O O S C E ing f R D O SERU (SHAREd E-Res OURCE UndERS arTTanding)Icle St St O EXCERPted FRom: ISO/TR 14873 ISO/TR ES CORE (C CORE RI A 25964-1 R O B I IS ISO/ TR 11219 ISO/ n L I RFID Z39.7 DATa DicTIONARy STAN DicTIONARy DATa Z39.7 ISO 5127 ISO 8 INFORMATION STANDARDS QuARTERLY WINTER 2012 | VOL 24 | ISSUE 1 | ISSN 1041-0031 SPECIAL EDITION: YEAR IN REVIEW AND STATE OF THE STANDARDS ISO/TR 17068 ISO 13008 ISO 17316 ISO 3166 ISO 17316 11219 2789 O TR / IS O KBART PHASe 2 IS Open DisCOVERy INITIATIVE TE TE I ISO 13008 ISO Su NISO and TC46 G A ISO 2709 ISO T 2011 Year In REVIEW t GrOUP E S G cle I RT From ISO 2788 to ISO 25964: A al Intere The EVOLUTIon oF I on exCHAN I THESAURUS STANDARDS 17316 27729 O O IS IS S: Journal AT J DEVELopment oF RESOURCE NFORMAT -book SpeC I E SYNCHRONIZATIon STANDARD ISO 9:1995 STATE OF THE ORMAt ORMAt For F STANDARDS 16175-2 2709:2008, 2709:2008, O O IS IS SS 31 [SPECIAL EDITION] STATE OF THE 31,2012 ANUARY STANDARDS J This comprehensive report on NISO’s standards and initiatives appears in the first issue of the year of ISQ to keep readers informed of the scope and status of NISO’s program on an annual basis. If you have questions about any of the standards or development programs, contact the NISO office by phone (301-654-2512), via e-mail (
[email protected]), or visit the Standards section of the NISO website (www.niso.org/standards).