Witten's Proof of Morse Inequalities
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ApPENDIX Witten's Proof of Morse Inequalities o. Introduction In his paper "Supersymmetry and Morse Theory," E. Witten [Witl) pre sented an analytic proof of Morse inequalities. It is the purpose of this appendix to introduce his proof. According to de Rham-Hodge Theory, the Betti numbers of a differential manifold M are related to the dimensions of harmonic forms. In the first section, we shall briefly review Hodge theory. The idea of Witten's proof is to introduce a perturbed elliptic complex for a given Morse function f as follows: dp_l dp ••• ---+ AP-l(M) -----+ AP(M) -----+ AP+1(M) --+ ••. e-t! 1 e-t ! 1 e-t! 1 P - 1 P d t d ••• ---+ AP-l(M) -----+ AP(M) ~ AP(M) --+ •.. with df = e-t ! dpetf, p = 0,1,2, ... ,n - 1, and to compute the perturbed Laplacian We range the eigenvalues of D.f as follows 0::; Af(t) ::; A~(t) ::; ... ::; A~(t) ::; .... The Hodge theory implies that there are j3p eigenvalues equal to 0, where j3p is the pth Betti number, p = 0, 1, ... ,n - 1. In local coordinates, 274 Witten's Proof of Morse Inequalities Assume that x· is a critical point of f. We approximate ~f in a neighbor hood of x· and obtain the approximate perturbed Laplacian: where {J.'i} are the eigenvalues of the Hessian d? f(x·). If we put all these ~t,,,,' together (in the product space) for all critical 1 points {xi} as a new operator, and range all eigenvalues as follows: o :::; tef :::; t~ :::; ... , the number of zero-eigenvalues is then proved to be the number of critical points with Morse indices p. The simple version of Morse inequalities {3p:::; mp := #{xi I ind(f,xi) = p}, then will be proved if we have the following asymptotics: lim A~(t) =~, k = 1,2, .... t->oo t k A revised elliptic complex is used to prove the final version of the Morse inequalities. The material of this appendix is based on [Witl), F. Annik [Annl), G. Henniart [Henl) and B. Helffer [Hell). 1. A Review of Hodge Theory Let (M, g) be a compact, connected, Coo, n-Riemannian manifold without boundary. T M denotes the tangent bundle; T",M denotes the tangent space at x EM; T· M denotes the cotangent bundle; T; M denotes the cotangent space at x EM; APT· M denotes the anti-symmetric tensor product of T· M. The section of APT· M is called a p-form over M. Coo (APT· M), the set of all Coo p-forms, is denoted by AP(M). V w E AP(M), in the local coordinates (Xl, ... ,xn), is expressed as follows: W= We write gii = 9 (a~i' a~,)' gii = g(dxi, dxi ), i :::; i,j :::; n. Then (gii) = (gii )-1 is positive definite. 1. Hodge Theory 275 We may also extend 9 to p-forms: where (k1 , ••• ,kp) runs over (1, ... ,p), and is even ck,,,·k,, = ±1 if (k1, ... ,Pk ) 1, .. · , p is odd. The differential operator d: AP(M) ...... AP+l(M) is defined to be (1) a linear operator, i i &a" ... ,p i it i " (2) d (a·., ....." (x)dx ' !I. ••• !I. dx ,,) = "'~L.Jl=1 &x) dx !I. dx !I. •.. !I. dx • From the definition, it is easily seen that (i) rP = O. (ii) d(w !I. B) = dw !I. B + (-I)Pw !I. dB, 'r/ wE AP(M), 'r/ BE Aq(M). The Hodge star operator *: AP(M) ...... An-p(M) is defined as follows: (1) *(a(x)w + b(x)8) = a(x) * w + b(x) * B, (2) * (dxi, !I. .•• !I. dxip) = '" .,. ".. .... gi,;>, ... gi"j>" dxi,,+, !I. L.Jk, .. ·k" "10, Jop ',,+1 'n .•. !I. dxin , where 1 ::; j1 < ... < jp ::; n, 1 ::; ip+l < ... < in ::; n, {ill'" ,jp, ip+l .. , in} is a permutation of {I, ... n}, {k1, ... ,kp} is a per- mutation of {I, ... ,p}, 'fJl,."ln = Igj1/ 2cl, ..... In' Igl = det(gij), and 1,2, ... , n \ is even Cl,,,.ln = ±1 if ( ill i2,' .. , in) is odd. Then we have (i) *1 = 'fJ, *'fJ = 1 where 'fJ = Igl 1/2dx1 !I. ..• !I. dxn, (ii) * * w = (-I)p(n-p)w 'r/ w E AP(M), (iii) g(w, 8)'fJ = wll. (*8) 'r/ w, 8 E AP(M). Claim. We only want to verify this identity for w = dxi, !I. ••• !I. dxi " , 8 = dxi1 !I. ... !I. dxip , with 1 ::; i1 < ... < ip ::; n, 1 ::; it < ... < jp ::; n. LHS = L ck, ... k"gi';O, ... gi"io" . 