Redalyc.Nomenclatural Problems Among Thysanoptera (Insecta) Of
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Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN: 0034-7744 [email protected] Universidad de Costa Rica Costa Rica Goldarazena, Arturo; Mound, Laurence A.; Strassen, Richard zur Nomenclatural problems among Thysanoptera (Insecta) of Costa Rica Revista de Biología Tropical, vol. 56, núm. 2, junio, 2008, pp. 961-968 Universidad de Costa Rica San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Costa Rica Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative FORUM Nomenclatural problems among Thysanoptera (Insecta) of Costa Rica Arturo Goldarazena1, Laurence A. Mound2 & Richard zur Strassen3 1. Neiker-Tecnalia, Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, Departamento de Producción y Protección Vegetal E-31080 Vitoria, España; [email protected] 2. CSIRO Entomology, GPO Box 1700 Black Mountain Canberra, ACT, Australia; [email protected] 3. Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt (Main), Germany; [email protected] Received 05-IX-2007. Corrected 12-II-2008. Accepted 09-III-2008. Abstract: We present data to argue that several recent papers on the Thysanoptera of Costa Rica are affected by unsatisfactory technical procedures, including failure to recognize intraspecific structural variation. Fourteen new synonyms are recognized for Costa Rica Thysanoptera, nine generic and five specific. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (2): 961-968. Epub 2008 June 30. Key words: Variation, taxonomy, identification, systematic relationships. Biological taxonomy is unique amongst These extensive, and expensive, revisionary the sciences. In most sciences an obviously studies were required because of the quarantine false hypothesis will be ignored. In contrast, significance of so many apparent pest spe- a new taxon name and the biological hypoth- cies on avocados. The 18 Scirtothrips species esis this name implies must be fully consid- described from Mexico on mango (Mangifera ered by subsequent taxonomists, so long as indica), a tree crop not native to the Americas, the name meets the minimal requirements of will require similar extensive studies. the relevant Code of Nomenclature. However, Taxonomy requires a combination of good establishing that the author of a new taxon has technical methods and critical scholarship. For published incorrect data, or drawn conclusions thrips taxonomy this involves the examina- that are at variance with pre-existing bio- tion of well-prepared microscope slides, using logical knowledge, can involve more extensive good optical apparatus, and the preparation of research than that involved in the faulty pub- skilled illustrations and descriptions, whilst lication. Commenting on one recent example, taking into consideration published observa- Mound and zur Strassen (2001) noted the tions from previous workers, and placing all absence of biological evidence to support the this within the context of our understanding description by Johansen and Mojica-Guzman of the biology of the insects. The large num- (1999) of a large number of new species of ber of synonyms, more than 20% of available Scirtothrips collected mainly from two tree names worldwide, produced by workers on this crops in Mexico. Subsequently, extensive field group of insects (Gaston and Mound 1993) has studies and DNA analyses have confirmed arisen through repeated failure to recognize that only one species of Scirtothrips occurs in one or more of the above disciplines and pro- Mexico and Guatemala on Avocado (Persea cedures. This paper records similar problems americana), and examination of the holotypes that have arisen in recent years among several of five of the “new species” has resulted in taxonomic publications on Thysanoptera from their formal synonymy (Hoddle et al. 2008). Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 56 (2): 961-968, June 2008 961 Nakaharathrips Retana-Salazar, 2007 evidence. The conclusion seems to be derived from a mathematical paper (Retana-Salazar and This genus was erected with Anaphothrips Retana-Salazar, 2004) in which it is claimed sudanensis Trybom as type species. However, that a difference such as the number of anten- as indicated in the world list of Thysanoptera nal segments that can be scored must indicate (Mound 2005), this species, in the form of one that different taxa are involved. If this logic of its 10 recognized synonyms, Neophysopus were to be accepted, then it would be essential medioflavus Schmutz, is the type species to explain why “segment VI fully divided + of the genus Neophysopus Schmutz. Thus segment VI with a partial division” constitutes