$4.95 SUMMER 2013 VOL. 36 NO. 3 RECOMMENDED BOOKS + OPINIONS + PROFILES + NEWS + REVIEWS Savour the Summer with ... 30+ Writers of colour recommended new books by in conversation Richard Van Camp, Caroline Adderson, The two faces Meg Tilly, Jon Klassen of Georgia Graham and more Beyond Quinoa! Books about food 03 7125274 86123 Fall 2013 The Stowaways by Meghan Marentette October 15th | 978-1-927485-33-0 (HC) $19.95 Nat the Cat Can Sleep Like That by Victoria Allenby and illustrated by Tara Anderson September 1st | 978-1-927485-52-1 (HC) $19.95 Tweezle into Everything by Stephanie McLellan and illustrated by Dean Griffi ths th August 15 | 978-1-927485-47-7 (HC) $17.95 n o Cat Champions: Caring for our Feline Friends by Rob Laidlaw October 15th | 978-1-927485-31-6 (HC) / 978-1-927485-54-5 (PB) $19.95 (HC) / $14.95 (PB) Graffi ti Knight by Karen Bass August 15th | 978-1-927485-53-8 (PB) $14.95
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