Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:25 Page 1

The local magazine for Hollesley, Boyton, Alderton, Shingle Street and Capel December 2017 Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:25 Page 2

Dates for your December diary Sat 2 9.30 – 12 Rainbow Café, VH Sat 2 10.30 – 12 Boyton Coffee Morning, Boyton VH - Christmas Sales Sat 9 12noon - 3pm Christmas Festive Fayre Trust Hall - lunch Sat 9 3 pm Memories Service, Boyton Church Sun 10 10 – 12.30 Santa's Grotto and Coffee Morning, Alderton VH Wed 13 7.30 pm Hollesley Gardening Club Christmas Social/Quiz 10/16/17 11 – 1 Christmas Wreath Workshop, Sutton Hoo Sat 16 9.30 - 12 Hollesley Community Café, Hollesley VH Sat 16 2 - 4 Hollesley School Christmas Fayre Sat 16 2 – 4 Bawdsey Christmas Market, Bawdsey VH Sun 17 1.30 – 2.30 Out of the Case, Sutton Hoo Sun 17 2.30-sundown Winter Solstice, Sutton Hoo Thurs 21 7.30 Bawdsey Jazz Society, Bawdsey Village Hall

Regular Events Day Time Activity Where Who

Monday 7.30pm Pilates Sutton Heath Sandy 410530 Tuesday 9.30am Tai Chi Ali 411717 Tuesday 2nd and 4th Hollesley Bay Day Club 10-3pm Alan 420092 Tuesday 2pm Welcome Club Hollesley VH Marian C 411262 Tuesday 7-9pm Indoor Bowls Hol lesley VH June 411172 Wednesday 9.50&11am Pilates Sandy 410530 Wednesday 2-4pm Indoor Bowls Hollesley VH June 411172 Wednesday 7.30pm Pilates Sutton Heath Sandy 410530 Wednesday 6.30-8.30 Just42 Youth Club Hollesley VH Michael 412052 Thursday 10.00-11.00 Zumba Hollesley VH 07917145300 Thursday After school EVNU All Saints’ Ruth 412052 Thursday Judo Club Julie 410483 Thursday Week 2 7.30pm Hollesley WI Hollesley Gerry 411376 Thursday Week 3 7.30pm Jazz Society Bawdsey VH Tony 410353

Friday 9.30-11.00 Yoga Hollesley VH Cathie 01728 747001 Friday 10-30-12.30 Coffee morning Boyton VH Isobel 411409 Friday 11.00am Coffee morning Shepherd & Dog Friday 7.15pm Whist Drive Boyton VH Les 411642 Sunday (last) 8pm Charity Quiz Shepherd & Dog

Please email [email protected] with updates to this information. Page 2 December 2017 Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:25 Page 3

From the editor

Runners up in Christmas cover art competition: Sam Claxton and Poppy Moore ‘At Christmas, all roads lead home.’ Marjorie Holmes

We would like to express thanks to all our advertisers without whose support we would not be able to continue. Thanks also to all our contributors throughout the year - please note early copy date for the January issue is: Sunday 3 December. We extend grateful thanks to our team of loyal distributors, led by Laurie Forsyth, who faithfully deliver a magazine to your door each month.

This month’s cover was designed by Harvey Downing, a Yr 6 pupil at Hollesley Primary School. Our thanks go to all the children who entered the competition.

The Village Voices team send sincere Season’s Greetings to you all. Cheryl Gray Please note that the opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the editorial team. Editorial copy: Cheryl, Advertising Nick, Diane Gerry Bathe [email protected] [email protected] Copy on paper to: 1 Rectory Road, Laurie Forsyth, 11A, Parsons Hill, Hollesley, IP12 3JS Hollesley, IP12 3RB Tel: 01394 411376 Tel: 01394 411727 Page 3 December 2017 Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:25 Page 4

A Wartime Christmas - Pop’s Café

In 1944 I lived in Castle Street Woodbridge at a time when Christian hope of peace was impossible to imagine. Of course all families were on food coupons from those ration books! Reduced food in the larder was never a problem for me, I was young slim and fit on brown bread and 2oz of butter. Contributed Pop’s Cafe, Woodbridge 1944 - Terry as 10 year old in the doorway

Woodbridge town was, and still is, mystical, when the winds from River and Tidemill push the morning mist up into the town.

Pytches Road - Melton Hill - oh, I must stop now before I fill your magazine with stories still so very vivid in my 10 year, never-to-grow-old head. I like to return to Woodbridge, to drink in once again, my wartime fearless happiness and to live in a time warp with the ghosts of my family, who sit and wait for me near Pop’s Café.

Christmas time in 1944 came alive with happy home activities: preparing colourful paper chains stuck together with a mixture of flour, water and a touch of fear from the expected invasion along the Suffolk coastline. Christmas cakes, steamed suet puddings and a few silver sixpences thrown in for your teeth to suddenly find!

We had family visiting from London so I was required to sleep on the floor in the sitting room between two arm chairs on Christmas Eve. My dutiful dad tucked me up saying, See you in the morning son. I dropped off to sleep very quickly with the thought ringing in my head: What will Father Christmas bring me in the morning!

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I woke soon again at around 10 pm - the light was still on and my father in his bleached long white linen coat, was still at the table struggling with his Pop’s Café accounts. Not wanting to disappoint him, I kept quiet but at the same time I looked up the side of one armchair at my unwrapped presents - Christmas wrapping paper was not available - nor did we have any oranges or bananas.

One Rupert Bear annual, a wooden home-made locomotive and a sailing boat. Had I been in my bedroom upstairs these presents would have been put in a plain pillowcase hanging on the bed knob, out of sight. Of course at the age of ten I already knew who Father Christmas really was! Contributed Put that light out! - Terry Basson Our Christmas dinner consisted of a large roasted chicken especially reared and fattened for the occasion. Chicken in 1944 was only eaten at special times! My father, being the head of household claimed one of the prized legs and my eldest brother the other. We below stairs, were served with only white breast meat, not considered the best cuts, how fashions change!

On Christmas Day the meal was set out on our large table and after thanks- giving was spoken, suddenly the whole of the paper-chain decoration on the ceiling started to become unglued and cascaded over the table amongst hoots of laughter! The paper-chain glue had failed - the water and flour mixture, perhaps because of that ingredient of fear! .

