WikiLeaks Document Release February 2, 2009

Congressional Research Service Report RL32820 : Appointment, Duties, and Current Issues Mildred L. Amer, Government and Finance Division

October 16, 2008

Abstract. This report examines the current duties and statutory evolution of the Architect of the Capitol, the current appointment process, and significant current issues. Appointment, Duties, andCurrent Issues Government andFinance Division Architect oftheCapitol: Updated October 16,2008 Specialist ontheCongress Order Code RL32820 Mildred Amer Capitol andtheresponsibilitiesofoffice.Among themarethefollowing: CRS ReportRL31121, the Capitol.Thereportwill biographical informationabout 110 beforethe issues selected reviews and projects, andrecent ofcurrent status the summarizes office, of the evolution President. the than introduced to requirethattheAOCbeappoi Chief Executive Officer forVisitorServices tomanage and administer the CVC. measure isawaitingPresident’s signature. the Thisoffice istobe headed by the of the Capitol VisitorCenter within the O Capitol complex, including the new Capitol VisitorCenter (CVC). Capitol complex. The AOCalso supervises all construction and improvements to security, and hisstaff implements the various security enhancements inthe The AOCisa member ofthe , participates in reviews ofCapitol Congress, operatesa President atleastthreecandidatestofillthevacantAOCpost. bicameral congressional advisory commi Capito serves asActing Architectofthe Hedeclinedtoseekreappoi yearterm. January 30,1997,toFebruary 4,2007.Pursuant th confirmation. AlanM.Hantman,FAIA, is appointed AOC and staffing policies.The substantially overtime.In recentyears, ch the Capitolbuilding began. Therespons The officeofArchitect the Capitol Summary This reportdiscussestheresponsibilitie On July 30, 2008,H.R.6656,the Architectof In addition,theHouseand The 110 supportedbyArchitect, su Bythe law, ! ! ! ! Architect oftheCapitol:Appointment,Duties, the deteriorationofsteam and ch onwo effects health addressing the conserve naturalresources reducing energy consumption withinthehelp Capitol complex to completing, opening, managing, appointing ofanewAOCtofillthecurrently vacantposition; th Congress faces a number of issues dealing with with dealing the of ofissues CongressArchitect facesanumber the nd maintainsthebuildings and The Capitol Visitor Center: An Center: Overview Visitor Capitol The and CurrentIssues be updatedaschanging circ eachofthepersons who ha Senate havepasse and reduce costs; and andreducecosts; th (AOC) dates from 1793, when construction of (AOC) datesfrom1793,whenconstruction Congress. An appendi Congress. An l untilapermanentsuccessoris installed. A ntment. StephenT.Ayers, AIA, currently illed watertunnels anges havealsotake and administering the new CVC; ffice ofthe Architect ofthe Capitol. This ssion isrequiredtorecommendthe ssion nted by theleadershipofCongress rather rkers said to be associated with beassociated to rkers said by thePresidentandsubjecttoSenate e mostrecentArchitect,servedfrom ibilities of the offi ibilities ofthe s oftheAOC,tracesstatutory ch staffasmay by beauthorized tolaw,he was confirmedfora10- d H.R. 5159 to establishtheOffice theCapitolAppointment Act, was groundsthe Capitolcomplex. of umstances warra ve served as Architect of ve servedasArchitect onCapitolHill. x provides websites for x n placein management , byStathis. Stephen ce havegrown nt. Seealso Appendix. ArchitectsoftheCapitolSince1793 Appendix. Selected IssuesSelected 110 the in Projects andRecent Current Statutory Evolution of the Office ...... 5 Responsibilities oftheOffice Contents Hazards intheCapito ManagementCompletionAppointment ofaNewArchitecttheCapitol of the and Capitol Opening Visitor of the Center Capitol ...... 13 Visitor Center ...... 12 Statutory“Greening” Inspector the Capitol...... 15 General ...... 16 Responsibilities ontheSenate Responsibilities ontheHouseSideofCapitol Overview ofResponsibilities th l’s Utility TunnelSystem Congress...... 8 ...... 7 ...... 2 ...... 3 SideoftheCapitol ...... 19 ...... 8 ...... 14 ...... 4 ...... 5 Contracts), andTitleXLII (Public Health andWelfare). XLObservances), (Public BuildingsTitle Title V(Government Organization and Employees), TitleXXXVI (Patriotic Societies and States Code. References toAOC dutiesareincluded inTitleIIUnited (Congress),the of th legalresponsibilities oftheArchitect of The GPO, 2001),pp.27,50-51, 398,and400-401. moreFor information, seeWilliamAllen, who wereknown as“Surveyor ofthePublic Bu Administration). Several other House and Senate committees, commissions, boards, Infrastructure, E Senate (HouseAdminis standing committees primarily unde falls the Architect’swork congressional officebuildings, theLibrary preservation ofthe Capitol whichComplex, includes the Capitol, the for“themain Congress responsible to 3, 1999(Washington: GPO, building, the U.S.Botanic Garden, the Capitol Power Plant, and other facilities.” 4 3 2 1 panels, as well as toseveral other entities onother issues. services. professional other authority engineering, and contracting and its forarchitectural, AOCcarriesoutitsbi The undervariousnamessince1793. existed has 1851, theoffice of government.a theexception With 22- Branch, []. Architect the of website the information aboutservices performed by theofficecan be obtained at 202-228-1793 and at Committee, andtheSenateRules andAdministration Committee. Committee onTransportation andInfrastructure, the Senate Environment and Public Works Appropriations Committees aswell asthe U.S. Congress, House Committee onAppropriations, SubcommitteeLegislative onthe Architect’s The principalofficeislocated Architect oftheCapitol, “About Us,” av term The “Architect of the Cap The AOC reports on projectsandopera The AOCreportson Capitol (AOC)isan The Architectthe of Architect oftheCapitol:Appointment, Legislative Branch Appropriations for 2000 Legislative BranchAppropriations for 3 Duties, andCurrentIssues nvironment andPublicWork cameral, nonpartisan responsibilities using its own staff cameral, nonpartisanresponsibilitiesusing itsown 1999), pp. itol” also refers to some of theearly occupantsoftheoffice History oftheUnitedStatesCapitol 385, 404. These includetheHouseandSenate 385, 404.These ailable at[]. House Administration Committee, the House year period from June 25, 1829 to June 11, yearJune 25,1829to periodfromJune , Property, andWorks), TitleXLI (Public of Congress buildings,of theSupremeCourt in Room SB-15 of theCapitol.Additional e Capitol aredispersedthrough several titles tenance, operation,development,and r thejurisdictionoffourcongressional ildings” or “SuperintendentoftheCapitol.” tration, HouseTransportationand tions to six sepa tions tosix office nearly office federal asthe asold , hearings, 106 4 s, and SenateRulesand and s, Statutory for authorization th Cong., 1 rate congressional 1 TheAOCis (Washington: st sess.,Feb. 2 108-792 (Washington: GPO, 30, 2005,andforOtherPurposes, Operations, ExportFinancing, andRelatedProgram his review. U.S. Congress, House, for the AOC Capitol review the applicantsandforward a designeeoffice oftheSenateSergeantfroma the atArms, House, andtheArchitect ofthe composed ofthecomptroller general, public sector executive searchfirm torecruitanew i replace thedeputy architect/COO, theconfereesdi that “littlehadbeenaccomplished through th Congress eliminated funding forthedeputy arch 117 Stat.373)Subsequently, in the Consolid overall organization management toimprov the Office of theAOC,includingimplementinthe was to“beresponsibletheAOCforoverall direction,operation,andmanagement of Arms andDoorkeeper oftheSenate. equal tothelesserofsalariesSergeant atArms oftheHouse ortheSergeant at about eachofthe10individualswhohave projects, andrecent ofcurrent status the responsibilities oftheAOC,tracesstatut a deputy architect/chief operating officer, a deputy operating architect/chief employs aworkforceofapproximately 2,200 the 110 and mattersforwhichtheofficeisres and otherentitiessupervisespecificfuncti 7 6 5 primarily from appropriations acts forthe legislative branch. Center comes from theFinancial Services andGeneral Government appropriationsbill. Supremethe Court andtheFederalJudicial to the AOC’s responsibilitieswith respect In 2003,Congress created the post of deputy to P.L.107-68,Pursuant §129,115Stat.579,thesa smallshar Otherfundinga sourcesrepresent To assistCongress in its consideration of The 110 The Architect,whosecurrentsalary is$167,800perannum, ! ! ! ! th deterioration ofsteamandchille the with onworkersassociated effects health addressing the environment; and naturalresources,re conserve reducing energyhelp consumption withinthe Capitol complex to completing, opening, managing, appointing anewAOCtofillthecurrently vacantposition; Congress. An appendix pr Congress. Anappendix th Congress faces several issues concerning the Architect of the Capitol ofthe Architect concerning issues Congress the facesseveral Responsibilities oftheOffice 2004), p.1349.In October2005,St conference report toaccompany H.R.4818,H.Rept. report conference ovides websitesforbriefbiographical information ponsible. Among themarethefollowing: CRS-2 e theoffice’sperformance.” (P.L.108-7 §1203, and reviews selected issues pending issues and before selected reviews recommendation onatleastthreeapplicants to d watertunnelsonCapitolHill. ated Appropriations Act, 2005(P.L.108-447), and administering the new CVC; ons. Funding for the AOC’s office comes ons. Fundingoffice fortheAOC’s architect/chief operatingwho officer(COO), ndividual. They furtherdirectedthatapanel duce costs, and protect the duce costs,andprotect servedasArchitectoftheCapitol. e oftotalfunding. Forexample, funding for g theoffice’sgoals andmissions; providing 7 printer, chiefadministrative officerofthe a chief administrative officer, achief officer, administrative achief e then-new Officer.” To Chief Operating itect’s office because ofconferees’concern ory evolutionofthe office, summarizes people, including teamof an executive thoseissues,thisreportdiscussesthe rected the AOC tocontract with aprivate s EndingSeptember fortheFiscalYear Making Appropriationsfor Foreign lary oftheArchitectCapitalis ephen Ayersappointed was 5

6 heads that anoffice (continued...) Capitol. for 2007 Committee House onAppropriations, Congress, U.S. and U.S.C. 1849. minimum $128,776). See2 ratepayable forGS-15 ofthe GeneralSchedule(currently nottoexceed135%ofthe positions Executive Servicenine (currently $191,300),and highestthe ratefortheSenior exceed to positionsinclude12atasalarynot These AOC workforce. substantial number ofindividuals inskilled craft and trade positionsarethe part of under the direction of the Joint Committeeon the directionofJoint under Complex. warehouse space,anddirectsth the Joint Committeethe Joint onthe Library. the grounds.on Heisacting directorofth health service facilities. service health Appropriations for the OfficeofArchitect Arms). at Sergeants HouseandSenate the with cases both Board(in Guide presidential inauguration andotherceremonies conservation andcareofartintheCapitol, Capitol VisitorCenter, security the Capitol complex, improvements within ofResponsibilities Overview financial officer,aninspectorgeneral, 9 8 7 congressional flag office,HouseandSenate Senate officebuildings. oversees Architect the Further, Memorial. Building, the Capitol Power Plant, all Capitol Police facilities, and the Robert A.Taft and Senatepage residen House the Court, Supreme the Library buildings, ofCongress buildings, office Senate feet ofbuilding floorareasquare inthe Capitol building, the House and million CapitolandadjacentbuildingsU.S. a of pay fortheAOC.Mr.Ayers alsocurrently ra a §1203(h), thedeputyat architectispaid officials, Mr.Ayers wasselectedasthe Representatives, thecomptroller general, theSenate Sergeant atArms, andseniorAOC composedpanel ofthechiefadministrative officeroftheHouse of a selection followingas theacting2006, In aninterview deputyMarch architect/COO. processbefore The health service facilities are available to Thehealthservice facilities areavailable Conversation onSeptemberEv 12,2007,with (...continued) Preservation and care of art in the Capitol is also overseenby also is Architect, the Capitol the in andcareofart Preservation The Architect servesas a The Architect member of The Architect is also responsiblefor is The Architect The AOCischarged withtheoperation, , hearings, 109 th Cong., 2 9 The Architect also hasauthority also andlease acquire TheArchitect to ce facilities, the Thurgood Ma ce facilities,the nd e masterplanforfuturedevelopmentoftheCapitol sess., Mar. 14, 2006(Washi nd grounds —some400acresoflandand15 CRS-3 deputy architect/COO. Pursuant toP.L.108-7, Pursuant deputy architect/COO. and otherseniormanagement officials. and te not to exceed$1,500lessthantheannualrate not te e Botanic Garden, under the supervision of supervision the e Botanic Garden,under serves astheActingCapitol. the Architect of the Capitol Police BoardCapitolthe and and physical arrangements for both the forboth physical arrangements and the superintendents of the House and thesuperintendentsofHouse Members, staff,andtouristswho visit the fitness centers, fitness a Malecki, AOCcommunications a officer; the planning anddevelopmentofthe maintenance, andimp include salaries foremployeesinclude inthe the Library. Thedisplay ofworks and concerts held inthe buildings or Legislative BranchAppropriations ngton: GPO,2006),p.673. rshall Federal Judiciary and HouseSenate rovement ofthe 8 A office buildings, Library S ofCongress, and theHouseside buildings office to House Building Commission.Thepowerplant providesheating and cooling service notonly Commission) fromthe HouseBo Fine Arts the Architect, subject todirection (inconsultation withthe House Office Building art in the HousesideofCapitoland 10 Judiciary Building, Union Station,Folger Plant, Power responsible fortheCapitol for theoperationofHouseWellne and theRayburn Building subwaysystem enactment oftheFY1999 Legisla dormitory,forma andschool,buthewas theHousePageof Board, whichdirectstheHousepage program, a member matters affectingCapitol. the Thethe House Architect side of previously served as also has oversight over the AOCwithregard toadministrative Administration and the House majority and minorityThe Committee onHouse leaders. the Speakerand House Office Build authority the House officebuildings areunder Responsibilities on the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. Institute forthe Conservation ofCultural Property,AdvisoryArt and Committee to TheArchitectservesontheAdvisory Co Memorial