Witten's Proof of Morse Inequalities
ApPENDIX Witten's Proof of Morse Inequalities o. Introduction In his paper "Supersymmetry and Morse Theory," E. Witten [Witl) pre sented an analytic proof of Morse inequalities. It is the purpose of this appendix to introduce his proof. According to de Rham-Hodge Theory, the Betti numbers of a differential manifold M are related to the dimensions of harmonic forms. In the first section, we shall briefly review Hodge theory. The idea of Witten's proof is to introduce a perturbed elliptic complex for a given Morse function f as follows: dp_l dp ••• ---+ AP-l(M) -----+ AP(M) -----+ AP+1(M) --+ ••. e-t! 1 e-t ! 1 e-t! 1 P - 1 P d t d ••• ---+ AP-l(M) -----+ AP(M) ~ AP(M) --+ •.. with df = e-t ! dpetf, p = 0,1,2, ... ,n - 1, and to compute the perturbed Laplacian We range the eigenvalues of D.f as follows 0::; Af(t) ::; A~(t) ::; ... ::; A~(t) ::; .... The Hodge theory implies that there are j3p eigenvalues equal to 0, where j3p is the pth Betti number, p = 0, 1, ... ,n - 1. In local coordinates, 274 Witten's Proof of Morse Inequalities Assume that x· is a critical point of f. We approximate ~f in a neighbor hood of x· and obtain the approximate perturbed Laplacian: where {J.'i} are the eigenvalues of the Hessian d? f(x·). If we put all these ~t,,,,' together (in the product space) for all critical 1 points {xi} as a new operator, and range all eigenvalues as follows: o :::; tef :::; t~ :::; ... , the number of zero-eigenvalues is then proved to be the number of critical points with Morse indices p.
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