March/April 2012

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; Knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; And to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7 & 8

CURE International Prayer Guide March/April 2012


CURE Worldwide

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, If any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, If any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, Having the same love, being in one spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, But in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also the interests of others. Philippians 2:1 - 4

Pray for the New Believer in your email who has recently come to Christ through the ministry outreach of CURE. Continue to pray for the impact we have on patients, both physically and spiritually.

Afghanistan Praise God for an incredible visit with the Air1 and K-Love team which brought fresh energy and solidified relationships with Brant Hansen and Scott Smith, as well as widely spreading the word about CURE’s work in and all over the world.

Pray for wisdom as we confront ongoing security challenges both in and at CURE Afghanistan in particular as foreign subcontractors are leaving the country. Pray for our Islamic staff, that through the steadfast and constant support of our team at headquarters and on the ground, they may see and feel the love of our Lord.

Bethlehem Praise God for the continuing connections that He is making in Bethlehem as we continue to seek His guidance and timing for our work there.

Pray for the current negotiations and that CURE will one day be in a position to minister to the children who are in need of .

Dominican Republic Praise God that this year will be our 8th year serving disabled children in the DR. Since our beginning in 2003, we have “Cure’d” more than 10,000 children and hundreds of children have been changed via our CCW program. Praise also for the strong foundation of faith that unites our staff.

CURE International Prayer Guide March/April 2012

2 Dominican Republic continued Pray for the hospital leadership and for God to provide a Spiritual Director. Pray that we are accredited by the government as we continue to update the physical building.

Egypt Praise God for the noticeably high improvement of the patients after their surgery and physiotherapy. Praise Him for His blessings that are changing the lives of children physically and spiritually.

Marina is a 10 year old girl from . Where she is from, most people live on less than $1 a day. Marina’s right foot was twisted inwards and her dream of being healed was very dim as each day, her father made her beg on the street because her disability would make money for the family. Marina was tired of being humiliated and longed for a brighter future. Then she heard about CURE. Marina had a successful surgery and is excited to live each day with more dignity.

Pray that CURE’s reach continues to extend to even further cities to help those families who live in poverty and are without medical care.

Ethiopia Praise God for the unity in our staff and senior leadership. Praise also that the position for a financial controller was fulfilled.

Pray for the Drug Administration and Control Authority to approve our supplies so that we don’t have to cancel donated items. Pray for the Ministry of Health to look favorably to our permit for Private Practice. Remember the children and families coming from unreached people groups and pray they would respond to the love of Jesus demonstrated practically and verbally in our hospital.

Honduras Praise God for the container for the hospital and for the Bridgeman’s that was released from customs recently. Praise God for Franklin who has been able to fill the Spiritual needs in Aracely’s absence while on maternity leave.

Pray for continued safety for our CURE staff as security in is worsening. Pray also for God’s hand of protection over Tito, CURE Honduras’ maintenance man as he is a new believer but under attack by local gang violence.

Kenya Praise God for the group that visited and provided a successful ENT clinic. Praise also for all of the children that were cured because of the clinic.

Pray for the nationwide nursing strike that is directly affecting our mobile clinics and CCK clinic since some of our clinics are held within government facilities and with help of government personnel.

CURE International Prayer Guide March/April 2012


Malawi Praise God for the volunteers, either from Europe or from , that have served this hospital so diligently. Some of them have sacrificed their own resources to come to our hospital and serve the disabled children without pay. Praise God for the spiritual ministry occurring among the staff and the guardians through programs like Christianity Explored, Character First and Global Leadership Summits.

Pray for God’s wisdom and favor as the hospital works with the local Muslim business communities for funding.

Niger Praise the Lord for the spiritual healing that is happening at the CURE hospital. Praise God that patients and guardians are requesting prayer, even though they know we are a Christian hospital and that we are praying in the name of Jesus.

Continue to pray for the security situation of , and especially for the protection of the church and the missionary presence. The rise in violence in neighboring Nigeria has affected Niger as well, and many churches have been targeted.

Uganda Praise God that the expansion of our hospital is going well and remains on schedule. Praise the Lord for our Spiritual Director’s son, Denis, as his treatment for the cancerous cells in his pancreas went well.

Pray as inflation is hitting hard and we continue to struggle with the rising cost of caring for children in .

United Arab Emirates Praise God for the openness of the Gospel in this country and the freedom we have to share who Christ is in our lives and what the person of Jesus means to us.

Pray as we move from our current facility with 500 employees into the new building which will staff approximately 800. Pray also that we will be good stewards of this incredible gift of a new building.

Zambia Praise God for all of our staff who have remained committed to the ministry of the hospital for the last five years.

Pray for the patients, as their road to a full recovery will be more challenging.

CURE International Prayer Guide March/April 2012

4 CURE Healthcare Management Services Praise the Lord for a safe trip and the productive planning meetings in Luanda as we advance the efforts on the Luanda Medical and Diagnostic Center project.

Pray for all the efforts underway with our project funding partners.

China Praise God for the great progress made on three separate projects.

Please pray for the Lord’s direction and blessing as we move forward on these projects.

Indonesia Pray for guidance as new opportunities are being pursued in Jakarta.

CURE Clubfoot Worldwide (CCW) Praise God for safety in travel and personal security of CCW country coordinators, regional managers, counselors and others over the last few months of extensive local and international travel.

Praise God for the successful Ponseti training of Partners in Health (PIH) staff in and the opening of 2 new clubfoot clinics by PIH.

CURE Hydrocephalus Praise God for the spiritual quality and life experience of the candidates in the ongoing search and interview process for Care Coordinators for CURE Hydrocephalus.

Pray for those Specialty programs operating in very unstable regions, especially Haiti, Democratic Republic of Congo, and several West African countries that have elections this year.

CURE Board Praise God for the number of Board members who were able to attend our President’s Weekend.

Pray for the upcoming Board meeting in early May. Pray for safe travels and that all will be able to attend.

Home Office We Praise God we are in the final stages remodeling our physical building for more office space. Praise that this change will allow us to work more efficiently and will help to cure more children.

CURE International Prayer Guide March/April 2012

5 Please use these lines to add prayers & praises as they come up over the next month.

701 Bosler Avenue • Lemoyne, PA 17043 • 717-730-6706 • • [email protected]

CURE International Prayer Guide March/April 2012