Commission,NationalCapital Zoning Columbia of agencies. federal the Chief Justice, the Architect may leaseunused judicial building sp out underthesupervisionofCh carried and theThurgood MarshallFederal Judici building andgrounds,Supreme Court includi includeproviding maintenance,re grounds barriers throughout theCapitolcomplex. (P.L. 327),theAOCimple 101-336,104Stat. related labor-management issues. Pursuant tothe Americans WithDisabilities Act implement labor,workersa under hisjurisdiction.Hemust workers to (P.L. 104-1,109Stat.3)asitapplies member ofthe Capitol Preservation Commission. anex-officio also is TheArchitect onArt. Commission Senate the lodged with is CommitteeJoint onthemembers Library.the of Comparable authority forthe Senate P.L.105-275, 112 Stat. 2438. The Architect is in charge of elevator operators on the House side of the Capitol ofthe Houseside onthe charge operators in ofelevator is The Architect The operations,maintenance, Responsibilities oftheAOCthatexte The AOCisresponsible for implementing the Congressional Accountability Act the HouseSideofCapitol fety, andenvironmental tive Branch AppropriationsAct. and repair of the House si House and repairofthe CRS-4 House officebuildings is a responsibility of ing Commission, consisting oftheSpeaker upreme Court,Thurgood Marshall Federal Shakespeare Library, Government Printing . Hemanages therevolving fund account Council on Historic Preservation, District on HistoricPreservation, Council subject todirection Also,underthesupervisionof ief Justice. ss Center (fitness center) and is also andis center) (fitness ss Center ary Building. These responsibilities are ary Building. Theseresponsibilities pair, andreconstructi ard, whose members are ard, whosemembers also the House lly removedfromtheboardwith lly nd beyond and theCapitolbuildings ng Holmesgardens theOliverWendell oftheAOC,subjecttodirectionfrom ofthe Capitol, butalso tothe Senate ments theremovalofarchitectural requirements and respondto and requirements de of the Capitol andof the de by theHouseOffice mmission, National on servicesforthe 10 ace to other ace to June 5,2008,pp.1,42. June Senate restaurantemployees ha change by isexpected theendof2008. enacted tocontinuefedera government employment. 7, 2008;andEmily Yehle,“SenateRestaura Responsibilities ontheSenateSideofCapitol Square. Postal nowcalled Office, Post Main ofColumbia District former the and Office, 15 14 13 12 11 the city ofWashington andtheconstruc (1 Stat.130),whichauthorizedapresid the Senaterestaurantsystem. of operation committee authorized the AOC to enter intoa contract witha private entity for the Accordingly, during the 110 Administration toremove the restaurants fromthe Architect’s jurisdiction. Administration tothe Architect. was transferredof the Senaterestaurants fromthe Committee onRules and jurisdiction of theArchitectCapito Squa service departmentinthePostal sp leased supervises Architect the Arms, Senate Page Reside Capitol with the Senate office buildings; andofthe maintenance Daniel Webster parking garages; constructi mana staffing, supervision,and direction oftheSenate of theCapitolandSenateofficebuild Employees Conversation with an official of the Se Conversationthe of with anofficial See CRSReportRL34495, 2U.S.C.§2042. Unpublished document: Architects of “The the Capitol Since 1793,” by William Allen, P.L.110-279, 17,2008. 122Stat.2604,July The origins ofthe office oftheAOCcan and provisionsofthe1961ActalsoallowCommitteeonRules The 1961,Senaterestaurant August Since Responsibility for themaintena , by Jacob Straus. , by Jacob Statutory Evolution oftheOffice nce andSchool.Moreover,underth Committee onRulesandAdministr 12 l benefits forcertainl Sena Continuation ofEmployment on and maintenance of the subway system linkingthe the on andmaintenanceof th Congress, the chairandranking Memberofthe the Congress, ve been afforded all benefits associated with federal with associated ve been benefits afforded all gement oftheSenatehea 11 Moreover, undertheArchitect’smanagement, Moreover, nce, repair, andreconstr nce, nate Committee onRules andAdministration, Oct. re Building adjacenttoUnionStation. CRS-5 ential commission to overseethecreationof commission ential tion ofthe firstgovernment buildings. nts PoisedForPrivatized Ownership,” l. Pursuant to P.L.Pursuant l. 87-822,themanagement andthe center computer ace Senate for the ings is exercised byexercised ings is the Architect,under 13 betracedtotheResidenceActof1790 Thiswasdoneaf operationshavebeenunderthe te restaurantemployees. Benefits forSenateRestaurant e direction of theSergeant at direction e lth andfitnessfacility and ation. Other dutiesinclude ation. uction oftheSenateside ter legislation was (continued...) 14 15 The The , longer needed, and the positionwas eliminated. complete.” were“declared landscape and its buildings (withtheapprovalof the Presid Architect ofthe Capitol. appointed Benjamin Latrobe, anarchitecta of Public Buildings” tooversee repairs and construction ofthe Capitol building and 1793. design becausehis was accepted Capitol of the by GeorgePresident in Washington the same prize as the winner. Hallet’s substantialwork of thethreecommissioners,herevisedhi Indiesin theWest andeducatedin Capitol. The winnerwasDr.WilliamThor replaced by CharlesBulfinch, whowas following the British burning of the Cap as serve to depleted. Hewasrehiredin1815 architectural competition. of theCapitol. construction staff historianintheofficeofAOC.Av Allen, staff historianintheofficeofAOC. Allen, Portfolio of theCapitolbuilding,Pr authorizedthe act, whichalsolaidthefoundationfor 20 19 18 17 16 15 of theCapitol,wasappointedin1851, a authorityof making theappointment(9St Capitol in1850,theArchitect’sofficewasr responsibility forotherpublicbuildin transferred tothecommissionerofpub (4Stat. progress building alreadyin tocontinuetheoffice longauthorized e Congress.” of as long accommodation asnecessary forthe buildings suitable provide “to Pamela Scott, “Stephen Hallet’s De Pamela Scott, “Stephen Ibid. (...continued) Ibid. Ibid. Unpublished document:Capitol,” “History bythe William ofthe Officeof ofArchitect Architect Stephen Hallet also submitted a competitiverequest design. Atthe In created March1803,PresidentJefferson When CongressWhen madethedecisiontoex Although Congress abolishedtheofficein 18 Dr.Thorntonheldnogovernment , vol. 27(Summer - Autumn 1992),p.147. 