football Attendance Takes Huge Jump During Season * IMPORTS TRAIL IpAP ALL MID-ATLANTIC SERVICE 19441 Survey Shows Gain L^r^ifiTNET MARTIN in the “Treasury Bond Bbwl” Of Over A Million —UPU- New 6 — — I'vonK. game. They don’t come much bet- r ?£'■ feel the scheduling „lion tei, if than the NEW YORK, Dec. 6.—(IPS-Foot- i and the Second any. Ramblers’ Bill AVERAGE CROWDS ball attendance took a huge jump .tbui] same here Dc- Dudley, wjjose record for the year during the 1944 season, and even t'r sort of a consolation reads like a season’s statistics TWO iS for FOR YEARS after due allowances were made s iheir disappoint- !"'o or three "vfi. complete backfields. for a number of schools, which re- getting the Army- Among other things, he has car- SECTIONS 1943 1944 f° i° nor sumed the game this & 'V b its the kind ried year.after** !' r hough th«*ball 73 times for 595 East —.17,223 18,849 yards, season or two out of competition, set out 28 of 67 prize you'd completed passes for 464 Midwest _ 16,218 19,417 the over-all average showed a gaiP J^jja'iion yerds, received seven passes for South__ 11.110 11,352 of 13.8 per cent. V ;■ stand- 93 oi.o, spectator’s yards, averaged 43.5 yards on Southwest _ 8,133 10,726 to 17 The total attendance at 833 home ,, j-.self promises punts, returned 26 punts for 381 Far West_ 16,172 21,236 ... og as the recent games played by. 67 colleges co*» yards, made four touchdown runs National _ 14,691 16,552 ered the annual is:;i;, although nat- from scrimmage of 59, 48, 47 and in Associated Press lh0 colorful trap- 67 yards, passed for nine touch- survey was more than a. mil- :!lf'aVii.s lion and a half ■M' r the service contest downs, one higher than the at- tna including 50-yard effort, r0S ano kicked* six extra tendance for 273 games by 57 setting- points. PRO GRIDSTERS a schools last njv,.. the Easterners That jus; gives you an idea, and year. This year’s ap- ■ an he al''0 re the play of has a couple of teammates in proximate total was 5,554,999 as team End i.. nival Army Jack Russell and Center Tom TERMED ‘UNFAIR’ compared to last season’s 4,010,722, s:: Field Robertson r> ,i:(. Randolph who could play on any- Surprisingly, the resumption of which 17 ball ** L an outfit par- body’s team Second Air Force, JUSTICE^ football by a number of major ^ last Associated .. j-, the although defeated twice and tied Bainbridge Opening Meeting Of 43rd southern schools which had drop- u-a: ., ; undoubtedly thou- once, still is all the team anybody _Back ped the game accounted for only a rate as would Minor of"Soi';thv. sierners, want to meet orv one after- Annual League small part of this increase. Tha av- Cadets. noon, and it has a fine Sr than the all-around erage attendance per game in the will be an mcon- pjayer in Glenn Dobbs. Convention Routine Naturally .t south showed a 2.8 per cent, de- as it’s too So, from a football comparison, purely stand- crease while gains up to 31.9 per t!teV at a mountain point, the BUFFALO. N. Y„ Dec. 6—{JP)~ ,ike looking game looms as com- cent were registered in every oth>- whether it is parable to the Professional football was scolded m’JC,',rving to say Army-Navy contest, er section. than one of ac- and if the weatherman by the In{ernational League today ror smaller cooperates The average attendance f and unfair com- per size you had seen. The it should play to a sell out as “unfriendly vate crowd, game throughout the nation jump- to be out there to- v hich would mean petition until after the end of tl^e f.Ls have the sale of $87, ed from 14,691 in 1943 to 16,552 this the right sizeup, and 507,600' in war bonds. Seats will baseball season,” but the opening to get season, a gain of 2,031. The L*ggest always work, as those cost anywhere from $25 to meeting of the 43rd annual Minor ?E,:hoe-n’t $100,- RAMSEY average gains in attendance were game 000 in bords, with 210 field League convention was an- ",av; (|, Army-Navy