1944-12-07 [P
football Attendance Takes Huge Jump During Season * IMPORTS TRAIL IpAP ALL MID-ATLANTIC SERVICE 19441 Survey Shows Gain L^r^ifiTNET MARTIN in the “Treasury Bond Bbwl” Of Over A Million —UPU- New t.cc. 6 — — I'vonK. game. They don’t come much bet- r ?£'■ feel the scheduling „lion tei, if than the NEW YORK, Dec. 6.—(IPS-Foot- i and the Second any. Ramblers’ Bill AVERAGE CROWDS ball attendance took a huge jump .tbui] same here Dc- Dudley, wjjose record for the year during the 1944 season, and even t'r sort of a consolation reads like a season’s statistics TWO iS for FOR YEARS after due allowances were made s iheir disappoint- !"'o or three "vfi. complete backfields. for a number of schools, which re- getting the Army- Among other things, he has car- SECTIONS 1943 1944 f° i° nor sumed the game this & 'V b its the kind ried year.after** !' r hough th«*ball 73 times for 595 East —.17,223 18,849 yards, season or two out of competition, set out 28 of 67 prize you'd completed passes for 464 Midwest _ 16,218 19,417 the over-all average showed a gaiP J^jja'iion yerds, received seven passes for South__ 11.110 11,352 of 13.8 per cent. V ;■ stand- 93 oi.o, spectator’s yards, averaged 43.5 yards on Southwest _ 8,133 10,726 to 17 The total attendance at 833 home ,, j-.self promises punts, returned 26 punts for 381 Far West_ 16,172 21,236 ..
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