16 In 1793,thesecommissionersstaged a on his submission, thecommissiondecidedtoawardHallet on his 19 He served until 1811, when construction fundswere Heserveduntil1811,whenconstruction However, Dr. Thornton is honored However, Dr.Thorntonis 17 Hallet was subsequently Scotland. Hereceived$500andacityScotland. lot. signs fortheUnited States Capitol,” gs inthecity ofWashington. CRS-6 lthough thecommissioner ofpublicbuildings the AOC’sresponsibilitiesforoversight nough to complete theworkonCapitol complete to nough 363). Thedutiesoftheofficewerethen ailable from theauthorof thisCRSreport. ent) and served until 1829 when the Capitol the when ent) andserveduntil1829 itol in1814.He resign esident to appointthreecommissionersfor esident at. 538). Thomas Walter, the next Architect thenext at. 538).ThomasWalter, lic buildings andgrounds,buildings whoalsohad lic appointed by ofpublic thecommissioner Available from theauthorofthisCRS report. nd engineer who isconsideredthesecond nd eestablished, with the Presidentgiven the with eestablished, nton, anamateurarchitectwhowasborn s proposalextensively. Torecognize “architect in charge“architect ofCapitolrepairs” The services of an architect wereno architect an of Theservices tend thenorthandsouth wings ofthe position as a result ofwinning the result a position as 1828(4Stat.266),thePresidentwas thetemporary“Surveyor positionof 20 competition forthedesign ofthe hired to supervise the hired to asthe“firstarchitect” ed in 1817andwas Winterthur 107 Legislative BranchAppropriations, Subcommittee, inU.S. Congress,Committee House on Appropriations, Subcommittee on undertaken through theAOC’smanagerial title oftheofficeto“Superintendent the CapitolBuilding” (19Stat.147). in be shall whoseoffice Capitol, ofthe by Architect performed the be hereafter shall building heretofore performedby theCo Interior, estimates thereof.” It also provided that “all the duties relative tothe Capitol Capitol including, lighting, and [required h the Architect responsibility to delegated and providedpermanentauthority forth commissioner ofpublicbuildings andgrounds re Extension.” referred tothe “Architect Capitol ofthe Capitol”the ortothe “Architect of continued tocarefortheexisting build 21 maintenance oftheStatueFreedom, th rehabilitation Terraces, of theOlmstead Capitol complex, includingWest Centralthe restoration Front of ofthe Capitol and the officeofAOChasbeen involved Botanic GardenConservatory,the U.S. a security inthe Capitol complex. aswell through hismembershipas onthe Capitol Police Board, which oversees contamination inseveral c ofcongressionaland therelocation empl activities. These included major security AOC sporesonCapitolHill,the of anthrax of theofficeto“ArchitectCa plans tobeapprovedby(32 Congress.” landscapefeaturesofth the or building Capitol ofthe features architectural “nochange the act, in Underthe President. oftheCapitol,andonceagain Architect assigned and tothepower positionall the Offices Refumigated But Still Closed,” Pershing, “Anthrax Fears Sweep Hill,” Statement of Rep. Charles Statement Taylor, chairm ofRep. th Cong., 2 Subsequently, theUrgent Deficiency On August 15,1876,Congress transfe In additiontotheconstruction of the Following of theterroristattacks nd sess.,Apr.25,2002(Washington: Current andRecentProjects ongressional officebuildings. Legislative BranchAppropriations for2003, pitol,” whichitremains(41Stat.1291). The Roll Call CRS-7 September 11,2001,and ing and grounds. Subsequentactsfrequently mmissioner ofpublicbuildings andgrounds, Stat. 20) In20) 1921, CongressStat. restoredthetitle of the Capitol Building andGrounds.”ItCapitol the of

e Capitolgrounds on shallbemadeexcept e SupremeCourtmodernization project, and New York Times York New nd theconstructionof improvements withinthe Capitol complex, an, HouseLegislative BranchAppropriations in numerous other projects throughout the in numerousotherprojectsthroughout for the“careandsuperintendenceof responsibilities over the Capitolcomplex over responsibilities Appropriations Actfor1902changed the im to]submitthroughSecretary the the of the appointment was to be made by the by the appointmentwastobemade Capitol Visitor Center,therenovationof e care of the Capitol. That enactment That Capitol. e careofthe and inspectionoftheCapitolDome, was involved in aseriesofhigh-profile involved was oyees during remediationofanthrax authority previously by exercised the , October18, 2001, p.3. rred the duties performed by the rred thedutiesperformed GPO, 2002), p. 359. See also “Senate also GPO, 2002),p.359.See lated totheArchitectof the Capitol , Jan. 1,2002,p.A12;andBen , Jan. 21 These activities were the National Garden, the laterdiscovery hearings, Officer, Stephen T.Ayers, Stephen Officer, AIA, serving Architect. asActing is Operating Deputy AOC/Chief vacant. is AOC ofthe Currently, position service. the leave office.OnFebruary 4,2007,heretiredfromthepositionafter10years of []. President protemporeofth post. Theadvisory commissioniscomposed recommend tothe President at leastto three candidates forthe AOC commission important issuesarediscussedbelow. the which for of theCapitolandmatters statute. White chosetoretireonthatdate. statute. White no later21, than November Architect, George FAIA,White, tobe reconf Appropriations. Committees on Ad and Administration,CommitteeonHouse houses, aswellthe chairs and ranking who isamember oftheAmerican Institute ofArchitects. Away,”to 14Months’ 104-19, 109Stat.220. consent ofthe Senate. and advice the to subject term, 10-year fora AOC the nominate to President the FY1990 Legislative Branch AppropriationsAc without any formalactionby Congress. jurisdiction. andimprovement maintenance 26 25 24 23 Cong., 2 22 ArchitectAppointment oftheCapitol ofaNew Gerald Ford in2007and thelying inhonorof surrounding thelying instateofPresid events forthe congressional leadership the with coordinated and Capitol the prepared Committee onAppropriations, []; and Elizabeth Brotherton and John McArdle, “Next Architect ‘10 Architect “Next McArdle, John and Brotherton Elizabeth and []; FAIA denotesanindividual who isafello AppropriationsCommittee members were P.L.101-163, 103Stat.1068, 40U.S.C.§162-1. Testimony ofAllanHantman,Testimony architectof Prior to1989,theArchitectwasselected On July 31,2006,AOCAlanHantman,FAIA, The 110 Finally, the AOCstaff, which mainta nd sess.,Mar.14,2006(Washingt Selected Issuesinthe110 22 th Congress is faced with a number of issues concerning the Architect concerning ofissues the anumber Congress is faced with Roll Call 25 The1989actcreatedabicam e Senate, and the majority and minority leadersboth of Legislative BranchAppropriationsfor2007 , Feb.1,2007,pp.20.Note: AIA 1995, the sixthanniversary of the enactment of the s toalloftheotherbuildings undertheArchitect’s 26 The1989actalsorequiredthethen-incumbent CRS-8 members of the Se the membersof OnNovember21, 1989, a provision inthe ent RonaldReagan in2004andPresident w oftheAmerican Institute ofArchitects. office isresponsible.Someofthemost addedtothecommission in1995by P.L. civil rightscivil activistRosaParksin2005. irmed (ifhe chose toremain inoffice) by thePresidentforanunlimitedterm theCapitol, inU.S. Congress,House ins the historic , ins thehistoric on: GPO,2006),pp.477-785; and t revisedthisprocedure, empowering ministration, and of the Speaker of the House, the House, the of Speaker ofthe th 23 announced his intention to intention announced his Congress eral congressional advisory nate CommitteeonRules designates anindividual 24 House andSenate , hearings, 109 th architect with experience in management, management, in experience with architect Institute ofArchitects (AIA), then as now violations in the u (CVC)and other Capitol VisitorCenter the with associated deadlines management andmissed rising costs practices, its potential AOCnomineesforconsideration. 