The Roman Town of Doclea, in Montenegro
THE ROMAN TOWN OF DOCLEA, IN MONTENEGRO. COMMUNICATED TO THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES J. A. R. MUNRO, ESQ., M.A., F.S.A.; W. C. F. ANDERSON, ESQ., M.A.; J. G. MILNE, ESQ., M.A.; AND F. HAVERFIELD, ESQ., M.A., F.S.A. WESTMINSTER: PRINTED BY NICHOLS AND SONS, 25, PARLIAMENT STRE1< 1S96. FROM AECHAEOLOGIA, VOL. LV. pp. 33—92. On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. By J. A. R. MUNEO, Esq., M.A., F.S.A.; W. G. F. ANDERSON, Esq., M.A.; J. G. MILNE, Esq., M.A.; and F. HAVEEEIELD, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. Bead June 14, 1894. THE following pages present the results of an expedition organised in the autumn of 1893 for the purpose of investigating the antiquities of the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro, the reputed birthplace of Diocletian. Excavations had already been carried on there during three seasons by H.H. the Prince of Montenegro, to whom the explorers desire to record their grateful acknowledg- ments, not only for his gracious permission to continue the work so auspiciously begun, but also for the kind reception and many facilities accorded to them. To M. Paul Rovinski also, the skilful director of the former excavations, they owe the warmest thanks. His generous co-operation and his local experience were simply invaluable, and his genial friendship can never be forgotten. The account of the work is distributed as follows : Part I. Doclea. § 1. The environs of Doclea. § 2. Topography of the town. By J. A. R. Munro. § 3. The history of Doclea.
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