Nakaharathrips is clearly a synonym of an autapomorphy distinct from “segment VI Neophysopus because they share the same type not divided”. However, the available biologi- species. According to the generic key and the cal evidence is contrary to this phenetic claim, data matrix published with Nakaharathrips, with the number of antennal segments varying the species A. sudanensis is uniform in colour. in some species between individuals within This is incorrect, because this is one of the most populations, and some individuals having a remarkably bicoloured species in the Thripidae, different number of segments on the left and with the median abdominal segments almost right antennae (Palmer 1992). Moreover, there white but the head and thorax and the terminal are several genera of Thripidae in which differ- abdominal segments dark brown (see website, ent species have a different number of antennal PADIL). This bicoloured condition has been segments (Sakimura and O’Neill 1979, zur emphasized by many previous authors, as indi- Strassen 2003: 259, 269). Given the many cated by some of the synonyms of sudanensis, character states, including biological attributes such as citricinctus, bicolor, and flavicinctus (Nakahara 1995) that are shared among the 52 as well as medioflavus. All of this informa- species currently treated in Anaphothrips, there tion is available on the web (Mound 2005), as is little justification in transferring a few of well as in the formal taxonomic literature. A them to a different genus. The claim that having further problem in the published data matrix eight segments is the plesiomorphic condition is that both Nakaharathrips and Anaphothrips and nine segments the apomorphic condition is are scored as having ocelli reduced, whereas also questionable, because the presence of nine macropterae of both A. obscurus and A. sudan- antennal segments is characteristic of most bas- ensis have well-developed ocelli (see PADIL). al-clade Thysanoptera (Mound et al. 1980). We In Thysanoptera, development of ocelli is conclude that Neophysopus (=Nakaharathrips) closely correlated with wing length; the use of should continue to be treated as a synonym of these in a phylogenetic analysis as independent Anaphothrips. characters is therefore questionable. The systematic position of Neophysopus Nicolemma Retana-Salazar, 2007 (=Nakaharathrips) has been undisputed for many years, either as a subgenus or as a This genus was erected for a single new synonym of Anaphothrips (Priesner 1949, species, N. garitai Retana-Salazar, although the Stannard 1968). The decision (Retana-Salazar type specimens of this species had previously 2007) to segregate into one genus those spe- been studied and identified by Mound and cies that have antennal segments VII and VIII Marullo (1996) as Aurantothrips orchidaceus fully distinct from VI, together with those (Bagnall). The new genus and species was that have segment VI partially divided by an characterized on two structural features: anten- incomplete oblique suture, and to place into a nal segments VII and VIII fused to produce a second genus those species in which segment 7-segmented antenna, and a spherical structure VI is completely undivided, is not supported present in the abdomen that was interpreted as by any additional morphological or biological a spermatheca. However, fusion of the terminal 962 Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 56 (2): 961-968, June 2008 two antennal segments is not unique to the claim that if differences can be observed and few specimens listed from Costa Rica. Similar scored mathematically then these differences fusion has been observed on either the left or must be interpreted as indicating that different right antenna of three females within a long taxa are involved, regardless of any biological series of Aurantothrips orchidaceus collected data. However, any such a mathematical sys- from orchids in Colombia, and one male of tem will be biased if only selected data is this species from Britain has both antennae considered. 7-segmented (specimens in the Natural History Museum, London). Thus the first of the char- Quirosiella Retana-Salazar, 2000 acter states used to distinguish the new genus is merely intraspecific variation. Similarly, the This genus was erected for two species, spherical structure in the abdomen that is illus- a new species, Q. sotoi from Costa Rica, as trated (Retana-Salazar 2007) is clearly visible type species and Pseudothrips longiceps Hood in many specimens of Aurantothrips orchida- based on a single female from Brazil. The ceus, including the Lectotype female. We there- generic definition was not accompanied by any fore conclude that Nicolemma is a