1995, according topressaccounts,theAIA se Senate onJanuary 30,1997. Capitol, and privatization ofthe AOC’s workforce. visit the Capitol, theto newlyup line designed meeting roomsonthethe “C”of level Jan. 10,1997,” Jan. Accounting Office, beforetheSenate CommitteeAppropriations, Subcommittee on onthe 16. p. 34. And AnExpertBuilder,” architect and a manager: Architects are management experts.” aremanagement andamanager: Architects architect have solutions, sothedecisionshouldn’t experience, architects have extensive practical skillsincreative management andwork training “becauseoftheir that argued Some needed. were and experience andwhether architect bealicensed professional neededto AOC training management outside Questions wereraisedwithinand heardtoday. those parallel that concerns — AOC anew forselecting criteria additions.” fromthe“unsightly securitycomplex, 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 Senate Rulesand Ad New YorkCity Rockefeller During Complex. hisconfirmation hearingsthe before construction fortheRockefe confirmation. Senate to subject Architect first the became succession AOC appointment under the new Visionaries,” Visionaries,” Juliet Eilperin, “Architect Juliet toNix Cars ontheEast Front,” U.S. President(Clinton), “Nominations SubmittedFriday, totheSenate,Week Ending Eilperin, “Nine Juliet Architects Make Short List, BruceWentworth[architect/guest observer], See, for example, testimony of David M. Walker, comptroller general, U.S.General See,forexample, testimony ofDavid M.Walker, comptroller Ibid. Juliet Eilperin, “SearchforArchitect’s Juliet During Hantman’s service,GAOandothers During When theprospectofa When vacancy arose At the time, Hantman was vice presidentAt the forarchitecture, time, Hantman planning, and On January 6, 1997,PresidentClinton,thefirsttomakean 31 Otherconcernscenteredonadditiona Roll Call Weekly Compilation ofPresidential Documents tility t ministration Committee,heheard , May 8,1995,pp.1,42. , vol. 143, Jan. 30,1997,pp.1305-1307., vol. 143,Jan. Roll Call unnels beneath the ller CenterManagement Cor 33

, June 1,1995,p.5. , June CRS-9 barriers totheCapitol’spoorly designed Congress and in themediawhethernew and Congress procurement, and hi procurement, and , expressed itspreferences fora licensed to comedownachoicebetweenan “NewArchitectShoul projects, andallege in 1995, concerns werevoicedaboutthe Successor PitsManagementvs. Experts 29 Capitol complex. nt congressional leadersalist of nine law, nominatedAlanHantman,who ” Roll Call theofficeofAOCfor criticized 32 l security issues, the way tourists Hantmanwasc complaints about the Capitol complaints aboutthe Roll Call poration andmanager ofthe , vol. 33, no. 2, Jan. 13,1997, , vol. 33,no.2,Jan. 30 , Apr.27,1995,pp.1,16 storic restoration. 34 d healthandsafety d BeBothAManager , Jan. 30,1997,pp.1, , Jan. TheHouse-passed 27 TheAmerican onfirmed by the (continued...) 28 In 16. Roll Call 5, McArdle,“FinalistforAOC 2007, p. 4;andJohn Phil English,“Architect Should beSel Phil no. 22,Oct.11,2007,[http vol.5, accompany5521, 109 H.R. on Appropriations, Committee Congress tochoosealicensedprofe Congress Roll Call Hill Projects,” Delays in Rising Costs, AOCManagementfor “GAOFaults Kucinich, Jackie 29, 34; []. See also “Tell the President to to Choose President the an Architect,” “Tell Seealso []. 2007 Legislative Branch, Capitol VisitorsCenter,2005 Appropriations, Subcommittee ontheLegislativeBranch, report GAO-05-714T (Was [http:// a provision to strip Hantmanofhisrespons the FY2007 Legislativeof version Branch 37 36 35 34 5521 when itpassed the House management deficienciesof general orhisdesignee: never cametoavoteintheSenate. the National TrustforHistor the National licensed architect. licensed Bill,” “H GPO, 2006),pp.49-50; McArdle, andJohn Branch Appropriations Bill,2007 Branch Appropriations GPO, 2005),pp.9-11;U.S. Congress, H.Rept. 109-485 (Washing American Institute Arch ofArchitects, “The U.S.Congress, (...continued) American Institute Arch ofArchitects, “The , June 28, 2006, p. 3; and “Manager Wanted” (editorial), 28,2006,p.3;and“Manager, June Wanted” (editorial), , reporttoaccompany H.R. 5521, 109 This provision illustrated the frustration of manyfrustration theillustrated This provision inCongress over the perceived confirmation ofanewArchitecttheCapitol. designee:his Provided, thisdelegati That of employees, shallbevested in the Comptroller General oftheUnited States or supervision of contracts; butnotlimited totheexecutionand including Architect oftheCapitol, Sec. 210.Forfiscalyear 2007only, allau TofillthecurrentAOCvacancy, theAm Roll Call]. Th , August 13,2007,pp.3,35. , August 2, 2006, pp. 1, 14; Jackie Kucini 2,2006,pp.1,14;Jackie , August The Hill, , May 30,2006,p.3. House Committee onAppropriations, Le Sept. McArdle, 22, 2005, p. 4;John 36 Priority Attention Needed to Priority AttentionNeeded TheAIA alsoannouncedthatithasissuedapetitionasking 35 th ton: GPO,2006),pp.15-16, 25-26, 49-

hington: May 17, 2005); U.S.Congress, SenateCommittee on Cong., 2 e petitionisavailable at[h , hearings, 109 and thehiring, supervising,compensation training,and theAOC.Although thelanguage was included in H.R. ic Preservation,andothers , reporttoaccompany H.R.5521,109 :// Legislative BranchAppropriations,2007 in June 2006, itdi in June nd sess,S.Rept.109-267 (Was ected forAOC Position”(editorial), House CommitteeonAppropriations,Legislative CRS-10 ssional architect as the next AOC. ssional architectasthenext th Cong., 2 Cong.,];Blumenauerand Reps. Earl th Appropriations bill(H Cong., 1 itect of the Capitol ShouldbeanArchitect,” ibilities andgive themtothe comptroller itect of the Capitol Should beanArchitect,”of itect on ofauthority shallterminatethe with thorities previously exercisedby the antman Fight Overshadows Leg. Branch ManageSchedulesandContracts ’s Top Job Delivered Job toPresident ’s Top Bush,” erican Instituteerican ofArchitects(AIA), ch, “The ArchitectStrikesch, “The Back,” nd sess.,H.Rept. st sess., May 17,2005(Washington: d notbecome law since the bill “HantmanLeaves MixedLegacy,” ttp:// gislative Branch Appropriations, Progress of Constructionthe Progress The Hill urge theselectionofa 51; U.S. Congress, Senate hington: GPO,2006),pp. 109-485 (Washington: .R. 5521)contained , August 2,2006,p. th Cong., 2 Roll Call c_petition]. , reportto The Angle 37 Others nd , GAO sess., , June The , the authorofthisCRSreport. criteria forthenomination andconfirmation of Dr. Rundquist discussedthethen-newAOC, sele unpublished hearings, February 29,1996.During he however,three athe press candidates report saidof that one submitted by Congress Branch Appropriations Subcommittee, Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee, inU.S. Congress, House Legislative Roll Call McArdle,“Finalist forAOC pp. 3,12;andJohn pp. 1,18. Revamp AOC,” str request thattheAOCnomineehavea 41 40 39 AOC Position”(editorial), sess., July 31,2007(notyet Mc published); John 38 funds appropriatedby Members, staff,andvisitors.Allofthat who workwiththeOfficeof staff nursing workplace-related laws. The AOCadministers medical services and employs the and managing alarge workforcewhilefo collections inside);managing newconstr (inc buildings intheCapitolcomplex legislative branch. Thepositionrequiresa direct management responsib responsibilities. TheAOCistheonly joint job responsibilitiesarebroaderthan the nameofonecandidateto submitted the required listofthree names whomustthen forward tothe President, announcements, pre formal congressional havebeenno there Although President. the to candidates replacement recommend impetus foracommission,requiredby the1989act,tobegin theprocessto typical practice. ordinarily not with duties architectural associated managing thecare,security, moderniz See, for example, the statement See,forexample, ofRep. the Zach Wamp, oftheHouse John McArdle,“Members John toBegi McArdle,“Hantman’s John Pres Paul S.Rundquist, statement beforethe Paul Outgoing AOCAlanHantmanstated When Hantmandecidednottoseek When person is,they needtobeagood communicator. would have the tounderstandthatwearehereserve Congress.