Queanbeyan East Public School News 10 Yass Road Queanbeyan Phone: 6297 2619 Fax: 6299 4128 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.queanbeyae-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Thursday 17th December 2013, Term 4, Issue 5 Principal’s Message This is our last newsletter for the year. I am very proud of our school and the achievements of our students and staff this year. We have talented teachers, dedicated support staff who work tirelessly to ensure your children – our students can “do their best”. I am very proud of the fact that all our students, regardless of their ability, have been given every possible opportunity to be challenged, achieve success and feel valued in our school. Last week’s Presentation Day acknowledged the academic, sporting and cultural successes of our students and staff. The 6 Year farewell celebrated the end of primary education for our Year 6 students. Our students had a fabulous night, shared with their families and friends. The Big Day Out yesterday acknowledged the work of all of our students and teachers and provided students a chance to celebrate the end of their year at school with their friends. All students were extremely well behaved at all of these events. Thank you to the teachers and staff who organised these events and ensured their success. Look out for the photos which will be posted on the school website. Last day for students Our students last day of school is tomorrow Wednesday, 18th December. Students are permitted to wear mufti clothes to school tomorrow. Our Kindergarten to Year 4 classes will have a lunchtime school disco in the hall.