As darkness fell on Christmas Day and the condensation iced up once again on the inside of our single-glazed windows, the embers of our coal fire were slowly dying. We all decided to go outside - wrapped in our muffled, high-collar, winter coats and my sister’s knitted scarves! In the fading light we heard, once again, the drone of those B17 Boeing Flying Fortress engines, bringing back the young surviving American aircrews so far from home: landing back at Debach Airfield after a bombing run over Germany, in temperatures below freezing and camp huts cold and damp.

Like me, I bet those young airmen will never forget how, back in 1944 , they spent their Christmas during a World Still at War.

Terry Basson (Thank you Terry for a fascinating piece of wartime memorabilia! - Ed) Page 5 December 2017 Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:25 Page 6

DavidCentral Friend Heating service, Heating repair Services & installation Renewable energy systems - water and heating

Central Heating and Plumbing Renewable Energy • Oil, gas & LPG boiler service and repair • Solar hot water heating • Oil and gas heating installation • Air source heat pumps • AGA Rayburn service and repair • Ground Source heat • Cookers & Fires pumps • Oil tank replacement • Landlords’ Certificates Prompt efficient service and free quotes: 01394 411839 Mob:07786 971425 e.mail: [email protected]

Page 6 December 2017 Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:25 Page 7

Boyton Bonfire and Fireworks

We had a wonderful bonfire and spectacular display of fireworks. Many thanks to all who made it happen: Beattie from Mortiers farms for the use of the field and the tractor; the team who collected the fire wood and hauled it on to the trailer; Caesar for his time and skills with the tractor and trailer; Andy, Sofia and George for lighting the fire and managing the firework display.

Thank you to everyone who donated cash to buy the fireworks and to Keith and John, who checked on the progress of the fire the next day - and the next! And of course, to

John Carpmael everyone who came George keeping the fire under control

along and shared their good cheer, toffee apples, cheesy pizza slices, Boyton Parish Council invite sausage rolls, flapjack, wine and beer you to a Christmas gathering and more. Mulled wine, mince pies and live music with the female trio Ali Crawford For The Love of Bob

Boyton PC

At our last meeting on 7 November, Boyton Parish Council co-opted Tina Fletcher and Malcolm Lane as parish councillors. We now have a full complement of Saturday 16 December 6.30pm councillors and are Boyton Village Hall delighted to welcome them on board.

Ali Crawford Page 7 December 2017 Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:25 Page 8

Church letter - Dear Friends,

Christmas is, for many, a busy time of year filled with the joys of carol singing, presents and celebrations with family and friends. For others, Christmas can be a lonely time shaped by sadness and memories.

Christmas can also be a time to pause and reflect. In fact, that’s one of the ways we can unwrap the true gifts of Christmas – a moment of peace in the busyness, a breakthrough of hope in our sadness or a rediscovery of love in a relationship that has become stressed.

This year, the Church of have produced a series of reflections under the title #GodWithUs: Your Christmas Journey. People can receive the messages as texts, emails and on social media. (Text GodWithUs to 88802 to sign up for the texts (they are free!)

#GodWithUs: Your Christmas Journey seeks to help us explore what the Christmas story might mean in our lives. The constant message of Christmas – in carols and readings – is that God is with us. In whatever situation you find yourself this Christmas, God is with you – you need only turn to him and ask to know his presence.

Video adverts are also being produced that tell the story of people's journeys to church at Christmas and what Christmas means to them, which will be released throughout December on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. The theme of Journey is continued in our usual Christmas Eve 5pm service at Hollesley Church, when there will be an interactive presentation similar to last year entitled The Greatest Journey.

I hope that, through these resources, you will be helped to unwrap in your own life God’s gifts of peace, hope and love. May your Christmas journey lead to closer not just to the heart of Christmas but to the person of Jesus whose birth we celebrate in this wonderful season.

Rev’d Ruth Hatchett 412052 [email protected]

From the church registers: Confirmation 29 October Bethany Mae Fisher at St Bartholomew’s Church, Orford Wedding 24 October Nathan Dix & Jenna Murphy of Bawdsey at All Saints, Ramsholt Funeral 30 October Richard Goddard of Hollesley at Seven Hills Crematorium

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St Andrew’s All Saints’ Other Villages St Andrew’s December Boyton Hollesley Alderton

Sun 3 8.00 Holy 11.00 Holy 9.30 Holy 9.30 Sutton Heath Communion Communion Communion 11.00 Shottisham* (BCP) 11.00 Ramsholt Sat 9 3pm 11.00 Christmas Memories Carols Service Sun 10 8.00 Holy 9.30 Family 9.30 Sutton Communion Communion 11.00 Ramsholt (BCP) 3.00 Bawdsey 6.30 Carol Service Sun 17 8.00 Holy 9.30 Café Sundae 11.00 Sutton* Communion 6.30pm Shottisham (BCP) Christmas 11.30 5pm Crib Service 11.00 Ramsholt* Eve Midnight 11.30pmMidnight 4.00 Sutton Mass (BCP) Mass 9.30pm Shottisham* Christmas 10.00 10.30 Bawdsey Day Family 11.00 Sutton* Communion Sunday 8.00 Alderton, Holy Communion (BCP) 31 11.00 Hollesley, Sung Eucharist with Carols for the Deben Churches Please see Christmas card for further details of services and Carol Singing. * Service includes Holy Communion

Church Contacts Team Vicar: Ruth Hatchett 01394 412052 [email protected] Hollesley Churchwardens: Boyton Churchwarden: Ray and Gill Whiffin 410057 Isobel Lilley 411409 Alderton Churchwarden: Barry Vincent 411306 Hollesley Tower Captain: Peter Harper 01394 411775 Lay Reader: Lydia Calvesbert 01394 411779 Lay Elders: Malcolm and Pat Fleetwood 01394 411355 Joy Andrews 01394 411596 Judy Foulger 01394 410254 Di Barnard 01394 411079 Pat Shannon 01394 411214 Mel Spurling 01394 420398 Gill Whiffin 01394 410057