…Whoever pride in the place, and a senseofwhat facilitiesmanagement isallabout.They somebodystewards of who hasarealsense oftheAOCisclearly more job The than Congress recognized thebreadthandcomplexity haslong oftheAOC’s , August 13,2007,pp.3,35. Roll Call Congress. Thus, the AOC must be AOC Congress. Thus,the , August 2,2007,pp.3,24;and“Arch Roll Call the Senate forconfirmation. ilities over aspects of the internaloperationsof ilities overaspectsof ent ReflectedinAOCPast,” n AOCSearchinLame Duck,” , June 5,2007,p.4. , June building design andconstruction. Capitol Visitor Center CRS-11 luding the surrounding grounds andtheart surrounding the luding ong background inmanagement becausethe must be done within budget constraints of mustbedonewithinbudget constraints Senate Rules andAdministration Committee, ation, andimprovementsoftheexisting uction, including theletting ofcontracts; Attending Physicianto care inproviding knowledge of historic ss accountshaverepor just blueprints ...[theAOC]hastobe just after hehadannouncedhisretirement: a new Architect. Statement available from administrative officerofCongress with hip, asenseofhistory intheplace and ction process for the AOCandpotential reappointment, his llowing labor, fair hiring, andother fair llowing labor, ’s Top Job Delivered Job toPresident Bush,” ’s Top Ardle, “MoreProblem arings to review theoperationsof aringsto 40 abletoperformavariety of itect Should be Selected for itect ShouldbeSelected Roll Call , hearings,110 41 OnOctober24,2007, Roll Call preservationwhile departure wasthe ted thatCongress 39 , August, 14,2006, s Prompt Effortto

, Oct.17,2006, 38 th Cong., 1 st 4, 2008,pp.3,24. have criticized theAOCbecauseof have criticized has beenpostponedseveral the CVC.Theprice has steadily increased congressional leadership. 6656) wasintroducedtoshiftthe appointment Administration Committee. and consent, itislikelyadvice tobe referredSenate tothe Senate Rules and congressional requireme buildings spores incongressional office 20,2000.TheterroristattacksofSe June term. December 2008opening oftheCVC. unlikely would expected bechosenbeforethe anewArchitect that indicated report Center: AnOverview Capitol VisitorCenter,2005 Appropriations, Subcommittee on theLegislative Branch, report GAO-05-714T (Was Legislative Branch, AccountingCommitteeSenate Office, beforethe Appropriations Subcommitteeon onthe ranking members of thecongressional comm theminorityleader oftheSenate, leadersof Oct. 24,2007,p.1. quoted inElizabeth Brotherton, “AOC Sel Center (CVC). Center had withdrawnhisnamefromconsiderati 46 45 44 43 42 with thedesign, all aspects of procurement, to thatdiscussionandsubsequentauthoriz comfort ofCapitoltourists Center Visitor oftheCapitol andOpening Completion isevaluatingcommission the best way toproceed.” Senate and Administration Rules Committee isreported tohave said, “The forthe identify Aspokesman needto would candidate. areplacement commission Committee on Appropriations, on Committee H.Rept. 109-485 (Washing Branch AppropriationsBill, 2007 pp.9-11;GPO, 2005), U.S.Congress, See,forexample, testimony ofDavid M. Formoresee CRSReportRL31121, information project, ontheCVC The leadership specifiedinthislegislation HowardGantman, staffdir Elizabeth Brotherton,“WithAOCSe Elizabeth On July30, 2008,theArchitectof On Since 1991,Congress hasdiscussedthen 45 Congressional leaders broke ground Congressional forthesubterraneanCVCon leadersbroke Priority AttentionNeededto , by StephenStathis. nts have led to numerous chan nts haveledtonumerous ton: GPO, 2006), pp.15-16, 25-26, 49- hington: May 17,2005);U.S.Congress, SenateCommittee on 44 , hearings, 109 ector oftheSenateCommitt Under this measure, AOCwouldstillserve a 10-yearthis Under and to strengthen security aroundtheCapitol.Pursuant and tostrengthen times. SomeMembersofC , reporttoaccompany109 H.R.5521, Legislative BranchAppropriations, 2007 thedelays andincreasing costs. House CommitteeonAppropriations, Legislative lection onHold,Ayers StepsUp,” 43 CRS-12 When the for President’ssent nomination is ection ProcessTakes StepBackward,” th includes theSpeaker ofthe House, the majority ptember 11,2001,thediscoveryanthrax of Cong., 1 ittees with jurisdiction overittees with jurisdiction the AOC. beyondopening the theoriginal plans,and ation, the AOC and his staff were chargedwere staff ation, theAOCandhis andconstructionof Walker,General comptroller general,U.S. theHouse andSenate,thechairs and on andthatthebicameralcongressional Capitol AppointmentActof2008(H.R. , andtheidentificationofadditional ManageSchedulesandContracts of the AOC from the President to the to President the oftheAOCfrom eed to enhance the experience and theexperience eed toenhance st sess.,May 17,2005(Washington: 42 ee on RulesandAdministration,ee Progress ofConstruction the Subsequently, anotherpress ongress, GAO,andthepress ges andadditionalcostsfor 51; U.S.Congress, Senate a new Capitol Visitor 46 The Capitol Visitor th Theseproblems Cong., 2 Roll Call (continued...) , reportto Roll Call nd , GAO sess., , Feb. , Sept. 26,2007,pp.3,17. headed by the Chief Executive Officer for Officer headed by Executive Chief the Center withinthe Office ofthe Architect The ofthe office, Capitol. which istobe of $621million. pp. 2-5; andElizabeth Brotherton, “It’s a of Project’sScheduleandCo See alsoU.S. Government Accountability Office, of Project’sScheduleandCo also U.S. GovernmentSee Accountability Office, Congress, House Committee onAppropriations director ofphysical infrast 2008; testimony Ayers,of StephenT. acting Ar accompany H.R. 5521,109 Capitol Visitor CenterCapitol Visitor Capitol Visitor Center Congress, HouseCommittee onAppropriations issues director ofphysical infrastructure 5, 2008,pp.H1249-H1254. Management of the Capitol Visitor Center Visitor oftheCapitol Management AOC. Alan reasons the are reportedtobeamong 50 49 48 47 46 of 2008. CVC. ofthe cost Dorn fromGAO,announcedthatthey had Subcommittee, onSeptember25,2007, Stephe Roll Call June 28, Projects,” Delays in Costs, Rising AOCManagement “GAOFaults for Kucinich, Jackie 29, 34; Sept. 26,2007,pp.3,17. pp. 2-5; andElizabeth Brotherton,“It’s a Oct. 19, 2005, p. 3; Daphne Retter, “Vote To Stri To Oct. 19,2005,p.3;DaphneRetter,“Vote Allard Says Architects’ “Sen. Kucinich, CVC,” onthe Heat More Takes “AOC McArdle, Ire Over theVisitor’sCenter,” [], 31, July visited [], Testimony Ayers, ofStephenT. acting Arch McArdle,“Hantman John Leaves MixedLegacy,” (...continued) “Capitol Visitor Center Act of 2008,” of Act Center “CapitolVisitor On March 5, 2008, the House passed H.R. passed House On March5,2008,the During ahearing before theHous 47 , Aug. Kucinic 2,2006,pp.1,14;Jackie 50 2006, p.3;“Manager Wanted”(editorial), The Hill, The billcalls forthe establishment ofthe Office ofthe Capitol Visitor 49 48 Sept. 22, 2005, p. 4; John McArdle, John Sept.22,2005,p.4; The opening is approximatelyis