Malaysian Journal of Library & ltrformation Science, Vol.4, no.2, Decenrher,1999: 47-57 KHOO KAY KIM, PROFESSOROF MALAYSIAN HISTORY: A BIOBIBLIOMETRIC STUDY Tiew, Wai Sin School ResourceCenter Coordinator Hulu Kelang SecondarySchool, Km 7, JalanUlu Kelang 68000 Arnpang, Selangor,Malaysia. E-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT: Presents an analysis of the publication productivity, authorship pattern, channels of communication, journal preference and language preference of Professor Dato . Khoo Kay Kim, Professor of Malaysian History in the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. The results of this biobibliometric study indicate that he can be a role modelfor future Malaysian historians to emulate his various achievementsespecially in the field oj historv education Keywords: Biobibliometrics, Bibliometrics~Khoo Kay Kim, Historian, Publication productivity Authorsrup pattern, Cltannelsof communication. INTRODUCTION The study of well-known scientis~s'has been conductedbibliometrically since the Biobibliometrics broadly refers to the early 1980's. Sinha and Bhatnagar in biographical study of the individual along 1980 attemptedto study the works of an with bibliometric analysis of his publi- internationally reputed plant pathologist cations. It has also been defined as the born in India but settled in Canada,R. C. quantitative and analytical method for Sinha with emphasison his impact on the discovering and establishing functional world literature thro~lgh data obtained relationships between biodata and biblio- from the .S'cienceCitation Index. Three data elements (Sen and Gan, 1990).This years later, Gupta alld Chandrasekhar is different from the 'study of sciento- using data collected fro~ S'cienceCita- metric portrait, which often focuses on tion Index, conducted a citation analysis the scientistS rather than academiciansor on S.