AUTHOR ES-1930-81 MF01/PC03 Plus Postage: 7 ABSTRACT
.IOCUMENT RESUME -1 ED 239 954. SO 015 229 AUTHOR Dilworth, R. Anne TITLE The Capitol Experience in Washington, D.C. INSTITUTION Arlington' County Public Schools, Va. SPONS AGENCY National Endowment for the Humanities (NFAH), -Washington,' D.C.' 1 PUB:DATE' 'Sep 83 GRANT ES-1930-81 NOTE, 68p.; For related documents, see SO 015:,227-231. Some pages contain small print,. drawings., and old newspaper articles .that may not reproduce well. -AVAILABLEFROM ,'History by the 'Block Project, Arlington Public Schools,'142:6,N. Quincy Street, Arlington, VA 22207 ($2.50). -PUB YPE Guides- Ci4ssrdom Use - Guides (gpr Teachers), (052) EDRS PRICE' MF01/PC03 Plus Postage: DESCRIPTORS *Architectural CharaRt_er; *Architecture; Field Trips; Grade 11; High Schools;- Learning Activities; *Local History; Social History; Structural Elements (Construction); *United States History; Units of Study I DENT,I FIERS *District of Columbia; PF Project 7 ABSTRACT Designed for 11th grade U.S. history students,, the teaching unit combines the history of the U.S. Capitbi building and its Greek and Roman revival architecture to tell the story of. the nation's government buildings. While the unit uses the U.S. Capitol, any other publiCrbuilding could le'uSed,:such as a state capitol, court- house, or public library. Six lessonS'help students: (1) begin intensive study of the'U.S. Capitol, (2) learn about the history o the capitol, (3) learn about stylesof architecture, particularly Greek and Roman styles, and elements of those styles, (4) get acquainted ,with the federil part of Waihingtpn, D.C/ (5) increase awareness through an on-site field trip, and (6) summarize- architectural-and historical knowledge of the U.S.
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