Theopening , hearings, 110 , hearings, 110 th Cong., 2 ructure issues, Government Accountability Office, in U.S. in ructure issues,Government Accountability Office, st as of September 25, 2007 st asofSeptember25, 2007 25, st asofSeptember CQ Today nd th th sess,S.Rept.109-267(Was Cong., 1 Cong., 1 Congressional Record CRS-13 s ReputationIs OntheLineCVC,” Deal: Visitor CentertoOpenin2008,” Deal: Visitor Deal: Visitor CentertoOpenin2008,” Deal: Visitor , May 26,2006,p.6. , Government Accountability Office, inU.S. Hantman did notseekreappointmentas Hantman reached a consensus on the opening and reached aconsensusontheopening e Legislative BranchAppropriations chitect of the Capitol, and Terrell G. chitect oftheCapitol,andTerrell Dorn, st st p Architect’s Office ofPowerUnderscores itect of the Capitol, and Terrell G. Dorn, Terrell itect oftheCapitol, and Visitor Services, istoprovide forthe h, “The ArchitectStrikesh, “The Back,” sess.,Sept.25,2007(notyet published). sess.,Sept.25,2007(notyet published). , Subcommittee onLegislative Branch, , Subcommittee onLegislative Branch, Capitol VisitorCenter:Update on Status Capitol Visitor Center: Update on Status on Capitol VisitorCenter:Update n Ayers, Acting AOC,andTerrellG. 5159, theCapitolVisitorCenterAct Roll CallRoll Roll Call The Hill to be in December2008atacost be to “Hantman Leaves MixedLegacy,” , GAO-07-1249T, Sept. 25, 2007, , GAO-07-1249T,, 25,2007, Sept. , Oct.19,2005,p.3;Jackie , daily edition,vol. 154,Mar. , Aug. 2,2006,p.16;John , August 2,2006,pp.1,14. hington: GPO,2006),pp. Roll Call, Roll Call, The Hill The Hill , , bill’s provisions. ledby p.H1249.Tours staffinMember5, 2008, report toaccompany H.R. 5159, 110 2008). 2007 (Washington: House-passed version. was the authority granted forVisitorServices the inthe ChiefOfficer Executive (OOC) aboutunsafeconditionsforthewo Members ofCongress, the10-membert CVC. the “care andsuperintendence”of forthe AOC ofthe jurisdiction exclusive the language. disabilities. services visitorstothe forMembers Capitol whohave ofCongress,and staff, Office ofCongressional Accessibilitythe establishes Services to coordinate the facility,CVC also transfers the Capitol Gu measure, which does notaffect the role of the office ofthe AOCinmaintaining the Senate versionof the measure. 2008, S10015. daily edition,vol. 154,Sept.27,2008,S10011-S10015. ofAmendment27, 2008,pp.S9881-S9883;“Text and (SA5674),” 2007 2, 2008,pp.H10673-H10677. effective management ofthe Capitol VisitorCenter. and administration 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 theproblemsthat reported failure tofix These conditionsinclude cracked and falling to the Capitol complex. the tunnels of theCapitolPowerPlantsy Hazards intheCapito Legislative BranchAppropriations for2008 pp.15,21-22;GPO, andU.S. 2006), Congress, House Appropriations Committee, RL31121, John McArdle,“AOCPulls John ofAmendment Text (SA5674),” CenterActof2008,” “CapitolVisitor CenterActof2008,” “CapitolVisitor 2008,” CenterActof “CapitolVisitor U.S. Congress, Committee onHouse Administration, U.S. Congress, House Appropriations Committee, U.S.Congress, House For amoreFor in-depth discussionofthe , reportto accompany H.R. 5521,109 The Senate passed H.R. 5159 on Septem on The SenatepassedH.R.5159 In April 2007,theofficeofAOCremoveditsutility tunnelcrewworking in 56 53 The Capitol VisitorCenter: AnOverview On October 2, 2008, theHouse,by2008, OnOctober2, unanimousconsent,acceptedthe 52

GPO, 2007), pp. 193-194. 55 57 version,whichtheHouseaccepted, The Senate emphasizes The move camemove The after long-standing complaints fromsome Crew Out of Tunnels,” CrewOutofTunnels,” l’s Utility 54 The most important differenceinthetwoversions Congressional Record th Cong., 2 Congressional Record Congressional Record Congressional Record CRS-14 th Cong., 2 two versions ofH.R.5159,seeCRSReport raised employeeraised safety led issues the OOC unnel crew,andtheOfficeofCompliance stem that suppliessteamandchilledwater stem , hearings, pt.2,110 nd ide Service tothe Office ofthe CVCand Tunnel System concreteandlooseasbestos.TheAOC’s sess.,H.Rept.110-535 rkers who mustgowho intothetunnels. rkers ber 27, 2008,aftersubstituting itsown ber s’ officeswouldnotbechanged by the nd , by StephenStathis,pp.66-67. sess.,H.Rept. Legislative BranchAppropriations, Roll Call, Capitol VisitorCenter Act of 2008 , daily27, edition,vol.Sept. 154, , daily edition,vol.Sept. 154, , dailyedition, vol., 154,Mar. , daily edition,vol. 154,Oct. Apr.11,2007,p.3. th Cong., 1 Cong., Congressional Record 109-485 (Washington: (Washington: GPO, st sess.,Mar.1, 51 This 58 , , Risk,” pp. 296-302 and377-389; McArdle,“E andJohn GPO, 2006),pp.21-22. prevent arecurrenceofunsafeconditions. prevent tunnel workersandtherequirementsimposed appeals toCongress abouttheirworking conditions. agreed ona settlement related to alleged harassment and retaliation as a result oftheir thetunne 2007, according toapressreport, the AOCto conduct an immediatebaselinesurv filed inFebruary 2006. milestones and estimated costs fora five-year effort.” hazard-abatement tunnels andtodevelop“acomprehens the 16. Committee, by Stephen Ayers, acting architectoftheCa 2008 to fileitsfirstformalcompla sess., Feb.16, 2007(Washing 64 63 62 61 60 59 toward steps take to (CAO) officer administrative Housechief the directed the goal ofa2%reductionannually. have resultedinareducti set inFY2003. Accordingly, projectsundertak ofener also The act reduction requires the theener meet to congressional buildings energy acost-effective forall andmanagementimplement plan conservation “Greening” theCapitol implements plansfo go intothetunnels,anddirectedGAOto to providequarterly reportsonitsplans to 2007 U.S.Congress, HouseA McArdle,“Halfof John McArdle, “AOC,OOCAg John U.S. Congress, House Appropriations Committee, Information provided by anAOCspokes P.L.109-58, 119Stat.605. , hearings, pts.2- 3,110 , reporttoaccompany H.R. 5521,109 The next AOCwillfacecontinuing issues The next In the109 reached anagreement requiring andOOC AOC the complaint, this Following On March 1, 2007, SpeakerNancy2007, Pelo 1, On March The Energyof 2005require PolicyAct Roll Call Legislative BranchAppropriationsfor2008 Legislative , July 25,2007,pp.3,26. , July th Congress, thedirectedtheCommittee House AOC Appropriations r tunnelrepairs. Tunnel CrewLeftAOC,” Tunnel ppropriations Committee, on ofenergybyconsumption 6.5% inFY2006,exceeding th Cong., 1 ton: GPO,2007), p.99. int sincetheofficeopenedin1996. ree to Plan for Tunnels,” ree toPlanforTunnels,” st 62 64 sess.,Apr.26-27, 2007( CRS-15

th person, September 27,2007. See alsostatement Cong., 2 pitol, in U.S.pitol, Congre gy act. ofthe requirements performance gy consumptionby 2%belowthebaseline enhance the safety of workers who must enhancethesafetywho workers of ive site-management plantoestablish continue to monitortheofficeasit continue l crewandtheofficeofAOCalso by and Congress torepairproblems s theAOCtodevelop,update,and x-Tunnel ChiefSays Steam PipesPose en byyearsen few theAOCinpast ey ofallhealtha si andothercongressional leaders nd Legislative BranchAppropriations for related to thehealthand safetyto of related Roll Call sess., H.Rept. sess., Legislative BranchAppropriations, 61 , hearings, pt.2,110