'fJ, RHS= 276 Witten's Proof of Morse Inequalities Since {i1, ... ,in} must be a permutation of {I, ... ,n}, and {t1···tp , ip+l'" in} is a permutation of {I, ... , n} with t1 < t2 < ... < tp, we have i1 = tt, ... , ip = tp. Therefore, 1 2 idk in RHS = IgI / ci''''in L ck,,,.kpg , ... gipjkPdxit /\ ... /\ dx k,,,.k p = Ig1 1/ 2 L ck,,,.kpgidkt ... gipjkpdx1 /\ ... /\ dxn k,,,.k p =LHS. The scalar product on AP(M) is defined by (w.8) = 1M g(w. 8)1/ = 1M w /\ (*8). It is real, symmetric, bilinear and positive definite. The completion of AP(M) with respect to ( , ) is denoted by Ai2(M). It is a Hilbert space. The codi./Jerential operator dO: AP(M) -> AP-1(M) is defined to be the adjoint operator of d with respect to ( , ), i.e., (d*w, p) = (w, dp) v wE AP(M), V p E AP-1(M). Note. The scalar products on both sides are different! Basic properties of d*. (i) d* = (_1)n(p-1)+l * d*. Claim. (d"w,p) = (dp,w) = (_I)p(n-p)(dp. ** w) = 1M dp /\ (*w) = (-I)P 1M P /\ (d * w) = (_I)p+(p-1)(n-p+l) 1M p /\ (* * d * w) = (_I)(p-1)(n-p)+1(p,*d*w) (ii) dOdO = O. 1. Hodge Theory 277 The Laplacian. tl.P: AP(M) -. AP(M) is defined to be d*d + dd*. A p form w satisfying tl.Pw = 0 is called a p-harmonic form. Denote HP(M) = ker(tl.P ). Example. p = O. V f E COO(M), tl.°f = d*df = -lgl-1/ 2 ~ (lgI1/2gij~f) . E. OXj OXi ',J This is the Laplace-Beltrami operator on (M, g). We have (i) Let D(tl.P), be the space of Wi-Sobolev sections of the vector bundle APT* M. Then tl.P is positive and self-adjoint. Claim. V O,w E AP(M), we have (tl.Pw,O) = (d*d + dd*)w, 0) = (dw, dO) + (d*w, d*O) = (w, (d*d + dd*)O) = (w, tl.PO). Friedrich's extension provides the self adjointness. The positiveness is ob vious. (ii) tl.P is an elliptic operator. See (vi) in the following paragraph. (iii) tl.P possesses only discrete spectrum, i.e., it has only eigenvalues O'(tl.P) = {Ai < A~ < ... }, with Ai 2: 0, A~ -. +00 as k -. 00, and each eigenvalue has only finite multiplicity. This follows from Riesz-Schauder theory. Exterior and interior product. V wE A1(M), w/\: dxi1 /\ ... /\ dxip f-+ W /\ dX i1 /\ ... /\ dxip , AP(M) -. AP+1(M), P i",:dxi1/\ .. ·/\dxip f-+ E(-1)i+1g(w,dxij)dxil/\ j=l ... /\ dxij /\ ... /\ dxip , AP(M) -. AP-1(M), are called the exterior and interior product with respect to w respectively. These products are extended to AP(M) linearly. (i) One has V 0 E AP-1(M), V t/J E AP(M), (w /\ 0, t/J) = (0, i",t/J). (ii) V f E AO(M), V 0 E AP(M), d*(fO) = fd*O - idlB. 278 Witten's Proof of Morse Inequalities Claim. V t/J E AP-1(M), (t/J, d*(fO) = (dt/J,IO) = (fdt/J,O) = (d(ft/J) - dl 1\ t/J, 0) = (ft/J, d*O) - (t/J, idlO) = (t/J, Id*O - idfO). Claim. We may verify this for W1 = dx1 and W2 = dx 1 or dx2 in suitable coordinates. (iv) The principal symbol of the differential operator d is O'Ld = if.l\, where f. = '£';=1 f.jdxj , (6, ... ,f.n) E T* M. Therefore Therefore, O'Ldw = i '£ f.jdxj 1\ W, V wE AP(M). Note. For d, the symbol O'd = the principal symbol O'Ld. (v) O'Ld* = i . ie, where f. = '£ f.jdxj . Claim. Letting 8, W denote the Fourier transforms (in local coordinates) for 0 E AP(M) and t/J E AP+1(M) respectively, (0, d*t/J) = (dO, t/J) = (O'Ld· 8,;j) = i(f.1\ (f,;j) = i(8, ie;j). Therefore ((f,O'd*.;j) = i((f,ie;j). (vi) O'LI1 = -1f.12. Claim. O'dd*d + dd*) = O'Ld*O'Ld + O'LdO'Ld* = - (f. 1\ ie + ie . f.1\) = -1f.12. By choosing f. along an axis, say f. = (f.1>'" ,f.n) = 1f.le1> 1. Hodge Theory 279 Elliptic complex. Let Mn be a Riemannian manifold, and let E = {EiHi' be a family of vector bundles over M. Let d = {di } 0- 1 , i = 0,1, ... ,n - 1, be a family of pseudo differential operators (1/JDO) of order r, satisfying (1) di+ 1di = 0, (2) V x E M, V ~ E T;M \ {9}, the sequence is exact, where lTLd(x,~) is the principal symbol of the 1/JDO d. We say that (E, d) is an elliptic complex. Example (de Rham). We define (E, d) as follows: n-l { } E= {N'T"M}np=o' d = dp p=o' where dp is the differential operator. This is an elliptic complex. Claim. We only want to verify the exactness of the sequence °---+ A°T* M _u-=L....:do=---'l AIT* M Since V W E AP(M), lTLd(x, ~)wx = i~ /\ Wx , where ~ = Ej=1 ~idxi' and it is easy to see that (Choose ~ along an axis, say ~ = el> if il = 1 if il > 1 Therefore, ker lTLd(x,~) = Span{ei1 /\ ••• /\ eip 11 = il < ..