Weekday Services Monday 9.00am Alderton & Shottisham Church - Morning Prayer Wednesday 930am Bawdsey Church - Morning Prayer Thursday 9.00am Boyton and Sutton Churches – Morning Prayer Friday 8.00am Hollesley Church – Morning Praye 1st Thursday 2.30pm Glebe House, Hollesley – Evensong 3rd Thursday 10.30am Glebe House, Hollesley – Holy Communion Page 9 December 2017 Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:25 Page 10

For all your vehicle requirements Servicing and Repairs All makes and models Light Commercials 4x4 MOT Valeting Car Sales Tyre Fitting The Street, Boyton, Nr Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 3LH Courtesy car Tel 01394 411712 Car Collection RMI ACCREDITED TO THE TRUST MY GARAGE SCHEME QUALITY SERVICE COMPETITIVELY PRICED Diagnostic Services Established over 30 years Opening Times: Mon- Fri 8.30am to 6.00pm Closed Saturday and Sundays

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Hollesley School - CrumbleBots On Wednesday 11th October Year 5/6went to Adastral Park (BT). We went to a coding workshop called CrumbleBots. When we got there we discovered that CrumbleBots are a type of robot. We were told how to connect them to the computers. Then we were shown part of a slide show which told us how to actually make our CrumbleBot lights/sparkles (technical term) light up. After that we progressed to making our CrumbleBots move. We then took it even further and made their eyes light up whilst they were moving. We had lunch, (you probably don’t want me to give you a whole lecture on what we all had for lunch so I’ll just carry on). Once we’d had our lunch we were shown a little more of the slide show and then told that there was going to be a race between our Crumble-

Contributed Bots. But, how were they Hollesley Primary was split into teams of 3 going to stay on the tracks?

We were advised how we could programme a CrumbleBot to stay on the black lines using their sensors as guides. Hollesley Primary was split into teams of three. Our CrumbleBots lights had to be green when they raced so that they knew who each robot belonged to. One of Hollesley teams (Imogen, Summa and Chloe) came second in the primary schools races. Well done girls!


The following Tuesday, some children from Year 5/6 went to a Cospace taster morning at BT Adastral Park. As some of us found out, it isn’t all that easy!

Cospace is a virtual coding competition

consisting of complex code to collect points Contributed – you collect points by controlling a robot! A CrumbleBot race! The Actions control: movement, speed, rotation and collection of points whilst the conditions control the sensors. Each team had a robot and after a hard day of programming and problem solving one of Hollesley’s teams came 3rd (Lilly V and Alfie B). Well done!

Mabel and Harry Page 11 December 2017 Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:25 Page 12

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For a FREE valuation of your home with Tim Giles, call 07977 218 786 or visit F igu re based on h ouse price data for IP12 f rom Zoopla and n ational average estate agency f ee of 1.5% + VAT, according to HomeOwners A lliance. Let’s get you moving

Page 12 December 2017 Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:25 Page 13

Goats in the heather

We have Suffolk Wildlife Trust to thank for the goats that have appeared on Lower Hollesley Common. They have a serious job to do – eating. Goats will eat almost any plant, but their diet on the local commons will be birch, oak, grass, hawthorn, gorse, broom and bramble, which they will munch until SWT decides their work is done. It is called conservation grazing, and the idea is to increase the extent of bell and ling heathers, by reducing the competition from surrounding vegetation.

They are Bagot goats - a rare breed. Wikipedia says they probably originated from the Rhone valley in France. Crusaders returning from the holy wars brought them to England in the late 1300’s, and it seems that King Richard 11 gave some to Sir John Bagot of Blithfield Hall in Staffordshire in thanks for a good day’s hunting. They are still there, and in numerous zoos, farms and parks, as well as on the cliffs at Cromer. There are lots of goats in the world – some 160 species, breeds and varieties in fact. Laurie Forsyth Bagot goats on Lower Hollesley Common

Depending on the goat, they are bred for milk, meat, wool, goatskin, fibre, or as pets. Goats that are bred for any commercial reason have a market value. The Bagot though is commercially almost worthless – its bloodstock line has never been improved or engineered. It retains the breed’s primitive traits - extreme hardiness, agility and an adventurous nature that makes the Bagot very suitable for conservation browsing in all weathers, terrains and seasons, with almost no intervention.

In 2010, the Rare Breeds Survival Trust estimated that there were fewer than 100 registered breeding females in the UK. The breed was Critically Endangered. By 2017, with 200 registered breeding females, it was upgraded to ‘Vulnerable’. People who know them, love them: they are handsome animals, with tons of character, and I can understand one fan on Wikipedia who thinks them majestic, gallant and canny. Close-up, who can resist that black and white coat; those wide, backswept horns, and not be un-nerved by their yellow eyes with their horizontal pupil slits?

Laurie Forsyth Page 13 December 2017 Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:25 Page 14

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Your letters - do please write to us

Dear Editor,

Fundraising Event

Helen Rankin and Heather Balleny would like to sincerely thank all those people who helped to raise £2001 for Youngminds on 30th September at Hollesley Village Hall. A very deserved and special thanks to the band Flaming Cheek who generously gave their time and made it a great evening with lots of dancing. Youngminds is an organisation that supports young people with mental health difficulties and their families. They work to inform and influence mental health policy which is much needed due to under-investment in the mental health of children and young people. Many thanks to all those who contributed so generously.

Heather Balleny

Dear Editor,

I always wondered who did the shell-line at Shingle Street: a big thank you to Jeremy Mynott for the lovely story and for telling us all about the two ladies and how Shingle Street helped them - I wonder where they live, bless them.

Three years ago, we had German friends staying with us and we took them to Shingle Street to see the trail of shells. We all took photos of them Missing male cat and wondered what it was about. I will send the story to them.

Jean Garnham

Dear Editor,

Trick ‘n’ Treat!