boxes just made in the far 5.064 set west, for a on whc’her Glenn Davis aside at the latter figure. Bainbridge other routine affair. Guard percentage of 31.9. The best aver- Blanchard was the out- The odd part of the game is that Aside from appointing a creden- M«tx nrnnrrri—ifttimnn «hMi age gain, however, was registered hack. All they agree on if was plopped into New York’s tials committee headed by J. Al- line lap by Southwest Conference teams, couldn’t get along without previous ballyhoo or urg- vin Gardner of the “suspended” I-that Armv whose home attendance increased rd and that Davis ing. Abruptly it was annunced: Texas league and a resolution com- 31.9 per cent. “Here it is; it’s yours,” and no- mittee under Thomas H. Richard- h indispensible _ The University of Pennsylvania the Gothamites are go- body was more surprised than the son of the Eastern league, the base- An way. held its place at the head of the at- couple of real football Gnthami'es. They aren’t exactly ball men were more occupied in 1,1 t„ ieo’a tendance parade with 379,000 and m ade “A” players displeased, however. BRAY drawing post wai boom plans. spec- tators at eight games. Navy was SOSSAMON N. C. Preflight Some of the more daring have close behind with 353,770 for seven Bainbridge Tackle decided to give it a whirl in 1945, VANDEWEOHE the Center ^ the North Carolina State and Caro- games, including Army game Bainbridge fco,;. ; at Baltimore and undefeated Ohio Senior Volley Players line circuits having upped the ac- End State had 339,344 for seven tive list to 12 leagues. A Canadian games. -V-— league to be made up of Quebec Round ESCAPEE 'in Second Today and Ontario cities and an Indiana RECAPTURED I State league also are in the form- HICKORY, Dec. 6.—(£>)— Fred ative stage. Holmes, of who Insurance Companies Stage 26, Hondo, Texas., TAR HEELS DOWN euiure i.isi escaped from the Catawba prison Two Games At Y. M. On the future list, but not for camp where he was serving a 1945, is a New York State circuit three-year sentence was recaptur- C. A. Tonight of the American members of the ed last night at Long Island near 44-20 here. SOLDIERS, Canadian-American league which New York life Insurance elected Albert Houghton president Dec. 6.—UP>— team will en- CHAPEL HILL, State which are to company volley ball to succeed the Rev. Harold J. Mar- league, resume Mutual for the first time under in have either t h. Massachusetts Playing tin.' operations 1945, sign- Life ed or have umpar- and the Equitable their new coach, Lieut. Ben Carne- The Middle Atlantic loop is talk- hanging working agree- the of ments with clubs. '.-ill encage Metropolitan vale, North Carolina’s White Phan- ing jumping from class “B,” Major League of the jolls in ‘.he second round and Jimmy Hamilton is working Concord will work with the Phil- toms scored an easy 44 to 20 vic- Senior Volley Ball league at the on a new circuit around Knoxville adelphia Phillies, Statesville with over the hitherto undefeated l}[. c. A. today. The first match tory to cover Charlotte, Asheville and the Chicago Cubs, Lexington with the is scheduled at t> p. m., with Fort Bragg quintet here tonight. surrounding territory if the Sally the Philadelphia Athletics, Hick- at 7 with the New second contest following It was Carolina’s ball game from league agrees. ory York Giants, The Thomasville with the o'clock. the beginning, and with newcom- TRIPPl HIGHTOWER juiiiNauiv Texas league decided to re- Brooklyn A. w. Smith, physical director at De FILLIPO main for Dodgers and with the ers Jim Jordan and Ira Norfolk 3rd AAP Peary’ Bainbridge “suspended” another Salisbury he "Y" explained that a team Peary : a 5-3 leading the way the Phantoms Rac/c year by vote against renewal, Pittsburgh Pirates, a minimum of four Back may play with moved ahead 12-to-2 midway of Tackle and the Canadian-American and and a maximum of six, players, the first period. At the