Roll Call , July 11,2007,pp.1,20. , July Washington: GPO,2007), ss, HouseAppropriations 59 109-485 (Washington: , May3, 10,2007,pp. nd safety hazardsin The complaint was th 60 Cong., 1 In June 63 st committee printtoaccompany H.R. 2764, 110 pp. 1869-1870. AOC. ofpr the administration in and deficiencies efficiencyin theoffice, coordinationandreco leadership and conduct andsuperviseaudits appropriations forthelegislative branch. Appropriations 161, theConsolidated stated the following: the stated Appropriations Committee and passed by The the House House. committee report bill(H.R Branch Appropriations position befilledwithin maintenance andoperations of because inevitablyAOC involvethe 110 CAO. Thereportisaplanforreducing Speaker announcedthecompletionoffi $1500 less than the annual ra $1500 lessthanthe co Office, andUSCapitolPolice,willbe of theLibrary ofCongress, Government Statutory OfficesofInspector [ isavailable at fullreport byissues?id=0023]. The thechiefadministrative officer []. Statutory General Inspector “greening”complex. Capitol ofthethe House buildingsin 70 69 68 67 66 65 general (IG) within the office ofthe AOC. years. For more information on the office of inspectors general, refertoCRSReport98-379, Formore information ontheofficeofinspectors Ibid. , “Greening the Capitol,” available at [ Ibid. Ibid. U.S.Congress, th Congress and for reducing House energy House reducing Congress andfor Under the new statutorythe Under mandate,theIG The statutory IG provisionwasorigina overruns andtime delays onalmost every aswellthecomplete other project, office suchasthedelays and escalating committee hasreacheditslimit the with Because oflongstanding continuing la In December2007,Congress established 66 69 Evaluating and implementing the “greening”and Evaluating recommendations will The statutory IG, tobeappointedby House Committeeon Appropriations, C and keep theAOCandCongre 180 days ofenactment. General:PastandPresent of congressional buildings. te ofpay oftheAOC. and investigations re investigations and . 2771,§1202)reportedfromtheHouse CRS-16 Printing Office, GovernmentAccountability mmend policiestopromoteeconomy and House carbonemissionsby theendof 68 Act,2008,whichcontainedFY2008 67 costs of theCapitol VisitorCenter;costs cost mpensated anannualra pses in management in practices…the pses ograms andoperationsintheofficeof

This provisionwasincludedinP.L. 110- th ongoing difficultiesinthe Architect’s Cong.,1 the Architect’sresponsibility forthe lly included in the FY2008 Legislative llyin included shtml] and ontheSpeaker’s website at nal “Green the Capitol”reportbythe the “Green nal theAOCinconsultationwithIGs has independence has consumptionby 50%in the 10 next a statutory, independentinspector st 70 sess. (Washington: GPO, 2008), sess.(Washington:GPO, , by FredKaiser. The law required that the IG onsolidated Appropriations Act lated totheAOC,provide ss informedaboutproblems 65 On June 21,2007,the On June and protectionsto te ofpay equalto , H3466. GPO, 2007),p.34. abuse.” integrity andefficiency inAOCprograms recommendation forastatutory AOCinspect of itsoperations of the andconstruction CVC. the ongoing difficultiesthe with the lack ofprogress by theAOCindete the FY2007 Legislative Branch Appropria longstanding lapsesinmanagement House. 2008 2008 2007 operations [in theofficeofAOC].” operations [in ability ofIG toprovide badly function needed oversight and review ofcurrent The House committee also said creation ofthe new statutory IG was “to increase the 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 inspector general positioninitsreport Moreover, justasitdidagain inthe110 is using appropriate and independenceoftheproposedIG,who w not actedonby thefullSenate. of theFY2008 Legislative Branch Appr GPO, 2006),pp.14-15. GPO, 2007),p.17. Ibid. U.S. Congress, Senate Committee onAppropriations, Ibid. U.S. Congress,House Committee onAppropriations, Ibid., p.15. U.S.Congress, House Congressional Record , report toaccompany H.R. 2771,110 , report toaccompany S. , reporttoaccompany H.R. 5521, 109 tunnels. total disregard forthehuman element management oversight responsibilities,and breakdown,appropriate failureof The Senate Appropriations Committee al A similar positionwasalsoproposed in the 109 In bothH.R.2771andS.1686,Section1202 The Senate Appropriations Committee reported similar language in its version 75 74 At that time, the Housetime, Appropriations that Committee At expressed concern over 71

management practices , daily 7,2006,pp.H3434-3435 edition,vol. 152,June and H3465- Appropriations Committee, 1686, 110 73 The Senate committeeSenate report stated that its The practices in the office [of the AOC].” the [of office the in practices CRS-17 rmining opportunities for“outsourcing”rmining some th th on H.R.5521,andthebillwas placed on the th 72 surrounding theCapitol Power Plantutility Cong., 1 Cong., 2 opriations bill (S. 1686, §1202),whichwas (S. opriations bill Cong., 1 , and detect and preventfraud,waste, th and accounting standards. Congress, the committee notedthe “the Congress, tions bill(H.R. 5 ould bedirectedtoinsurethattheAOC so recommendedcreation ofthe the or general “is intended to promote or general “isintended nd st st sess.,H.Rept. sess.,H.Rept. sess.,S.Rept.110-89 (Washington: provided forthecreation,staffing, Legislative Branch Appropriations, Legislative Branch Legislative BranchAppropriations, Legislative Branch Appropriations, Legislative Branch th Congress. It wasincludedin 110-198 (Washington: 109-485 (Washington: 521) pa ssed by the 77 76 (Washington: on H.R.5521. August 2008. independentIG in wasfilled established was intheposition officeThe ofthe AOC. Resolution, 2007(P.L.110-5). Bill, 2007 branch thatwas eventually enactedaspa branch legislative calendar on June 22,2006. legislative calendaronJune 80 79 78 U.S. Congress,Committee Senate Appropriations, on See[http:// provision The in foranIGincluded not was Thus, itwas notuntilthe 110 Thus, , reporttoaccompany H.R.5521,109 GPO, 2006),p.39. 80 79 o/committee/Carol-Bates.cfm], visited Sept.18,2008. th Congress, inP.L. 110-161,thatastatutory, 78 CRS-18 TheSenate,however,tooknofurtheraction rt oftheRevised C theFY2007appropriations forthe legislative th Cong.,2 Legislative BranchAppropriations nd ontinuing Appropriations sess., S.Rept.109-267 []; and W and []; Sources: Capitol (Washington: GPO,2001) 81 the Capitol. were known asCommissioner,Surveyor of early ofthe some refersto who also ofthe office occupants Capitol ofthe Architect lnHnmn19-07[http:// [http:// 1997-2007 1971-1995 [http:// [http:// 1923-1954 1954-1970 George White GeorgeJ. Stewart lit od 9212 [http:// [http:// 1902-1923 [http:// 1865-1902 1851-1865 Thomas Walter ila hrtn19 [http:// 1803-1811 1793 Benjamin Latrobe For more information, seeWilliaminformation, Allen, more For Appendix. Architects oftheCapitolSince1793 Ten personshaveheldthepositionof (Washington: GPO, 2001). Name Dates of Service Biographical Information at Information Biographical Service Datesof Name U.S.Architect of the Capitol, 81 Each incumbent islisted below.

, pp.27,50-51, 398,and400-401. 8812 [http:// 1818-1829 1815-1817 CRS-19 [] Architects of the Capitol since 1793, Public Buildings, or Superintendent of]]]]]]]] History oftheUnitedStates Capitol illiam Allen, Architect of theArchitect Capitol. The term of History of the United States oods.cfm]