To our amazement and delight, nearly 20 well-behaved, scarily dressed children knocked on our door at Halloween. No doubt, a credit to the parents and adults who accompanied them! since 14 October John and Angie Mills Last seen near the Water Tower Any news please contact 07830134887 Page 15 December 2017 Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:25 Page 16



Mastermind your financial future We provide an experienced wealth management service and offer specialist advice in a wide range of areas including: • Investment planning • Retirement/Pension Planning • Inheritance Tax planning • Protection planning • Specialist Insurance For further details contact Adam on 01473 232709 E-mail:[email protected] The Partner Practice represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website The ‘St. James’s Place Partnership’ and the title‘Partner Practice’ are marketing terms used to describe St. James’s Place representatives. Page 16 December 2017 Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:25 Page 17

Dear Editor,

Woodbridge Salvation Army have nearly 100 regular recipients of food parcels and spend £1000 a week on food to supplement donations from individuals and shops. People from our churches are now helping with foodbank deliveries in this area and as winter approaches, you can help needy local families by leaving items of non-perish-able food and toiletries in the box in any of our local churches. These items will be taken to Woodbridge Sal-vation Army for distribution to needy/ homeless people in our area.

If someone you know is in need, contact the Salvation Army: 01394 384967 to request support.

Rev’d Ruth Hatchett

Dear Editor,

My wife died in April and I came across the following poem whilst sorting through her things. I would like to share it with Village Voices readers.

What is a Senior Citizen?

A Senior Citizen and going all the way is one who was here before: meant staying on a double decker bus the pill, television, frozen foods, to the bus depot! contact lenses, credit cards ... and before men walked on the moon. We thought that fast food was what For us, time sharing meant you ate in Lent; a Big Mac was togetherness, not holiday homes, an oversized raincoat and and a chip meant a piece of wood. crumpet we had for tea. Hardware meant nuts and bolts, and software wasn’t even a word. In our day: grass was mown, pot was something you cooked in, We got married first, coke was kept in the coal house and then lived together, a joint was cooked on Sundays! and thought cleavage was something that butcher’s did. We are today’s Senior Citizens. A stud was something that fastened A hardy bunch when you think a collar to a shirt, how the world has changed!

Graham Smith Page 17 December 2017 Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:25 Page 18

Page 18 December 2017 Village Voices1-20December_vv19/11/201710:26Page19 Jeremy Mynott , ShingleSt of alllife. pathetically onthisdistant shorewas justanotherreminder ofthevulnerability pulsive appearance anddangeroushabits,however, toseethemstranded so British waters, thoughthatmay changewithglobalwarming. Despite theirre- it! Theycancausehumans very severe rashes, butrarely ever stray intochilly fish, whicharethendragged even thinkabout intoitsdigestive system.Don’t ming, sincethesearetheweaponsMano’War usestokillits preyofsmall coated withtoxic stingingcells–very nasty ifyou brushintothemwhileswim- sail, takingthemwherever thewindsblowthem.Thetendrilsarelongstrings (which theMano’War fillswithgases)actsasbothabuoyancy deviceanda are oceanwanderers fromwarm subtropicalwaters andtheinflatedbladder War, amarinehydrozoan closelyrelated to jellyfish.These (‘water serpent’), the oceandepths?Orextra-terrestrials? No, theywerePortuguese Mano’ dangling tendrils.Somesortofexotic seaweed? Orghastlysquidcastupfrom They looked quiteweird,like paleblueinflatedballoons,withathicktasselof been asmallinvasion by some creatureswhohadsurfedinon the high tide. by some strange newvisitors,however. Onthewest-facing beaches there had the roots but ableto resume their normal lives. The locals had now been joined bright, eerie light.Withinhoursitwas blowing a fullgalewith75mph winds, waves startedbuilding out to sea, white-topped and glittering ominouslyina Then, quite suddenly, the wind freshened, the temperature dropped, and huge autumn werestill in flower, alongwiththe first daffodils ofnextspring. earlier herebecause of Scilly’s southerlylocation;and thelastagapanthusof red admirals; robins were singing, andeven a few song thrushes, which start tourists about; butterflies werestillonthe wing, especiallyspeckledwoodsand the islandsgoingabout their daily business. The little boatswere ferrying before hadbeenpreternaturally calm – a mild, muggy day with everyone on in violentlyfrom theAtlantic on16 October. Shewas awe-inspiring. Theday I was in the Isles of Scillyontheedge of HurricaneOphelia whenshe careered Jeremy Mynott N






Portuguese Man o’ War




e and theirinhabitantsshaken to swept past, leaving the islands Then, againquitequickly, Ophelia reminder ofourownpuny powers. forces atwork.A dramatic colossal energy of thenatural both awed and exhilarated by the westerly point of Peninnis Head, massive granite slabonthemost and spray. I sheltered behind a was whitewith whirling spume the rocksandbeaches, theair massive breakers werepounding Page 19December 2017 Village Voices 1-20 December_vv 19/11/2017 10:26 Page 20

I offer this little true story to you

Something special,in the shape of a friendly Robin, arrived a few years ago at the lower end of the Larkhall football pitch just beside our 16 lane petanque pistes. The groundsmen immediately fell in love with this little bundle of reddish rustic joy.

It became the habit of the volunteers to tweet a chirp under the tree, near the sheds, to attract the bird towards the huts The shape of a friendly Robin that held all manner of useful bits, that have stood undisturbed for nearly a century now. Our Robin found a safe home in this attic collection that many past volunteer hands had set aside.

The area of which I speak is as magical as the redbreast itself, with ivy creeping over hobbits’ homes and into every nook and bundle of: It might be handy one day.

When Clive made tweet tweet sounds, the little Robin immediately flew down by the side of him. Bits, that have stood undisturbed for nearly a century now

Clive always carried bird seed in his pocket.

Each spring, summer and on dull, cold, bitter winter days, Clive exchanged birdie conversations with his feathered friend from his familiar tree perch. I have been told several times that a robin is the spirit of a departed friend.

I became aware of this special relationship almost by accident as I stood to take a rest beside the familiar perch of Mr Robin Redbreast, who flew down to see if I was one With ivy creeping over of his true friends. hobbits’ homes Page 20 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 1

Sadly, I was never admitted into his family of friends, because in my hand I always carried a camera, not seeds like those sensible groundsmen did.

