North Queensland Stadium CONSTRUCTION NOTICE 20 May 2019 CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Works are progressing well on the North Queensland Stadium. The concrete slab pours up to the fifth and final level of the main western stand are now complete. Concrete seating platform installations are complete in the southern stand and underway in eastern and western stands. The first of the steel roof trusses have arrived on site and are being assembled on the field of play before they will be sequentially lifted into place and secured. External Infrastructure services works including water, power, sewer, recycled water services are also progressing in support of the construction of the stadium. Works involved with the water supply connection through to Morey Street in South Townsville (covered under previous Construction Notices) has been completed and no further disruptions are foreseen in these areas. External road works will continue over the next few months on the roads either side of the Saunders Street overpass with minimal disruption anticipated for the users of Saunders Street. Internal road works that will provide access into the stadium are continuing along with the associated infrastructure service installations. Areas of road are already being sealed. Early works have recently commenced on the foundations for the Waterfront Promenade and the new road servicing future buildings in the precinct including a hotel, community field and Cowboys Centre of Excellence. Planning and procurement is nearing completion for the upcoming works to upgrade the Little Fletcher Bridge into a pedestrian bridge which will link the Waterfront Promenade through to Little Fletcher Street. For further information regarding construction works on site please contact:
[email protected].