Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-12-08
" a"flO" UALI1'IDAa MIAT!!. FAT!, a •••ta .... A. I,h.,. Z' .n' AS I~,e'j' pll nllt! In ••'lnltal,: raOCEII81D POOD8, Warme; • iii... ..,. A. " .... ,h ZI ud AO Ib,.. ,b WO nil. .....,. .1,1 IUGAa, .lalDp. 81 Ibr.a,b " ,.et! rt' II •• , ,Dd ••••h, .I.m, •• ,to' '.r fl •• , ..... "n- .... ., Ibro.fb r.lI, d, I ... ; 8HOEl, Bo ... IbU. IOWA: P'alr and wIII'mer. ,1,.1." , .I.mp. ,= ADd • ' .... 1.1I,lIallel,; OA'.O· DAILY IOWAN cle~ LINI 'l$-A ••11. ,., 'ou, ,.n ........ I .. , ••,b D ••. THE II, 18 U I rUIL OIL, "rl04 r•• , ••• fI" Ib ..., •••1 ~ ...,.,j/ h ..II., ,.... N." , .., •••••••u, ..... IIt! Iowa City's Motnlng Newspaper lrensen, $175; !lob •• 111 '"0. nrry Lemme, $tot, -,. ~====-~ UII ..... t'ID AUOCIA........... - COO AlIO~t'U ,; JIm Barnes ' nva IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1944 VOLUME XLV NUMBER 64 nCleld, $50. '$~, m k=========================================~======~==~~==============~====================~======~============================~==~~==========~. = YANKS POISE TO HURDLE INTO SAAR COAL BASIN B-29's Hit Iwo Ji.ma, Bonins; ERS! 77th Division lands on leyte Seventh Army Court Declares Mistrial of- Yanks Destroy \I ooca. all 00- In Enchenberg Mass Sedition Jap .(onvoys reo By the Aasoel&ted Pretll The mass trial of 26 persons ac- ginning. Patton's Tank Corps cused of conspiring to undermine The trial had been underway morale ot the armed forces blew since April 17. O. John Rogge, the Observe Pearl Harbor Drives on Forbaeh; up yesterday. chief Pco$ecutor, had introduced By Sinking 19 Jap Nazis Falling Back Justice Jam~ M. Proctor of the more than 18,000 pages of testi United States di:5trict court declar- mony and 1,100 documents in an Reinforcement Vessels ed a mistrial when only one de- effort to prove the defendants con PARIS (AP) - United States fendant, Prescott Dennett, a for- spired among themselves and with WASHINGTON (Friday) (AP) Third army tanka yesterday mer army private, expressed a wi!- NazI officials in Germany.
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