Whilst I was never really accepted, I often waited beside the gate to see if he could be fooled . It never happened! Even in my deepest cup-of-tea-leaf moments, when I would love to have contact with him, I could never persuade Clive’s Robin to sing his song to me. He was, I expect, the spirit of a departed football player from the Larks’ past. It might be handy one day

What a gift it was for Clive to have this close fondness on his doorstep, with this magical event going on unnoticed over the tall fence beside our wonderful game of boules.

Clive always carried bird seed The area of which I speak is as in his pocket magical as the redbreast itself

Terry Basson (Thanks Terry for this lovely piece of Christmas magic - Ed.) Page 21 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 2


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Page 22 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 3

Hollesley WI Mary Anne Bartlett, a local artist and travel agent who specialises in art trips to Africa, in order to paint animals in the wild, enlivened our October meeting by demonstrating her beautiful art and showing us the rudiments of drawing an elephant. Several of us followed her instructions and were amazed at how helpful her tips were, proving there were a few budding artists amongst us. It was an informative and stimulating session.

At the time of writing we are preparing for a busy November starting with the Which Resolutions at Wickham Market Community Centre. The chosen resolutions are discussed and voted on nationally, culminating in a lively debate and vote at our national AGM in Cardiff next June. Contributed By the time you read this we will The Queen’s 70th wedding have enjoyed an Indian Day: being anniversary shown how to wear a sari, Indian dance and of course delicious Indian cuisine. This will be an event organised by ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World, a close associate of WI).

A Royal Tea Party marking the 70th wedding anniversary of our Queen and Prince Phillip will have taken place at Stratford St Andrew to which many of our members will have attended. At the end of November, our excellent driver Gerry Bathe will once again, have taken us to Cambridge, Christmas shopping or museum visiting.

Judging by all that’s happening at Confidential, caring help to the time of writing, I should have overcome behavioural, plenty to report next month. If I relationship or emotional issues have whetted your appetite and you think that the WI could be for Patricia Pajak - Counsellor, nd Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist you, we meet on the 2 Thursday BA (Hons) Ad.Dip CP MCS, of each month and you would be Dip Hyp MIBWRT SQHP GHR reg. most welcome to visit us before deciding if you would like to join. 07763 172 185 Please contact Jane on 410104. [email protected] Base Business Park Bentwaters Rendlesham Daphne Fox Page 23 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 4

Suffolk Heritage Garden

As the year has progressed, each month the garden has given us something new to admire. Even now, there are bidens, chrysanthemums, asters and dahlias, all still in flower and looking splendid. The grass also seems to be growing at a rate of knots. The Suffolk Punch Trust is now in the process of winding down for the winter, but there will still be volunteers working hard looking after the garden and the horses.

This month’s photo is of the Suffolk Pink chrysanthemum. Autumn flowers are so important for the wildlife; the nectar late in the year is vital, as hibernation approaches. While I was taking this photo, there were several Red Admiral butterflies, hover flies and, as you can see, a Painted Lady. Bev Webster Bev Painted Lady on Suffolk Pink A couple of the volunteers were out collecting bracken from the heath the other day. We use the bracken to protect the dahlias during the winter months. We have taken plenty of cuttings, which will be living in the polytunnel as soon as the first frosts come. They will be ready for sale by about next May, or even earlier if we’re lucky. We rely on sales to pay for the garden’s running costs. We had a good crop from our orchard this year, thanks to Richard Smith who looks after the trees. Some of the apples were sold in the shop at very reasonable prices.

Bawdsey Annual Christmas Craft and Coffee morning Saturday 9 December 10am - 12 noon Bawdsey V H Raffle, Hamper, Cakes,Wreaths, Crafts Refreshments Everyone welcome! Page 24 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 5

Alderton Parish Council

Christmas Card Delivery

1st Rendlesham Scout Group, to which a number of our local children belong, are offering to deliver your Christmas cards to the following areas:- Alderton, Bawdsey, Hollesley, Rendlesham, Eyke, Tunstall, Boyton, Campsea Ashe, Sutton and Sutton Heath, Bromeswell and Shottisham for just 25p each card. Please place your card and money in a bag into the 1st Rendlesham Scout Group Christmas Box in Alderton shop between Saturday 25 November and Tuesday 12 December. All proceeds will go to your local scout group.

Christmas Lunch If you wish to attend the Parish Christmas Lunch for older residents and their carers on Friday 8 December, please ensure your name is on the list in the village shop before the deadline of Saturday 2 December.

Fete 2018 Councillors have decided to change the date of the village fete next year to the first Saturday in July. Hopefully more families will be able to attend as it will not be in the school holidays. One of the stalls planned is Mystery Bottles which will require lots of Bottle Gift Bags. If you are lucky enough to receive a bottle in a gift bag at Christmas (or any other time) please save them for us.

Joy Andrews, Clerk tel:411596 email: [email protected]

Hollesley Gardening Club The Gardening Club’s meeting at the Bowls Club on: Wednesday 13 December 7.30pm will be a pre-Christmas social and quiz evening. Members are asked to bring savoury or sweet nibbles: drinks will be provided.

Thanks, Angela Lawrence Page 25 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 6

Chris Mann Painter and paper hanger 27 years experience

For a free quote please ring 01728 687438 07941 262663 GRAHAM SKINGLEY

Local electrician - no job too small

FOR ALL YOUR DOMESTIC ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION WORK Tel: 07790 230651 Evening Hall,The Street, Hollesley,IP12 4QU

Call Ovenclean on 0800 840 7127 for a professional service As well as ovens, we clean Aga cookers, hobs and extractor hoods

Page 26 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 7

Crossword and Sudoku Across: 1234 5671. Horrifying (8) 5. Clothing (4) 8. Large mast (5) 89 9. Lottery (7) 10. Tallest species of penguin (7) 10 11 12. A child beginning to walk (7) 12 14. Aircraft with two pairs of wings (7) 16. A curse: wicked look 13 14 15 (4, 3) 16 18. Opposite of morning (7) 17 19. Showery (5)

18 19 20. Plant of the pea family (4) 21. Food enhancer (8)