half the Sally leagues were content to stay and that a team would be allowed sidelined for score favored Carolina, 16 to 8, In .the duration. The re- minutes before a game ten grace the second half, with Coach Carne- vived Middle Atlantic and New ns declared forfeited. vale the mar- Season’s Crowd York loops are still in the talking will be substituting freely, MIAMI TOURNEY Largest HOOP SCHEDULE The two winning trams and not about 1945. gin of victory continued to in- stage thinking Come entertained the losing outfits at by crease. Delegates get down to serious Early an oyster roast. WILL OPEN TODAY For Match SET AT CATAWBA work tomorrow when the 13 amend- You Won’t Scream! been to Jordon paced Carolina’s scoring Expected Tag You’ll Roar! Schedules have planned ments will be considered. Most and with 11 points, while Norfolk and Cary Grant in include 15 games, — — point Fla., Dec. 6. (JP) With the best tag team match Johnny Long of Baltimore, most leagues spent today deciding how “ARSENIC AND OLD LACE” Clyde up from last MIAMI. SALISBURY. Dec. 6—UP)— matches will be played each Tues- King, year’s of the season scheduled for Fri- would with Raymond M Henry Picard and . popular wrestlers to appear in Wil- they vote, with the South- Massfey “B” squad, had eight apiece. Catawba college will open its bas- Shows: day ar.d Thursday evening. on the Promoter Bert ern Association’s 12:30—2:28—4:38 who used to be partners day night. Causey in months, has proposed bonus The teams are entered Bones McKinney, the former state mington many been ketball campaign here Saturday ^k following hottest golfing team ever seen announced last night that he is to returning service players the was for the losers with the in the star, best crowd this teamed up with “Texas Jack” O’- night, against Flying Safety fenior league: down this way, were tabbed today expecting the largest chief bone of contention. It may Charles Ste- eight points. Command of Winston-Salem. Equitable company: as the most likely to suc- season which is indicated by the Brien, who is probably the most bring an open on the floor. players have been carded scrap venson. Amor Wofford. J. In an earlier scrap. Carolina’s tickets. disliked to in Eighteen games captain. ceed in the $10,000 heavy sale of advance grappler appear the N. C. State League w It’s Carnival F.Schulte. Dr. E. P. Adam “B” team, paced by Dewey Bow- .at 8:30 local and several more are pending. and Tunefulrimeinitioj'^j Fun Walker, tournament which gets under way Opening the show p.m. arena. Opposing Long and All clubs of the North Carolina Smith. man of earned a Carroll and Big Down-Under Carroll Tinsley, and Claud Winston-Salem, tomorrow'. in the Thalian Hall arena, John O’Brien will be ‘‘Wild Bill” Mid- Bowen, forward, $jll are “BRAZIL” McCall. close, 33-31 victory over the Fort newcomer Philadel- dlekauff and Chief Little Jim Walser, elongated center, The three years handrunning, in Arthur, from Beaver, with Virginia Bruce fl Massachus “B” team. Bowman the lettermen on hand for drills setts company: Bud Bragg got 1935-36-37, the smooth-stroking Pi- phia, will meet Daffy Don Lee, Cherokee Indian. No time limit MANOR Edward Everett Horfon J^B Davis, Dave Jess and otherwise has now going on under Coach Gordon Veloz and Yolanda captain. Howes, eight points played card and the master of short iron and the time limit is one hour, the been set, and the winning ENDS TODAY The schedule: Eeynolds. M. G. Reynolds, M. G. an excellent defensive game beat the winner two out of three team is to share the entire Kirkland. The Great play, Revolta. together taking purse. I LGay foelman. Sam me oox: are now on Dec., 9, Winston-Salem Flying Saturday Williams, Oliver best golfers in the business to win falls. Arthur is the former “Mask- Tickets sale at the 4Voni* Evening Sfflth. Dec. 12. Winston-Salem ShOWS Post Serial Elliot O'Neil Fort Bragg G F Pf Tp four ball event ed Marvel.’’ of the grappling ring. Orton hotel. Safety; North 11 a~ m~1 haw f -.— 13 2 5 Dec. 15 York company: John Kul- C. Snow Miami's spring attraction. Flying Safety there; "SWAMP Murder W te'. captain. Vance Chadwick, J. E Pittman f_ 0 0 0 0 Each collected his share of Mi- Carolina. ty” m Sfenp Bill 0 2 LES GRID Jan. 6, Jan. 10, Guil- Robinson. L. G. McLe- Benson f 2 2 ami open coin, too, with it every HORVATH, Wofford; WATER" ~fl »e.C. P Brooks, B F. Goodrick. f_ 0 0 0 0 the NELSON FAVORITE ford; Jan. 12, N. C. State; Jan. With Womble man for himself, in throbbing B MH STAR AND HEISMAN Jan. Walter Brennan -■■letrcpol" tan company: Sam McKenney c 3 2 3 8 when the December tourna- 13, High Point, there; 17, ^B thirties Walter Huston Johnson, J. 0 0 0 winter tour. Wofford, there; Jan. 20, Elon; Jan. B[ captain. George Hunt, H. Snow c- 0 ment started the 70 AL4RK7 Dana Andrews ■\T * MEET WINNER, P AT OAKLAND Jan. Elon, ^B Huntington. William Berry, Harris g .-.12 2 4 27, Appalachian; 30, Anne Baxter aB Sw wyd Kavlor. J. F. Herb 0 Jan. 31. Guilford, there; — — there; McCall, —,- 0 0 2 Smith g CLEVELAND. Dec. 6. (VP) Coming Fri.-Sat. II Slack. Dec. 6— UP)— Feb. 3, Lenoir Rhyne; Feb. 5, Whirl When Gardner g -0 10 1 OAKLAND. Calif., Pretty Miss June Weinhardt of sub- ON OUa STAGE ■ ^^Love^^^^Dizzy The TROPHIES N. C. State, there; Feb. North 1 “HENRY ALDRICH following schedule has been Totals .. 5 10 11 20 JACOBS Nelson 6, Established favorite Byron urban Parma confirmed today her “The Richmond I PLAYS CUPID” announced, with Feb. H jfj the first game be- orth Carolina G F Pf Tp Carolina, there; 10, High ® with takes off in the 72-hole Oakland engagement to Les Horvath, Ohio County B Jimmy Lydon jjfl :C! Pbyed last Point: Feb. 15. Diana Tuesday between Jordan f 3 2 0 8 State University’s football star— Appalahain, there; Ramblers” H B Lynn jflB * EquitaSe. FOR GRID STARS Golf tournament tomorrow Feb. Charles Smith AH Massachusetts outfit Norfolk f _5 1 1 11 Open but she confided Dan Cupid had 16, Lenoir Rhyne, there. Music—Songs ^B ,,!e New in winning the Comedy John Litel York, Metropolitan f_0 10 1 where he left off a in their ^^B /^^k teams. Mendlef BALTIMORE, Dec. 6.—t-P'—The pulled spinner play 6 Anderson f -- 3 0 1 for 1943 and 1944 San Francisco open last Monday. plans. wirsday. Dec. 7: Jacobs trophies DUKE HOLDS DRILL New York, Markin f -10 0 2 to be will be presented to the outstand- In hot pursuit is expected After receiving the Heisman Equitable, Metro- f ..0 111 t;"sachusei-. Dillon college gridiron blocking backs Sgt. , the eagle-bag- Trophy as the nation’s outstanding FOR ALABAMA TILT r!tan: Tuesday, Dec. 12. Equita- 0 0 ing Paxton f_ 0 0 Carolina, the Southern soldier from Camp Roberts. 1944 college athlete in New York ‘;-Yew York; Mas- of South, ging Metropolitan. c -12 3 4 in last Horvath remarked Allen Conference and the Southeastern Calif., whose excellent showing night, to DURHAM, Dec. 6 —OP)— Duke’s ‘Jthusetts: Thursday. Dec. 14. New 2 0 Garvin c _ 0 0 was the sur- newsmen that he could not recall “Whiz so- Conference at a banquet in Balti- the last tournament Kids” of the gridiron, Metropolitan; Equitable, 4 0 4 8 Whether his marriage was to be called for their at- King g' more Friday night. prise of the event. speed, flashy Tuesday. Dec. 19, 0 0 0 0 ^ssachusetts; Alvariz g P Ferrier, ex-pro at Elmhurst, 111., “in December or June.” tack and wide-open style of play, New York Dr. William Jacobs, president ,r'f“D!e- Metropolitan; 0 3 4 3 “We set the date for on William had June, continued Thompson g of Presbyterian college, Clinton, S. led the San Francisco tournament to put the emphasis Tuesday, Dec. 21, 0 0 0 said 22- ^husefs: _ 0 hole. Nelson won with after his the exercises this after- oportan Spurlock g C., will give this year's awards to until the 69th graduation.” conditioning Massachusetts, Equit- 10 16 '4 282. year-old brunette Miss