CONTENTS Australian Fruitgrower APAL’s CEO report . 4 Publishers Apple and Pear Australia Limited (APAL) is a APAL news . 5 not-for-profit organisation that supports and provides services to Australia’s commercial apple and pear growers. EVENTS Suite G01, 128 Jolimont Road, East Melbourne VIC 3002 Blush pear orchard walk . .6 t: (03) 9329 3511 f: (03) 9329 3522 w: Spring 2017 Future Orchards walks . .7 Managing Editor State Roundup . 9 05 Currie Communications e:
[email protected] Technical Editor MARKETING/EXPORTING Angus Crawford Hort Innovation marketing update . .12 e:
[email protected] Apple and pear export strategy . .14 Advertising The publishers accept no responsibility for the BIOSECURITY contents of advertisements. All advertisements are New industry biosecurity plan . .16 accepted in good faith and the liability of advertising content is the responsibility of the advertiser. PROFILE Pulse Hub Drive and passion power Prima Fresh . .18 m: 0429 699 553 | e:
[email protected] 18 Graphic Design Vale Graphics ORCHARD MANAGEMENT e:
[email protected] Setting up your 2018 crop . .23 Copyright How does Qfly survive winter . .28 All material in Australian Fruitgrower is copyright. NO material can be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the publisher. RESEARCH While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of Climate changing in growing regions . .30 contents, APAL accepts no liability for the information. PGR use in pears . .33 Disclaimer Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited (Hort Innovation) and APAL make no representations and expressly disclai m R&D update . 38 33 all warranties (to the extent permitted by law) about the accuracy, completeness, or currency of information in Weather, quiz and crossword .