20 21

A Down: 11. Medley of dried petals (9) 1. Hats (4) 12. Not pleasing to listen to (8) 2. Away from the coast (6) 13. Probable (6) 3. Overwhelming majority of votes 14. Pleaded with (6) for one party (9) 15. Birthplace of St Francis (6) 4. Talk idly (6) 17. Extravagant publicity (4) 6. Love affairs (6) 7. Cambridge v Oxford event (4,4) Solution on p.28 8 7 6 3 6 8 5 7 4 2 7 8 9 6 1 6 3 6 8 9 5 9 7 4 1 Page 27 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 8

The Greyhound Inn

Stewart and Louise welcome you to The Greyhound Inn, Pettistree, near Wickham Market. Chef Louise handcrafts the seasonal J Andrews menu using locally sourced ingredients Painter, Decorator with a hint to their Scottish roots . Stewart serves a selection of local Interior and Exterior ales and an expanding array of Tiling single malt whiskies

UPVC windows painted to any colour www.greyhoundinnpet T: 01394 450834 M: 07923 690145 The Street, Pettistree, IP13 0HP [email protected] E: james0792369014 5@ 01728 746451 News from Father Christmas Answers to crossword: to all the village elves The Christmas cart has two addresses C H I L L I N G G A R B for present drop-offs: 48 Oak Hill A N A A M O and 1 School Lane. P Y L O N T O M B O L A Please make sure all parcels S A D T U T are well wrapped and clearly addressed so my naughty N S E M P E R O R helpers and I can deliver T O D D L E R O S A them down the correct U I T C chimney! N L D B I P L A N E The route will start in Hollesley E V I L E Y E O S village working up to Oak Hill L K G U S H E V E N I N G R A I N Y S L E R S P S O Y A A D D I T I V E

See you bright and early on Christmas morning Page 28 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 9

From our country kitchen Chestnut, Apple and Onion Pie (serves 6)

With Christmas fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking of dishes for the festivities ahead! Perfect for a vegetarian alternative on Christmas Day, or part of a Boxing Day buffet, this is a fantastic pie suitable for vegetarians and tasty enough to satisfy the most committed carnivores!

550g shortcrust pastry 2 tabs olive oil 350g chopped onion 450g eating apples (Cox’s are best) 300g cooked, peeled and chopped chestnuts (tinned/vacuum packed are perfect when time and patience are short!) 1 tsp chopped fresh thyme 1 tsp chopped fresh sage 2 eggs

Seasoning Contributed Egg for glazing Loose bottomed 24cm flan tin

Preheat oven to 200 degrees C. Gas 6. Heat oil in a frying pan on a medium heat and cook onions until golden brown. Meanwhile, peel and dice the apples into small pieces and place in a large bowl with the chopped chestnuts, herbs and seasoning, adding the onions when cooked.

Beat the eggs and combine thoroughly with the other ingredients. Set aside.Roll out 2/3rd of the pastry and line the flan tin. Add the chestnut filling. Roll out the remaining pastry and cover the top of the pie and trim to form a lid. Seal the edges of the pie with a little water. Any spare pastry can be used to decorate the top of the pie.

Finally, glaze the top of the pie with some beaten egg and bake in the oven for approx 40-50 minutes until golden brown. Serve hot with all your favourite Christmas trimmings and a very large glass of wine!

Merry Christmas!

Bridget Farrar

(Thanks to Bridget for such a seasonal recipe! Ed.) Page 29 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 10

DAFT news! Deben Animal Fundraising Team (based in Hollesley) raise funds for Suffolk Animal Rescue: It concentrates on rehabilitating and rehoming dogs which most other animal charities refuse to take as too difficult and expensive to help. They may have mental health problems and require more time and attention to fix.

The charity also specialises in catching, socialising and rehoming feral cats. Many organisations will not take them in, as they are not cost effective and require more time for socialisation. Suffolk Animal Rescue saves dogs and cats needing our help the most. Sylvia Wade Herbacious spaniel! Since the team formed in February 2017, we’ve raised over £4,000. It’s been a busy year collecting and selling donated items on ebay and car-boot sales, making dog beds, putting on a concert and a dog show. Thank you to all who have helped! The Suffolk Punch Trust has a Christmas Fayre on 2 and 3 December. We’ll have a stall there - come and say hello!

Sylvia Wade 01394 411526

First Snowdrop!

still spaces available For more details, contact Cathie Shuster Mike Fox 01728 747001 Thought this may be of interest it being 07734469038 only early November: the first Snowdrop! It is in a large pot with a Bay tree. email: [email protected] Mike Fox Page 30 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 11

East Anglia ONE - Archaeology Update

ScottishPower Renewables (SPR), the UK’s leading renewable energy developer, is now in the construction phase of the East Anglia ONE Offshore Windfarm. Currently they are conducting archaeology investigations at various points across the cable route including two sites at Bawdsey.

At the first site, the earliest evidence of activity comprises 3 large circular ring ditches dating to the Bronze Age period that probably represent the remnant of ploughed out burial mounds. The next phase of activity is in the late Iron Age/early Roman period with intensive agricultural activity in the form of enclosure and field boundary ditches. A number of pits along with vast amounts of pottery and animal bone suggest people were living on the site during this time.

The site then falls out of use for the next 800-1000 years and is re-occupied in the medieval period, where a number of enclosure ditches and pits are dug, relating to commercial activity close to the River Deben. At the second site, we have the partial remains of four enclosures, all of which date to the medieval period. Currently, occupation looks to have started in the 12th century and continued into the late 15th century. Contributed One enclosure appears to be domestic in Archaeology investigations at various points ... including two sites at Bawdsey nature, while the other three all look more industrial. There is very little evidence to indicate what processes were taking place, although as with the first site, these processes likely related to commercial activity along the river. There are also a number of small curvilinear structures between two of the enclosures which are thought to relate to animal husbandry and crop processing.