Weinhardt. noon as for York. Totals_17 Alton Cumbie, Clemson college; a 281 to the soldier’s they worked lightly score: Carolina 16; Ft. War Bond “but it’s all with me if he has their New Orleans’ Ala- ^New Halftime Tom Davis, Duke University and The Oakland $7,500 right date with moved the date ahead.” bama come Bragg 8. William Nevins, University of Ten- tournament, proceeds of which will New Year5s day. Penn throws missed—Fort Bragg Marine convales- She recalled she had known Hor- off a mild attack of flu, GIVE “KEM” Free nessee. He will award the 1943 tro- go to Navy and Shaking «1IC Pittman. will vath a senior in Ohio State’s school Coach Eddie Cameron for PLAYING BRIDGE C. Snow 3, McKenney 2, phies to William V. McMillan, Uni- cents at a nearby hospital, dressed Jordan of “since we were in the first time this CARDS Smith, Garner. Carolina, versity of South Carolina; Elmer bring out a field of some 131 pros dentistry, week but seem- 3 Dil- the ninth in Parma.” ed content to let his F°K CHRISTMAS 3, Norfolk, Allen Anderson, Barbour, Wake Forest and John and amateurs. grade assistants “We dated on and off even after direct the lon. W Steber. Georgia Tech. The -V- squad through its sec- Hawn (Le- re transferred to Rhodes high ond workout in more than a week. I'M KARDS Officials: Referee, awards were not presented last Plaster, school (in Cleveland) where he L^llarkot St. Dial 2-3224 noir Rhyne); Umpire, because of war conditions. ALABAMA RELAXES year Rayed football,” she added. Lieut. Comdr. Glenn Killinger. (Duke)._ BEFORE BOWL GAME -v- St. John’s Tavern USNR, head football coach of the 114 Orange St. United States Navy Preflight TUSCALOOSA, Ala., Dec. 6.— (JP) Dial 2-808o school at Chapel Hill, will deliver —Alabama’s Crimson Tides, just BOWLING the principal address, and Dr. Louis DELICIOUS FOOD beginning to unlimber in prepa- director of the physical Chicken In Burnett, ration for their Sugar Bowl meet- The of Baltimore RESULTS LAST NIGHT education department — ing with Duke on New Year’s day, Bough Fridiy Public schools will be the toast- Senior Fraternity were accorded another day of rest master. 1st 2nd 3rd Total today because of rains und a mud- flayers -- -V dy field. iverett_ 138 169 130 407 _ Goodman Foxx __ Suark 125 164 289 (Scabies) Replaces landlin _ 150 164 192 506 ITCH As Portsmouth Manager Volunteers At Exams, rordan_ 169 153 322 Needs Something Better Than Ceen 147 166 141 454 —♦- Surface Relief BUFFALO, N. Y., Dec. 6. —UP)— Hold Light Workout Miller _ 117 117 When are tormented by Itch Ival Goodman was named manager Padrick 174 174 you (Scabies), scratches, camp itch, or of Porsmouth of the Piedmont lea- KNOXVILLE, Term., Dec. 6.— Totals 729 816 754 2299 don’t be satisfied with — Volunteers Won Lost 7-year itch, gue today, succeeding Jimmy (JP) The Tennessee 4, 0. «Und»d a medicine that can do nothing Whiskey, 86 proof, his release through were busier with exams than foot- Foxx, pending more than relieve the surface dis- 5 65% groin noutrol spirit* Cubs who ball but worked out briefly flayers 1st 2nd 3rd Total waivers by the Chicago today comfort. Use David’s Sanative, T with in sweat clothes the after- -■ee ... 164 185 149 488 have a working agreement during Wash, which actually destroys itch noon. 1 ioward_ 146 139 118 403 the club. on contact. 60 cents at 100 parasites coach Coach John Barnhill was not on iVard _ 134 166 400 GOODE* HAM & WORTS Foxx was named roaming any drug sotre, or send direct to 1IMITED all to > 143 165 81 389 for the Cubs to check up on hand, having gone Birmingham lapillary_ Owens & Minor, Richmond, Va. i. PEORIA, ILLINOIS 716 709 662 farm of to a Southeastern Conference meet- Totals 2087 as directed. ■■■■ PePsi-Cola Island Citu, S. K* minor league prospects Use only Money back Ami, Companu. Long the Cubs. ing. Won 0. Lost 4. if not satisfied. (Adv.) authorized Bottler: Pepsi-Cola BottHng Co., of Wilmington Chicago ft