The Dying God Title Page (Required) the Dying God
Half Title Page (required) The Dying God Title Page (required) The Dying God The Hidden History of Western Civilization David Livingstone Copyright Page (required) All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2000 David Livingstone No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher. Published by Writers Club Press For information, please contact: 5220 South 16th Street Suite 200 Lincoln, NE 68512-1274 (Click here to input any legal disclaimers or credits, if any.) ISBN: 1-58348-XXX-X Printed in the United States of America Table of Contents (optional) Introduction Chapter 1: The Sons of God Chapter 2: Venus Chapter 3: Baal Chapter 4: Hercules Chapter 5: Prometheus Chapter 6: Dionysus Chapter 7: Apollo Chapter 8: Enoch Chapter 9: Mithras Chapter 10: Logos Chapter 11: Thoth Chapter 12: Seth Chapter 13: Idris Chapter 14: Metratron Chapter 15: Baphomet Chapter 16: Percival Chapter 17: Hermes Chapter 18: Hiram Chapter 19: Lucifer Introduction (optional) Western Civilization Few would acknowledge, given the state of our society’s technological advance, that our understanding of history could be significantly inaccurate. The problem is that, due to a general lack of knowledge of the accomplishments of other civilizations, the history of Western civilization, presumed to have begun in Greece, progressed through Rome and culminated in modern Europe and America, is confused with the history of the world. While certain achievements are recognized for other cultures, the West is believed to have not only dominated modern history, but all of history, and therefore, has been the single greatest contributor of the accomplishments that have benefited mankind.
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