Excavations will continue until the Bawdsey Ferry investigations are complete and Bawdsey Quay to Felixstowe signed off by Suffolk County Archaeologists when ScottishPower October 2017 to April 2018 Renewables can progress to the next stage of construction. Dial-a-ride (book day before)

Tel: 07709 411511 Claire Halley Education and Outreach (office open weekdays) Officer Wardell Armstrong Page 31 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 12

Free Nursery places

“The behaviour and safety available of pupils are outstanding” ‘One of the Peninsula’s hidden gems’ (School parent 2016) We can offer your child free nursery provision from their 3rd birthday until their government funding starts the following term. Then for every hour of government funding that you bring to Bawdsey School with your child, we will give you another hour free. Therefore we could provide 30 hours of free nursery provision, in return for your 15 hours of government funding. Your child is welcome to join us for free lunchtime sessions too. We take 2 year olds as well. Also at Bawdsey school • Before and after school care is available from 8am until 6.15pm. • Come and join our thriving Baby and Toddler group. The children play in the Nursery setting and it allows you to have a cuppa and a chat with other parents, carers and grandparents. Free - every Friday afternoon (term time only.) • Senior’s lunch sessions with the children are the 2nd Thursday of every month during term time- there is a small charge.

We look forward to welcoming you to Bawdsey CEVC Primary school. Phone (01394) 411365 or email [email protected] Mrs Katie Butler, Headteacher

KidzUnit 8, Rendlesham Kupboard Mews, Rendlesham, IP12 2SZ

Robin Smith New and nearly new baby and children's clothes (0-12 yrs), maternity wear, nursery Electrician equipment, toys, games and lots more Part P also light plumbing Tues-Fri 10-3 and Sat 10-1 No job too small Easy Parking - Children Welcome - Card Payments Accepted Home 01394 411879 Tel 01394 421190 Mobile 07748 378958 Find us on Peninsula Dog Grooming in Hollesley Clean sweep Stress Free One 2 One Service All types of chimneys Bathing, trimming, clipping, nails. unblocked , either nesting Evening and weekend appointments or soot and muck Local pickup & Collection removal with no mess. Lori Sage 01394 411057 07887693278 www. Free quote or friendly advice call Mark 07594479916 or 01394 459466 Professional Domestic Chimney Sweep covered by Public Liability Insurance Page 32 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 13

From the horse’s mouth - Woodbridge and Distict RDA

Hi All,

Yes it is me, Dolly, looking forward to our proposed move and dreaming of the fields of long grass which have not been grazed for over a year. Mind you, I shall be told not to eat too much, having problems doing up my girth is a dead give away to over-indulgence, but I do so love eating fresh grass!

Yes, all the rumours have come true and we are leaving Pettistree Hall Farm before the end of the year! We have a brand new site to go to on the Monew- don Road not far from Otley College. It is all very exiting, we hear there is a brand new indoor school, larger than

the one we have here, so we should Hinitt Claire able to do more interesting things for Dolly the surface should also allow us driving ponies to drive the carriages under cover and in the warm, which will be a real luxury.

But we will miss the light sandy soils at Pettistree, the lovely views over the River Deben and the smell of the sea. We will also miss the wild life: the Swallows and House Martins, with us since Spring, have now flown, we really did enjoy their company in the stables. The Little Owls have been calling these last few weeks, they are so funny and rather cute. I am sure we will still see Canada Geese and the Swans flying overhead in our new surroundings and maybe wildlife we don't get at Pettistree. I am sure we will soon get used to our surroundings but we are a bit apprehensive as you can imagine. We have been very grateful to the Quilter Estates for housing us all this time and we shall miss our old home; our thanks to all involved!

We have had to change our name after all these years, we are now called the Woodbridge and District RDA, our address will be The Bays, Otley and when we know our new postcode and telephone number we will try to get it in the next magazine. But for now, on behalf of everyone , thank you people of Hollesley and Village Voices for all your help and support over the years! We are hoping all our present helpers will come with us to The Bays and of course the latest news from the Horse’s mouth will continue to keep you up to date with our latest (ad)venture.

Happy Christmas to everyone and here's to what will be an exciting New Year for us all! In anticipation,

Dolly Page 33 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 14

Junior Fitness programme at Eyke School

ITC at Eyke School launched their junior weekly winter fitness programme in November. Games, relays and bodyweight/circuit training gradually build up to continuous exercise for 15 minutes in the hour session. The time is interspersed with short breaks looking at how and why we exercise as juniors.

Having built up and improved fitness for any Contributed sport during the winter, we can progress to Junior Park Run at Kesgrave or Christchurch Park. If you’re more in tune with your Mountain Bike, then there are the trails at Tunstall Forest, in particular the Viking Trail.

In March, we introduce the youngsters to triathlon in gradual disciplines, initially run and cycle and then swim, cycle and run in April, when we can use their out- side pool. The pool was originally built by Eyke Villagers as a junior racing pool for the village. No equipment is needed when attending the Fitness class except trainers, a sense of humour and £2. To find out more, get a form and turn up or contact Isabel at: [email protected] or speak/txt mobile 07970 937899

Isabel Smith Coach and Development Officer

Monday Music Monday 11 December 8.30 - 11.00 at the Sorrel Horse Shottisham Xmas special with Syzewell Gap

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Hollesley Parish Council Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Hollesley Parish Council Planning Meeting

Back in October the Parish Council organised a special public meeting to discuss the Local Plan Review and canvass opinion. We are pleased to report we had fantastic turnout of over 90 people. The general opinion was to preserve our wonderful village and although there was a consensus that we didn't need larger executive homes or housing estates, smaller units on smaller developments would definitely be something the village would encourage; with new housing for older members of the village to downsize and younger members to remain in Hollesley.

A full report of our findings has now been sent to SCDC and this document can be found on our website at We are sure this will not be the end of planning discussions but it's good to know we collectively want to maintain the essence of why we live in Hollesley.

Community Emergency Plan

HPC’s next big project will be the completing of our Community Emergency Plan (CEP). When disaster strikes a community the emergency services are on scene within seconds. But, when a whole area is struck by high winds, flooding or heavy snow for example, these services are often stretched and we may have to help ourselves for a while (remember October 1987?) This is where a CEP comes in to play. The plan contains as much helpful information as we can possibly get in it.

If you would like to be part of an emergency response team we now need to know the following from you:

• Do you have any specialist equipment (chain saws, communications devices, lifting equipment, 4 wheel drive vehicles, etc.) that might be useful in an emergency? • Do you have a special skill (first aid, medical training (i.e. qualified doctor or nurse), catering abilities? • Would you like an early visit from a volunteer in the event of an emergency? You may rely on your electricity supply for medical equipment or perhaps a stair lift or perhaps you just require an extra pair of hands if others are unable to get through.

