 17043 • 717-730-6706 www.cure.org • [email protected]

CURE International Prayer Guide July/August 2012