If you can help in any way, or need help in any way, please contact the Clerk 01394 411405/077 or speak to one of your Parish Councillors (details on each notice board).

Judi Hallett, Clerk to Hollesley Parish Council [email protected] Page 35 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 16

Hollesley Primary School School Lane Hollesley Woodbridge Suffolk IP12 3RE Telephone and Fax: (01394) 411616 Email: [email protected] Website: Headteacher: Mrs Linda Bowman BEd(Hons) NPQH


10th November 2017

Dear Parents and Carers,

If your child will reach their fifth birthday between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019, it is time to apply for their school place. You need to do this by 15th January 2018.

To apply for a school place go to: and click on: children families and learning, then: apply for a primary school place. You can find out further information by visiting our website: or you are welcome to come and look round, meet the staff and ask any questions.

Hollesley is a bright, outward looking, spacious village school that enjoys all the benefits of being part of a local community; believes in learning through real experiences; enjoys using our local environment, the forest and beach, to extend our learning and supports and challenges everyone to achieve their best. Our academic results last year were excellent and achieved through hard work from the staff and pupils together. We strive to continue and improve these outcomes in the future.

Starting school is a very important step in your child’s life and learning journey, and choosing the right school, to meet their needs, is vital. You are entitled to apply for a place at any school. We would, however, welcome the opportunity to show you around our school so that you can find out more about us. Boyton Coffee Morning

Please feel free to email: Everyone who braved the wet [email protected] Saturday morning, enjoyed a warm or give us a call on 01394 411616 to welcome; there was a lot of noise arrange a convenient time to visit. and chat and the morning raised a welcome £47.30 for the Village Hall We look forward to hearing from you. funds, thanks to everyone! The next coffee morning will be Yours sincerely, Saturday 2 December: how time flies! Linda Bowman (Headteacher) Boyton Village Hall Management

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More cover design competition entries from Hollesley School


Freddie and Mabel

Harry and Summa Page 37 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 18

Telephone: Alderton 01394 411641 & Orford 01394 450315 DAY ALDERTON ORFORD HOLLESLEY Monday 8.00am to 2.30pm 8.00am to 6.30pm 1.30pm to 5.30pm Tuesday 8.00am to 6.30pm Closed Wednesday 8.00am to 6.30pm 8.00am to 1.00pm Thursday 8.00am to 6.30pm 8.00am to 1.00pm Friday 8.00am to 6.30pm 8.00am to 1.00pm Please note when a surgery is closed during the day, your call will automatically be transferred to the other site without the need to re-dial. Opening Times: we will be open as normal except: • Xmas Day, Monday 25 December 2017 • Boxing Day, Tuesday 26 December 2017 • Bank Holiday, Monday 1 January 2018 If you need to see a doctor please call: NHS 111 GP Closure Afternoon: 13 December 2017 from 13.00 News Flu Jabs If you haven’t already had your flu jab but wish to have it, please make an appointment to see a nurse. If we have not heard from you by 1 January 2018, we will update your medical records to say that you have decided not to take part in this year’s flu campaign. We wish all of our patients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We are asking for your help so the NHS system can cope more efficiently. Here’s what you can do:

• Make your pharmacy the first choice for help and advice – pharmacies are open long hours including evenings and weekends and can help you deal with many conditions. You don’t need an appointment to speak with the pharmacist

• Go online or on the phone for urgent medical advice – Visit NHS 111 Online for help and advice. If you feel unwell or care for someone who is unwell and you don’t know what to do, visit NHS 111 Online or call NHS 111 - this service never closes:

• The Wellbeing Suffolk service offers support if you feel stressed or depressed. Call them on 0300 123 1781 to find out how they could help. If you feel in crisis, are in despair or suicidal call the Samaritans on 116 123

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loHollesleyca V Halll BookingscontaMeryl Montaguects 411458 07843 377122 Boyton V Hall Bookings Wendy Jesty 410055 Alderton V Hall Bookings Diana Loughlin 410325 Hollesley Primary School Linda Bowman (Head) 411616 Hollesley Pre-school Jodie Fisk 410492 Hollesley WI Jane Collier 410104 Hollesley Bay Day Club Alan Martin 420092 Mothers’ Union Pat Fleetwood 410409 Welcome Club Marian Collins 411262 1st Sutton Brownies Sonja Patterson 420576 Hollesley Badminton Club Chris Andrews 411126 Hollesley Bowls Club Terry Montague 411458 Hollesley Gardening Club Sylvia Wade 411526 Hollesley Players (Drama) Becks Hudson 410352 Indoor Bowls June Dickens 411172 Judo Club Julie Jolliffe 410483 Sutton Heath Football Eve Wells 07867 698693 Alderton Parish Council Christopher Langley (Chair) 410003 Joy Andrews (Clerk) 411596 Hollesley Parish Council Helen Lewis(Chair) 411232 Judi Hallett (Clerk) 411405 Boyton Parish Council John Carpmael (Chair) 411717 Gerry Bathe (Clerk) 411376 County Councillor Andrew Reid 07545 423799 District Councillor (Deben) Christine Block 01394 411660 District Councillor (O&E) Ray Herring 01728 746337 Police Community Support 101 Hollesley Commons Nick Mason 411150 Community Car Service Colin Beecroft 411794 Connecting Communities Cats’ transport 01728 830516 Hollesley Community Gdn Sue Taylor 411758 Mary Warner Homes Julie Scott 411234 or 7501494516 Boyton Community Group Andy Cassy (Chair) 411720 Power cut UK power network 105 Hollesley Bay Prison 412400 Page 39 December 2017 Village Voices Decembert 21-40_vv 19/11/2017 10:54 Page 20

VEHICLE & ENGINEERING SERVICES FULL MACHINE SHOP We service and repair all makes & models of petrol and diesel cars, 4x4’s & light commercials. Logs, coal and salt available Air-Conditioning regas Bring your car here for its MOT 01394 410284 Collection by appointment [email protected] [email protected]

TPahgee 36 MGay a20r15 age, The Strewwew.tvil,lagHevooicels.loreg.suk ley